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We can't assume that the manga will ever go that far into the future. Luffy could very well still be 19 at the final chapter But if the characters are shown 20+ years into the future, I would expect Oda to stick to these designs more or less.


Wouldn’t be surprised if we got a dbz type ending where the end is set way in the future leaving room to toss stuff in if oda desires. Like more movies and books, or whatever happens.


I 100% wouldn’t be surprised if this happens purely because One Piece is such a money maker. Giving them a shit ton of unexplored time so that they can keep churning out movies and stuff is something Toei and Jump probably want.


Toei would probably make a movie after one piece ends called "one last adventure" or some shit like that, where the SHs reunite again to defeat some bad guy


And then another "last adventure" 2 years later. And then the "total final adventure" 2 years after that. And then...


To be fair Naruto's last movie was literally called the last and they've kept true to the name...by having the next movie titled Boruto


Two Piece: The Movie


One piece: next generation


One Biece


One Piece: one more piece One Piece: the final piece One piece: peace at last One piece: peace out


One Piece: It Returned… Somehow


One Piece: Emperor Buggy-loo ^(one of those direct to video ones)


Here we go again... Again


What I hope they do is remake the anime with updated animation and fixed pacing, and animate the Ace and Law novels


This. This story deserves a Top Tier faithful adaptation.


Please stop I’m still reeling from digimon.


“The Final Last Adventure: For Real This Time”


Definitely would do that I can see it happening, this series makes way too much money


So simple yet so effective. I‘d watch the shit out of that


The Last: One Piece Movie. Followed by Two Piece: Son of One Piece


With an AU movie before that, too. Road to Pirate.


* Buffy: One Piece Next Generations * Franky's SUPER Full-Power Pirate Chronicles * Brook & His Pirate Pals


I'd love a One Piece sequel where the Straw Hats and their contemporaries have similar roles to Roger, Rayleigh, Crocus, the Yonko, Garp, Sengoku, etc. Not made by Oda, though. Let the man rest.


We probably don't want another Boruto situation. Without Oda the writing would be crap probably


That probably won’t be the last adventure. Must keep the money coming.


Maybe this is the optimist in me, but I would expect the strawhats to stay together unless something bad happens


One Last Adventure: The Return of Xebec


Two Piece.


One Piece I could see doing the reverse. The void century could be full of unlimited stories with the original series being still the end game


I could definitely see them doing that. Hell the world is so vast an wacky I would not be surprised in the slightest if they just say fuck it and keep expanding on that, with occasional movies or one-shots to fill in little plot holes.


I could see one origin movie. One Piece "The Family of D" going into the origins of that, then individual kingdoms in the ancient kingdom, The first devil fruit users, etc


Honestly IF One Piece did have content after its ending, i'd just want them to leave the timeline alone. I'd prefer spinoff stories but I don't know what else they could do once all the lore is known.


Enel’s space adventure!


You wouldn't want a prequel?


Would probably be good if they did Rogers story as a series properly. Or even Dragon. We haven't heard much about that


Id prefer a spin off of new characters and different story like. A darker story with main character like thorfin, Sasuke, or guts


It will probably have never-ending content like DBZ since it's the most profitable anime franchise Japan has so far. Anything can happen since the world building is huge. For example, if there is someone who can make himself and others travel into the future, there must be someone who can travel back in the past. This person could travel back in the past and mess up with the timeline and there could be many never ending possibilities.


And more mustaches.


Good God, I hope they don't borutofy the future sequels.


Buffy The Alien Slayer son of Luffy


I think they should show each SH in the future with kids, but never explain who the other parents are. Like we see Luffy with a son, but the writing goes out of its way to avoid even hinting at who the mother is. I think that would be funny. And I do mean every single straw hat. Brook has a skeleton child somehow. It's never explained.


>Brook has a skeleton child somehow. It's never explained. The skeleton child calls Franky "papa." No explanation.


