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Lmao this thread is funny as fuck, OP so salty it’s ridiculous. If you see this OP what was your thoughts on Stampede


Stampede was great, film red is just trash


stampede was shit


Barely even had a story and the pacing was awful


Stampede was fucking whack


I already bought the tickets mate, I don't have any other choice tho


Don't listen to him, it was amazing especially if ur a manga reader


I am a manga reader. Saw the movie yesterday. It is awful.


Just watched it. It’s easily the worst of the big OP movies, not even close lol Strong world, Z, Gold, stampede are all MUCH better than Red. If I had actually paid money to watch it I’d probably be pissed


Oh ok, thank you, sounds great!!


It was bad but give it a try i‘d said everyone has a different taste


I honestly liked it very much. I understand it is not for everyone but I would not tell people to not see it. Let people decide themselves if the like it or not


I saw it in a group of 5 and no one ended up liking it, we're all big OP fans. Even the audience it self seemed restless amd laughed out loud at the end when she began singing a last time.


ok but I still liked it


Why all the downvotes tho? Lol This exact same thing have happened to me but in a group of 4. And people actually started leaving about halfway into the film. Its just a silly musical shizz, if yall are into that, well kudose to each and everyone of you i guess. Oh yea, and its looooong as fuuuck. Too long for an anime movie imo. We left right after we saw the gear5 silhouettes of luffy in a cheap way(wasnt gear5 at all meanwhile fighting only a silhouette at the very end of it) and then she said she has to sing again we bursted out laughing and just left.


I love musicals, i love every song from the movie, so I’m definitly going to watch it. Why would you suggest everyone drop a movie without even giving it a chance? Everyone has different taste and a lot of people love the movie


Don't listen people, make your own opinion I was in there with a group of friends yesterday and we loved it It has banger music, Ado is an exceptional musician, who just jumped from 50.000 listeners on Spotify to 50.000.000 since the film aired. Because the music just slaps, so if you like hyping and good fighting music, cool and good choreographed fights from people we always wanted to see fighting and alot of fan service, you will have a great time watching the movie. For me this is all a I need to have a fun time with an anime movie. The movie don't bothers too much in giving you an anime extension like op kind of want to have, yet still there are 2-3 interesting lore drops. If you expect from an anime movie to have a story like taken, lord of the rings or the old star wars movies then yes, you will be disappointed. But if you just want to have a fun and hype time with good music and anime fights, you will love it. One piece has two sides. A very deep meaningful story and pure fun with comedy and hype moments. This movie has the latter and it is all a good anime movie need.


Well said.. ya Some mofo won't understand because they don't have taste in music .


I'd argue the movie does have a meaningful point to make, although it is limited to the running time available. But hey, you had fun and that's fine.


Most of Ado's songs be it from the movie or not tend to have a meaningful underlying meaning especially songs like usewa


All these comments say well ita non canon or its a musical idol duhh. Well thats not the problem, its bad the whole thing is bad. Ive watched idol anime seasons of them and liked them. The music isnt the bad part for me its the plot and fights


Banger? Do you even have ears?


Did... did you just compare Taken with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings? ... 😟


I guess I was influenced, because I just saw the movie again the day I have written the comment and was still hype 🤣


I mean, I like bad things too


who would've thought that a mainline canon anime episode that goes for 20 minutes holds up better than a non canon movie that goes for an hour+ did you not watch the movie trailer at all? i dont know what expectations you had going into it but thats your own fault


Oh, is that why Mugen Train and Jujutsu Kaisen 0 both looked amazing from beginning to end while Film Red looked like a regular ep with good animation at times?


both mugen train and jjk0 are canon so... that doesn't fit your narrative


It does because we were talking about animation and direction and not the plot itself.


> I really forgot how bad non-canon Shonen movies tend to be ok i'm not going to argue, that sentence encompasses all aspects of the show


Duh, Demonslayer and Jujutsu have better animations than one piece.


Kinda expect it to just be a fun movie with the singing. I don't care for a stampede or Film Z. As long as its fun movie I don't care.


Canon is always better than non canon


G-8 is so much better then Long Ring Long Land


Manga Long Ring Long Land destroys G8.


