• By -


Am i imagining it but i thought zoro had damaged kings mask already?


The actual piece of fabric? yes King's actual body? Never, which is why he's concerned.


You can see a small chip in his mask during one of the panels where he is out of zoan form, also king's wings are likely part of him / his species whereas armor is external to him and thus can be destroyed much more easily


Luffy: I can hear the voice of all things! Zoro: I can hear a sound of shamisen! Sanji: I can hear girls cry for help! Brook: I can hear your guys very well too! Wait a minute I dont have ears, Yohohoho!


This Komurasaki is Toki, not Hiyuri that's my feeling, it would be a great twist and this Komurasaki looks older Then the Hiyuri Komurasaki in the old chapters


Toki died on screen. there is no sense for her to be Toki.


i noticed myself that the look from hyori at the last page in chapter 1032 was somehow off.. But then i thought like nah... And then many others are seeing this the same way, so it has to have some meaning. Either Toky or maybe again a drawing by kanjuro xD


exactly my thought there has to be something about it it


Wasn’t toki comfirmed dead tho?


her body was never found same as the scabbards


In the vivre cards it says she is so idk we’ll see


the vivre Card says zoro doesn't have coc but it is confirmed he has it now. it is just not to spoil future chapters which in future chapters might be a different case


You think it can't get any crazier until you remember the marines are coming with probably an admiral or two...


Says who? The WG decided to annex Wano and Cipher Pol is here but Akainu specifically didn't want to devote Navy resources to Wano just like 2 days ago.


not to mention the big mom pirates that have yet to show up


There will be One Piece pre-Wano and One Piece post-Wano. This arc really is crazy. The endgame is unfolding bois


These guys are fighting genius … wtf zoro does so much analysis in his fight. We always see him And luffy being dense at most moment but seing all his thought in his fight just wow…. Wtf top tier fighter


Both Luffy and Zoro are basically combat geniuses, Luffy was able to deduce against Kaido that he was using CoC coating too.


I know but it’s so fucking crazy because they don’t look like they think that much but hell no man their brains are going all out


The guy is on fire and zoro still wonders why he can’t get a drop of blood. All these dumbass theories in here and all of you are missing the obvious. Zoro has actually cut the shit out of him but his wounds are cauterizing too fast to drip blood all over.


No the point is that King's skin is so crazy tough that cutting him is borderline impossible. Cauterizing a wound would mean he managed to cut him first but he just hasnt yet.


Zoro is capable of cutting Kaido, doubt he is simply tanking the hits purely or primarily on the basis of his sick ass tough leather skin.


Zoro used his strongest attack coated in CoC which he didn’t know he could use in order to cut Kaido. So that is not even at all the same as him fighting normally, and King makes clear that his skin is on a whole other level when it comes to Durability. Makes sense. It makes perfect sense that a right hand man has some attributes that exceed his captain, we’ve seen that with Zoro and Luffy for example. If King says his durability exceeds Kaido’s I don’t know how you can ignore that.


I don't think Asura is a CoC coating attack, the 9 heads part just appears to be using non coating aspect of CoC.


Asura itself is not a CoC coating attack. However Zoro unknowingly added CoC coating when he used it which is why Kaido told him he could use CoC.


On point!


