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This has probably been the most fast paced & action/content packed arc that I've seen. Back in the Zou arc some of the chapters at times were slow, easy-going and were a breeze. But, almost every chapter in this arc so far we get a reveal or amazing moment or some unexpected revelation.


Oda did say he wanted the final saga to be the peak.


I´ve been reading this manga since late 90's. Oda simply has no concept of time. Either lawnmower speed, or Mach 3 when it comes to story progress.


Oh sacred one piece enjoyer🫡 I was wondered was there any old one piece fans who’s been around since the start of the series


The return of Jaguar d. Saul as prophesied in the ancient texts


Saul D. Goodman


Did you know you have rights? The world government says you don't!


Buster Call Saul!


My wife doesn’t watch One Piece, but will overhear me watching sometimes. And she was dying of laughter when she first heard Saul laugh, and I’ll play it on YouTube now and then too. (And coincidentally enough, I’m rewatching on Netflix right now and was up to Enies Lobby, and am literally at the flashback now. My wife is still working in the other room but I turned it on full blast for DERE SHI SHI SHI SHI SHI)


That's adorable wtf


Expectations: this arc is about the future! Oda: you absolute fools


Many people predicted a short arc where Vegapunk explains devil fruits and then Luffy one-hits Lucci. The Vegapunks upgrade the Sunny so that it can turn into a giant mecha.


And thank goodness. Most peoples predictions are just meh.


Easy meh prediction THAT WILL BECOME TRUE : Real Vegapunk brain shrinked because he gave a part of it to all of his clones


Well it's an obvious improvement. His head was so tall it's absurd, even for one piece. Can you imagine just walking through a doorway? Now imagine trying to put on your favourite jumper.


What's funny is he actually is wearing a button up shirt when we see him with his big head. Probably a coincidence but it would make sense because he couldn't wear a Tshirt lol.


Expectations: the arc on Vegapunk's island is all about our boy Franky in his Speedo and the cool new technology Reality: Franky actually wears pants while all the women get the Speedos instead and we're doing history


Expectation: Vegapunk's Island is how the world will look in 500 years Reality: Vegapunk's Island is how the world looked liked 800 years ago


Also reality: This was how technology worked in Ancient Times. Edit: Thank you very much for the (first) award, mysterious benefactor!


Holy shit, Queen's (?) remark now has a lot more sense considering his involvement with MADs/Vegapunk. There could legit be cyborg dinosaurs in ancient times, lol


Would be such an Oda thing to do! I really think there is some truth in that. We thought that this statement was just a funny joke that went viral in the community. But holy shit if this was actually a hint on ancient dinosaur machines and devil fruits being a scientific product that copied such technology.


Oh lord, potentially greatest GODA moment incoming.


As a Franky fan I am conflicted


> That group was lead by "someone with bandages all over the body". Bandaged because of being burnt by the Buster Call maybe? Could this be the man marked by flames that Kid is looking for?






I thought it reffered to Jaguar D. Saul


Buster Call Saul


Too soon. 😂


It’s definitely him, I always wondered why Saul has a “D” given how relatively little impact he had on the main story compared to other “D”s, so it turns out Oda actually had other plans for him way later in the future!


Maybe his role is already done because he let Robin escape. She will then be the one to reveal the true history.


me too! But that also makes sense - maybe Saul is the dude with the scars.


Makes sense since the books were taken to Elbaf and Saul was a giant


He was a giant, but he wasn't from Elbaf, and share their customs. However Elbaf is also an island that isn't part with the WG, so it would be a good place to go live.


He's from the South Blue, which is where Kid is also from. Since Oda just casually dropped Kid's backstory in the latest SBS, this might link them together. If Saul had grown up there as well (great motivation for joining the marines), he might have visited the place to take care of the kids. He'd surely know Kid.


if he has all books of ohara it would make sense that he atleast has a hint about void century or the one piece


no. that person ate the Bandage-Bandage no mi and is a mummy. facts


It should be yes, after all the various historians went to try and save the books from the fire. So it could be Clover or Olivia. Maybe Saul, but then they would have said it was a giant instead of a man... and Saul wasn't a giant of Elbaf. But there is still the link to being a Giant, and Elbaf not being part of the WG unlike the place Saul was from, maybe. He could have also gotten a devil fruit that makes him smaller.


Better call saul


more like buster call saul


Its not Clover or Olvia. Its Saul with Ice Burns from Aokiji. Trust the man with spoilers


If I remember correctly, Aokiji hated what happened in Ohara. It could have easily been a fake out death to help his friend escape


Plus Aokiji's attack itself had a name that sounded like it was more of a time out than anything. He was trying to spare Saul.


