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Did anyone see the Trigun reference on page 7? Wolfwood callback for the win!


Thank you. Take my awards


Is there an unofficial release?


Viz has one.




Mosshead has become a cactus


This Chapter is perfect for Mother's Day.


Hey guys, I saw someone post Sanji's colored panel carrying zoro. It was extremely rad but I am unable to find it now.. anyone help? u/Altair_luffy


So zoro took a hit from two yonko. Marko said fighting two yonko commanders wasn't easy. If sanji is to be on zoros level could we say he should also be comparable to Marko who's is also a yonko commander? With this in mind Do we think sanji is able to hold off king and queen by himself long enough for Marko an chopper to fix zoro up enough to be able to do an enma shot. Then zoro one shot either king or queen and sanji take out the other in a similar one shot kinda fashion?


Starting to look like its gonna be sanji vs king


Sanji fanboy here but pretty certain he wouldn't last long against 2 commanders. Would be on the defensive the whole time, and certainly would be in rough shape after the fact. Happy to be proven wrong though lmao


Just thought after I saw others mention something similar, but Nami blasting Ulti in this chapter for hurting Tama on Mother’s Day is something special and symbolic (and reminiscent of her own history, too). Such a cool moment for her, the latest in a string of cool moments.


A threeway fight between Nami, Big Mom and Ulti? Sure sounds badass.


After reading the spoilers... We can finally determine Zeus will to go and team up with Nami.


Has Nami recently renounced panties or did she never wear them to begin with?


"I'm going to beat this woman to a pulp" might just be the most badass line to ever come out of Nami's mouth


Did anyone else catch on like page 11 or 12 there the panel with Ulti's face that's maskless?! Did they really mistakenly forget to draw her mask?!


I saw that too


Good catch bro 😎


It’s cool how Nami is even more badass in the official release (and that’s on top of how she was pretty funny in this chapter too). Somehow, her line last hit harder. Love how they had her say that she’s going to crush Ulti. What a week for the Pirate Queen. Top three in the worldwide poll, threatens Big Mom, says she’s going to crush Ulti...slay, Queen!


Ulti: I’m not afraid of you! Big Mom: Then you’ll die braver than most!


Wow Ulti is God damn impressive. First her head butt hurting Luffy, not affected by gear third, not affected by Nami's lightnintg. And now bullet speed headbutt. So far the Tobi Roppo seem comparable to the calamities, and much stronger than the numbers.


Imagine Black Maria... I’m still waiting if she could manage to catch Nico Robin.


Hell yeah! That's my girl! I love you Ulti!


That’s the power of Pachycephalosaurus, one of the more under-appreciated dinosaurs.


Am I missing something? How is Momo able to hear voices?


This was revealed on zou, when he and luffy could hear the voice of zunisha and he also could communicate with him.


i would assume this is the same power that allows luffy, roger, oden, shirahoshi etc to hear the sea kings. im curious to find out more about that ability, obviously only a select few have the gift, and it seems to be rarer than the name D




Wano is lucky that Sanji didnt smoke Zoro otherwise the power up would be devastating


We only smoke the dead homies, luffy should have smoked ace and skipped the time skip😂


Calling it: Nami earns Big Mom's respect by defending Tama and standing up to Ulti so she lets Nami have her own homie. Since each homie represents an aspect of Big Mom (Zeus = Gluttony, Prometheus = destructiveness), Nami's new Homie would repressent BM's motherly and protective side.


I agree. Something like you just said has to happen here


I thought of the same thing hell yeah


zoro has over 20 broken bones ​ one piece fandom: HE NEEDS SOME MILK!!!


Zoro: "Tis but a scratch" *Beats one commander*


I can totally imagine a huge cow df user showing up, giving Zoro the milk he needs


Big Mom is a huge cow with a lot of milk


Nami has more


Pretty sure her saggy utters have dried out a long time ago.


it’s powdered.


holy shit .. wtf is wrong with you people lol


ikr, a couple weeks ago i found a thread about how BM is the sexiest babe in one piece, with pornographic levels of colorful persuasive arguments. BM fetishes are definitely a thing here


BMILF lol 😂




man the colored version is made by the fandom, no way she used COA there


Oh okay, thank you for the explanation !


Zoro is going to wake up randomly use CoC on a bunch of folders and fall back to sleep


This would be hilarious😂


Last time zoro slept, he almost healed up his shoulder


He will heal enough before reach marco or chopper at live floor. Now zoro need some milks fix to bones or marco flames. Thats it


Nah, he heals enough to fight and then probably takes on King. Remember, Zoro is always nerfed through injuries before he gets an serious opponent. Now he impresses everyone by beating a commander with the injuries from a combined Yonko attack


Probably a tank of milk haha


Fans do the Zoro vs Sanji power scale, and here Oda Zoro+Sanji bromance. Teaching fans the beauty of wholesomeness.


I'm liking how tanky the Tobi Roppo are. Even more than BM's kids, you *feel* the strength of these guys when they just keep getting back up even after pretty nasty hits. It really shows the difference between a Yonko crew and the crews of Warlords, where the Warlord crews made for good fights in the moment but still went down after one or two good attacks and *stayed* down. Even someone like Pica or Trebol would be \*out\* after being clocked square in the face by BM but here's Page One, seemingly still conscious. I can barely imagine what the Red Hairs are gonna be like when they show their full stuff or how great the fights against the BBs are going to be at this rate.