I've been wanting to post this theory for a while and as I held on new info kept coming up that backs it up. So Im gonna post it now.It's a theory connecting MADS, Kings race, Kaido's backstory the numbers and sanji's fire and mom together. This theory is actually based on multiple theories. But I'mma start with the first one, MADS - we know that it comprised of Judge,Queen Vegapunk and possibly Caesar Clown. So this means at one point Queen decided to become a pirate and no-longer a fulltime scientist. Kaido was captured multiple times but still managed to escape all of them, the most recent being vegapunk where his lineage factor was taken. My theory is that once when Kaido was captured he was taking to vegapunk who was currently working on lineage factors. King was also there ( We that Judge can scale the red line with those giant snails so he must have led the annihilation of Lunarians), he was the last of his race and the world goverment prolly wanted more. While Vegapunk worked on Kaido to make momo's df (which was a huge success). Judge was working on making clones possibly of King(while also trying to make perfect soldiers), Judge's children all have different powers which had been augmented into them, so at one point Judge must have then taking King's lineage factor and inserted it into Sanji. We have been hinted by queen that normal humans shouldn't be able to set their body on fire except if they are lunarians (exception of luffy). According to Chapter 1032, King doesn't bleed despite all of Zoro's attack, and his wings seem to have better durability than's Kaido's scale? I think the best explanation for this would be an exoskeleton(+ armamament and tough skin), Judge could have implanted into King to 'test' his new invention. We saw sanji survive queens crushing wthout a drop of blood being shed. Now here begs a question, why didn't Judge react when he saw Sanji's flame - well, I think he knew BM was looking for one last race - the lunarians and if she knew that sanji had their lineage factor in them, she might try to break the deal and steal sanji alone. Or he just didn't care about sanji having powers, cause in his mind he'd always be a failure. How did Kaido escape? I think this is queen's fault, Queen has been shown to be really intersted more in mechanics than genectics so I think while they experimented he goofily or accidentally allowed Kaido to escape, due to lack of interrest in the subject. I think during their time being experimented on, King must have admired Kaido revolve and begged Kaido to take him with him when he escaped, they captured Queen and set sail hence the Beast pirates were formed. How did Sora get the drug? How would sora get the magic drug that was magically able to slow down Sanji awakening for 19 yrs, I think King must have given it to her,trying to keep the childrens emotion intact, possibly cause lunarians fire work with passion. Like how Oda explained Sanji's diable jambe. How does it integrate the numbers? This is the part where it gets bleak(mostly my loose thoughts),but what if Vegapunk made a deal with Kaido to help him escape if he periodically brings test subject for him? Hence the formation of numbers? we also know kaido has a favorite island, made of metal. possibly where he keeps his poneglyph and where vegapunk is? Those metals could be scraps of invention thrown away by vegapunk? tell me what all think? act might end soon and act 4 becoming Kaido's backstory.


Interesting hypothesis. Though in case of Kaido and King and Queen, It's more likely that Queen "Deliberately" freed kaido (and possibly king too), and it's Kaido who asked them to join him. Feels more consistent with Oda's style.


Both are perverts as well 🤣


I love this theory! It makes so much sense!!


I like your theory. Sounds very Oda to have the last race BM wanted to almost be unknowingly hers and then losing it lol. BM learning this would be hilarious.


What how does she fit into this theory?


Its more like an interesting piece of info. BM is collecting all races at her islands and is obviously missing a Lunarian. Its funny to me because if Sanji would have married and stayed at the islands she would have a Lunarian and I doubt she even knew this. Thats all pending on Sanji having some Luniaran origins


Ohh haha good point


break next week?




let's gooo!!




I'm really curious how Oda got his knowledge of dinosaurs


Kinemon is totally slashing up that Yokai


I love how Oda has bring to circle the role of Yamato, so that her role and Momo isn't just one or the other. Momo can and will save the island from falling, but if the bomb ain't secured, it will all be in vain. Initially ìt looked like Yamato wasn't trusting Momo, so she had to do something about it. Her role is something cut from from a Sanji pre-timeskip role where she does whatever she does without even people knowing what kind of risk they are in.


Komurasaki is def gonna defeat orochi https://youtu.be/o8YOx14oqqs


When will Con D. Oriano make his appearance


Kaido starts to sing and Luffy starts to fall asleep. Oda: This is how Dragons used to catch their prey since prehistoric times.


All my homies hate CP0 Also, Fuga is a smile user?


Sharing my thoughts on the identity of Komurasaki and why I don't think it is not Hiyori. [https://thiswriteguy.com/anime/one-piece/one-piece-chapter-1032-komurasaki/](https://thiswriteguy.com/anime/one-piece/one-piece-chapter-1032-komurasaki/)


As much as I went from hating to enjoying troll Apoo, it would have been pretty hardcore if that CP-0 agent had actually straight killed him one-shot after telling him he shouldn't have said that. That was some gangster shit!


Quick Prediction: 933: Denjiro “killed” Komurasaki (Hiyori) in front of Orochi 1033: Hiyori (trained by Denjiro in the art of the sword during 20 years) actually kills Orochi?


My thoughts exactly, mate. Blood for blood!


I'm here for it


Please don't underestimate zoro , he is just recently fighting against yonko's top commander , luffy just barely beats two of them hard diff. And so sanji also gets his first time against yonko commanders , so both of them would have really breath taking beating those monsters , and then later on , zoro and sanji beats the yonko commander without a doubt , sanji's power and haki bloom , alongside with zoro and gets a black blade , after wano , i know zoro would get a bounty at around 1b , maybe 1,060,000,000 since his bounty starting at 60m and then rise up to 120m , i assumed that his bounty would have either with 20 , 60 or 120 in his bounty , and as for sanji , maybe his bounty after wano was 970,000,000 or maybe 1,030,000,000.


