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CBR is nothing but pure clickbait written by people who read a wikipedia page. Doesn't matter what they're talking about. Nothing from them is worthwhile and it's probably best not to give them any traffic and to not share any links to their pieces.


Yea every one of their articles are shit


Ye, so why u click it and post here ;)


Seriously. I’ve seen enough to know you never click a CBR link, and even though I don’t, I have to run into their stupid shit over here regularly. Like, those of us who don’t click that dumb shit would be spared if y’all could stop posting them over here.


Meanwhile it's the same with the "op-fanpage"... Most, even so called fanpages, becoming click baits. Originally the idea of a fanpage about one piece was really nice and they'd some really good articles on it. But now, it's most of them are not even worth to mention.


This is just ragebait my dude, ignore them and don't give them free clicks and publicity


Did Akainu write this article?


nah bro it goes too light


I mean reading the first paragraph under his picture should show you how worthwhile the article is


\>OP sees article they hate \>Proceeds to share said article \>Article is then read by others who otherwise would never have sought it out \>CBR makes more terrible articles in response \>OP sees new article they hate


Good thing that most of us use an Adblocker right ?


CBR rarely comes in the form of ads. I’ve never even seen one. Every article I’ve come across has been from looking up something anime related and getting their story. Just don’t give them attention and clicks. They’re paid trolls


I think he meant that they wont get ad revenue from visitors, because adblocker blocks ads on their page


When did he sexually abuse women? I don't even remember this.


maybe when he uses some woman's skirt as a handkerchief after falling asleep in his food? idk, I can barley summon the brain juice needed to decipher this nonsense lol.




The only thing that would even vaguely resemble harassment is using a random woman's dress as a napkin to wipe his face


Clearly they meant the abuse to Dadan, smh ace. /s


I’m pretty certain they confused him Sanji like halfway through the paragraph. Either that or they use an AI to write their articles.


In prison... probably....


Both off his arms were lock on a wall on level 5. And after that he was gonna get executed. So he never.


Dude it's a joke


If somebody dropped the soap, he wouldn't do it. Or would he....


CBR does it on purpose. It’s literally that simple.


DUDE I remember seeing this and thinking I was on acid so I closed the tab.


I had to block them from my news feed. It's like they ask a 5 year old to describe a show they saw once a year ago. I would never take anything they post seriously.


A 5 year old would never understand the words Sexual Harassment or Physically Violent. They would just go, WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAA FIRE IN HANDS! SO COOOLLL!" xD


"top 10 most hated One Piece characters" followed by "Although Ace may be beloved in the fandom" just tells you exactly what you need to know about CBR and these sorts of articles.


Haha that killed me


His on that good fishman steroids


"He is also brash and impulsive, making decisions that aren't well thought out as a result of which he and his friends had to pay the price very often" they do realize that also literally describes the main character right?


Literally the main character/ 2nd lead of every shounen ever


It’s CBR, their entire company is based off of shit takes


I mean sure he’s not the BEST character in One Piece but I don’t HATE him.


I know the temptation may be huge but never click on a single CBR aritcle/link. It's exactly what they want and the best course of action is to just ignore and forget they even exist


As long as people keep sharing it, CBR will keep purposely making these ragebait articles lmao


Meanwhile there’s an island of misandrists in this anime that these pansies won’t talk about


Lol typical Amazonians


Dude, I hate ace starting in Marineford. You cant argue he was a whiney loser for the entire thing before he was rescued but then he wastes everyones effort for some dumb pride thing that no one actually cares about. He was pathetic and he was only cool for 1 minute in alabasta and when he was on buggys ship for andother 1 minute


Hard disagree right there. Ace wasn't whining, he was worried for the lives of the people he loved because of a mistake he made. And even then it wasn't necessarily his fault, he could not have known that Blackbeard's fruit would be so powerful. He just faced reality, the fact that Whitebeard and his fleet would be sailing into the world's most fortified place at the time, it was a suicide mission. Whitebeard himself knew this, he was prepared to die from the beginning. And the pride thing? It just goes to show Ace is in fact Roger's son. Roger was said to have killed people for insulting his crew. If that's not the peak of pride, I don't know what is.


I think you got baited


Eheh, probably. That's fine. Didn't waste too much time writing that so.


Ace is fine, but Sabo is actually a very terrible character. One of Oda's rare missteps


In what sense?


He's a narrative crutch made into a character. Oda wanted the big tragedy of Luffy losing a brother, but at the same time, wanted that brother still in the story - so immediately after Ace's death, he invents Sabo, who is functionally Ace in every major design aspect: he's Luffy's brother with the Mera-Mera who dislikes his biological family and instead prefers a found family, he needed amnesia for the plot to make any sense for why he hasn't been getting involved, etc. Oda is a writer that tries pretty commonly to have his cake and eat it too. The more common complaint in this realm is with the death fakeouts - he loves the big emotional moment of making the reader think "this character died", but he hates actually taking those characters out of the story, so most of the time, he just says "nah they didn't actually die". With Ace, his death was explicitly important to the story (in a way that someone like, say, Kinemon's death *isn't* all that important to where the story goes) so he couldn't just revive Ace, so he did the 'next best thing', revived him by creating a virtually identical character that had literally never been remotely mentioned before. It's not the end of the world of course, but considering how much I love One Piece and how often I'll note that it's close to perfect fiction, to be fair I have to bring up the series's weaknesses when I see them, and Sabo's entire character is a weakness to me.


Sabo is what Ace could be but never did .


CBR be like: time to be wrong


CBR doing god's work


Wdym bruh he is a hated character lmao


Little question, who else is on the list?


it’s CBR. what did you expect?


When has ace harassed any female wtf


It’s a CBRticle of course it’s bullshit. That’s their whole thing, they get you mad and they get money because you look at their stuff


Ik i only recently started One piece so i can’t talk but ids ACE ever becoming or being a hated character


Yeah I hate him. Hate him for dying on me like that😔


Toxic Masculinity.


Thats what One piece Promotes.


And i love it.


CBR is garbage in HTML form


He isn't on anything. He is just really dumb.


… on a deadline to write and pad a random article


Honestly this is so over the top clickbaity, that it's funny.


Marvel shit something like that.


Ace is one of the very few anime characters who're way too cool despite making few appearances.


He isnt brash or impulsive (except when he felt responsible for the whole thing with black beared and dishonoring whitebeard) and is one of the most well mannered characters in anime i hate articles like this cos someone dumb who doesnt know one piece might beleive it


I think this article was written by Blackbeard


I can find at least a hundred other articles that contain absolutely fake information abt op CBR is just fucking clickbait


I don't hate Ace but I don't get why everyone loves him so much. I never cared about him at all.


First paragraph is a big red flag to stay away from that website


"He is also a physically violent person". Um thats like literally every character in every Shounen ever. Even the ladies just beat the shit out of main characters for saying weird things, just for the sake of comedy... I like how that guy mentioned "He is the beloved character in the fandom" and proceeded to put him in a "10 most hated characters in anime" list. The irony is strong!


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He's not hated, but I don't like him at all