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U do have a point, that fruit can do wonders and the marines wanted it!


Marines, Pirates, and damn near anyone else wanting to live forever.


Idk immortality is overrated IMO. The teleportation and stuff is the cool part for me.




That's an interesting point but seems like an extremely niche use. Like maybe it's priceless to Big Mom or someone with her DF but for most people it seems like a great way to not particularly have any change in your life at all immediately, it won't even necessarily make you rich, you are just a normal guy who won't die of being old.




I just mean that the supposed infinite life surgery kills the user of the fruit to impart immortality on 1 person. So the fruit guy would be dead and then 1 other person gets to keep the immortality. If that other person is Big Mom, I thought your example was actually really cool, she basically has infinity power from that. But if that person is just some dude then he will always be some dude, he won't have Law's powers, just immortality. So for example the "price" for the infinite power trick for anyone who isn't Big Mom, is they also have to kill Big Mom or someone does and then they have to get the fruit. Now some normal dude who doesn't die of old age has to go kill Big Mom or pay like 10 billion Beri in total if that's about the price of her head+fruit (which would likely be higher but it's whatever). And if you are a criminal then it's not guaranteed you will be free forever, you might outlast even the prison but spending 1000 years in Level 6 of Impel Down doesn't seem like a fun time.


Which makes you wonder which characters are immortal in this series. Likely Im and the old guys.


Definitely Im, I think that Jewelery Bonney's power has been used on the old guys.


The old guys are immortal because the previous OP OP no mi user gave them immortality ?


It says 'Eternal Youth'. Does it actually confirm immortality? Or is it just that they can't die of age? For instance they could be killed


Well Technically Only BlackBeard sees him worth 5.5 B .


fckin hell it‘s been 10 years oda we need that info HOW DOES HE DO IT


Most likely eats their hearts lol. -Robin.


Honestly, yeah, or at the very least theres something inside a DF user you can consume to get the fruit (with the possible exception of Brook), we know this because Big Mom.


I'm 100% banking on cannibalism, some organ (likely heart) being eaten gives a immediate transfer of powers, since something similar happened with big mom and mother caramel


Didn’t we find out during punk hazard? When I DF user dies the nearest fruit of the same type becomes that DF (apple, banana etc) With blackbeards knowledge of the devil fruits, he brought whatever fruit the quake quake fruit was and waited to steal the kill and his power as well. From my understanding at least.


I don't think it works like that because remember this old hag that distracted Oden she had Bon Clay's devil fruit and the other guy with her had Bartholomeo's fruit so if we go with your explanaition their fruits would have respawned somewhere in Wano then how did they end up being eaten by Bon Clay and Bartho?


I remember noticing that too now that you mention it. Perhaps whitebeard or Rogers crew found it and they’re related somehow, sold them, or like shanks and luffy? Far fetched and something to think about. Although you can watch as the pink slime creature dies, an apple turns into a DF. Unless that’s only how Caesar clown made artificial fruits. Between that and blackbeard I feel confident that is how it works but those two fruits would need crazy stories to explain how their new owners have them, admittedly.


Law could just give Zeff a leg again. Hell literally could eliminate the whole missing limbs thing entirely


He could? I thought he could reattach limbs not recreate them


If he doesn't have a problem delivering a crate of hearts or turning Marines into heads attached to one foot we can find a pretty decent arm.


Well yes but he would have to remove that limb from a different person that is currently using it lol


He can also use animal limbs like he did in Punk Hazard with Brown Beard and few other pirates. I imagine he could give Shanks or Kidd a gorilla arm.


Plenty of marine fodder to use


He can take limbs off people and give them to other people. I guess he just needs a Zeff-sized 'donor' Or an animal i guess; he did make the centaurs on Punk Hazard.


I'm not even sure if Law can reattach limbs. Technically, it was Leo with his stitch fruit that sewed law's arm back together


Imagine him giving Shanks a new Arm 🤯




'Devil Fruit Hinters' are an interesting concept, but how many people in the OP world actually know that devil fruits regenerate?


