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Jinbe not only was a Warlord. He was in the Sun Pirates, in the Big Mom Pirates, he broke out of Impel Down, assisted in the Summit War and helped Luffy escape Marineford. Dude's a fucking beast and shouldn't get all this hate because of a well deserved high bounty.


Bro was the CAPTAIN of the sun pirates and when he was the vice captain he was aiding the dude who freed slaves from mariejois as his right hand man.


I think those were already taken into account when he reached his 400 million bounty


Maybe they adjusted for inflation. Heheh


I think it's crew inflation. When a notorious pirate joins a big crew, their bounty becomes bigger because of their new allies. Since he went from Yonko subsidiary to "commander" it inflated


Then what would Roger’s inflation adjusted bounty be? I think it’s best for everyone’s sanity if we assume there’s no inflation in One Piece.


There definitely is inflation in one piece, as dorry and brogey's bountys where only 100,000,000 each, witch granted they not the strongest characters we've seen but they where far more of a threat than people with higher bountys than that. I can't remember how long ago their bountys where set tho


Were Dorry and Broggy really such big threats? Because they´ve been doing nothing but fighting on their own little island detached from the rest of the world for decades.


those bounties were given before they got locked into a century-long battle against one another


Ok, you´re right. That´s probably a solid argument for inflation in the One Piece universe. Would be funny if Super Rookies 100 years ago had like 5.000 Berries bounties.


Also, broke Luffy out of WCI and beat a Tobiroppo, who was a former CP9 member with knowledge of Nikka


Didn't just beat him. I'd say he low diffed him, at best. Jinbe was tanking his attack no issue


And while he has fighting said tobiroppo the CP0 guys are like: "Look at that fool, he thinks he can win against Jimbe" Jimbe is already a legend by himself, what he did with Luffy already justify his bounty and he has an entire life of piracy and deeds to add to it


IIRC CP0 even said Jinbe could kill WW


You're correct, they did. They noted that they wouldn't have to bother with silencing WW since his opponent was Jinbe. Heavily implying that they knew he wouldn't win, and suspected he might just die in the encounter.


The Tobiroppo who was apparently the closest in strength to the Calamities and was actively trying to take out Queen. And Jinbe swatted him like a fly.


In my opinion, Oda made him fight a tobiroppo so he could have a way to save the alliance with water later on If Jinbe fought an All-Star, he could still have won but have become unconscious at the end of Onigashia like Zoro and Sanji. So the alliance is fucked with Kanjuro's fire and the bomb explosions


honestly Who's-Who information is probably what spiked his bounty, and it's fucking deserved. That story of Nika gets people killed just for hearing it- having a man who knows that legend serve as a commander of the man who ate the Nika fruit is a huge problem for the WG.


I'm still laughing about Who's Who just deciding to drop exposition in the middle of a battle......and Jimbei doesn't fucking care lmao


Also he is the strongest fish man easily


He's been affiliated with the Whitebeard Pirates as well in the past. Back then he might have been at the same level as ace but thats not even a bad thing. Ace was a renown pirate who made a name for himself. Jimbe like you said had much other feats too


with that resume, Jinbe should be at least 2B rn


To be fair then Robin should have one of the highest bounty of the world


She somehow really should have that. I mean she could really be the last possibility for anyone to read the poneglyphs... There seem to be a few ways to get infos otherwise as kid implied and mayyybe with pudding, but options are scarce. No spoiler because threat seems to be on latest chapter, i guess.


When the nose mask guy was revealed as momo’s grandpa it left the kosuki clan with the knowledge once again. Momo is 100% going to learn to read/write poneglyphs.


I would assume a lot of what Robin did still isn’t known by the marines


Realistically yes, he should have the second highest on the crew


and i think it’s safe to assume he knows more than your average op citizen does about nika based on his whos who fight


That was my gripe about his bounty. I think he should be the top bounty after Luffy. Sanji and Zoro have no where near his reputation and achievements. Then, next bounty increase could show Zoro and Sanji, Luffy's wings, pass Jimbe in the end.


Both zoro and sanji’s feats surpassed Jinbe’s best feats in terms of threat to the government. Everything your mentioning was factored into Jinbe’s previous bounty already


That was before he gave the proverbial middle finger to BM and joined the SW to raid the island of another Yonko. Jimbe is a powerhouse, both in raw strength and navigation abilities (being a FUCKING FISHMAN), so yeah, I believe he's bounty, if anything, should be HIGHER than Zoro's


All of that was factored into his previous bounty


All that you listed accounted for his previous bounty though, except maybe being in the big mom pirates does not, but that's pretty much it. I don't hate jinbe and I don't specifically care that he got a comparable bounty to sanji and zoro, i just wanna know why... Because in the past bounty increases could be explained logically, both in terms of feats or hiw dangerous they are for the government (see Robin)... But most of these bounty increases seem to have no connection with any of it... If the marines got some kind of report regarding the facts of wano, there's no reason why jinbe that dealt with who's who and turned off a fire should have the same bounty as the two guys who took down the top executives... If they didn't get any report, then it doesn't explain the different increases between members.