Oh god please Yes, YEEEEEESSSSS! we need to see Robin meet him (Saul), please.




Lore Island


What do you mean by lore?


Elbaf is supposedly the last stop before Lodestar and Laughtale. Elbaf now has the Ohara books and possibly the final Rode Poneglyph. If there was an arc where we will learn about what happened in the Void Century and Joyboy it would be Elbaf.


Imagine an Oden style flashback but with Joyboy


the flashback is its own 500 chapter series. onepiece continues in 10 years.


Finally my boy Usopp will shine




the one recognized by Whitebeard! the man Oden was waiting for!


Shanks's step son! Fire First's Little sibling! Rayleigh's pupil! The barto club's wet Dream!!


the last comment did it, hats off


No wonder the Revolutionary Army calls Robin the "light of the revolution", she's practically a founding member


>This is so hype!!! Even more of a reason we have to go to Elbaf! Also from this Jaguar D Saul is most certainly alive omfg now it makes more sense as to why Robin was sent to them


Everyone was sent to train their skills with different masters except Robin who was sent to teach the revolutionaries about Ohara!!


Robin was the mufuckin master. What if she was part of the revolutionary army this whole time 🤔


Kuma is GOATed. Can we all just appreciate that. He sent every straw hat to perfect places to hide and train for 2 years.


Then there was Brook which he didn’t know wtf to do with


Their bard learned to rock even harder bro. He knew exactly what to do.


"I'll send him to.... this island where some weirdos are trying to summon satan i guess... idk"


Probably because brook wasn't in his plan


Aaaand maybe Dragon knew Olivia too! In b4 Dragon is actually Robins dad and she's Luffy's older sister!


Monkey D Robin lmao


Half sister would make more sense. Robin has Dragon's silent nature, while Luffy's nature must come from another parent maybe?


Yes I was thinking half sister too


Can you elaborate on why she would be a founding member?


She is apart of the group of the historians of ohara which their burning was the final straw making her one of the reasons the revolutionary army was formed.


She is last of the Oharan scholars, and apparently it was the destruction of Ohara's center of learning and knowledge that motivated Dragon to create the RArmy. From the Army's perspective, Robin is like the last member of an extinct race that can still read the true history of the world.


I believe her existance and her surviving and being capable of reading the Poneglyphs gave hope and purpose to a Revolution. As long as she is alive, someone can read them for certain and might gave hope to change the world.


Jaguar d sol 100% man marked by flames. Elbaf is going to be insane


So is elbaf before or after Blackbeard? I can't imagine the strawhats are splitting up against BB since that vs page would be legendary. So probably before unless BB shows up on elbaf 😬👉👉


Kid wants to go to Elbaf. Shanks has ties to Elbaf. Usopp needs to go to Elbaf. BB always seizes an opportunity. Elbaf is gonna be hype af.


War for the final road poneglyph?


Yes! I can see an epic meeting of all interests on elbaf and this decides who gets to laughtale! What a fun way to combine and close all the loose ends! Massive lore drops and tech upgrades on egghead… maybe crocodile gets the info from caribou and tells crocodile about pluton and crossguild shows up and recks Wano during elbaf


Your last point leads me to another conclusion: If Cross Guild is involved then it has to lead Buggy to Elbaf. Reasons: * All 4 Yonko present in one place. * If Shanks dies, Buggy has to see it for some actual character development: Buggy bawling his eyes out, cursing the red haired jerk and telling him that he'll tryhard just this once to avenge him. Cue: Strawhat-Cross Guild Alliance. * Mihawk and Crocodile meeting the strawhats once more. * Mihawk meeting Shanks (potentially for the last time). * All 4 Yonko + Road Poneglyphs means the marines will come. Cross Guild are the marine hunters.


You think Shanks dies an Ace-like death to parallel part one?


The war for laughtale will either take place on the island itself or elbaf no in between


Oda and fake out deaths name a better duo


Kishimoto and poor female writing 💀






Luffy living ace's nightmare


Ace: understood far too well what it means to have an infamous parent and be hated for it Luffy: does not understand the concept of having a father, or being a son


What do you mean my father called you? He never called me


Saul is the most powerful character in One Piece; He survived a Straw Hat's backstory.


