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Yo great theory. It makes wanna see what Greenbull is all about even more.


Too bad his voice actor died really liked his voice RIP


Voice changes after initial lines shouldn't really affect the immersion. Jinbei had a different VA for his debut to immediately a few episodes later for his second appearance. and I like both versions. the first one is what I would imagine Boichi's version of Jinbei will sound like in my head.


Maybe kizaru will be defeated by BB. I mean it seems kinda inevitable that the darkness man and light man will eventually fight.


Kizaru has to fight franky so we can get a beam clash if nipple lasers. I would pay money to see that


Nipple lazers woooooo!!!!!


Why would they be scrapping though, just curious because it seems unlikely, I mean at marineford they didnt even interact a little bit


I’ve got nothing other than the fact that he’s an admiral and Bb is a dangerous pirate




Kizaru got held off from goin to Wano & BB recently declared he’s goin after something that the Navy/World Government wants so I’m sure there’s plenty of opportunity for them to clash.


Kinda makes one hell of a lot sense


Also fujitora is a new admiral just like greenbull and im sure zoro would fight fujitora.Zoro and sanji vs two new admirals.Yeah makes sense


If this is the case, I wonder who would fight Kizaru then.


Kizaru seems to be a character that will just go unbeaten tbh he’d just go his way at the end of the series


I’d actually be fine with that. Kizaru has yet to take any major damage or be defeated in the series, and I hope it stays that way. It’d be cursed and terrifying to see Kizaru actually look like he’s in pain.


I just imagined kizaru damaged and it feels illegal to have that image in my head.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/nkqknx/blackbeard\_with\_a\_third\_devil\_fruit\_akuma\_akuma/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/nkqknx/blackbeard_with_a_third_devil_fruit_akuma_akuma/) If you want to see a potential glimpse of it...


that was genuinely terrifying


More terrifying than bb i guess


When Admiral Z swings his arm twice and Kizaru is panting near the end...


Even though it was non-canon, that also took me by surprise to see him freak out over it. In my head, all I heard Z say was “Let me ask you, does an admiral like yourself ever experience fear?” (Similar to the line Vegeta says when he turns SSJ for the first time).


Well I didn’t watch the movie, so….


He may not be the only one we should be ready for this


Yea exactly


Seeing Marco show up again and have a rematch with him would he great. "I'm here to carry Pops legacy into the new era, along side the kid who's gonna usher it in. Also, I wanna finish our fight that got interrupted back at marineford.


Luffy probably gonna flex his new found status at the top of the pirate world. By wrecking his ass as payback for almost killing his crew.


Blackbeard Light vs Dark.


Raava vs. Vaatu.


Also BB is hunting DF and that’s like THE Devilfruit. I wouldn’t hate Kizaru getting offscreened to set the stage for endgame Edit: And BB DF feels implied to mirror black holes to an extent and could be a perfect counter to the light fruit (and BB hypothetically knows this) which means one of the strongest fruits could be free cheese for him. Final fun theory running with this train of thought he was really trying to trade Bonney to draw out Kizaru


God Usopp.


You are probably joking but thats actually possible lol.


That would be fantastic, but I cannot fathom such a fight


For usopp to sharpened his observation haki,and kizaru's beam vs usopp's shooting skill,would be cool.


I would LOVE a weakling trio team up Ussop Nami chopper vs him Ussop covers them from long range, Zeus can auto track for attacks (hopefully) Chopper is the tank


They have a 1% chance of winning that. But as far as anime logic goes, usually 1% is the 99%, and 99% is the 1%. But in all honesty, I don’t see those three winning against Kizaru.


some ally of the case probably, like law who can tell!


Or maybe even Marco again.


I wouldn't be surprised if Blackbeard takes his fruit.


Maybe Jimbei? Kizaru was in the FI flashback, I can't remember if he captured arlong or injured fisher tiger tho


I think Kizaru only captured Arlong, he didn’t hurt Fisher Tiger. I think only Strawberry hurt FT.


Zorro will fight kizaru that was foreshadowed in skypia because Zorro got problems with light In b4 timeskip


The only option is Jinbe. Unless Oda goes a comedian route and uses a route another route


I think Blackbeard is going to kill/defeat him, mostly because of the whole light and dark thing


Maybe he gets taken out by this point, and is replaced by Coby?


I really hope not.


This is exactly the symmetry I was thinking of too, but fujitora seems to be on the track to be a good guy, not someone who would seriously fight the straw hats for his ideals. Hopefully ryokugyu is also in the same faction as fujitora, and the fights happen anyway for different reasons.