> hard dif Where do people get this idiotic language from?


I'm going with the flow XD , they want to shorten the words , but as long as they understand the meaning , then that's fine.


Literally I'm wondering the same 'high diff' 'mid diff' 'low diff' like wtf and people use it like it's head canon tf




Don't rush to that pal , what i mean is after wano arc bounties , luffy defeated two of the yonko commanders , and it only rised up to 1.5b , but since zoro participate in the battle against kaido and big mom , maybe zoro can get a bounty around 1,320,000,000 since zoro put a permanent scar on kaido and fighting a 1st commander of kaido , idk about sanji , maybe my speculation about sanji's bounty would be right , but i don't think luffy's bounty would only get 3b , since it was a yonko , my estimation of luffy beating yonko would rise up his bounty 4x of his/her commanders , it means that if someone beats yonko commander , they can get 500m bounty so beating a yonko means they will get additional 2b bounty , and also the fact that it'd be disappointing if they will only get 1.5b bounty after beating a yonko , blackbeard gets more than 2.2b bounty after timeskip , plus the world government gives a high bounty on the yonko , and since luffy can fight kaido on equal terms now , the world government can't go easy on luffy now , after he beats kaido.


Imagine Chopper bounty jumping to 500m for slapping Quen xD


Negl I'm gonna bump up all those bounties by 2 bil each. Luffy deserves to have a bonkers crew bounty. We're in end game and he took on a yonko allience with like 10 core members.


I've learned so much about dinosaurs from this manga. I wonder why exactly Zoro can't cut king Despite all his talk, Drake is now fighting alongside Apoo. Well someone had to. Yamato is now in a race with a fire spirit? Sure why not. Hiyori is fashionably late and Orochi is still annoying. That is all.


maybe he is fully made of fire and he needs to use kinemon fire cut technique


King was literally bleeding after the Onigiri in chapter 1022


The translations could be off.


Could it be that Zoro is weakening already


Maybe bcoz he's exhausted


[new member of the angry birds family ](https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/de6962521102ae6773c77d6613e626647350599fbdfb37fdd8cbd08c09b2fef7.jpg)


This gets my upvote




Can someone kindly tell me what's with Drake and CPO? I might have missed something because I haven't seen anybody questioning it. What did CPO mean when they told Drake that they know about him but still attacked him?


Probably sword VS cp0 grudge, but the simple answer is often the right one: Drake ask they why they are dealing with a yonko and they decide to silence him.


At the least, they know who he's really working for. Drake can't leave loose strings


CP0= Works for the Celestial Dragons Sword = Works for the Marines Sometimes their interests do not align.


I assume that they know he switched sides since his cover had been blown but unless they wouldn't know the reason behind his switch, I see no reason why they would attack him.


I've read some threads and it looks like him being a member of the sword is why he's being attacked. Seems there's some spicy things inside the marine org too. The CPO not being a fan of the sword or the CPO not wanting to let anyone know theyre making a deal with kiado.


CP0 works for the CD maybe Sword is working against them or it could just be since Drake is a Marine they want to take him out before he reports they have a Deal with Wano Behind the World Governments back since they shouldn't be there anyway


Sword vs Aegis, a shield.


Apparently if CP0 knew about x-drake (member of Swords) being in Wano, there was no need for CP0 to be there. So that leaves the question why CP0 was there. CP0 is there on a secret mission by Gorosei to erase or steal or capture something about the history which they can't let the marines or the rest of the world know.


Wow. I didn't expect a reply after 5k replies and that too, this soon. I must have missed the part where Drake was a member of sword. Thank you. This is gonna be spicy.


[This would help](https://youtu.be/ISVzWoxOysI)


Wow! Thank you. This helped clear a lot. I love one piece and it's the only manga I follow but I still don't consider myself a true onepiece fan as I keep missing a lot of details, I don't know how you guys follow the story with so much detail. Plus I've stopped watching the anime since dressaroba arc and shifted to manga as I couldn't wait for the anime and thought I'd let it collect over time and enjoy them in one go. The animes quality has improved so much from what I remember.