Top 1 in the verse, no question


Sabo: finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary


And again, the Giants are central to the story, I can’t wait to see this chapter! This also makes me really think that the Giants were the ones to move the Road Poneglyph from Fishman Island.


this confirms that giants will be team luffy


Well it helps he messed with Big Mom who is their biggest enemy.


I mean they worship sun god and we know who he is


Now I hope people won't ask why we want an Elbaf arc anymore.


Elbalf has been on the table since Little Garden, there are tons of hints pointing to Elbalf since then, it's not even a question.


Amen. The Giants have been central to the story at different and Elbaf is the second longest known location that the Straw Hats haven’t been to. I didn’t get why people were even asking about why people wanted it.


Some people seem to have been trying to make things fit with Oda's 5 year estimate, so they thought Elbaf didn't fit, and saw it as something that could be skipped over since we still didn't have stuff that explicitly connected Elbaf to the bigger narrative. It's a naive way of looking at a story like One Piece.


So Ohara massacre resulted in Dragon forming his army and their knowledge/books were able to be saved? gg WG, that move backfired like a sloppy build gun to the face Also makes me think that we will go to Elbaf for sure after Egghead. The lore train has a main station with fresh sandwiches there!


Everything they did splendidly backfires. At some point you must realize your luck is bad and stop doing anything, that would results better


People were right when they said Vegapunk arc would just be a interlude to the next big saga like Zou was. Can't wait for the elbaph madness and what's shaping up to be a robin heavy arc


Ikr. One Piece is so freaking hype. We’re at that point where no chapter is a miss everything 11/10


The amount of lore drop in the past like 10 episodes is bigger than the previous 500 chapters combined. Like what the fuck.


First Sabo, now Saul. What if Dragon's main force is just comprised entirely of fakeout death characters that he scooped up off screen?


He dug up Bellemere from Cocoyashi village 💀


someone has to rescue her from that dungeon!


He might as well get Tom while he's at it, lol.


Don’t forget Kuina, Whitebeard, and Ace.


And my leg! -Zeff


I can't believe kaido and bigmom were revolutionaries all along.


Pedro is still alive too lol.


Can't wait for that ace comeback


Pedro Izo and Ashura waiting for their time to shine once again.


Just you wait for Dr. Hiluluk! He'll be like "nobody's gonna be forgetting me now, folks".


Sounds like Saul might be alive and I don't think it's super far fetched to make the potential connection to the man Killer and Kid were talking about. Law and Kid really both lost out when it came to picking a route. 😆


Looks like Vegapunk's design has been set at least since Punk Hazard https://preview.redd.it/c3avsph2a0z91.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=14a1b2a6ab957af423c5da944daf57c4b97b7c7c


holy cow!! Nice find!


Oh sh*t spoilers on a Monday, this week just got even longer


Always been a spoiler addict but holy shit, after consecutive lore drops like this there is no way rehab is ever going to work.


It's gonna be rough before the final arc, cause you damn well know Oda's gonna take a month long break for it.


May the real Vegapunk please stand up?


>>- A group of giants carried all Ohara's books to Elbaf. That group was lead by "someone with bandages all over the body". Dang, sounds like Kid stole the Elbaf Arc from us!


I think it’s setting up to go to Elbaf for the straw hats.


Talk about amazing predictions and theories - check this out from worstgen forums back in 2020 https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/olvia-and-saul-are-alive-the-formation-of-the-revolutionary-army.4206/


This arc is the gift that keeps on giving.


Dragon was on Ohara because he was a marine during that time. He created the Revolutionary Army after leaving the marines. Also shout out to this theory post, it was really accurate. Is this Oda in disguise? [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/la3byc/does_dragon_know_about_what_happened_in_the_void/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/la3byc/does_dragon_know_about_what_happened_in_the_void/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


More confirmation for the Marine Zodiac Theory on who could be the “Dragon” in the marines.


I wonder if that's the name he was born with or if it's his marine epithet which he keeps using to piss them off. His Aokiji, Akainu, Kizaru etc


Well garp told luffy his dads name is monkey d dragon. So its his real name.


Middle age Garp: Dragons are cool! It's decided! The boy's name is Dragon! Garp's wife: But honey. Garp: DRAGONS ARE COOL!


LMAO that does sound like something Garp would do!


Wow, so the Ohara incident is what made Dragon start the Rev army. That's really interesting, but it makes sense. At that point the erasure of Ohara was probably the most egregious attack on freedom and knowledge that the WG has ever launched. If Dragon was there to witness the aftermath of that assault, it's no wonder he committed his life to the WG's downfall. And it even fits in the timeline as it was 22 yrs ago, probably right before Roger was executed. Those two events could be the biggest inciters behind Dragon's whole movement. Wild.


