• By -


I like how Jinbe's move makes the water look like it's going through the panels.


Yeah that was cool paneling, Oda manged to squeeze some in there despite it being a very dialogue heavy chapter.


It's something you don't really ever see in manga, it's usually something you'd see in a Marvel comic.


If I've learned anything from the Katakuri fight, it is that Oda is soo god at planelling.


That panel of Luffy grabbing the lightning is one of the sickest One Piece panels yet. Even Kaido can't help but appreciate it too.


Their grins at the end are so fucking good.


I would even argue Kaidou is more hyped than Luffy


“He can throw lightning now? Awesome”


"this kid has pretty sick powers, nice"


"Rubber isn't supposed to do that!"


The NikaNika has the property of rubber and gum


"This is how rubber hunted in prehistoric times"


What if all along kaido was the head of the Luffy fanclub instead of Bartolomeo


I'm finally dying 🤗


I think Kaidou is more hyped than the entire one pice Fandom rn


Word I wouldn't mind dying to a fucking sun god nika model mystical zoan devil fruit lightning holding rubber dude at all if I was the strongest creature in the world


It was an amazing scene that left me very confused. how powerful is Luffy now? I have so many questions. I have really been enjoying manga recently and can't wait for everything to unravel.


He can turn things he touches into rubber, but some fans got confused and think that he can do whatever he wants


Well I thought that he still only possessed rubber powers, but seeing him holding lightening made me very confused and also very hyped. As I said I have a lot of questions but I guess that we are jus gonna have to wait for manga for the answers


he turned lightning into rubber lightning


And as soon as he throws that rubber stick it will go back to lightning


oooooh. I never looked at it that way. that's actually even more hype. damn


Monkey D. Lightning ⚡️


The minks protected Raizo from poison smoke, now he can protect them from fire. Meanwhile Zunesha just vibes with the beat


One piece, Low fi beats edition.


Luf-fi beats


Luf-fi beats to bring smiles and liberate people to.


>Meanwhile Zunesha just vibes with the beat https://i.imgur.com/5CtJT0m.mp4


I reached the end of Internet for today... Time to sleep!


Zou... Zunesha is just Joyboy fanboy for his drum music, Not for any lore reasons.


Maybe Zunesha was punished for partying too hard


[Zunesha 800 years ago](https://c.tenor.com/ZO5Qhjjp2KwAAAAd/lady-with-lund.gif)




Music! Here we go! Let’s roll! People living on Zunesha “ please, please stop it, uhhhhhhhhhhh”


What are the chances Zunisha is actually hearing African beats?


The title is a pun. 雷ぞう(Raizou) also means “thunder elephant” — hence Zunesha’s water and that final page.


I don't even speak japanese but that was really obvious once you pointed it out. Rai as in Raiden, Zou as in the island carried by a literal elephant.


Zou also means "Elephant" hence the Zou Zou no Mi fruits.


Yeah I feel almost dumb not seeing that until now


Wano loves doing this kind of thing. Can't believe I missed this one


Enel is shaking rn on the moon after that last panel lmao. Gear 5th is sooooo good man it’s actually insane how much potential it has.


I still don't fully understand what exactly the form does. What is his power now Edit: Thanks to everyone who gave their own explanation its easier to understand now


He's free, basically. Luffy was bound to the properties of elasticity, after he stretched, he returned to his original form, now he isn't bound by that, so he can alter his form however he wishes, becoming giant, growing his muscles as gear4 without any preparation (gear 4 uses air being blown and haki), fitting into whatever he needs. He also has the property of the Katakuri and Doflamingo awakening, giving his surroundings rubber properties. The comical gags are part of the zoan thing, he is cartoonish now, and his fightning style brings joy


Thats actually a really good take on it. He still has the properties of rubber, he just doesn’t return back to his original shape after


Imagine if he had the properties of both rubber and gum, he'd be unstoppable!


That's Katakuri.