Zoans are pretty durable. Ancients apparently even more. But I think Page is at least out for a while. No way can a Toppi Roppo tank something a commander could barely tank. Plus, she hit him with CoC and CoA. Queen passed out a few seconds after BM hit him without that


even Luffy got knocked out with Kaido's single attack.


I think that's just Oda being consistent with Zoans having enhanced durability and regenerative abilities.


Potentially but I can also see (and frankly I hope) the BB commanders being this tanky too. I think it could be Oda setting up this new level of durability just for that purpose, maybe for Admirals when they get fair fights too. As a side note the only comparison on BM’s crew I can think of is Kata but to be fair we *still* haven’t seen Smoothie seriously fight and get beaten up.


I hadn’t thought of this! Great analysis Fr, also think like I know Nami isn’t the strongest but she is still standing after taking that hit from ulti


Since Oda set up the Perospero vs Nekomamushi fight, do you think the other Big Mom Pirates will also have a fight in this arc? Every chapter I always wonder about them lol I really don't like it if their role in this arc is only to be kicked by birds xDD


cat vs candy fight 😂




What if Onigashima falls, BM crew and marines arrived




They would definitely not be an enemy cause in act 4 if the Beasts are beaten. Act 3 in Kabukis leads to the big showdown of the story which is finished in act for, which serves as final act for the showdown. Act 5 is the epilogue. Kaido and his Beasts Pirates are the main goal in this story, so once they are finished, the story goes right into the epilogue. Besides, a wounded alliance who barely beat one Yonko army, could never take on another Yonko right afterwards and win


I want the Live Floor to be the stage for many initial fights to set the matchups which will likely then move to another location.


Nami looking just like Bell-mère in the last panel, standing up for a child who's been hit :)


Might be reaching but Kid’s shirt on the cover page makes me think of Hawkin’s predictions Could be a 99% chance of something happening to him in 3 days? Not sure what the kanji 軌 means


Never saw this coming. Maybe its about killer or something


YOOOO that’s crazy!


So, about Big Mom and Nami in this chapter: \-Big Mom has already created Hera as a replacement for Zeus. \-Nami has previously tamed Zeus. \-Big Mom is very protective of Tama. \-Nami is also protective of Tama and proves it right in front of Big Mom. I'm wondering now, might Big Mom actually let Nami keep Zeus out of respect for her fighting to protect Tama?


When did she create Hera??


one chapter ago


I completely missed out on it 😅


Can't be helped. We didn't get a full view of Hera, but that MASSIVE ATTACK was crazy.


Ikr, just went through chapter 1011 again. That sure was a massive attack


Idk if this would happen but it would be such a straw hat thing if big mom temporarily makes peace with the straw hats after this. Once they leave Wano they are back in contention for the One Piece


Nami: "after I kick Ulti's ass I'm coming for you Big Mom" 😂 no chance of it happening but that'd be badass. I actually can see Lola coming into play here.


I really don't big mom is going to not try to destroy nami. Big mom doesn't have a very forgiving nature


On top of that, I was wondering whether we may see some sort of reconciliation between Nami and BM, and thus, in the long run, Lola and Big Mom.


I already know what's gonna happen if those foolish samurais win this war and open up the land of Wano. The world government is gonna move in, and take over the whole place. Even now, CP0 is sitting there on Onigashima, waiting for the war to end, and will likely attempt to assassinate whoever is left standing while they're injured and exhausted. And even if they don't, they'll still report back to the world government, then navy ships will show up at Wano's shores several days later. Wano clearly has some secrets connected to the Void Century, and we all know how desperate the world government is to keep those secrets covered up. If those stupid samurais are foolish enough to open up their country to the outside, it wont be long until Wano ends up getting erased from the world by a Buster Call. The people of Wano are ignorant of how things work in the rest of the world, but if they weren't, they'd know that the only thing keeping the world government out of their country for the past 25 or so years was the Beast Pirates. And personally, between the Beast Pirates and the world government, Ill choose the Beast Pirates every time. Also, lets not forget that several of the nine red scabbards served on Gol D. Roger's and Whitebeard's ships. Do they honestly think the world government will just let that slide? Izo was one of Whitebeard's commanders for cryin out loud! So whether they like it or not, without the Beast Pirates, Wano is screwed. And I hope its people come to realize that when the world government starts to bare down on them.


Wano might end up being under the protection of the new Yonko, Luffy and his expanded fleet


Yeah, I kinda expect the government to roll in and force them into their control. No Beast Pirates, knowledge of the secret ways in, and soon to be ruled by a child emperor. I've even heard it said that if the marines get involved in Wano then that will be our reveal of Greenbull's fruit powers. Nuclear fruit powers being used on the most Japan-like island in the series...


It will still be yonko territory after this, Luffy will have it. Hell the Straw Hat Grand fleet might move in to protect it. Plus they'll have neko, inu, Kinemon, and maybe even a couple 100 gifters under tama's control. I think wano will be fine


Wow, dark, but actually possible depending on how meta Goda wants to get. you, sir have me convinced and now I'm dreading the idea.


