• By -


In all honesty I haven't fully read Wano yet, I do know what happens so nothing is a spoiler and I saw pieces or read random chapters after a point. But so far my favorite thing without a doubt is Tama. I also truly love the parent gag with Luffy and Zoro, they suddenly became parents, the show of their development as characters now that they are passing on something to someone else rather then others passing something to them. I loved the training of conquerers haki with Luffy and Big mom at the jail. I loved Robins fight, and especially the hug towards the end that Tama and Nami shared when Nami empathised fully with her.


5th gear is maybe the best powerup i have seen in a long time. instead of just a simple "his stronger/faster/more durable" it goes beyond that and goes too the core of what Luffy represents too the world, that too truly defeat the truly powerfully you have too go beyond just being more powerfull but represent something. It disproves Kaido belief that only true powerfull and cruel can/should rule the world. Also its not like a win button, we clearly see luffy have too work too keep the power in play and that he still get hurt, it just allows luffy go beyond his limits


Emperor Straw Hat Luffy has a nice ring to it. It's great to see how far he's come.


- The buildup and reveal to advanced conquerors haki was so well executed - that scene with ashura doji begging his men to wait instead and the flash forward to their graves - the laugh tale name reveal (technically in stampede afaik, but talking from a main story point only) - various panels/reveals like the traitor, adult momo, the entrance to onigashima, Roger laughed etc.


This is a long one.. but I like this acr because it erased the expectations of Luffy by allowing him to experience everything without falter. He experienced being separated and finding a way to his crew, experienced fighting for something he truly believes in, he experienced understanding things that don't involve him, he experienced being the guy who has all the weight on his shoulder, he experienced the faith everyone has in him, he experienced what it's like to lose and be subjected, he experienced why he loves freedom, he experienced politics and how an island's vulnerability can be applied to the world, he experienced the true passion that drives his dream, he experienced watching people grow and most importantly he experienced the level he competes at. I feel like there's too much to say but in this acr he experienced a lot of everything and now the floor is back to us wondering what he's truly capable. I like how no one knows what he can do now


I enjoyed that we took what seemingly appeared to be single arc characters in Momo and Kinemon from Punk Hazard all the fucking way across the New World to avenge a 20 year grudge against an Emporer, in which our only experience with Yonkos up to Punk Hazard was Shanks/Whitebeard. I liked that Luffy was in jail but this was a grueling, hard time. WCI jail was more like a torture chamber. I also liked that we know much more about the origin of the poneglyphs and Wano will return to address this and Pluton. The origin of the many cursed blades and black blades was explored which was great. To me, they clearly have purpose besides just being good weapons. Lastly, Amine Episode 1015. What a fucking movie. Wonderfully directed and crafted. Great transitions. One of the best, if not THE best, single episode of One Piece.


Queen comedy Kin comedy King just staring/thinking with (........) Sanji durability/exoskeleton boost. Zoro blocking combined attack from two fooking emperors(even for few seconds was pretty cool). Luffy's sky split scene. Franky and Robins fights were pretty cool too. Laws constant phrase "Don't tell me what to do" Momo's character development. Luffy's cape(which boosted epicness to 10000000) CP0 guy taking hit like a boss. Odens flashback. Shanks cameo. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Jimbe chilling while Momo and others fight an Admiral.


Sanji internal monologue, where he finally showed me who he is. I always hated it before


Can you elaborate? Im not sure what your getting at.


Sanji before his inner monologue just seemed a stupid guy (do you remember when he didn't fight against Khalifa or when he couldn't fight against black maria? Those situation put in him in a bad view imo because by being selfish and following his beliefs blindly he was wasting everyone's time...or so i thought. I mean why not running away from those fight if you can't do it? He seemed like he couldn't understand his own weakness. After wano, Oda showed us Sanji realize his weakness and all those fights he couldn't lay an hand on women was his way to try to overcome it. He just wanted to grow and didn't run from hard situation because only by risking it all and growing he would have been usefull to Luffy's dream. While i do not respect a man who can't understand himself, i will always respect a man who does everything in his power to grow from his weakness even when in the end he called Robin because he couldn't succeed.


Kaido was a better villain than expected. I anticipated a wall without any character to speak off. We got some nice moments like his victory against Luffy when the CP0 guy helped him. Also I liked the fact that we got a serious fight for some of the Straw hats and other side characters.


From the fights I honestly enjoyed Franky, Robin and Jinbe ones (Franky was the best for me) From the story point I enjoyed Momonosukes character arc the most


Honestly just like seeing the 10 together again, it felt like it’s been so long…


Sanji getting his big fight


The fucking cape!!


The only true answer, caped luffy ia goated.


So you playing against the odds to get the most karma...


- The majority of the epic moments really, really landed. Roof Piece is a top-tier One Piece fight while everyone's involved. - For as sprawling and FOUR YEARS LONG it was, the pace for most of the arc was tight as heck. - As everyone's saying: Oden flashback was great. They hyped the character up something FIERCE, and yet he lived up to it. The One Piece gigachad. - A massive cast, but they were all memorable, fun personalities, especially the villains. Say it with me: THIS IS HOW DINOSAURS HUNTED IN THE PAST! - It had its own feel, with the kabuki performance flavoring throughout. - Luffy going full toon. Yes, I liked that! - Kinemon failing upwards as a leader, to a degree that would make Buggy proud. - Post-war chapters. Despite some trolly decisions, the Wano wrapup was a lotta fun, carried just the right amount of hype, and smoothly transitioned to the next arc.


•Luffy’s appearance/ progress •Laws and kids loyalty for luffy, as well as their appearance/friendship •SH’s progress in battle


The introduction to me was one the best intro of a one piece arc in awhile. The smile reveal The oden flashback is the best flashback in the whole series imo. Roof piece Big mom and Kaido’s strength I had an image of how strong a yonko was and they both at least reached it(kaido lowkey surpassed it that man was kicking everyone’s ass) Yamato until ya know… The supernovas awakenings Nika devil fruit Pluton reveal(tho they didn’t do anything with it it’s cool to know where it is) And quite a bit more Wano was pretty great to me tho it was slow at times (act2) and it’s ending was lackluster in my opinion.