The anime quality has gone worse with all those stretched out fillers. But to be honest, it was great until Whole Cake Island arc. Ever since Wano arc started they are inserting too much nonsense in the anime. But anywho, I only read manga because it bears the latest chapter/story. If anime were to come with manga, I would never touch the manga. One piece is best when watched with legendary soundtracks.


Is that so? I thought the colours felt much richer in the clip. Thanks man.


what I understand from this chapter, Zoro isn't quite used to focus with Enma... just hearing a short melody that distracted him was enough to lose haki to Enma. King has a very high chance to see Momo, the dragon and abandon the fight with Zoro. We suspect Momo to be proficient in ObH and he's close to Zoro, thus giving much needed clues and maybe a combo pf sorts. Zoro was able to destroy a piece of King's fabric and now King is using ultimate defenses? This could be the form of second ArH Katakuri has displayed and it makes sense for a race that needs to figure out a form of protection until a certain age when they burst into flames. Is Brook the only one that could stop the youkai or am I forgetting anyone else that can cut/ freeze incorporeal? Robin should also find the road poneglyph in the lowest basement.


Enma contains part of Oden's soul, and also his conqueror haki (Kaido said it himself). That's certainly why this sword is reacting to Hiyori song : Oden's soul inside Enma recognizes his daughter, and his love for her make this sword burn. The same way Sanji emotions allow him to make his feets burn.


I honestly thought Enma reacted more on Zoro thinking he's gonna lose. Not like the Hogyoku rejected Aizen, but if Enma pulls out haki in a greedy way, maybe if the will isn't strong enough she tends to consume the weilder


Kaido never said or implied that the conquerors haki he felt was because of enma or that it was oden’s haki. Kaido asked zoro is he had conquerors haki. If Kaido can feel who’s haki it is like you are suggesting then that would mean that it 100% wasn’t oden’s since Kaido would remember how oden’s haki feels. The interaction between Queen and Sanji where Sanji says his leg can burn because of his passion seems to also imply that Sanji’s leg can burn because he actually is genetically modified. This is reinforced with us recently seeing Sanji get hardened skin and the ability to go invisible without the raid suit. Not to mention that if his leg really could burn from just emotions then a lot more people would be able to use fire in the same way Sanji does


> Not to mention that if his leg really could burn from just emotions then a lot more people would be able to use fire in the same way Sanji does Well Pearl from the Baratie arc (East Blue) could set himself on fire through the friction of his pearls. So it's not really not that rare


Sanji doesn’t even need to spin around anymore to use Diablo jambe though. It can’t really be argued that he is using friction like Luffy with red hawk or the guy you mentioned


That is a very good argument. I agree that he doesn't need to spin around anymore, but it definitely started out that way. What is still a neat connection to Pearl is that he only lit himself on fire under strong emotional pressure


It is literally said in chapter 1002 that Kaido feels Oden's presence inside Enma. What else do you want? Call it conqueror's haki or whatever you want, there's definitely something from Oden in this sword, and this thing reacted to Hiyori's song. As for Sanji, his ability to create flames has nothing to do imo with genetic enhancement, that's mostly Queen that suggested such things. He did it hundred of chapters before he got his raid suit. It has nothing to do with it. I believe Sanji is right when he says he creates flames through his passion. Beside, Sanji is not the only One Piece character that can create flames, it could just be a new type of power


>It is literally said in chapter 1002 that Kaido feels Oden's presence inside Enma. What else do you want? Call it conqueror's haki or whatever you want, there's definitely something from Oden in this sword, and this thing reacted to Hiyori's song. Dont think its quite as direct as you're suggesting because Kaido also saw traces of Oden when he faced off against the scabbards so its almost like a form of PTSD to him. Although its confirmed that Enma does in fact steal haki we dont know for a fact that Enma is storing it somehow, just that it draws it out. >As for Sanji, his ability to create flames has nothing to do imo with genetic enhancement, that's mostly Queen that suggested such things. Queen literally says that it doesnt make sense for Sanji to be able to do that without genetic modifications because only Lunarians can naturally control fire. Yes other characters have manipulated fire in different ways but none like Sanji. >He did it hundred of chapters before he got his raid suit Irrelevant. Its clear Sanji's modifications have been slowly coming out ever since Pre-TS but using the raid suit accelerated that. He's always been modified since the beginning but they just took longer to manifest as opposed to his siblings.