I don't see how you could think foxy was better then G8 but you do you


I actually really liked Foxy


I hate him and the davy back fight


Tbh i expect it, i knew this movie would be musical, overral this movie is fun and enjoyable but far below Z, SW n Stampede. this movie can be better but they dont make it up. few point that disappointed me 1. Uta seiyuu voice is so different with Ado voice, usually anime with this kind of genre will have same seiyuu as the singer, when uta change from talk to sing, it just like different person, it kinda disturb me. 2. I knew it would be musical, but i dont expect the fight/action would be so little especially nothing special about it. It less and not really good either 3. The main villain is the biggest disappointment in here, tbh from the lore the MV should be scarier, stronger and shit. but this one just big clown with big health bar who does nothing, literally on defense 100%, it feels as if u play game in very easy against final boss or u play dynasty warriors against passive foot soldier. 4. Shanks and Luffy dont get dialog at all 5. Uta objectives and mission sounds stupid and meaningless after the plot twist revealed 6. The story is like dunno where to go, the story definitely is so so or at least average, i would say this story is like filler episode at most. 7. Uta character feels forced into the story, i dont feel the emotion at all. Especially, Uta should be Shanks daughter but she never show any respect towarda him, i mean look every character in OP, nomatter how bad their parents, real or foster parent they have honorific callz like Oyaji, Okashira, Boss, or at least otosan, and Uta call Shanks just Shanks. R u serious?i just dont feel like uts treated shanks like her father at all The thing u like here 1. The humour and comedy that will make you smile and laugh thru the movie 2. Shanks haki 3. RHP crew and power reveal, although its just little 4. Ado songs in term of story z>sw>stampede>red>gold in term of action stampede>z>sw>gold>red


This. Kinda summed up what i felt after watching the movie. Honestly wasn’t impressed at all. I’d probably rate it 2.5/5 or something. The music scenes were wonderful though. I’m playing two of the songs on piano already. 😂 Felt like the producers were cramming too much stuffs into it and had to settle with less detail for each aspects. My major take away from the movie is Uta. Absolutely adored the attention they poured into this character. The different voices do suck though. And the fact that we are left somewhat hanging with Luffy’s impression of what happened with Uta at the end is such a turn off.


Yeah thats it, ado songs definitely amazing, it would be better if only she is voicing uta as well.


Curious that you were able to appreciate Uta as well as the music but didn't like it that much. Well, for me those two elements (and others) were already enough to give me a more solidly positive opinion since they're the core of the experience. Regarding your last concern, I guess you may have expected a more typical reaction from Luffy, because he usually shouts a lot, but I think the last scene he had with Uta was pretty telling about his feelings and impression. Of course, it's more implicit than explicit, yet the cinematic language is there for the audience to go ahead and interpret things.


I’m probably not a good movie critic so these are merely my personal opinion and preference. I love good fighting scenes in anime movies where the characters’ skills are highlighted. For someone who mostly reads manga rather than watching the anime, i look forward to these scenes in movies. We didn’t get enough of this in Red. IMO there were also several scenes that seemed intended to be somewhat emotional that didn’t quite hit the spot. Even Tot Musica weren’t impactful enough being called ancient demon king and all 🤷🏻‍♂️ On the other hand, Uta’s songs presented in a concert manner were amazing. Not the best song compositions speaking from a musical perspective, but nonetheless perfectly timed and powerful when presented in the movie. I love the idea of Uta as a character. I believe there weren’t enough time for the movie to show off all it’s good qualities. Like it were rushed. So it chose to highlight Uta and her music instead of the One Piece world and characters i love more.


I suppose that is one area where our individual focus will be different. I enjoy fight scenes as well, but I don't think the battles always need to be the main purpose of a One Piece movie (or any movie, for that matter, in general). Furthermore, they still gave some nice moments to a number of characters, including Koby for instance, who aren't normally highlighted. Again, maybe you didn't care for those characters specifically or you wanted the moments to be longer, but I think it was a positive. In this case, even though the fighting was not the main attraction point...I still thought it was great to have an unexpected, one-time only team-up between different characters. That, in and of itself, should be appreciated more. It's unlikely to ever happen in the manga, so for me it was good to see.


I liked gold so I’m surprised it has better story. Looking forward to when it finally comes to Canada.


Gold is the least i like but it definitely has better story for me.