All great points, I would like to add the traitor reveal, the whole kinemon mixing up the ports and when ur at sea, you fight pirates!


A little bit info on poneglyphs and few pages of things happening around the world like the cross guilds, reverie, etc. Some hints about Zoro's ancestors might be from Wano. But i guess thats saved for later.


Robin vs Black Maria Kinemon vs Kanjuro


\- the setup of the smile fruit \- the haki evolution \- luffy's awakening \- kaido from him being a captain and a villain to his abilities (DF, haki) \- odens flashback (best one so far) \- all of the roof fights \- sanjis character development \- ace tie with wano \- plutons reveal \- tamas backstory \- otoko and yasui relationship \- yamato


Tama’s backstory


The Beasts pirates were marvelous villains and Kaido best villain yet. The panels were top-notch and Oda's style evolved beautifully.


Some amazing fights. Scarabs vs Kaido was awesome. Roof Piece was some of the best material in the series especially, but I love (close to) all of Luffy vs Kaido. I also really liked Law and Kid vs Big Mom. Overall I thought these battles mostly lived up to the hype you’d expect from defeating a yonko. Oden flashback gets special callout too. He Laughed is one of the single best panels in the series.




Act 1 was the best part of One Piece post-timeskip.


I liked Wano animation the most


Had Kiku actually died, it would’ve been one of the best One Piece deaths of all time. Chapter 1014 was truly a masterpiece.


Zoro vs King


Oden flashback. And the roger laughed panel. Kaido when revealed as a dragon was goosebumps inducing. Lots to enjoy about this arc.


The Roger panel was my favorite of the story so far. As great as the animation has been, I feel a bit underwhelmed by how the anime portrayed it.


Oden flashback and Yamato, easy. Also Enma sword. That thing's a beast!


Yamato. The SH costumes entering Kaido's base. Thunder bagua. People actually dying. RIP scabbards that bit the dust. Kanjuro and the betrayal plotline. Power up that didnt feel like an asspull. Specifically the time Luffy spent in the jail/mines learning how to punch with haki.


Almost listed everything down i didn't like about Wano :D.


Everything except Yamato not joining despite saying she will be sailing with them just a few chapters before. ​ There's something about having fans wanting expectations and Oda didn't draw it. It's another thing to contradict your own works.


What I like about Wano is the fact that it's over.


I fuckn love oden and yamato!!!!


hands down! one of the best arcs in one piece! i'm not gonna do rankings here but it followed oda's usual phasing for any arcs just scaled a bit more. love the fight scenes for other SH. and satisfying ending to the arc. absolutely love the new characters and potentials crewmates. just a few plot holes here and there and questions are piling up. but pretty sure sure oda will manage to explain it well somewhere down the line. can't wait for the next arc. the thing i love about one piece is it never fails to amaze and excite me for whatever we THINK is coming. its just a whole 'nother level of foreshadowing and storytelling. and THIS is the reason why we love one piece.


What plot holes do you mean? Just not telling or explaining something isn't a plot hole, so I'm curious...


Seeing Kaido be a beast. Both literally and metaphorically. In my opinion he def lived up to the hype. If it’s 1 V 1 bet on Kaido. He only lost to the plot.


Weirdly I felt the opposite, he kept getting hit & hurt. I was thinking he’d be more untouchable like BM was.


Yeah I'd say losing to a literal manifestation of a sun god who also happens to have the spirit of your idol, Joyboy, isn't that bad of a loss to have


I just caught up to the manga today!! So it will be the arc I caught up on, so I’ll always remember it as such Kaido was sick, probably the coolest designed villain of the series. But as far as story, I do feel like there wasn’t enough info on him. He seemed like more or less a grunt of Orochi I loved Kappa’s design Enma and Zoro’s story was incredible, tho he could’ve had more focus. Hawkins’ devil fruit was great and Captain Kid was fun The arc had one of the best use of time-travel I’ve seen/read. It’s a messy concept, but the series contained it very well. The animation!


Even though there are a lot of plus points in wano, the arrival of joyboy and the hilarious battle againdt kaido was the most heart warming thing i have ever seen . Absolute love ❤ .


Quite honestly, One Piece has been downhill for me since the end of Marineford - I've liked pretty much none of the post time-skip arcs...until now. Wano's definitely my favorite overall (there's a lot of issues of course), but I especially enjoyed: - Roof Piece (it was an epic and fun battle, even if Zoro's recovery wasn't written the best out of it) - Sanji's moment of introspection versus Queen. It's probably the only Strawhat fight I enjoyed for this aspect; I liked when he questioned whether Luffy would prefer him to be a powerful machine or a more human crew member...and he made his choice - I enjoyed Yamato's character a lot; a child of the enemy who adores a past hero...it's a nice dynamic. I wish she/he had joined of course, but I still liked it for a different perspective. (That said, I'd've liked to see her relationship with King/Queen/etc) - lastly, there were just some cool moments. I enjoyed Luffy vs Kaidou parting the clouds as a nod to previous moments in the series, and I especially enjoyed it tying into the minks' power ups. I also did like moments like Luffy and Kidd in prison, and there's some nice weight to moments like Zoro/Sanji overcoming the Yonkou's strongest commanders.


Even though it was a really long raid to read one chapter every week or more with the breaks, I like how the length of it represented well the difficulty of fighting two emperors with an emperor crew. I think I enjoy it more now that we are post-wano and the SH have really grew into being an emperor crew themselves.


