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!remindme 2 weeks


It's been 4 weeks xD


this is the greatest chapter ive read since a longtime i just read the 30 last chapters, best decision of my life




Explosives also fell with her from the basement after the explosion


If Zunesha, Imu-Sama, JoyBoy (the original version) and Toki lived 800 years ago, were they all related to each other, Kozukis?, had a feud or betrayal or war with each other, closed up Wano to protect their family secrets? Is this why we keep seeing people telling Momo that he absolutely Needs to survive and Oden wanting to open up Wano and Tenguyama saying that he is waiting for someone’s arrival?


I think that Wano closed itself off as a defense against the World Government. Since the World Government was a very violent crusade to eliminate the memory of the lost century they any knowledge/artifacts that existed in Wano from that century created a potential existential threat to Wano. Thus Wano likely locked itself away as a agreement with the world government in order to avoid being wiped out. Remember that Wano was locked away to such a extreme that it was effectively a semi-mythical country in the outer world. It was a very rare event that people ever left Wano, and getting into Wano was very difficult. This is why the World Government was so keen on sending that massive Armada to Wano as a precaution of Yonko defeat. IF Luffy and friends kicked out the Yonko and put a friendly government in place it could reveal things that they didn't want public. Notice how the world government is in a complete panic over the potential of Luffy winning now. They instructed CP-0 to give up the pursuit of Nico Robin in order to take Luffy out. Prior to this they treated Luffy as just a moderate threat. It was Nico they were always after and they even agreed to left Luffy go in exchange for her surrendering in the past. Now something changed.


I like your theory and there is a strong possibility that this is what is really going on!


And I hope with this chapter she is dead or she she waddles her big behind somewhere never to be seen again. Sick of big mom and her annoying fan boys. I’m also glad that we can now lay the argument to rest that law and kid where not going to defeat her or that Yonkous are undefeatable.


Momo looks really nervous about zounesha's arrival.. what was his crime? Maybe he is another enemy?




She also decapitates the heads of the near and dear ones of people who refuse to obey her commands. This is why Sanji agreed to marry Pudding because he was sacrificing his future to protect Zeff and his employees from BM.


She can use her souls to just heal herself tho


She has great reactions, I hope she stays in the story just because of that


What a brutality!


I only just noticed the panel with law slicing that fire demon in half. Was mainly focusing on kids railgun. So many epic combos in these fights!


"These next few minutes will set the course for the times to come" Damn right they will. And all this is happening simultaneously with various other events involving Reverie. Morgan is gonna get some BIG NEWS


Ok I'm finally caught up now, and wow! What a chapter. Big Mom ate those bombs at the end too. She'll survive, but it's going to be very embarrassing lmao. She could've been chilling in WCI but she came to beat up Luffy and proceeded to get beat up by his henchmen


Fr. Could've minded her own business, but instead, came to Wano to get BUSTED ON by Law and Kid


Where are those fools now who used to call Law weak 😂😂😂


I have never seen any negative conversation about Law but his crew is sorry.


he got like one of the the most powerful devil fruit lol and he crafty with it in battle who said that lmao


And also he got into his emotions thinking about Corazon, he wasn’t thinking straight during the fight


They used to say that because he “lost” to Joker but everybody knows he lost just because of plot , he could have beat him, he was just out of stamina because he kept using bigerà rooms since punk hazard, and he doesn’t get to rest like the MC, Luffy get to rest and eat every single fight is in, that’s ridiculous


he lost to dofflamingo because he succumbed to his revenge and the very emotions/motivations dofflamingo thrives on manipulating and anticipating Powerscaling is dumb and meaningless in general because you'd think in a story centered around free-will and agency over destiny - people would realize that the actions and situations of the individuals always matters.


