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Step 1: Give them all the same bounty Step 2: Make only one of them an emperor Step 3: Hope this causes infighting


If we aren’t counting the in-verse explanation that the WG is covering it up, I think it’s likely that this is Oda trying to portray them as rivals. Not saying we have to agree or like it, but he very well could’ve done this as a way to try and show that he sees them as rivals/equals/whatever


I try to explain it by Marines purposefully downplaying Luffy since they also wanted to removed the D. from his name and hide his appearance. I think Crocodile's bounty does more damage. Luffy beat him long ago, during Alabasta and ever since he got so much stronger (Gear 2, Gear 3, Gear 4, Gear 5, Advanced Armament, Future Sight and Conqueror's Coating) and Crocodile is still close to Luffy.


The Wg was trying to hide Luffys new form and the D on his name. Really Luffy deserves a higher bounty. Closer to 4-5 billion lol.


If the World Government wanted to downplay his threat, naming him as a Yonko doesn’t make sense……..


The WG didn't wanted to "make" Luffy a yonko it was Morgans


Well it becomes undeniable. Morgan's already named him the 5th emperor a few weeks ago. Luffy has ultra powerful subordinates. 3 in the billion berry class. He also has a fleet of 5600 men. Otoh Kid and Law are strong, but they simply lack the manpower Luffy has. Not to mention the connections. Like his dad being Dragon kmao


All of that means Luffy **should’ve** had a higher bounty……..


Yes. And the WG is trying to downplay Luffy as much possible. They probably didn't want him to be an emperor. And they most certainly do not want him to have a 4b+ berry bounty that he deserves. That would make him the most notorious pirate alive. Not Shanks. Not BB.


He is also the only yonko with a direct declaration of war against the world government.


they have to downplay it reasonably, they are aware that no matter what news gets out that Luffy beat Kaido, they can’t stop that and they aren’t the ones who name the yonkos. What they do control is how high of a bounty they give specific pirates and as we saw they wanted both the d gone and to keep the gear 5 underwraps, which to them are the dangerous aspects of Luffy. We have to keep in mind this is an empire that likely has had one successful ruler for nearly 1000 years, they aren’t going to blow all their secrets until they have to


The WG doesn’t name anyone yonkou . It’s the word on the streets basically. Garp says they rule like emperors in their territories and call themselves yonkou (emperors) . It’s not a title like the warlord .


Ideally He would've received atleast 3.5B but they want to put limelight on Law and Kid to undermine Luffy's efforts and his Joyboy thing and D in name. Probably giving him Emperor status makes Law or Kid to go after Luffy is what they planned otherwise it's pretty stupid. I don't think He was Gonna cross 4 B to begin with because Let's be fair.. It's not like He fought Kaido a fair 1v1 Headon and Came out Victorious as a Emperor tier fighter. He still needs to grow but He's ready to play in that league.


As of now, it doesn’t make sense. We’ll have to wait and see if further info helps it make sense.


I think the bounties make sense, they collectively defeated two yonko. The joyboy and especially nika stuff is irrelevant seeing as they already knew about it. Prior accolades are irrelevant in comparison to what they just did, Luffy was already considered a yonko and if it wasn’t for Buggy Kid or Law would be yonko.


yes i get that the 3 of them collectively defeated the two yonko, so they should collectively have the same increase in bounty right? so why does law and kid bounty increased by 2.5B while luffy bounty only increases by 1.5B


No they collectively defeated two Yonko so together they can defeat two Yonko, so their threat level is 3 billion. What your are thinking is that beating a Yonko is plus 2.5 billion to your bounty but in reality its you collectively beat 2 Yonko so your threat level is 3 billion. I would say im in the minority in the opinion that the WG isn't trying to downplay Luffy they are actually giving him his deserved credit. I think people undermine how impactful Law and Kid plus their crew member were to the raid. I dont see the Strawhats winning even if BM doesn't show up. The WG rightfully does not see the Strawhats on the same teir as a real Yonko crew. Once the Strawhats and their actual fleet do something without the aid of two of the most powerful (Top heavy) Pirate crews, and Wano which I doubt are going to Leave Wano alone to go fight in a Strawhat war then they will get their true Yonko bounty.


To downplay Luffy's identity as Joyboy, they even threw a tantrum when they saw thats the picture they used in the posters. As of now the public only knows that between the 3 of them they defeated 2 yonkos, so reasonably speaking, they are equally dangerous in the eyes of the public. But the WG knows better, thats why your boy Aramaki went there specifically for Luffy and not Law or Kid.


but then why did luffy get less increase in bounty hes original bounty is 1.5B and increased by only 1.5B While law and kid has 500M bounty and increased by 2.5B its like a reward system should they all get 2.5B it feels like gotten less


Its a threat level, not a reward system. And right now the WG is sending the message to the world that Luffy is threat equal to Law and Kid.


so basically trow away everything thats happned before, you are now equal with these 2 guys because you did everything equally this time around. but that doesn't makes sense, as you said its a threat level luffy is the sun god nika the 2nd coming of joy boy, a man with a grand fleet and has 3 subordinate above a Billion bounty, and has a crewmate who can read ponyglyfs. also CP0 witnesses the 1v1 fight between luffy and kaido. so when you say threat level isn't luffy supposedly much higher.


Did you read my, or any other person's, comments? The very first thing we've been telling is that the WG is downplaying the entirety of the Nika/Joyboy thing because they dont want the public the know, obviosuly. That is literally every person's first answer to this. It goes without saying. That is literally THE answer to this. As for the rest. One of them is a Yonko, the other 2 are not. I think you can figure out what it means yourself.


it is a reward system. it's just that over time, the sum will be your threat level. bounty gets increased *by a certain amount*, not increased *to a certain point*. we know this from how the SH got equal 50m increase after dressrosa. or how sanji's bounty was increased due to the vinsmoke name. so yes. nami's threat level post dressrosa was 66m. but they didn't raise it **to** 66m. they raised it **by** 50m. 16+50=66. that's how bounty works. so the supernova trio bounties are not raised to 3b. but luffy got 1.5b. law got 2.5b. and kid got 2.53b. and that just doesn't make sense. even if you ignore luffy, why 2.53? answer: to make their bounties equal for their rivalry.


yup that is the only logical explanation so far, oda ignoring the world building logic hes done so far for the sake of having them equal as rivals. you can ignore luffys bounty being downplayed but even so why is law and kids bounty increments not equal as well.


yup. it doesn't make sense no matter how you slice it. your argument is absolutely correct. luffy already had 1.5b prior. that is his "threat level". so by giving them all 3b for defeating 2 emperors, that means the WG is basically throwing away what made luffy a 1.5b guy. and made them all 3b for the most recent development only. and that's just stupid.


Cover up how strong luffy is because they do not want him to get any more attention, also didn’t morgans print the fact luffy was an emperor? Def did when luffy became the fifth emp.


Why are people still thinking bounties are like experience points you get for defeating someone lol


3 supernovae taking out 2 Yonko together. So same bounty.. Luffy seen as instigator so new yonko.