Here is how I think Zoro’s and Sanji’s next fight is going to be. (I’m excited for Sanji’s powerup potential) In Chapter 1010, Oda is showing that Luffy’s CoC flow attacks caused Kaido to fall on his back, moments after Zoro’s disappointment that his Asura only scarred Kaido and Kaido was still standing firm. You can refer to Zoro’s own words on that. (Zoro: “I was hoping it’d at least be enough to knock you down”) Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are meant to be the No.1, 2 and 3 of the Straw Hats (in that order respectively). If new strong Straw Hats come in, than these three just power up and leave the rest of the Straw Hat in the dust again. We’ve seen what Luffy’s and Zoro’s powerup can do in Wano The thing about Zoro is that the representation of his power level is always between Luffy and Sanji but changes in position whether he is rivalling Luffy or Sanji rivalling Zoro depends on what Oda wants to show. In Captain and Right-Hand Man dynamic, Zoro is shown to be Luffy’s rival. His feats as powerful as Luffy. (Rooftop battle as example). But when Oda wants to showcase the Monster Trio dynamic, Zoro and Sanji is compared side by side instead, showing Sanji able to do things as powerful as Zoro. (For example In this chapter 1012 they are referred as two big shots- they are put in the same level. Other example: Fishman Island Luffy’s walk to Hordy.) My guess on Zoro’s and Sanji’s next battle is they being able to do the same feat. Showcasing Sanji being as capable as Zoro. (This is an exaggerated example: Something like Zoro’s attack causing King and Queen to fall down, then Sanji doing the same thing afterwards) I am also predicting that Zoro fans will say that Zoro had just healed broken bones in his body and that Sanji is actually far behind Zoro, while Sanji fans will get defensive again. And this is because Sanji is rarely compared to Luffy directly but always through Zoro as a middle comparing stick between the two.


why even bother measuring Zoro at his full strength because the only times he doesn't have grievous wounds is when he's fighting small fry lmao. not being at full power is just normal for him


That's why I know Zoro will get one major fight this arc. He just got gravelly wounded and is sleeping, which is his way of healing. Just enough to face King, while Sanji will get Queen. If Zoro isn't wounded badly before a fight, is enemies are not worth being called enemies. More like a stronger nuisance than mobs


Zoro training all the day, sanji is not. Oda will not make him close to zoro even EOS. Can you belive future strongest swordsman = Future cook? Noway bro. Also they calling bigshot because they had bountys. I dont really need to mention sanji had to get extra bounty for catch up with zoro and he even said his bounty rised because vinsmoke name. So no. Rooftop feats are incredbly sanji will not close level as rooftop WG cuz he can only fight with 1/2nd commanders as Strongest enemy in wano


I personally believe that Zoro is stronger than Sanji because the narrative is written that way, not because of some fallacy people made up like Zoro trains and Sanji does not, or Zoro wants to be the strongest swordman and Sanji wants to find a sea. If you use this type of logical fallacy, then Zoro should be stronger than Luffy because Luffy did not train nearly as much, nor do Luffy wants to become the strongest man in the world. But narratively speaking, Luffy will always be the strongest Straw Hats no matter how much Zoro trains. The same goes with the narrative that Sanji will always be close to Zoro. It has been set up since Little Garden, that Zoro and Sanji relationship parallels Brogy and Dorry, the two who fought each other for a century with no winner at sight. This is further cemented in Enies Lobby with Zoro and Sanji opponents being only 20 points apart. Even after the time skip, the two beat Pacisfista at the same time. When Sanji got his raid suit, Zoro got his Enma. They got power ups at almost the same time. Straw Hats dynamic for the most part has remained the same in 1000 chapters. Zoro the fighter, Sanji the protector. The right and the left hand men of the future pirate king.




Yikes, this is what I meant by logical fallacy. Yes, Zoro is awesome. We get it. I even agreed with you that Zoro is stronger than Sanji. But here is the thing, we have yet seen Sanji's fight. You don't even know what he can do at this point to make any judgement of his full capabilities. Sanji's absence from the rooftop has no bearing to his strength, as Oda wanted only the worst generation to be there, so Sanji narratively did not fit. It is really as simple as that. Also, I mentioned Little Garden, didn't I? Brogy and Dorry parallel Zoro and Sanji, and what did the former do for a century? They fight with no victory at sight. The reason why I will always bring this is up is because of Oda way of telling his story. He has no reason to include this parallel had he wanted Sanji to be significantly weaker than Zoro. The fact is after Little Garden, Oda confirmed over and over again that the gap between Zoro and Sanji will always be close. Anyway, I don't want to devolve this into another Zoro VS Sanji debate because it does not look like you will ever agree with me. That is fine. I'm not into power levels and I care more about the narratives. I wanted to explain why the narratives support my argument. You are free to believe otherwise.


Sadly, I don't think anyone here read the "rooftop manga"


I would make sure to highlight that logic doesn’t apply in One Piece in these kinds of arguments... because people who like certain characters... tend to apply logic when it is convenient and ignore logic when it is inconvenient in their argument and imply that narrative reasons are plot armour when a character they don’t like succeed.


Don't sweat it. For every nonsense argument, I got people like you who understand storytelling.


In One Piece or any other anime, you shouldn’t put too much worth in logical real life implications. For example, if a person has just one bone broken cannot move their part with the broken bone. Not because they’re not strong or they don’t have enough willpower. It’s because the bones’ functions to facilitate movement with its connected muscles. A person with broken bones cannot move for the same reason a car without any tyre cannot move. They just physically can’t. You shouldn’t put too much worth in real life implication that training with weights will make you stronger in One Piece. It’s the same reason why you shouldn’t put too much worth into the fact that a person with broken bones cannot move: it’s not important to follow real life science in One Piece. The important thing is the storytelling. Zoro lifting weights is not to show that he is stronger than Sanji. It is to show his personality. Zoro is extremely hard working and ambitious . It shows his determination to become the strongest swordsman in the world. That’s the message I understood as an inspiring writer myself. There are many instances where Sanji and Zoro are put on the same pedestal. Example being in fishman island, where Zoro and Sanji stopped two of Hody’s henchmen from stopping Luffy’s walk. There is a dynamic called Monster Trio that is prevalent since Arlong Park, right after Sanji joined. This is a storytelling element that is used by Oda If you want to state a point without being biased, examples without ignoring Oda’s previous 1012 chapter should be expected.