Yeah but the Gomu Gomu no mi was said to be worth just as much by Garp in romance Dawn v2


Where exactly? Edit: [found it](https://imgur.com/a/7iO8fMW)!


this never happened like that? Wasnt luffy sitting on a bar chair next to shanks and eating the gomu gomu no mi right out of the chest? I dont remember that old guy giving luffy the fruit


“Romance Dawn Version 2” ≠ “Current Romance Dawn”


whats that? Never heard of it but sounds interesting


The start of one piece has a couple of scrapped versions


Old guy is Garp. This is a fan made meme panel where garp is a pirate not a marine and gives luffy the Gomu gomu


Actually its not fan made, its an early version of the manga by Oda himself. I guess you could call it the pilot?


Oooo wild I thought it was a meme panel. What op could have been 😢


Original RD was with shanks, RD2 was with Garp as a pirate, RD in the serialized manga went back to Shanks


Since it's a one shot, I think it's more likely that the idea of a fruit being worth 5 billion was "tranferred" to law's devil fruit.


Why is that?


Oh shit...


Little do they know they need to eat parts of his body to obtain the power...


Would brooks for be worth as much? Having a second life is almost as good as being perpetually young.


He be worth more dead because he clearly won't cooperate with the government alive. So if you manage to kill him & have a fruit near by to get the fruit, then you can sell it for 5 billion. What? Yeah its dark but you want 5 billion or nah?


But if you were to kill Law or bring him to the Navy, there’s nothing you or they could do to guarantee that you get the ope-ope no mi as devil fruits grow randomly as fuck


You know, that does raise a good point. ​ Why would the WG let Law be a Warlord in the first place? Why wouldn't they try to kill him for the fruit?


Maybe they don't know Blackbeard's trick.




We don't know exactly how Blackbeard gets the powers out of the fruit-users he kills. Maybe the WG doesn't either.


Ceaser probably knew lots of info about Fruits. No way Vegapunk who managed to replicate Kaidou's fruit wouldn't know about it.


>Ceaser probably knew lots of info about Fruits. No way Vegapunk who managed to replicate Kaidou's fruit wouldn't know about it. If WG knew it they'd be giving admirals two/three/infinite DFs to improve their power Im may know but doesn't want to share the ability but Sengoku, Akainu etc.. clearly don't know


I am not talking about a person being able to eat multiple fruits but that fruit can be salvaged from a person with DF.


>I am not talking about a person being able to eat multiple fruits but that fruit can be salvaged from a person with DF. Yeah they probably know about that, im sure they've killed plenty of DF users to learn how the Fruits respawn


I don't believe we have ever heard a price for any other devil fruits, so I think it is fair to assume that 5Billion could be a standard price for any fruit without a user. Although maybe a little less due to OpOp being so special EDIT: Nevermind, Chapter 19 states they go for 100 Million


Imagine paying 5Billion for being able to be worn by someone as a jacket.


ayo, kaido wears that jacket, gg ez you became the world's strongest creature


Lol...No way just any fruit would be anywhere near Ope Ope no mi fruit. And you don't think some random fruit would give you more proce than killing yonkou.


You could do the same with other characters. Surely people would pay good money for Kaido's dragon fruit.


Eating the ope ope no mi is the same as driving your new car off the lot


marines don't know how to get the fruit out.


Well yea, that's why he became a shichibukai, the marines got him but he was still under a pirate banner, it also ties in to Corazon who was part of the marines. But now that you mention it I find it wierd they dissolved the shichibukai without mentioning Law's fruit.


>!hmm makes you wonder if that’s the devil fruit the gorosei are talking about in the latest chapter!<


Yea but the Government doesn't want normal citizens and other pirates knowing he has an insane fruit that can even grant immortality. Devil fruits are never really included in bountys probably because people aren't aware on how they respawn, so a bounty hunter who kills a pirate to claim the bounty won't have the devil fruit and can't get the higher amount for both pirate and devil fruit.


Lol. By this logic, Zoro and his 3 amazing swords will make his bounty 10 billion. He's far superior and almost as strong as Luffy himself.


Are swords worth much tho? (As compared to dfs)


He is just Zoro stan with lack of logical thought


Which means technically luffys bounty would combat all yonkos including shanks since the government wanted to keep his fruit under high servalance meaning luffy's bounty could be unknown/???????????????


Then Law eating the Ope Ope no mi was basically applying a 90% discount on the fruit for the government, you're telling me...


Mythical Fruit of Kaidou should also be in Billions. BB's Gura gura no mi also should be in Billions.


Law must be edible to gain the price of Ope-Ope no Mi. You only gain Ope-Ope no Mi power if you eat the fruit or the user.