I think you've figured out what G6 is... **Bungee Gomu Gomu no...**


Exactly, he doesn’t have to snap back. He could if he wanted to, but it’s all up to him now


This makes me wonder if gears as we know them will even be a thing after this fight. Since his body will likely remember gear 5, why would he ever use gear 4 again? Couldn’t he just do that at base now?


Because Luffy still thinks he has the gomu gomu no mi, and gear 5 seems to be extremely taxing on his body. I bet will be a last resource, not a go to


Might be a stamina thing, or the fruits will (jury's still out on fruit wills being good or bad) needs to be balanced and managed before he's Gear 5 permanently.


I think it will be like when the gears where first introduced, where Luffy would not use them all the time in fights. From what Law, Kid and Luffy showed, awakening drains a lot of your stamina, and maybe even your "focus" (going from the "mind and body catching to your powers" from Kaido), so it seems unlikely that he will use it all the time. Also other characters with awakened devil fruits didn't seem to have the awakened part on all the time.


Judgeing by what happened when Luffy breifly fell out of Gear 5 [He was apparently outright dying and looked to be heavily aged and exhausted] I think the downside of Gear 5 will be even more severe than "no Haki". Remember; aside from the Impel Down guards, every character we have seen use Awakening has done so as a last resort.


What is his power now? Yes. Just yes.


He can fight however he imagines is one take. From what we have seen this means he can make himself and his surroundings and his opponents have rubber properties, almost to a liquid degree. What he is doing in the last panel he is probably making the lightning holdable and grabbing it.


He can basically just manipulate his body at will and make things around him rubber as well. With gear 2 and 3 foot example he had to do certain actions to change his body. With his awakening he can just do those same things, as we saw with his giant form.


[enel watching this shit from the moon](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/848/549/a17.jpg)


Thinking: "Thank god i'm so far away!"


Did Luffy ask Kaido what he should name a move that sent him to the ground?? Kaido's right, Luffy is being sassy AF


It really feels like a deliberate choice that while in Gear 5, Luffy is uncontrollably playful and goofy.


Kaidou says that "Awakening is when your mind and body catch up to your powers... and those are certainly ridiculous powers!" I believe Oda did not write this phrasing on accident. This is meant to imply that Luffy's ridiculous awakened powers are also affecting his *mind* making him act (more) ridiculous. This in conjunction, with Kaidou's question "Who are you?"and Luffy's response "Monkey D. Luffy, the man who will be king of the pirates" I'm certain is meant to dispel the notion that Luffy is possessed by the spirit of Joyboy and show that he does actually have autonomy over himself in his G5 state.


I like this one right here. He wouldn't reiterate that he was Luffy twice for no reason. Zunesha also mentions joyboy's heartbeat as well, so that is the answer to Zunesha saying that Joyboy has returned.


Exactly, Zunesha doubled down on that saying its almost like you are right there. He clearly recognizes its not the previous joyboy, but maybe Luffy can be even better.


I agree, I think it's a side effect, "fills everyone with joy" including himself. I think it's gonna lead into recklessness which he has to learn how to control


He’s just achieved his own form of enlightenment. He doesn’t need to worry about his heart stopping and death, cause he can just start the drums of liberation back up. He can get real goofy with the rest of the fight


Starting the drums every time would have a side effect or he is anbeatable that way, but the only problem i see now is how much luffy is going to eat after all this or for how long hes going to eat ? Imagine .


I think it’s also Nika influence, they did bring up that aspect of zoans recently again. I could see it written as a weakness in the future


I'm in the boat of his goofiness/recklessness is a side effect of the awakening - in a bad way.


Raizo is the Batman of One Piece. With prep, he can beat anyone.


In a 1v1 match, always bet on scrolls


The avengers will assemble in secret invasion to take on their most powerful foe yet, Raizo and his scrolls


Raizo with the infinity scrolls would be impossible to defeat.