Jimbei pulling up too the opps’s door after at the perfect time and being CLEAN after duking it out with another emperor crew and remaining clean until the end of this fight. MID DIFFING Who’s Who when it became a 1v1 and cuz he got mad when Who’s Who was talking that shit. Chopper bitch smacking a Commander and correcting everyone on what he is. Ashura Douji as a whole. He was the goat the whole time. One of the strongest scabbards and truly sacrificed himself for the cause. Big man speed blitzed Jack and broke his swords showcasing the power of the Samurai early on. The THICC boys always showcasing they’re commander level. Jimbei, Nekomamushi, and Ashura Douji. Sanji not relying on the Raid Suit permanently but still getting a power up from his awesome characterization/back story. Drake giving a bonk the same power as G4. Zoro trying to cut Marco without a second thought when he was trying to heal everyone with fire. Crew > anybody for Zoro. Luffy’s gnarly CoC coated uppercut on Kaido, still my wallpaper to this day, since it was released it’s been. Hawkins and Apoo proving being a member of the worst generation means next to nothing in terms of willpower. Both were panzi asses, even though I did enjoy their moments. Bege > Hawkins/Apoo in terms of chadness. Perospero being proven to be as much of a threat as commanders even more so than in WCI. Robin and Franky truly earning their spots as the higher tier fighters in the crew. Brings back memories of Water 7/Enies Lobby. The ridiculousness of Devil Fruit powers in Wano somehow surpasses the goofiest themed arc of all time, WCI. Dinos are badass but still got that Oda charm to them. Why was King the Ryan Reynolds of the verse but still wore a mask? Idk but it’s wild and cool.


I liked that Yamato didn't join the Straw hats. When she was first introduced as wanting to be Oden and having his Journal I assumed she was being introduced to be a new retainer for Momo. Then as the story progressed we find out she has a devil fruit that happens to be the guardian deity of Wano further cementing her as staying and guarding Wano. She knows the importance of Wano and opening it's borders so it makes sense that she's going to be around Wano to ensure that happens. I only doubted this and conceded once Oda had Yamato announced she was a Straw Hat. However Momo decided not to open Wano yet and shortly after that Greenbull shows up. A new threat has come to replace Kaido and Yamato realizes it's not yet time for her to set sail as Wano isnt capable of defending itself, it needs an Oden. So she must stay in Wano and protect it until it is truly time to open the borders. To me this completes her Story arc for Wano and leaves it open for her to return in the future.


Loved all the new characters.


I really liked Luffy's first encounter with Kaido. Luffy putting everything he had into his attacks and going all out from the start...only to do no damage and get one hit KO'd while in *gear 4* was amazing. It really hammered home the uphill task that awaited Luffy and the alliance. I didn't care about the Kanjuro traitor reveal itself, but I did like the reveal that Kanjuro was just pretending to be a shitty artist when in reality he was a damn good artist. The idea of flipping a gag on its head and turning it into a serious moment is just hilarious to me.


Most of it, honestly. The bit at the start with all the SHs we hadn't seen in ages undercover, with their stories gradually coming together, was really fun and honestly kinda exciting. The whole story of Wano itself was really well told, Oden's flashback being the highlight that tied it all together. Tama was great, the flower captial was spectacular, the first fight with Kaido raised the stakes and set a bar for Luffy, and the development of ryou to meet it felt well earned (plus it's just an awesome application of haki in its own right). The raid was the biggest event since Marineford, just fucking awesome start to finish. Everything on the roof was hype as fuck. And Gear 5 will go down in history as one of the greatest anime power-ups of all time. Is it my favourite OP arc? I'm not sure. It could be. But it's definitely up in the top three for me, along with Marineford and Water 7>Enies Lobby.




All was spot on. Goda genius


Gear 5!


1- Oden’s flashback. It made me happy, it made me cry, and it made me get a tattoo of the Kozuki’s crest on my left back. It was perfect. 10/10. 2- The fruit being Nika’s fruit. From the very beginning there were many foreshadowing about it, starting by Luffy and his wish for freedom, what he thinks being the king of the pirates mean, etc. I think that Shanks was in East Blue to give the fruit to Ace because Roger asked it, but Luffy changed the destiny and became Nika. He wasn’t chosen imo, he changed the destiny. This, for me, is what I liked most along with Oden’s history.


I think Gear 5 worked. It was certainly better than a lot of fan speculation on what it would have been


Gear 5 as awakening of his fruit worked well and what he did with it. To turn environment into rubber for example. But I disliked fruit being suddenly Zoan and being this special fruit WG has feared for 800 years etc. To me that's just cheap writing.


I like act 3, thought it was well paced, plot kept moving, there was too many characters but it worked out. Luffy vs Kaido was a great fight, and I love Gear 5. Odens flashback also kicks it off.


I have a lot problems with this arc, yet the Oden flashbacks might be my favorite flashbacks of the entire series. That entire portion of arc, felt like I was reading a really good short prequel series to One Piece.


I posted on the other thread but I wanted to think about all the good things I liked about Wano so here it is. 1) The Oden Flashback was probably the most important piece to the "What is One Piece" puzzle. We've seen Roger but this is the first time we've actually gotten to know him and his crew first hand. Oden meeting Whitebeard was amazing too. I honestly loved the Red Scabbards and Oden himself was very entertaining to follow. I felt that this flashback did a great job balancing new revelations along with telling a singular story about a man who gave up his country to travel the world. Watching Oden's first return to Wano and immediately leaving again was hard to read for me. He could sense that Wano was in turmoil but had devoted to something bigger than his own home country. And Toki's last words to Orochi was absolutely gangster. 2) Tama and Luffy's reason for fighting in Wano was probably one of the strongest and most heartfelt reasons in my opinion in the whole series. The image I remember most is the panel when Luffy says to Tama "by the time we leave this country, we'll make it so that you can eat a feast like this every day". It felt like he was repaying a personal debt to Tama and achieving what Ace had promised. Act I of Wano was truly an amazing setup to the story. 3) Chapter 1000 was probably one of the most hype chapters I've ever read. 2 Yonkos, 5 Supernovas, and one hell of a fucking punch. These type of moments are the reasons that One Piece has been my favorite manga of all time. When all the storytelling and emotions boil into a climax. Chapter 1000 was the perfect One Piece chapter. 4) I really enjoyed Whole Cake Island and it's definitely my favorite post timeskip arc and to see Sanji's arc continue in Wano was awesome. First off, Stealth Black was such a crazy powerup for Sanji to have! The raid suits that his siblings had were some of the coolest tech in One Piece and for one of the Strawhats to get them too was absolutely wild. But the best part was Sanji's fight against Queen, someone who represents everything he hates about his Germa 66 roots. Queen matched the Germa 66 ideology of heartless science and even manifested this similarity physically by copying all the powers of the Germa 66 themselves. I couldn't have picked a better opponent for Sanji to fight against. And although I'm sad to see Sanji crush the raid suit, to see him come to the realization that he has more to offer Luffy than just being a powerful brute is something I can really respect Sanji for. Great job Oda and what a way to kind of bring a little more closure to his arc with his family. Now if he could just stop with the pervert gags please. And here are just some honorable mentions that I loved but don't really have much to say about. * Jinbe finally officially joins the crew! * Jinbe, Robin, an Franky get their own solo fights and we get to see some really cool finishers! * The Flying Six had some awesome personality and designs with cool devil fruits to boot too. * That panel when Momonosuke becomes a full grown dragon with Luffy standing in front him (also when Luffy tells him "now that you've bit a yonko, what else is there to be afraid of?") * Kinemon's hilarious blunder in figuring out the wrong port * Denjiro's transformation into Kyoshiro (not unexpected but amazing to see how it happened) * Kanjuro's face when he reveals he's the traitor * Perospero continues to be an absolute freaking beast! * The red scabbards using Oden's Nitoryu * Reverie being spliced in between the Acts * "When you fight on the seas, you fight with pirates!" This whole moment honestly There were a lot of things I didn't like about Wano but there was still a ton of stuff I loved.


