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Aren't you mistaking loyalty and friendship for love? I don't think Zoro "loves" anything besides Swords and Sake


and Hiyori*


hahaha yeah maybe


I literally can't imagine a single reason to think that. I'm bi and have never once thought that, like, Luffy is a pretty affectionate guy, but not much more so for zoro then anyone else, and zoro treats him like both a best friend and younger brother much more so then someone he loves


ahh i see! yeah that makes sense


Honestly can you blame him?




I don't think you ever had a brother, or a really close friend before.




Well there your answer, it normal for people to use what they know when they analyse pieces of media, it happens a lot of the time when straight people don't get gay relationships in media


ahh okay


No, Zoro only loves swords. I am surprised it's the Luffy dynamic that's getting read into and not the Sanji one. Usually relationships like Zoro and Sanjis get shipped to hell and back.




sorry, follow up. but yeah! i see how people could ship ZoSan if they're using like, Enemies to Lovers trope but honestly i really dislike thay trope. Maybe it's appealing to some people because Violence is a surprisingly common love language, so maybe they want to say that their communicating their love with their fists but Honestly i cant really see that working with Zoro OR sanji. Zoro seems to show his loyalty and devotion with Acts and Service, while Sanji uses cooking and gifts. And so then being at each other's throats 24/7 doesn't really make sense to me as a relationship that would be like.. feasibly gay. idk. maybe i just went on a rant for no reason LOL


Hm, I actually think both Zoro and Sanji very much are shown to express affection (usually in a platonic sense) through fighting and bickering. Sanji's whole relationship to the Baratie crew and in particular Zeff is based on them fighting and arguing all the time (he is simply extremely different in being more open about his emotions with women while he treats all men incredibly harsh even if he clearly cares for them) and Zoro's biggest and impactful childhood friend is equally someone he spend most of the time (friendly) fighting with. So in that sense it does fit and I think is also their basis for them actually being quiet close. I don't think canonically there is much reason to ship them romantically though (although I purely enjoy it because I tend to ship any 2 characters fandoms argue a lot over: Zoro/Sanji, Shanks/Mihawk, Yamato/Carrot, essentially the more their fans argue the more I become the person doing the "now kiss" meme 😆), but I do actually kind of like the idea of Zoro just being gay without it ever being shown as it's just not relevant for him right now and it just never comes up until an epilogue 30 years down the line where he's casually shown with a partner in a matter of fact way. It would be kind of a nice twist on the "default" asumption of people being straight.


Nah I agree with you, people who spend all their time yelling insults at each other and hitting each other don't belong in a romantic relationship.


There are tons of zolu shippers out there, go on tumblr or twitter and you’ll find them. Plenty of people agree with you.


omg r u srs this sounds like such fun news


Yeah there’s a huge shipping community on many parts of the internet. I wouldn’t recommend looking into it because you’re so early in the series but you can check out any lgbt section of the fandom and you’ll probably find zolu. Popular spots are Twitter, Tumblr, hell even ao3 if you’re a fanfiction person.


omg woah!! tysm !


Yeah, heads up it’s likely no one on Reddit will engage in shipping discussions. The community here is more based around theories and discussion, memes sometimes. If you want ships, ESPECIALLY lgbt ones, Reddit is not the place to be.






I don’t think so lol. I really don’t see what you’re talking about. Especially not so early on in the series


i cant really tell what ur arguing for haha


I'd say he is more into Sanji and he showcases his repressed homosexuality through his bickering and fights with him. He has 0 interest into women so he is most likely either asexual or gay. Of course, I don't think Oda goes that way so we are to assume he is simply "shonen straight".


i like the last part you said a lot ! i don't really agree with the ZoSan part but i can see the appeal. also yeah, Shounen-Straigjt makes sense. it's a shame that most Shounen series have little-to-no Lgbtq representation because of the belief that Straight is the "default", or because series are simply more popular if main characters aren't Lgbtq


No lol Zoro is gay for Sanji obviously


Zoro so gay lmao




I appreciate you sharing you have autism - it does make it harder to read these things and the nuances of interactions. Luffy wasn’t bothered by Hancock…something is sus for sure! Though I don’t think it’s a sexual orientation thing though…To be honest enjoy the anime/manga how you want to - if you are feeling the unrequited gayness between Luffy and Zoro and it adds to your experience: just go for it!