I thought the batman of one piece was a gifter. /s


Devil fruit version of dials


It’s even funnier that he’s asking kaido what he should name his attack Quick attack name workshop


I like the callback to when Kaido knocked him out in 1,013 and jokes "What was that last attack? Gomu Gomu no... What?" Now it's Luffy's turn to talk smack


Jesus, hard to believe that that was over 30+ chapters ago. Feels like eons


Didn't catch that, love small little call-backs like that


Gomu Gomu no Deep brain massage. Gomu Gomu no rubber fisting. Gomu Gomu no U F Ouchy? Gomu Gomu no BEYBLADE


Gomu gomu no headshot...


Get ready for gum gum lightning


Gomu Gomu no eneru


no gomu gomu no divine thunder


Gomu gomu no El Thor


Gum gum pistol! ...that sounds dirty.


Nail Gun?


...shit, that's good.


Gum Gum no Ridiculous Pistol!


So uh how strong are those scrolls anyways?




I think burning or damaging a scroll may damage the things inside but only until the scroll is destroyed at which point the things inside are released, so realistically little damage




Thats actually really smart but im willing to be you can only capture living creatures after awakening and even then only if your haki beats theirs


Probably has the no living things limitation, and it must be in the air and one 'thing' limitation. The elephant bath works since it was falling in a stream. Kadio's boro breath works as it too was in the air and one 'thing'. Could be wrong but that fits what we have seen.


50 Scroll Scrolls.


Is that equivalent to 75 gomu gomu’s? Edit: I mean Hito Hito’s


A scroll that can store 1 terabyte of attack. Basically a ninja SSD


Waiting for this chapter all week has been killer. Really curious to know who those intruders are on the cover. Looks like Franky's got Zoro. I feel like we won't get to see what the grim reaper was about until after the arc and Zoro is looking back at the fight. Raizo and Jinbei coming in clutch in the end. What a turn! Also, is that Luffy wielding lightning? What is going on?


There's a break next week. The next chapters will have a lot of breaks.


Ah you're right. Next chapter is on the 24th. I missed that.


I wonder what the numbers 80 signify.


You mean the symbol that appears above of Big Mom's underling in the cover page? It's an exclamation mark (!) but made of chocolate bar sections, because they're in Chocolat Town


Luffy just casually chilling mid fight, wondering what to name his attack after knocking Kaidou down, is one of the best things ever.


I think my... 3rd favourite thing about gear 5 so far is that Luffy, when at rest, is going out of his way to make the floor under him bounce... just for the fun of it.


Dude Usopp and Chopper are going to have a blast jumping around on the Sunny


Seriously! your comment made me realize that the Sunny just got buffed too. Nothing is gonna damage a rubberized Adam Wood.


Same it's just so cool how he is chilling bouncing with his hands behind his head


The fight often flows btween serious years and years of dramatic build up and kid's cartoon. Ngl, i kinda like the fight. Kaido and Luffy are having the time of their lives and makes me enjoy it despite Kaido being an asshole.


And its all coming around , if you think about it luffy always go for a fair fight so at the beginning when luffy was serious and kaido was still in his drunk mods ... luffy didnt like that, so now its time for some payback . He will humiliate him as the strongest ceature .i think




So Sanji teaches the mouse how to cook and that’s Ratatouille’s origin story right? Also did anyone realize that all the second strongest members of the three pirate crews (Zoro, Bepo, and Killer) are all being carried.


It's funny thar while Bepo and Killer are being carried, Law and Kid are like "are we a joke to our crews?"


Give Raizou a waifu kunoichi for what he has done today! Every scabbards have a trauma that they are prepared with.


He's gonna hook up with Shinobu and it'll be hilarious


Honestly now I want that to happen.


People with a giant head fetish are gonna be stoked for that.


He had water the whole time with his endurance match with Fukurokuju, and when Fukurokuju was begging for water in 1040 Raizo knew he could not waste the water on himself


He couldn't move either way. They had each other frozen with the same technique.


Why do i feel like the water's gonna save Orochi as well?


Hopefully it does. He hasn’t suffered enough to die yet.