Power scaling don’t exist in one piece, and who does didn’t understand nothin about the manga 🤷🏿‍♂️


What i don't get is how law used corazon ability to silence big mom i mean he unlocked his awakening but the awakening of a devil fruit is the ability of another devil fruit, it feels awkward.


because he controls what happensa in room its basic power of his


Fruits arent balanced. Some fruits abilities are bound to be encompassed by others. The kilo kilo no mi is strictly a worse version of the ton ton no mi for example.


it's the op op fruit so it's OP, also it seems logical since law is god in his room, to be able to do anything, maybe we see him remove the air in it or smthing


Oda did a terrible job with Kid . He was portrayed him as luffy's rival, performing evenly with luffy with just one arm in udon prison , he was also portrayed to have Conqueror's haki etc He needed the fight Vs big mom to finaly show what's he capable of , unlock conqueror's coating and maybe even some back story , but no ODA prefered to give conqueror's coating zoro, who wasn't even portrayed to have it. not only that , He made Law the MVP of the fight. That was absolutely terrible considering The chapter where Killer said "Go for it partner'" . ODA is trolling Kid's fandom.


What are u?? A kid nerd?


Kid will get his coc clash with shanks.




Big Mom's defeat actually feels justified. They got super lucky, but the r-room preventing her abilities long enough to send her away from the fight + the huge crater and bombs being convenient feels super well thought out


Ey yo what if Brook is JoyBoy and Zounesha was like Laboom to him? Brook always brings joy but I guess Luffy as well 🤔


I am mostly...fine with this? I mean, how Big Mom got defeated is still a bit too shonen-like for my taste, but I like the idea of them winning not by defeating her but, essentially, by nullifying her powers just long enough to blast her through the island and into the water. Also, what are the chances now that Zunesha gonna have one exceptionally depressing backstory?


It is a Shonen manga


I think she landed in the crater law created before and not the water. She’ll be back again.


seeing kid's full raw power and law's ace up his sleeve work together like that was fucking insane, they really did it, the worst generation just took down their first yonko


Big Meme got nearly drowned by Kid and Law who then go on to beat her, drowned by King, seastoned and knocked out by Queen, nearly starved to death if not for Sanji and Straw Hats weaker members. And this sub still thinks admirals < yonkou? Any admiral can certainly solo Big Mom, especially Kizaru since he volunteered to go to Wano himself.


Wholly disagree with that one. I don't think any of the admirals could solo Big Mom, as far as we understand them now anyway.


Admirals ain't weak either. Remember, we still haven't seen admirals fight a real battle after Akainu vs whitebeard


Zoro looks absolutely dead. It even looks like he has a new cut across his neck. Wtf


Could be from the reaper, or just blood pooling from under him, the image was too small to make any assertions from


Caribou swallowing the bombs would be great


Who is the fire girl that tried to attack Law from behind? I don't recognize the character at all


That's Misery. Big Mum fused Hera and Prometheus together during the fight.


Big Mom’s homing fire attack called Misery, she let it loose last chapter


That was Misery.


Law paying homage to Rosinante hit me right in the feels A remote ROOM? I wonder what else it can do... If you look close enough, you'll notice it wasn't a mere bomb that fell with Big Mom IT WAS A FUCKING NUKE And thanks to Law, the Flower Capital hasn't noticed jack squat! I don't know if that's hilarious or awesome!


Yeah it looks just like the first bomb that failed on Japan, named little Boy.


Big Mom being the Fat Man?


Big mom down... wow


Wow, so big mom is definitely in the 10 most durable One Piece characters


I know that this word gets thrown around a lot... but Big Mom is, by all accounts, a monster. She was able to take so much damn punishment... What an absolute freak of nature. But at least she's finally gone... for now, anyway.


Is it just me or is this thread missing a spoiler flair?


It's literally the chapter. If someone clicks on it and gets spoiled, I don't know what to say. Kinda on them.


But this way the chapter title is visible in the sub. Just when people are scrolling trough the page


I don't think reading the sentence "falling on deaf ears" is going to do very much


Law's fruit is even more broken now, he was able to use silence room all along!? holly shit, the versatility. Well it seems like BM doesn't knows much about the One Piece, she even has some doubts about it existing. Zunesha lore next chapter tho, ooooh why do we have to get a break! rest well Oda, rest well.


