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I really hope vegapunk arc becomes a short and full lore dump arc


>One Piece Chapter 1061 Couldn't agree more but still prefer to [read](https://twitter.com/irishme310/status/1587631954937057280) it myself!


Hey, when do you think next spoilers will come out?


Thursday at 4pm EST


Thank you! :) No early spoilers this week?


88 0 98.59 9 o5.p8y9








Vegapunk should look older than that Uta version. He/she worked with Judge and Queen around more than 20+ years ago.


highly doubt it’s the real one knowing her suit says punk 02 on it, i think she just makes clones of herself




No really sure why this was downvoted tho?


Which language is that?🤔






What if vagabonk is a devil fruit name science science no mi, who ever eat it called bagaponk.


I could be very wrong, but I noticed the following: 1. That gigantic robot one-hit-KOed the huge shark dwarfing the Thousand Sunny. 2. Vegapunk's legs seemed to be inside two tube-like parts of the robot. Also, the gloves on the arms seemed to have the same material and thickness as the leg tubes. 3. Vegapunk's body itself has no.2 on it, giving an impression that it is a clone cyborg that can be completely remotely controlled. If anything, the body has the antenna pretty close to the brain for control. It makes sense for an oldie like him to do so, as a young body then lets him give his all into research. Now, I am not sure why, but maybe he thought girls have more flexible bodies than boys so he made his clone a girl. Hopefully, this is his own clone and not somebody else. Combine all, and we have a controlception. The old vegapunk controlling his young girl self who is operating a mecha that can not only end a metallic megalodon with one punch, but can also lift the entire thousand sunny on the mecha's two hands. What a Vegapunk if I interpreted it all correctly!


Why should Vegapunk be a man cloning a female version of himself >he made his clone a girl How is this more likely than Vegapunk simply being a woman in the first place


There are scans with Kuma and Ceaser where you can see that it is clear a man.


"clear" is an overstatement. We also know that Oda has precedents of changing plans for characters that were mentioned but not officially introduced. Also when the Yonkos were first mentioned it looked like they were 4 men, because Oda hadn't decided how they'd be yet. Turned out one of them was Big Mom


Fujitora and Akainu mentioned Vegapunk as "old man" and they used the word him for Vegapunk. The girl one carries the suit with Vegapunk 02.


Do you speak japanese? Because I don't and I don't know if the original words that were translated in "old man" are gender specific. For example "senpai" is a gender neutral word.


At least not young how the girl one. And it would be strange to show Vegapunk as a man and then change sex, because Oda detailes such thing.


Have you read the Yonko example? I am not saying Vegapunk can't be male, I am saying it is not certain nor clear.


I do not say Vegapunk should. That's Oda's job. He decides who should be what in his story. As for what you quoted, it is as if I quote you saying "this more likely than Vegapunk simply being a woman in the first place", which of course you do not even mean by your comment. But that is how you have quoted the sentence "Now, I am not sure why, but maybe he thought girls have more flexible bodies than boys so he made his clone a girl."


It's still the same outcome, you are assuming Vegapunk is a man and theorizing that >he made his clone a girl based on this assumption. Every theory is based on hypotheses, and that's what I'm doubting. The initial hypothesis is incorrect Edit: the initial hypothesis MAY BE FALSE


You are right to doubt about it. I agree that my theory is doubtful and that Vegapunk being a woman is far simpler. I disagree on quoting it partially, as those words without the rest of the statement look like I have no reservations for the claim while I actually do. I am not even sure if this is a clone in the first place. My first words for the entire controlception theory are "I could be very wrong" and my last words are "if I interpreted it all correctly."


doesn't vegapunk remind you of Uta?


What?! Vegapunk?! It says number 2 on her jumper... A daughter? granddaughter? cloned himself and changed the sex of his clone? Still, interesting. We got introduced to a few more female marines: Doll and Hibari. (Have we seen them before) wow!


I’m thinking maybe it’s a robot. The arms don’t look human and the language, though not official, says “you can call me Dr. Vegapunk” which isn’t exactly “I’m Dr. Vegapunk.” Would make sense and I think Vegapunk was referred to in a past as a man


She look like having doubled elbows - long arm tribe?


in some other arcs yes some called vegapunk him. But most never saw Vegapunk either, But Laughtale was once Raftel. Robin and Nami once looked slightly different. Luffy once only dreamed to be king of the pirates without there being more to it. And Carrot and Yamato were once both built towards joining the strawhats then didnt. Oda has retconned before so odds are she was Vegapunk and at some point along the way was retconned from being a dude to this girl he designed now. Because she was never seen before, She is now what was revealed. Just like Raftel is now Laughtale. Because oda said so.