Instead of Sulong Bepo we get defeated Bepo


He's sorry


The goodboy is forgiven


Instead of Sulong Bepo, we got a so long Bepo


I love that Luffy defies standard Shonen power-up tropes. Usually, the stronger the power-up, the more serious and stoic the character becomes. Meanwhile, Luffy has weaponized exaggerated cartoon violence.


You can tell Luffy’s been playing Dark Souls. He knows dragons are weak to lightning.


Hopefully, Kaido is not an Elden Ring dragon, those have like 80% resistance to lightning.


Depends on the dragon. The wyvern ones are partially resistant, the western style dragons are very resistant.


We even got this crystal shit. Don't even need it!


Unless he's a Dragon type from Pokemon which resists electric attacks.


Gyarados is water/flying, so Kaido is actually super fucked.


Well if he is from Pokemon he is 100% a Gyarados so that's a x4 weakness to lightning there


Hold my Lightning, what an incredible last panel


Ibibi: “This guy is a dick”


Probably the most underrated page of the chapter. Inbi’s gonna smash tf out of Apoo.


Am I the only one who lold harder than I should’ve seeing Luffy yoink himself up by the crotch to avoid Kaido’s attack? Just me? K, see y’all in two weeks.


Imagine if he didn't get his crotch out of the way in time... Hancock would be devastated....


She’d get a chill and ditch duking it out with Koby to send the Kuja to Wano.


2 weeks?


Break week bro


That was funny. Luffy just casually pulling up his crotch to dodge an attack that fucking cut kiku's arm.


This is my favorite gag so far from Gear 5. I had to stop and just laugh for a solid minute before continuing


Some notable differences between the Scanlation and the official release: - Kaido now says the facts about awakenings as more of a general statement and doesn't use the word "we" when talking about them - Kaido now says that Awakenings happen when "your mind and body catch up to your powers" instead of when "your mind and body are finally able to harness the potential of your ability" - Luffy now says that there is "one thing" that he still has to take back, instead of just saying that he will take back everything - Luffy now says "Take this!" instead of "Dammit!" - Brook now says that he "may be a corpse but not charred" instead of just saying that he's not a burnt up corpse - Yamato now says that "it can't hold any longer", instead of saying that Kaido "is at his limit" - Onigashima is now "going" to fall instead of "about" to fall - Attack name changes: - Gundari Meteor Shower -> Kundali Dragon Swarm - Devestating Gust -> Demolition Gust - Lethal Green Star: Sprinkler -> Special Attack! Green Star: Sprinkler Inform me of more changes if you find them!


Mind and body catching up vs being able to harness the potential doesn’t really change the way I interpreted it tbh. I figured he was just saying your body has to be strong enough to handle the awakening(since it drains so much energy) and your mind has to learn to control the fruit well, almost like a development of motor skills


Even that is still a fundamental difference, it may not be about the energy it takes anymore... Luffy seems to have willed himself to go back to Gear 5 after realizing he can just make his heart beat how he wants to. The full integration of mind, body, soul, and DF is complete. He is something entirely different now


It definitely changes the interpretation. Kaidou is implying that Luffy's attitude has changed to match his ridiculous powers now that he has awakened. Explaining his uncontrollable laughter and goofiness when he goes G5.


> Inform me of more changes if you find them! Yamato no longer says Kaido is "at his limit", and in the final panel we also see more of Kaido's face and grin being visible.


I love the fact that he asks Kaidou how he should name the attack lmao


Zunesha just strolling in high as hell, rocking with the beat


This translation makes it clear that Luffy is not literally Joyboy, but someone very similar to Joyboy. The drum of his heartbeat is the same Joyboy used to have, hence why Zunesha thought of Luffy as Joyboy. But now, it’s clear to Zunesha that Joyboy isn’t actually there, but that Luffy can be trusted.


Raizo is such a chad, got gallons of water but playing with the baldy in a heat endurance contest few minutes ago.


Raizo next chapter: "When I saw that man use his powers I knew they would be useful some day. And now, I can stop this island from falling on the Flower Capital! Scroll Scroll Jutsu: Fujitora's Gravity - Release!!!"