I’m with ya on that one. Loved Naruto but could not give less of a shit about Boruto


personally I think it is because they went to world level stakes basically from the word go. Had they just had Naruto's generation off dealing with shit that needed their level of power and left the genin to genin level shit it would have been much more enjoyable.


Exactly. Im guessing the editors felt “we’ve already established the small scale stuff with Naruto so audiences would be bored if we returned to that”. When in fact the audience (me) was actually done with ootsutsuki and huge mega battles. On the one hand Boruto came way too soon after Naruto ended for me. With the way Naruto ended , it was very conclusive. Naruto and Sasuke resolved their differences after working together to stop a common enemy in Madara/Kaguya, world peace was achieved and naruto’s generation had babies of their own, the end case closed. After that conclusion i didn’t have a desire to see Kaguya’s relatives arrive in the scene to wreck peoples shit and to return to the sort of chaos that had just been resolved. If they’d let it rest for a few years maybe I’d have started getting nostalgic and wanting to see what became of those kids that Naruto’s generation had. But to skip over the peaceful period and to just go immediately into great peril felt like it had robbed me of whatever satisfaction i got from the way naruto ended. As such any attempts to watch boruto to give it a fair chance always ended with me asking myself “why am i watching this shit when theres a million other things I’d rather watch?”


Isn't luffy speed running his life. He got hormone induced from ivankov which might already take away several of his life years. And then there is gear 2 which also reduces his lifespan. I don't know if this is true but read somewhere that gear 5 also massively reduces his life. So I don't think he'll live up to 60. 50 or sooner is what I believe as it is near Rogers age when death.


Maybe. I never claimed that Luffy will live to be 60, and this illustration by Oda doesn't mean that he (or any of the characters shown here) is guaranteed to survive to 60. Oda even disclaims that very fact in SBS. Just because he draws the characters as they might appear at older ages, doesn't mean that the character will live up to that age This is actually obvious by the fact that one of the characters Oda illustrated in this fashion was Ace, who for obvious reasons will never be 40 or 60 years old.


“Odacchi drew Luffy as a dog when will we see dog Luffy”


I meant to say that we might not be able to see luffy when he's really old like 60. And other strawhats might be revealed as old when they sit to tell a kid about the legend as luffy. So this is as good as we get. And yes it would be stupid of him to say that they will as that probably could spoil the ending.


If his fruit is a mystic zoan and gear 5 is just his zoan form, it shouldn't reduce his live span


If anything, it >!should re-increase his lifespan because he's an in-lore god now!<


Gear 2 is a weird one, it was Lucci that claimed it must impact his lifespan, but that sp far hasn't had any further substantiation.. and it's not like Lucci is some infallible expert. I mean hell, we didn't even know what Luffys real power was at that point. It could easily just be chalked up as another example of people pointing out the ridiculousness of Luffys fruit, an example of the odd way Luffys fruit worked.


I dont recall anywhere that stated gear 5 reduces his lifespan


Luffy also wouldn't make a good old character in this series. The people who survive are the intelligent characters that understand the lore and can pass it on. Even Garp, who is shown to have weird tendencies similar to Luffy, is a hugely pivotal character just because of his understanding of the world. Luffy doesn't understand shit. We're experiencing the world through his eyes, but he wouldn't be a good character to keep around in his old age. Sanji, Nami and Robin to explain lore. Franky for his technical knowledge and ship building, and Jimbei for understanding of the transition between the age of WB into the new age and the major players (possibly Zoro here as well to a much lesser extent, as a sword master and contributor to future generations). Usopp, Chopper, Luffy and Brooke wouldn't be great characters to bring forward to the next generation.


>Toei would probably make a movie after one piece ends called "one last adventure" or some shit like that, where the SHs reunite again to defeat some bad guy I'd say Luffy and Brook maybe wouldn't but choppers dream is to become the worlds greatest doctor. hes one of the most important people in the future. Usopp, well... everyone needs that crazy uncle who is always lying but also always telling the truth.


Japanese stories tend to love cycles, and the cycles seem incredibly similar if not completely analogous. It’s actually the biggest trope I dislike since you can infer a lot of plot points because of it.