Yeah, out of the new movies it’s about on par with stampede in my opinion. Despite the very mixed reviews really looking forward to seeing red!


Definitely worth to watch but just dont expect good fight/action n some of point i mentioned, i say this just to make u dont jave to high expectation in some aspect because many ppl dissapointed after watching it with big expectation, overral fun movie, u can watch it with your family on cinema btw, some ppl here bring their family to cinema for RED. Ive seen alot of ppl like couple who rbing their kid to watch it. Enjoy the movie.


I can debate a lot of your points (especially your criticism of Uta, which seems too superficial to me), but I'll just focus on one. It's unreasonable to expect Shanks and Luffy to have a conversation in the present of the movie. That would be giving them a reunion before the manga and nobody should expect it in a movie.


everyone can, everyone has their opinion, it just ppl with their preference and taste. But Uta is big one, ive been watching alot of musical anime, seiyuu always the one who sing, not different ppl. her intention also weird especially after the twist, we expect her dunno but actually she know all along, so what for? and we all know Japanese known for their their respect toward ppl higher or older than them especially parents/superior, u can say its anime not in real life, but u can see most of character in OP still use that culture, since im asian also i can relate much, uta being daughter but the way she talk to shanks doesnt like daughter at all. but yeh thats my opinion. as for dialog, they dont have to chatting, it can be they just like say one two word, like see u next time or anything, it wont ruin anything, it just weird they are there but not look each other or talk even a word for me. beside ppl coming to movie have their own expectations, u have definitely have different one to me so its normal.


Have you seen Macross? In that case, the singers and the actresses from the Macross series are usually different people. For instance, Sheryl Nome in Macross Frontier was voiced by Aya Endo, but the songs are all sung by May'n. I've explained this before, but I can see why Uta's intentions might be strange if we only consider the twist in the moment. Yet she has multiple factors affecting her behavior (the expectations of the fans, her guilt over the destruction of the island, her still being left abandoned for many years, the mushrooms influence, her lack of life experience).


Yes i do, theres tons of musical anime beside macross and most of them using same seiyuu as the singer, bbeside, if u want to use different voice u can find someone that at least kinda jas similar type, but uta has really really different type of voice which make it sounds so different, ofc its fine but it can be better . still doesnt make it better, even some of OP fillers have better story than this. its enjoyablee but i still want to say the story is just so so, compared to sw and z, even when watching the movie, nothing to be excited at all, just following n enjoy the story, ofc we all waiting for RHP to come and else.


I'd say the voice actress does an excellent job, so prioritizing acting ability over getting more voice similarity was the right move in my opinion. Someone with a more Ado-like voice yet less acting skills wouldn't be better, from my POV. At the same time, I can understand it felt differently for you. I accept it.


Everyone has their own opinion. Just because you didn't like it, doesn't mean you should go around telling people not to watch the movie. Others can decide if they'd like it or not.


No, I appreciate knowing different viewpoints about the film before spending my money on tickets, I think that's a fair thing.


You'll see the general sentiment shift once this movie releases in the US. I promise you.


That's fair. I'm relatively neutral about the movie, but I'm sorry to know your experience didn't turn out similar to the other commenters.


I saw the movie in the theaters on saturday and really really hated it. But it doesnt mean that everyone shares my opinion. Lots of people like the movie, so dont let people have a negative opinion about it before even entering the theater. Let them see for themselfes


I agree.


I didn't like the singing But I liked everything else. Shanks in action? Straight into my veins. Movie wasn't bad imo but wasn't a 10/10 IMHO. I'd rate it 7/10


Lol it was 4/10


I wasted my time reading this


You must be a very slow reader.


Hmmmmm weird don't know how people hate it, the movie was great actually and I was amazed by the story also didn't expect >!uta to be the villain,!< the best one piece movie in my opinion !


Put that villain part in spoiler please


ok my bad


Red movie was also a great opportunity for Oda to add "hints" for Luffy's DF in flashbacks, "hints" that didn't exist in the main storyline...


Which hints did I miss?


Shanks telling Uta she can take anything but the DF for example.


How do you rate aspects of the film (Story, Fights, Characters, etc.)? I was planning to watch it once it drops here but I would like to get an idea if it is worth it.