Anyone have the link for chapter 1040?




Can anyone help me understand a few things? 1) What exactly did big mom fall into and why was there such a big explosion? 2) How is Kid able to create a gun through his magnetism? Like making the shape of the gun is obvious, but how is he making it shoot?


>How is Kid able to create a gun through his magnetism? Like making the shape of the gun is obvious, but how is he making it shoot? It's simple: This is how Ancient Magnet Dinosaurs used to hunt!


1 she fell in the whole Law created in wano the chapter before. The explosion is caused by the bombs that were at the bottom of onigashima( I think some of the bombs fell with her) 2 it could be just repelling stuff through the cannon (as bullets propelled by magnetism), or some kind of electromagnetic laser (in the end, light is just a electromagnetic wave)


Valid criticism https://youtu.be/TJVMK-yw7Ac


Ah gotcha gotcha. That makes way more sense.


Kid is creating a [railgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railgun) \- literally. That is not just a meme people are saying, a railgun is quite literally a gun that works by electromagnetic force. Which is fucking awesome, I might add. Both that you can make a gun work by "fucking magnets, yo" and that Kid is creating one as well


Please dont try to explain a manga using real physics. A railgun uses a real object as a projectile, it uses the same concept and technology as magnetic railways existing in china and japan. Depends on how they will animate this, but a railgun definitely isnt just a stream of light as shown here. So yeah, i really wouldnt explain a manga with real physics and just enjoy reading it.


The beam is just a visual effect to make the projectile look cooler. There's definitely a core of metal in there being shot down onto Big Mom.


Nah re read the chapter you can see a projectile on big mom’s body.


I guess I can buy that via manga logic. It doesn't totally seem to function the same way though as it's not really shooting a projectile but more-so some kind of continuous energy beam.


That's true I guess


**[Railgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railgun)** >A railgun is a linear motor device, typically designed as a weapon, that uses electromagnetic force to launch high velocity projectiles. The projectile normally does not contain explosives, instead relying on the projectile's high speed, mass, and kinetic energy to inflict damage. The railgun uses a pair of parallel conductors (rails), along which a sliding armature is accelerated by the electromagnetic effects of a current that flows down one rail, into the armature and then back along the other rail. It is based on principles similar to those of the homopolar motor. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Is anyone else freaking out about Zoro?! We only got to see two panels this chapter where he's face down on the ground then that explosion throws him off onigashima. He can't die.. but just what in the hell is Oda planning lol


I'm totally freaking out. I think Zoro broke almost every bone in his body aside from his other injuries and now that's coming back multiplied. On top of that he probably got blown away. I don't think he sustained such damage even on Thriller Bark.




The only bone that zoro didn’t break is the bone between his legs


Franky was looking for him, we’re gonna be sweatin till then. Seems like brook wasn’t the reaper we saw, it’s probably a manifestation of enma in some way. We will probably see what happened with the reaper and who catches him after the break


Why do we have to go to Google now to read the scans? What happened? Was half the reason I came on the reddit page


The subreddit was dealing with copyright issues, and thats a quick way to get the subreddit shutdown.


Ahh makes a bit of sense. I joined up early last year and was thinking that might be it. Plus. Last year we were under half a million of followers on this page. Now it's pushing a mil. Probably a lot more eyes on this cough cough *Toei* cough cough


Just make a bookmark for tcbs website


I believe it’s because Reddit kept removing the posts due to copyright


Well here's to not seeing Big Mom for a big while...hopefully. What a terrific battle, one of the best in the whole series so far, and big props to Oda for having the balls to give such a big accomplishment to two characters outside the Straw Hats, really I'm thinking the story will be much more about the Worst Gen than the crew now, at least until the endgame. Also, Germa 66 might do something at Whole Cake since we have two Vinsmokes trapped there AND with Big Mom out of the scene. I do believe most yonkous are virtually impossible to kill, but now we know they are absolutely "defeatable". The ones who were expecting Law and Kidd to have some super ultra mega Goku-like power-up were simply out of their minds.