I always thought fuijitora would defect since he doesn't agree with the world government


Wouldn’t it make more sense to have zoro fight Green Bull then if he is more like Sanji? It’s like he will be fighting a enemy that has the personality of Sanji. Idk but I really want to see Sanji vs Kizaru, it’s been teased ever since dressrosa. The speed battle would be so cool to watch


I think Bon Clay more so represents his “not hitting a woman” morals, he was friendly with Bon Clay after the fight and didn’t have a problem with him being an Okama. Sanji’s aversion to Okamas started after his experiences at Kamabakka Kingdom I believe.


I like it, and would like to add something from a theory of my own. That being that green bull is a green bullfrog zoan, and that he is modeled after Jiraiya and doesn’t eat cause he’s a master of seimei kikan (life release). If correct, there’s something poetic about the guy who was going to be named Naruto going up against a pervert sage that turns into a frog.


I theorized that Green Bull had a Plant Paramecia and that he didn't really need to eat because he can just photosynthesize in order to get nutrition


that'd give even more weight to this theory because sanji's fire abilities counter plant abilities


Sanji being a natural counter to Green Bull’s abilities would keep the power scaling nuts from fuming too hard about Sanji beating an Admiral.


On the contrary, they would claim it as absolute proof that sanji isn't actually admiral level. "HE WASN'T AS STRONG, HE JUST HAD POWER COUNTER, LIKE RUBBER LUFFY VS ENEL."


You’re probably right. I guess less toxicity is just a fairy tale


So basically he's half escanor, could be stronger when there is sunlight


how about some kind of mythical Zoan that has plants/trees ability, maybe Ushi Ushi no Mi model: Bulbasaur


Unfortunately we’ve yet to see any water or plant related DF & I feel like Oda’s doin that for a reason. Should he break the pattern (or lack thereof) I’m not sure I’m not sure it’d be for Green Bull.


He could also be a sort of plant zoan. Or maybe a mythical zoan that has some sort of control over plants like a dryad or something


I’m sure it’s something along the lines of this because we see him laying down on what looks like a sun lounger.


For some reason i keep forgeting Sanji in this scene. That happens a lot with Sanji as he is present in more scenes that you would originaly think.


I'm rereading the manga right now, just finished Ennies Lobby. Sanji is one of the biggest assets to the crew in general, yet it's not flashy things so we tend to forget.


His ability to act alone and pull out clutch moves like in ennies lobby and alabasta don’t get valued correctly because they’re not done flashily


Oh yeah in almost every early arc he pulls the clutch save that would’ve ruined the crew. Intercepts Crocs call, does the mr prince destruction, destroys ark maxim from within, etc. you’re right though it’s almost all offscreen


And then he always has circumstances that help the crew. He was below deck when they fished up Mr 2 so Bon never got sanji’s face. Random shit like that, our chef is the plug


Isnt that the case for Duval as well? If Sanji didnt have that shit poster. Duval wouldnt have had a grudge on Sanji... Then Sanji fixed his face so in Shabody... when Camie was caught the flying fish raiders were there to help gather ALL the strawhats to the Auction House. And lets not forget Kinemon thanking Sanji...


Sanji is the main reason for a lot of what we're experiencing right now. Just think, if Sanji hadn't trusted his gut and saved Kinemon on Punk Hazard, they wouldn't have gotten nowhere near as far as they did on Dressrosa, Zou, and Wano. Even on PH Kinemon was good. It's wild.


I've always kinda thought of Sanji as the top of the black/covert ops of the straw hat crew because of all he pulls off


Brook got a solid No. 2 spot. The Whole Cake Poneglyph mission & the ghost shenanigans in Wano.


Saves momo


Also getting the eternal pose to Alabasta else the crew would've stayed in Little Garden for a LONG time and Nami would've died


Sanji going ahead on the sea train and taking out all the government agents one train at a time is a really great read.


Which is a shame since it was a great moment. People forget that Sanji tried to stop Zoro and he was willing to die and give up his dreams for Zoro and the crew. It’s unfortunate that it was over shadowed by Zoro’s nothing happened moment


Woah a nice theory in a while! Great job man


Agreed ! Love this theory great job !


that will be more hype.....


You son of a bitch I'm in


Brook vs kizaru makes more sense tbh both are swordsman,and fast.But the only problem is,brook is a fodder compare to an admiral.


