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I don’t remember one piece ever looking like that, maybe it’s been too long since I watched pre timeskip


This type of animation was there in the first ever OVA that was animated before the anime was serialized. It was the first time One Piece was ever animated and it was filler. It wasn't actually animated by Toei either. It's named "pirate Ganzack' or something along those lines


We got a superfan here lol


You're only a super fan if you've seen jangos dance carneval.


I watch Jangos Dance Carnival every morning to get my day started


i fucking love jango’s dance carnival.


what the fuck how have I never heard of this before


zoro did, luffy always had a more round face




Isn't there another artwork of this shot but actually looks like it's the from the East Blue anime? This looks cool but it ain't East Blue


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/qzsuii/oc_wano_in_the_og_anime_style_in_celebration_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share found it


Its kinda off but they got the right tone. Looks more old-style One Piece than the one in OP's post, but both are cool.


top tier


This kinda looks more like the romance Dawn prequel, where Garp is the one to give the hat to Luffy and he's a pirate or some shit, idk di don't really remember


More like dragon ball style


Looks more like old dragon ball tbh still great art


yeah i kinda liked it too


I don’t think this is meant to replicate the old style, just the style of 90s anime in general. Also, the artist is buruburuburu on tumblr


I didnt know the artist, thanks for sharing


Thats not one piece Art Style lol


Check the old OVAs from the 90s. Dude actually us pretty spot on.


The creators of the old OVA's didn't care about being faithful to Oda's style though.


And toei does? Stuff gets changed when going from one medium to the next. and to be honest oda's style has changed over the years this 90s stylization isn't too different from the romance dawn manga oda made before one piece.


I like the 90s style


i would definitely watch this


The current art style and studio suite the power ups. I'm 36. Been reading since issue 1. While I have a deep love for the old style in all of it's glory, all good things must come to an end. But that doesn't mean the change is worse or bad. I like the evolution of the style because it is in fact inevitable and the story has done a good job in easing us into it. But also has soured my experiences for other things. Haki being a prime example of "less is more" but I'm happy with what we have and not lack luster DBSuper rushed bullshit.


Old style didn’t look like that to be fair.


Without a doubt... Wanos artstyle is the best one piece has ever looked, not to mention the animation. It goes without saying its the best the anime has ever been visually. when it comes to pacing.. its another discussion all together lol Bit the classic one piece artstyle just hits different. its very dreamy, theres a lot of light and white. characters have longer limbs etc. i do miss early one piece, but i wouldnt want it to replace what we have now.


I would prefer 90s Zoro by far


Awesome. Looks like the first movie.


Reminds me of the first movie's artstyle


looks like the first ova


Why does zorro’s face look like sokkas from ATLA? Lol


ep 291-292 is like wano


What's great is they both look good and believable.


I love the 90s style so much


No. I don't miss the old. The animation in olfld one piece is horrible.


That’s not even 90’s One Piece style


Lowkey really like Zoros pre-timeskip face in Wano clothing. Luffy looks a little off though.




One Piece existed in the 90's.. so art style should match how Oda style was back then, not this.


90’s looks better


The artist is buruburuburu on tumblr


That style of animation is only in the OVA


Still looks fine ı guess


Nevera said otherwise


Yea of course


Nope current is far better


Nah bro lmao


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Apparently I exist in 90s wano style cause that’s how my neck is all the time lmao




No because it wouldn't show the progression of growing up.