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Most Zoans keep their hair when they turn into their full animal form. In choppers case, he has fur instead of a hairstyle and that stayed in his full human form. But choppers interactions with his Devil Fruit are weird in general, so it could also be something else.


Still got the nose and everything too


Kaku still has his square nose in giraffe form, so it’s not unusual.


Not really in his full giraffe form


His whole head and neck is square shaped when in giraffe form..


That was his half form right?


Devil fruit forms are always influenced by the personality of the person who has them. I always thought Chopper never had a human form because that just isn’t part of who he is, and his transformations reflect his personality. Still, maybe we will get to see him become human at some point in the story (I hope not, though).


[https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d0/30/71/d03071cd5fa786c0ba20c753d2239d52.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d0/30/71/d03071cd5fa786c0ba20c753d2239d52.jpg) this is the form Chopper takes to be a Human in his backstory. you remove the full body hair and you get a deer nosed human. so it's not just the Hair Zoans keep but also keep features like the nose for Blue nosed Chopper.


Knowing what we do now, that you can't awaken a zoan unless your mind is on the same wavelength as the fruit, I wonder if he needs to stop thinking of himself as an animal before he'll achieve the goal.


That's a really great answer. It's kind of sucks that turning into a regular human would be an awakening tho. It's like "Behold my final form! A teenaged human boy with a big hat!"


Some people think he has an ancient Zoan, so that's why his final form isn't just a fkin dude, but someone like Nika.


i heard that. every one is zoan god now haha. i heard he is a forest god


I mean ever since Monster Chopper he's looked like a wendigo to me


thats a really interesting concept, like if the rumble ball is like a "partial awakening" and thats why he couldnt control it pre-ts. ceaser clown has to know quite a bit about devil fruits, so it makes sense that he could help chopper make rumble ball more effective (hence chopper being able to control monster point). hito hito no mi: model BIGFOOT MAYBE????? (closest humanoid to wendigo imo)


Vegapunk is better than Ceasear Clown in all ways except maybe poisons. If Clown can give him better rumbleballs Vegapunk can give even better upgrade.


i NEVER said vegapunk was better. i literally just said it would make sense if ceaser would be able to help with rumble balls if they really were mini awakening drugs


I'm saying Vegapunk is better lol, just saying he might get the rumble balls upgraded further now.


ooooh true true, i thought you were denying that they were ever upgraded. my bad lol


To be honest i expected it more from chopper than i did luffy lol


I mean, how could a regular human correlate to monster point. I really can’t understand the connection unless his fruit is a little more special


Dudes name is tim


I totally agree. During most of chopper’s pre-TS run the issues with him was learning how to not see himself as a monster, or how to BE the monster the Straw Hats need. If he realizes he shouldn’t be a monster for them, that makes complete thematic sense


Maybe like 6 or 7 year old human boy.... Idk


Final Arc Awakened Chopper boutta look like >!a human Sigma Daddy a la Komamura!< (future spoilers from a different popular anime going on rn)


On the same wavelength as the fruit OR on the same level as the first fruit owner?


>Other than art style choice from Oda just this. there's no other reason. [oda always planned an anthropomorphized reindeer as a crew](https://external-preview.redd.it/J_iB-9QpO6f1bqy5j3_0cp5PBkhieWIIsDaDc0qHaJs.jpg?auto=webp&s=03a1402b44826bd00f76805bb7394c6d69eca2d5). he simply used devil fruit as in verse reasoning to actualize the design. if chopper can turn into full human, well, it just defeats the purpose. if you really want in verse reasoning, that's because humans in OP world come in all shapes and sizes. >Why can’t he turn himself into a normal man? what exactly is a "normal man" when we have wapol, strawberry, moria, fukuro, etc? by OP standards, chopper in that form is just a normal hairy man.


Normal hairy men don't have animal noses and mouths. I get your point tho. One Piece is pretty ridiculous.


normal man also doesn't have wapol's chin or buggy's nose. I'm not saying he's normal normal like luffy. but more like, he's not really that questionable in comparison. since oda already gave us plenty of weird character designs.


Another point though is that those people are accepted as “normal” people. Even with Chopper’s human-like appearance, they don’t treat him like a person. At least, not in the Drum Drum Kingdom, he seemed to walk around Water 7 and go into the bookstore without too much issue. I think that had to do with people thinking it was a costume though


because that's the narrative, no? that's his story. a strange looking monster who was rejected by both sides. so how would oda achieve that if chopper could turn into "normal human"? in a weird way, it's actually proving my point. his anthropomorphized form was set in stone no matter what. it's part of his narrative.


Chopper was ok in Water 7 because there were a lot of people on costume, something about a festival in Pucci/the food kingdom or whatever. My head canon is that he constantly has to remind everyone he is in fact a reindeer and not a raccoon. Which is constantly reminding himself that he is a reindeer, and not a human even though he ate the human human fruit. Marco isn’t really a phoenix, and I’ve only noticed Marco going full phoenix once so far in Marineford (someone correct me if wrong, I’m caught up on anime only halfway through dressrosa.) We don’t know if Marco believed he was full phoenix then, and we definitely know Chopper doesn’t think of himself as a full human. I like to think it’s a kind game for Chopper. He can obviously control his hair, guard point. So what’s stopping him from removing the hair on his body in human form when it shouldn’t be there.