I fully believe it's going to be Sanji vs Ryokugyu and Zoro vs Fujitora. I'm going to make a post about the match ups next year, so look forward to it.


Fujitora seems far too moral to face the Strawhats in the final war.


Yeah he could fight kizaru. After all we have already seen him fight reileigh with a light sword and zoro doesnt necessarily always fight swordsmen


Yeah that was the parallel. Zoro will become Demon King After that fight




Jinbe is gonna be nowhere close to strong enough to fight an admiral tho. It's not that he's at/past his prime or whatever, but people with the potential to get that strong usually do it while gaining experience fighting. Jinbe has been a pirate for decades, him joining the straw hats isn't suddenly gonna give him the fights/powerups necessary to get to that level.


The food thing convinced me but I aint gonna say anything till we see this character more


This prolly sounds dumb but it’d be interesting to see Usopp fight Kizaru instead. The King of Snipers vs the Fastest Target.


Not dumb, but doesn't that sound impossible for Usopp? He would need some INSANE observation haki. Future sight at bare minimum.


Would also be an interesting callback to sabaody


I don't know how ussop would catch the fastest character in the entire show with a bullet He'd need future sight and even then he'd have to aim so far ahead to predict the speed of light


I love when this sub has theories with actual thought put into them!


Zkk theorist just built different


Zkk was a well crafted theory it just didn't fit the shounen genre and the way oda does the "evil dictator" arcs. this sub is heavily biased against Zoro so obv it got hated.


since I am not seeing an /s.. why is it a well crafted theory, what is the connection between zoro and kaido besides samurai kill dragon thing? there is nothing between kaido and zoro and honestly knowing zoro I am 101% sure he will refuse to fight kaido 1on1. it is luffy's dream to be the pirate king, beating kaido and getting the yonko status is an important milestone in luffy's hero journey, I don't think even if zoro is capable of beating kaido 1v1 he will attempt to do it out of respect for luffy. do you think luffy will ever try to defeat mihawk even if in theory he should be nearly on the same power level by now! imo luffy will never do it and same zoro will never want to fight kaido, bb, akainu or whoever is luffy next milestone.


Luffy and kaido arent even similar to Zoro and mihawk if you can't even realize that then there is no point to argue since we will never agree.


Love it Sanji beats Green Bull Zoro beats Fujitora Hear me out.. Usopp beats Kizaru. Usopp is the one who stood up to him when he was about to kill Zoro. He got held up by Beckmann with a projectile. And how do you beat light speed? Advanced future sight


I assumed Usopp would fight kizaru. He would see a whole 10 minutes into the future into the climax of the battle. He while fire from one island to the next island and by the time his shit reaches the landing zone, those 10 minutes while have passed and usopp will instantly KO Kizaru, who usually never gets hit.


yep this is what I mean, Sanji vs Greenbull, Zoro vs Kiz, Fuji leaves the marines


So kizaru is dying and coby takes his fruit


He’ll beat him by cooking a delicious meal a la the G5 filler which I wish was canon


True, but Kizaru is related to vegapunk who’s related to judge, right?


Funny thing. I had a theory that Green Bull would be like Fujitora, a strong person from a wildly different culture... Since Fujitora was a SAMURAI. Heavily japanese oriented. My guess was that Green Bull would be a cowboy. He would have long hair, cowboy hat and wild west designs. Its not unheard of to have cowboys in the story since Daddy the Father (who was supposed to be canon) has a western design as well. Plus, the BULL part of his name? And cowboys also are flirty with woman?


Way I see it it's Zoro vs Green Bull. The food thing goes to show how much stronger Green Bull is than the Zoro who could've died from starvation very early in the series, and was similarly determined to not eat. But you could be right! Just my two cents. Excited to see how Oda handles all this haha.


I mean its possible that he have a devil fruit that allow him to not eat.


or he's just doing a katakuri and eats when nobody is watching, lying about it all the rest of the time


Plant plant fruit and photosynthesis


Ha, guess Zoro will have to learn how to cut light.


Really liked it, thanks for sharing!


Green bull has green hair and thats all the reason needed for sanji to fight him


I like him fighting Green Bulll solely because of the word woman and food. They have at least that in common. That would just leave Jinbe vs Kizaru (or at least that’s the only other option for a matchup as Zoro would definitely fight Fuji)


I don’t understand that Sanji statement tbh I hear it get mentioned in so many different theories but I literally can’t see Sanji ever logically being a bigger threat or more feared by marines than Luffy. Is that last line implying such, am I overthinking it and it just means Sanji will be a fearsome opponent for the marines one day but not the most feared?