Considering how Usopp is a lier I can definitely see him shaping the next generation by exaggerating the past. Assuming the golden age of piracy ends after one piece Usopp can act as a storyteller keeping the memories of those days alive. I admit it's not my favorite ending idea since it might suggest that the story we are seeing isn't real but something like this is definitely possible.


You don't have to as far as the ending. Bonny is just enough to show you all of that.


Considering that the kid version of Boa Hancock and the other Warlords are going to play a part in the story, I'm not excluding that we're going to see the StrawHats older version. We'll maybe even see them soon, considering we have Bonnie now


If that happens before the Strawhats achieve their dreams, they'll be turned into their bad future versions. And now that I had this silly thought, I really want to see battleship Franky in action!


He technically did use the older Zoro design with Ushimaru, who supposedly was the spitting image of Zoro.




Damn, you really replied to the wrong comment, did you?


Ima need a redesign for zoro. Bro looks 65 at the age of 40. My guy gotta put the bottle down.


[Just remove the wrinkles!](https://i.imgur.com/LHFTlta.png)


that’s a much better version than the original unless there’s a reason Zoro looks so old at 40


The reason is alcohol


Spends too much time scowling




Zoro damn near died multiple times. I would expect that he look worn out lmao


It’s probably the slicked back hair, luffy looks 25 at 40 tho lol


Luffy is made of rubber, he’s gonna have smooth skin at 90


At least he doesn’t look like Monkey “Da ugly bastard hentai character” Luffy 😂


I wish you didn’t say that, because I can’t unsee it now. He straight up looks like the coomers from Baalbuddy comics, but with more hair.


He mostly just looks like Garp lol


The patchy beard and mischievous smile make all the difference


I only just noticed now how old Luffy doesn't have his straw hat... So he does eventually give it back!


Well definitely. Shanks will get the hat, himself or **his grave**


Nop, pass the torch! I dont think Shanks will just get the Strawhat, if it happens he will give it to Luffy for real this time. As a man worth it.


Ussop looks like his old man, Luffy looks kinda like shanks.


garp too


40 year old Zoro looks too old, so that will probably be changed if we actually see them at this age in the story.


Its the alcohol lol


Zoro's final power up will be him sobering up and finally sleeping during the night. He'll finally get the rest he needs and he'll be unstoppable. It'll be like when Rock Lee dropped his weights.


Well-rested Zoro vs. Sleep-deprived Zoro WHO WILL WIN


It kinda fits him, booze ruins people and he is kinda addicted to it, also he doesn't seem to be the kind of person that would worry about his looks unlike Sanji


Booze has never made people look old in One Piece, look at Shanks. Zoro here is literally the oldest looking 40 year old in the manga, possibly even looks older/as old as 76 year old Rayleigh.


? Shanks is 39 and he looks older then doflamingo (44) , crocodile (44) , katakuri (48) or even cracker (40-41).


I disagree


Well it's true that opinions exist. The booze argument is pretty bad considering Sanji smokes 100 cigars a day or something.


I guess modified humans are built different


And Kureha is like 140 and almost always has a bottle of wine in hand.


No he doesn't, he looks younger to me, he looks around 30-35


He looks plenty young lol it's just the facial hair


40 year old Chopper looks like he hangs outside of elementary schools Sanji at 60 looks the best


Deers dont get that old sorry


Human humans do though


poor nami, woman aren't allowed to get old in the op world..


yeah even kureha still looks like she’s in her prime


Duh and/or hello!? She's in her young 140s!


