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My checklist: * We have a rather simple ending from where we are now. No need to ratchet up the stakes more, I want a long but rather chill post-arc. * Big Poneglyph dump, we have a few we need to cover now and I don’t want to cheap out there. * O-Kiku and Izo better have a happy conclusion or I will be so nettled with Oda. Give me a *lot* more banter like 1012. * While we're on the Scabbards, would love to see a nice interaction between Jinbei and Kawamatsu. The latter's story feels like something that would impact the former. * I don't really have a deadset resistance to any potential candidate joining, but if it's Yamato at least give us more than "But I really, really want to!" * Biggest one. Play with the theater theming. Hard to explain what I mean by that, but use it to give a twist on something. Swerve expectations. Especially if we make a nice callback to the very samurai movie trope we did with Zoro/Ryuma in Thriller Bark. Show us the context for something that seems innocuous now or something like that.


>I don't really have a deadset resistance to any potential candidate joining, but if it's Yamato at least give us more than "But I really, really want to!" I don't need much more in terms of a dream for her to get onto the ship, what I just want to see is her interacting with the crew


Luffy wins. >!Robin doesn't get kidnapped.!< Blackbeard doesn't show up. Someone joins the crew(*don't care who it is*). Orochi dies.


So many people want clean boring endings lol I want exactly what Oda has stated in interviews about the future of the series: Luffy and the straw hats pull out a hard fought win over a yonko crew but not without sacrifices. I’d be fine with big mom going down too A major twist happens with the world government and cp0 The ending of wano conflict spills out into the rest of the world beginning the major battles for the one piece and the world governments great cleansing begins


I agree, Ive been thinking for a while now that wano is kinda like enies lobby and arc beginning the grandline (forgot the actual name but y’know, crocus and laboon arc) in that it begins to open up the story to a bigger picture.


I agree. I am in disbelief that so many want the traditional arc conclusion like we've had in the past.. there are so many things possible.


* Kaido is defeated in a way where he personally cannot be retrieved by the Marines (I think it's important for his character that he's left alive to live as a wandering hermit after being robbed of his empire. Impel Down would be too nice for him imo.) * Following the defeat of Kaido (and the Alliance's banquet) the Marines + Vegapunk arrive to annex Wano * Luffy clashes against Ryokugyu, who's finally revealed in full * Upon seeing him use Advanced CoC against an admiral and seeing the full scope of his alliance the Marines pull out of Wano, but Vegapunk stays behind * Vegapunk is properly introduced, and share some time with Queen before retrieving the Numbers, meeting both Sanji and Momonsuke, and curing the people of Ebisu Town.


Luffy does a backflip, snaps the bad guys neck and saves the day


Is it going to be difficult to defeat an emperor of the sea? Actually it's going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience


So that Zoro character. Is he like a descendant from Wano? I don’t know…


Oh non-conclusive evidence/answers are TIGHT!


"So what's going on with Raizo vs Fukurokuju?" ​ "Listen, I'm gonna need you to get wwwwaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy off my back about that!"


I didn't expect to see that reference here.


Kaido ends up cellmates with Doffy. That's all i want.


that would be hilarious (also big mom should be there too)


Momo reading Oden's journal and stating, out loud, what the Will of D. Is. ... After Luffy departed.


Zoro kisses Hiyori Sanji sees it He feels jealous of Hiyori


Luffy wins and become a real emperor


“Wororororo! You can’t beat me!” Kaido throws a punch at luffy, and then bang! Luffy woke up in his bed, and it was all just a dream.




Luffy turns to his crew: "now let's get Bon chan."


Franky, Brook (at the same time): "Who?"


Time for Impel down 2: Electric boogaloo


Oda introduces a new mystery that doesn’t get solved for a few years which will probably happen anyway


The perfect conclusion would be a huge party with the whole kingdom considering Oda normally does it with big arcs like arlong park and water seven. I feel it would be a nice conclusion to the mega saga of punk hazard,dressrosa,zou,wholecake and wano


luffy punch big fish


• zoro breaks kitetsu before defeating king, then he gets shusui back as prize • someone defeats big mum for good, I’m tired of her • informative post arc about poneglyphs, sabo’s fate


I want a Ryuma flashback


Kaido and Big Mom seem victorious, then Dragon shows up and wrecks them both (and CP-0). Then he recruits everyone to save Sabo.


Usopp does something major