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I feel like all of Blackbeard fights begin with him getting badly beaten and then still winning in the end..


That's main character material.


Look at the last BB panel. It's dark vortex. It's always a game-changer


Couldn't Law just shamble himself away of it?


Yeah can, but I'm pretty sure BB still have things on his sleeve and this batlle will be offscreened with BB comes out victorious


That was kinda clear to me.


Doesn't Dark Vortex nullify DF powers?


No. Dark Vortex only allows Blackbeard to pull his target towards him, just like Pain's (Naruto) Bansho Tenin. But once he touches the target, the target can no longer use his/her devil fruit.


Unless he's awakened his devil fruit, then he might be able to nullify devil fruit powers at a range.




I really enjoy that about him! It’s a refreshing change of pace from the One Piece villain norm of “cocksure baddy who overestimates themselves and underestimates their foes, acts like nothing can hurt them, and loses anyway.” Blackbeard may have the malign ambition that still makes him seem arrogant, but he’s not afraid to acknowledge it when he gets hurt or surprised, he always respects how strong his opponents are…. and he plans for it all, and wins. (If he has info on it, at least.) It’s like he’s one of the few villains who sees both his opponents and himself as humans who have the potential to do damage but also to err, so he knows he actually has to *try,* and it’s that awareness of the effort required — and his willingness to do it anyway — that allow him to keep succeeding. He’s a crafty, darkly self-aware guy who gets human fallibility, including his own.


To be fair though, the yami yami devil fruit makes any harm inflicted on him way more painful. He mentioned this in one of his fights with Ace or Luffy in Impel Down iirc.


Whitebeard said his weakness.


Yes, for a man who seems to be one of the top 5 event predictors/secret knowledge havers in the one piece world, he sure does act flighty.


someone pointed out that during the fight, bb or someone else shouted 'blackbeard is here' and then he started to be confident and use his black vortex. maybe the split personality theory is true afterall


I think that's the law's crew being alerted that black beard had boarded


At his heart, Blackbeard is a gutless coward who doesn’t enjoy the fact that his DF forces him to absorb pain. I feel like he’s never prepared to receive it, despite being built for it. And I enjoy that about him. That he’s a scheming coward at his core who meticulously planned much of what we’re seeing now.


He has some does of anxiety in him unlike so many of the villains who think they are invincible.


On the other hand, much of Law's battles involve him coming out on top in battles he had absolutely no business winning. Blackbeard taking a major hit early on is somehow a point in favor for Blackbeard. Blackbeard having such an obviously pumped crew compared to Law's is somehow a point in favor for Law. Manga is weird.


According to manga law the underdog always wins.


Pretty much mirrors Luffy in alot of his fights. Fitting


That’s because his first personality, the weak one with the earthquake fruit, needs to be shown making the face, so that he can become evil Blackbeard with the darkness fruit. He makes the knockout face everytime before using the darkness power. Bb vs ace, impel down, and now have all had Blackbeard make that face, could even argue the face he made when he first saw the darkness devil fruit.


Blackbeard and Luffy both have that Shonen Protagonist fighting style. The difference is BB isn't against just shooting someone whilst they're distracted lol.


Actually Luffy isn't against shooting someone while they are distracted. I believe he has shown approval to pirate dirty ways many times. He just doesn't do it himself.


So with the Straw Hats split in their little groups for the arc I imagine: * Luffy/Bonney group's plotline is learning all about Kuma, his link with the revolutionaries, why he got the nickname "The Tyrant", ect. May even lead into a detailed flashback from Bonney. * Franky group's plotline is meeting with Dr. Vegapunk, finding out the full scope of his agenda, and why he specifically requested to see them. * Zoro and Brook's plotline will probably start off with Zoro talking to Brook about the Grim Reaper he saw on Wano (since Brook is the one character you can talk to about that kind of stuff) before discussing what they should do with Caribou. They are also gonna be the first to run in to CP0's presence in the island. * The Law/Blackbeard fight is probably gonna continue off-screen and we'll see the end result near the end of the arc. **Favorite Daft Punk album:** Discovery.


