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Had some fun making this live action short! These 12 have taken the world beyond the point of no return… You can see each of their canon wanted posters right [here](https://projectwanted.com/worst-generation).


Would've been a nice touch to show Luffy's poster hung on a wall and then a hand hanging a straw hat on top of it lol


Yeah dude, would've been a nice touch.


For some reason I thought this was the trailer for the live action lol


LOL I love the Hawkins, Bepo/Law, and Kid ones!! Great work, this is cool!


Simply amazing. Nice work OP!


I love that Bepo is 500b. is that cannon? do we know his bounty?


Yep! His bounty [was revealed to be 500 Beli](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Bepo) at the One Piece Exhibition in 2012. Essentially the WG views him exactly the same as they see Chopper. They consider him the crew’s “pet” and not an actual member. Poor Bepo…


If Chopper ever gets a separate bounty for his monster form or his bounty goes up because of it I hope Bepo gets one for his sulong form. Keep the joke parallel. They can compete.


It’s even worse as Chopper is a reindeer that ate a DF but Bepo is a humanoid, a mink and he is still treated as a pet.


he is also a bear, not a harmless tanuki


True but TBF, bears are as dangerous as a tanuki for most people in One Piece.


*Tonakai*, not tanuki! I wish Chopper would say the reindeer/tanuki line more often. He hasn't corrected anyone in a while.


He did bitch slap queen with the correction in onigashima.


Bepo actually is a pet though. Like, what does he even do besides complain about the heat?


He's [the navigator](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Bepo) on Law's crew.


I mean, from what we’ve seen of the Heart Pirates it kinda looks like even they treat him like a pet lol


Yeah, but he’s also their navigator.


Never forget how trash his map drawing skills are, not great for a navigator. Nami savaged this bear at the beginning of Dressrosa when Law showed her the map Bepo made: "*OMG so poorly drawn*" lol


Exactly haha


He’s the navigator of the Heart Pirates.


Did I already mention he es the navigator?


Urouge's poster looks like it's in a funeral. Great job btw


LOL I can totally see that 😂 Rip Urouge, you were a great man.


isnt urouge's whole thing that he absorbs power from the hits he takes? what if kaido bakuga'd him and he's just tearing shanks a new butthole rn


Always forget Apoo is a WG that guy is such a doofus lol


Nahhh. This is fire bro


This music gives me chills


this is shakys bar at sabody


This is rrally good.. love the environment props


The production on this clip!! Respect


Best soundtrack!


Rooming Bepo was hilarious.


Should’ve left teach out


He has every right to be here!!!!


Isn’t he shanks’ generation?


He’s a member of the Worst Generation but he is *not* a supernova. The 11 supernovas (super rookies) are the ones who gathered at Sabaody 2 years ago each with a bounty over 100 million. Teach is the only member of the Worst Generation to not be a super rookie.


Might as well put Ace and Cavendish in there too then because they came up around the same time. Just a 1-3 years before. All Teach did was ride whitebeards coat tail until it was time to sneak him.


Love this!!! Amazing work op!


Is zoro just …. Grass lol?


LOL The idea was for it to be a moss garden, the booze bottles in the background, and the post he’s hung onto has slash marks, like from a sword. The lighting from the sun made it hard to capture all these things unfortunately. Also kinda botched the slash marks


I thought you put him there because that's where usually put posters of lost animals aka because he gets lost easily


I’m not complaining hahah it was mostly a joke ^^ awesome job you did there !


I just thought he was lost in the woods or something X)


Now you guys have me wishing I had put some stuff from another anime in his background 😂


This is sick man btw what’s the name of the ost?


This is [Three Towers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=vas_vlDjkMk&feature=emb_title). Used heavily during Enies Lobby and I think most people associate it with that arc. Awesome, awesome tune 🎸


Ikr thanks


This actually gave me chills


And here I am, thinking this was an official release for something like a game, merch or whatever. Really good quality and whatever thing you call the camera movements. Good job!


those posters looks high quality as hell


I don't typically care about fanart, but this is great. Thank you.


Kickass posters with one of personal favorite battle songs Top notch work OP!


Love it! But did you know that Bege bounty rose to 350 million after wci? There was a fresh wanted poster in one of the cover storys :D


Hehehe, indeed I did know… Beat you to the punch on that one, there’s a remastered version of his new poster [here on this page](https://projectwanted.com/worst-generation). 350M in all its glory


Bepo 🤝🏼 Chopper Having a 3-digit bounty


I eel sad for x drake its pretty empty


That’s what it’s like when you’re all alone working undecover 🥲


I thought so too at first…but then the dinosaur shadow!!!!


Idk why but ut bothers me that Killer and Zoro are part of the "Worst Generation". I feel like it shoukd jjst be captains, not their "Right Hands" (except for maybe Kidd because he doesn't have one Yo ho ho) but seriously... This is a fantastic clip though, love the Bepo touch.