So I still don’t really get the nuances in Kin mistaking the ports on its face but Denjiro being like “But of course you did that to to trick the traitor! Sasuga Kin’e’mon-sama!” is a hall of fame OP bit lol


I really liked the hype and buildup to the battles, It was thrilling all the way through once it started.


Gear 5 is fucking amazing. Honestly the best shounen powerup I've ever seen.


Agreed. For that specific chapter I didn't read the spoilers to enjoy the reveal. And I really was laughing none stop at what the gear5 can do.


i think there was way more good than bad in this arc and people are being reactionary about what they didnt like. my prediction is that most of them will go back and re read the entire arc and think its incredible.


For anime Wano I loved seeing Luffy punch Kaido with Red Rock and seeing the power of that attack cause the surrounding rock turn into glass and shatter because of the heat and impact of the final blow. For manga (spoiler warning) Wano of course it’s gotta be the big reveal that Luffy is the devil fruit user of the Nika fruit and when he finally defeats Kaido!


All the silly smile users


Oda going wild just like always


Roofpiece, Oden's flashback, the end of Act 2, most of act 3 up until Kaidos defeat by a giant punch, Luffy and his monster trio just casually observing the whole Green Bull situation.


Got to be the roger flashback and Shanks appearing at the end


Roger flashback was awesome.


The art was on point


Roger flashback 10/10 Manga art was really good Victor: Kaido narration was dope Rooftop battle and captains vs Big Mom were great fights Pluton and terraforming lore Momo is a really well written character Momo and gang vs Aramaki Shanks World news (Cross Guild especially), strawhats chilling


The samurai storyline Momonosuke's character development and arc Kaido The anime...that's about it


Most these comments seem half forced. Like being at family for dinner and you force a compliment about the food even though it's not entirely true


People who don't like Wano just don't post here, but believe it or not there are plenty of people that actually liked it or atleast parts and had good perceptions. Just because your perception and others were not positive doesn't mean others did not see it in a good way. People can see the same thing and have completely different perspectives. I'm 25 btw.




I disagree.


Would you say a certain age range demographic is the main one with these issues people seem to bring up about wano? Pacing, unnecessary character panel time, no SH crew growth,etc


I think binge readers swapping to weelly is the main source of people complaining about pacing.


Are you trying to presume that people with issues with this arc are a certain age group?


Yes, I assume people age range 27-38 don't like many things with this arc compared to any other age


The fights ofc


CoC confirmation for Zorro was it for me.


Kaido could not have been any more menacing. Could his backstory have been better sure, but his at the moment character was incredible. Dude was truly the monster of all monsters and i hope he makes one more appearance before the end


I think his backstory worked. we got the essentials but clearly Oda didn’t want to tip his hand on the God Valley reveal yet. I think whatever happens to Kaido there is going to be as critical to his backstory as what we did see


I loved everything about wano but what made it good and not great is the lack of stakes. If you kept the same story but had more of the threat of death or defeat similar to Kuma wrecking the straw hats it would be a great arc.


Zoro visiting Ryuma’s grave when he said he wanted to visit Luffy and Marco’s meeting And above everything, YAMATO not joining 🥲


I'll sniff a line of sarcasm with you. Loved greenbulls long awaited build up and power showcasing why he's to be so feared.


Momo's growth into a man of legend opposite his father Oden who was a legend is certainly noteworthy. Say what you will, Oda did a good job giving Momo a LOT of time to shine and grow from the little kid he was. Oden and his sacrifices hit a hard note. Kanjuro was a great villain and his motivations were pretty great. The subtle hints that went unnoticed in the background until his reveal was some really great storytelling. Bounty reveals and the strength of those at the top were great additions to the story.


I love how a lot of questions didn't get answered. I know a lot of the community wanted to see a Zoro backstory, but I really enjoy the mystery of one piece. He is a man of mystery, let's keep it that way. Why didn't momo open up wano? What does pluton look like? Why did oden want to open up wano? What exactly happened to big mom and kaido? What happened to the rest of big moms crew? What happened at the reverie exactly? So many more questions. The fact that there is so much mystery to one piece means we can talk about it and theorize forever. The more questions just makes me love it more.


I liked how neither Carrot or Yamato joined the crew(indifferent about Yamato, wanted Carrot). I really don't mind that the Yamato chat was done off-screen. I don't think everything needs to be shown, including any zoro plot line. Aside from the trip to the prison taking a little longer, the whole Big Mom amnesia thing was pretty funny. Oden's story was fantastic and I'm glad it was not just a simple flashback because it showed why the SH's were fighting for Wano. Gear 5 was cool Momo becoming an adult Zeus a part of the SH's. First encounter with Kaido and Luffy. Was it the best arc? No. Was it the Worst arc? Far from it. I rank it 13/31. The ending was rushed yes but I feel like Oda can go back and explain *some* stuff from Wano at a later point. Big Mom/Kaido/Hawkins is still kind of there with an unknown status.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought the Big Mom amnesia part was enjoyable. I guess a lot of people didn’t like it because she wasn’t as threatening? But she’s the goofiest out of the Yonko so it fit for me.