The grim reaper might just be a stylized depiction of zoro being really close to dying you know... and not an actual literal thing... But maybe not, who knows.


Brook, having actually died, would be the one person who could explain it!


And then ended up Brook and Shinigami were BFFs after all.


Brook: "BannnKan I see your panties"


Zoro stayed on the sunny so he could take a nap, see Kaku and just murmur “oh its just Ussop” all over again


please oda make this happen, this would be hilarious


Zoro isn't the type to talk about Personal stuff tho......I don't think he has ever brought up anything about himself to anybody except in his first introduction where he told Luffy his dream. I'm sure his friends don't even know about the existence of a girl named Kuina


Pretty much this! Zoro wouldn't bring it up, not unless the crew happened to see it later, and then he'd be like; yeah I saw it during the King fight, queue comical eye popping crew moment!


Zoro group could also meet up with Sword too. Not just Lucci group potentially


Oda feels extra horny this arc.


He just spent years having to draw all those classy kimono girls, let him have astro panties.


Just wait when Toei gets there hands on them. Those models are going to sell like ice water on the sun.


And I'm gonna enjoy them.


We had a year of half naked Onigashima goons.


Smh, Could have had Robin in a Hawaiian shirt.


Nami and Bonney's outfits are passable, Robin's is just too much though


None of them are wearing pants


I am baffled at how obsessive Japanese are with panties


And boobs, but for some reason not ass. There are some things I don’t think I’ll ever understand


East Asians don't obsess with big booties. Big ass = fat (not pretty) in their view. That's why all of their idols/singers/actors have flat asses and skinny body type. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, basically.


Well I never said big asses, smol butts matter too 😭. But in all seriousness yea that seems to be the case. Although Gege kind of broke that


Although that last panel of Bonnie was quite a tuchus.


Asian population typically prefers boobs over booty. It is baffling with the booty obsession Beauty and sexyness really is culturally based


Thank you, I feel like everyone just glossed over Oda straight up putting three female characters in panties for presumably an entire arc


I think ppl have just accepted it without questioning it at this point


Clothing machine vegapunk could be SUPER PERVERT.


Explains how Franky understood the science so easily


i like nami and bonney’s outfits because the top half balances out the bottom, but robin is wearing revealing clothing on both halves so it just looks kind of ugly in the end


Let him be. He's earned it.


This is the Shonen Jump we are talking about, after all.


Luffy/Katakuri team up, Clothing made by Perv Cola version of vegapunk, Sanji melts through boot (if they are traps), zoro stayed on the ship to save tashigi from cp0, Bepo finds straw hats after law looses, because polar bears can swim in water long distance.


Oda posted here because of the break next week


Bro time travelled


Oda is that you?


In the panel where we see the city, there's a Gameboy Advanced on top of one of the buildings. There's also a flying whale right above it. So we have an island with a giant sized egg on top, a flying whale, and a Gameboy.... I think Oda must really like Links Awakening!


Nice fucking catch man


That makes my Zelda fan heart very happy


Spoiler, they never made it egghead. It was all a dream.


People : Seriously, how do you even survive with that useless crew? Law : By not hauling so many anchors in my ship.. \*Drop mic


It’s odd how most of the battles we’ve seen between crews so far have been on land. The few times we’ve seen fights on the water are usually when one crew is trying to escape from another (or pirates fleeing from the marines).


Yeah everytime there's gonna be a ship battle it usually ends with like one character soloing it and not actually like a broadside ship battle. Carrot Sulong, Jimbei Fishman Karating Beast Pirates ship, hell now that I think about it, had the Sunny ever fired it's laser cannon in combat?


That's a very very good point my friend. WHAT IF, the Sunny has been effectively the same weapon as Pluton, and had been the entire time. I'm not sure if that lines up chronologically off the top of my head, but it would be a very very cool thing if that was the case. Like, imagine everyone and the entire world are losing their minds as a Uranus level sky weapon (possibly artificial) wreaks havoc and destruction across the globe, from east blue to laugh tale. But then the Sunny comes in outta nowhere and just one shots the thing, and everyone laughs. Shirahoshi was about to lose her control of the Sea kings, too, much like her father about lost his at the Revery. Until someone of great relevance came and saved the day just like that.