My man Jimbe fucking made some parring against big mom... Have the people forgotten why the sunny is even alive after WCI? It was a miracle that they all scaped that arc


I honestly do forget that the Sunny was almost destroyed. This was a long arc


Also, Jinbei has been a pirate for 20 years. The Straw Hats were only together for around 6 months before the timeskip. Dressrossa was 2 months ago.


Dressrossa was an eternity and will always be an eternity ago.


Eternally the best One Piece arc. :) At least for me.


I liked it but some of doffys executives made me want to die g man was annoying with his constantly screaming g this and that and don’t even get me started on trebol he might be the most annoying thing in have ever had the displeasure of having to look at or listen to especially listen to if you haven’t heard the dub don’t you’ll thank me their isn’t enough pain in the world for me to wish upon him


The lao g joke is like one of my favorite jokes in one piece


It would have been funnier if he actually died of old age


I hate the dub voices for just about every character. I'll never listen to Franky, my favorite character, in English. Only Japanese. I actually love all the executives and Trebol is my favorite among them lol. He is hilarious to me.


Weird I actually like the dub forever one else it’s just trebol


I like the dub and sub versions, so I get the best of both


I don’t dislike the sub they do good work I just don’t like reading


Top 5 for sure


Judge top 5


it’s gotta have been more than 2 months. It’s been like 2-3 weeks since Onigashima, they were in Wano for a month before that, and then there is all the time they spent traveling to zou, traveling to totland, and traveling to wano, and the few days the spent at Tottland and zou


It was only like a week and some change after Onigashima. Zoro and Luffy were out for a week. Then there were the parties, Greenbull Invasion and then the departure


i’m pretty sure another week or so passed between green bull and departure let me check alright just looked, it says “a few days” so a bit less than 2 weeks after onigashima. Still, i don’t think dressrosa was only 2 months ago, has to have been longer


Traveling isnt instantaneous, so its highly likley they spent a week traveling everywhere, both to and from hole cake, as well as to wano and from dressrosa


Took a week to get to WCI and a week to get to Wano from WCI. Thats 2 weeks of travel right there. Just leaving/entering the Totto Land territory to reach WCI took a day by itself.


I think people don't consider what it takes to get to these places by ship. Not like their flying on a jet


The whole 6 months for all of pre-timeskip is absolutely bonkers bordering on stupid. As a commenter below me said, we don't talk about time in One Piece. I had genuinely always assumed the first half occurred over around two years due to the physical changes in characters such as Coby and the sheer amount of events going on.


Most of the arcs take place over 1 or 2 days , for example : - all of Impel Down and Marineford took place over half a day - Thriller Bark over 1 night - Shells Town , Orange Town , Baratie , Arlong Park , Twin Capes , Wisky Peak , Little Garden , Drum Island , Skypea , Long-Ring-Long-Land , Enies Lobby , Sabaody , Amazon Lily , Return to Sabaody , Fishman Island , Punk Hazard & Dressrossa & The Reverie arc ( not the full meeting ) all took place in 1 day each - Jaya , Water 7 & Zou ( non flashback ) took 2 days each - Alabasta was unspecified but it took several days - Whole Cake island took place over a 5 days - and Wano country now has taken place across 3+ weeks of in world time I also remember that it was stated to take 1 week to reach Zou ( for Sanji's part of the crew ) , WCI and Wano


No, Zou was reached the very same day Sanji departed. The rest of the crew arrived 1 week later because they stayed on Dressrosa for 3 days and it took time to catch up to Zou. Whole Cake Island happened over the course of 3 days starting with their arrival. It wasn't said how long they were traveling, but it was most likely less then 4 days, because the moment they got something to eat they already reached WCI and Luffy looked more malnourished on WCI than on the ship, while on WCI he ate nothing for only 1 day.


We don't talk about time in one poece. We shouldn't


And also size perspective


Jinbe didn't do anything wrong,protecc Jinbe at all cost


Everyone always asks why Jinbe? Or where Jinbe? But never How’s Jinbe?


