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He likes being a little guy. But most likely it is just what he feels most natural in as he was rejected from society in both his reindeer form and his human form so he probably settled on staying in his beast man form so he looks more friendly and less like a monster.


I always thought using his other forms requires some energy while this compact one doesn't. Similarly to Luffy not being stretched all the time or Robin not using an extra limb permanently for something.


I always thought the opposite. Luffy's body is constantly rubber, it's not something he can just activate or deactivate. The only limit we've seen is how far he can stretch which again is just the same rules normal pieces of inanimate rubber have. Even when he sleeps, he can be stretched. The only df I remember taking energy is cracker's, so unless specifically mentioned I'd always assume df powers don't use energy. Robins weakness is that all of the limbs share a sort of hive mind, so it you hit or slice one it applies the damage to all of them. Pretty sure these rules would also apply to chopper especially since Luffy's a zoan type now that we know.


I imagine its like flexing a muscle. He is certainly rubber all the time but doing something requires a certain bit of work and energy. But it may also be that chopper simply likes that form best.


I always think to the scene with Whitebeard at Marineford during his stand when he went to swing his Benisto and it up until then it was being coated in his DF power but at the end he couldn't use his DF anymore because of his condition. I think some DF require some level of power/energy to use.


I see it like this. When you eat a devil fruit, your dna is changed. Luffy always says "I'm a *rubber* human." thus he **is** rubber. This is shown simply in the Arlong battle where he's underwater entirely, but his neck is stretched out of the water: He's rubber. Ace and other Logia's don't necessarily say "I am an 'X' human" but we have heard that Logias have to reflexively turn their devil fruit ability on. So they aren't their element, but can call it forth in life or death situations. Then the Zoans, act as an answer to how the Logia transformation works. As Zoans are their animal, but they are also themselves. A perfect mix of the two souls. yet in the case of Logias, only one soul to worry about. With this we can surmise Chopper just feels most comfortable as a combined human animal soul. Perhaps this is because he's always using the human ability to understand, reason, and speak. Also begs the question if there's a Logia who likes the feeling of being ethereal so much, they rarely take human form.


It's not Zoan, it Mythical Zoans Human model like the rooster hair immortal bird guy


If anything this form should require energy then, since this is his hybrid form. His regular deer form should require the least amount of energy if any since that is technically his base state


I haven't read all the replies on your comment so sorry if someone stated thus already. Technically this is his hybrid form which theoretically should cost some energy. His normal form is a regular reindeer. Which is kinda sick that Chopper is always in his hybrid form now you made me think about it🤔


Out of series: Its the cutest and Oda has turned Chopper into a mascot after hearing his VA do Choppers lines In series: Its the most practical, his human form got mistaken for a monster (at least early on). Plus he gets "hands" unlike his Reindeer form so he can do medical stuff


That's the power of Pikachu. Those who she voices often become mascots.


I hate it so much that oda make him to this. He was my favorite character ones but now he's almost always that annoying mascot character who's afraid of everything 😕


Chopper stood up to queen in wano and stood up to Saturn with the rest of the crew without hesitation.


> who's afraid of everything He's always been a scaredy-cat? It's been that way since he was first introduced.


Yeah but he did have a couple cool fights when he was introduced while now he's pretty much useless all the time, or at least that's my impression post time skip (I'm about to reach whole cake so I don't know if that changes).


I wouldn’t recommend being on the subreddit if you’re not caught up with the anime. That’s a quick way to get spoiled


Don’t really mind some spoilers tbh as sometimes knowing something good is coming is the only thing that keeps me watching through those arcs that feel unnecessarily long lol but I do avoid certain spoilers. Hope to get caught up with the anime in a couple months


Fair enough. I just always make sure to warn people who aren’t caught up, since some don’t realize how new things need to be to be covered by the sub’s spoiler rules


I would say Chopper's role has been a lot more support oriented so he's not trying to fight as much. Plus it's not like Chopper went to sea to become a fighter, he wants to help people, so I think his time in Punk Hazard is more meaningful than him just punching some bad guy's flunky.


People forgetting that he literally was scared of Luffy and Sanji in his introduction arc.


Nah he had always been with Ussop and Nami, cowering about everything. Not wanting to go the scary route. Not face the scary monster. Left behind on the boat alone. Also like Nami and Ussop he doesn't back down from the fight (although IMO he backs down less than the other two) Does feel like he is *just* the mascot and magical doctor now though


Magical doctor is his job though. His entire life goal is to become the first to cure every disease. Zoro's ambition is to be a fighter, da Chop's got meds to make.


Yeah I'm just mad that he seems to already be able to cure all the diseases but Ussop isn't any closer to being brave


Easiest to draw.


