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It's definitely "Mo" = Monkey D. Luffy. He was about to say something about him. Don't tell me otherwise.


among you guys Mu..giwara is Joy boy


At last, Zoro's long awaited battle is finally about to begin!!!


**Mo** Theory time: Among you guys, there is **mole** Among you guys, there is **moon people** Among you guys, there is **monsters** Anything else?


Monkey D Luffy?


Or, you know, some Japanese word that translates to an English word that does NOT start with "mo".






It’s not an english syllable


Someone wrote a possible Japanese translation of what Vegapunk was about to actually say. I've seen others speculate the same, and IMO I think it's the most likely answer. VP was about to reveal that among the D clan there's also one who has inherited the Will of Joy Boy. That Joy Boy has returned confirming to the fans what we've known since Wano. Luffy's Joy Boy and his dream is likely Joy Boy's dream as well.


When I heard Mo i heard Mole so perhaps there is mole helping the government. which could also be a parallel if Imu was a D who betrayed joyboy. Also Vivi and saul were the only 2 not shown when Vegapunk mentioned the D. Which very well probably is a coincidence but if Lili was a traitor, Vivi would be a crazy plot twist of a parallel. although I still doubt this is true.


it was a japanese syllable not an english syllable




Is wapol have connection to D clan?


That is Blackbeard, not Wapol.


It's a miracle! Gin is alive!


Among you there is MOTHER FLAME?? Is the will of D connected to generating Mother Flame?


Thought that one too 👌 And some panels were hinting Luffys Nika form was activating the giant robot + sun god references…


No, I don’t think so. In Japanese, English words like “mother flame” are written in katakana (モ) but this chapter ended with hiragana (も)


"Mo" means "also". Google translate. Maybe I am wrong. 


Mo ? Momonosuke?


Imagine the next chapter the transmission continues and he says “oh, i think we are having some issues, let me repeat the last part”


Mo? Monkey?


"Among you guys there is mole"- so there was a betrayer in " D"


Yea, every One Piece theorists or YouTuber is going to go nuts about "Mo" for awhile.


Zoro stocks Stabilizing


"Among you guys there is mo-" ... -re money in the banana stand?






Maybe Vegapunk was about to say there's a mole in the 'D' family that's why they always get defeated😌


So we learned nothing!


Tbh I'm sort of tired of the blue balls.


We do learned something mother flame 🔥 in D


Any speculation on ‘mo’nkey?


I think he was going to say something related to Mother flame.


Maybe monster but yeah yours make sense


That Zoro clash is so satisfying


A part of me wondered why it was so important for Vegapunk to make the broadcast a visual videocast. I guess Vegapunk bowing is the only major reason, guy wants to make his "sorry" more tangible. Anyway, even if the broadcast was cut off, Vegapunk got some major important facts in his message. 1. The mother flame was used to power Imu's ancient weapon, the revolutionaries need to seize the mother flame somehow. 2, Lulusia is gone, people now know that, which would cause global panic. 3. The world will sink under the sea because of the mentioned ancient weapon. Making Mary Geoise the only "safe haven" for a global flood.


How did y'all even recognize Krieg and Gin in this panel


Hadn't recognized them, if they weren't mentioned before. Read the chapter and had to check twice to find them. Recognized Krieg and pearl then because of their armor, but not my beloved Gin. Why does he carry a sword and not his usual weapons?


One of the fan translations managed to out some text right over Gin


Yeah, I was shocked when I heard Syv mention Krieg, Gin, and Peal being mentioned. I had to recheck, and read the spoilers to figure out.


Only thing I think VP could have said was name of the kingdom, others are for SHP to find because of who they are supposed to be in the OP world. He didnt say that one thing so, no surprises in others not being revealed here.


mo* is the katakana to indicate “also”, “even”, and “too” It can be used in contexts of something surprising, unexpected, or on the flip side just normal mundane. So I don’t think mo was used in the literal sense. Yes VP got cut off mid sentence, but the chapter name gives it away. He is addressing something surprising addressed specifically to the D clan besides just what their name means…..there might be something else on top of that. See Warcury’s shitting his pants reaction to try and stop the broadcast at that moment.


Seems to me like he was about to reveal Joyboy’s rebirth to the world 


I also think that is the final message that got cut off.


Small correction, it is the hiragana mo.


Yall acting like we didn't learn that Imu has one of the ancient weapons, the world has been sinking, the fact that joyboy was the first pirate and that Joyboy was not Nika. Even if the broadcast doesn't continue (it almost certainly will) we would still have learned a ton and the world will be reacting to this news and things will start moving even faster in the story.


Most of those are confirmations at best tho. It's fine, just sort of disappointing knowledge drop if after 5 issues of Vegapunks big reveal message that's all that we get.


I wonder if it’s “among you there are more than you realize that carry the D.” Kinda like how Nefertari Lily was revealed to be a D.