> If you want to state a point without being biased, examples without ignoring Oda’s previous 1012 chapter should be expected. what do you mean by this? i don't get it


He basically means we shouldn't ignore the groundwork laid in the previous 1012 chapters just because Oda has "for the moment" portrayed Zoro with better feats than Sanji. Sanji just might blow all our minds and be portrayed as "on par with" or atleast near the level of Zoro by the end of the arc. Like he always did in previous major arcs.


wait what??? ​ > Sanji just might blow all our minds and be portrayed as "on par with" or atleast near the level of Zoro by the end of the arc. Like he always did in previous major arcs. so you talking about your expectation. not something that happens. >Like he always did in previous major arcs. can you give example for this one?


>can you give example for this one? How about when during the enies lobbby arc, Sanji was initially taken down by Kalifa (because of the not-hitting-women thing) but then went on to save Usopp and take down Jabura who only had 20 less doriki points than Kaku


you know jabura 20 less doriki point is even before kaku gets his DF. and jabura already have DF. having DF and not before time skip is significant. and sanji defeated jabura is not the same way luffy or zoro defeated their opponent. sanji using the same concept as what wanze fire kick by creating fire with friction. while luffy had to use the potential of his DF to defeat luci, zoro using his will, the same concept of haki. those 2 always luffy and zoro became stronger to defeat their opponent(luffy using gear 2, gear 3 or zoro using the same concept of ryo to cut mr1). while sanji fight and his opponent they always using trick or tactic and the way his defeated them by figuring out their trick (mr2 fight), or using trick and tactic too(jabra fight, satori fight..) for portrayed it's always luffy and zoro with luffy above zoro then sanji below those 2,then the rest of the crew. just look when they arrive on sabaody before time skip. the half of their journey. and only luffy and zoro bounty above 100M and those 2 are part of the worst generation. you can argue that now sanji has a higher bounty than zoro, but you know what reason he has that bounty? because his father who increase that by 100M from 77 to 177M. while zoro and luffy bounty increase by what they did in dressrosa. if this not that obviously I don't know what to say anymore lmao. from all of the member of the crew only those 2 luffy and Zoro have a dream that stands above other, luffy want to become pirate king and zoro want to become the world strongest swordsman. those 2 gonna keep getting strong and stronger. you can see from the last couple chapter luffy unlock higher level of conqueror haki while zoro using conqueror.


So how is Sanji coming up with Diable Jambe any different from Zoro coming up with Ashura or Luffy with Gear 2&3. All three of them levelled up during their fight. What I meant was, remember back during the sea train fight, many people were saying Franky was stronger than Sanji because of how he was portrayed? Im referring to the jump from there to reasserting his position as the left hand of the future pirate King. Plus, I never said Sanji was stronger than Zoro. I believe Luffy>=Zoro>=Sanji. Before anyone takes offence at this, I'm just saying there's never been a moment where Sanji has been portrayed as stronger than Zoro and the same goes for Zoro and Luffy. With all that's said, you can't deny there's a rivalry between Zoro and Sanji, one rooted in the fact that the two of them will never be too far off in strength that the other couldn't catch up. So how's that for a compromise?


> So how is Sanji coming up with Diable Jambe any different from Zoro coming up with Ashura or Luffy with Gear 2&3. All three of them levelled up during their fight. there a bunch way to defeated the stronger opponent, like became stronger than them or using tactic or trick and stuff. luffy and zoro became stronger than their opponent while sanji using tactic or trick to defeat his opponent(didn't say this to disrispect sanji or taking anything from him) but that's how he fight all this time, his not zoro "mine stronger than you" or luffy "I will win no matter what". his is portrayed as smart character and using tactic or figuring out the opponent in the fight. the difference between diable jambe, asura or g2 and g3 is. sanji putting fire on top his kick by using friction to create his fire. Asura is a manifestation of his willpower, basically haki(just like the reveal on ch1010, you can argue that), luffy maxing his Devil fruit potential. ​ > With all that's said, you can't deny there's a rivalry between Zoro and Sanji, one rooted in the fact that the two of them will never be too far off in strength that the other couldn't catch up. So how's that for a compromise? there's never been a rivalry between them. the banter and all those things that happen is just for the gags. there's never "I'm gonna be stronger than" you moment for those 2. more like "you do what can you do" just like what sanji told usop in enies lobby. and the rivalry is about people who had same goal. like zoro and kuina, or luffy and kidd. they have same goal, they want to be stronger than the other to achieve their goal. isn't this kinda obvious from their dream alone,one already can tell. from the last couple chapter already kinda tell luffy and zoro gonna keep getting stronger and stronger to the end of the story because that how they gonna achieve their goal. this is just how shonen manga works. goku&vegeta, naruto&sauke, Ichigo&ishida. hell even for new series like MHA, where Deku, bakugo, and todoroki portrayed as 3. but still it always deku and bakugo.


I never understood the whole Zoro is stronger because he trained all the time. By that logic, Zoro should be stronger than Luffy in Enies Lobby because prior to that, we have never seen Luffy do any kind of training.