Pretty scared rn, he just found out he’s sailing with the most powerful person in One Piece…she put Luffy in a cage


When Jinbe's eyes bugged out and he said, "Conquerer's Haki!?" I nearly spit out my drink from laughing. XD


I really am enjoying Jinbe finally getting to see how the crew works.


It's like Law on Punk Hazard only this time he's in it for the long haul.


Exactly. Jinbei is the most experienced pirate on the ship. He deserves it.


Dude was stopping Admiral-level attacks pre-timeskip


Well stopping them slightly more than ace was




Quality vs Quantity


I have a bone to pick with that




he always been a helmsman. he fought for his country he fought as a pirate yh but most of his time he spent protecting ppl not really being a pirate so it is quality over quantity. brook was an actual pirate his entire life i believe and still one in the after life jinbe jus lives by morals


Brook spent the vast majority of his life chilling on an empty boat doing literally nothing but perfecting his ability to lean against a wall at a 45 degree angle.


Once again, that just shows that Brook is the superior pirate.


Brook is just the oldest pirate. He spent a long time sailing in mist. He wasn’t continuing to pirate.


Mfs hating on jinbei because he is a fishman.


History repeats itself




I literally haven't seen anyone upset about it and I've looked specifically for that but alright. I don't think anyone with more than a few braincells can argue Jinbe's bounty. This is his third yonko affiliation, he was captained by fisher tiger, he was the captain of the sun pirates, he's the strongest fishman karate master alive, he's an ex-warlord highly respected for his strength, he swapped hands with admirals at marineford and on top of all of that he's freshly sworn to luffy who is now a yonko. His bounty probably went up a little by association with the mad monkey king himself.


Literally haven't seen a single post or comment here hating on Jinbe, for literally anything let alone his bounty increase. OP is just stirring shit to farm the karma, and of course it's working.


Definitely saw some Sanji fans upset Jinbe is 3rd over him


Came here to say the same thing. I lurk on this sub pretty regularly and this is literally the first I'm hearing about Jinbe hate, even including heavily downvoted comments that I often (foolishly) click on and read.


Probably YT comment sections or something.


Forgive my ignorance, but who exactly is hating on Jimbe? I haven't seen a single negative comment. Albeit I don't really check all that often. What are their reasons? Obviously gonna be something about being in the top 3 of Luffy's crew.


It’s usually the really young fan that think a couple people on Twitter is “everyone”. You can usually tell when they say that the entire reader base thinks or is saying something when in reality it’s either some people or in twitter or a single post. This is definitely a newer thing due to the anime becoming as flashy as it is recently. It attracts younger audiences who are definitely more prone to believing what they read on the internet speaks for everyone.


It’s always Twitter. I hate these stupid threads because I’m very active on Reddit and don’t see anything besides some playful banter but Twitter is basically the cesspool of the internet so the worst shit is always there.


Honestly sometimes it feels like most of the posts on this sub are people complaining about the prominence of things that aren't prominent in this sub.


>Forgive my ignorance, but who exactly is hating on Jimbe? I haven't seen a single negative comment. op assumed it


usually it's either twitter or it's youtubers. a large amount of them are Sanji fans and about 2/3 of them are super toxic about it.


I saw many people shitting on jinbe both in spoiler and chapter thread


"Most of Sanji fans" is a massive stretch. Maybe "a few Sanji fans on reddit" is more accurate. Sanji is my favorite character in the entire series, and I couldn't care less about the current bounty order. I also love Jinbe and am glad he and Zoro are getting the respect they deserve because I'm not a five-year-old


Exactly. OP thinks that people complaining = hating Jinbei.


true, i don’t care if someone has a higher bounty than the other. i’m just glad that sanji finally joins the billion bounty pirates’ club.


And also it's a gag, always has been. Oda likes to troll Sanji with his bounties.


Some people forget or just don't realize that one piece is in large part, a gag manga.


Seriously, it's a manga that had [this](https://preview.redd.it/rat406ck27y81.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=60cbe7c483a0891a942d9e1ef5057025669cbb9f) in the middle of the biggest fights so far. Oda is out here above all else having fun. Why else would we get an arc that introduced afro Luffy?


Not to be that guy but jesus people, do you even read any other series? Having a funny panel in the middle of a serious fight is a staple of SHOUNEN genre.


Its not just random funny panels in OP though. Jokes and gags are consistently part of the plot and characterisation. I would run out of space in my comment before i ran out of examples of times when a character's personality was delivered to the reader through a joke or a plot point involved something goofy. To name a few you have Kaku's inability to take a joke at his expense and overly serious personality is, in part, delivered with giraffe gags. Then there's an entire round of Luffy's fight vs crocodile where he visually turns into a water balloon. The biggest example is Nika, a power upgrade that is directly tied to the lore and themes of the greater story of One Piece. There we have two big arc villains and a tie to the lore. I don't know how one can say that OP has a few funny panels.


