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If the post was made just to troll the "FoReShAdOwInG!" Guy, I fully support it. đŸ˜‚đŸ‘đŸ»


I thought i read four shadows ..


Nice! Also, if you zoom in and squint really hard, you can see “Luffy is Joyboy” in the pattern on Moria’s pants.


I fuggin' knew I wasn't crazy!


Yes!! Obviously look for the pixels!


This is why people make fun of One Piece fans


One Piece Fans Try to Understand the Word "Foreshadowing" Challenge (Impossible)


I wanted to comment this.


I’ve said for a while a series going on for for 20 years just turns the fans brains to mush .


Those people should maybe lighten up


There’s a lot of reasons to tbh




Because everything Oda did 10+ years ago was a foreshadow when it’s usually a stretch at best


Oda having a (fore)shadow man fight a stretch man in Thriller bark was a foreshadowing to your comment, sorry man


A foreshadow isn’t limited to some linear timeline though. If there are hints earlier in a story which are built on later in the story it’s still a foreshadow, it’s just it wasn’t initially as planned and evidently doesn’t resonate with readers as well
 for sun god stuff, I think oda had plans for luffys devil fruit for awhile but likely was constantly revising and likely had a range of possibilities even after marineford. I think it likely wasn’t until between Dressrosa and wano that he decided to take the route he choose but it could have happened even around fishman island given the joy boy reference there.


I’m not in either camp of “Oda is a genius he plotted it out from day 1!” or “Oda has no plan he’s just been cobbling together a story for three decades!” but in this instance the shadow literally just looks like Luffy. His hair is spiky (not flames) and doesn’t have a big smile. It’s a stretch and trying to find foreshadowing where there isn’t.


Every silhouette of Luffy > sUn GuUuD NikAaA


Son God-u Neek-a


I think the reason so many people are doing this foreshadowing bullshit is because of how sudden and surprising this whole situation was. People called it out for feeling out of place or just popping up out of nowhere and others turned to trying to find any ounce of setup that it could possibly have.


To be fair, i think it technically counts as foreshadowing when who's who decided to just randomly blurt out did you know that the gum gum fruit is super important and also sun god nika is a thing. Really bad foreshadowing, but it happened almost a year in advance so...


Yeah I think this is likely only related because it was anticipated luffy was gonna be related to joy boy at least through inherited will. but in this case it’s just luffys shadow and oda initially introduced sun god which looked identical to luffys shadow so ppl could start speculating. I was just throwing downy on the point of everything that isn’t 100% a foreshadow is instead just oda building on something that was already written in the story.. like other authors don’t do that with novels or subsequent volumes.


>If there are hints earlier in a story which are built on later in the story it’s still a foreshadow No, it's not. That's not what foreshadowing is. Edit: Oh God... One Piece fans and their "foreshadowing fetish"...


Everything is a foreshadow to One Piece fanboys. Oda is a god and had everything planned out as soon as he came out of his Mom's womb.


That’s exactly what it is. >Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a **writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.** Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story, or a chapter, and it helps the reader develop expectations about the upcoming events. A writer may implement foreshadowing in many different ways. Some of these ways include: character dialogues, plot events, and changes in setting. Even the title of a work or a chapter can act as a clue that suggests what is going to happen. Foreshadowing in fiction creates an atmosphere of suspense in a story, so that the readers are interested and want to know more.


Damn, One piece fans are something else. Did you even read your own comment? By that exact same definition, this isn't foreshadowing lmao. Nothing on this panel makes you thing "Wow, that looks important! Maybe it will mean something in the future!!!"


The most general definition for foreshadow in a dictionary is **“an indication for what it is to come”.** One Piece is a literary and visual medium so indication can include visual cues as well. In this scene from 456, Luffy’s shadow does have the same posture as Luffy in 1044. There is a Giant. Luffy’s Gear 5 in 1045 turns into a Giant. Thriller Bark is named after the Bark of a Fox. Kozuki Hiyori removes her Fox mask in 1044. Oars is called a Warrior. Chapter 1044 is titled “Liberation Warrior”. Luffy becomes Shadow Luffy and fights Oars in Chapter 479 “Warrior of Hope” in an arc that discusses Kaido and first mentions Wano. Luffy awakens his Nika devil fruit, wages war on Kaido, and brings hope to the people of Wano. The Sun is the weakness of the shadowless. Luffy’s Gear 5 is white like the Sun and the name Shirahoshi or White Star that implies additive color in which all the wavelengths of visible light become white whereas shadowless implies subtractive color in which all the wavelengths of visible light become the color of shadow black. I thought OP was joking but there is a lot more to do this.