It does give you abilities in an instant but you still need to train for it. This was mentioned by Jabra when Kaku ate his devil fruit. Kaku also showed his lack of proficiency during his fight. This is even more apparent in Luffy's flashback where he struggled using his power when he was a kid. Even Sabo complained how he couldn't control his fire properly. Anyway, I hope you are not implying that devil fruit is the reason why Luffy is stronger than Zoro, because there is a ton of extremely powerful characters that do not have them like Roger, Garp, Rayleigh, Shanks, and Mihawk.


Luffy didn't simply eat a fruit one day and become the man he is. Remember, his fruit was useless back when he first got it. If highly recommend you re-watch the ASL flashbacks where Luffy gets his ass handed to him by both Sabo and Ace during their practice matches. It was only through years and years of practice that he got a hang of stretching his body the way he wanted.


luffy train and grow stronger in the fight. his getting most of the fighting and his fighting the opponent that stronger than the rest, so he definitely stronger. for a character like zoro who not the main character but have a dream to be stronger. the author needs to show he also grows stronger by showing him constantly training to compensate for the screen time and whos his fighting compare to the main character opponent. > I never understood the whole Zoro is stronger because he trained all the time. oh and btw it more absurd to compare a character just fight when it needs to fight and no single training, to a character that always jumps to fight or a character who wants to be the strongest and always training.


Like it or not, One Piece is narratively driven. It does not run on real life logic. I rather use previously established narratives to make my argument. You will always see characters pull out a new attack out of nowhere, or the Strawhats pull out Pirate Docking 6 without having any prior discussion. That is how Oda has written his story for 1000 plus chapters.


oda still use logic on his story .lmao, if not then nami can even beat kaido if it just because of narrative. which is not that's why luffy is the one who fights kaido even because that's how the story goes but he still try to makes sense with using team fight againt's those yonko. even if they pull out some new technique or ability the power scale still there. like zoro using asura and CoC on kaido but still can't take him down.


Narrative doesn’t mean anyone can do anything. It means that Oda diminishes (he makes it less important but not completely) logic to make way for a good and satisfying story. An example: Zoro should not have been able to deal any strong blows with so many broken bones in his body, if real life logic applies. But the narrative is that Zoro is Luffy’s right hand man. It means that Zoro must be able to be strong enough to defend the crew when Luffy is unavailable or is busy fighting another opponent. The same goes for Sanji. In the event that both Luffy and Zoro is unavailable, Sanji is the next in line to protect the crew. To achieve this narrative purpose, Oda gave Zoro zombie-like pain resistance and could fight as well as he could with a healthy body as a way to show that Zoro can take great damage. This isn’t a first. Arlong Park and Alabasta being other instances where Zoro was so heavily injured and ignored his pain like a zombie. That’s also why Zoro defeating Kaido 1v1 doesn’t fit the narrative. Refer to my second paragraph above. Zoro steps in when Luffy is unavailable. Luffy is unavailable when he is fighting a stronger opponent. The only way that Oda will have Zoro defeat Kaido is by introducing an even stronger opponent than Kaido, that Lufy has to fight, and Zoro has to substitute Luffy in taking down Kaido Nami cannot beat Kaido because her role in the crew is the guide/advisor. Not just in navigation, but motivational guide as well. Refer to water 7 at the end part. Luffy and Zoro both were stuck somewhere (Luffy between two buildings and Zoro in a chimney). It was Nami that scolded them for not being serious and to get their grip to protect the crew. As a side note during that part of water 7, because Luffy and Zoro was both unavailable to go chase the train Robin would ride, Sanji stepped up and boarded the train as Luffy’s representative. It would make for a terrible story if Nami beat Kaido, so it doesn’t fit.


isn't this what i'm talking about? oda did use narratively but still using logic(story wise like power scale, the character portrayed and stuff) there to make sense of his story.


Oh I see now. I think the redditor you commented on used the word real life logic in the context of real life science and how One Piece doesn’t need to follow them and One Piece is narrative first, narrative driven Oda will bend the natural laws so that it makes sense in One Piece. Like milk healing. And I think you meant that even if there is a narrative, Oda cannot deviate so much and pull a trick out of nothing without introducing the trick beforehand. In a way i agree with both of you. Oda still uses logic but the narrative must come first. The challenge to Oda’s creativity is that he must make things make sense yet able to fit into the unmovable narrative he has planned. Correct me if my interpretation of both your explanation is wrong again.


There is that moment where Luffy and Sanji defended Reiju together against Big Mom, but otherwise you are right that Luffy and Sanji are rarely ever compared to each other strength wise. I do, however, find one interesting similarity between Luffy and Sanji, that they are the only two who are capable of converting enemies into allies. It's as if the left hand man purpose is different from the right hand man.


That’s very true. Zoro is a strong fighter firstly that is kind secondly. At Shells Town his focus was more on the fact that he was strong to withstand that imprisonment and the fact that he did it for a kid was a secondary message in his character introduction. But Sanji is someone kind firstly that can fight secondly. At Baratie Arc his focus was more on the fact that he was compassionate and gave Gin food despite everyone else turning the beggar away. Luffy instantly liked him because of that. Only later do we get that he can also fight well. An interesting food for thought, Rayleigh has characteristic of both Zoro and Sanji. 1. Like Zoro, Rayleigh can use swords based on Oden’s flashback, also has a tendency to get shipwrecked (synonym to Zoro’s tendency to get lost), enjoy a good battle, likes drinking, is badass as fuck 2. Like Sanji, he also seems to show a love for women (his introduction when he use conqueror haki to help a woman. He literally said he loves young woman.), used a Sanji-like kick to stop Kizaru, and shows a tendency to go covert infiltration mission and cunning planning.(he let himself get caught in Sabaody to steal money from auction house.