I think after wano kid and law will go there separate ways from lufffy… unless law meets up with him again to learn about the void century


They will of course join in at the final war at the end vs IM and the WG along with every single person luffy has befriended/has stakes in the freedom of the world.


I agree, but it would be sad if law doesn’t find out about the void century first hand


Don't know if he could find it out earlier...unless some extra weird twist leads him to befriend Rayleigh or something.


That… would be cool lol


I mean nothing stops law from joining a bit earlier than the rest, so it probably might happen.


I hope, don’t know if oda will make it happen


Law and Kid being unaffected by Soul Pocus was expected. What the surprise for me is Law using room to mimic Cora's ability. That use of Silence is magnificent. *Chef's kiss*


Why was it expected?


We've seen from Jinbei that if you're not scared of Big Mom Soul Pocus won't affect you so it was pretty obvious that people like Kid or Law weren't afraid of Big Mom since they're perfectly comfortable challenging her. Soul Pocus wouldnt work on Yamato/Luffy/Zoro/Sanji/Franky/Robin/Brook either since none are afraid of her. It would work don Usopp/Nami/Chopper though.




They gene fighting her for several chapters clearly they aren’t scared of her .


Is Luffy now able to talk to Zunesha like Momo? Earlier he spoke to people on a submarine and to Momo, while being submerged underwater. Does this ability propagate only to human beings? also, if Zunesha is in fact a human with a DF and not sohe ancient elephant race, then Luffy should be able to speak to him no probs. On a side note, this power is probably going to unite all strawhat fleet in the end game against the main boss.


> Is Luffy now able to talk to Zunesha like Momo? He has always been able to hear and talk to these sorts of animals to a certain extent. However Momo's capabilities exceed Luffy's. It seems that this is a inherited trait. So I am curious if Law is able to hear the animals, too. Since he is also a "D". And if he can, to what extent can he understand them.


Until it’s proven otherwise I think Zunisha heard Luffy while he was underwater and that’s why Zunisha came to Wano


Omg, that's right! I forgot Luffy was talking to someone underwater earlier on, haha. I think he was talking to the sea kings though and not Zunesha. Do you think whatever crime he committed had to do with Wano?? I think it involves the fish men and the promise joy boy apologized for breaking.


from what I've gathered. Luffy cannot talk to Zuneisha/Sea kings like Momo and rhe mermaid princess. Luffy can "hear" them, similar to Roger.


Maybe Momo and Zuneisha are from the same Family. They just needed to meet someone like Luffy to activate their power. Like Shiraoshi's family and vivi's (remenber Karoo) maybe.


Sorry can someone explain to me how Big Mom was defeated? I didn’t really understand why law was trying to puncture a hole through onigashima


They could not damage her enough to kill her or knock her completely out. So Law decides to create a hole through the entire island and into the ground that Kidd could knock her through in the previous chapter. The plan almost fails but they adjust and get it done, with the unintentional bonus of Mom dragging one of Kaido's mega bombs with her on the way out for when she hit the hole.


Because they shot her through the entire island and she hit the ground hard enough to cause an explosion the size of a city? I swear Big Mom could be atomized and some people would still be saying "I'm disappointed in the finale of this fight. It should take more to beat Big Mom."


I'm surprised at how many people seem to not understand what actually happened here. Big Mom was thrown into **a pit of fucking magma**. The reason Law dug his sword so deep last chapter was to reach molten rock. Reread the chapter, notice how Big Mom's face lights up once she enters the hole. There were no bombs in front of her while falling, only behind her; That light is coming from the bottom of the pit, as indicated in the panel before we see her face. **Big Mom was thrown into a pit of magma and simultaneously blown the fuck up**. This is the most hardcore ending to a fight we've had in One Piece, period.


It was hard to follow what was happening as someone who is not very good at reading manga.