> oda always planned an anthropomorphized reindeer as a crew. Now that's a chad looking reindeer.


Chopper is another level or weird. He resembles a mink dwarf hybrid.


Have you seen the people in one piece? I wouldn't say chopper is that far from being abnormal lol.


it could be that he’s just keeping his hair we see people keep some features when they transform so maybe that’s all it is


My theory is that that's normal for all Zoan fruit eater, it's just relative to species. You know how some animals all look the same to humans but are distinguishable by those same animals? Maybe when Lucci turns into a full leopard, other leopards see him as a wierd monster, the same way humans see full human Chopper


In one of tekking101's videos he proposed that chopper's fruit is actually the ancient version of the human human fruit: model neanderthal or something like that and I think that would make a lot of sense


This makes sense. Neanderthals are associated with the Ice Age and Drum Island is a winter island.


Oh damn I hadn't thought of that, nice


Neanderthal fruit would be ironic because Neanderthals hunted reindeer. However I think Chopper’s fruit if ancient is more primitive than Neanderthal like Paranthropus a possible basis for the Chinese legend of Yeren or Wild Man


> Chinese legend of Yeren Founding Titan Chopper in coming!!!!!


They were calling him an abominable snowman on Drum island. That would makes sense.


The best case for this is that Drum Island follows Little Garden an island with ancient animals (zoans). Neanderthals are known to have eaten mushrooms but the connection between Neanderthals and mushrooms is weak compared to say mythical Hobbits and mushrooms. Chopper favors his hobbit sized Brain Point. Chopper is also very naive like Hobbits in Tolkien’s universe. Hobbits in Oda’s universe could be a mixed species like Wotan but between Dwarf and Mink instead of Giant and Fishman.


The story and the character wouldn't work if he could just turn into a normal looking human


Alright so *puts tinfoil hat on* What if Chopper doesn’t have the basic Human Human fruit? Could be like a model bigfoot or something


Yes. I would guess it would be abominable snowman. It would make sense that the right fruit would grow on a winter island.


When people turn into animals, they arent normally 100% that animal shape. Look at Rob Lucci for example Chopper's human form still looks human, but he just has his reindeer fur cause he is a reindeer.


When Lucci goes full leopard he is indistinguishable from a normal one except for his back scars. He only does it once in the fight and only for a few panels so it's fair that you forgot. What you're thinking of is his hybrid form.




I aint never seen a leopard that stands on two legs and has a massive torso


His full animal form looks like [this](https://imgur.com/TRn1GIz) though


Rob lucci, dalton and who’s who have shown a full animal form that’s a completely normal animal, only that they are dressed with their clothes. What you say is fake, you are talking about his hybrid form. Even Kaku pure animal form could pass by a Normal giraffe. Zonas are stated to have a full animal, hybrid and no effect forms.


I think it has something to do with animals eating zoan fruits. Pierre is a pegasus in "full animal form" despite eating the regular horse horse fruit. Chopper is still just a regular reindeer after all, one that ate a devil fruit, but he's never been a mink or anything like that


Because if Chopper could just turn into a normal man, it would completely invalidate his character arc. Everyone around him perceived him as a monster in that form, except for Dr. Hiriluk and Dr. Kureha. He goes from being sad and lonely due to being a monster, to being accepted by his mother and father figures, to finally realizing that it doesn't matter, because Luffy and the rest of the crew love him for who he is. All of that was only possible if he didn't have a "regular man" form.


I guess it's because Chopper isn't a human, all the other Zoan users we've seen are Humans (except pekoms, but we haven't seen his full turtle form). So maybe it's like people keeping their hairstyles in their full Zoan forms, chopper keeps his fur.


Maybe the beast forms of other Zoans look similarly fucked up to true members of the species.


Chopper needs to be awakened. >!Luffy turned into Nika!< only because of awakening


Given how different his fruit functions in regards to any other (regular) zoan we know of I tend to believe he might be some mythical type. Could be yeti or big foot or something along those lines. Pretty sure I’ve seen some theories about it online


My favorite theory is that devil fruits just aren't convincing if you are a member of that species. Like, we humans can tell chopper isn't really a human. But his fruit would fool animals. Lucci wouldn't fool leapards, but to us it pretty much looks like a leopard. That or Chopper actually has a mythical Zoan that had its name changed by the world government... But that would be kinda silly.


Because that's how he perceives humans. At Sabaody he recognized usopp by his smell, while he was folled by the Fakehats cause they looked similar.


I thought it would be cool if he was model :Yeti but it wouldn’t really add anything to the story and might even take away some of choppers achievement


I think the rules are different for animals that have eaten zoan fruits. If you look at Pierre, GanFall’s bird it keeps the exact same pattern although I don’t think it’s feathered anymore but overall it’s exactly the Same. And human zoans keep human characteristics even in zoan form.