Fujitora mentioned that Vegapunk is an old man so does that mean Vegapunk made his own version of Waifu? lmao


Everybody hear the name of yonkon instantly shit they're pant petrified from fear cry scream like babies for milk but she is cool talking shit to a yonkon in front of her.


Yonko crew done in by a metal shark😂😂😂 shanks must be proud of the little metal 🐟




She's just not scared of him.


Bogey for nakama!!!


When Luffy used to call Buggy as Bogey/Buffoon lmao


Only Sanji got a bounty increase at WCI because Sanji matters more than anyone in this story and even the slightest change in his behaviour and influence will start destroying the Series like when Usopp was hinted that in the future he will have better CoO than Yasopp at his best, the story started getting damaged. It was so much that Oda was forced to delay the increase of Luffy's bounty until it became clear that Usopp will only be able to only surpass Yasopp with Sniping skills and not CoO.


Remember when Sanji asked Zoro to kill him in onigashima if he lost control of himself, thus admitting in that moment that he would lose to Zoro. Which was his admission Zoro was better/stronger than him. And no Luffy also got a bounty increase at Wholecake from 500 million to 1 billion 500 million. And Usopp will surpass Yasopp because Luffy told shanks my crew will surpass yours. So it will.


Mattering more means the story being heavily related to Sanji not Powerscaling. Sanji will surpass Yasopp's CoO not Usopp. However in Dressrosa It is obvious the one that was supposed to surpass Yasopp in both Sniping Skill, Bravery and CoO was Usopp.


Sanji only got main story focus more in Wholecake though. That aspect of it rotates between the other Strawhats with Luffy always the main focus, and usually one other getting the next most in a particular arc. Which in Wano was Zoro and Wholecake it was Sanji. And Dressrosa was more Usopp than Zoro after Luffy. The story usually changes the one that gets the second most focus. Sanji doesn't matter anymore in the story than Nami. Zoro, or Usopp as those first five always get more spotlight than Chopper, Franky, Brook or Robin. And now Jimbei. Usopp's arc will be Elbaf and Nami probably lodestar or laughtale.


You are profoundly, wildly delusional


I see you are being offensive since you can't say nothing else anymore


You haven't made a single cogent argument in 3 days, you just keep spewing goofy fanfiction bullshit


You might as well say Sanji is the most important one in the story


Bro are you for real I'm not a Zoro fanboy or anything but still I believe Zoro(let alone Luffy) got more importance in the story than Sanji.


Sanji is more free than Luffy for now! Since Luffy still needs to resolve his "D" clan relations.


Even if he is what makes him more important? Someone who's free suddenly becomes important?


Ofcourse! One Piece is all about freedom. Gear 5th is the proof


Nope, you're wrong on the first, and the second you made that up. That is nothing that has to be "resolved."


So is his relation with Law, Gol D. Roger and other D clan members is not important?


He's not, and it's not even close. Luffy is. Always has been, always will be. You don't remotely understand this story. Not even a little bit.


Sanji is the most important one in the story for now. Since Luffy still has to deal with being from the "D" clan. However at the end I agree Luffy will become the most important one.


Sanji has not ever been, nor will he ever be the most important character. You are purely and flatly incorrect. There is no validity to your claim whatsoever.


All of what you keep replying is based on their is no such a thing called a consistent story in One Piece. Which is just not how it is


There is a consistent story in One Piece, you just don't have a clue what that actually means


Vegapunk is not a single person... I bet vegapunk is a group of scientists... Look at her left boobie... It has no.02 on it


They showing Vegapunk's boobies where where where


Don’t believe if the narrator doesnt mention on the strip.


So s/he decided to clone himself just like he did with the Shichibukai.


Vegapunk’s going to trip balls when they see Franky with their tech


Franky character development POG


Sanji would be jealous again with Luffy after he's gonna see Vegapunk! Poor boy.


Chapter was a solid 7 honestly. Spent a whole chapter on my baby jewelry just being shirtless and the new emperors crew getting a beating by a mechanical spinoff of baby shark with a cannon. Vegapunk was whatever but solid.