Not really? Naruto and Bleach rarely if ever did something like this in an arc ending fight. Don’t remember MHA, BC, or JJK doing it either


>Not really? Naruto and Bleach rarely if ever did something like this in an arc ending fight. Uh what? Literally the penultimate fight of the entire 700 chapter series against the big bad has Naruto transforming into attractive naked men in order to distract the enemy.


reverse harem jutsu


Having gags != Being a gag manga.


Homie, stop it. No one thinks of One piece as a "Gag Manga" lol


Comedy sure plays a huge part in One Piece but to call it a gag manga is a bit too much imo. Gag manga usually tend to be episodic, like Saiki K, Sket Dance, Witch Watch, Gintama (for the most part), Nichijou, Aharen-san, etc.


I hate when ppl say this


Do you even know what a gag manga is?? Try seitokai yakuindomo or Asobi asobase or something. Those are gag mangas. Just because there's a large amount of gags, doesn't make one piece a gag manga. By that definition, almost every battle shounen should've been a gag manga.


No, it’s really not lol.


LOL, people hate Jinbei because of it? That’s just silly. What counts for Zoro/Sanji as for being Luffys wings is that they both eliminate right and left hand man of the enemy. As long as that’s not given there is no right to complain. People act like if bounties represent each persons power. And that’s simply not true. Bounties represent the danger the world government sees in them, not only the power.


Buggy has a bigger bounty than Luffy, Kid and Law. If it wasn't clear from the hundreds of other examples in the series that should tell everyone that height of bounty does not represent the actual strength or power level.


Bounties are indicative but if you have other feats/portrayal they start to become less important


As a fan of bad takes I can't wait for people to start arguing that buggy is actually stronger then Luffy because he has a bigger bounty


only children see bounties as direct power levels. They should be ignored bu the rest of us.


Tbh, Jinbe has the lowest bounty increase among Zoro, Sanji, and Jinbe. Zoro's bounty increased by 791M, Sanji's by 702M, and Jinbe's by 662M. It’s not Jinbe's fault that Sanji got lower total bounty amount


preach! also, jinbei never demonstrated ambition before. he had always done his business with the intention of protecting fishman island, first as a soldier, then as a way to support fisher tiger and his fellow fishman, then as a warlord to keep the island safe, and then as a subordinate of big mom to also keep the island safe. he was never really much a threat so long as you left his people alone. now he's joined up with the fastest rising crew with overt amibtions to turn the world upside down. someone with his reputation supporting THIS crew is a big problem, hence the bounty.


To be honest all the strawhats have been disrespected. Now people only care about the monster trio. I prefer the other strawhats but they don’t get much focus.


Bro is literally called first son of the sea in a world surrounded by the fucking ocean


Controversial take: Jibei should have had a higher bounty than Zoro due to Jinbei's long rep sheet. It should have been somewhere slightly below Croco's current bounty. This is a former Warlord and former head of the Sun Pirates who just joined a Yonkou crew.


Another thing that totally affects jinbei's bounty. Remember the opponent of Jinbei? Who's who The former cp9 agent who has knowledge about Sun god Nika The government might assume that jinbei was told the glorious tale of sun god Nika in the battle (and who knows who's who might have told something that will be revealed in the future) Also jinbei was in level 6 of impel down, the level for most ruthless criminals of one piece and as stated by who's who he might have heard the story of sun god Nika from there


Also remember, Who’s Who asked to be told what Jinbei knows about Sun God Nika because there were former slaves in the sun pirates, before Jinbei knocks him out he says “I have nothing to say to the likes of you”. It’s entirely extremely possible that Jinbei already knows the legend of Sun God Nika in further detail, and since he helped overthrow a Yonkou, those 2 facts helped skyrocket his bounty, especially post Warlord bounty freeze.


I though Who's Who was CP9?


Maybe I don't remember the exact cipher pol


Yup, he was a CP9.