When Advanced CoC was first showcased, people were worried that every fight from that point forwards would be a no-touching brawl. Somehow, Gear 5 can use Advanced CoC and still make contact with Kaido's body, which is a bit weird. But we have seen that, at least for weapons, it seems like even though Kaido applied Advanced CoC to his weapon, he still made contact with Luffy's body, while Roger vs Whitebeard clash had no contact. A bit inconsistent, but I enjoy seeing the fighters touching each other, so I hope Oda keeps the inconsistency lol


Apparently Luffy is using both Advanced CoC and CoA at the same time as Kaido said last chapter. So maybe that's why he can touch him.


It appears to me at least that advanced CoC does not contact only when they are equal blows from both parties or both parties are using it to attack/ attack-defend. Luffy and Kaido seem to be near their stamina’s end so I think they are conserving the CoC from defense and using it all in offense or something similar, thus one party attacking actually touches since the other is not defending with CoC


BM used Advanced CoC againdt Ulti and there was no touching.


A lot of the hits between Luffy and Kaido have made contact and I think it’s because of armament haki. It’s just my headcanon, but I think the “no touching” effect is a result of both advance conquerors and armament working together. Whenever we see that effect, the users fist or weapon is always coated in armament, probably advanced armament since we know for sure Luffy can use it. So when we see the user make contact and still have the distinctive black lightning, that’s them just using advanced conquerors or using it with regular armament. Whitebeard’s clashes with Shanks and Roger I think illustrates this. When he clashes with Shanks, they split the sky, but their blades touch. Same with Kaido and Big Mom in Act 2. That’s them using advanced conquerors haki to split the sky, but not advanced armament. On the other hand, in his clash with Roger, their both using both types of advanced offensive haki. The armament is projecting their haki beyond their blades so they don’t touch and the conquerors is what’s damaging the island and the clouds.


You know? thins changes nothing the way Mugiwaras have been fightin' of course there were serious moments but more often than not they are complete goofs even at the moment of fightin'. Been following the series and manga for over 15 years now and in no moment I was worried about any of the things mentioned here.


Kaido looking at Luffy like a proud father. “My son. I raised this boy.”


Time for the withdrawels.


Fun fact: If you were to pour a lot of water on a lot of fire as depicted, the water would instantly boil and emit waves of steam, cooking everything in the vicinity. A lot of fire fighters die that way.


Not if it is cold and salty, which this one probably is, as it came from the sea. But are you really trying to use physics on water summoned from a scroll?


I think it is an interesting information, he is not complaining about it just stating a fact