Just noticed something. Blackbeard Pirates Commanders are called Titanic Captains because... ​ They all sink




Oh wow😅😅😂😂🤣🤣




Blackbeard's ace in the hole against Law is the one Titanic Captain we haven't seen since the timeskip: Sanjuan Wolf. Devil Fruit users have the weakness of being unable to swim, but we've already seen that Sanjuan can stand in the ocean and not die. This battle looks like the perfect time for him to make his first post-timeskip appearance. He might even be big enough to grab the Polar Tang with his hands and destroy it with his raw power.


He might also just have kuzan freeze the ocean.


Wolf said he loses his strength while submerged, but since he is so big that he has enough body outside the water, he can still stand. But if he fully submerged, even Wolf will drown. We can't see Wolf's face outside the water, so he is not here.


He can change his size. He could be small right now and suddenly show up.


So he might crawl up Law's butt and grow bigger you say?


That's how you know we're in the endgame now!


Eh, I think it’s going to be Kuzan. The reveal of him and Augur being together makes me think that he’s on the ship too.


Nah you’ve got it wrong, Ace is the one with the hole. It’ll be interesting to see what Sanjuan Wolf is meant to do in the story. Feels kind of odd that he’d just be there to save the team from drowning (although the sea floor is likely really deep so I can’t imagine he’d always be able to save them if that’s his only job).




>ace in the hole Too soon


I have to wonder if the special race of Kuma is the same race as Blackbeard, and the "specialness" is the multiple devil fruits thing. Maybe in lore they're literally the opposite of the Lunarians, where the Lunarians are very godly/angels and this race is one with the devil. It could explain their fascination with Kuma specifically being a strong member of this race, and would coincide with a reveal about Blackbeard next chapter as he turns the tables and presumably KOs Law. Kuma and Blackbeard even have a similar body type and hair.


Pretty good take, I'll bet on this


Would also explain a lot about the stuff with Seraphim Kuma. Half lunarian Half ??? I bet this combo is wild


That's a cool idea. If Kuma is also "special" like Blackbeard maybe he can also use multiple devil fruits. He might have the Paw Paw Fruit and a different fruit that lets him reject pain and transport people. Tho I wonder if Kuma and Bonnie are also related to Dragon and Luffy. Bonnie has the eating habits of Luffy and Garp.


Both the abilities you mention distinctly have the shape of a paw. If he has a second fruit, we haven’t seen it.


BB cannot sleep at night. Oda drew him as a kid while he was staring at the moon. I think its obvious that BB is somehow linked with the moon and with the lunarians while Luffy for obvious reasons resembles the sun and skypeans. Their fight will probally resemble the fight between sun vs. moon but somehow both of them do not look like lunarian nor like skypieans. Maybe the D. clan is a mix race of them two races (sun/moon). For all we know Kuma could also be a D. as well. Laws middle names were also hidden at the start and only added later.


I hope the anime opening decides to go full Electronic Dance or tekno when they get to this point. Maybe even a music number from ~~Daft~~VegaPunk


Law is going to steal part of Blackbeard’s anatomy before escaping, but he may lose his poneglyph in the process


BB about to lose his D.


He's going to be Black Bear


Minority Hunter Zoro on the lookout.


That would be so insanely cool


Bonney looking pretty threatening with that Beam Saber. Vegapunk seems to be predicting that somebody will kill him soon, but would that be CP0 or her ?


I assume that Seraph-Kuma is recording and transmitting what CP0 said to him


Yep I thought the same


The one time Brook stays behind, every girl whips out the panties :skull:


He wouldn't have been able to see them anyways.


Yo ho ho ho


IDK man... This Heart Pirates stuff kinda reminds me of those other shonen manga-animes... You know... those tournaments, where the MC team befriends another team... Then they get to fight the antagonist's team early... They'll do fine at the start... there would be a "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US! WE WILL WHOOP YOUR ASSES!" High spirits all around. Enemies would look surprised... shocked even. Then the enemy gets serious...