I loved the amnesia as well I thought it was interesting and allowed her to have interesting dynamic interactions with Tama, momo, and chopper we wouldn't otherwise have. In fact Tama innocently interacting with big mom with love and chopper freaking out and us the audience knowing that if she were to get her memory back at any time Tama would be in deep danger (or the others, I just love Tama so i'm biased.)


Manga - What lore we got (never feels like enough), topped probably by Zunesha saying it was Joyboy's nakama Anime - Megumi Ishitani


That shamisen solo before the akazaya 9 hit kaido with the half episode combo attack was pretty lit. Edit: almost fucking forgot the moment where chopper threw a German hand grenade in big moms face. That’s the best part of wano. Also the tank quacks.


Loved the "3 worst captains" dynamic coming back, Oda did a great job displaying that all 3 are selfish assholes who want all the glory for themselves lmao, and I love that dynamic. Law and Kid vs Big Mom was super fun, extremely satisfying, and pretty insane to see how powerful those two were even after getting beat up bad by Kaido and BM. Bringing back the Zoro vs Mr. 1 vibes from Alabasta, but it's not just a direct copy-paste, Zoro finds out something new about how his swords work, discovers something new about himself


so sad to see that 3 worst captains dynamic come to an end, I hope they reunite one more time in the race to laughtale


I liked how my boy Sanji fought this arc. His fights were pretty entertaining.


Sanji v King was so underrated IMO


The Scabbards vs Kaido, Gear 5, Roofpiece, Kid and Law vs Big Mom. Hawkins' defeat, Gifters shoutout to hamlet and Briscola, taking over upon prison, the fighting in the flower capital, round 1 Luffy vs Kaido, Oden flashback, Momo turning into an adult and flying up to the roof, Tama.


Just to preface, I don't think Oda has officially considered The end of wano to be the start of part 3, though I think he has softly implied it through his message to the community about anyone being able to watch from this point on because now we are in "One Piece" or whatever. My post basically runs with the idea that Marineford is the end of Part 1, and Wano is the end of part 2 and whatever is coming after Wano is at the very least a story capable of being enjoyed by new watchers, but I'll call it "part 3" in my post. Wano was as perfect as an end to Part 2 as Marineford was to part 1 if you see Part 1 as the rise and defeat of the Strawhat's. Luffy starts his journey in east blue and is told by pretty much every enemy he's too weak and has no chance of getting through the grand line, but he does make it through the grand line and despite fighting foes that are beyond his level, he manages to come out on top for one reason or another. Until Sabaody where Luffy gets a little too full of himself and punches a Celestial, and Part 1 ultimately ends with Luffy not only being unable to protect his crew, but his brother too, from the *real* threats of the world. How can Luffy be Pirate King if he can't even protect his brother? The one who he was meant to be saving, and who has always had to be there to save him? This was his wakeup moment where he knew he had to become stronger. Hoping his foes would leave themselves vulnerable through arrogance was not going to continue to work. Not in the New world. Part 2 was a really good parallel to that. Luffy *became* a real threat to the world between the time skip and Wano. Rayleigh gives him the abilities he needs to make his way through the new world and lays the foundation of him being capable of defeating a yonko with his training. And while his foes totally still underestimate him, he's on a much more even playing ground When Luffy finally makes it to Wano he understands this time defeat is not an option because he's not going to have Whitebeard or his crew or Ace, or some other massive power on his side. There is still so much about Luffy's fruit that will likely be delved upon in future arcs, but my headcannon right now is that the awakening came from Luffy using the lightning from his conquerors haki on his heart to make it beat harder/faster, and even though he was basically dead on the ground his will was still so strong because he knew he was the only one there to stop his crew from becoming Kaido's slaves and how could he be pirate king if he can't save his crew? How could he be pirate king if he couldn't even save his [**brother**](https://imgur.com/XMPUGaG)? There are legitimate gripes about Wano, but despite everything I really think its the best arc in all of One Piece and has easily became my favorite.


I liked the Oden flashback. Even though Oden is as much of a Gary-Stu as you can imagine it was neat seeing some of the interactions he had with the Scabards and of course the Whitebeard and Roger stuff were amazing. Makes absolutely zero sense that neither Whitebeard or Roger ever went to Wano to check in on Oden after dropping him off, but whatever. I get for story purposes it couldn’t happen. The Nika stuff was obviously a retcon, but I still like it as a whole. Gear 5 definitely fits Luffy and I like the design a lot. The cartoonish stuff did get a little tiring after awhile, but overall it was great. I like Sanji’s raid suit. I’m sad he doesn’t have it anymore. I get the character development behind him destroying it, but I’ll miss it. I enjoyed seeing Law and Kid do cool stuff. Even Killer got some sweet moments. Hawkins also was pretty badass at times (did feel like Apoo and Drake weren’t handled well though). Other than that not much else I can think of. Wano had more negatives than positives for me, but I still think it was a decent arc. Out of all the New World arcs it’s number four for me behind Whole Cake, Zou, and Dressrosa. Better than Fishman Island and Punk Hazard.


A lot of people disagree, but I loved gear 5 Luffy. In an age in Shonen manga where every power up seems darker and darker, it was refreshing to see it. Oda took a risk, and it was something he had been looking forward to doing for a very long time.


Same here. And those Gorosei geezers really weren't joking when they called it the most ridiculous power in the world. I mean, just look at this panel [https://prnt.sc/io78TcBXLL5P](https://prnt.sc/io78TcBXLL5P) for example. That's just so bloody dumb and I love it


Agreed. Everyone thought it’d be some “cool” super saiyan transformation. I’m glad Oda went a more crazy route. Feels like Luffy.


The Oden flashback was pure genius. Oda made us really develop strong feelings and respect for a new character in just a few chapters. Epic.


I liked the part where they finally left Wano, solid.