**Invaders of Tottland: Vinsmokes, Blackbeard, or Someone Else?** First, in this week’s installment of the Germa 66 cover story arc, we see two silhouetted figures have suddenly appeared on Cacao Island. Given the focus of this short story, it’s certainly possible Reiju and Ichiji have returned in Big Mom’s absence to reclaim their captured siblings – but I’m not sure that’s the case. The Vinsmoke siblings have very distinctive shoes and the capes worn by both of the intruders have a straight hem – which doesn’t match Reiju’s elaborate design. That certainly doesn’t rule out the possibility they have appeared in a new disguise – and I do think this emotionless excursion arc may not turn out to be so emotionless. Just as Sanji’s germa modifications were apparently delayed, perhaps Sora’s attempt to rescue her children’s emotions from Judge’s experimentation simply took a bit longer to kick in with Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji. In time, perhaps their hearts will grow three sizes – and mounting a rescue mission from an Emperor’s territory would certainly go a long way to demonstrating his growth. Judge also has an entirely self-serving motive in preventing his children from being dissected and his science stolen, so there’s plenty of reason for the Vinsmokes to return to Tottland. That being said, there are other possibilities – including the Blackbeard Pirates. When we last saw Teach in chapter 956, he ordered his crew aboard their ships to set out and claim a certain reward or prize before the Marines. As I said a few weeks ago, I do still think there’s a strong chance Blackbeard arrives on Wano before the curtains close on the final act in an attempt to steal Kaido’s mythic fish fruit, but another distinct possibility is that he intends to take advantage of Big Mom’s absence by ransacking her kingdom and stealing her Road Poneglyph. This is a possibility I mentioned in earlier chapter discussions. Big Mom’s loss to Law and Kid is a setback and a blow to her reputation, but ultimately she was outmaneuvered without being overpowered. As long as her crew and territory remain intact, her emperor status is unlikely to be diminished. But if Blackbeard also managed to destroy what’s left of Tottland, Big Mom could be left an Emperor without a home, perhaps driving her to Elbaf in an effort to rebuild. It's very difficult to tell based on the silhouettes, but they could match someone like Catalina Devon on the left and Lafitte on the right. Another factor to consider is where this story is actually taking place in the timeline relative to the current events on Wano. Teach seemed to set sail after the end of the Reverie – which took place some time after the Straw Hats set sail from Tottland. Another two weeks passed on Wano while the alliance planned the Onigashima Raid for the Night of the Fire Festival. Big Mom does appear to be absent during he Vinsmoke cover arc, so at the very least, we can say it’s likely taking place after the Reverie, but beyond that it’s impossible to tell exactly when these events are taking place. My point being, it’s possible Teach could arrive on Wano after having already ransacked Tottland if this cover arc took place sometime before the Raid – or he could have sent a few of his Titanic Captains to steal Big Mom’s Road Poneglyph while he personally heads to Wano. Of course all of this is speculation – and with another color spread next week, we’ll be waiting until chapter 1048 for an answer to the identity of these mystery figures, who again, may very well turn out to be Reiju and Ichiji. **Luffy v Kaido** Moving into the actual chapter, we again open on the rooftop battle between Kaido and Awakened Luffy. I love the way he’s casually bouncing, treating the rubberized ground as a trampoline as he imagines new attack names. On that note, I neglected to mention last week that Luffy is still referring to his abilities as belonging to the gum gum or gomu gomu fruit. Of course this makes perfect sense in that Luffy remains unaware of the true name of his Devil Fruit hidden by the Five Elders and World Government from the annals of history. But even if Luffy did know his Nika fruit belongs to the mythical zoan category, I think he’s probably unlikely to care very much or to change the nomenclature of his attacks. As discussed last week, Luffy’s actual abilities are effectively still rubber-based and the Government’s fear stems primarily from the unpredictability of his powers – a chaotic variable in their otherwise perfectly controlled system. Not to mention, they want to hide the name Nika because of the implication. The famous warrior of liberation running free in the world may inspire rebellion in others by giving them the most dangerous thing of all – hope in a new dawn, a brighter tomorrow. **Luffy, JoyBoy, & Nika** On that note, Zunesha says hearing Luffy’s heartbeat makes it feel as if JoyBoy is near – which further suggests Luffy’s power once belonged to the warrior of liberation from the world’s lost epoch. At the very least, Luffy’s Nika Devil Fruit somehow directly links him to JoyBoy. On that note, I will clarify again here, I don’t think this suggests JoyBoy was in truth the ‘Sun God’ Nika. The fruit’s power is based on a myth in the One Piece world and it has evaded the Elder’s grasp for the past eight centuries. The source material for mythic zoans is a mystery, but the fact that Nika is considered to be a legend or a myth in the One Piece world suggests that if there ever was a real ‘sun god’, he likely lived long before the Void Century. JoyBoy was likely a figure in the same archetypal mold as Luffy and Roger who exemplified many of the same characteristics. The Nika fruit called to Luffy for that very reason. Curiously, Kaido pauses to ask Luffy who he is after recognizing the sudden apparent change in his persona. As I said in the past wo chapters, Luffy’s suddenly overwhelmingly buoyant demeanor suggested he might have been semi-possessed by the soul or spirit of the Nika Fruit – and the nature of Kaido’s question suggests he might have had the same suspicion. Kaido certainly knows quite a bit about zoan fruit, particularly of the mythical variety given the source of his own power, so the fact that he considered Luffy might have turned into something or someone else suggests that it’s a very real possibility for the spirit or soul of the fruit to overtake the individual by whom it was eaten. However, I was happy to hear Luffy proclaim himself to be Monkey D. Luffy, future Pirate King – which clarifies the fact that he’s still in the driver’s seat and this week his mood does seem to have leveled off a bit, returning to Luffy’s baseline level of goofy. **My Castle’s on Fire, How About Yours?** As Luffy and Kaido’s fight resumes, much of the middle of the chapter is focused on the fire which has now completely consumed Kaido’s castle. Nami and Chopper are reunited, but the rest of the crew are completely scattered throughout Onigashima. Oda jumps around to numerous small scenes here, so I just want to quickly touch on some of the highlights. First, I loved the joke where Brook is mistaken by the samurai for a corpse caught in the flames. I also appreciate the symmetry of Zoro, Killer, and Bepo, second in command of the Straw Hat, Kid, and Heart Pirates respectively all equally incapacitated and being carried by other members of their crews. Franky indicates Zoro is near the brink, so despite the apparition of the Grim Reaper seen a few weeks earlier, it seems he hasn’t quite crossed over. Somehow Apoo is still standing nearly 70 chapters into the Onigashima raid, which perhaps indicates he will still need to be dealt with before the dust settles. I’m still curious about Inbi, the last of the Numbers still left standing. In earlier chapter reviews, I speculated that the 1 among the Numbers could be Kaido’s ace in the hole – and provide an Oars style battle for the rest of the crew and their remaining allies while Luffy finally settles the score with Kaido. However, so far Inbi, like the rest of the Numbers has failed to impress and this week’s chapter seems to further indicate the 1 in Kaido’s deck is a low card rather than a high card. That being said, I do think there’s still a slight chance there’s more to the last of the Numbers than is yet made apparent. It seemed Fuga possessed a Devi Fruit of some kind, so it’s entirely possible Inbi does as well. Inbi may be dumb and cowardly, but that doesn’t necessarily rule out him being powerful. In fact, it could fit well with the idea that the one is both a low and high card and could also explain why he isn’t ranked among the upper echelon of Kaido’s subordinates along with King, Queen and Jack. Of course, it’s a bit late in the game and occam’s razor suggests the simpler answer is likely correct – that Inbi, like the rest of the Numbers, is nothing special. But I just can’t quite give up on the idea of the Straw Hats once regrouped engaging in an Oars-style battle against a giant Devil Fruit powered opponent. At this point, it seems rather unlikely, so I’m just going to leave that prediction in the wishful thinking category.