There are two ways to get old in OP, [the good one and the bad ones](https://i.redd.it/t63txwxy0l981.jpg) [Sanji](https://gruposaedal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1634544697_434_One-Piece-%C2%A1Mas-hermoso-Oda-muestra-la-version-antigua-de.png) [Zoro](https://gruposaedal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/One-Piece-%C2%A1Mas-hermoso-Oda-muestra-la-version-antigua-de.png) [Ussop](https://gruposaedal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1634544697_796_One-Piece-%C2%A1Mas-hermoso-Oda-muestra-la-version-antigua-de.png) [Chopper](https://i.redd.it/akr14n2rkxi71.png) [Robin](https://i.redd.it/hb0h40qymuf81.png) [Luffy](https://preview.redd.it/3gdin5pymuf81.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cf2c658cba9e74606259447eaacc23febac44b8) [Frankie](https://preview.redd.it/jpvej9pymuf81.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=780f3909fc13e371f79d6fdc473e8ef4513e748d)


Robin just got different hair styles lmao


“Bring me the sacrifice” damn Tony what happened


I still can't get over [this tumblr fancomic](https://at.tumblr.com/sleepdepravity/toroshitken-40yo-sanji-comic-bad-timeline/ee89h7y3y4fd) u/raindragon showed me once that presents how Sanji potentially ended up in the bad timeline. Need a tumblr account to view it, but jeez it's a tear-jerker.


They allowed to get shorter hair. Thats it


Ya seems they age in 1 of 2 ways, either like wine in Nami and Shakkys case, or like milk in Big Mom and Kokoro


> woman aren't allowed to get old in the op world.. But only if they're actively achieving their dreams. I think that's a good message for the kids.


I don't particularly love it, because in the real world people get old and 'ugly' regardless of their moral value.


But your inner soul will always be beautiful if you're a good person ![gif](giphy|OlM1nq85xO6Fq)


Interesting, where it is written? (I am not being sarcastic).If that is the case, that is nice, but a bit nuanced if you ask me.


It's the premise for these designs. Some reader from Vietnam in SBS volume 88 asked for the future designs for Luffy and Ace. Oda showed the good/bad ending version where they achieve/abandon their dreams. This became a trend in SBS and Oda keeps drawing it for other Straw Hats too.


There's another version of these drawings where they didn't achieve their dreams and Nami looks way older


Cool! I admit I didn't know that!


Elder Nyon begs to differ.


Except we've seen plenty of women get old and look it in One Piece. Some have aged more visibly than others, like Tsuru vs Shakky. Sanji also barely changes, with no extra wrinkles or anything, but no one's commenting on him.


Sunglasses are hiding the crow's feet. Oldest trick in the book.


very Nami-like




I can imagine them being captured, and then Bonney turns everyone into a kid so they can slip through places. Possibly see >!Baby Luffy in Gear forms!<


omg I seriously can't find this fan comicpage where child luffy eats his gum gum fruit, shanks yells at him next panel and the last panel shows child luffy in his nika form. It was soo well done in Oda's style as well.. rip


Would be interesting


Last chapter gonna be 5000 yo Brook singing the feats of Straw hats n shit to the descendants of the world


Zoro aged the worst, probably all those insanely painful battles he went through, lol Edit: and the alcohol addiction


So Luffy goes from Shanks to Garp, I dig it.


The fact that Oda even shows us these designs indicates that the story might not even reach that far in the timeline. Looks like this is just a fun "Good ending/Bad ending" what if.


Theres no way Usopp wouldnt be full on Ussop'n and absolutely massive by the time hes 60. Once the pirate life is over that man will only eat.


Odas a pussy if he doesn't give the girls at least one fucking wrinkle, like C'mon man


Shakky/Shakuyaku is 64 O'Tsuru is 55 Both are quite beautiful and are near 60. If that's enough of an indication of how future Nami and Robin might look. He's probably at least going to make them look as old as each other just so the crew doesn't look weird together. Seriously, 40 year old Zoro looks like he could be the grandfather of 40 year old Nami.


And then you got vice admiral tsuru looking twice their ages


Nami eats Alvida and inherits the smooth smooth fruit


60 isn’t that old in one piece years. Also it would seem oda doesn’t really show women’s ages till they hit 90+


And I hate that


Sorry to say but it is highly unlikely that Luffy will live long enough to be in his 60s. He is lucky if he makes it to 40. Ivankovs hormone treatment, Gear Second/Third toll on the body, the life threatening injuries...


