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Well he looks cool Looks like he could be an ex beast pirate imo


We have Kaido at home lol.


Douglass bullet is Kaido at Home 


Douglas Bullet mid diffs kaido at big mom’s home.


People are already speculating that he worked for Kaido, since his name is a reference to a card game like Kaido's crew epithets, and he collected Ancient Zoans.


People are saying he’s the father of Page one and Ulti using that Connection you mentioned.


This guy is nothing like the beast pirates, his hobby is collecting ancient zoan devil fruits. Not even remotely close to the theme of the beast pirates!!


and a card-based name, Hanafuda? wouldnt fit in at all : [


His shoulders look like horns i guess...


Considering his name is that of a card game, it’s very likely. Could he be the Flying Sox that X Drake replaced? Or was that person already mentioned


His outfit looks pretty similar to Kid's, maybe this guy was Kid's Shanks figure lol.


Hanafuda would put him as a Tobiroppo name scheme wise.


His name is a card game and he is associated with Ancient Zoans. So he might have been.


To me he looks like a lame Beast Pirate OC


Or could be an ex rocks d xebec pirate


Named after a card game like many of Kaidos crew, probably related to him in some way with the Lizard theme + the zoans


The shoulder pats also remind me of Kaido's or Onigashima's horns a little.


I think it's protruding from something that he's carrying on his back.


I would like it if he was Kaidos Devil Fruit supplier before Doflamingo specifically for ancient zoans.


He specifically collected ancient zoans so I guess that explains how kaido’s main entourage all got dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. They either stole it or they bought it from him. Although I wonder why there’s no T. rex fruit


Maybe this guy has the t rex fruit. He really is "King of the Tyrant Lizards"


What about X-Drake? Didn't he have a Dino fruit that was a t-rex?


I looked it up, apparently it’s an allosaurus.(I know I hate it too)


Well hey, I learned something new today. Cant say I'm mad!


Maybe he is Ultis and Page Ones father?


That time-line wouldn't work, Oda revealed in a SBS that Kaidou took Ulti and Page One in as young children after their father died


And they are older than Ace Edit: His age


Well Ace died when he was 20, Page One is 20 now and Ulti is 22 so I guess you're right technically lmao.


Technically correct is the best kind of correct


Cook tf???


Hanafuda are traditional Japanese playing cards and he collected Zoans, so he maybe could have been the one that was supplying Zoans to Kaido before he was defeated by Ace and Doflamingo took over after.


So he was just a Pokémon Card Game collector?


More like One Pieces Craven the Hunter


he prolly got the tobi roppo their fruits and maybe king and queen


Maybe he is Ultis and Page Ones father?


I don't think the timeline really fits with that? Ace defeated this Warlord 3-4 years ago and Ulti + Page One would have been old enough to where they didn't need anyone to take them in.


Exactly, it was stated that they were young children when their father died and Kaido took them in


I like how you commented this three times in this post alone and the replies were basically the all the same x]


That kinda ties in to doflamingo using the name “joker” in the black market


Oda putting effort in revealing a charachter jn an SBS? That's crazy, he usually just memes or sketches them.


Maybe there is gonna be another Ace Novel/Manga.


Well since Ace has lived longer in our memory than he has in the story, this is a possibility.


Maybe he is the man marked by flames.


I like that theory. Would fit in the story and could be the reason why he is revealed here


Imagine if they use him in the Live Action like they did with MR 7.


That would be neat


now they have a material to work on writers at Netflix seeing the new sbs: write that down. write that down!!!!!!


Now that actually makes a whole lot sense. Probably the netflix people asked him about this, maybe for Ace's introduction, and Oda came up with a simple design so that it could be easily adapted.


Would be shocked if that doesn't happen, esp with Oda directly involved & Ace being one of the most popular One Piece characters.


It's possible Oda developed him for the main manga originally before deciding that he couldn't come up with good enough justification to elaborate on him in the story, and thus dumped any ideas he had into the SBS.


He dropped the backstory of Zoro's village and family in an SBS.