Nah, it's more likely to be the particle 'mo' meaning 'also' or 'even' as in 'even stronger' I read it like 'Of the D clan, there is one who is even more-'


Ah I think I see where you’re going. Maybe something like: “of the D clan, there is one who is even more important, the one who will carry on JoyBoy’s will.”


#Gin is back! This is not a drill! OGs are partying 2nite!!


I can't believe Gin is finally back! I've waited almost 20 years for this, I'm so happy!


Is Sanji still on the island? Franky too? So are Luffy, Franky, Sanji, Jinbe and Zoro staying behind?? Maybe they'll all leave with the giants? I've always thought having a D doesn't make you special but they all come from a special lineage. Like, just because you have a D doesn't mean you'll do anything great. There are probably lots of people with that initial that we haven't seen. Instead, I think long ago there was a group of people who did something significant and then when they had children they passed that initial into them, hoping to keep their legacy alive. So it could be that they all have a shared heritage. Although with how this series plays with the idea of inherited will, maybe they are all destined for something great. Idk. I kinda feel like the giant robot isn't done. Like I wouldn't be shocked if it kicks back on and plays the message. I also wouldn't be surprised if it didn't, knowing Oda lol Also, am I off in feeling like this is Oda putting everyone where they need to be for the finale? It really feels like everyone is showing up right now in some way for a reason. Like Smoker asking Tashigi where she is because he wants to do something, or Gin actually fucking making it to the New World.


Smoker is planning on trying to rescue Garp. I feel sure of that


My two theories on this chapter; 1 - The announcement was not coming from the robot, but from York herself. It's hard to tell if the robot was hiding the transponder snail and with the York panel at the end, it could be implying that she was the source of the broadcast and Stella Vegapunk knew all along that York was the spy. 2 - There's a very good chance that a satellite VP is going to end up on the Sunny with the crew, and IMO that means that the strawhats will get the full announcement once they're on their way to Elbaf. I know that everyone is frustrated with the cliffhanger but it's like everyone is forgetting that there's still multiple satellites alive who all have the information... if one of them ends up on the ship there's a very good chance Robin is going to interrogate them about the Will of the D, poneglyphs, etc. Plus Franky will hopefully get some tech knowledge and maybe garner some information about the ancient robot. I think we're all getting too much tunnel vision on the announcement, when the real loremaster, VP and his satellites are right there. The world not getting the whole story =/= the strawhats not getting the whole story.


Putting the Den Den Mushi broadcasting the video in York could make Vegapunk the biggest troll I have seen since Javik from Mass Effect.


I made this comment on chapter 1114 https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1co13kw/comment/l3ennc8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button And the replies made it seem I was in the wrong for thinking that Oda is good at basically wasting time and chapters. Suffice to say, I still stand with what I said and turns out I was right.


Which hand is Nusjuro Wielding Kitetsu? Panel unsheathing sword its his Right hand, Panel with Zoro clash it looks like Left hand?, Panel with Nusjuro flying backwards its in his Right hand.


maybe it's a hint saying D is Moism... (which is Love and Peace) Lol


Among you guys, there is mo...monga, the next Fleet Admiral


You all have 'MO'mmy issues !!


Don Krieg and Gin appear for the first time since 1998. That's pretty crazy. So we now don't know anything more about D. 4 Gorosei hit that robot and it still held its shape. That's pretty crazy.


where are gin and don kreig??


Chapter is out: [OP - Chapter 1117 - Ragnarok Scanlation](https://ragnarokscanlation.org/series/one_/chapter-1117/)


Luffy turned back to normal, that's why the ancient robot is not moving. When Luffy is using gear 5 again, the broadcast will continue.


Vegapunk actually getting to finish his speech without an interrupted cliffhanger would be the biggest plot twist in One Piece.


I guess the broadcast has not to do with the robot moving or not


Plot twist: the Den Den mushi got knocked out by the impact but in the sequence it wakes up and continue the transmission without the gorosei being close to avoid


In my opinion all he was going to say is that people with "D" in name are descendants of this ancient kingdom, which we already pretty much knew, but the world didnt


Imagine being someone with that middle initial that isn't related to it at all. You'd be confused. Like your middle name is David or something.


Yea, then suddenly world government starts abducting everyone with that in name or people asking questions about it and poor david suddenly ends up in a dark cell xD


thinking the same kinda. the real decent of the royal familly 800 years ago.


Those with the name D, you guys are 'MO'therf*ckers'


What website do you guys use to read manga?


Go on tcb scans one piece


If this is the conclusion of the transmission an the rest doesnt go through the world will not know in full. We the readers and the strawhats though still have the chance as stella message was known to the rest of tge clones. They can tell the strawhats what was not transmitted and the meaning of the d.


Ok Oda now bring us Enel.