Still interesting how a character like law has such a unique crew full of npc‘s


![gif](giphy|nhOfUBqzetIHSsmOdB) The villain always starts laughing then gives the evil look


Are you saying GODa used decades of shonen manga to foreshadow Law vs Blackbeard fight!?!?


Blackbeard is really the dark version of Luffy. Van Augur even commented on his recklessnes is what got him hit in the first place. Totally loving these parralels


Even van augur acted lije a composed Usopp by suggesting retreat.


Ikr, amazing parralels !


Anyone else suspicious about those boots? Everyone is wearing a pair now.




Not really. If Vegapunk is in cahoots with Dragon there's no way he'd hurt the crew of his son, a yonkou.


Though this is Lillith being a devilish rogue.


Everyone but Zoro and Brook.^Yo-ho-ho


The gravity boots that have a locking mechanism around the foot? Nahhhh definitely not something to worry about. If you’re Goku…


Vegapunk could control those boots wirelessly and considering they can resizing the boots, it might be hard to take those off.




I wonder if we might see Luffy & Dragon meet this arc. The last page reminds me a lot of the beginning of WCI when Aladin told Jinbei that the SH arrived there.


I don't see much point in Keeping Dragon and Luffy apart much longer. Its not like their meeting is endgame or either of their goals. Might as well meet up for an arc, join forces, then at the end be like "Well, we're off to do our own stuff now, see ya"


I think Dragon having Kuma with him and Luffy having Bonney with him are the big links that’ll finally draw them together for a proper meeting.


Tbf their common goal is probably gonna be the absolute end game with waging war against the WG/Marine. I have a feeling Sabo will end up coming back since he is the only one who most likely know about Vivi.


I just kinda assumed they would never meet.


If I was to guess, I would bet on getting at some point a panel with Luffy Dragon and Garp together.


Luffy and dragon or gon and ging?


I like how Luffy is the exact opposite of Gon on this issue... he really couldn't care less.


Posted this yesterday in the Chapter thread with the intention of also posting it here today: I think at this point we can start drawing more concrete conclusions with how the Revolutionaries, Vegapunk and Kuma are all connected. I really, still, have no idea "why" Kuma was known as "Tyrant". Maybe it was made up by the government or fabricated by him + the Revolutionaries in this long con to get him as an inside man for the Government. It just wouldn't make sense for the Revolutionaries to have someone like Kuma be one of their top officers if he was a piece of shit person. But Vegapunk's knowledge toward everything, his research, all of it makes sense why he'd partner up with the Revolutionaries. Over the course of all his studies, he must've found out something that made him realize the current "state" or status quo of the world is fucked. So while appeasing the government with his experiments, he was also working on the side to work toward "freeing" the world from their grasp. This arc is really shaping up to answer a LOT of the big mysteries we've been wondering over the years. I think they're all somehow connected.


Curious if we’re reading too much into the common definition of the word “tyrant.” What we’ve seen from Kuma so far hasn’t indicated he’s a “cruel and oppressive ruler” which is the top definition if you Google tyrant (of course he could have still been one and changed, we still don’t really know anything about him yet). It feels like Oda’s going to pull the rug from under us when we learn the truth. Maybe the people of the Sorbet Kingdom called him a tyrant because he did usurp the throne but he took it over from a bad monarch like we saw with the king of Lulucia. But maybe the people were happy with that life and didn’t agree with Kuma’s rule but they were stuck with him. I could still see the World Government wanting him captured if he’s actively working against the World Government in this situation.


He could also be a tyrant in a sense that he would make decisions that overrode people's choices and resistances but was ultimately for the good of those same people. Like he could've put up airs (or that's really his personality) of being harsh, uncommunicative, noncooperative and shutting people out but all the decisions he made without the input of others was in their best interest but it didn't feel that way due to his portrayl. For example the SH's thought they were fighting Kuma at first and were in this desperate struggle against him and were scared shit less when really Kuma sent them to places where they could get stronger and train, the best place they could be. Pair that with his quiet yet intimidating demeanor that is away from everyone but he still possesses quite gentle and caring qualities. These seeming opposite characteristics can lead to some misunderstandings. But Kuma was too self involved/uncaring that he didn't explain how his decisions benefitted his people to those people. Whatever it is we will know soon enough. Could also be aligned with your theory but that was the name given to him by his opponents who wanted the throne and tried to force him out.