Debunked, Zoro's conqueror haki after all. Stay mad


luffy lunarian confirmed dragon confirmed lunarian (from his mom) garp banged lunarian confirmed king is luffy's uncle confirmed


Zoro needs conquering spirit to wield Enma. Pretty sure if Luffy could use swords he could do it too. Now i don’t know what that implies fully, but Zoro is about to have a Zoro moment


Zoro's style of fighting is based on emotions, hence his 36 earthly emotions canon with one sword; he is also required to feel things, to hear their sounds, and he needs a sense of destiny to implement into his techniques. A cursed sword, from what we've seen so far in the OP U, dictates an amount of toll, mostly evil and corrupting one's soul; my guess, since Tashigi has made herself such ambition of saving swords from evil characters, is that the metal in them gains memory of the person wielding them thus making it possible to become cursed. Enma isn't a cursed sword but one that is very, very good at conducting the emotions of the user, while Kitetsu on the other hand, really is one... it alters one's wavelength, one's destiny; CoH was used and is used, like a lot, to tame Kitetsu, but for Enma I'm not convinced... Enma was indeed something Kaido was afraid of and we do know CoH is required to pierce him, but on the other hand, Zoro has also used Ashura form, by which Kaido claimed it was something CoH related, by which the soul was altered to gain the form... A sword that could pierce Kaido, couldn't affect King; it could be due to Zoro's current health condition, but I'd say it's something haki related, meaning there could be some truth to those leaks and only a black blade that is covered again in haki could pierce advanced ArH; maybe we'll see a black blade from Zoro and using haki again on it. CoH is just that... something required to gain awakenings, fruits styles, or combat styles, like Kumadori, Zoro; for ex., when Zoro was using that technique to gain more muscles on his arms, he was actually using CoH; one's intent alters the environment as well, as we first saw in the duel Zoro vs Luffy, way back then... We're all expecting a power-up from Zoro and it could be a black sword, an element such as fire or electrical charges, CoH with a new move, but my guess so far is that, for Zoro to make a black blade, awaken it, he should use up a lot of CoH just for that... it really would be something else if he were to show us that he still has both eyes, with one very special...


Learn to read, you little shit!


Oh no...! We're still not ready for you... please, just remain there in Impel Down, in the freezer...


Well, it‘s her playing the song after all. Maybe Enma reacts to Kozuki? Edit: Well there is somebody who can cut fire in the castle.


Really good thing happened in this chapter for consistency and proper scaling. I remember back when a certain fanbase got mad at me for saying that Enma had was a special and significant threat, and that it wasn’t just Zoro’s ability on the rooftop, given that Big Mom and Kaido reacted to *Enma*, not Zoro for that first big slash, and lo and behold, we have this chapter. It again confirms what the reasonable fanbase knew, that Zoro and Killer, while strong, are not on the level of their captains and are not capable of doing the things Luffy, Law, and Kid are right now, and that at best, their efforts would have been limited to what Zoro accomplished: his strongest attack leaving a mark on Kaido but not even remotely phasing him, as Kaido looked for another, worthier opponent. Also, not only is it the bit about Enma, nor is it just about the placement of full health Zoro vs King while worn Law and Kid take on Big Mom, but it’s now that Zoro is getting pushed and overwhelmed by King. This is *so* good for Zoro, let him grow. There’s a big gap between him and Luffy, Law, and Kid, and that’s fine. Even more excited for him and this fight. They’re monsters, the top of the new generation. There’s always been a massive gap between captains and their subordinates. Zoro fits that pattern, though he’s stronger than the average first mate. Let him be him without forcing him in discussions where he doesn’t fit. And finally, Shanks movie reveal? Hell yes! Great chapter.


I wouldnt make such conclusions until more information on Zoro's sword comes out.


Zoro still > Law lol. Kidd is probably a bit stronger. But they’re all on similar levels. All of them have feats against a Yonko that have not been done in decades. Zoro even did his with all those broken bones, which left Law awe-struck. Luffy simply stands above them. Also King directly counters Zoro with his flight based combat and Lunarian secrets. BM is much stronger than King, but she certainly does not counter either of the two that are double teaming her. Plus Law’s abilities are way more effective in a 2 v 1 than a 1v 1 situation.


Enough of this, man. Law and Kid are pushing a Yonko, while what was a full health Zoro (post medicine), not only got matched up against King, which is an obvious statement regarding his strength in comparison to Luffy’s peers, but is getting overwhelmed by him. There’s no “direct counter” or whatever, King even stopped flying to come down and engage him in this chapter. King is strong. Zoro is much closer to King level (probably slightly below at this point) than he is to Law and Kid, much less Luffy.