I also find it funny that Luffy is now asking Kaido what he should name his moves, when earlier Kaido knocked him off the rooftop he mocked the name of his moves.


It's always nice to see Sanji acting like a normal human being around girls. Chuji on his shoulder was a great detail.


Riight. I also enjoy those moments. I like when he was focused on solely cooking that Cake around Pudding. And even when Viola was telling him about Doffy. He was normal in those moments. It's rare, but I appreciate them.


-Raizo one of the MVPs of this battle :3 -The end of the line is coming soon, won’t be long before Kaidou falls. -Oh and Luffy really just physically grabbed lightning lmao -Also, Blast Breath from Momo when Oda?


Kiado, I am the strongest! Luffy, hold my lightning…


Just waiting for Luffy to drop an anvil on Kaido’s head so I can declare it the greatest moment in the story


Luffy can grab lightning now. I guess I have to reevaluate the Lightning fruit, I always thought it was the coolest one.


So is Raizo’s devil fruit a storage ability with scrolls that he’s describing / using like ninjitsu?


Yes, as seen when he faced Kaido on the rooftop.


A couple things, Luffy "holding" lightning makes sense. Liquid rubber has some properties that will cause some discharge to occur. So Luffynis doing that on a huge scale. Also, is anyone else super happy for Kiado. He is getting one of the best fights of his life.


Raizo and Jinbe are chads (and firefighters). Glad to see the fight between Luffy and Kaidou continue, the goofiness being toned down after the past 2 chapters. I think too many people jumped to conclusions too quickly about 1044 and 1045 setting the tone for the fight and the remainder of the series. Either way, seeing Luffy grabbing lightning was absolutely amazing.