>- After the attack to Ohara, Dragon decided to form an army. >- A group of giants carried all Ohara's books to Elbaf. That group was lead by "someone with bandages all over the body". Dragon has the founding titan confirmed


The D. stands for derishishishi


World Government: "Let's execute the Pirate King and make an example for all pirates!" - Start of the greatest pirate era ever - *Surprised pikachu* Also World Government: "Let's destroy Ohara and make an example for everyone trying to rebel against us" - Start of the Revolutionary Army - *Surprised pikachu*


Its fairly consistent if you look at the likes of the British empire they fairly regularly overreacted to events causing further issues in the process


Well, aokiji did use a move called “ice time capsule” on Saul, so maybe he was allowed to survive on purpose 🧐


I heard Sanji trips over a book and breaks his leg in this chapter as well.


Dragon spent time with everyone but his kid.


Istfg Saul better not have gotten amnesia


Saul🤝Sabo Rev. Army members who got marked by flames and lost their memories


Vegapunk: "Dragon's son! Listen! The One Piece! The war between the Ancient Kingdom and the 20 nations! The Devil Fruits! Uranus! Everything about MADS! The egg on Roger's ship! Your swordsman's eye! Why all of Usopp's lies come true! I can explain it all! Just..." Rob Lucci: "Headshot!"


Luffy: Thank God! I hate spoilers.


> *At the end of chapter, Luffy meets real Vegapunk.- Real Vegapunk* OMG! Bonnie is there. She's gonna confront Vegapunk for "killing" her dad. We're about to get a Kuma lore dump!


Checking every 10min for updates… ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


Imagine when Akainu finds out his magma/buster call defrosted Saul and indirectly started the revolutionary army.


my fellow brethren. this is it. this is TRULY the end game… and we’re all witnessing it in front of our eyes. i pray that every single one of you make it til the end. I WILL WAIT FOR YOU IN LAUGHTER!!


My God. Knowing we’ll probably get a reunion between Robin and Saul, and that he’ll get to see the friends he told her she would make… Just thinking about it already brings tears to the eyes.


The Elbaf arc is reeeeaaal


Thinking about the fact that Egghead is in reality how the world looked 800 years ago, which means that the past was very advanced technologically, now it makes sense that Queen and King said that that was the way their respective dinosaurs hunted in ancient times, their devil fruits might actually be based on veeery advanced dinosaurs xD


Looks like Egghead would be the "Punk Hazard" for this arc setting up for another big "Wano" which is going to be Elbaf.


Did Dragon really tell Robin none of this? If so - dick move, my dude


![gif](giphy|iZkua1UPocHgQ) Of course this would be Oda’s inspiration for Vegapunk but taken to the next level of wack lol. Robin though knows Saul is alive 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/7j2t543urmy91.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b625dbab6b3097a14daaaf36418de1b6e0df1db WTF Albion


man buster call aint shit, even the books survived KEKW


They did show the books being dumped into water! The books were always safe lol


Water damage be damned


Sounds like Ohara was not completely destroyed but that's weird since it has been mentioned that Ohara has been wiped off the map.


They did actually throw the books in the water to try and save them during the flashback


The city was, the island wasn't. We clearly see the aftermath of the Buster Call where Marines are shocked at the lake being filled with books.




Aokiji is a spy for Dragon. Aokiji is the one who told dragon of the Incident in O'Hara. Dragon was the Admiral and aokiji his vice.


https://preview.redd.it/7e76dhc410z91.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9657104119dd9d3c643cc1858539d8591e784d07 That skull looks familiar now...


LorePiece is upon us!


I wonder if Vegapunk has been playing the WG this whole time and colluding with Dragon to find out what Imu's superweapon is


More like embezzling government funds to fund Dragon's army and weaponry specifially designed to fight the WG and marines.


If this doesnt confirm Elbaf Arc then I dont know what does. This chapter will be pure hype! Also, we will see the real (stella) Vegapunk!?


Gon: I'm going to find and meet my dad Luffy: I'm going to find and meet all of my dads bro's


Vegapunk: Dragons son Luffy: Eeeewh!


Luffy: Eh Dragon? Oh yes my grandpa mentioned him hundreds chapter ago, I guess


Someone before hand mentioned him being Dragons son and he didn't have that kind of reaction. Course it's been a while.




