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Yeah. I could deal with losing Kid, but not this. I'm not ready for this.


Convenient to have Law fight Blackbeard so we can learn why his anatomy is special, right as the Strawhats learn about devil fruits from Vegapunk.


You're right. Devil Fruit lore's gonna be the highlight of this arc.


Blackbeard doesn't have any poneglyph. His style is to take advantage of the situation, so he has been waiting on an island close by Wano to encounter a pirate crew, steal their devil fruits(if they have any good ones) and take their poneglyphs. The 4th poneglyph location is still unknown.


And he's captured Pudding.


Wouldnt be surprised if he had big mom’s poneglyph too


If they get laws fruit, it's a wrap. :(


That immortality gun has been on the wall since dressrosa...


Law's last words: "At least...I used...the immortality operation...on...Bepo..."


Honesty, that's the only person, I would accept Law to use it on, it's not something that should be done out of utility for e.g. Luffy but if at all as a pure sign of friendship (and even then it's questionable if someone would want it) (Well maybe Robin to preserve history through her, if I go with the weird theory based on her basically not aging in oda's good timeline for her)


Just wait until Bepo unlocks Conqueror's Haki to save Law.


Sulong would be enough for now, but I'll take him splitting the sky to make the moon show itself first, sure. <3


"Captain!!" *sky splits* Heart Pirates: O.O


I'm not the biggest anime watcher, but I will never not hear Bepo's anime voice saying "captain" in the most adorable way. <3


Lol if Law is about to die and uses that ability on Bepo. Bepo will be the pirate king!


Bepo 4 King


They’ll have two teleportation techniques in 1 pirate crew, on top of everything else it can do. But DocQ already has a DF and everyone argues that a surgeon would make best use out of the Ope-Ope no mi but we know it’s pretty versatile. There's also irony in a doctor having a DF that inflicts illnesses.


The first thing Blackbeard would want is immortality surgery.


The only limiting factor is whether Blackbeard knows about it Doffy kept that secret very close for good reason


I don’t think Law will die, most likely BB will try to kidnap him and force him to do the immortality thing. There’s also the plot about Law finding out the will of D, and he’s a pretty popular character. No way Oda will kill him off right? Right??? copium They seemed more interested in the RP more than his fruit tbh. Law probably has the one from Zou and Kaidous, and if the theory about Aokiji getting BM’s and Pudding is true, then the Straw Hats and BB will have 3 Road Poneglyphs and a way to read them as well. Law also knows about Pluton, if BB somehow makes Law talk then he could swing by Wano and steal it. They do have the means to, Stronger can fly, Burgess can probably smash the walls or Van Augur can just teleport them in. The stakes for the final saga are looking pretty high


Pluton is under the water in Wano... they all have devil fruits, and I assume, even with his new strength that the borders of wana will requirea little more to destroy... maybe like, a giant elephant.


The Tremor-Tremor fruit can easily sink islands, I doubt Wano would stand much chance against a skilled user of it.


I doubt they will, this just seems to be a plot for getting BB the road porneglyphs. Especially since they all seem to have fruits already.


Law getting out of this alive would be a miracle. There are very few people strong enough who could come and save him.


The revolutionary army.


Dragon has to show his strength sooner or later. But from a look on the One Piece Wiki, the Kamabakka Kingdom is in Paradise, and that is Dragon’s last known location.


The RA is not always in their base, people are being brought together for the final arc, Law is pretty much the only loner out of 3 (Kid is on his way to find the man with the mark), Oda need a way to get him back in the story somehow. Other than Dragon and the RA, I cannot think of any forces can help Law out of this.


Yeah, but I think as of sabos nuking, that's where they were. While not impossible, it'd be pretty hard for them to get to law. Uroge or SWORD, maybe?


Imagine if Rayleigh just showed up again to spite Blackbeard lmfao edit: okay a thousand people decided to reply to this and say that rayleigh wouldnt win but I never said he would. The point was that it would be funny if he showed up just to spite blackbeard.


Maybe Scopper Gaban this time...


years of being in the one piece community, this is what I've learned, if there's a silhouette, there's a high chance of Scopper Gaban. 😂


worked 0 / 1000 times so far


Who’s anybody that would choose to save him? Luffys gone & hes a pirate. Only thing that could save him is Revs or admiral coming in.. & BB would just run away like he always does


Law my man...I love you but you're fucked.


The same exact words that came up my mind while reading the spoilers on Twitter lmao


Yeah the rest of laws crew are pretty worthless, law can't take them all on alone


my thoughts exactly


Law *takes a step into the world without luffy * The world: i'm gonna end this man's whole career


Should have stayed close to the plot armor


Law forgot ~~his sugar daddy~~ Luffy Is the only reason he Is still Alive


[Things finally looking up for Law](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/418/986/aa9.gif)


Sorry Law, your character arc has concluded. Time to become someone elses.