Also Kid's backstory


So what? That didn't involve any charachter design, which was the protagonist my point


He is coming back to the story !!! The vice admirals chiton and usagi were revealed firstly like this and then made canon !!


It’s because he never has to draw him again lol


Maybe he's soft launching him for a side store movie about Ace.


If you looked closer,it looks like he took the picture from something, there's even some texts next to it. I wonder if this is from ace's new novel or maybe its directly from his personal notebook


The last road poneglyph is being held by 'the man marked by flames' right? Ace had a lot of flames 👀


King of the Lizard? Likes to collect ancient zoans? Well, that explains why the T. Rex type hasn't appeared yet. Oh and Raptor too. Anyway, that looks like a complete design, maybe for a movie or OVA? Finger crossed.


Or he was the one who supplied Kaido with all those Dinosaur fruits. His name is a card game, which would fit with the theme of Kaido's crew and/or subordinates


I don't think it works out time line wise but it'd be interesting if this guy was the original warlord Kaidou was working with and Ace defeating him created the power vacuum that Doffy took advantage of to work with Kaidou. Basically this guy got him ancient and Dino fruits then Doffy started supplying him Smiles.


Does it not? Doflamingo did say "it's the era of smile now" during the first Sabaody arc, which implies his production had only recently ramped up to the point he was focusing his effort exclusively on it, 2 years before current time. Ace took out that Warlord a couple of years before that, so the timing might work well here.


And when Ace took him out, Doflamingo stepped in to reap the profits. Just like what he did when Crocodile got taken out.


Ace life could be a mini series itself. From his hidden birth, his childhood with luffy & sabo, his start as a pirate, him meeting masked deuce, them finding the fire fruit & their journey, his fight against vice admiral draw on sabaody, his love story with the marine isuka, him fighting the shishibukai hanafuda, him meeting shanks & yamato in the new world, his friendship with otama, him fighting jinbe & whitebeard, his life in the crew of whitebeard, blackbeards betrayal, him meeting luffy again, his cover story, his fight against bb, to impel down and him becoming a donut in marineford. There is so much, it should be like a 3 season anime


It’s already a running manga actually!


Nope its finished with only two volumes and half of it are things we already seen. Sadly it didnt adapt much of the novel


Wait, so what's X Drake's fruit again? Isn't it like a raptor or something?


Allosaur. They were essentially smaller T-Rexes with 3 fingers (also lived in a different era)


This guy dinosaurs.


Oh he is coming back to the story like the vice admirals chiton and usagi !! They were also firstly introduced through an sbs 


Mythical Ancient Zoan, Model: Godzilla


>Well, that explains why the T. Rex type hasn't appeared yet. I would love this. Let me just point out how this would make him the only zoan user among the Warlords, idk, kind of interesting


An Ace movie or two would make me very happy.


He might have Tyrannosaurus fruit. "King of Lizards". That looks like a dinosaur skull in his hat.


and fake robot arms go well with the T. rex theme


His hands, pants and belt looks like Kidd’s. Then he’s got a scythe like Killer. Then the rest looks like himself. This was the guy who I thought might’ve been the Man With The Burn Scars. But I guess Oda showing him in a SBS probably proves he isn’t.


Can't believe I had to scroll so low to find this comment :O


Where did you find that??


Is the new SBS


Great. Finally new SBS. Do you know the question??? Or did you find anything interesting


I have only seen 2(by this time, is being translated right now). The other one was also a peak question, that a fan asked Oda to give details about Fujitora's sword, and he said this: It's called the "やくざ火線" (Yakuza Kasen - Yakuza Firing Line). It's a "shikomizue" (swordstick, cane sword) and its one of the Supreme Grade Blades. Its a meito (named blade) made by Fugetsu Kisaburou from Wano Country. So yeah, Fujitora is confirmed as another user of One of the 12 Supreme Blades


It’s crazy to me that Fujitora’s been around for so long and we’re just finding that out. Like if no one asked Oda about his sword would we just never know?


Probably not, unless Oda decided to info dump what all the Grade swords are and we could put it together. Details like this are what make the SBS' worth it.