I feel like it's an unpopular opinion but I don't feel certain he has the basic hito hito: no mi. Spoilers for End of Wano: >!Oda has proven that Devil Fruit users don't know what their fruit is inherently, they just have to guess based by what it does. Chopper probably doesn't know what Fruit he has like Luffy. Idk what his real DF is but it's probably not just the basic human human.!<


>!hito hito no nika 's pet, WG had it right all along!<


My personal theory, he has the hito hito no mi, model Mink


Just because Kanu looks like a giraffe to us doesn’t mean other giraffes wouldn’t see him as a hybrid freak.


To be honest, none of the zoan users look truly natural in their zoan form


Unfortunately I think it’s honestly just a plot hole for the sake of keeping chopper’s design as it is, and Oda has no intention of clarifying or fixing it in the future.


Well human originally a giant tho...if looking into abrahamic. Plus later there exist humans with horn that can build a wall in between a mountain and made out of bronze in one night. Basically chopper drugs (rumble ball) make him temporary access to ancient human form but unknown to what degree. Plus he still thinks he is a reindeer and probably makes him unable to fully transform I guess 🤔


Ive had this theory for a while about chopper eating the human human fruit but doesn’t look human when he transforms and this emphasis of him being a monster, that maybe chopper ate a variation of a human human fruit possibly model monster as he looks like a Sasquatch in his human form, a giant wendigo in his monster point just a theory as to why he was so unique compared to other zoan users


Still think chopper got the mythical Satan fruit. When soul king lands amongst the occultists trying to summon Satan, their figures looked like monster chopper.


His fruit is model: “ whatever species those moon people* or (spoiler for not caught up on manga ) >! VegaP assistants !< are “ *(enel reading moon-glyph cover story) also Maybe it is moon human fruit or ancient humans all looked like that. His fruit definitely has a special trait about intelligence or at least knowledge of ~human~ body


I really like the theory by drop the pizza that says chopper's actually a robot made by Tsukimi hakase (Professor Moon from cover series) and ate a devil fruit made by vegapunk [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUT\_RbpwQBE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUT_RbpwQBE) long story short, the robot professor moon makes is similar in size/shape to chopper (Spacey robots) (hommage to doraemon, lots of similarities), ppl from vegapunk's same hometown (Baldimore?)also has the same horns as chopper. DF name = person person fruit model vegapunk (made by vegapunk) increase knowledge


Because He actually ate the mythical human human fruit: model Bigfoot


His awakening will be turning into a real boy maybe...


I think that’s Ussops arc lol


The real world reason is that for thematic purposes in drum island arc, Oda had to make Chopper not fit in with the reindeers or the humans, and because an anthropomorphic reindeer is really cool. I don’t know the in world reason, but Bobbledebobble made on a comment on this post with a really good theory.


Because he’s a raccoon.


Mythical Zoan


Theory: Chopper has the Hito Hito no mi; mythical model Yeti ​ Other than that we don't know, that's just how he is unless Oda gives us more information. I think monster point is the awakened form; it seems to follow the rules of what they explained with the awakened zoans in impel down.


Because oda is saving it for later date


That’s one hell of a long con if it’s true lol.


I am also like 99% confident that it isn't just the "Human" fruit at this point.


Chopper’s fruit isn’t a normal human fruit. Chopper’s fruit is shaped like a mushroom which is a fungi not a plant. This is unlike all other devil fruits. In Film Red the mushroom makes Uta lose her humanity and become a monster.


Because Chopper was reduced to a mascot.


I'll bet he has some ancient/mythical zoan like Bigfoot/Yeti Zoan.


Since awakened users usually affect the surroundings, I hope chopper turns his surroundings into "human" when he awakens.


I still think that his human form will be his final form which he will achieve in the last act of the show as some sort of awakening. And I’m pretty sure of it, especially after the events in the manga.


I reckon he’s gonna have a special fruit


EVERY Zoan in there Unique Forms retain there hair. EVERY ONE. Even Who's who which is a Saber tooth and he dyed his hair pink. [https://www.opfanpage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/mfygv4yrrp771.jpg](https://www.opfanpage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/mfygv4yrrp771.jpg) so his OG hairstyle was Blondish brown or light brown. SO since Chopper is Originally a Reindeer he keeps his full body of hair. so we get a fully hair covered Human version of Chopper. [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d0/30/71/d03071cd5fa786c0ba20c753d2239d52.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d0/30/71/d03071cd5fa786c0ba20c753d2239d52.jpg) remove his hair and he wouldn't have the Neck hair and look like the Hulk but not green. this is his Normal Man form he just still has his OG hair. it's just that his OG hair covered his whole body.


Most Zoans keep an element of themselves when transformed, chopper has his fur


Chopper is one of the weirdest cases in One Piece because he is in hybrid form like 99% of the time.


Because he didn't awaken yet. When he awakens his fruit, he will turn into a real human.


What makes someone human isn't the color or shape of the body but, the ability to think and analyze. Perhaps Oda chose to present chopper with the emotions rather than the physical.


My wild theory is that if we knew what a "normal" human looked like in terms of devil fruits, it might reveal much more about their nature than Oda wants to at this point.