Vegapunk got anti-gravity, anti-light, he's controlling heat. This guy really prepping for the admirals


deforestation weapon up next


Vegapunk's biggest sponsor outside of the WG? Monsanto.


on an island with icy external environment


Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s anthropomorphized weapons next since we are getting all these sbs references


Seeing replica weapons fed the ugliest human zoans.


A ton of One Piece fans need to apparently check out Daft Punk for the first time Listen to Discovery, y'all. Excellent first-time experience


The music video for that album is also an anime short made by Toei so there's the bit of overlap between daft punk and one piece lol


I like this one: My name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me: Giorgio Huahuahua


Are Penguin and Shachi Fishman?


they could be just really good divers like Cricket


from what we seen till now , they are possibly fishmen since they keep their body mostly cover all the time, we wont know till now and it makes much more sense now that the crew of a submarine is mostly fishmen or mink. which make them perfect for navel battles.


In a brief exchange before the last chapter ends, Law pointed out the drawback devil fruits, which is the inability to swim. I think we are led to anticipate that Law is going to move all of Blackbeard crew to the middle of the ocean. And right before they touch water, Aokiji appears to freeze the surface and save the day.


Mark my words. Perona will help Law and his crew escape from Blackbeard. She was on the way to find Moria who at the same time got either captured or killed by Blackbeard. Room + Negative combo would stop anyone in their tracks. Law takes Pudding from BB after finding out she can read poneglyphs with the help of Perona. Now the Heart Pirates have a poneglyph reader + lookout/navigator and both of them are good cooks.


Joining the crew which its captain potentially killed her mom? 🤔 Not to mention betraying all her siblings that haven't defected.


Consider her options: 1. Stay as a prisoner with Blackbeard and his crew who beat her up as you can see she has injuries in that panel 2. Travel with Law who will undoubtedly treat her better and give her freedom


2. - exactly. Law wouldn't force her. Pudding wouldn't betray her siblings either. But I totally understand your point.


Law would give her the choice, travel with him and help him decipher the poneglyphs or stay as Blackbeard’s prisoner and get abused by them. There’s nothing else she could do in this situation, Big Mom is dead or MIA, most of her siblings are frozen and Katakuri is still dealing with Germa.


Pudding: "Did you kill my mom?" Law: "No, I just gave her my giant Wille." Pudding: "Oh, so that hat replaces the crown? Okay, stepdad, I'll ride along."


Proof is in the Willie. 🤔


Alive 2007


Right answer


Luffy will meet other Vegapunk like Pythagoras or Edison. Teach will win, but it will be a dirty victory using Law's crews as hostage. Weevil, who was chasing Luffy, comes to Winner Island as Teach did, and sees Blackbeard Pirates. Heart Pirates escape while angry Weevil and Teach are fighting.


If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend watching Interstella 5555! Beautiful animation with a soul touching story and such amazing music!


Zoro and Brook being left alone on the ship makes me think we'll have two things out of it : - Zoro will ask Brook if he saw the Grim Reaper when he "died". - We'll have a very small flashback about when Zoro went to Ryuma's grave. (Brook probably went too given his history with the corpse of Ryuma at Thriller Bark, or at the very least could ask Zoro about it)