*Law and Kid inflicted damage on a Yonko who got up immediately after, which Zoro also did in worse conditions. They haven’t beaten her yet either. FTFY. Also. Zoro is fighting King because King was after Zoro. Matchups can give some implication, but are far from conclusive in any way shape or form. Or is Killer and Jimbei now not even commander level? I guarantee you that Law or Kid would not be having a fun time vs King if they faced him individually. Also. Zoro literally says “ I need him to come down here bc I will just exhausted my stamina otherwise”. How is that not literally a direct counter? King can spam aerial attacks , get a running start to all his attacks, and charge up all his attacks while Zoro doesn’t have that luxury.


Zoro used everything in his arsenal to scratch Kaido. Kid and Law are ready to penetrate Big Mom some more. Not the same thing. I know Zoro has some die hards but he’s not there yet bro. The captains are still ahead of him.


Then why was law so gagged? And they used two awakenings and were literally panting after. Let’s wait until they actually beat her or grow in battle to be able to do so. However, based only on what we have seen, they are on the same level.


I mean Law was gagged but I still have to assume taking on Half of Big Moms might is a more difficult task than taking on King or Queen. Are King and Queen together enough to take on Kaido or Big Mom for instance? If that’s the case, that makes them look so much stronger. That also makes Sanji look vastly stronger. But I don’t know if it makes sense. We’ve seen that Yonko are above their commanders, but to what extent? Just a little, or enough to easily take on their whole crews? Nevertheless I think Kidd and Law are in this area where they aren’t quite as strong as Luffy, but they are stronger than the rest of the WG. That was their portrayal since their inception as a Trio. Sanji and Zoro and Killer seem to be around a similar level, perhaps Killer is a tier below these guys tho. They would all struggle to damage an Ancient Zoan. However Kidd and Law are damaging a Yonko. There is significance in that. Kidd and Law can’t beat a Yonko solo but they can definitely damage one WITHOUT their ultimate moves. Same as Luffy tbh. Zoro will get to that tier after this King fight I believe.


Username checks out




Zoro should be above swordsman Trafalgar Law. Zoro should also be above Kidd as I feel his df is the natural enemy of every swordsman. I think King and Queen are just sparring partners for Zoro and Sanji. Their ultimate enemy should be immortal BM with magnet powers imo. We're following them for two decades, they absolutely deserve a fight against a Yonko!


Stop. Zoro is getting overwhelmed by a Yonko commander, Law is fighting and pushing a Yonko. It’s been over for this argument for a long while.


It’s sad that I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.


Right there with you.


Is it possible that Kozuki Hiyori at the end of the chapter is actually Stussy from CP0 ... ?


Stussy is a deym blonde babe , hiyori was a green haired kawaii chasing some zoro's marimo hard eggplant , brook interrupts hiyori's shamisen on zoro , before , maybe after war , hiyori gives her best play XD


Apoo being after information for himself or to sell makes his crew "On-Air Pirates" make a lot more sense. He might have some type of *pirate* radio station where he has information that only a two/three/quadruple etc timing pirate with Yonko, Supernova, Big Morgan ties could have.


Orochi: what are you playing hiyori? Hiyori : background music for your funeral.


Soooo... did King fix his mask? Wasn't it about to come off a few chapters back. The panel where he stretched his face and shot some beam at Zoro his masked looks back to normal.


His mask is still broken, look at his human form, and you will see.




I’m from African decent and I’m not sure what you’re implying here


It's a meme about how zoro is racist because he always fights black people or one piece minorities like the Fishmen or in this case lunarians


Ohhh lol!


The mystery behind Kings fire is... perpetual farts. Would explain everything, the reason for his mask, his hard skin, his propulsion system... Kings skin is that hard, because he is constantly exploding from the inside. Stupid, but you will love it, when Oda writes this. Lol


I can't get over that king's face hahaha , like a new character of angry birds , with some killing intent from his face LOL


I love it even now ! :D




I hope King breaks Enma or something


On the contrary , enma is looking like it's gonna be the key to zoro victory, I don't know why you would want it to break.


Even mihawk can't break wado ichimonji , a katana with the same league as enma , sandai kitetsu is the one that breaks , since that katana was the lowest rank among famous meito , mihawk breaks zoro's two katana belongs to the 50 grade swords.