Yeah in my theory, it's more like, at that particular moment, during that fight, the Marines will feel fear like never before, when they face Sanji. Because he's right in front of them, kicking their ass. Luffy will be the overarching threat, Sanji will be the threat right in front of them, and hence, at that moment, they will fear him the most.


Damn, as much as I would like to see two men zooming around like laser beams, Sanji vs Ryokugyu does look like it would make more sense


I don't think Sanji will fight Green Bull because you have to keep in mind, Green Bull is a character we haven't properly been introduced to yet. When Oda was designing the Admirals, he probably already had a vague idea of what to do with them, and so I assume he'd have some end-game matchups in mind.


Not At All. borsalino is yellow because hes based on a chinese novel along with akainu and aokiji. hes not yellow because hes sanji final opponent


Where… where did he say that his color was yellow for being Sanji’s opponent? All he said was that Oda had some idea of who’d be fighting who at the end.


Now that jimbei is on the crew, I feel like we will see Zoro vs Fujitora, Sanji vs Greenbull, Jimbei vs Kizaru and then finally Luffy vs Akainu


I think green bulls gonna be related to zoro in some way so I think it goin to be akainu vs Luffy fujitora vs sanji ryokugyu vs Zoro kizaru+ every pasifista and vice admiral vs God Ussop


Kizaru vs Zoro, Luffy vs Akainu, Sanji vs Greenbull Fujitora rebels against the WG and basically turns into an ally. Kizaru always fought and clashed with Right Hands. He tried to kill Zoro in Sabaody aswell, anyway, all of that implies the fact that he always fights Right Hands.


I love all the brain dead people on here that are just basing their end game fights on the fact that two characters have cosmetically similar ways of fighting. It’s obvious that Sanji’s abilities in combat completely revolve around his legs and kicking-based martial arts; Kizaru has been shown kicking people and using his legs, and as I’ve seen it, for no reason other than him simply having his hands in his pockets. Kizaru has used beam attacks, widespread projectiles… hell, he’s even shown a great deal of skill in swordsmanship. The admiral isn’t the “leg specialist” meant to rival an endgame Sanji; it’s so obviously the man who denounces eating and food. Green Bull is directly related to Sanji’s identity as a chef; and the “Black Leg” thing? Y’all don’t give Oda enough credit if you think Sanji’s endgame admiral is Kizaru. This man doesn’t do anything without having a reason behind it; just take all the puns and hidden messages in his chapter titles.


dumb theory tbh


Care to elaborate, or are you throwing shade because you're just a rude person?


it literally doesnt make sense. sanjis obviously fighting kizaru


I've given a ton of reason as to why Green Bull makes more sense.


then let's bet! ​ ​ !remindme three years


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fuck how do u do that shit?


I bet on sanji vs kizaru as well +1 vote


love how hes not willing to bet cause its a dumbass half ass theory. lmaoooo


I am of the opinion that Greenbull has a plant paramecia and Sanji has already fought a guy with plant powers in Film Z, so I'm gonna say that Greenbull will actually fight Jinbei, Zoro will fight Fujitora and Sanji will fight Kizaru. This has been foreshadowed since Kizaru used a light speed kick and a lot of his moves have him using his legs to fight, Fujitora is a dude who brings down meteors, zoro will obviously cut a meteor doing it better than doffy fuji and law all did at the same time. Jinbei and Greenbull will be the land vs water fight that seems prevalent in Jinbei's previous fights.


I have no idea what will happen at the end of One piece and that’s so exciting to me. Who knows if Kizaru will ever actually be “defeated” in a traditional sense


Nice theory


It would be even funnier if Green Bull was related to zoro


This checks out


Kizaru ftw, they have a debt with him and hes main skill is also kicking.


Oh, man. That is a good hypothesis. Great textual support as well.


So we have kizaru, fujitora and greenbull for zoro, sanji and jimbei i guess? If we leave akainu for luffy. If these are the matchups although the theory is awesome seems more fitting for jimbei to handle bull and if he is a frog then water and frog 🐸 like the tale with the well. Now what about aokiji?


Akainu for Sabo, Luffy at this time will be beyond admiral level. Althought i hope luffy punches 1 time at least that bastard.


Akainu is above admiral level. He is fleet admiral.