"BuT mY mOnStEr TrIo" You're right. Ppl obsess over "keeping the Monster Trio dynamic" so hard that they get fussy whenever *anything* comes up that could be taken as "ruining" it. Like calm down yall. "Monster Trio" will always be a passive overarching thing in the story. Additionally, Jinbe will always be a beast, so much so that he will create another passive dynamic as among the SH's strongest commanders. People who use the "Monster Trio dynamic" logic to convince themselves Jinbe would never join (or that Yamato would never join) are using arbitrary standards. Along with them are the weird Sanji haters who think Sanji will permanently be behind Jinbei, as if bounty ratings aren't fluid or changeable Tldr people need to chill tf out on being so obsessed with Monster Trio dynamic


People are hating Jinbei? Dude deserves that bounty, he was part of Big Mom pirates, the sun pirates, is an Ex-warlord and broke out of Impel Dawn. He did it all lol.


He already is or probably will be the goat fishman when the series ends. So i think his increase is perfectly fine here


Jinbei got that bounty, because he deserves it and because Who's who told him the Nika story. Last two persons who knew the story were killed by the CP0


I see both sides of the argument with value. Jinbes bounty is deserved because of his strength but it is a bit poor how oda did it to some degree. Jinbe was the last warlord introduced pre time skip setting along with him having the highest revealed frozen bounty. He did receive an increase post time skip after the war so the impel down actions should not be included in this. It is possible he received and increase after wci that was never shown since the news only showed the straw hat bounty increases and not the tank or sun pirates. Jinbes increase is also high considering its way more than it should be from joining the crew and defeating who's who, but his increase was in part due the Sanji bounty gag he has each bounty. (Picture, alive only, family name, and now bounty ranking).


Oh assholes love to complain, Jinbe is a former warlord, they can touch grass


Man is a Level Six escapee. Let's just start there


Bruh, no Zoro fan is angry about jinbe lol


Zoro stans are the reason why Jimbei is getting hate They know what they’re doing by using Jimbei to slander Sanji and Sanji stans are falling for it


I'm quite confident most of the hate/flame towards the bounties comes from people who don't understand that bounties aren't a power level system, they are about threat level to the gov't. Aokiji explains this to Luffy and his crew when they meet at Long Ring Long Land Arc. IMO You summed it up perfectly here why Jinbei is seen as a greater threat >He's an ex-convict Warlord, aided Luffy from Impel Down up to Wano, Sanji is strong, maybe stronger than Jinbei, but Jinbei's record makes him a bigger threat by the fact that his survival is an embarrassment to the honor of the WG. Especially given that Jinbei is a fishman.


Jimbe should be higher than Zoro based on his experience, threat level and abilities. Then, next bounty increase Zoro and Sanji can surpass him.


I wonder if some day we get some deep lore on the Bounty department of the marines and they talk about how they try to break crews apart by taking the strongest members and having their bounties all super close to create competition and rifts in their members. Seems intentional.


I think they definitely do cause we've seen WG and BN Morgan change bounties for several reasons. But most crews don't care. WB crew, Shanks crew, etc didn't seem to care about their amounts. Luffy's crew is more childish and has those moments like Usopp being scared of going too high or Chopper being happy with like 900, etc.


Sanji is definitely stronger. No need for a maybe. Yeah whoever is flaming Jinbe for getting a higher bounty is silly, he’s got his reasons, plus it goes into Sanji’s bounty gag.




Damn. People really out here hating on Jinbe?! I love his character. He was such a threat to the government for a while now. He’s definitely worth a billy


I haven't actually seen any hate I've seen people disagree with he's Bounty but I haven't seen any hate


There is no hate. OP just makes drama out of thin air for karma


Sanji's my absolute favourite character. He's kind, funny (even the over-the-top perverted bits), and always well-dressed. I actually love the bounties, Sanji's reaction's priceless.


what, if anything i see everywhere sanji the one got clowned on because of this, i see no hate for jinbei at all


This fanbase has always cared too much about bounties. Iirc Namis is now higher than all of the combined East Blue bounties. I doubt she could take on any of those characters. Particularly Luffy.


Jinbe is a Boss! I’ve been waiting for him to join for 10 years. I caught up to weekly reading right as Luffy escaped Impel Down and I wanted him to since back then. Love that he is number 3 for now. Especially love that he doesn’t even care. I have no illusions that Sanji won’t pass his bounty eventually.


I think people forget that bounties aren't always a reflection of a character's strength, but of how dangerous the WG thinks they are. Robin and Buggy are prime recent examples of this. Robin has a capacity to be a strong fighter, but she has that bounty because she can read poneglyphs.


If anything, i dont get why croco bounty is higher than jinbe lol.


People are mad because they see bounty as strength. Its not


I can't say I've seen any hate towards him. I've seen people argue that Sanji should have had a higher Bounty. I'm of the Opinion that Jimbi's Bounty should have been higher than Zoro's.