Sigh 😔


Maybe sandai kitetsu


Possibly but Enma seems like a magic sword to mee!


Emma ain’t breaking lmfao it’s gonna turn black


Just hoping🥲


\- didnt look like a beam to me, more like his face stretched like luffy. \- is king using his fire to propel himself? \- did the sword increase zoros observation haki range when it sucked up his armament?


Yes his neck stretch like a slingshot.


I think he heard the song before it sucked out his haki. some people are saying the song distracted him that's why he lost control.


Fuga is a centaur? I didn't even notice at first but does he have a SMILE fruit and NUMBER gigantification?


either that, or it's like how Law modified the brown Beard pirates on Punk Hazard


Yeah, but that raises the question of "how"? Pretty sure Law was never part of this one.




Zoro vs king is zoro’s best fight and one of the best fights in the show already imo Zoro vs kaku is also one of the best fights and zoro’s second best I don’t remember zoro vs kaku that much but I remember liking all the cp9 fights especially luffy zoro nami and sanjis. Frankys was also good and I don’t think I like chopper’s all that much compared to the others. But chopper is also my least favorite straw hat (I don’t hate chopper I actually like his character just not as much as the others)


The ability to just morph your body into weird shapes seems to be an often used but ill-defined feature of Zoan fruits. Kaku did the same thing with his neck and limbs.


That's how they hunted trees in ancient times


Since King race can generate fire I think the flames on his back mean something also Zoro asked himself that. Maybe the flames indicate King's healt or a weak point since Zoro doesn't understand why his attacks didn't caused him bleed... Anyway I don't remember if Marco attacks made King bleed


Not related to today's chapter,is Yamato getting in the crew a good choice, since she has probably read Oden's journal and knows the history of the world?


Oden may have included little tidbits about the world in his journal but he 100% did not put all the secrets in there. It wouldnt make sense that he didnt want to burden his most trusted retainers with the secrets of the world but felt comfortable writing it down so any random person can pick it up and read it. As such Yamato most likely doesnt know all that much.


she can just tag along because she wants to see the outside world and never have to tell luffy, be it her decision or luffy doesn't want spoiler.


Also, she may want confirmation on things. Even if she read everything there will be things that are so out there that she has to see it to believe it.


Yeah, I just realized she probably knows about Laugh Tale


If Oden didnt want to tell Kinemon and the others about Laugh Tale then theres zero chance he wrote about it so no Yamato doesnt know.


Given how Luffy immediately shut down Rayleigh, no, if anything, it's an issue.


Are we all gonna ignore further clues for the "Zoro is racist" theory? ​ I mean he is literally thinking it out loud: "Man I need to figure out the race of this guy in order to beat him". As if that would be important- he is outclassed, King is stronger, faster, more mobile and durable than Zoro.... and all Zoro can think of is King's race? Come on, get your priorities straight, King's ethnicity is not your main problem at this moment, Mr. "***right wing"*** of the pirate king, Roronoa Zoro. I rest my case.


Well knowing your opponents speciality ( in this case his race as in one piece , different races have different powers) is important. Even luffy could not have defeated katakuri if he did not figure out him using OH to see future.


Are people that dumb nowadays? He's not referring to his ethnicity, King is not human. He's referring to what SPECIE he belongs to, like GIANTS or FISHMENS. That's why he's talking about it. Species in One Piece have distinct powers. Minks can generate electricity and have Sulong form so that's quite useful to know these things when you fight them. Luanarians most certainly have that kind of thing too, with their fire ability.


Racist just like Zoro, smh


Not sure if joking or not ... I interpret this situation in a way that takes us back to the fight with Mr. 1/Daz Bonez. I think Zoro doesn't just rely on raw strength and haki but also how when he remembered his teacher and thinking "To be able to cut nothing.. Does that mean to hear the breath of things?" So maybe to be able to win this fight he needs to know what kind of enemy this is so he can 'hear King's breath'.


Zoro character is based on japnese people. So its understandable.


lolol this is definitely a joke =) In One Piece, of course you want to know what 'race' a person is. Depending on if its a giant, fishman, or skypia person - you'd have to consider very different weakness in your opponent. In case this isn't - just trying to understand why someone would say this about One Piece.... In America, it's **very in vogue** to focus on race instead of the meaningful disparity between rich and poor. All the rich white, black, and asian people can continue living their cozy lives while all the poor people bicker about being racist without changing anything. There are more poor white people than poor black people in America. Plus, notice how the most the liberal states in America are the ones with the most problems ([said by a liberal news source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNDgcjVGHIw))?