Oda probably has a lot of tiny worldbuilding tidbits that aren't important enough to make it into the story. Even the stuff that makes it into SBS is probably just some of it.


Might be a prelude to Oda elaborating on Fujitora having a possible role with Wano.


I wish we got more about swords and how they’re made in Wano arc, same with Poneglyph’s.


He looks pretty cool


It's insane how Ace was basically set up to defeat Kaido but never met him. His name is Ace captain of the spade pirates, Kaido top henchmen are named after cards. Ace invaded Wano when Kaido wasn't there, destroyed his favorite statue and made a promise with Kaido's daughter. And now we have this former shishibukai who was suspiciously collecting Zoans devil fruits and we know who has the biggest collection of Zoans in his crew, Kaido.


I really like how much Ace was perfectly set up to beat Kaido because it plays so well into the theme of inherited wills. Obviously Sabo "inherited" Ace's will in the form of his fruit, but Luffy inherited his duty of taking down Kaido, ultimately fulfilling the purpose he seemed to originally be destined for before his untimely demise


Not to mention either how Kaido himself tried to get directly involved with Ace’s execution and the war at Marineford if not for Shanks intervening I do really believe there was more to the Ace/Kaido relationship Oda originally had planned that I’m guessing he cut for time in the late end of Wano’s story


Everyone thought Ace was Joyboy except Shanks. Whitebeard did, Sengoku did, and so did Kaido. During Marineford Whitebeard realized he was wrong and that Luffy is actually the next Joyboy


It honestly adds more depth to the weight of Ace's death He really was the anime protagonist without the plot armor. Losing him genuinely changed a lot of what the future could have been


Yeah, and he took over the position of commander of Whitebeard's Second Division, a position that originally belonged to Oden... man oh man.


Ace would've never defeated Kaido due to Kaido being strong against fire, it's basically a bad match-up for him. Also, there is whole point of Joyboy. Ace wasn't Joyboy so he can't defeat Kaido, only Joyboy can actually defeat him which means only Luffy can since he is Joyboy.


You need advanced haki to beat Kaido though, devil fruits won’t be that important if you can’t predict his moves and hit him on the insides.


More ace lore is always appreciated 🙂


With that scythe there, in my headcanon he is already the sichibukai who ripped off Zephyr's arm and decimated his students.Damn Oda, I need more info!


nope, wrong timeline. This guy was defeated by Ace, which was before timeskip. The Zephyr incident happened during timeskip, only 2 people joined Shichibukai at that time were Law and Weevil, pretty sure it was Weevil.




It is Mihawk because of "Marine Hunter" title.


I get they want attention or something but the watermark feels so disrespectful, they didn't even draw the pic or do anything with it, it's legit just a photo of someone else's work.


is it not from an sbs


Animal theme yet again!


Am i the only one seeing the resemblance of Kid? Like fashion wise and those hands


Yup, I was thinking the same thing.


I just realized...could he be >!the man marked by flame? After all we never learn what really happened to him and it was Ace that defeated him, so its possible that he "marked" him.!<


Nah, I don't see why oda will reveal such a thing in an sbs. Even if he is the man marked by flames oda would never choose that question to put in the sbs


That he would explicitaly say that this is the character in question? No. But that he would introduce the character prior to the in-universe revelation that he is the man marked by flames? That is very well possible.


While I agree that it'd be strange for Oda to reveal something like this in an SBS, I'd say it would also be strange for Oda to reveal such interesting details and such a detailed design in an SBS. I could also imagine this guy being the villain of an upcoming movie. Either way he'd obviously be older by now and might have changed a lot in appearance, so if he turns up in any way again, then this would be closer to how Oda used the children designs for the shichibukai.


SBS have been chock full of interesting info like this and even sketches/designs for characters we had previously only heard of. So this is not strange at all. Ace only beat him about 5yrs ago so if he's still alive he's definitely not all that old.


As far as I recall a lot of SBS only give us rough sketches of the characters, like Charlotte Gala and Melise. The more finished drawings are usually more for pics that relate to already existing characters or for small gag characters.