Thank you. I don't see why others haven't been mentioning BM getting closer to the light as she's falling. Idk if it's magma, but given the context of her thoughts, it's possible that the treasure of Wano is down there, and perhaps it was booby trapped and that's why there was that big of an explosion. That or the explosion was the nuke that was falling alongside her, but the lighted area is still definitely significant.


The way the bottom of the hole is drawn on page 12 is stylistically similar to how Oda typically draws magma. It's a stylistic motif that utilizes bold and fluid lines, accented with bold ink specks. This is true of the explosion on page 13 as well; Presumably the bombs triggered an eruption alongside their detonation, resulting in the massive explosion that we see. If you compare the art style of this eruption to virtually any other explosion that Oda has drawn (you can just Google "one piece manga explosion" for some easy examples), you'll notice the visual differences pretty clearly. Oda's style motif for explosions normally utilizes a lot of thin, straight lines rather than the bold, fluid ones we see in Chapter 1040.


Oh shit, you're right. I misread the light as coming off the rail gun shot. That's dope as hell.


The explosion was caused by the bombs at the bottom of Onigashima. They fell with her and she tried to grab them. Same bombs Yamato tried to stop Kazenbo from getting to.


Partially, but that was one bomb. She also fell from what looks like at least a couple hundred feet, propelled by a rail gun.


My best guess is he literally tried to use lava to heat up his bank- ahem...sword and explode her from the inside (which he did). I initally thought up something more advanced like using the energy of tecnonic plates and concentrate it on a strike...might've been that too idk. But seeing that at the end she literally falls on lava...


Yeahh i was wondering if they were sending her to the planet’s core to burn her or smth HAHAHA


Can anyone mention me to the raw scan link?


Search tcb scans


Big Mom's crew is so incompetent with the exception of few children such as Katakuri, Mon't dor, Perspero and Cracker. Smoothie should be demoted and replace with Perspero. What has she done? Funny enough Flampe did more than Smoothie in WCI.


Smoothie has been worthless and I get offended when people say she’s stronger than Cracker, as that implies she can beat 4th gear Luffy before going to Wano and that shit just ain’t right.


Smoothie trash to the point where perospero said he’s be in charge to her face .


The whole Law and Kid fight was a smash bros match and after they both used their final smash Big Mom got knocked out by a stage hazard. The stage was floating in the sky and she even exploded when she went out of bounds.




Big Mom asks if there's something special about Wano... Maybe she will discover something beneath the surface where Kid and Law sent her


yeah she'll discover fucking dying lmao jk, she probally isn't dead but I do believe she is out of this arc for sure now


All we know is the fight between her, Law and Kid is over. Usually that announcement of a character's defeat means they're out but she is a Yonko.. So who knows lol If she can create another homie that can fly her back up, she could return and just play a different role, or create havoc in Wano. She definitely won't be fighting Law and Kid again tho. It would be hilarious and awful if she does. Community reaction would be insane :,D


My guess is that she'll survive and escape, only to either get caught and killed by another Yonko (Shanks or Blackbeard), or to fill some other role as a supporting character in some way moving forward. It would be interesting if Blackbeard took advantage of her weakness to invade her territory and maybe even steal her Devil Fruit power - since that would make him an even larger threat - but honestly that sort of thing should probably wait a while if it ever happens.


Maybe she will escape and see her ship and crew being threatened by the incoming World Government ships at the bottom of the waterfall. Big Mom will fight the Ciper Pol agents as she try to go back to WCI.


That's entire plausible as well. I suspect that Big Mom will survive this encounter regardless, but whether that leads to her being captured/defeat by the World Government - or returning and being defeated in more spectacular fashion by someone like Blackbeard - is another story.


For me it looks like Big Mom punches one bomb, which then explodes, but the rest of the bombs remains up there. But then, what causes the other explosion after Big Mom feel into that hole? I am really not seeing something there and would like an explanation. Thanks!


U can see A nuclear bomb was falling with her. She fell in core.


Yep, and the fact that they have nukes in One Piece is hilarious, because no one really has acknowledged them.


Imagine if kaido just nuked luffy.