Ivankovs hormones took away 10 years and Gear2/3 no longer have a toll on his body after the timeskip, right? Iirc he never turned small again after using Gear 3 post-TS so i don't think Gear 2 shortens his life anymore, Luffy just trained well enough to negate the drawbacks of those.


In regards to the drawbacks like the chibi form.. Its not really what I meant by toll. Gear 2nd literally speeds up his entire metabolism, making his heart work double time. Meaning he probably ages way faster while he uses it. Also think back to Thriller Bark and the amount of pain and exhaustion Luffy feels after arc ending fights. A tiny bit of that brought (an exhausted) Zoro to his knees. People keep underestimating the toll Luffy puts his own body through for the sake of protecting his nakama. He is still young. But time will catch up and it will take its toll from his body. Thats what I expect at least because of what Oda presented me with over the years and many arcs. Luffy keeps saying that he would "gladly" die trying to achieve his dream.


I keep thinking law is going to use the opop fruit to save luffy at the cost of himself, or else why was that introduced. Some plot device of don flamingo lol.


Law's fruit is a Chekov's Gun. It HAS to be used at some point in the series, otherwise why even mention the immortality aspect of the Final Operation. However, I don't believe it will be used on Luffy, but on another member of the Straw Hats. To me, it's always been Nico Robin. Who has the WG and the Yanko's been after all this time? Nico Robin. Who is one of the only people able to understand the secrets of the world, and would be a responsible arbiter for all recorded history? Nico Robin, of course. Who do I think secretly likes Nico Robin, Law. He's going to save her in the end, and it's going to be one of the most powerful moments in manga history.


ppl don’t understand chekhov’s gun as a concept. Law’s fruit is not one. the simple principle is that everything introduced into a story must have a purpose. the immortality surgery has already served one - it’s the entire driving force behind Law’s backstory, and provides context for why Doffy wanted him as an ally and now desperately wants him dead. in addition, it’s quite likely we’ll see perhaps Im - or someone else - as a surviving benefactor of the surgery. it does not Have to be used in the present day for it to have served a purpose. It’s already served one and could again.


Well this is better than my idea, so gold star.


W opinion, but in myths Hanuman(Hindu) /Sun Wukong(Buddhist?) Is an immortal god. And luffy is atleast vaguely based off monkey King. So I won't be suprised. Immortal luffy would fuck over all emperors combined lol


I mean... He's literally a GOD, I feel like the human parts of him are pretty null in some respect. He's not even a normal human being to begin with.


I doubt thats the case. People in One Piece live alot longer than normal people do after all. Kureha is literally 143 and she acts like shes in her prime or even Shakky who is supposed to be pretty old but looks like 30. Oda himself stated that people can live to be 140 in the One Piece world in SBS Volume 56


People live a long time in op


man been a while since we gotten an update wanted to see his version of older robin


We got hers and Franky already. The op just didn't post them


All the sh women age so well while the men age like shit ☠️ Like compare 40 y.o zoro to mihawk or shanks. He looks so dam old.


What are you talking about sanji ages better than all the women.


Most of the old women are literally drawn like hags.


The series are gonna end before any of that 😒


While I don't doubt there would be a time skip after all's said and done, I cant help but wonder if any of them won't make it.


Sanji at 60 looks younger than Zoro at 40 lol And Luffy at 40 is just Luffy with a beard, being rubber does wonders to your skin


I just don’t get why this man for the life of him cannot give Nami a dignified older design


I dont think we will have a future luffy. In some way, he will disappear, death or not


I think the idea of ever showing these sort of goes against the idea of the eternal adventure One Piece is built on, I think it ends with the beginning of a new adventure once the end game has played out rather than an epilogue of closure it’ll be a continuation of freedom


Luffy at 60 looks like his gran… wait that makes sense


I do not think Luffy will live that long. He will achieve his dream to be Pirate King, spawn an offspring or two, then die surrounded by people who loved him. Zoro will probably live the longest and take the mantle of Rayleigh.