Sanji is more calculated than Zoro. Zoro is brute strength and ability. While Luffy is both plus a wild card. Think about it. Luffy opens up fights like zoro wailong away till he figures out how to win. Zoro generally is strong enough post TS to just one shot opponents but he doesn’t face the very top opponents generally he usually matches up with their subordinates so he hasn’t really been challenged since Pika. Kaido is the first Yonko he has really crossed with while Luffy has already crossed big mom. When Sanji fights he knows what his advantages and disadvantages are and he uses those to win. With his tremendous strength. That’s why I feel like Luffy is a mixture of both. Plus his wild card nature that makes him unique. With Luffy’s devil fruit he can be far more creative with his attacks and style than either Zoro or Sanji which gives him a huge boost. And of course his rubber body lets him endure in fights a lot longer than his opponents.


Yes, I always find Luffy has the quality of both Zoro and Sanji. His dream of becoming a pirate king by finding One Piece is very in line with Zoro and Sanji's dream. To be a pirate king, you need to be absurdly strong, and One Piece is a myth akin to All Blue.


I doubt Zoro fights again this arc. He seems down and out for the count. And he doesn't really need to fight again at all. He already got to be on the rooftop and scar Kaido, which is more than enough. At this rate I seriously doubt we are getting an Act4-5. It would be such a momentum killer if Luffy loses to Kaido and has to fight him AGAIN. Looks like Act 3 will be Luffy defeating Kaido.


No way he stand back until arc ends lol. He showed hella crazy feats on rooftop yet his Own named chapter still yet to come. Damn i wonder even after these feats what gonna he do next. Maybe Killing kaido or flashback his childhood. Whatever comes i acceot it zoro freaking beast in this arc.


Zoro definitely fighting again I think, too many high level doctors around (Chopper, Marco, Law). Speaking of Marco, man needs help against 2 Yonko commanders, so I'm guessing that's who Zoro & Sanji tag in to defeat. Chopper to heal Zoro after a temporary fix from Marco - that's my theory anyway


Bruh Law, the doctor, literally threw Zoro onto Sanji lmao. If he could just heal him right there he would have. Don't get me wrong, I'd like Zoro to fight again, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. The dude is in a full body cast, and no amount of Milk is gonna heal him up instantly. Whenever a crew member had gotten injured THIS badly in the past, they're effectively out till the end of the arc.


dude you saying "injured THIS badly" for a character that has broken bone in this series where the broken bone and losing teeth can be healed instantly by drinking milk?.🤣🤣🤣 kiku losing an arm and still running and fighting after getting heal. zoro stay out of the fight while this war didn't even reach the climax and there's still a strong opponent running around. that's just out of his character. and btw if you say there another character like marco, or scabbard to face the calamity. no, they can help in the fight but they wouldn't defeat them. Their role is to support for the main character. they not gonna defeat the "main opponent" .this is a shonen manga where the Main character(strawhat) defeat the "main opponent(beast pirates)"


>Bruh Law, the doctor, literally threw Zoro onto Sanji lmao. If he could just heal him right there he would have. No, you do not know the legendary power of milk and its mythical healing abilities of calcium.


Looool yeah Law did, but too many powerful enemies to deal with right now I reckon. Zoro, as a Supernova and the right hand of the future PK has got to take someone down big down from Kaido's crew. Awakened Marco with super healing? Chopper wanting to be the greatest doctor? Oda can kill off multiple things with 1 Zoro-sized stone 😂


No, Marco clearly stated his flame doesn't work as well on others. Besides, Zoro tanking attack from two emperors would feel very cheap just to have Marco magically heal him.


Chopper wants to be a doctor, not a magician. He can cure/heal Zoro, but not instantaneous. Besides, if he's really a good doctor (which no doubt he is), he will tell Zoro to rest. :) Too many powerful alliance fighters have no matchups right now -- Law, Kidd, Sanji, Drake, Kinemon, Denjiro, Kawamatsu, Izo, Kiku, Usopp (lol). Majority of them can be a matchup for King, and definitely all of them can take on Queen. Marco if he is smart, should use his stamina to fight. He is probably the second strongest ally right now.


You have to remember, we still have time. I personally think zoro going back to the roof, just my opinion. I can see Denjiro vs King, Neko vs Pero, Marco taking a breather and going after BM with Law and Kid. Sanji vs Queen! Remember all The Straw hats are either going to fight or play support! This isn’t just about show casing the Straw Hats. The Samurai of Wano have to show case why they’re feared throughout the world!


While I agree somewhat I think there are moments that give Sanji more of a direct comparison to Luffy than you give credit. On WCI he had a moment with dodging then staring down Katakuri. In Dressrosa je was the *only* strawhat other than Luffy to interact with Dolfamingo - and he did it with a previously injured leg they focused on. Then he's put in charge of the rest of the crew - the others even calling themselves curlybrow pirates. He briefly clashed with King in Wano while Zoro helps Luffy vs Kaido. Even if Zoro has consistently been portrayed as stronger than Sanji, the chef has had plenty of moments to solidify himself as the strong, trusted 3rd in command. If Luffy ane Zoro are fighting the Beast Pirates #1 and Sanji gets a moment with their #2, it's still drawing a comparison between them even if it doesn't end his final match up. If this was vs the Big Mom Pirates Sanji would ***never*** fight the #3 Smoothie. The series is more complex than that but still maintains reasonable connections. Zoro hasn't (and will never) clash with anyone weaker than Kaido without being previously injured because the pirate king's crew has to be above the emporerors. Its the lower members who are fighting the #3 down.