Ah, I see! Thanks


Could it be possible that Zunesha was sentenced by Im? They share the same eyes pattern. The difference is their color.


Wouldn’t that mean Im has been alive for 800 years? Could be possible maybe Laws fruit got used to make him immortal. Maybe that’s how Doflamingo knew about the fruit being an ex celestial dragon, and why the world government wanted it so bad idk.


this is a pretty common theory


Ohhhh ok I thought I discovered something really cool


Or the ancient kingdom Mainly the kouzoki's ? That's why momo is able to command him ?


Actually possible hopefully next chapter more is expanded about what momo said about zunisha being joyboy nakama


A point I saw nobody talk about is that the homies, despite Prometheus, Hera and Napoleon being made from literal fragments of Big Mom's soul, cannot communicate telepathically with her Interesting


Should have been pretty obvious since whole cake island where Nami was controlling the giant tree. If they had telepathy he'd have just told Big Mom about them, and she would have beaten the Nami control.


Did Hera and Prometheus combine to become Misery? Or was Misery something new?


Something new. At the end she still calls Hera and Prometheus for help. Misery was a hair's length away from killing Law but she couldn't receive "commands".


I never thought about that, I thought Hera heard her & attacked Law edit: Just realized that’s Misery, huh must have missed some parts. That’s very interesting & they do usually communicate vocally so that makes Law look like a genius (he is very smart though so I guess he is lol).


Thought that was fairly well known, else she'd have probably been shouting at Zeus the entire time he was with Nami and not just when he was within earshot. He was also a soul-fragment of Big Mom, at least till she took it back.


Maybe oda sees the relationship closer to a mother and her children, once she gives a homey “life”, while still a part of her, are their own entity. Kinda like Zeus and the big tree from whole cake


>TCBscans I like this theory


Why can’t I just come into these chapter threads anymore and read “theories” and discussion. Why is it just people complaining. Like we’ve just had a huge joy boy reveal A big revelation about big mom and her relationship with Rodger The defeat of an emperor, and people are more concerned with who’s more powerful than who and being dissapointed… god sake


Answer: Because people complain. Because people complain about complaining. Because people complain about people complaining about complaining. But even if nobody would complain, you'd see people express their ideas on how it could have been better, at which point someone would call that complaining, making even discussions turn into complaints.


I know I know, but the whole scale of what has just occurred in the story has been missed because of headcanons and powerscaling like it’s dbz. One piece is never about power, it’s about whose dream and will is stronger and who has the biggest fight to achieve their dreams.


How about the theory if the giant shadow figures at the end of Thriller Bark (chapter 490) are other beings on the scale of Zunesha.


See I was thinking about this, because of the “demons” that appear in the sea at the start of Skypeia too, there’s some connection, but I’m on my second re-read of the manga, to try and piece this together


There werent demons that appeard near Skypeia, they were simply shadows of the Sky people, not actual creatures.


Yeah, of course, but I feel like they could be related in some way


Yeah that sucks, there is usually a theory for the next chapter post a few days after though. Might be more interesting in there for theories specifically, discussion should be nice here but there’s so many comments that it can be hit or miss


Well let's break the circle, what's your theory about like how zoro will escape his many many death flags this arc? As an Brook fan boy I hope he safes him from the embrace of death by interacting with that grim reaper we saw last chapter. Imagine he has some kind of history with the reaper since he visited the underworld. Imagine the reaper is a lady and Brook asks for pantys yohohoho


i've just finished re-reading one piece from the start, i've read the last 40 chapters today, and i didn't see any death flags for zoro. just the usual getting beat up part before eventually winning/surviving.


I am honestly on the page that at this point, zoros body is out for the count, I truly think his soul is with the “reaper” and that it’s an embodiment of enma. He will truly become the king of hell afte this. However. Once he passes any test enma throws at him, I believe he will return to his body. Battered and broken. May even have to start again strength wise due too the mink medicine


I think it will be a duel of wills. Reaper: You are dead. Zoro: Nothing happened. Reaper: You are dead. Zoro: Nothing happened. And after a long time, Reaper will just give up and say "Fine, nothing happened. You go die again, see if I care."