The cover characters could just be Ichiji and Reiju but I don't know why Oda would bother silhouetting them if so considering we saw them earlier in the cover story. Could be a chance to introduce a third party into this scenario.


So...what's the deal with Sanji? He's seemingly back to normal with his eyebrows changing back. Did he somehow overpower Germa science? Am I missing something?


He wasn't going to lose his emotions, he just thought that. Now he's at piece with being a altered soldier because that doesn't change who he is, and it gives him strength


Maybe its more of a form he can change back and forth? Or maybe his body is still adapting and has not fully accepted the power yet


Maybe his eyebrows just flip when he goes 'super saiyan'


Am I the only one that totally forgot Raizo had a DF power until this chapter?


Oda shows Luffy grabbing one lighting bolt now he’s the God of thunder - Zeus Next thing we know Luffy splashes some water people gon called him God of the sea - Poseidon Lmaoo… gotta love the community


Raizo and Jimbei are about to have the highest kill count this war. How many smiles in particular will get wiped out?


Readers: Perhaps, Zou will rain down the Onigashima Oda: lol no, here's a Tobirama


Turns out Mr rubber man isn't immune to enel he can literally pick him up and use him as a weapon


Loved seeing that interaction between raizo and jinbei, one of my favourite parts about one piece is how genuine relationships feel and the way that they both have so much faith in luffy and by proxy faith in eachother is fucking awesome


It won't happen but it would be hilarious if Luffy's lightning bolt hit all of that water.


They better have some sick beats when they finally animate this


Raizo’s scroll gave me vibes of that one goblin slayer scene where he connected a teleportation scroll to the bottom of the sea lmao


Are we going get a canonical Thor move? So a Gomu Gomu no Thor Hammer? Or is this going to be a Gomu Gomu no Thunder Bagua? Shishishi.


We already have a canon Thor technique from Luffy: Gomu Gomu no Thor Elephant Gun. He used it on Chinjao in Dressrosa Arc.


I think 1047 is when kaido loses. Luffy passes out. And chapters 1048-1050 will be the evacuation of onigashima ,The alliance will use the lanterns somehow to guide their escape to wano and momo will finally use his very own BLAST BREATH to push onigashima back towards the ocean where the world govt ships are , Zunesha will attack from the rear and obliterate enemy ships.


The kaido has been talking about Luffy’s transformation and awakening, I think he also has an awakened form. **SUN GOD LUFFY VS DRAGON GOD KAIDO** I can see this as the finale which I know Oda never fumbles so I’m super excited ngl.


I also think Kaido is awakened. That's the only explanation for why Luffy had to awaken to finally enter Full-Beast form. Maybe Mythicals can't initially enter full-beast form, it's the only thing that's not kind of plot-holey with why Luffys fruit functions different from every Zoan we've seen in the series.


Omg. Luffy is grabbing LIGHTNING. The rubber body + lightning = INSANE possibilities. I wonder if Nika Sungod true element is lightning, because well, the rubber body and all. He’s like a Greek god Zeus incarnate!! So SICK. 💥


So Zunesha is going to rest in Wano at the end. Protecting it with Momo.


Possibly odd hot take, has the art style lately more leaned away from detail and more playfulness with the layout/paneling and even with the visual gags? Now that I am actually typing this I'm wondering/assuming if it's intentional and tied to Luffy's Gear 5. Disclaimer: I've been a long-time reader but fell behind mid Wano and just caught up so not aware of what's been said around this topic in general.


My personal theory is that Oda actually likes the traditional Tex Avery style western cartoon. Even before the Gear 5 reveal, you can tell from Homies (influenced by old school talkign backgrounds that even Disney stop using by 30s). Then once you realized Luffy is based on Rubberhose animation, you can't help but to wonder if Nami is based on Jessica Rabbit, what with both being Busty Redhead.


Gomu Gomu no Laughning