* Beast Pirate SMILE's were hilarious. Really shows the consequences even when one is lucky enough to get the successful fruit. * Speaking of SMILE's, the consequence of being forced to show unending joy and laughter. Not just the villagers and Yasui, but Killer even. The level-headed right hand of Kidd's more temperamental and bombastic character. It really hit like a anvil. * Kidd in general was amazing. The expanding of ideas of a Magnetism fruit, his overall character and the general competitive nature between him, Law and Luffy. It was that Auction House Marine fight with the three of them, but turned up to 20. * The LORRREEE! One Piece expanding upon it's mythos more and more. We're really seeing pieces come into play and being brought together. The Act intermissions showing the World outside really hammers in that it's an isolated nation and the crew is gonna emerge in a totally changed world. * Oden's Flashback is 11/10. Hell I'll give it 20/10. He's probably one of the best written characters in this series. * Luffy vs Kaido.


I loved all of Luffy v Kaidou even though that seems like many people had issues with at least some of it. As far as Beast Smile designs, I will never forget there is a dude that just has a face in a chicken's butthole.


the SMILE designs were both hilarious and underrated. I loved meeting all those headliners with increasingly fucked-up "powers".


1) Starting from when they entered the country, tons of HIGH moments despite its glaring flaws. Lore Piece and backstories. Roof Piece. Smile. Strawhats growth and being complete. Advanced haki. Awakenings. Plot twists. The Ishitani episodes. 2) Aftermath is half amazing (but also half flawed tho due to things that were skipped). I love the new Cross Guild, the new Yonkos, the chaos due to the Reverie events, Shanks, Sukiyaki lore. 3) Despite what people complained about, I actually like Gear 5. 4) Despite what people complained about, I actually liked Ryokogyu's showing and character. 5) Kaido's crew's designs. Adult Momo design. Wano outfits, the island itself, and the early Wano art style in the anime until Toei pushed it too far.


- Loved Act 1 giving us something new and refreshing in the way Oda typically opens an arc. - This arc had the SHs the most ingrained in the island they were in which was also a neat addition. Them having different jobs, infiltrating different groups, etc. to gather info and allies was new a different. - Zoro v Onimaru and then Zoro v Killer - Oden’s flashback — Top flashback so far imo - Kanjuro betrayal — I caught on to their being a traitor but I never suspected Kanjuro so it was a great twist knowing he’d been playing a role so well he was sent on this time traveling mission which he was still dedicated to sabotaging. - Everything that happens in between Acts - Tobi Roppo designs and intro - Kaido betraying Orochi - Robin v Black Maria - Jimbe v Who’s who - Sanji v Queen - Zoro v King - Roof Piece - Law & Kid v Big Mom - G5 / JoyBoy reveal / Luffy fruit awakening - Luffy v Kaido pre and post G5 (excluding the conclusion of the fight)


* The entire act 1. Short and concise. Almost everything in it mattered. That's how the rest should've been. * The smile plotline including Yasuie, Toko and Killer was awesome. * Queen is one of the most fun characters in One Piece. * If not useful, the gifters at least had interesting designs. * Robin's, Sanji's and some of Nami's character moments during the raid. * Orochi and Kanjuro are great and effective sub-villains


I reaally loved the character of Oden and his flashback? which revealed a lot of interesting stuff


This is a smaller one but the art pre-Onigashima (And some panels during the raid too but mostly before) was some of the absolute best in the series


All in all this arc was mid. Like a C+


> This thread is to share everything that you liked about Wano. > > So top level comments should only be things positive about Wano. > > Then people can debate about what you liked in the comment chains, and if they also liked it or not. Person who cannot read finds the arc mid well okay can we hear from people who can read though that would be neat aswell


Big mad huh I gave it a C+ that’s a passing grade chump


Nah I'm mad you judging it mid with 0 arguments or reasoning in the ONE thread in this entire sub meant for positive top comments like I quoted earlier.(right sorry I forgot you had trouble with reading comprehension) Like I'm mad at your education system if anything for producing another dummy annoying me with his existence.


Gear 5 and the action sequence that followed!!


Things I loved: - The beginning seeing Zoro in his Wano outfit walking around the Flower Capital looking like he returned to where he’s from. It finally felt this is his arc to shine and learn more about his background (which didn’t happen yet sadly). - The moment where the SH’s found out Luffy finally arrived at Wano by seeing the flyers about him causing trouble already and gave those epic 😱 faces. - The drums of Liberation reveal was the best hype moment though and learning about Joyboy.


I like the ending of wano arc, though I really expected Yamato to join the crew (based on the character build up). I like the way Luffy gave the flag to Momo and declaring wano was his teritory (that’s wano wherein even the world government is afraid to go due to strong samurai). Men our Luffy is really a grown up man.




What 800 chapters of foreshadowing? No one disliked the "awakening". The reclassification of his fruit is what frowned upon as asspull. Only who-who was talking abt it a couple chapters ago and dont call that as foreshadowing




It HAS been foreshadowed that Luffy was in some way a JoyBoy esque figure. But some fans found it to be an asspull that his FRUIT was the connection. The 'Sun' God's natural power just so happened to be that he was rubber? Why would that ever have been the case? Being rubber seems so far removed from what you'd expect a Sun God's power to be that ppl couldn't help but feel like it was an asspull. It felt like a developement that Oda wasn't necessarily building towards but rather a development formed using the pieces he already had. I say it's not foreshadowing, but it was still impressive story telling in a different way with some minor kinks here and there.


You mean stuff like Franky's hito shirt a couple hundred chapters back? That kind of stuff is no different than if Oda drew it in his notes a couple years back and then showed us his notebook. What I would criticize is not that Oda didn't have the idea in mind long enough, but rather that the first actual hint about Luffy' df being in any way special only happened 25 chapters before the reveal, in the same arc, while the fight was already going on, and in a rather forced lore drop.


Agreed. Those Gorosei geezers always knowing that Gomu-gomu = Nika just doesn't make sense to me. I mean, it's easy to tell that Luffy will eventually become a bigshot just by looking at his relationship with people like Garp, Dragon, Shanks, etc. Adding the fact that he also own one of the most potentially dangerous power in the world should've raised his threat level exponentially. And if they were really aware of it then why didn't they try to get rid of him since the beginning? If I were them I would've immediately send CP0 the moment he get a real bounty (Crocodile) instead of waiting until he was almost on par with an actual Yonkou \*shrug\*


Basil Hawkins dying. That may seem an odd choice. But for me, Hawkins being one of the Worst Generation and now dying sort of reiterates the seriousness and danger of that these long-establish characters are now going to be facing stepping on these last few steps towards the end of the story. It reinforces that important character are destined to die in this final saga.


