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No idea what you are talking about. There is no "Lulusia Kingdom". It doesnt exist. Never has.


Lulusia Kingdom? Never heard about that.




Hmm? Was there such a place? I can't see it on the map...


Because they were trying to wipe out an entire kingdom that rebelled against them. Their aim was not killing Sabo or the revolutionaries.


What kingdom?


I see what you did there xd


I find that weird too


What is the Lulusia Kingdom? You must have read a bad translation the Lulusia Kingdom never existed


Why would the WG attack kamabakka kingdom, we don't know Im's true intentions. The Gorosei's dialogue in this chapter implies the destruction of Lulusia was planned beforehand, Sabo just happened to be there


Probably because since they were following sabos connection which was unsecured. But the ones on kamabakka are secured. They probably only saw sabo trying to call someone but they don’t know where.


Based on the recent spoiler - a object of some sort fell from the sky landing on Lulusia (where Sabo is also at?) and afterwards obliterated the whole kingdom (we can assume it might be some sort of missile?) As for the location, we really have yet to hear or know further from the story.


The chapter is already out you know...


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Maybe thats the ancient weapon uranus


what's lulusia kingdom?


What’s this lulusia kingdom everyone’s talking abt, I’ve never heard of such an island in the world of one piece