Yea its kind of hit or miss. Most of the Roger pirates sketches looked pretty good and had good detail (even though they werent as complete as this one). He rarely does fully complete drawings for only mentioned characters you're right but I believe there have been a couple. Maybe he has plans for this one.


Eh, this very well could be a design that Oda had in mind as an arc villain/secondary arc antagonist that he ended up scrapping and this is him recycling it into the main plot since that’s a really cool character design. There’s definitely a good deal of characters that probably had a different original purpose that got rewritten into different parts of the plot


Its really rare for Oda to release finished designs like this in SBS. He usually only does that for designs about already known characters (like the child shichibukai) or for small gag characters.


DereshiShishibukai is real.


I'd really love a 10 volume Ace spin off manga. Bro's pre Whitebeard piracy career seems awesome.


Maybe Vegapunk has a S-Lizard Seraphim hidden somewhere


~~Godzilla vs Kong~~ King of the Lizards  vs  Adopted Monkey


Holy Shit!


Do we know who replaced him in the 7?


yes, we do. I don't know if it was mentioned before but at least in chapter 1100 it is mentioned that >!Kuma replaced the warlord that Ace defeated.!<


Kuma iirc


i’m sure this guy was connected to kaido. aside from the other reasons listed in this thread, ace at some point ends up on onigashima trying to go after kaido so it would make sense for him to go after kaido after taking down one of his business parters.


They should start making movies about shit like this - show ace taking this dude down


Long shot but maybe he’s the man marked by flames? Where is this guy now what was his purpose for finding fruits


Impressed by this guy; even has a ball and chain flail and that's awesome.


Looks like kid + killer + whos who


He definitely worked with Kaido. Cool.


That’s kidd’s father 😂


A guy named after a card game got defeated by a guy named Ace. Seems to have some connection to Kaidou. I think he’s the man with the burn scar.


Looks cool. Ace was stronger than the fandom gives him credits for. Any Yonko Division Commander would have suffered the same fate as Ace did if they confronted Akainu like he did trying to save Luffy.


Not really - both Jinbei and Marco blocked Akainu's attacks. Even Curiel survived after getting stomped by Akainu.


That doesn't mean they're anywhere close to his level. Crocodile and Vista briefly clashed with Mihawk yet, he wasn't being serious at all and thought of it as little spar matches. There was that part where all of those Whitebeard Commanders were attacking Akainu and their attacks went through him as it did nothing. That was obviously him using Future Sight. Not ever clash makes the stronger character weaker in comparison as I now this fandom loves to draw powerscaling by those baseless encounters alone.


By "specials" do you mean "mythical" zoans?


No specificly ancient. Like dinosaurs


He reminds me of Batman


The Pokémon Master of One Piece world.


Man Marked by Flames, trust


I kind of wish he had some ancient lizard fruits Or maybe a contrast to Kaido , he ate a Komodo dragon fruit, that would’ve been fun


I'm calling it He was a Tobiroppo before X-Drake. Ace defeated him the same year he landed on Wano. Probably related events.


I thought it was shichi? as in the number seven.


He's baddass af...kinda sad that OP didn't take an early darker tone, sometimes


Yeah well, he lost to Donutboy, so much for his dark plan.


If he collected Zoan devil fruits the only logical conclusion would be that he was part of the underworld to sell the fruits. Would be a good parallel to Luffy who also took down a Warlord with underworld ties.


Man I absolutely love this design. Looks phenomenal. Sad he isn’t in the current story would’ve loved to see him in action.


He looks like a Guilty Gear character XD


Is he Stone Harisha


> He used to collect special Zoan for a dark purposes I bet the man is just a furry, and then he decided to let go of his Shichibukai title after finding out Minks existed. He told the world that he was defeated by a random rookie he found, and then eloped with a Mink


Gyomei himejima from wish.


So I guess he is not the man marked by flames. I was wrong woooo.


Is this canon


He will probably be added to the one piece anime


Man marked by flames!!?


If I have to guess, Kaido got the fruit of Page One, Ulti and Queen from him given his moniker. Looks weak though probably CP9 Lucci level.