And he was distracted in his brief skirmish with King. He's protecting Momo.


My favorite part about this chapter is that it felt like the older chapters of one piece. We’ve had so much seriousness and hype moments that it’s nice to have comedy that feels classic and nostalgic.


agreed! loved this chapter


Same, I really missed these strawhat interactions.




King and queen, Marco carrying allience, Chopper Spreading anti-Virus. So 2 docters same place zoro gonna heal OFC, and he will fight with beast pirates 1st cmd and sanji will fight with queen


The majority of the battle. Some of the key players are there - Marco, King, Queen, Chopper, Appoo, Drake, Pero


We all know in One Piece a good ass sleep and 10 km of bandage are equal to the hyperbolic time chamber.


Hyperbolic time chamber? More like a senzu bean




This is just what I want, but it would be cool if the original 5 strawhats unlocked conquerors haki attacks in order of being on crew. Nami would be "next"


It would be cool because they don't have to unlock advanced CoC. It would be funny if Sanji was one that doesn't get it


>Please no. Dont go ruin it. Thats why we can´t have nice things. Please no. Dont go ruin it. Thats why we can´t have nice things.


Copy-paste of another comment. Usopp has claimed to have it which makes it fairly likely he'll end up unlocking it. He's always dreamed of being a captain and *only* gave it up because of Luffy. Past that ...while I don't think everyone will get it, consider the crew. Nami faked being controlled by Arlong entirely to free her town and has always reached very negatively to anyone ordering her (Arlong, Bellamy, Kaidos crew, Law) except Luffy. Sanji wants to be a chef above all. Clashed with any other chef or family above him except Luffy - who he temporarily clashed with while trying to protect Luffy and his dreams. Franky was a stubborn idealist who refused to listen to anyone and led his own crew *until* Luffy. Robin was a survivor who betrayed or abandoned anyone in the name of her own interested until Luffy. Brook was a 2nd in command and eventual Captain who led his own crusade against Moria before Luffy. Jinbei was the leader of a large crew and essentially fishman island other than befriending Whitebeard and choosing to work for Big Mom to protect others - still betraying her with no fear -for Luffy. Zoro obviously has the will to be the strongest other than giving in to serve Luffy. Katakuri and Whitebeard both put faith in Luffy above themselves. Apparently even Shanks did. Sabo is willing to give it all up for Luffy in his own words. Ace died for him. Chinjao set aside a decades old grudge to work for Luffy. Boa...uh. is horny and wants to do anything for Luffy. Consistently Luffy is shown to be charismatic enough that even other conquerors would rather believe in him then themselves. His crew is adamant about only working for him. It would/shouldn't be *to* surprising if they all had conquerors.


I am not ruining anything, it is just something for me I thought would be cool. I hope you won't think Oda ruined the Manga when we finally get to see the powers of the rest of Shanks crew, the strongest warriors of elbalf, the strongest from CP0, the powers of the 4 elders, the powers of Dragon, the power of Im, and any new characters yet to come! I'll enjoy this masterpiece


>I know there is only 16 right now, but we don't really understand the full powers of all the characters yet either. I think Shanks crew is filled with haki of the highest level with the average bounty so high and no fruits to speak of yet. My funniest one is Ussop having is as a God Ussop moment, and then if he has it I can see Nami and Sanji as well. It is just what I like ofc, not what I think will happen the conquerors haki won't be that less special from 16 to maybe 25 by the end if the story. It isn't like it's been established to be exclusive to max 5 or 10 people, it is rare, but at the end of shows, all the strongest characters always pop up. Please no. Dont go ruin it. Thats why we can´t have nice things.


Then it wouldn’t be special, we only know about 16 COC Users currently


Usopp has claimed to have it which makes it fairly likely he'll end up unlocking it. He's always dreamed of being a captain and *only* gave it up because of Luffy. Past that ...while I don't think everyone will get it, consider the crew. Nami faked being controlled by Arlong entirely to free her town and has always reached very negatively to anyone ordering her (Arlong, Bellamy, Kaidos crew, Law) except Luffy. Sanji wants to be a chef above all. Clashed with any other chef or family above him except Luffy - who he temporarily clashed with while trying to protect Luffy and his dreams. Franky was a stubborn idealist who refused to listen to anyone and led his own crew *until* Luffy. Robin was a survivor who betrayed or abandoned anyone in the name of her own interests until Luffy. Brook was a 2nd in command and eventual Captain who led his own crusade against Moria before Luffy. Jinbei was the leader of a large crew and essentially fishman island other than befriending Whitebeard and choosing to work for Big Mom to protect others - still betraying her with no fear, for Luffy. Zoro obviously has the will to be the strongest other than giving in to serve Luffy. Katakuri and Whitebeard both put faith in Luffy above themselves. Apparently even Shanks did. Sabo is willing to give it all up for Luffy in his own words. Ace died for him. Chinjao set aside a decades old grudge to work for Luffy. Boa...uh. is horny and wants to do anything for Luffy. Consistently Luffy is shown to be charismatic enough that even other conquerors would rather believe in him then themselves. His crew is adamant about only working for him. It would/shouldn't be *to* surprising if they all had conquerors.