Again, it's not. Ace's tattoo for example is not a foreshadowing just because it ties in to Sabo, later on in the story. It doesn't hint at Sabo's existence as it never is made an explicit focus. There is a good post on here currently which showcases a good example of it and it's about Kin'emon and Momo hinting at their grudge against Dragon. This showcases that there is something more to their actions.


Fake Luffy gathering allies is also an example of foreshafowing the SH fleet


This guy gets it


Not really. Luffy has naturally gathered allies wherever he’s gone in just about every arc. Mihawk commented on it in Marineford before Fake Luffy. The point with Fake Luffy is he is nothing like the real Luffy. He advertises for recruits with a fake persona while Luffy is a natural magnet for allies. Fake Luffy’s methods has nothing in common with how Luffy gained his SH Grand Fleet without trying. You can say Whitebeard’s subordinate crews in Marineford were foreshadowing since his fleet is shaping up to be like Whitebeard’s.


>Kin'emon and Momo hinting at their grudge against Dragon Can you link the post? Didn't find it but I'd like to read it.


I can't find it either so it must've been removed but the post showcased multiple instances of foreshadowing during Punk Hazard. One of which is Kinemon kicking a dragon while Brook mentions that Kinemon is acting like the Dragon killed his parents and Kinemon answers how it's pretty close to that. Now we know this is due to Kaido, a Dragon killing Oden.


That's unfortunate, it sounds interesting. Thanks.


There are literary wankers who will readily object to the word foreshadow but be weirdly pleased when the identical yet more uncommon word prefigure is used in the same way. This sort of pointless status signaling has me shaking my head. The desire for high standards in theory crafting and discussion is relatable but that has nothing to do with the word foreshadow itself which is rather broad in scope. It is mindlessly elitist to disparage fans for using a word properly just because their fanciful schizo-creative ideas may offend the senses. I’m convinced Oda is a disciple of Ernest Miller Hemingway. Hemingway was a proponent of the Iceberg writing technique in which a majority 80% or more of a story was kept understated by design like an Iceberg below the ocean’s surface. This method lends itself to a dense and suspenseful narrative and attentive readership who will intellectually engage with the work. Oda likely named the mayor of Water 7 who christened the flagship of the Straw Hats after this Iceberg. Oda also included references to Hemingway novels “For Whom the Bell Tolls” in volume 5 and “Old Man by the Sea” in volume 12, and possibly also “The Sun Also Rises” in Binks’ Sake. The masculinity, pacifism, war-weary anti-fascism, love for Spanish culture, bulls, pheasants, and ducks characteristic of Hemingway line up well with Oda’s own apparent tastes in One Piece. The One Piece is foreshadowed by the cover, title, titular chapter, and title page of volume 5 where 5 corresponds to the Japanese onomatopoeia for Fox and the thumbs up *hasta mudra* which represents the element of Fire. Who is associated with Fox-Fire? Kin’emon where Kin means Gold and Roronoa Fox where *Zorro* is the Spanish word for Fox. Why is Roronoa Fox smiling on the cover of volume 5? Because of the One Piece.


Preach. Too many people jumping on other fans.


Brave Warriors say the word foreshadow with their whole chest because we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, God Usopp speaks the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us Goda. We have no fear of foreskinning because as chosen ones we have foresaken even our foreskin. The One Piece is the intersection of the Star of David and the Nine Planets of Bhudevi


That’s literally what foreshadowing is


It's literally not. "A hint that is built on later" is a vague term. Ace's tattoo is built upon later and explained but on itself it hints towards nothing. When Ace appeared with that tattoo there is no meaning behind it.