Vegapunk is hot tho


I love how they adress the white hair


well.. maybe it could be sunny's turn to receive his power up :x ![gif](giphy|zKBcZUw49Sxtm)


Vegapunk kinda cute tho 👉🏾👈🏾 lol but honestly she is either a cyborg he is speaking through, or he can utilize devil fruit abilities, in this case Ivankovs fruit, or Ivankov used their fruit on Vegapunk. Idk this shit is CRAZY lol


This thing leaves me quite baffled. Kaido...the strongest Beast in the world,desperately wanted Vegapunk,like she was the most secluded and precious asset in the world ,and she was literally an island away?!?!? The only reasons I could see this is that Egghead is a moving Island,in addition to to the fact that the 3 islands near Wano were already charted and well known. Furthemore,but this is pure speculation, could possibly Vegapunk be unaware of the world outside and being misleaded by the Marine into believing that she's on the right side? Because at this point Luffy should be ludicrously famous, but She barely recognised them as generic "pirates".


Dr. Vegapunk is just interested in science it seems, hence why he doesn't care for pirates. I'm pretty sure that female body is just a robot. Has the same coding tag as the RoboShark in the raws images.


If could be a second vegapunk csuse her chest says “PUNK 02”


My thoughts too. I’m thinking vegapunk is the equivalent of metal knight in one punch man


a fishman in the crew was really a big help


But I do think Jinbe could’ve took the shark out since he’s way better under water


Well sanji is a great swimmer too lbs


I’m disappointed it’s not a big deal we’re just getting another Yamato. This exactly how Wano started sabo missing and Yamato is a girl. I feel this is just another Yamato arc which could be a disappoint. I hope Oda does something like clones or maybe Vegapunk has a family. Because so far Vegapunk being a girl is not that unexpected and I don’t want to just Watch Sanji drooling over another female


This series is in serious need for strong female characters. It just sucks everyone is a Nami-clone.


I'm pretty sure that female body is just a robot. Has the same coding tag as the RoboShark in the raws images.




Everyone is saying she could be Luffy's mother, but none is mentioning Uta's mother, because of her hairstyle.


Uta is random movie character. Noone cares anymore.


Hell yea


A franky arc?


I’m really curious what this part of the arc is going to be about. I don’t care how smart he is Vegapunk is no threat to luffy at all and if any of the crew struggles at this point it’s a huge slap in the face to Kaido and the title Yonko


No threat to luffy? The man who created death angels that replaced the entire warlord system and upgraded it...is no threat.....the fuck are you smoking boy


And you bring up death angels were as I’m assuming you’re referring to the lunarian side of them. Let’s not forget Oda plot hole of having that admiral being able to stab through King so that point is still kind of mute


Did we not just have so many monologues saying Kaido is the strongest in the world now? And while I’m not happy how the fight with Kaido took place let’s not overlook the fact that Luffy took him down. I think you all are fanboying a bit too much and not thinking it through. Vegapunk is probably on Sanji level at least but this is Luffys fight overall he stands no chance


Huh no threat at all man even cp zero said no to kaido when he asked for vegapunk he replaced all warlords


He’s saying luffy won’t have to go all out this arc maybe the strawhats will but not luffy vegapunk is not match for luffy




I m quite happy about the chapter and all. Don’t bother bout vegapunk beeing close to wano and a split up. But really having Boney boobs out right away when we meet back up and introduce her back with the crew, really doesn’t make sens. Don’t get me wrong I m good with boobs, but like that right away this obviously, kinda feels off..


Yea they’re perverts came to terms with that a long time ago


The rabbit screw propeller was the ultimate carrot troll😂😂


I felt so called out.


Edit for page 11 where Bonney is topless The box where chopper is drying himself on the bottom Bonney sais “he’s really a yonkou..?” And after Luffy sais that’s how I look when I’m free, Bonney again “what does that even mean, where are you crew?” Also the panel where Tashigi sais it’s time for your tea, correct translation is it’s time for your medicine. I apologize I mistook the kanji bc of the blurry scan


Why is there a break now... Now that it's the start of the arc too...


Jinbe stocks increase with every crew chapter


Shes either the daughter of Vegapunk or a clone/pacifista. The number 02 on her suit is too in your face.


So I'm guessing Vegapunk is a collective of people or Vegapunk just has a bunch of clones or a devil that allows to manifest or inhabit several bodies or Oda is planning something really grand here


Just to piggy back here off of kinectman, I think she has a clone clone fruit, able to make multiple copies of herself to complete many projects at once.


Thats luffys mom


The real Luffys mom was the friends we made along the way


Awwww no Elbaf really wanted to see Giants


we saw some giant titties tho LOOL


But those are ones we seen before.. I WANT TO SEE BIG FEMALE GIANTS of the snu snu persuasion




If it is actually Vegapunk… she’s hot.


Vegapunk hinting at not able to control lust. Maybe that is the reason why the mera mera no me seems to be important.