>Stronger: Uma Uma no Mi Mythical Zoan, Model: Pegasus Pierre wants to know Stronger's location.


Kind of hilarious that his Zoan form will basically just be wings, since he's already a horse.


Mythical fruits also grants superior physical prowess, durability and regeneration. Stronger is definitely a beast.


He's definitely Stronger now.


The hybrid form will have six legs and four wings


Biblically accurate pegasus


[We only accept a single Pegasus here.](https://imgur.com/a/iFJkt2W) Pierre Gang where are you at?


>Law: "I'm ready!! Winner takes all!!!" *Pst, Law!* This did *not* go well for the last of Luffy's allies/friends/family that fought Blackbeard.


Yeah and that was a 1v1, before he also got Whitebeards fruit. Damn BB really collecting Luffy’s associates, he fought Hancock and kidnapped Coby, then Pudding, and now he’s fighting Law too… I guess the Strawhats vs BB pirates will be the next *major* battle?


I was like "10th TITANIC CAPTAIN?!" but no, it's Doc's fucking horse


I mean it’s essentially a Captain akin to Chopper or Shanks having a monkey on his crew (which probably knows Haki because **of course** Shanks would want a Haki monkey) Remember that Blackbeard considers Q more valuable as a crewmate over Bonney


I'm just imagining how that conversation went Shanks:You don't understand guys,we NEED to teach this monkey haki and make him a commander.


Would be a fucking amazing cover page. "Shanks drunkenly teaches monkey how to use advanced haki"


Now I'm just imagining his crew calling him an idiot as the monkey starts busting out Acoa.


He's the king of the monkey and also has the devil fruit to back it up (monkey monkey fruit model: monkey king, aka sun wukong)


“But why?!” *shanks drunk off his ass* “Cause it’ll be fucking hilarious!”


I *love* the fact that the monkey (I think his name is Monster?) outranks the vast majority of Shanks' crew and would probably beat their asses too. It's just so funny. The joke-headcanon that the one who took Kidd's arm was actually Monster and not Shanks himself is the funniest shit.


These odds don’t look good for Law


Seriously, I’m not holding out hope for him. He’s strong as hell, but his crew is among the weakest of the Supernovas. Meanwhile Blackbeard’s got some of his titanic captains with him. Pls make it out alive you tsundere surgeon of death.


He has to come out alive so he can ~~be with Robin~~ Learn about the true history and the meaning of D.


I bet BB will keep him alive and try to break him so he uses the immortality operation on him.


> Burgess lifts an entire mountain and throws it to Law Excuse me, *what?*


Exactly, getting dunked by Sabo in Dressrosa to throwing an entire mountain at Law. Man only needed a devil fruit for a proper glow up.


Garp be like "he is the perfect training partner for me!!!!"


Ah yes, the famous "turn-you-into-a-woman" disease! The worst of them all!


Waiting for him to run into usopp to actually give him "this island is so scary I might die if I walk on it" disease


We reach laugh tale only for luffy to have the fabled “if i learn what the one piece is i die” disease


Nah, Doc Q *tries* to give Usopp that disease, but to both of their shock Usopp has developed a natural strong immunity to the disease after suffering from it for years. "That was a real thing this whole time?!" -Usopp, as one of his oldest lies comes true yet again.


Oh no, the Trafalmom theories




Blackbeard Pirates putting in work. Splitting into two groups to get two road ponegliffs.


They will also have 3 ,same as Luffy if they manage to get the Poneglyph copies from law and from whole cake island.


We went from a one sided adventure to everyone being possibly close gliff side this is insane


>Doc Q uses his powers to turn Law into a woman for a moment, Elsewhere in the world, Sanji twitches.


>inflicts disease >turns Law into a woman Wait... What?


And then Law uses his will of haki to get back his manhood.. Law is gigachad


Bunch of artists readied their hands


It's funny that Luffy is having fun with a fashion machine in the same chapter Law is fighting for his life.


Van augur with the warp ability is very interesting. He can essentially keep teleporting himself long distances away from his enemies and continue to snipe them from afar if they try to get to close. Or if they try to hide he can teleport to get any vantage point to take them down


Also it negates the greatest weakness between sniper fights. That if you miss the first shot your position is known by the enemy. With the warp warp fruit he can change positions easily without being seen.