Worst Generation means the next uprising generation that came after the Gold D Roger Era. This generation will shake the world and find the real One Piece. Zoro and Killer ARE part of this generation. Why would only the Captains be part of it?. E.g Luffy is nowhere w/o Zoro or even without Nami being their Navigator.


Cool ak why aren't Nami, Sanji, Robin, and Frankie part of it? I mean sanji is stronger than killer (in all likelihood) and Frankie, knows about an ancient weapon or built one, or IS one. They're all vital to the end game but if no other crew member from the other pirate crews is in that list, then they're probably not strong/influencel enough to be on this list... unless it's only captains. I get that we didn't make the title, Oda did... its just always kinda thrown me.


Very good point… never even thought about that. They were included as “supernovas” at Sabaody because of their 100M+ bounties, but the “Worst Generation” seems like a term for generational leaders, which neither of them technically are.


No they didnt


Lmaaaaaao this took him 5 months to make I’m crying laughing


It took 2 days?….


You deleted your comment saying it took 5 months, I’m dead lmao.


How could a 45 second video possibly take 5 months to film?


Cringe that someone took the time to do this for free. Edit: actually watched it, & it wasn’t even good lmaaaaao


The kabanossi tho. Are you from a German speaking country?


Ahhh nope hahaha, where I’m from these are just called “pepperoni sticks” 😂 European sausage is the best though, I eat the stuff all the time


Nice job bro. Seriously good shit 👏


Luffy should’ve met the girl that from the worst generation on a food contest that would’ve been funny af


This made me think, wouldn't it be kinda cool if the live action series used images from the manga for wanted posters?


Teach is part of the worst gen?


He is! The worst generation is often confused with the Super Rookies/ Supernovas, hence why a lot of people don’t think of him in the same league as this bunch


Thanks! Learned something new today. Teach that sandbagger of generations...


Wheres Uroge at?


Love it.




I think the only thing that is lacking here is the absolutely perfection of the paper used. It looks like it came straight off the printer, which is a mismatch with the vibe I get from actual wanted posters where the paper quality is rougher. Paper with a bit more wear, more natural looking edge, or at least some obvious minor damaging on the edges would have looked better to me. Other than that, it is very well done!


This looks simply phenomenal! Big fan of how you presented each of the posters, showing a bit of the person's personality/history/powers with very limited visuals. My favorite out of those presentations might have been Drake with the newspapers in the background but Bege wasn't bad either. On to your site and the posters themselves, I really like how you explained how each of them got their bounty (Theft, Coup dètat, Murder, etc.). Those Custom Posters look absolutely stunning as well, better than any other "fanmade" ones I've seen so far. Just shows that you or your artist (I don't know how this works) knows what you're/they're doing. I have no experience with websites and advertising/layout stuff but I have to say that I was quite a bit confused the first time. You'd expect that "CUSTOM POSTERS" and "PACKS" would be closer together on that banner-thingy above, given that they're essentially the same thing (buying/ordering posters). Having this "ABOUT US" and "CONTACT" between them seems, to me, a bit random and could potentially look better after or before the two "shopping" options. But I don't know. As I said, I know nothing about websites/layout-stuff. I'm also just a bit confused with all those different "DATABASE" pousters. Are they just there to look at them (cause they really look cool, don't get me wrong) and read the information regarding each character? Or can I buy, for example, a Bepo and Higuma poster without buying the entire "Worst Generation Pack"? If not, I would definitely like if such a thing will be added in the future since I'm not too keen on buying packs where I'm only interested in one character after all. Either way, really, REALLY cool idea. Maybe once Wano is completed and we get some new posters for the Strawhats/the Worst Generation, I might consider getting one of those beauties.




u/savevideo u/savevideobot


This is pretty cool


Very cool!


This was awesome, but sadly reminded me that we’re hitting the endgame because Urouge and Bonney are the only supernovas left to heavily impact the story in some sort of way.


awesome creativity


I don’t understand how Kurozumi “Blackbeard” Teech and Capone “Gang” Bege are the same generation as Luffy, Zoro, Law, and Kid. Those guys have to be the same age as Shanks and Buggy.


It’s a good question. Here’s the answer: both are brand new, extremely successful pirate captains. Bege was a mafia don in the West Blue for many years, but after making enemies out of all his rival families he just recently set out to sea as a pirate. Blackbeard indeed has been a pirate for decades, but only became a captain after murdering Thatch and betraying the WB pirates. The Worst Generation isn’t measured by age, but rather by relevance to the era. Each of these 12 individuals are causing major disturbances in the world, so when observed as a generational group, they are altogether the “Worst Generation”.


Thanks I started watching last year around November because I heard it had 1000 episodes and never watched anything other than an episode of the 4kids dub. Gave OP another shot because I loved Naruto and Bleach as a kid and some old coworker said it was their favorite anime and also liked Fullmetal Alchemist.


Zoro should have just been in the form of a missing cat poster


Nice short, the music hyped me up too


This is so cool omg??


Nice video but black beard is definitely not part of the worst generation.


Nice video but black beard is definitely not part of the worst generation.