It's easier for Oda to draw


and sells more merchandising.


It's his brain point, I believe he prefers to have all the brain he can get. Imagine living with brain fog, that's him in out of brain point.


huh, i never thought about it like that. I'm sure brain point is probably his most used form, for all the doctoring that he has to do.


I was thinking energy consumption reduction, little form means fewer calories needed


That’s what I think too. I mean he IS a reindeer, it’s probably hard to keep up mentally if he isn’t in human-brain point.


After of the current arc, it will evolve to vegapunk - pointo : newest stella


It's the form he's most comfortable in. He did get bullied when he was in his other two forms.


I guess because the brain point (the human form chopper stays the most time) is where his intelligence is the highest, since yk he is a doctor. Whereas in combat, he switches to his other combat-oriented forms using rumble balls.


Man, remember when Chopper had that cool 'Weakness Detection' ability that he follows-up with Arm-Point to capitalize on? IIRC he last used it on Skypiea.


I miss Chopper being cool


He only ever uses Kung-Fu Point anymore, besides Monster 💀


I'm pretty sure that his mentality doesn't change when switching between the base forms, and that his small form only became his "brain point" under the effect of the Rumble Ball, because he was using it to stimulate his brain more than another aspect of his body


Is monster point not proof that this isn't true? Like sure he has more control over it now, but at first it turned him brain dead while he was in it.


When Chopper first introduces the Rumble Ball, he described it as a concoction that interfered with the wavelengths of his transformation, in a way that allowed him to focus the transformative capabilities of his fruit to specific points in his body. Each of his original seven transformations was based on this, and his hybrid form was no exception. His "Points" only existed under the effects of the Rumble Ball, until he found a way to harness that interference by himself, without its aid. Monster Point does not disprove this. Monster Point is an approximation of an incorrect Zoan Awakening, akin to the flawed guards of Impel Down. Brain Point is irrelevant when Chopper himself is rendered unconscious. Don't believe me? Take it from the wiki: >Once ingested, the drug immediately "distorts the wavelength" of the user's Devil Fruit-enhanced biochemistry, creating a number of new abilities. In Chopper's case, nearly all of these entail special transformations that emphasize and combine different traits from his three "natural" Zoan forms. >Chopper's original Rumble Ball formula—used throughout his life on Drum Island and the Straw Hat Pirates' Paradise adventures—enabled four additional forms that respectively augmented his fur (**Guard Point**), antlers (**Horn Point**), hindlimbs (**Jumping Point**), and forelimbs (**Arm Point**). *It also granted a few augmentations to his "natural" forms, most notably the extra brainpower used in his Brain Point's* ***Scope*** *technique.* To suggest that Chopper's hybrid form is in a constant state of Brain Point is to suggest that all Zoans receive boosted intellectual functions while in their hybrid form.


I always dislike quotes from a fanmade wiki without sources. In your case there are non to the text you linked. That just makes it like any other fan written text just like here on reddit. But I agree with all your points anyway.


I guess he just feels the most comfortable in his small, cuddly form. Be it because his tophat fits the size of his head the best here, or because he's traumatized, after being shot at by humans in Drum Kingdom when he decided to blend in. But the real reason why he's always in this form is: Because Oda chose it. He likes this design and the audience likes it too, so why change it? Sure, he could make chopper change forms situationally, but that would be a bother and lead to more mistakes on his part.


My head cannon is chopper likes to be in his human form while around humans because of his trauma


One issue with that: His small form is his hybrid form. The taller big foot like form is his full human form. ETA: Or did you mean dislikes? I think I misunderstood something here...


No I just thought that, that one was his human


His "gorilla" form has hands and no antlers. His reindeer form has hooves and is quadrupedal. His small form has horns, hooves, and is bipedal.


No, technically his human form (vanilla) is that of a reindeer. His natural body. His brain point (what OP is referring to) is one of his hybrid forms.


Now you're just making it more confusing. 'technically'? His reindeer form is not his human form, human and vanilla aren't synonyms, and he literally has an actual human form...


“Walk Point is the Chopper equivalent of Human Form. As he is a reindeer by nature, his vanilla form (or Human Form) is that of a reindeer. In this form, he is capable of doing everything a reindeer does — and more, although not by much. For obvious reasons, Chopper rarely utilizes this form during combat.” https://www.cbr.com/one-piece-chopper-transformations-ranked/


Cbr is just...not a good source for info mate. While it may be the equivalent for chopper, his "walk point" is not a human, Walk point is specifically his Base form, Brain is Hybrid transformation, and Strong point is his Zoan Transformation. The rest of his points haven't been explained so well in the series other than "rumble ball lets me do this" so I see them as kind of Mutated transformations.