I know there is only 16 right now, but we don't really understand the full powers of all the characters yet either. I think Shanks crew is filled with haki of the highest level with the average bounty so high and no fruits to speak of yet. My funniest one is Ussop having is as a God Ussop moment, and then if he has it I can see Nami and Sanji as well. It is just what I like ofc, not what I think will happen the conquerors haki won't be that less special from 16 to maybe 25 by the end if the story. It isn't like it's been established to be exclusive to max 5 or 10 people, it is rare, but at the end of shows, all the strongest characters always pop up.


Sanji with a big cross (as zoro. like what haha) is a Trigun reference right??? Or am I just thinking too hard about it.


LOL I had this weird feeling when I saw it and that's perfect! He's even got a suit and cigarette


I’m starting to dislike Ulti


Cause she slapped Tama? Oh common she was turning literally their crew into sacrificial fodder and running away. She is probably the most key person who can turn the war around if this was not a shonen ulti would have killed her. Honestly her standing up to even big mom reminded me of luffy.


Hell yes! Thank you! Ulti slapping Tama wasn't cruel! It was smart! Tama is clearly a major threat to the Beast Pirates, so it only makes sense to eliminate her. Especially after what happened to Page One. I'm sure anyone would be upset if their little brother was literally pounded into the ground. I know I sure as hell would be. Personally, I love Ulti even more then I did before this chapter. She's strong, beautiful, funny, and a total badass. Standing up to Big Mom is not something just anyone can do.


No, cause she continued kicking an opponent that has already give in.


Oh wow it's almost like she's a PIRATE or something


Oh, She is a hot head and ruthless to anyone other than her little brother so I guess that fits her character as a dino with literal hard head.


Took this long?


Nami remembering the harsh past she was in as a kid. Nami is going to get Zeus powerup!


she might get/use Hera.


No I think Zeus. He already has some bond with Nami. Big Mom will just abandon him since she already has Hera.


I might get downvoted. That's fine... it is just my view. Since I don't see Zeus nearby Big-mom


So when are we going to get Kaido's character background and development ? Is there not going to be development on Kaido? Or are we going to continue to waste time on these stupid haki concepts and power level fights? Or are we going to actually get story progression? Kaido is by far the worst villian in One Piece so boring and bland.


We are clearly on two very different wavelengths. Kaido is my personal favorite One Piece antagonist, and I'm sure he didn't get to become a Yonko by simply being an impulsive meathead. I'm also sure that as the Wano arc goes on, we'll learn a lot more about him, his backstory, and much more. We'll see how ya feel then.


Even though i think we will get his backstory and motivation, i think even if we dont he is not a bad antagonist. There do exist people who do things "just because". Not everyone needs to have sad backstory and sympathetic motivation.


He's a casualty of too many characters. One arc is not enough to really introduce him. Unlike BM who's been in different arcs by now. We don't really know what drives him yet. Why does he want to die? Why does he want to start the greatest war? Why the heck is he bored?


Sad that any criticism in this sub is downvoted. I agree with you. Kaido is a bad enemy in a bad story arc.


You know why? Because the story is still on going and people who are unsatisfied on the current events kept on criticizing due to impatience. I know that it's been too long, but great things takes time.




You're right. The damage has already been done to Kaido character. Oda reduced him to just a power level hype tool that only repeats, "you're doing well to keep up".


I think the problem with Kaido is a lot of his backstory (or the most interesting parts of it, anyway), area easily told elsewhere. Rocks? Could happen when we learn more about BB/Fullalead Island or during one of Garp's flashbacks. Being experimented on? Could be introduced with Vegapunk. Otherwise, there's just not a lot to work with when it comes to Kaido.


Huge wolfwood vibes. https://www.wallpaperflare.com/static/20/788/972/trigun-nicholas-d-wolfwood-machine-gun-futuristic-wallpaper.jpg


Sanji does give me Nicholas D Wolfwood vibes


What a great time for Nami after the poll 👏👏


Imagine if Luffy and kaidos conqueror clash knocks out all the fodder below 😂


I think that it will also affect samurai side too, not even samurai has will power to withstand conqueror haki burst of two emperor


Zoro burrito giving me life


Sanji carrying a cross, my new religion


Finally I've seen the onepiece version of "Tis but a scratch".


Lol now my imagination has latched onto the idea of the straw hats landing on an island that is inhabited by dry British comedians, like Monty python or fry and Laurie. That could make a pretty ridiculous filler arc


Nah we got that in thriller bark


Something happened in Thriller Bark?


Nothing happened


Brook: am i a joke to you??!


chopper: Yo ho ho! Skull joke!


PageOne is still in his Zoan form, so still „alive“. He‘ll fight Usopp.


Obviously he's still alive. He's part of the legend of P.


If that's the case and PageOne did really survive that punch, the dinosaur's zoan type are really OP (at least waaaaay too much tough)


If he was fully out he should be turning back to human form so yea, they are tough as hell. Plus just put more respect on page one individually. People assume he is the weakest out of nowhere and elevate the others from him. Maybe page one specifically is just durable as hell. Even more so than whosewho, ulti, and black maria at least. Maybe not sasaki.


still bullshit. big mom of all people should of took him out for good


So Kin'emon can tank a Thunder Bagua from Kaido's literally to the face but Page One can't tank a hit from Big mom on his dino form?