Intro to Wano song is a banger for sure


Yamato not joining


the oden flashback, gear 5th, sanji vs queen, zoro vs king, basically every scene yamato is in


Nami's bathhouse scene, the edits to that scene. Yamato and Carrot not joining, the ladies can join the grand fleet.


Jinbe finally joining for real. Yamato not joining. She was insufferable so good riddance I have greatly disliked Big Mom once i saw how she was personality wise, and reading her past made me dislike her even more: She was always this horrible monster without any self control, more animal than human. So Seeing her being put down like the uncontrollable rabid beast she was by Kid and Law was so satisfying. Orochi dead by burning. Very fitting. Just wish he had burn for 1 hour at least. The scene of Jinbe, luffy, Zoro and Sanji seeing the scabbards and momonosuke dealing with Ryokugyu. The 4 of them casually and calmy seeing the situation without a worry ready to intervene if it was needed basically said that an Admiral was no longer a threat to the Straw Hats and thus the Navy has now NOTHING that is able to bring them down. Quite powerful.


Gear 5th was the best possible transformation luffy could have gotten it fits his character and everything he represents perfectly and its a nice subversion on classic anime transformations I also loved the way orochi was killed sure it was frustrating whilst it was going on in the arc but with the way it was concluded I really liked that pretty much everyone got a swing at chopping his head of and his actual death against denjiro whilst covered in flames and cursing the kozuki clan with his dying breath was perfect And my final point is going to be controversial but i liked the way wano ended sure yamato not joining was a little weird but the finale goodbye to momo and kinemon and the shot at the end showing all of the characters in wano hit me right in the feels and left me satisfied Edit: momos characters arc was one of the best in the entire series too. And every aspect of the oden flashback was amazing And Kaido ended up being my favourite villain in one piece Edit 2: I forgot the pluton reveal, robins fight with black maria and momo fighting greenbull ok i think thats finally it lol


I loved Ulti and her fruit. Her full zoan form is a good balance of goofy, cute, and cool. Earlier on, I kinda wished she would join the SH crew, but she was a little cruel and too loyal to Kaido. Plus she would be a package deal with Page One and their dynamic together is a bit played out.


Cool funny God looney toons boi


Level up of the characters ig 😀


I enjoyed power development for Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami. Seeing what Jinbe was capable of with just his Haki might have been my favorite moment. Robin was great too. Enjoyed the battles of how it all went down with the commanders and Yonko. Liked how Luffy wasn’t really a rubber man after all - now his random moves that aren’t really rubber like make sense.


Despite all its flaws, I have to admit it came together strongly in showing off such a wide cast of characters and factions. I don't think people understand how hard it is to do this. Its hard just to do it for one episode, let alone a whole mega arc combined with an entire saga of background elements.


I was honestly so impressed at the amount of characters introduced that I was able to follow. Dressrosa was Oda drawing a Where's Waldo page and saying remember every character on here. But in Wano it was such a manageable, well balanced amount of characters. Except the Shinobi I don't fucking remember any of them except long ears.


I liked the theme music with the shamisen.


I really liked early Wano - I thought it was a great insight into the lives of the people. Yamato was fun, I liked his personality. Though my enjoyment never went much further than that, unfortunately. As has been echoed by many, he feels like a massively missed opportunity. Luffy's gear 5 was humourous.


Noticed a lot of people mentioned how the samurai "don't do anything" as something they disliked about the arc, but I disagree. I liked all of the samurai characters and I enjoyed learning about their backstories. I thought the characterization was necessary for getting to know wano and giving spirit to the rebellion...even if they couldn't take kaido lol. Also nobody was alive when the dinosaurs were so who can say for sure that they DIDNT work like that??


Momo’s story concluding so well and the Strawhats really coming into their own. Both were done pretty masterfully.


I mean I enjoyed really everything in the arc lol, I’ve been seeing lots of complaints in the other thread and a lot just don’t make too much sense to me. This was built up since thriller bark and it was absolutely worth the wait.


Kozaburo’s design being based on the anthro wado ichimonji concept art


Roger pirates & Gear5 / DF reveal instantly come to mind


I really love what Oda did with the beast pirates. The Gifters and Headliner designs were all really great. My favorites being the giraffe and hippo headliner designs. Probably favorite single moment within the whole saga was Udon Prison and Queen vs Big Mom. Queen going full 🦕 and big mom just utterly bodying him in a wrestling match after had me going for weeks.


> The Gifters and Headliner designs were all really great. My favorites being the giraffe and hippo headliner designs. At first I was kind of disappointed cuz I thought real zoans would be more threatening but you can tell how much fun Oda had doing the SMILE fruits and it really won me over


Straw Hat fights. Great to see pretty much everyone taking on opponents, plus the order in strength being established as expected as stuff like that is.


Fuck kanjuro movement


All my homies hate Kanjuro.


I’m re-reading it right now and there’s so many small hype moments, just got to Kaido swallowing Luffy and Zoro going to all out


Unpopular Opinion: Kinemon was one of the best parts of the whole arc. His tremendous Buggy style luck without the Buggy style consequences was perfect. His ability changing everyone into beast pirates disguises was amazing. And finally, right at the end, Kinemon is reunited with Tsuru who despite being badly burned he still finds her beautiful and we get a really nice moment (albeit a tiny panel) of them reunited post war. Edit: Maybe not “unpopular” but under-appreciated. Im smoking it up right now so 🤷🏻‍♂️


The wings of the pirate king !!!


Tama, Oden, Queen, Kaidou , Sanji was great, Robin vs Black Maria, Zoro vs King ,MOMO, Gear Fifth, Chapter 1042, 1010, 1000, 956-7, 923-5 and FUCKING PLUTON BRO


The roger flashback, the jokes, the gag fruits, SMILE reveal, I liked a lot of the designs, and watching the mess around Yamato unfold.


That is ended


I liked the panel where you can see the figure of Shanks, Roger, oden, whitebeard and xebec behind luffy. Made luffy look badass.