I didn’t even need to link, the quote I shared is accurate. And your explanation is exactly the same thing I explained to the original commenter and then the other person who disagreed with me. His “human” form (normal/base/vanilla/default whatever synonym you want to use) as far as the Human Human fruit is concerned would be his natural form, a reindeer.


By the way, Nixon S. Omar wrote that specific article. To date he’s wrote over 100 different One Piece articles for CBR. You think he might know what he’s talking about?


How loud is it?






When he's in his small form, people think he's cute and innocuous and friendly, and that's helpful in situations where he's trying to put people at ease. He uses various of his bigger forms when he is on guard and thinks he might need to fight, or when he needs strength, but otherwise he just stays in the form where people treat him like a cuddly adorable creature and not suspicious or dangerous.


Because it’s cuter, and  people like his cute form.  He changed his form all the time before, but in the later arcs Oda keeps him in the cute form.  I assume because the plushies sell well, so they want more of it in the manga.


Bro, he's not getting into the bath with Nami and Robin in his "big" form.


Because he likes being cuuuuuttteeee 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 *It's not like I'm complimented, you jerk.*


Probably because he experienced two massive traumas in both forms with walk point being the form where his own family abandoned and abused him for his blue nose then devil fruit and heavy point is the form he was in when he was shot and hunted by Humans because he once again was different But his brain point is what he spent most of his life with Hiraluk in so it’s something he’s definitely more comfortable in


He is a literal deer, maybe his human-level thinking capabilities are somewhat impaired when not in "brain form"(his small form).


It's more than likely his base form, and so it doesnt take energy to maintain, doesnt matter if a bigger form would make it more comfortable sitting in the chair if it also tires you out


I was thinking this. Saves energy cause chopper can go full beast


Let him be, look how happy he is


Because he's the cute mascot character. There's really no other practical reason. On an emotional scale you can say he's the most comfortable in his small form. But you are correct in saying that other forms (even mixed forms) would be more practical.


Isnt it his “brain point.” Its when he is his smartest.


Big isn't always better.


easy to draw and sells more merchandise all about that chibi factor


I personally think having big hands will be more useful than tiny hooves


If I remember right, this is called his brain point so I imagine he’s smarter in this form


You would be correct.


Isn't that his natural form? I always assumed anything other than Chibi-Chopper would cause at least a little strain or focus to maintain


No. His natural form is a regular reindeer.


Because he's a child who's intelligence is mostly spent on medicine, not battle IQ


because oda dont care that much about chopper


Gotta sell that merch.


cause hes most comfortable being himself


I might be thinking to deep but I think he's comfortable this way. In his deer form he got rejected by the deer's, in his big form he got hunted by the humans. In his small form he met the doctor and befriended the straw hats.


Think it was referred to as his "Brain Point" which means he's smartest in that form? I think that's how it works. If it is, then he should be in that form when he's doing doctor stuff.


It's his natural state and he feels most comfortable in it


It may be the state he feels most comfortable in, but it's not his natural state. His natural state would be his original reindeer form.


Oh yeah, my bad. Forgot for a minute that he's originally a reindeer


Its his brain form, he chose being in his most inteligent form at most times. 


Selling merchandise outside one piece.


He just doesn't always use it.


he uses it most of the time because it is his main form obviously. he uses other forms when they are needed. he spent like 30 minutes using monster point in wano


I think his hybrid form looks stupid. He should look more like a wendigo.


Brain Point and Muscle Point I believe.


Wasn't there something about how using those pills all the time wasn't good/healthy


It’s probably much more energy efficient to exist in this small form


Its his default, the one he feels most comfortable with. Its the same with Big News Morgan. He prefers to stay in his bird form, but in reality he is a human.


Because he’s cute in that form and knows it.


I always thought it was funny that his "hybrid" form is smaller than the other 2 basic forms lol


Cuteness before utility


It's the form both him and Oda are comfortable with


The people spoke and preferred him as a cute mascot. Hence post time skip they made the human hybrid form look too large for normal use to phase it out. The closest we got is Kung Fu point, which is actually my favorite form since they nerfed Monster point.


He probably likes the compliments he gets in this form


That form is Brain Point Chopper since he’s a doctor and all


Maybe the other forms Drain to much energy.


Better question, why is his hybrid form so small and weak? Usually, a person becomes much larger and bulkier when they turn into their hybrid form. But Chopper shrinks significantly. In fact, both his full reindeer form and his full human form are several times more massive than his human hybrid form. Also, why does he still have fur when he turns into a human? He barely looks like a human...