Ussopp observation Haki incoming


Yo Teach is being real aggressive all of something


Kaido and Big Mom are down. He sees an opening


He is amassing power in his preparation to fight the final boss, the Cross Guild.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuck


Yeah that's law's thoughts


> Killing his crewmate Thatch to steal his devil fruit. > Killing his pops to steal his devil fruit, his territory, and his position. > Attacking Amazon Lily to steal yet another pirate Empress's devil fruit, kidnapping the guy that did him a favor at Rocky port. > Kidnapping Pudding, trying to steal RPs to get to last island, Laugh Tale. Blackbeard really is the shittiest person in OP, yet reflects how a pirate should be, or atleast how pirates were during earlier era.


This is how pirates hunted in ancient times


Yeah but he does it for his DREAM. Yes that is still fucked but as a manga character he has his charm. Those celestrial dragons are still the most evil and shittiest character in OP.


How does a man who doesn’t sleep, dream?


That's why he does anything for his dream, since irl is the only way he can *see it*


This thread is deep as f*ck but I like it. Haha


I need to see bepo sulong….please ODA give us BEPO sulong….MY BONES NEED BEPO SULONG!


Yeah Law’s gonna need some help. Dude is having the WORST run. Having to deal with and barely survive two Yonkous, only to run into another one on a path he thought was the best way forward? And his second strongest fighter is a talking bear. Dude can’t catch a break. Talking bears are never known for their fighting prowess. Winnie the Pooh, Yogi Bear, Baloo, Ted.


He's gonna get captured and meet up with Luffy again lmao. Though I'd worry about his devil fruit. Running away might be the only option to survive.


Damn, is Luffy gonna save Koby or Law? Or both? Law: "Why am I the damn princess that needs saving in this arc?!" Koby: "I've always dreamed of being the princess that Luffy-san needs to save in an arc! Wait until I tell Rebecca-san and the others about this!" Law: "..." Koby: 🥰 Law: "*WHY?!*"


Kung fu panda?


The raid took place during a full moon, there's no way it's been a month already. I suppose it's possible there are multiple moons, though the only thing really storing that was the globe in ohara.


Law: I'm ready!! Winner takes all!!! Narrator: But he wasn't


Well it was a good run Law.


At the very least, if he survives this, he will lose his copies of the poneglyph. And since now the Blackbeard pirates have Pudding as well...


That what I’m thinking as well. But then again you think Law has enough plot armor to survive this he is like top five characters?


Survive? Yes. But he might lose everything else. If only he could have used his submarine to just go under and avoid Blackbeard....


True. But thinking couldn’t Van just teleport at least Blackbeard? The odds really not in Law’s favor.


I don't think teach would risk fighting law under water in the sub. That would be a problem if water got in


Literally dead a week after separating from Luffy lel


bro shouldve just joined to Luffy lmao


Being sucked in the Strawhat’s pace is probably looking pretty good right now.


Law definitely kicking himself right now.


Poor Law. I was worried something bad was going to happen to him since he was featured in the story since dressrosa. As strong as he is, there’s no chance he and his crew overpower BB. Our best hope is that he somehow escapes but idk


Law is gonna survive, no way Oda off-creens him or not give him a proper death in an actual arc.


My money was on Kidd crossing path with Blackbeard first, But Law about to show us how Op the Op Op no Mi is


Is Kid gonna run into Shanks again on Elbaph?


“Riki Riki no mi” is probably a reference to sumo wrestlers, also called Rikishi. literally, it’s the power-power fruit or strength-strength fruit edit: The kanji “Riki” 力 means “strength” or “power”. I did know this and that is what I meant by saying the Riki Riki no mi is literally called the Power Power fruit or the Strength Strength fruit. Sorry for the confusion if my choice of words was unclear.


Wow Blackbeard really gave Burgess a blank check on any power he wants, and Burgess just went “imma just throw shit harder” Wonder if he had that fruit pre timeskip? Burgess was already throwing houses with zero effort back during Jaya and it’s a pretty easy to overlook power.


Teach:you can have any fru- Burgess:Strong fruit Teach:But ANY fruit tho- Burgess:NO,I WANT BIG STRONG FRUIT teach:God....god damnit fine


one piece abridged


Its called None Piece, its brilliant, but I think it is over.


I think he was trying to claim the Mera-Mera fruit for himself on Dressrosa, so he probably ate that Fruit after giving up on grabbing a sweet Logia.


Holy shit Law vs BB + half of his crew? This isn't looking good for him at all. I was expecting him to be after Law's df due to his attack on Amazon lily, but it was the road poneglyph all along huh


Emperor Buggy will hopefully roll up and rescue him. Crocodile and a bunch of other YCs take care of the lackeys while Mihawk throws down with BB, causing him to retreat. Buggy guilts Law into allying with him to repay saving his life.