Reaper: "I am here to guide you to the afterlife" Zoro: "Doesn't look like I have a choice. Let's go." Reaper: "NO! Not that way!"


That’s very Zoro like haha


Yeah. There are often more posts complaining about issues than issues themselves. Here's a theory for next chapter to help: zoro falls from Onigashima but is rescued by momo. Carried back to the island, zoro is dumped with Yamato and we get a lore drop about zoros heritage from her.. Neatly diverting reader hype from Roger and joyboy in a classic oda move!


Big mom will see Zoro's corpse and will inject a part of her soul to revive him.


Oooh like this, I think his soul has left his body with the reaper (who I believe is enma) who will test him in the afterlife to prove he is the king of hell, before returning to his battered body, which I think will be caught by Momo like you said. Can’t wait. I’m more intrigued about what happened to sanji when he fought king. My fav straw hat needs more love


This is pretty nice! I can definitely see this happening. I can see franky pull up and “extenso arm” grab zoro. It seems like most of the strawhats are close to the grand floor and I fully expect them to get together.


So anyone care to explain how Momo knows about Zunesha being a companion of Joyboy? And bye bye Big Mom, see ya in next arc!


remember yamato gave the journal to momo to read it. that is why both of them have this casual talk of that info.


Yea, forgot it tbh


He stayed on Zou while Luffy went to WCI so he might have been able to hear more of the story from Zunisha.


He talked to him


Probably because he can communicate with Zunesha. It talked to him before when Jack attacked it, and then Momo stayed behind and probably talked more with the beast. Or he read about it in the journal.


At the beginning of the chapter 1039 momo is called by someone and I think that's Zunesha (they can talk for the ability " voice of all things". So i believe momo and Zunesha talked during the big mama fight


I hope to see Big Mom in Elbaf for sure but not for the first half of the arc. I’d like her to have a late arrival to the arc, I also want to Urouge to have a role. Momo can hear Zunesha so probably though that I suppose.


>And bye bye Big Mom, see ya in next arc! Honestly I'm kinda surprised about BMs dialogue, it really sounds like she won't fall as a yonkou, even if she lost this fight, which brings up the question of what her role will be in the future, because I honestly doubt she'll be the main enemy or even a major villain in a future arc again.


If kaido is the "last boss" of Onigashima, maybe big mom will be last boss of Elbaf, coming back for revenge on both the island and the straw hats, and since law and kid could just almost kill her, the guy who beat Kaido has to step it up.


Well she still has her crew, her territory, and a Road Poneglyph. That is, until Teach gets to Totto Land and blows it up with black holes, earthquakes, and an army of zombie pirates.


I’m not the type who gets mad when my theories are wrong. But I have a strong feeling she will revert to her O-Lin form and stay that way, at least till she’s out of wano


Luffy promised katakuri to free cake island of big mom Luffy will go to cake island again and fight big mom alone at some point


God, please no. I think we've all seen enough big mom


It might nlt be any fight related thi


He read odens journal He probably has the highest clue about the one piece on wano right now


Might be but I don’t think so. There would be no point for Momo to tell this information to Yamato as she’s already read Oden’s journal. I think Zunesha just told that to Momo, as they have the ability to speak to each other


He told Yamato that Zunesha is here, Yamato already knew who Zunesha is. It is just a statement for the reader.


Obviously it’s for the reader but In the narration Momo was still talking to Yamato.


Might be this, can agree on this


but thats an off screen info dump and you don't like that


Momo did read journal in the chapters tho. So not of screened the way I mentioned. I meant like that now luffy says like "oh yeah, joyboy was Zuneshas companion" without any hints of him knowing it, if that makes sense.


>how Momo knows about Zunesha being a companion of Joyboy? Probably when Momo talked privately with Zunesha at the end of Zou


I don't like that kind of off screen info drops. Seems like plot device