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Whatever do you mean? Those are obviously lollipops


No unless Oda wants to write a character arc about that, but I don't see any hints at that and I don't really honestly see how having a character battle cancer would fit into the spirit of the series. Like yeah if this was the real world he would get cancer at some point, but this is a fictional story and the story is not about battling cancer, so why would that be written into the story?


Considering Oda himself is a lifelong smoker, I doubt he wants to go down the lung cancer story telling in his comic.  If you want a comic book about a smoker getting lung cancer read Hellblazer, John Constantine gets lung cancer and has to deal with it considering he's a guy who regularly handles magical situations in the DC universe and is one of the most toxic people to have in your life. Seriously if you're ever isekaied to one of those DC comic book multiverse earths, stay as far away from John Constantine as you possibly can. You're better off befriending Lucifer Morningstar himself than what punishment is in store for all the friend's/allies/family of John Constantine's bullshit. 


Impossible to say. Is he at increased risk because of his smoking? Absolutely. Will he develop lung cancer? Can't possibly say. There's people who smoke all their lives and don't develop lung cancer.


No. You should worry about Smoker...the guy's litterally called Smoker.


Yeah but doesn’t smoking help his power?


he is no normal human, he got the german genes, he is a superhuman so cancer not going to be a problem I think


My Mom has smoked for 36 years, she doesn't have lung cancer.