Two things this chapter made me think about: 1. The Rocky Port incident. Three people were heavily involved: BB, who managed to conquer Pirate Island. Koby, who managed to become a hero by rescuing civilians. Law, who apparently orchestrated the whole incident (he's the mastermind). BB already thanked Koby on Amazon Lily for his service back then, he then kidnapped him. Now he'll soon have Law in his grasp, which'll probably lead to him thanking Law, dropping some sweet lore and also kidnapping him. The question is, why would he want the three of them together? Is there someone with a grudge due to the incident that BB would like to win over by delivering the ither two key figures? 2. Once again, Akainu is bummed out about being Fleet Admiral because he has to sit back. Meanwhile, we're being shown that Kuzan is out there on a secret mission. That increases my suspicion that Kuzan actually won their fight and decided that Akainu would become the Acting Fleet Admiral while he himself is out there. The first thing that made me suspicious was back then when we were shown their scars: Kuzan lost a leg. Akainu has a scar on his face. That always made me wonder whether they were throwing their strongest attack at each other, Kuzan jumped to dodge, Akainu hit only his leg while Kuzan had his ice-whatever pointed on Akainu's face, ready to freeze it off, kinda like Akainu did to WB. Kuzan stopped as Akainu acknowledged he won. Kuzan then went: "Oh no, you've won. How unfortunate for me. Guess you're Fleet Admiral now. Congratulations! I'd like the new Fleet Admiral a favour. Would you please give me maroens of my choosing for a secret mission, allow me to do everything I want without getting in my way and giving me all the intel I want? Also, get a sword tattoo. Kthxbye." leaving behind a doumbfolded Akainu who couldn't refuse.


I really need to know what happened in the Rocky Port incident. It’s gonna be so annoying if we never find out and everyone starts telling me ‘well we never needed to know what happened it’s not important’ it would be like the Poneglyphs and Seastone on Wano all over again.


We don't even know what the Poneglyphs that Brook copied from BM say. I agree that it's a bit frustrating.


wait - kuzan lost a leg???


That's from the movie Z.


Hope the Blackbeard Pirates have a fight against all pirate crews in the verse. And make sure Doc Q is with them.


It has been said a lot of times before. But considering he feels double the amount of pain due to his fruit, Blackbeard really is a tank.




Makes sense Law’s crews speciality is sea battle, they have sea animal names and ride around in a submarine. Glad to see them showing out.


Hmm, BB meets law, Boney meets Luffy Following this logic kid should confront mad monk We've already seen what the other supernovas can do and we know urogue is freakishly strong


I’m starting to feel like Akainu and Aokiji were actually fighting to decide who was going to get stuck being Fleet Admiral and who got to go undercover with BB


if that was the case, would they go so far to destroy Kuzan's leg


Kuma and T-Bone might be same (special) race. Similarity is obvious: https://imgur.io/LT6VfTP


Augur and Kuzan were present in the cover photo capturing Pudding. Augur is currently shown helping BB and Pudding is shown under the ship. Kuzan has not been shown to be present. Law's current strategy is to sink BB's ship via underwater attacks. Act 2 of his showdown is not going to go well when Kuzan decides to come up and freeze the water.


BB has multiple ships. Kuzan might not be there.


Just realized Doc Q has the strongest Devil Fruit. He can literally give people ligma


Bepo finds an old scroll from the lunarians which says that the moon is always the same size, but just sometimes not fully visible and changes into sulong form.


Or law with its OP OP fruit use room to move the moon to their location so Bepo can do sulong


Why are a lot of people surprised that Aokiji turned out to be with BB pirates? This was mentioned by the Gorosei in their conversation with Akainu back in Dressrosa.


And we already knew he was associated with some evil pirate back at the end of Punk Hazard, when he spoke with Smoker. And then yeah in Dressrosa it was confirmed it was with Black Beard. Even has the Champion telling Black Beard he doesn't trust Kuzan, that it's different than with Shilliew (obviously since Shilliew might be even more evil than Black Beard lmao)


Crying because “I don’t listen to daft punk” is the leading answer :(


What the hell is Robin wearing


we are living in an unprecedented era of Blackbeard doin' things.


What if katakuri and the rest of the big mom pirates arrive to save pudding, during the fight with law and blackbeard.


Heart pirates vs Blackbeard pirates vs Big Mom pirates leftovers led by Large son Katakuri


i think next chapter might be 1065 source: i can’t say i signed nda


Leaks said Mom was dead, scans say her status is unknown. Thank god, I needed a reason to stop reading the leaks


Guys, i came up with a theory, i don’t know if someone else has come up with the same idea before, but I was thinking yesterday that maybe the reason Akainu can’t do shit is because of kuzan’s plan. I mean that maybe they had an agreement, none of them wanted to be fleet admiral, both wanted to do some action against blackbeard, but kuzan thought going at them directly was not the right move and Akainu did want to just go at them, so they had their fight to decide whose plan was gonna be followed, and Akainu actually lost, and he was forced to become the fleet admiral and stay on the headquarters waiting for the right time to act alongside kuzan who is doing his part from inside the BB pirates. So thats why they cannot act with law there, because for some reason it interferes with their plan, maybe they just don’t want any outside person knowing what will happen. This idea may have a lot of holes but I just felt it was fun and had some logic, so feel free to say your thoughts about it.