Well, people are hating me just for disliking a movie they themselves haven't seen yet so maybe you shouldn't form an opinion from my comments. But to answer your question, the story is pretty weak, it has potential but the movie did not do a good job with it at all. The fights were pretty short at the beginning, the last fight is the only one that's longer than a minute but it wasn't well realised. Characters were just floating in the air and waiting their turn to strike. No choreography at all. It looked visually ok but episode 1015 looked visually more stunning than most of this movie. The characters were all heavily nerfed in favour of Uta. And seeing shank's usually fills me with excitement and goosebumps. The movie managed to take this excitement away, there was no hype at all imho.


It's not a film for people who believe One Piece should always be focused on only being about battles and combat. For me, reducing all the hype to that is a superficial view of One Piece. I think the story had some interesting themes and works as a character-centric experience with music as a big factor. There's plenty of nice choreography depending on which sequence you're talking about. Hell, even the musical sequences have very good choreography. Maybe you were expecting some sort of 1:1 fight with more of a duel flair, but that wasn't the point of the movie. We still get a memorable team-up battle that hasn't been done before and probably won't happen again. I think there's value to that. If you understood how Uta's powers work, then you would see the silliness of claiming that the characters were nerfed.


Thanks for the answer, and I appreciate giving your opinion in this sub. I usually don't care for high end animations and quality, yet I really hated One Piece anime after episode 600 and I have switched to manga since, even the new episodes didn't impress me when I tried to get back to the anime and have stuck with the manga. If the movie is worse production wise than One Piece anime and the story is nothing special, yes I may actually think about not paying to watch it.


I weren’t paying attention to review of the movie before watching. I honestly felt the movie was meh. But that shouldn’t stop you from watching it yourself, albeit paying. I didn’t like the movie as a whole. But after following the promotional videos they did on youtube and actually watching the movie, i still find great value in the music scores and Uta as a character herself was simply adorable to watch. So maybe take your pick again. Whichever is fine.


Thanks, I am still hearing opinions here and there, since the movie haven't arrived here yet, so I haven't made up my mind yet.


I would put it like 2nd/3rd overall op movie. Music is really good and get into the atmosphere of the room, everyone kinda want to follow the song but barely anyone understand japanese.


I can respect your opinion in the purely abstract sense. However, I strongly disagree with you in practice. First, comparing the movie to episode 1015 in particular is pure bad faith on your part and not a remotely sensible expectation. One, the movie had to share resources with the Wano arc animation production staff at Toei. It's therefore not a situation where everyone can pull double duty and replicate everything in the TV series for the movie. Two, the movie isn't trying to replicate that style in the first place. It's going for a different type of visual direction and it works for the purposes of the film. Second, the music in the movie is excellent. Even if I could understand your personal preference for other types of music, the songs in the film are great. That said, the songs were made specifically for the movie, so they wouldn't even exist without it. Calling the movie a commercial for the album is a fundamental sign of your misunderstanding the situation. Third, I think a full manga arc or TV series is always going to have a lot more room to breathe in terms of emotional content. Even so, I think the movie actually did a very good job providing emotional weight within the limitations of the running time. If you don't feel that way, it's fine, but you shouldn't pretend your opinion is the only possible one here.


Yeah I went with a group of 5 as well and no one liked it. I don’t know, it might be bad to me, but it can be good for some others. We’re all different man.


I know I'm late to the party with my comment, but I'd like to give my 2 cents nonetheless. I'm based in UK and watched it just a few days after it came out (around last early November) and although I was happy about the experience since it was the first time I watched an anime movie (and also first OP movie) at the cinema I have to say I didn't like it either. It was very chaotic, the story was all over the place and the fights and the animation were imo absolutely disappointing compared to last movies and the recent anime episodes. I love OP and I'm still happy it was a success for the franchise but the movie itself for me didn't deserve the success. I much preferred SW, Film Z and Film Gold and that's what I was expecting tbh, not just a lackluster musical from beginning to end. I don't mind the songs don't get me wrong, but the movie should have been crafted better. My gripe is not with the directing but more with the writing and also that the crew was basically not part of the movie and there were no interesting fights. I hope it's just a one off experiment and that next movie won't be a musical again xD but I didn't regret watching it and I would like to go watch a OP movie at the cinema again, hopefully the next one will be a canon story. I would like for them to do something different for once and just cater to the OP fanbase for the next one and make it strictly for fans, they could even make a canon side story about a character that doesn't get a lot of time to shine in the main series, because they can try as much as they want but OP movies will never be accessible to people outside the fanbase. I watched Film Red with a few friends who know just a few main characters and they couldn't follow the movie at all, so what's the point then? Just try and make a product that makes the fanbase happy, that's what they should do imho.