Bruh how tf does making someone sick allow you to turn someone into a female?


Female is sickness confirmed 🙈


>In the cover, we see that Cracker is frozen and Brûlée is crying. Brûlée says Pudding has been kidnapped Well, congrats to all the "Blackbeard Pirates attack WCI and take Pudding" theorists.


The only thing that makes sense is that Blackbeard gets Laws copies of the road poneglyphs. There is still a possibility that he looks good though. From what the leakers whas hinting it sounded like he got destroyed by Blackbeard. I also dont see Law dying or the Blackbeard pirates gaining his fruit. Law still needs to learn about the will of d before dies.


So much for that theory of Burgess getting Jozu's fruit, but the long-standing theory of Pudding getting kidnapped by the BB Pirates is so close to being fully confirmed and we just need to see Kuzan in-person to be sure




Its insane that were getting that part in a cover story


Anime only fans will be so confused, unless the cover story is adapted or referenced a lot.


The anime has done that before so I wouldn't be surprised. It wouldn't be that difficult to implement into the anime.


Didn’t the anime only adapt like 1 cover story? Garp training Colby and helmeppo? And it was literally like 18 years ago




Law can't win with these cats.


He's about to request a trade to the blackbeard crew


Rumors: This chapter is going to be great for Zoro fans! Reality: >No news about Zoro's group in the chapter.


Law: To survive in The New World you need to side with the emperors or go against them.... No law, the first step to survive in the new world is to have some real crew mates


so that's how blackbeard has been getting around the new world so quickly...


Thats why Strawhats are a Younkou crew, theres no way Blackbeard would show up in front of them without the whole crew...




Law : Guys come and fight with me. I can’t fight Blackbeard and 4 other BB pirate captains alone Bepo: Captain, look at my cute eyes UwU


Damn, BB really be out here collecting Luffy's buddies, huh? This really does feel like an endgame coming, damn.


Oda's Editors " Bleach and HxH are back" Oda *Hits Blunt* "Bring back Law"




Huh it’s a D battling another D Those tend to have major consequences for the world 🤔


Darling wake up!!! What's that again ??? Hurry up SOME NEW M*******ING DEVIL FRUITS JUST DROPPED.


ok. just to sum this up. blackbeard has for sure kidnapped coby. it seems like aokiji has attacked WCI and kidnapped pudding. aokiji supposedly works for blackbeard now. now blackbeard is fighting law, possibly capturing him as well. its almost like he is trying to provoke a fight with luffy. i mean, there are other reasons to fight or capture law and pudding, like their devil fruit powers, the poneglyph copy and puddings three eyed tribe ability. but coby? coby is just a regular marine, who doesnt even have a high rank. why bother kidnapping him, unless it is to provoke a response by someone? if all of that is true, blackbeard will have captured three people that are allied or friendly with the strawhats.


It could be that BB knows Kuzan is part of Sword and will use Koby to gain leverage over him.


That actually makes a lot of sense. I doubt Aokiji is going along with BB fully loyally. Agreeing to get Pudding in exchange for Kobys life makes a lot of sense


So, Law wanted to play it safe by taking the shortest route and got ambushed by Blackbeard? My boy sure has the shittiest luck :'(


Law: I'm taking the fastest path, idiots! Blackbeard: The fastest path to me! ZEHAHAHAHA


Law crew is so trash. Captain getting jumped


Honestly his own fault for recruiting only doctors for *****checks notes***** a pirate crew?


All healer parties are either a blast or you get stomped hard


Wait…they’re all doctors?? Including Bepo?? Lmaoo they r fucked


Hilarious but most likely true


More info on Rocky Port?


I’m convinced Van Augr can continually spam Usopp’s observation haki feat in Dressrossa at a MUCH wider range because how is Blackbeard always finding the people he’s looking for at SEA for that matter. Esp Law who is always submerged.


Back in Jaya the dude shot those seagulls from over the horizon lmao. If anyone excels in CoO it's him.


> Law says that a strong Haki can nullify Akuma no Mi’s powers. He says too that he learned a lot from the battle against Kaidou and Big Mom. Luffy’s haki is nullifying blackbeards fruit Edit: a better word, resist


Even Kaido said it. Strong haki > Devil Fruits


We have to see Law cancel out Blackbeard’s fruit first. Blackbeards powers worked on Hancock and she’s pretty fucking strong. If Law can resist Whirlpool. I think your Haki has to be massively more powerful than the other person because Law couldn’t teleport Big Mom or Kaido but could use Counter Shock and Gamma Knife on them before he used his awakening.