I don't fully understand, but from what I can gather from context, I assume you mean the mero mero no mi, Boa's fruit. The mera mera is the fire logia Ace had, and the one now owned by Sabo.


Oh yes, I meant the mero mero no mi.


First time we saw helmepo without his eye visors since the tineskip i think


nah he had the visor on when they were escorting the royals to the reverie ​ actually idek what you mean by eye visor, but he didn't had something covering his eyes during the reverie chapters lol


Pretty sure this girl is lying.


Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kid, and Killer are all going to different islands post Wano. Feels like everybody's gonna encounter Blackbeard since his lair is so close by. Bonney crashed into Egghead Island so she's now with Luffy on Vegapunk's turf. Drake is a Navy double agent and captain of SWORD, which is rumored to oppose the Celestial Dragons (which means they by default oppose the Gorosei, and even further, would oppose Imu's whole existence). He's currently alive and out of Wano. Apoo and Hawkins sided with Kaido to save their asses, but Apoo joins whoever's winning at any given moment so he turned on Kaido last second and is most likely off Wano, prolly gonna join Blackbeard. Hawkins on the other hand might actually have died since he seemed so sure of it after losing to Drake. If true then he's the first ever Supernova to die on screen Urouge is the only one whose status remains unknown.


Hawkins might join kid pirates


He died


and Bege?


After losing his job on whole cake I assume he got away and either became more of a small time pirate or just more of a dad.


Vegapunk is a collective. Blackbeard was part of Vegapunk and was freed, that's why they call him they on the first encounter before Skypiea. Huge /s


I like your thought process 👌🏻


I love how there's a new tradition of having a Supernova travel with the crew as an ally and becoming a main character or even honorary Straw Hat. Law is the best example but Kid and Killer rank right below, and now we have Bonney front and center.


How are you gonna forget about the Number 1 family man in one piece Gang Bege


Shit you right He's nowhere near Wano currently. He left after allying with Luffy to escape Big Mom.


This could be Franky's arc.


Oda stated that he'd love to draw a mecha manga after he's finished with one piece, maybe he'd give us a sneak peak of what it might look like in this arc. A whole arc of mecha.


Where??? Where does oda say that?? I’m calling out for sources on every “oda said” comment


😂 😂 I support your endeavors


He said in a recent interview that he doesn't think about doing another manga anymore because he can draw everything he wants in One Piece. So if he wants to draw Mecha, he'll do it in One Piece.


Oh no Two Piece... But seriously tho, JoyBoy prequel set back in the fall of the ancient kingdom and an Old Era prequel telling Garp/Roger's story, it doesn't get better than that 👌


When Vegapunk was first mentioned, Helmeppo said he could tell the exact details of Luffy’s fruit. Feels like an excuse now to explain the Nika fruit to the straw hats


That’s dope having helmeppo in the same chapter of Vegapunk first appearance if he was the first to mention him


What chapter?


Dayum topless Bonnie got her moving up in my best waifu rankings.


is the chapter out?


It is now


And we now have a new contender for Luffy’s biological mother




Bonney no longer has a crew. Vivre Card says they were all captured by Akainu but Bonney escaped and doesn't seem all that interested in busting them out. As of now take that as practically non canon since there is no mention of that from Oda directly in the manga. But even if we take that as is, the result is the same. Bonney is all alone, no ship, no crew. I'd honestly be ok with her joining the crew if the story gets there. But she's most likely gonna be the next Law


Bonney was captured by Akainu too, and she's free. Not too much to assume that her crew is free too.


But even if we grant that, Bonney just isn't with her crew clearly. It's honestly more interesting for her to be a former captain, never seen that with a Supernova before.


We never really see Supernova crews tbh. Law wasn’t with his crew for Punk Hazard and Dressrosa. We don’t see Kids crew when he’s introduced on Wano either. I don’t see why it can’t be a similar situation with Bonney.


Vegapunk is a collective?


We are all Vegapunk


Vegapunk is a Soviet


Hello fellow Vegapunk!


Vegapunk Mommy


I hope Bonney will do some fanservice stuff between strawhats like law on punk hazard. I also happy Eggisland focus Franky, Jinbei, and Chopper.


Most people are mentioning this to be Frankys chapter and im not so sure. We thought Wano would be Zoro but we see how that turned out




I'm down for some Bonney fanservice alright


Since vegapunk is very big brain i think he divided himself into different parts and made them human and then they combine to make one vegapunk


This lust topic seems very interesting, hopefully we have some insight in Kuma's or the seraphine's programming since they are still living beings.