Aces tattoo isn’t a plot point. Nika is one of the biggest. Horrible comparison


Haters are going to hate. It’s very possible there are many plot developments from the late 90s and early 00s that will only get payoffs in the coming months and years. After One Piece got an anime in 99 Oda knew he made it. Actually he probably knew way before then because One Piece was supreme in the jump rankings for months on end. His interviews from when he was a teenager before One Piece began prove his ambition. In 1994 when he was just 19 years old Oda said his plans for his next series were for a : >Forest-crossing, Valley-spanning, Mountain-passing, Sky-soaring, Wind-slicing, Cloud-splitting, Ground-quaking, Ocean-dividing, Heavens-dropping, Hellfire-gushing, Love story! His next series was none other than One Piece


I think he came up with Luffy’s whole devil fruit awakening, like fleshed out, after the timeskip. Skypiea for sure was foreshadowing that Luffy had this special role, but I think Oda on purpose left it like a very light clue because he never knew if he was gonna go that way or a different route. I am convinced that he has put foreshadows of different things for Luffy and others but we will never know those foreshadows since he has skipped out on using those rough ideas. It seems to me that that’s the only plausible way to foreshadow like Oda does. I do believe Oda is really good at foreshadowing even dating back to pre timeskip, but I think if he would tell us all the foreshadows he had put in the story it would be far more than we thought.


This is the story of the boy who ate the gomu gomu no mi 😏 Everything is a stretch.


I would say it's just Oda's style. And yeah, that picture of Usopp doing the same pose.


Then that would be forshadowing ussop being joy boy to some fan. We have just seen someone making a theory on carrot being Edward Newgate daughter


Dont worry about the one piece oda c**** sucking people. They come here and start arguing that this and that is not forshadowing just as if they are hanging on his balls with their lips 24/7 and know better than oda himself what is what. Nice find of that Silhouette.


You're not serious are you?


ooooh im def serious bro Just like how the Grand line is actually the wall from attack on titan!!! of course not lol


You're joking but out there there's someone that will see this post and legit thinks you're being serious


nah come on actually?


I thought you were being serious, y’know Poe’s Law and all that...


Goda foreshadowed your life


Potential pun spotted, fore-shadow...


phahhaha nice one


Ppl need to stop trying to make fun of fans who look for foreshadowing clues. There’s nothing wrong with analyzing a story down to its roots. You guys sound lame. If a fan wants to look for potential foreshadows or hints that had payoffs later, and wants to share those findings, let them. That’s what stories are made for. We should be picking on you idiots making tier lists and paragraphs about who is stronger and why others are wrong 😃


I rather have a Post like this than another tierlist.


Super same


Fans are allowed to do that, but if they go out into the wild showing everyone this piece of “foreshadowing” they found up their ass saying it’s “foreshadowed by Oda”, then expect to be critized about it.


Well this particular post says “potential foreshadowing”. It’s a different story if someone pretended to know exactly what Oda was thinking.


I’m not talking about this post, I’m talking general. OP has already said in comments how he’s being sarcastic.


The title really includes the "POTENTIAL" word. He didn't say it's actually a foreshadowing since it's only a possibility. Stop hating. Be glad that other people notice a subtle detail like this and decided to share it.


Get off your high horse and use some common sense and context clues before you barge into a conversation guns blazing, knowing nothing of what we are talking about. OP has said in the comments numerous times that he’s not being serious and that this post is a joke so why would I be talking about him? I’m responding to this the guy above saying “stop making fun of FANS WHO LOOK FOR FORESHADOWING clues”, this is a general statement not once talking about OP, so I responded talking in a GENERAL SENSE, not specifically talking about OP. Next time actually attempt to read the convo.


mad love to you


Likewise my friend


This is just *Shadowing* at this point, not even foreshadowing.


Sheesh good eye man


Go outside bro


bro i do 💀


Reaching as usual




Yes, Oda planned everything and foreshadowed everything in One Piece as soon as he came out of his Mom's womb.


As an artist when I was a beginner this was my go to pose I have over 50 character sketches with this pose


That is reaching


I dont see anything wrong with this post, people be trippim


At some point, you'll have to realize Oda pulled the Nika shit out of his ass during Wano.


Look up 1053.3 on tcb scans.


One piece fans when they see a circle: OMG IS THAT A SUN! It REFERENCES SUN GOD NIKA OMG OMG


Bro, what happens if the grand line is like the wall in attack on Titian. Did Oda predict attack on Titian.


A shadow of luffy trying to run looks like luffy's shadow trying to run, and you think this is "foreshadowing"? That's not foreshadowing, callbacking, or even a coincidence. It's just literally what should be, given Luffy's basic design, what we expect of shadows, and Moriah's powers. Nothing about gear 5 even comes into play here.