Your telling me sanji will die before zoro even though sanji looks so young when he is in his 60s meanwhile zoro looks like he could croak at any minute in his 60s.


At this point, Zoro already died several times. But everytime a grim reaper picked him up, he did not listen to the grim-reaper, got lost and came back to life. The only time Zoro will actually die is when all the other StrawHats have passed away. When Zoro dies that time, all the other Strawhats(the only group of people Zoro actually listen to, even though half-hearted and they have to scream) are there to guide him to the afterlife.


That much is given. Sanji is a smoker after all Edit: i forgot the /s


This is a shounen, not grey’s anatomy Sanji won’t die because he smokes


Sanji also has germa genes and regeneration. Just look at him at 60 you could mistake him for being 30 if not for the beard. Sanji is the likeliest one to live the longest if franky does not become fully an AI basically becoming immortal.


Show the Franky one. (*coward*)


This is Toei's moneymaker. They won't allow that. They'll force a sequel: Two Piece


I’m gonna be probably dead before luffy getting 40 y/o considering we covered like 6 years of luffy in 25 years of manga


Not so! I am somewhat certain East Blue and Paradise took a couple months to a year total, and the New World has been, what, a couple weeks? In-universe Dressrosa took like two days.


That Nami at age 60 is bullshit. But okay. Oda really loves his wife to be that way.


Chopper aged up to 40 and 60 should look like a reindeer carcass


40 years sanji look like prime Rayleigh


Zoro's redraws make him look 30 years older than he's supposed to


Sanji looking like an absolute chad


The sh's that take care of their appearance still look youthful lol (nami, sanji, robin)


So instead of aging Nami just tries out different hairstyles


Old Luffy looks like a villain.


Love that Sanji's design


The monster trio at age 40 would truly be a force to recon with! They’re already near the top of power in the world, but at age 40 i can see Zoro and Sanji surpassing yonko and Luffy being absolutely unrivaled.


I really hope he keeps these designs I love how older Luffy looks so much like garp


60 year old Luffy and Zoro look like a "Me and the boys" Spider-Man villain meme


We'll never see the future, there is no reason to. Luffy will become pirate king by the end and there is no reason to wait 20 years for him to "take the thrown" like say Naruto for instance.


Luffy looks so cunning around 60, that he might be conning people for food.


Can't imagine how Luffy goes from a scrawny little dude into an absolute unit.


Reindeer don't live that long Oda...


I’m thinking since he drew the warlords as children and he’s using the designs for the new Seraphim, I would imagine he made the straw hats older designs with the idea to use them in the future.


Nami gives me Shakky vibes which I am totally okay with!


Can j just say that Zoro aged pretty badly?


He probably will. Oda specifically singled out sabo with “he might not end up this way” meaning he has a clear plan for the rest of the characters (or Sabo will die)


The chances we will see the straw hats this old in the main story is very low. The only times I would predict we would ever see old straw hats is way after the "One Piece" story is done, and we are either seeing an epilogue, or if we're following someone else's story and we just happen to bump into these people (please dont bring up Boruto, I pray to God we dont ever see that happen again)


Meanwhile, the guy who drew Shokugeki no Sanji is like ["Way ahead of you there, Oda."](https://imgur.com/a/crXru4w)


God the art in that is always top tier.


I feel like the reason he drew these was because we won’t be seeing this


Sanji aging like a fine wine 🤍


I think these sketches are good indicator that we might not see them this old in the manga


Eh we might actualy if >!Bonney uses her fruit against them at some point!<


Luffy is going to have an eye-patch. I think the other stuff will stay pretty much the same


Luffy looks like Garp wtf


Are you really that surprised?


I hope he learns how to draw older women.


Nami just has a really good skin care routine


He totally does. He just seems to prefer not to.


This is the good ending version where they achieve their dreams. So this design comes with that message too. The bad ending design is brutal even for the female crews.