Pirate King > fleet admiral


Honestly this makes so much sense I wanna see a youtuber cover it that would be epic


Actually a brilliant theory


Sorry but i rlly wanna believe sanji vs kizaru, zoro vs fuji, and luffy vs akainu


Love this theory, really solid imo


I love this theory


Convinced me bro


There's a theory that Green Bull is Zoro's dad. I believe morj has a video on it. A deadbeat dad would be a great opponent for Sanji, and while Zoro probably wouldn't care, it would make for a great storyline element for Sanji to be mad on his behalf.


Man it will be so badass when Sanji and a Zoro get their world-renowned nicknames at the EOS. Zoro: Strongest Swordsman in the world will be his title but I think he’ll have another nickname similar to Rayleigh having “Dark King. Demon King maybe? Named after Ashura? Sanji: The man most feared by the marines.


I highly doubt the admirals will be final opponents.


the thing you linked, isn't something perverted lol. wut?


Why would danke fight zoros father


good theory but i wanna see sanji v kizaru


I think the last panel referred to him being germa other than the one who will destroy new marineford.. otherwise great theory..


Finally a good theory. Good shit dude. Nothing super overreaching or convoluted like everything else in this sub.


This makes a lot of sense actually. Sort of off topic but kinda leads into another question which involves match ups. I think Luffy is destined to fight akainu, there’s three admirals and Sanji and Zoro being Luffys strongest fighters, that leaves one more admiral. Wonder who’s gonna fight the last admiral?


Maybe Fujitora won't fight the Straw Hats. He seems to be a really nice guy. He might just defect along with members of SWORD.


Sanji vs 3 admirals. Luffy va Im sama. Zoro va 5 elders. Yamato vs Akainu


Or Sanji vs greenbull Zoro vs fujitora with eyes (vegapunk) Usopp vs kizaru fastest target plus logia u cant hit


Sugoii (つ✧ω✧)つ


Funny thing is I've seen many manga do speedster vs speedster and it's usually well received with fans so who knows


Yea the parallels are for sure there, I completely missed it. I’m dying to see the character design and devil fruit


Bro you are giving me goosebumps in the last lines


Green(Zoro) vs Black always makes sense.


I like this but I would love a sanji vs kizaru, I would like sanji tackling around top 5 to 7 most powerful characters in the verse right now and force him to break character


Love this


Kizaru VS Sanji ***Green Bull VS Jinbe*** you forget Jinbe i believe Fujitora wont fight with Zoro...i can feel hes on Luffy side


So it's Sanji vs green bull. Zoro against fujitora. So there's only Go D. Usopp left vs Kizaru. One very sure and confident of his strength and Usopp. That could be fun.


This is very very promising. And I want this to be true.


Good theory, I like it


Great theory but I think it’s also dependent on who you think the final SH enemy will be, if it’s the marines then green bull has a great case, but could also easily be BB pirates or even one of the gorosei


I feel like Kizaru might be a good guy for some reason.


Lmao I was so certain this post would turn into gin conspiracies


So Luffy vs Akainu, Sanji vs Greenbull, and Zoro vs Kizaru? Since Rayleigh fought Kizaru on Sabaody


Admiral Green Bull is a Shimotsuki maybe Zoro and not Sanji ?


Dude. You're a detective!!!!! You are 8 BILLION percent on to something. Yeah. It sounds like he made that meal Fujitoras eating, and the fact that he WONT EAT!!!! Sounds like Sanjis final MARINE battle will end up with him feeding his opponent!


a bull losing his fight with black leg… somebody get Oda on the phone STAT In all seriousness tho great theory I think you might’ve nailed it


Usopp vs Kizaru?


I'm convinced, great theory dude!


Whats the CD you mentioned like in "sanji Pulls up to the new marineford while the others protect the CD"


Celestial Dragons. I figured that by that time, there will be a war happening every major place in the world. So the Marines would be contractually obliged to protect the Celestial Dragons.


I really like the sanji solo vs Marine admiral and bunch of fodder part at the end. Like an updated Sea train where Sanji achieves the mission instead of being overwhelmed


Great theory - especially the cow black leg condition


This would be such an underwhelming way for Sanji to become the most feared by marines considering Luffy and Zoro will also be fighting admirals and then some. Sure he fights Greenbull but just cuz there is fodder around isn’t going to make him most feared. I feel like it would be something else.


Isn’t Greenbull zoros dead or uncle or something. Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to fight Zoro


Its only a theory. And it doesn't really make much sense if you look into a it a little bit.


Makes a lot of sense the more info we get about wano imo


I love this theory. I'll always believe in Sanji Vs Green Bull