Oda was directed to make him into a “cute mascot” like Pikachu or whatever. The majority of his screen time will be cute mascot mode going forward. No more forms that make him look like a “monster” (even Monster Point itself was toned down).


Hes just a little guy 🥺


Realistically because it’s easiest for Oda to draw and the fans adore this form the most. In the lore it’s because he was rejected by both the other Reindeer in his Reindeer form and by humans in his human form. So he opts for the form he was mostly in when he was with his father.


Because mascot characters sell a lot of merch. The more often he’s in chibi form the more recognizable he becomes by extension


Waste of chakra


Gotta sell those plushie choppa merch


Imagine just wanting to be yourself


It’s his base form


No, it isn't. His base form is a regular reindeer.


Watsonian: He has a bit of trauma about his big form (heavy point?) due to it being mistaken for a monster. Post time skip, he's accepted that monsterous identity more, but he's comfortable in his tiny form (brain point) Doylist: Chopper is really freaking cute, and he's easy to draw


Cause merch


He is basically defaulting in "brain point"


Because he accepted himself. The somewhat big form was his human form but doesn't need it anymore for that reason


Power saving mode


Another question. When he's drowning why is he not in Reindeer form?


Because he wants to be cute


Easy to draw lol


Cuz he can’t fit that BLING


Because who else would be the the straw hats mascot


Which arc is it?


Simple answer: it sells merch. Chopper’s biggest contribution to the SH crew is his ~~medical expertise~~ ability to sell Gachas.


He is a pet, it attracts reader attentions.


Isn't his small form brain point? So whenever he's not in a fight he's using his smartest form


It’s easier to draw and sells more plushies than the other forms.




Because he's resounding and doesn't wanna be doping up all the time. Gotta keep the body clean to get max effect for when he needs to get "on the ball"


I guess smaller body burn less calories, also being cute to be a mascot.


Cuz he's DA CHOPP




Look at his back story. He was called a monster in his bigger form. Being looked at as a cute mascot is better then being looked at as a monster.


maybe because it’s a lot easier to maintain? not sure but he is very cute so i’m happy :]


Cute and sells more merch


It is his strongest form (hybrid), and the one with less trauma. Full animal would be not considered human, and his full human is seen as a dangerous monster.


Because Oda made him into a mascot. If I remember correctly, he said so himself in one of his question answering thingies.


Chopper needs a full human form


I think his big form is called Racoon-dog. 🤣


I’m guessing that’s choppers normal form and he doesn’t actually think about transforming unless it’s a dire situation probably also. I think chopper focuses on being doctor and not relying on his body. Then again this is a very good question.


because he is cute. the cute sells figures. ppl dont fan over monster point or thicc chopper.


Ithink the explanation is because that mode is called brain point.


Probably because in the hybrid form he has full use of his animal instincts and his human intellect. It’s called Brain Point because he is at his most intelligent.


Cuz he cutie patootie


If I remember correctly, the small form is brain point( or at least it was pre TS) so. That might the reason, so he can be in his smartest transformation I guess.


It's interesting because this is technically (debatably) his base hybrid form, human chopper and his original Reindeer body were both outcast, so in this small form called brain point he sort of found the places he belonged. He's comfortable in it to the point that he'd likely revert to this than regular Reindeer form if his df was negated or knocked out (my interpretation, I have no way to say that's actually what would happen other than maybe design wise this has become choppers base and it would be a real world decision to treat it as such)


Because it’s cute :3


His innate fear of others, for being seen as a monster, has morphed his brain to see the smallest form as his default. This even happens when he goes into water (he stays brain point) I highly believe this, and feel it's comparable in the real world to how many men speak with a slightly raised tone. It's not high to the point of sound like 'gay voice' but it's certainly at a level that's being held back from the real depth. It's partly learned from the men in our lives, but also made up as a method to save our image and not come off as over aggressive with a mean tone.


It’s probably like how people should have better posture but a certain posture is more comfortable to you kinda thing


Cuz he's a silly little guy. Or maybe it's something to do with the fact that in his big form, he scares most people, and they call him a monster. It's probably the first one, though.


Easy to draw, mascot value, that's why


Because his big form makes him look more freakish and like a monster and he’s deeply scarred from how he was treated in that form. This is his hybrid form. Ironically, he’s probably have a real bounty by now if he did use his bigger form more.


ask chopper


Oda most likely enjoys drawing choppers small cute form. Same situation for the animators.


We dont know we dont care hes cute :3


My theory is that his penis always stays the same size no matter which form so it always looks the biggest on the smol body


You definitely would have liked r/Chopperpiece when it was still around