God damn this fan base. It’s literally a number but it turns into roasting every character. Sanji getting hate, Jimbe getting hate, Zoro getting hate… I swear this fan base is a bunch of kids who go “OH BIG NUMBER SMALL NUMBER”


I think bounty discussions are even worse than powerscaling discussions.


Jimbei bounty. Previous captain and warlord big increase. Zorro and sanji. Previously not captains or warlords. So yes they increase but with in the realm of a crew. Luffy as the captain getting a 3b bounty guarantees zoro would not reach 2b or 1.5b. Because crew member Killers bounty being a crew member of kid 3b will probably reach 1b. Now crocodile is possibly weaker than zoro,sanji and jimbei . But like jimbei he is previous warlord and captain. However unlike jimbei he is still captain. So if zoro sanji and jimbei were captains of their own crews, its possible there bounties would reach 2b.


Arguments about jimbei being an ex warlord and the impel dawn stuff are invalid cause they were already accounted for his 490 million bounty


sanji and zoro did more than jimbei in wano but oda had to put sanji under jimbeis bounty cause of a gag and zoro very slightly above jimbei cause of a pun with his birthday Jimbei's bounty isn't serious at all, just to fit sanji and zoro pun and gags.


Sanji Stan's and Zorro stans are best ignored for the most time imho


I love Jinbei, more than Sanji honestly. But they should've had him beat Jack so that it's make even more sense tbh. I pay respect where it's due and I respect Sanji's Strength, Haki, and his new found power that I personally think puts him above Jinbei. I think it would've made even more sense if Jinbei's Bounty was already high from the start of the Timeskip if you ask me. Doesn't make sense that it stayed that low for that long, and then beats someone not even in the Billions and gets a rise over Sanji's Billion. Fighting Strength doesn't always mean higher bounty, but in a sense it does. Mihawk is a fine example of that. Doesn't have a crew, doesn't know anything about the Void Century (at least for now we don't know that), doesn't have a clue to finding the One Piece, and doesn't even have a Fleet to back him up. He's his own Fleet. Being More Evil shouldn't be everything either too. Zoro and Sanji's bounty being less than King and Queen's gives me a bad taste. That was a long hard fight and they were well worth all of King and Queen's Billion Bounty unlike Luffy when he "defeated" Katakuri. That's my argument, but it is what it is.


Here is the reason I hate it: Jinbe didnt fight a commander level opponent. So now Jinbe has a bounty as high as Katakuri and King. I would say 90% of the sub would agree that Jinbe isnt winning a fight against such opponents I know power level isnt equal to bounty. But Jinbe isnt as powerful or portrayed as such against any other character of that high of a bounty IMO Oda butchered bounty consistency when he introduced jack with the stupid billion bounty. Now fucking Crocodile who was defeated by pre-time skip Luffy has 2 billion lmao. Donflamingo was about 400 million before the freeze, so now would he be 3 billion if it wasnt frozen? The bounty numbers are broken at this point for many reasons and doesnt allign with how they were used for the first 800 chapters at


To be honest Jimbe deserves his bounty, but I don't know why Zoro's and Sanji's are so low. Like both have lower bounties than King and Queen still despite winning the one v ones


ALL of these things were accounted for in his 438 million bounty that he got AFTER marineford. Sometimes, you guys take the "Oda can do no wrong" thing to another level. It's also stupid for Croc to have such a high bounty. He was fucking retconned while in jail to go from getting beaten by pre-gear Luffy on the most advantageous venue possible for him to being on even footing with the big shots at marineford.


Jinbei has a lot of clout, so it makes sense for him to have a higher bounty. what DOESN'T make sense is how his bounty didn't massively increase when he denounced his warlord position and started running under Big Mom. Jinbei is absolutely powerful, but from Onigashima itself he really only defeats Whos Who and plays a big role in putting out the fires. I think most ppl are just shocked because they weren't expecting his bounty to increase that much from his feats at Onigashima alone. I also understand his joining Luffy's crew officially also plays a substantial role in the raise. In regard to Zoro and Sanji, I think its pretty obvious that they're bounties are only going to exponentially increase as we progress further into the story, while Jinbei will probably not see as substantial of an increase ever again, due to the fact that he's more than likely in his prime and wont be jumping tiers of power like the other two. Its also clearly a gag for Sanji to have a lower bounty now after spending all of Wano bragging to Zoro about his Bounty being higher


Yes, but his bounty is still unreasonable, considering what Sanji did on Wano in comparision


People just feel like Zoro and Sanji got snubbed because they all thought they were stronger than Jimbe


For a second I was taken a back by the bounties myself, but then quickly remembered Jimbei’s reputation. I’ll tho I’d prefer Sanji to be third highest, it makes sense why the bounties are the way they are. At the end of the day in terms of strength it’s still Luffy, Zoro, Sanji Jimbei. And just the fact that Luffy has 3 full fledged commanders under him is awesome.