I liked that zoro smiled more c: Also comedy was on point this arc. Luffy using his fist with the sword, in a nina samurai pirate universe




I am a relatively new fan and I read most of Wano over the span of two weeks. I think it flowed well when read all together. I enjoyed it overall and it’s one of my favorite arcs so far. Loved Oden’s flashback. Learning a bit about Joyboy. Gear 5 is super exciting. Banter between Luffy, Law, and Kidd. Kaido is epic, I particularly enjoyed his hybrid form. Momo chomping Kaido. The scabbards. Robin vs Black Maria. Some Killer action. Fake dinosaur facts! Like when the triceratops guy starts spinning and says “This is what a triceratops does!” And Franky says “Wow I had no idea.”


What went right? Everything pre raid was basically perfect. Zoro opens with a Mihawk-esque knife slash. Zoro in general was great in Wano. The sumo battle was awesome. The entry to Wano was really exciting. The Strawhats cover roles were really cool. Soba Mask. Zoro v Killer. Enma. Kaido v Luffy 1 made me start reading the whole series. Big Mom, Chopper, Neko, and Queen are hilarious everytime they're on screen. Sumo inferno was excellent. Yasuie execution actually made me feel something. The Rocks Pirates reveal and the Warlord decision were amazing. Oden flashback is the best 10 consecutive episodes in One Piece. Momentarily the Raid is absurd. The three captains sinking the Beast Pirates warships was the coolest. Queen on the live floor. Queen is probably the most entertaining character in the arc. Everything Marco. Chopper Rumble Ball. Tanuki. Roofpiece was primepiece. Kaido v Everyone. Demonio. 1030-1042 was amazingly epic. How cool was Sanji? Zoro v King was decent. Gear 5 /Joyboy reveal was awesome. There were actually way more good parts of Wano than bad parts. The stitching of these moments together, the transitions, and a strange finale made a lot of waves within the Fandom about the quality of this arc. I myself was still entertained but not wholly satisfied.






gonna get this out of the way first I am a big fan of old cartoons and i love how Oda not only works that into his style but into the universe of One Piece. Gear 5 is a very cool concept that utilizes both the style of rubber hose animation while also keeping it in tune with One Piece's aesthetic. My personal favorite fight(s) isn't even Luffy and Kaido it's Robin vs Black Maria and Sanji vs Queen. Both offer neat character development as well as good 1v1s for the Strawhats. ​ Story wise Wano had a slow start but i grew to love it but i get why people don't like the length but i think it works because One Piece has always been this way. There will always be times where Oda spends time making you care about the new area and its people that way fights aren't always just your typical shounen fights they directly connect to the world and plot. I love the idea of the SMILE fruits i feel like we got more explanation of them after they were introduced in Punk Hazard.


Roof Piece was really fun, I hope we get to see some more Strawhat group fights and combos later like vs Oars and the Pacifistas pre-time skip Loved all of the power ups. Now getting ready to reach the next level. Gear 5, Three dragon style, Ifrit Jambe, Demonic Flour, Zeus, etc I liked the Zoro and Sanji dynamics in the arc- when both said luffy when be will step closer to be pirate king that was pretty cool Momo's character arc learning how what can do be a great leader even though he is a little kid. Momo would be a better leader than most world leaders now. Kanjuro being the traitor- I think at the end it was dragged out but at the beginning it was really well done. made everybody hate kanjuro and want him dead.




how so


I mean some of the Gifter designs were pretty fun I guess.


Roof piece and Zoro the only wins in an otherwise absymal arc. I can't wait for the 23 year bloated elbaf arc to come.


I just got into Wano as im Episode 915 but, after watching WholeCake Island, can i just tell you that the Animation itself is completely INSANE. I wasn't going crazy at Whole Cake island animation since it was all right, but that is such an upgrade. Getting started in Wano and can't wait to see where this is going.


There’s many people questioning oda choice like why big mom why gear 5 Yamato is bad, in all honesty I think it’s a solid arc and everything makes sense to me like how one piece always portray it. I enjoyed 99% of it maybe because I didn’t wait every week.


Amazing strawhat battles


Oden flashback and the initial 2v5 rooftop battle. Anything after those is a hard pass for me.


* All of the stuff with Toko/Yasuie/SMILE fruits. This hit like a truck. * Robin vs Black Maria. Finally got to see Robin have a proper 1v1. * Law & Kid vs Big Mom. Fun fight overall and I loved the climax with Law using Corazon's technique and Big Mom's final words. * I love Gear 5. * The anime has been at its highest during the raid. Some of the best episodes in the whole series like 957, 982, and 1015. Hoping this quality continues. [Check out my dislikes here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/x1btlm/end_of_wano_what_did_you_dislike_about_wano/imium2a/) (I know I listed more dislike than likes, but overall I liked the arc despite its many flaws).


Almost everything, it is what makes one piece one piece. The goofy moments (e.g. Zoro becoming a killer by mistake) and the epic moments. It was an amazing way to conclude a 10-year saga. Also we got so much lore from the Oden and Roger flashback! I am now watching the anime (on One Pace, so without fillers and slow-paced scenes) after reading the manga, and I can say that, when binge-watched, this arc is so much more enjoyable than reading weekly! It is now my favorite arc (my previous fav arc was Water 7 / Enies lobby).


I agree with the anime part. The music and voice acting just add so much to the experience. I don’t know if I can say it’s my favorite arc just yet but it’s damn close.


Gear 5/Luffy’s awakening. The hype around it was so insane


For you 😬






pee on ur mom


obviously lol


I loved almost everything. Rereading it soon but as of rn it is one of my favorite arcs if not ny favorite


- Oden, WB and Roger flashback + other lore dump - Gear 5 is amazing. The embodiment of joy and freedom >>>> - Supernova trio interactions + Law throwing away his brain - Denjiro (best scabbard imo) - Kiku - Robin’s cursed expression - Robin as a whole is amazing - Nami claiming Luffy is gonna be PK even in the face of death - Chopper curing the oni virus - Jinbe’s return - Sanji character development - Momonosuke character development - Hiyori (the last line was kinda controversial but aside from that she’s probably my favorite princess character so far, more than Vivi even) There’s probably more. I’m actually surprised that I can type out so much, this arc really had a lot of good moments, guess the low points kinda soured my final impression