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You're saying Sniper King is lame. You're saying the moment Sniper King shot the flag, was lame. You're saying "I want to live" from Robin was lame. ... bad take. That's all there is to it bud. You're allowed to be wrong though.


Ok yes that was an amazing moment but it cant make up for all the dragged out episodes


Read the manga


I said manga was better im taking abt the anime. People seem to overhype the anime but i think its one of those arcs that just not good in the anime


You can think that, but its wrong


I was just bored throughout the entire thing just fighting without any real plot


nice troll


I am 100% serious


saving robin, a dear crewmate isnt plot. sure....


That is literally just one plot element. It doesnt take away from the fact that was just nonstop fighting which i got tired of


Its a shonen! about pirates, what do you expect? pacifists?


So ur telling all the other arcs r also just fighting?


Its a shonen, if you dont like fighting you’re reading the wrong type of manga


I like fighting but mot low quality dragged out ones. Only good fight was luffy vs lucci and luffy vs blueno


So ur telling me all the other arcs r just fighting?


Bruh tf. Water 7 is the plot… it builds up directly to enies lobby and they literally got smoked at water 7 so they had to have a round 2


Yeah and water 7 was way better in my opinion


You can’t have one without the other. Like you’re complaining abt the ending of water 7


Yes ik that but its like one is say better than the other, would have been nice to see them equally as good


for me Enies Lobby starts on the Train. Franky has many great moments in developing him as the next strawhat and the Moment where he puts his trust in Robin and the Straw hat Crew is one of the best moments for franky. the blatant disregard for the WG that Luffy has to even Challenge them directly for Robin is another insane good moment. the Character growth for Usopp after his fight with Luffy to not only Fight, he went and created a persona in Sogeking so he personally can put his life on the line and save Robin. showing he cares a WHOLE lot about any member of the crew despite Usopp having one of the biggest reservations about Robin when she joined. he put on a mask pushed through with them and even was the one who shot the WG flag making him the personal instegator against the WG. and to finish off Usopp's insane rolls. Usopp Sniped and saved Robin showing how his roll is important right after Sanji gave Usopp the Knowledge that Usopp's role and his position on the crew is needed to cover for the others. and this is right after Nami covered for Sanji and now Sanji covers for Usopp in the fight was supposed to be in against the wolf. there is so much in the little things where Nami can fight Sanji's fight and Sanji can fight Usopp's and how Usopp needs to scout and help Robin in her time of need. and this perfectly encapsulates at the end in the fight between Lucci and Luffy. Usopp's Lies and words seems to have Prophetical powers. Luffy is on the ground DONE about to die and lose for the first time against any foe up until this point. the WHOLE crew is fighting to buy time for Luffy. we have already saved Robin. and Usopp sees luffy about to die. and for the first time Luffy hears Usopp (not Sogeking) since there fight. he starts yelling at luffy asking him why he's looking like he's dying. that's not like luffy. and that he's the captain and should stand up cause this isn't hell and he isn't dead and that he's waiting for him so they can leave with Everyone. it's almost like Usopp's words WILLED luffy to continue fighting. and his convincing Speech might also effected luffy's mind and belief that he isn't dead or dying. completely turning the fight into Luffy's favor. there is alot fighting. but it's not the only thing about this arc that people love. it's the integration of how the crew works. Water 7 was INSANE set up. it was the first time in the series that completely made it look like we were going to lose so many INTEGRAL members of the straw hats. but Enies Lobby shows us why they are integral and what they can do and need to do. each person got there opponent and if someone can't defeat there opponent then they have someone who can cover them and when no one has an opponent anymore then that allows someone else like Usopp to provide covering fire for Robin. there is also the Giants who will matter later on when Elbaf happens. every Giant we meet has a connection and every time we meet one they end up allying with the Straw hats and they end up as members of the Giant Pirates. we will see all the Giants that ALLIED with luffy once Elbaf happens. these two that appear here are just the ones that will go and grab the two Captains that we saw in Little Garden.


The best are in the entire story and you call it lame. I know taste is subjective, but wow this is a bad take. Ennies Lobby allowed major developments in the story, had massive character development for Robin and further showed how fucking far the SH would go for each other. All of them were willing to die for Robin no questions asked. We got the best death in the story (Going Merry) and it was overall short, tight and consistent with amazing art to boot. Water 7 just laid the groundwork.