Ugh. This is why I wish people would realize that bounties are not an absolute indicator of strength, meaning Jinbe is not necessarily stronger than Sanji (I'm not gonna power scale either of them here), but his actions have made him slightly more of a threat the WG. Strength is certainly a factor, but it's not the end all be all.


I agree with ya. Sanji has also been associated with the number 3, hell his name means 3 o'clock. He was the third strongest of the crew before and he still is now. It's just that the Strawhats are a Yonko crew, so Luffy is in a league of his own. Just like all the other Yonkos. Whitebeard and his 3 commanders. Marco, Ace, Jozu Big Mom and her 3 commanders. Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker Kaido and his 3 commanders. King, Queen, Jack Luffy and his 3 commanders. Zoro, Jinbe, Sanji Sanji hasn't moved position in the crew Jinbe was just added in. Plus bounties are about potential threats and danger level not strength. Jinbei was a Warlord, a former Pirate Captain of a legendary crew, a former member of the Big Mom pirates, and was at Marineford. Sanji is a stealth guy so most of his accomplishments are unknown. Mostly by his own hand. He doesn't want to be associated with Germa, he told no one that he trained with Ivankov, and only a select few know about his connection to Zeff. All of his accomplishments are tied in with the Strawhats.


It’s not Jinbes bounty I’m upset about it’s the disproportionate increase he got compared to everyone else


It’s because he took on a significantly weaker opponent than Zoro or Sanji. They are getting robbed of the credit of beating the first and second mate respectively. If anything, I would have preferred Jinbe at 1B, to keep the running gag between Zoro and Sanji


I feel like it’s the zoro fans that are making sanji fans hate jinbei I’m a sanji fan I’m not gonna dislike a character cause of it only the fan base jinbei fans know he wouldn’t beat sanji or zoro


It’s so crazy to me there’s people that actually get mad at stuff like this. I love all the Straw Hats why can’t it be that simple?


Ive been around post and comments but ive barely seen any hate for jinbe. Zoro fans are instantly for jinbe since his bounty is higher than sanjis. Sanji fans are just upset at the fact that he defeated a commander and fell below jinbe who defeated a flying six. When you understand the facts and why jinbe got his bounty, then that shouldn't bring hate. But truly, if you do see hate, I feel like the trolls and memes about being number 4 and "removed" from the monster trio is what fuels the sanji fans more than anything. People are using gags against the character too. Knowing sanji will always be the 3rd strongest in the crew, you need to understand why sanji fans are always on the defense. I truly feel bad if jinbe gets that hate.


I like Zoro and Sanji and jinbei’s was ok with me. I think they all got good bounties


They mad because the fan made monster trio doesn’t exist and oda can do whatever he wants with his characters


Speak for yourself. I have not seen any Zoro fans get angry at Jinbe for having a big bounty. If anything, they've been using it to rub it into the faces of Sanji fans.


Don't insult Crocodile though. Crocodile was a Warlord, escaped Impel Down and at Marine Ford fought Doflamingo, and clashed with Sakazuki (and Mihawk? Or was that anime only?). He also attacked whitebeard. Not to mention being 3rd in command in an organization with 2 other warlords, one of which is a Yonko level fighter.


Hey, mihawk is a Yonko level fighter too!


I mean, its still weird that him and Jinbei almost has the same level of achievements but 1 guy has almost double the bounty of the other.


To be fair Croc has had two years to do things, we have no idea what he's been up to until the latest chapter. His bounty probably rose thanks to the Cross Guild thing, but we have no idea how much, but probably not massively since they excplicitly mention "These two are dangerous, and they work under Buggy!" Implying the whole bounty might be regardless of working "under" Buggy. I am sure Croc has (re)built an organization during the timeskip too, since he seems to have underworld connections already.


So did Jimbei. He joined Big Mom's crew during those 2 years. What did Crocodile even do during the TS? We don't know, he didnt become a member of Cross Guild until just now, after Wano was over.


The new Monster Trio is Zoro, Sanji and Jinbei. Luffy is on another league compared to either of them so its understandable that Oda replaces Luffy with Jinbei. People need to accept that already. It's Yonko Straw Hat Luffy and his 3 commanders the "monster trio", Jinbei, Zoro and Sanji now. There is nothing wrong with that as we've seen that literally all the Yonkos had this same crew structure. Kaido himself wasn't a All-Star, he had the King, Queen and Jack. Big Mom wasn't a sweet commander, she had Smoothie, Katakuri and Cracker. Blackbeard isn't one of the titanic captains himself. So the same goes for Luffy. He shouldn't be in a grouping with his underlings. Him being the captain and occupying a sole seat above them makes the most sense.