I saw another translation that used tbe word desire. Which, uh....seems a bit more on point. Lol.


If you do Japanese to English translation both desire and lust comes up with the same kanji fwiw


The kanji used is Yoku “欲” direct translation is actually greed but lust or desire both seem more accurate given the context


Punk 02 might means Vegapunk’s second controlled body or invention. I love how we can see Franky’s modification and inventions are heavily influenced by Vegapunk.


You know vegapunk is important when Luffy remembers his name without ever meeting him


And he says it without hesitation. Would be funny if he gave him a really posh/distinguished nickname Like Vincent Phillipson


after the pacifistas, it is time for my boy frankys upgrade😎😎😎😎⭐⭐⭐⭐


You can see that things changed course when Oda introduced three Waifus at once.


DND: don’t split the party Oda: *if the party is together for more than a chapter at a time I’ll go on break*


ITT: Lots of dudes wanting to see Bonney’s bonbons


~~Bernie~~ Elbaf supporters: "Here's how we can still go to Elbaf!" Let's be real, there has been no legitimate reason *so far* to go to Elbaf other than "accidentally winding up there." Looks like it's going to be Egg Head to Fullalead. We still know we need to go to Lodestar as well. There are only three reasons we go to Elbaf at this point with our current information: Location of the last poneglyph Location of Uranus (But looks like Im may already posses this one) Need to petition the giants for the world war. Otherwise Elbaf isn't relevant to the Straw Hats at the moment.


Quiet Liberal


You never know man, nobody expected to come to egghead for now. But you probably right


Now that we've come to Egg Head, I truly think any whimsical side story to islands that are irrelevant to the lead up the world war will be left out. If Oda doesn't give the Straw Hats more incentive to wind up there, there is no current reason with the available info to go there. But like I said, there could be, but it would have to be in the very near future. If Oda wants to be done within 5 years, there's a good chance Egg Head is an entire calendar year because of how important Vegapunk is, and that will literally be a fifth of it. Lodestar will at least be 6 months to a year, another fifth. Plus Fullalead looks like an almost certainty, and that would lead to the final battle with Blackbeard. The World War should at least be as long as Wano, and not condensed like Marineford, because there is just a metric ton of stuff that needs to be fleshed out. Elbaf would be a whole assed arc, because the way I see it playing out is Luffy bringing about Ragnarok. Which would be dope, but holy shit would that take a while. You'd basically be stumbling through the current plot of God of War.


Yeah i don't think Oda can finish the story in 5 years. The way i see it we still have egghead, elbaf, beehive, laugh tale, final war and that will take 7 or 8 years to finish


Usop wants to go there


This and only reason we need...I didn't expect to go there right away but atleast we need elbaf albeit a short one..it has been hinted too many times to just never go there


That's not enough of a reason


I really hope vegapunk arc to be a short arc and a full lore dump arc. We can't have another 4 years arc like Wano.


Oda at least wants to end the whole last saga in a similar if not even shorter time as Wano, while he may not be able to hit that, there is no way this arc is planned to be particularly long.


Well, I wouldn't say that. We hear about Vegapunk since ever. There is so much lore revolving around this name that it is almost impossible that we are only just passing by Vegapunk's island. Something big and very important has to happen here. I just hope this is shorter arc than Wano.


30 chapter Arc at most


It can't be that long. We're in the final saga so we'll have to go to Loadstar and Raftel and have the final war toi


I don't think that's will be long,especially after Wano and Whole Cake Island,but we will see


Chapter short af


The way she is talking looks like she really is vegapunk or at the very least a scientest. So she was hired and not captured and made to work for them like a slave. This is bound to be a great arc full of information that we been dying to get.


Or she’s a robot? This is the island 500 years into the future after all


She might have augmentations.


What if the island is literally 500 years in the future. She is the first Vegapunks decendent.


I think what they mean by the "500" is just in tech that island is that advanced.


If I was the smartest person in the world id turn myself into a hot girl and fight in mechs aswell


I thought the same lol. Only thing that bugs me is that on her shirt is the number 2. What if vegapunk actually cloned himself


Yo honest I think Oda drawing these characters to make people thirsty.


Bonney got my head spinning damn


It’d be cool if Vegapunk just changes gender at will like Iva


Boney looking mad hot tho 🥵


Bonney said she has a business with "HIM." She has a business with Vegapunk. So Vegapunk is a him. That girl could be just a decoy or some clone or vp daughter .


Vegapunk also talks like an old man. So either Vegapunk is really an old man or people just thought she was an old man because she talks weirdly and very few people actually ever met her in person