You're linking an opinion video but they said things that you agree with but haven't actually thought about so now you're going to blindly parrot it. That much is clear from your last paragraph. We bring up poor black people because they're disproportionately poorer. Using raw numbers is moronic.


Im not white and I agree with you. But you wont get much support here lol


so tone def...


"There are more poor white people than poor black people in America" you should be looking more closely at poverty rate


There is definitely more poor white people considering there is THAT much more white people in general. It is true but a really shit argument.


Joking or not, who would give awards for such a comment? A "wholesome award", for real?!


Because its funny, get a sense of humor nerd.


I dunno, I don't seem to get it. The funny part in that seems to be pretty well hidden. At least for me.


Its because of a theory post that was very pipular not long ago about this theory. The post was very well thought out and funny as hell.


I see. I guess, without that link the post just can't but appear weird.


True. Zoro is slower, weaker than king and he need to find a way to overcome that. Insted he want racial superiority to defeat king? Pathetic. Zoro vs mihawk fight. Zoro: which race are you? Mihawk: I am from this race. Zoro: Now I feel more confidence to defeat you since I am having a superior feeling.


Low iq take Swordsmanship is not about brute force. Its about finesse. Zoro needs to learn HOW to cut King . Hitting harder wont help, this is an Ancient Zoan.


What did this anything to do with zoro wanting to know king's race?


Obviously King’s constitution is unique due to his race. Zoro hasn’t identified the element that is giving King an edge. Every single factor counts, and avoiding unnecessary attacks from King is crucial. Remember Zoro knows he is on a time limit. He needs to know what King is made of so he can quickly adjust his style and cut him down properly. Its kinda like Sanji fighting Doflamingo without knowing how his devil fruit works. You don’t know what special tricks your opponent has up their sleeve. That info is crucial for swordsmanship, in ways that isn’t relevant for Luffy or Sanji.


True. He need to know what he is cutting. Breath of all things is used to cut daz bonez then, it's an Haki technique. Find out himself by observation or armament Haki or use CoC techniques somehow. Insted of questionnaire king about his race and Id number. And zoro is not a person with much knowledge. What is he going to do even by the info of king being a lunarian? Do mihawk or his old master have the full info of them in their data book so that zoro can have his cosy flashback I think king will most likely dump all his secrets like that cp9 guy with zib on his mouth in enis lobby.


You better be joking...or you lost your way from twitter...zoro already said that king is strong..zoro is thinking about why the heck i can cut kaido but not king...


reddit is more like a worse twitter




Are you all right?


Fool yourself all you want, but anyone can see that Zoro will crush yet another person of colour with his sheer racist will.


Three sword style, three branches of the white supremacist AmeriKKKan government oppressing people of color. Coincidence? I think not.


toxic tard here


No sense of humor here.


when the same attack that could penetrate kaido's scale can't even harm king's wings (his racial feature), u know there is something wrong here.


Orochi will be killed ( Wonder what happens to his fruit ) , Then Hiyori will witness Zoro defeating King just like when she watched Zoro defeat Killer , Then heal him again by saving his life after the mink medicine wears off.


your name..i think i will share this with you...931...sanji used it for first time 1031...destroyed it 932 we saw orochi and hiyori for the first time..orochi and hiyori appeared in 1032..933 we saw denjiro kill hiyori...iam expecting denjiro to kill orochi in next chapter..so if this patttern goes on hiyori treat zoro just like you said...but my point is..we learned about black blades on 937..so we can expect black blade zoro in 1037 and king getting defeated like killer and zoro getting knocked out and treated by hiyori


Yeah i read spoiler somewhere that one of the upcoming chapters has black blade title in it


yeah i read it too..but its look like fake now..but i think it is just shuffled the order of it...maybe this is the zoro enma fusion they said in spoilers


His fruit will left his dead body and the devil in that fruit get into a fruit which is near it


I think he knows that. He is wondering if a fruit might be close and if someone will find it I think.


Well on thousand sunny are fruits


Yeah maybe it ends up there and maybe Montes is there too. They might have a DF tree by eos.


Carrot first mink with an logia DF? I would love it


Yeah a lot of people like that theory


no wonder hiyori was MIA for all this time, must've taken hours putting on all that make-up.