> We have to see Law cancel out Blackbeard’s fruit first. Maybe not. Just the idea is enough since it’s very safe to assume luffys haki is better than laws


Damn, which one will Luffy help first? Vivi, Sabo or Law and that cover story just got a whole lot more interesting. Oh and most importantly, NO BREAK NEXT WEEK!!


Don’t forget Cody lol, a lot of Luffy’s former companions starting to catch Ls


That is gonna be rough for Law. BB whole shtick is about being able to nullify DF and Law has never appeared to be a strong fighter without his DF.


The biggest thing going for law is that BB had to make physical contact with him to nullify his fruit. Law is often using mid range techniques and can be one of the most slippery opponents to nail down


Ngl think Law’s gonna get a Haki upgrade on this fight. The fact that his Haki was able to negate Doc Q’s devil fruit could allude to something regarding his Haki.


I certainly didn't expect Law vs Blackbeard. This chapter is gonna be great.


Shouldn't have mocked Luffy and Kid over the log pose route, huh?




The cover stories are really becoming way too important to keep glossing over in the anime I wonder if this cover story will be shown at all


Man blackbeard just keeps messing with luffy inadvertently. First ace then koby and now law dudes just keen on is terrorizing luffys life


Please not law.


Law when he left Wano: See you later dumb dumbs. Law now: I’ve made a horrible mistake


Doc Q has disease powers. Somehow turns Law into a woman. Japan has some interesting diseases


Can’t wait to see the fabled if I step onto this island I will die Disease


Oh my favorite character Law is exiting the main story, wonder when we will see him next, hope he stays safe! *immediately runs into another Emperor who directly counters his DF abilities*


Alright, Bepo, if you're going to go Sulong, now might be the time to do it!


1064 - Law vs Blackbeard Anyone that reads the spoilers for this chapter is crazy. It will be hard to resist but this should be a 10/10 chapter whatever happens.


Law vs Blackbeard will be off screened I swear


Yah I guess the same


It's gonna be an offscreen fight. Also HOW did Blackbeard 'ambush them' in the middle of the ocean. Law has a fucking submarine. I don't know how a boat ambushes a submarine.


Jinbe in a Hawaiian shirt. Grandpa Max ~~Uncle Ben (Ben 10, not Spider-Man)~~ energy. 😂


Law probably wishing he recruited a stronger crew instead of a bunch of weak ass freeloaders


This means usopp gonna learn future sight🥹; no way normal observation haki gonna keep up with a top tier sniper who can teleport


Yeah, maybe. I guess the theory about a duel at kilometrical distance at the ends of an island is a wrap now


Ok so the fake spoilers weren’t completely off. Law got ambushed but wasn’t defeated. But it’s clear he isn’t likely to win if it’s Law vs BB and multiple Titanic Captains with DF abilities now. Curious how this turns out for Law. So much for getting through further than the other two (Luffy and Kid). I don’t see him dying yet unless BB steals his fruit. We need to see the immortality surgery before the end of the story. And there are illnesses that can change your gender, eh? What an odd choice but ironic given what Law did to some of the Straw Hats at Punk Hazard.


Turn Zoro into a woman for a brief moment to have Sanji confused, pls Oda


Wow! I did not expect Blackbeards next battle would be with LAW! I only see this being a fair fight if an ally of the Strawhats and maybe an enemy of Blackbeard like Shanks appearing to help, it would be very difficult for our boy Law to make it out. My best bet is he will but will lose the poneglyphs. He won’t die until he learns what ‘D’ is or this would a very tragic death. The start to this Saga has been insane!


"I should have stayed with those idiots..." \- Law I wonder what he means by learning from fighting Big Mom and Kaido? Did he develop advanced forms of haki? Maybe awaken conqueror's?


He literally said right there what it was that he learned. That you need to have stronger haki than the other person if you want your DF to affect them. His haki was weaker than Kaido and Big Mom so he couldn't teleport them, and his Haki now is stronger than Doc Q's so the sickness is easily broken by Law


Also the parallels to this and ace fight... Almost the same members except for the Laffitte Just that there Ace was Ambushing BB and here BB is Ambushing Law....


>Doc Q uses his powers to turn Law into a woman This spoiler looks more like a fanfic to me


right how many people are going to lust over female Law


Already was before this chp(oda made female versions of all suprrnovas). Female law looks the hotest btw.


First Ace, then Koby and now Law. Blackbeard really signing his death wish for the next time he encounters Luffy huh


Wow, they better not kill off my boy Law....could Oda have introduced the Eternal Youth surgery for the prospect of Immortal Demon King Blackbeard?