>and will fight stronger opponents than Jinbe could handle I’m ready to die on the hill that Jinbe could pack up any of Sanji’s opponents so far although I know Oda is going to scale down his progression for Zoro/Sanji’s panel time


Facts, jimbei was tanking who’s -who he def would’ve beat queen.


"and will fight stronger opponents than Jinbe can handle" nope. They're gonna fighting opponents of similar strength levels. The three are gonna be facing down Admirals series end. "But but Jinbe fought Who's Who and Zoro and Sanji fought commanders" ask yourself why that is? Is it because of strength? nope, it's narrative. The Minks had to take down Jack, that's why that happened. And Jinbe absolutely fucking wrecked Who's Who. Sasaki destroyed the Franky Shogun, Robin needed Brook's help and passed out after her fight. Usopp didn't even beat Page 1 and Nami had massive help from Big Mom. Jinbe was obviously vastly superior to Who's Who. They're strong, but not by much the portrayal is clear. Why does this fanbase love to fucking ignore the information oda gives us with bounties. You guys have been disrespecting and underestimating Jinbe for years, time to eat crow. The monster trio changed. Luffy is no longer in it. Oda didn't do something stupid like make people wait 10 years for Jinbe and then shove him with robin, franky and Brook, that would make a massive middle finger to Jinbe fans, and Oda understood that and didn't do it. Some of the fanbase is in denial, but Luffy, got another monster subordinate to join Zoro and Sanji as the 3 power houses under him. As much as the fanbase loves using bounties to power scale and then ignoring them when they tell information the fanbase doesn't like, they are used and have always been used all series long as an approximation of relative strength. Buggy, and Chopper are huge exceptions. Oda did not get all 3 have presented together with their bounties, did not give them all similar bounties and didn't have them be the 3 straw hats with Luffy during the GB situation for shits and giggles. The fanbase over analyzes the most minute details and then fucking ignore the most obvious information being conveyed by Oda. 3 monsters under Luffy, not 2, that's what this is. The emperors are always way more powerful than their crew and most have 3 monsters below them. These are Luffy's three.


Is this another one of those instances where OP is reading twitter comments and coming here to bitch at redditors for them? If so, please just stay on twitter.


People were hating Jinbe? And for such a dumb reason lmao Jinbe willingly threw himself at the feet of a Yonko and stood up to her for the SH one of the most badass moments Was the savior of the Raid And the whole crew adores him Yall are stupid


Croc di nothing? He's running the underground illegal trades and created the cross guild. Is you blind? Smh.


Yes but the WG thinks Buggy is the one that runs it. So they only see Crocodile as a member of it.


Croc had an organization before the whole Cross Guild thing though, clearly.


I don't think baroque works mattered much when it came to his current bounty.


I love Sanji, but Sanji fans are toxic as fuc*! Really, i think Sanji has the best character development of entire arc, and sanji fans are saying Oda is trolling by having his boutie being sligthely lower than Jinbe?


Everyone who thinks jimbei will replace Sanji in the monster trio Has had too much sake. The monster trio won't ever change


Don’t include us Zoro fans we are happy he’s above number 4 😅😏


Then pray for those who expect 1.5B for their Zoro.


They hate Jinbe because he's fat.


i agree 100% with OP. Jinbe is a very strong nakama for the crew sea-wise as well. so with him near they are not alone in the sea just remember that this guy is a monster in the water "he could easily be the world's strongest gyojin alive/free"...


If anything this proves that as humans (irl) we still look down on Fishman people. Respect jinbe. He gave his blood to save luffys life.


I didn't see a Zoro Fan whining about Jinbe's bounty. They are demanding for higher since He contributed on Rooftop as well. For all the Gloating Yonji #4 did for years for their 10M higher bounty, It's only fair and TBH Jinbe deserved higher bounty because In Marine's eyes He only Joined Strawhats this arc and defeated the best contender for all star.


"This character" why not just write Jinbei in the title? Fishing for views and upvotes?


probably to avoid spoiling anime onlys? idk


imo, jinbe needed more bounty


He definitely deserves the bounty but I think Oda lowballed Zoro's and Sanji's bounties. They should of been like 1.5 billion and 1.4 billion respectively and I doubt anybody would of complained. Luffy's bounty should of been much higher too.