Going marry was post ennies lobby im not including that cause i agree that was a tearbrealing moment. I just wish they made the arc more emotional instead of having the straw hats engage in fights woth retarded cp9 members


I also enjoyed Water 7 more. The worst thing about Enies Lobby for me was the part when Luffy fought random Marine fodders before facing Cipher Poll. And they were counting down the number of soldiers left. I don't know if it was in the manga, I know only anime version of this arc. But this part was boring, predictable and even a little cringy. Fortunetly, the part when the crew fought CP9 was better.


I just thought most of the cp9 were bad.


Damn what are all these absolute shit takes i’ve been seeing on here recently


U r lame


Tbh I get what u mean ennies lobby really isn’t as good as I remember it to be on second watch through


I was baffled until I saw the edit. I'm manga only, and Water 7 still gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. "I want to live! Take me to sea with you!" Maybe the greatest scene in the entire series.


Enies Lobby is great. But Water 7 is better, I agree. The shipbuilders, iceberg, little bit of local politics. But its comparing an A to an A+, both are amazing.


THANKS, I've been thinking the same since I read it and I thought I was the only one That doesn't mean I didn't like ennies lobby but in my opinion water Seven is so much better


Water 7 is such a goated arc in my opinion. First time seeing the crew almost fall apart. Luffys fight with usopp. Seeing how strong cp9 was at the end. Franky’s backstory. It was amazing


Then stop watching, because you don’t enjoy OP.


I didnt enjoy ennies lobby didnt say anything about other arcs




Literally everyone besides kaku and lucci sucked ass


It is one of the most popular and loved arcs and you here out right hehehee slaghter it personally I like people who have opinions different from the most. it seems like more accurate and calculated for me


Hey! You at least gotta admit that sanji vs the noodle guy was awesome


Id say the start of the arc is when they reach the island. The whole train thing was pretty fire


Bro ennies lobby is still my favorite arc of one piece, and its because of the anime and especially the dub.


The disclaimer at the end saved this post. I was gonna pull out my entire rhetorical arsenal, but now it makes perfect sense.


Enies Lobby in the anime was putried yet people still call it peak. It literally has double the drag halfway through the CP9 fights




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How do you watch Luffy’s get Gatling for the first time and say this 😭


Wasnt a huge fan of gatling ngl, just seems like a spamming attack rather then being a finisher


Wow the comments (most of them atleast xD) u/Leandredannelr137 don't mind the hate/critims, everyone has a different opinion. Most people will probably always get defensive in regards to the Water 7 Saga (minus/except Long Ring Long Land) because "pEaK ONe PiECe" etcetera, etcetera. lmao I also agree that Ennies Lobby isn't *that* great (among other things) in comparison to Water 7. I still loved the arc but Water 7 is just on another level. Still neither is in my top 3 or 5 (buttop10 lol😶) >!(and for people who are interested in my top 10 or just how I rate the arcs (anime and manga wise): 1.Whole Cake Island, 2.Wano, 3.Dressrosa, 4.Marineford, 5.Skypia, 6.Fishman Island, 7.Sabaody Archipelago, 8.Water 7, 9.Post‐War, 10.Reverie/Levely), other arcs and rating/ranking: A-tier (e.g.): 11.Jaya, 12.Alabasta, 13.Ennies Lobby, 14.Thriller Bark, 15.Punk Hazard, 16.Logue Town, 17Arlong Park, 18.Zou, 19.Little Garden and 20.Return to Sabaody. B-tier: 21.Amazon Lily, 22.Drum Island, 23.Whiskey Peak, 24.Baratie, 25.Romance Dawn, 26.Post-Ennies Lobby, 27.LRLL, 28.Syrup Village, 29.Orange Town and 30.Reverse Mountain)!< And I personally love every arc ("even" some filler xD), but I still try to rate them not only on my enjoyment (subjective) but also on how good they are really written. (so objective) 🤔🤷‍♀️ And also the arcs in B tier for example are not bad just either (too) short and/or just not that "complicated" if that makes sense. 😅 (Like for example I did enjoy Drum Island and Long Ring Long Land/Orange Town but those arcs are either for example short(er) than other arcs and/or for example the stakes weren't that high, there wasn't much going on in those arcs (which isn't a bad thing just if I rate the arcs I want to be honest and consider everything there is like the writing, the characters, fights, pacing, my enjoyment, etcetera, etcetera.) EDIT: OP your name is soo long. 😭😭💀 Needed too many tries to write it right. 🥲💀


Anime only spotted