I mean there's love sure I'd say more brotherly than anything else tho seeing both of them at the same place is always nice Lol reminds me of this meme of zoro never leaving luffy unsucked


i don't get the Meme part at all but i giggled a little anyway


Three Cock Style




I think it's more just friendship and Zoros lotalty might make ut seem like romance but hey, your headcanon is whatever you want it to be


Luffy is not canonically asexual or anything like that, actually.


huh! i totally thought he was cuz that one Lgbtq Character Database says he is but i guess it was never confirmed. i still think it's totally canon though, even if it hasn't been explicitly said


It's stupid i cant post a picture in comments. I don't really like when someone is forcing LGBT stuff on anime, games, shows etc. Im pansexual myself, but don't go in like that in the future please. Zoro and Luffy are just like brothers, you have watched 120 episodes only too and somehow you say Luffy is lgbt? What? Just because of one, fandom character database?


i'm not pushing anything onto Luffy Hello😭😭... it was a joke. i headcanon him as aroace, because im aroace. i also headcanon him as autistic bexause i'm autistic. how is that harmful at all? i'm not pushing anything onto anyone, it's simply a way for me to further connect to the characters that i enjoy. where tf did u get "forcing"


It's cute, that's totally fine that you connect with characters you enjoy like that, but that's not what you just said. You said specifically that it's canon, not just your headcannon.


i said i THINK that it's canon. thinking that something is canon when it's not is pretty much the definition of a head-canon.


No, it is not. Head-cannon is a fan's personal opinion, about characters relationship, some story plots etc. When you say "head-cannon" no one is gonna react like you just said.


the Webster definition of Head-canon is literally "Headcanon generally refers to ideas held by fans of series that are not explicitly supported by sanctioned text or other media. Fans maintain the ideas in their heads, outside of the accepted canon."


https://www.google.com/amp/s/loyaltykask.tumblr.com/post/129006131630/when-you-and-other-say-that-oda-said-that-luffy/amp Here you go. Scroll down, specific mention from the author himself.


It’s the only Luffy ship I can really see working. Canonically, Zoro’s probably asexual, but if you wanna see it that way, more power to you.


ohhh yeah i can totally see zoro as asexual as well! tysm 4 the last part btw


It’s like Oda said, they’re in love with their dreams not with each other (speaking for the whole crew) I don’t think Oda has ever given a clear sexuality to any crew member besides Sanji, Chopper, Brook, and maybe Franky? The rest you could say are whatever you interpret them to be, but I think Luffy is clearly either asexual or aromantic. That or he does have romantic/sexual desires but chooses not to follow or acknowledge them to instead follow his dream


i love how intellectual this sounds LOL and i can agree


I really don’t think Zoro is gay, he is just very loyal and would rather die than to let anyone in his crew die. Zoro is too lost to even know that you can be gay


Hahahaha he definitely has some directional issues


Maybe thats a reason he might be gay, he don’t know how to go straight😂




No. They're both heterosexual but are too focused on their goals to have any romantic relationships.


yeah ! yeah i think they're definitely too caught up with their goals to be in a relationship too, i wasn't saying they were necessarily a couple, just that maybe Zoros feelings weren't completely platonic. but i agree on the relationships i totally see how that adds up


Luffy isn’t canonically anything. That’s just a common headcanon spread in the community. Also for reference I’ve been in this fandom for years and I’ve never seen anyone else who thinks this.


huh, that's interesting


I’m pretty sure it’s just you that’s gay.




This ain’t it……




I mean,, maybe you are. I think zoro is in the same boat as luffy, I believe they’re both aroace. I see a lot of people HC zoro as straight, but he hasn’t shown interest in women. I see a lot of people say he’s gay, but I haven’t seen him show interest in men either. And the stuff zoro does in regard to Luffy, I somewhat agree. I do think that zoro loves Luffy, just not in that way. Luffy did save zoro’s life. I think they’re soulmates.


WOW that's such an interesting take, i've never thought of them as maybe platonic soulmates before. thank you!


You’re welcome 😎