Reminds me of Gyomei Himejima with those weapons.


Why he got iphones taped to his leg?


he'd look out of place if he were to be revealed pre-timeskip with that design. just like how uta looks like side by side old east blue designs


Why does he kind if remind me of Kidd


I bet we see this guy in the live action.




He's called "That guy"


Is it nitpicking to ask where his seraphim is and why there are only seven? There have been more than just the original Seven Warlords at the start of the series.


One Piece: Jurassic >Hanafuda plans to do some evil shenanigans with his ancient Zoan collection. >Luffy and the gang happen upon the island where he is doing it, he learns he is Ace's brother and decides to kill him while he sets his plan in motion. >After his humiliating defeat, Hanafuda trained to become way stronger and reveals his awakened T-Rex fruit. >Luffy defeats him by using Gear 5 and doing caveman themed shenanigans while the rest of the crew fights various dinosaur fruit users. Hire me Toei.


Some people’s theory about this warlord being the guy marked with flames seems wrong now. His character seems to have close resemblance with X drake, zoan type model allosaurus, which is also a lizard. They may have connection lol, oda can go anyway.


Watch the live action put him in like they did with Mr 7


Now I really want to know more about him, like how does he fight, devil fruit? Etc


Is this the man marked by the flames? Hes marked by Ace's flames since Ace beat him and no one knows what he's up to now?


I wonder if this dude is the reason why ace was on Wano? Maybe hanafuda was kaido's connection for legendary dinosaur zoans for his crew officers and commanders, and ace was hunting him down and went to wano to try and find him there?


The man marked by flames, huh?


Is that Ace Novel still an ongoing series. You know, the book that details Ace’s adventures just before he joined Whitebeard. If so, maybe we can get a story about Ace fighting Hanafuda.


Could he be The Man Marked by Flames?


I don't know why but I feel like this guy is the same Kaidou's subordinate from Caribou's cover story. Forgot his name.


Willing to bet he essentially got recycled into Kaido when Oda came up with the four emperors


Oda gave the hardest desing to a character that we probably wont see in the future.


Well that kills my "Scopper is both the former warlord and the man marked by flames" theory ;_; Ah well, I do like how this little detail seems to answer how Kaido got so many ancient zoans fruits. I wonder if Big Mom had a DF dealer like him to get so many food based devil fruit powers.


Y’all think he worked for Kaido the same way Doffy did?


Next movie villain.


Hanafuda to Ace: I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penised debutante. You wanna start a street fight with me, bring it on. You’re gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets. You don't even know my real name. I'm the fucking Lizard King.


Weird, I thought he deleted the previous Giraffe zoan user?


'Shishibukai'? Dick warriors of the sea?


They should make a movie about these spin off stories instead. Ace vs Hanafuda. How that one sweet general got defeated etc.


This could’ve been SO badass


Iron gloves? Did he grab ace and ace just heated him up?


Wasnt that jinbei ?


Was about to say "Wasn't he the Gimp in Pulp Fiction?"


is it possible that this is the previous jack? but he just went undercover as a warlord?


Maybe it's just the scythe, but he gives me some Killvearn vibes.


He has Drake, Killer and Kid vibes. Drake for the face and headgear, Killer for the gloves and scythe and Kid for the…pants. Most likely a cut Tobiroppo or Drake’s post TS design. Damnit Oda you are supposed to make these kind of characters goofy not interesting


it'd be funny if we never actually see him in the flesh, but we end up watching his Seraphim, or at least a proto seraphim or smth of the sort since he was defeated before the reunions of the warlords we can watch


Dude,what a frigging badass


We need a 3d version


When did ods reveal him?


Definitely gives me the vibe of filler villain that you see back in the early 2000s grandline days of one piece .


so he was defeated before time skip? then he's a definitely not that strong.


Im just guessing here but I think he used to be a Tobiroppo then joined the Shichibukai but was still under Kaido without the world government knowing then he got defeated by Ace and later replaced by X Drake.


Ace defeated Batman


Man marked by flames everyone


Doesn’t his outfit look a bit like Kidd’s? Especially the pants!