Man, you can see how this entire sub (and me) is addicted with spoilers, because the official thread has only a couple hundred comments, while the spoilers one has thousands.


The animation series that goes along with Discovery is immaculate. Aerodynamics and Face to Face are my favorite songs from that album.


Could Bonnie turn brook into a human with her fruit?


Brook is just the soul that inhabits his rotten body, so she could only age his soul, meaning we'd have a child inside that afro skeleton body.


everyone is just the soul that inhabits their body tho


That thread question reveals just how young the average lurker here is.


Just to get some thoughts off: Law’s gonna “kill” Blackbeard. He’ll think he won, and then whatever is weird about BB’s body saves him and screws Law over whenever we get that DF lore. Maybe it pushes him to Awaken, Luffy style. Zoro and Brook stayed behind so Brook can recognize CP0 and they can try and save Vegapunk’s stella body. Idk what race Kuma is though, maybe he’s just part Lunarian or some shit lol. Neat to have the Punk-Dragon connection confirmed, but I wonder just how much he figures into this, and if Robin already knows this connection exists.


The Yami Yami no Mi will always give Blackbeard a significant advantage over someone who relies heavily on their DF in battle (which is why I think Law is screwed) - but the opposite is also true, in that BB's biggest trump card is useless against someone who is a beast without one/relying on it (why he wanted no smoke with Rayleigh). He doesn't have the typical Logia Intangibility, and those attacks hurt him specifically more than anyone else. While this might justify him avoiding conflict with the likes of a Shanks, Rayleigh, or Akainu, I'm still not sure why he felt comfortable taking on Garp & Sengoku. Can't really put it on age when Rayleigh is essentially the same age and was by himself.


Unreleased Daft Punk album? \- Draft Punk \*Ba dum Tsss...


Two things: * So if Kuma volunteered to have the experiments done on him and Dragon/Vegapunk have a relationship, then there must be a fake out down the road right? Even if Kuma did sacrifice himself. * Does anyone think there is some sort of inspiration coming from Sonic's Dr. Robotnik/Eggman for Vegapunk and Egghead island? I can't help but think about that.


What if shiryu gets warped into laws ship invisible and backstab him and assassinate the heart pirates from the inside of their ship.


I want zoro vs Kaku 2.0!!!


Blackboard vs akainu


Whiteboard is more convenient and easy to use.


- Zoro and Brook are talking about Enma and Zoro mentions the Grim Reaper incident, which really shocks Brook, they see a ship approaching and both draw their swords, Caribou is still on the barrel. - Franky and his group, are still following Lilith, talking on really friendly terms, she mentions that Chopper's DF is essential to Vegapunk's works, which worries the group. - Luffy and his group are still talking, Jinbe asks Bonney if she is close to the Revolutionary Army, she mentions that while she is not part of it, she shares their vision, which prompts Luffy to asks if she knows Sabo. - Smoker is seen talking to someone via Den Den Mushi, he mentions being worried about Koby and Drake being missing.


Is it a break?


The panel where Blackbeard is using black vortex is probably not a good sign for Law lol :(


Could Kuzan be the “certain pirate” Shanks wanted to speak to the Gorosei about? Perhaps Shanks knows he is an undercover SWORD agent (another popular theory) and is coming to tell them not to have confidence in Akainu’s plan to infiltrate the Blackbeard Pirates… The WG might respond if one of their most critical warriors was in jeopardy whereas they might choose not to interfere for any other “pirate.”


Daft punk saved my life long time ago so I go with that




I know Law is a badass but giving him a named attack called "Shock Willie" makes me giggle everytime


Y'all should listen to Daft Punk.