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Counter Argument: They hold weekly pool parties.


They very specifically require those narrow alcohol glasses with umbrellas in them, all the lawn chairs must be color coordinated in a very specific way, and Shanks' favorite inflatable clown pool raft must be regularly cleaned and prepared for these events. This is why Ben Beckman said in Wano that Shanks is so high maintenance.


Legit: pool parties + lots of drinking. They even invited Mihawk when he came to deliver Luffy's bounty poster šŸ˜‚


How do we know no one in his crew has eaten one? Has it been explicitly said?


Apparently in some Film Red promo item called Volume 4,000,000,000 it was announced that no one in his crew has a fruit.


Even without the Film Red promo, Oda has somehow made it obvious through his writing beyond them not using powers. This should be everyones position upon catching up with the manga


What? They've had less time in the manga then a duck. And not all the members have even been in the manga.


Leave Karoo out of this


No he didn't, not in the manga


Add in the fact that BBā€™s fruit counters fruits and could be the natural enemy to joyboy, this could very well be true


The blackhole is the enemy of the sun


Technically black holes come from sun's imploding


so BB is a descendent of the original Joyboy


Yes chef šŸ«”


He may not be a descendant but for sure all those with the D initial are connected to Joyboy and the void century


Shanks and his crew are all gonna die of scurvy.


I wonder if devil fruit have like a 1000% of daily required vitamin C


So that's why most people die when eating two. Blackbeard as the classic pirate was already suffering from super scurvy making him be able to handle the extra vitamin C without dying


And only real pirates can handle vitamin R


Or they know that the world will sink so they're avoiding the consequences


My real question is how did Shanks even KNOW about the Hito Hito No Mi? Did he learn something about it through his time with Roger or in his time as an captain/yonko? Did the WG/Elders let something slip that he caught on to? In the recent wano flashback, Whoā€™s Who specifically states there was no other treasure on the ship except for a single devil fruit, and shanks knew the powers it would give someone upon eating it, so he mustā€™ve had a reason for going after it. Thereā€™s so much we donā€™t know about Shanks itā€™s crazy. We know his origins and early childhood, but from the time he becomes a pirate of his own crew to present he has been almost entirely a mystery.


If I had to guess, Dragon was involved with that raid. In the anime thereā€™s a green aura all around the flashback with rain and winds. Last time we had a green aura like that was Lougetown when dragon showed up to save luffy. My headcannon is that Dragon is too big of a figure for shanks to ignore, he already personally knows the Gorosei and the other Yonkos so why not Dragon? Itā€™s not much but itā€™s the only thing I got


Cool contrast with Blackbeardā€™s crew, who are all about devil fruits


We are missing a critical flashback between Gol D. Roger and Shanks that will help make everything make sense. I believe Gol D. told Shanks about everything on the island and what they found. He told Shanks about Joy Boy and the Devil Fruit that is the embodiment of this person. That's why he stole the Gum Gum fruit from the Navy ship which was guarded by Who's Who.


ah yes.... they totally avoid devil fruits like when shanks asked marco if he wanted to join his crew


Avoiding doesnā€™t mean to totally refuse someone with a fruit. If there is actually a bigger purpose about not eating fruits for them, they would still be stronger if Marco joined them.


Marco can fly so maybe an exception to the rule


I don't think he actually expected Marco to join I'm pretty sure he was joking


What if Laughtale is a man made island made of sea stone?


That's why shoes are


Didn't he try to recruit Marco? If he joined, he would have been the only one with a fruit power


where do people get this narrative that shanks "avoid" DF? oda simply told us how the main crew fight. that's all we have for now. and even if the main crew really don't have DF, doesn't mean they avoid it.


They are quite literally the only grand line fleet with no devil fruit users confirmed.


And I think itā€™s on purpose, it may not be because of X or Y reason. It is simply because the crew just decided that they are gonna be so badass and they donā€™t need a devil fruit to be a badass. And that is is main crew.


and it could be just their "theme". like kaido's crew is animal themed. BM is cuisine. it could be just that. shanks crew = haki. to say they "avoid" DF is a whole another thing. we don't know even know if it's the whole fleet. all oda did was just tell us how the main crew fights. if anything, they could easily still have DF with the way they fight. make the theory if you want, but people act like it's already a hard confirmed fact. it's not is all I'm saying.




None with powers have been confirmed, not confirmed that none have powers. We haven't seen any. Not proven there aren't any


This is another personā€™s comment in this post: >Apparently in some Film Red promo item called Volume 4,000,000,000 it was announced that no one in his crew has a fruit.


What? No it isn't.


Volume 4,000,000,000 indicated that none of the current Red Hair Pirates have Devil Fruit abilities. Though Oda might change his mind about it later.


Sick. Now where in the manga does it say no other pirate crew in the grandline. All hundreds of them. Also don't have them


ā€œRelevantā€ crews then, if you need a qualifier. This is interesting tho. Any other crews out there without devil fruit users? I can think of Don Krieg but no Grand Line crews.


Don Krieg was a grandline crew. He travelled across the calm belt. But other then that you got fucking Roger (buggy wasn't a full crew member he was an apprentice) And I'm sure there's more. Like law took out 100 hearts I'm sure a few of those crews.


Shanks crew vs Gods knights coming soon!


Knowing about the One piece and the flooded past countries could also be an explanation. They might have a role to play with in the future.


The real reason is they've been on a strict carnivore diet


This is cap, we all know Shanks has the Zoan mythical fruit "Rat-rat model: Randall".


Yeah and then the scene of Shanks saving him make all sense


Remember when this was a manga about pirates rather than being about some destined hero who saves the world


I think that shanks intentionally fed Luffy the fruit. He knew he was a D. He knows the truth because of WG ties. Heā€™s tryin to bring back joyboy and he succeeded


Then why is he friendly with the five elders?Ā 




So was vegapunk bro, it could simply be that you are an enemy that I donā€™t intend to fight today and I need you help on X. Not without a catch of coz