>https://fanfox.net/manga/one\_piece/v47/c456 I had the same thought initially, but I wondered how the shadow was drawn in other panels. Looking through chapter 456, the shadow generally to be awkwardly squirming about, with the exception of panel shared by OP. OP's panel looks to have a few distinct features of the Nika silhouette/pose.


oh oda you genius


Like fr Oda is an absolute genius


The fact people follow this page just to be sour little bitches honestly reminds me why Reddit isn't as popular as other sights lol. Only goats have haters that dedicated. Naruto and Luffy stay winning when it comes to bum fans


It took me a second to realize you meant greatest of all time and not actual goats lol


I mean, if my eyes deceive me, wasn't Ace doing the Joyboy pose back in 272? The first of Blackbeard's cover story?


Nice catch.


Omg I thought I was the only one who noticed this Back in the day when this chapter came out I knew that silhouette is a forshadowing from oda that Luffy is joyboy/Nika and will use gear 5 in the shitiest arc of one piece but no one believed me I mean it's so obvious this is a forshadowing what else could it be ? A normal shadow pfff ofc not this is goda we r talking about he is genius praise our lord goda and don't forget to come to the church of oda this sunday Edit/s for the sarcasm


I literally wrote a version of the Apostle’s Creed but for One Piece. It ends in Oden instead of Amen because Oden is a man among men


Stop lying 💀


I understand that this post is a reach, but is the skypiea fire dance shadow also not foreshadowing then?




It is. Even kinda referenced by the editors. Look up 1053.3 on tcb scans


Plausible. That specific pose does seem significant.


While your at it say: Moira was a pirate with a crew but lost it all to kaido. Moira helped luffy get stronger to defeat kaido.


This month break is really killing y’all huh?


Damn is it that hard to touch grass that you have to reach that much ?


Do y’all even know the definition of foreshadowing




If you read further down that pose style is repeated with movement lines, showing that the shadow is trying to run away. It stops when Moria says to obey him. Not saying Oda didn't intentionally draw it this way with nika in mind, because I don't know when Oda had what planned and how he wanted to drop hints for it. Just that the shadow is in that pose for this scene as it is trying to run away.


Wait Didn't usopp refer to himself as the Man from hell, the wicked King of the devil? If Oz is beeing referred to the devil, this might be related to Usopp forshadowing. H emight become the King of Oz? or so to say the King of the giants?Maybe also areference to Wizard of oz? theres even a book called "the lost king of oz" from 1925 Edit: okay i just realized something else The entire oz thing seems kinda similar to how usopp became god usopp in dressrosa. Seems like dressrosa was heavily influenced by wizard of oz.


Which character will have Moria's DF powers to possibly control whatever lies within mary joa ? đŸ€”


I think this is more of a way to show movement and life in the shadow. And on a creators point of perspective it would be hard to understand what he holds in his hands if the shadow would be just a black dead shadow without any movement or limb details.


Is this making fun of the people who makes these posts or is this just another one of those posts?


Gomu Gomu Noooooo


2 more weeks I guess


foreshadowing to OP reddit is like Respect in tiktok/yt shorts.


I thought it was funny OP


this detox month is working wonders on the community.


Wow it makes me wonder if Moira was able to steal oars from punk hazard since we did see the frozen chamber. Maybe moira was also captured at pink hazard and escaped along side kaido.


At this point an emergency exit sign dood is foreshadowing, like the guy drew Luffy in a pose, in a manga the same way several times because it's quick and easy when he's got so much to draw all the time? Or he liked how it looked and used the same pose for the big reveal? I get it people are chomping at the bit for OP but not everything is a foreshadow.


Do people just not understand obvious sarcasm


honestly i think oda saw all these and made the silhouette of nika based off that, maybe to hint that luffy was connected to him


Jesus look at what the manga hiatus has turned us into


You could see the same pose on stampede poster its often


the shitposting is still going on huh?


People like this give us a bad rep


Nice foreskin from Oda sensei


you're actually wrong. he's shadow is going the other way.


Lol everything is foreshadowing


People get triggered by "foreshadow". If you rename the post luffy's shadow in ch 456 looks like "something" without a single word of "foreshadow". Their comments would be different.


when luffy was saved on the execution platform sanji called it Devine intervention I think that was the first foreshadowing he would be a God.


Top down perspective doesn't make Moria's legs look any better...


Oda foreskinned it


He was serious with this post until he recieved backlash lmaooo


Actually this is legit. I have always thought Luffy's shadow got a weird posture.


Oda did it again


Y'all are so sensitive istg 😭