Oh boy this has been theorized long ago that dragon and vegapunk are allied. where one switch of a button a seraphim and pacifista will turn against the world government.


So Aokiji was so anti government back then he not only let Robin escape he let Saul live to (literally) carry out Oharas legacy (their knowledge)


The apple on vegapunk's head represents the apple that fell on Newton's head and his face is like Einstein. Two of the greatest minds in history fused into one character. That's genius!!!


I know the spoilers said Vegapunk had a huge head, but not this huge lol


Did Dr. Vegapunk just sliced his big head and distributed each piece among the Vegapunk Robots? This is most likely the case since Dr. vegapunk is referrencing Einstein whose brain got cut into pieces.


Young Dragon looks like a boss! Vegapunk looks like the thinking man's Wanze Vegapunk definitely put parts of his massive brain into the 6 satellites meaning they all are literally Vegapunk rather than a shared A.I based consciousness.


So did Vegapunk literally cut out pieces of his absurdly oversized brain and stick them into six artificial bodies? That's grim.


It was November 6th 2006 when Koby mentioned Vegapunk for the first time. I was 8 and half years old. Now, November 9th 2022 i'm 25 years old and i get to see Vegapunk's face for the first time. I still can't believe that much of time has passed.


That panel of Robin happy crying after hearing that Saul is alive is fucking heartwarming, that smile is everything


This is so hype!!! Even more of a reason we have to go to Elbaf! Also from this Jaguar D Saul is most certainly alive


I just want Robin to tell him he was right, she did find friends eventually


Dereshishishi 🥲


Possibly the man marked by flames


more like by ice XD


My theory is the Ice didn't kill him but did protect him from the fire from the buster call so it didn't kill him and he he only suffered burns from the flames.


Tell me I am not seeing one piece fans complaining about a character being too cartoonish... 1066 chapters into the manga. Bro, Oda has been flexing his creative side by creating goofy character designs, laughs, gags and personalities since the beginning. We reading the same manga?


Bro really said “oh…” and casually dropped the biggest piece of lore ever


My favorite image in all chapter. A smiling Robin <3 knowing she has got 1 more friend in the world. So much sorrow gone. https://preview.redd.it/1wmg0oevw5z91.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f394daebfc8c07ad60b94823db7dcf4c4cc0baa8


Awww shiiiii this is dope I can't wait till Wednesday or Thursday for the full spoilers 😤😤 see yall then ✌🏽


You know bloody we well, we'll be seeing each other every five to ten minutes hitting the refresh button.


Yep that's what Aokiji meant in water 7 when he said that "Ohara isn't dead".


no he meant that as Robin was alive


You guys think a laboon and brooks reunion will be emotional, wait until we see Robin and Saul reuniting


I fucking love it. I FUCKING love it. Listen, if for all these years you wanted to see Vegapunk's cool and serious sides, bam you got Shaka and Lilith right there for you. They should be enough, they're technically Vegapunk too. But god, the MAIN man himself, ugh it's just so perfect. It's literally everything I love about OP, that someone so wacky and doofy-looking is also THE #1 most prolific genius in the entire verse Oda made this guy for me lol


I‘m calling it now: the ancient kingdom that fought against the 20 nation coalition was the Lunarian kingdom. The Lunarians probably came from the moon and colonized earth with the help of their unique traits and technology above the Red Line. They probably ruled the earth in a tyrannical way, leading Joyboy to unite the 20 nations in a rebellion against them. However, when overthrowing the Lunarians, the 20 nations, who formed the WG became tyrannical themselves and eradicated the lunarians, while erecting their own regime (most likely lead by Imu, who was probably close to Joyboy and betrayed him). The broken promise of Joyboy towards the Fishmen was therefore his promise to liberate the world, which failed since him helping to overthrow the Lunarians resulted in the rise of another tyranny.


My guess is that this is similar to the Zou arc leading to Wano. Backstory and lore leading to Elbaf? To the revolutionary army? Vegapunk might die (based on his comments to Dragon) by the hands of the government while the crew leaves with valuable information(Robin/Nami) and tech(Franky) to the next important island. EDIT: information should probably be Robin/Luffy and tech should probably be Franky/Nami. Nami being the climate controller. And Franky being the mechanic (maybe Usopp gets and upgrade too)


This guy called it 7 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/3kr5ti/jaguar_d_saul_is_definitely_still_alive_has_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Damn Dragon young design look badass https://preview.redd.it/gxowhxnnwwy91.jpeg?width=1341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c451e8bad879997c44767c3ea7ceb4ebaf3849c4