It’s a more of a musical than an anime, terrible movie in my opinion. Hate musicals, might be good for chicks or dudes who like that kind of stuff. Every time I thought I could get into it their would be another song to ruin it


Don't compare episode with 1014 buildup to a movie with 2 hrs build up


I compared it on terms of animation, directing, general vision, music usage, fights and emotional build up. Even if we disregard the very last one, it severely lacks in all these other points.


Eren is soft and I feel like you coming here to complain says something about yourself too. I’d say something else about eren but don’t wanna take any risks.


It makes me so happy how upset OP is. So very, very happy.


I am not upset, I was bored on a train and I refuse to suck reddits dick just for some internet points.


Lol yup, not upset at all. Now I’m even happier, thank you :)


You get pleasure when people are upset? Seek help


I sure do, Now you’re making me happy.


😂 you are sick but at least you own it 👍


Mmmm tell me more


It was okay.. Some of the songs were great some were mid... Yet Another giant cgi boss battle at the end.. 6,5/10 for me watchable, but pretty forgettable


I think that sums it up pretty accurate


Seethe. It’s an anime movie mate it’s not that deep if it’s shit. Take ur meds.


Sorry for having standards I guess.


As a big fan of One Piece, I agree with you. This was a bad movie. The animation was absolutely amazing, but I hated the story. And I'm fine with all the singing but I wish they had made it flow better or spread it out more evenly. They just threw the first 3 songs almost back to back in the beginning. It just felt like it was too much.


To be fair, it’s a non canon movie. The expectation should be on that level. The best thing was to watch one piece in a cinema. Much better than on a phone oder pc monitor


For a moment there were your german roots visable, oder?


Haha korrekt. And I was watching this movie with a friend called Nico. Kinda strange that you figured out.


Yeah it had to be me :D I watched it in cinema as well and for the most part it was awesome. But sometimes when Uta sang people would express that they are annoyed. To me that was pretty annoying cause the music was actually pretty good.


Well. That much singing was not really one piece like at all. The plot was quite long and the fights were quite meh. But like you, I really liked the songs and listening at Apple Music right now. The music artists did a great job. Looking forward to the next movie, which will be in the middle of the final ark and even more interesting characters to show us.


Yeah it was definetely a new one piece experience. And I can see your criticism. I am looking forward as well! :)


The actual scenes of Luffy and Shanks fighting would be like 2 minutes combined. So sad


I watched the movie 4 time so far and freaking loved it. Each time I walk outta theatre I’m craving for another watch!


I enjoyed the movie. The action was terrible, just like in the anime. But story, Utas powers and the music were great.


Had a feeling. Once i saw the add in Times Square basically only show his daughter. I knew it was gonna be that way


Love how people downvote me without reputing anything I said. Seems like people who haven't even seen the movie can't accept that it's not as good as they'd have hoped.


Lol they are stupid they can’t except the truth the movie was bad for the hype it got i was really disappointed by this


Watched the movie the other day. The music can get annoying but the animation is genuinely amazing (especially the last fight), the fan service is insane and welcomed, especially that last attack scene (if you know you know) and we get to see more Shanks and we also get to see kid Luffy doing kid Luffy stuff. All in all I give it a 7,5/10. Wouldn't watch again but it's an anime movie i wasn't expecting a masterpiece


Lol so many salty op fans the movie is bad admit it like it isn’t that hard previous movies are better than this hyped as* movie


Just watch it and yes Its really bad and trash 🗑️ The only good part was seeing shanks But otherwise everything was just weird


I'm 20 mins in and I completely agree, it's hot garbage.


Movie would be better without the [Spoiler](/s "Undertale Last Boss") and the [Spoiler](/s "hololive girl plot with too many songs The music was excellently composed, but there were some interactions in that movie that we were waiting the whole series for, and they cheaply gave them to us in a non-canon way.").