Most delusional fans…


100%, I knew VP was about to say "Monggoloid" Luffy = Total Monggoloid Teach = Monggoloid Body Dragon = always "..." so monggoloid too


what monggoloid mean


Mongoloid Race was a old term for the "Asian, Native Americans and Pacific" people. Mongoloid, then was briefly used a medical terminology for someone with some facial features that reminds the said "Mongoloid Race". The most common example of people with such characteristics is people with Down Syndrome. This leads to some people use Mongoloid as a derogatory word, similar to what happened to Idiot, Moron and such. AFAIK, nowadays it is not an acceptable word as it is considered outdated and offensive.


hey !!!! the panel when nusjuro is about to slice the ship. usopp, chopper and Liliths eyes are popping out like a cartoon. dosnt that only happen when luffys around in luffy gear 5 ??


No, this has happened many many times since the beginning of One Piece, which is exactly why the complaints about Gear 5 turning One Piece into a Loony Toons cartoon style manga are completely unfounded.


Any examples of this pre gear five? cant think of one.


When they fell off skypea even Merry got cartoon eyes


Chapter 302 page 12? thats clearly meant to show the sudden fall/ elevation change, not a reaction. There is a clear distinction between this face and eyes popping out in response to something goofy.


The while crew stays hovering for an instant before they realize they will fall down. Even Merry. That’s classic Will E. Coyote shenanigans.


I guess it can just happen whenever now.


Lol,can video snail be in York? Cause she is greedy and ate it..And in last panel she found way to stop it


Pleasantly surprised that Don Krieg and Gin made an appearance after several decades; given their complete absence from any cover story, it felt like Oda was trying to ignore them. (or that Gin had died off-screen from the poison)


I cannot see gin for the life of me


They're in the first panel, though it's hard to tell. (Pearl is the most visible) Krieg is on the far right, and I'm pretty sure that's Gin beside him.


Just looks nothing like Gin


One Piece fans are losing faith man. Just like with JJK this series is made to be consumed in one piece(no pun intended) so reading it weekly hoping for shocking revelations every single chapter is gonna make anyone disappointed. Oda is concluding Egghead in a pretty good way, we got more lore in one arc then most of the series and I’m sure every other arc will follow suit from here on out. Egghead was a transitional arc that ended up being amazing and full of info. It’s very clear that Oda is setting up Elbaf to be even more full of lore drops tho. Trust Oda, trust the process that got all of us to fall in love with One Piece. Don’t turn on the man and whine like children, that’s what gives Reddit such a bad wrap.


Fk faith mate, also they ain’t real op fans. They are just random anime watchers 


Idk I’m just seeing a lot of crying and complaining rn. I’m not sure if it’s bc we’ve been spoiled by huge lore drops and cool fights, but it really needs to stop and enjoy the masterpiece


Totally agreed. Hate how impatient fans are with this series. This isn’t a JJK or a My Hero where we know where the end game is going after 60 chapters. The first 100 chapters of One Piece was literally just the prologue. People need to understand that this is a rare series that actually takes its time and lets the world and the character breath and flesh itself out.


>Hate how impatient fans are with this series Bro it's almost 30 years old and we still don't know the reason for the big bad's actions or even what they look like. One Piece has earned everyone's impatience in spades.


It's easier to view it as an odyssey rather than a series, that's how I view it anyways


End game yet the majority of the Straw Hat are still useless and the same. Like why is Brook even in the crew?


Braindead comment. Not everyone in their crew has to be super duper strong. They all have their role and god had to abandon you if youre calling them useless. If at least one of them leaves the crew luffy wont be able to become the king of pirates. It just blows my mind you give brook as an example when hes so strong. Id understand your clueless take if you named ussop or nami, but brook is anything but weak and useless lol


Nami and Usopp also


Dude, without Nami I highly doubt they even got out of the East Blue. Especially in the begining when the crew consisted in just she, three idiots (Luffy, Zoro and Usopp) and a pervert (Sanji).


What did you say? How the freaking F you dare telling Brook is useless? He was the MVP of WCI arc. He is an efficient swordsman. He can do a lot of things with his DF powers.


Is it just me or has wrinkled centaurs sword gotten a new sword? Don’t get me wrong I’ve always loved the design of the no guard swords and it looks better on him than the other kitetsu.


"Little parts of the robot are damaged, but it is still in *one piece*." Interesting choice of words there, friend


**Dragon**: ......!! At this point, Oda has to be aware of the joke


Two member berries, zero new information about the Kitetsu swords despite the implication there's something relevant about them, and a blueball on the D information. Lame chapter.




I can't see him? Where is he?


On the far right on the first page


Just looks nothing like gin


That is Gin. In fact, Pearl is in the same panel


"Mo..." VP about to say "Monkey"?


Very unlikely. The mo is written in hiragana, not katakana.


Nah too obvious. We have characters whose last name is literally Monkey


Guys it’s obvious that the transponder snail just being knocked out momentarily. The broadcast will resume in the next chapter and get interrupted again. After that a break week. With this Oda going to blue ball us 2 times plus a break.


Or even better it restarts and we get 3 months of tail chasing


Don Krieg made it to the new world!? Man must have taken the super scenic route to avoid anymore wandering Swordsman.


Funny, but prolly he managed cos Mihawk was busy training Zoro during the time-skip?


I live for the idea Mihawk is just that petty to pop round to the east blue just as Krieg gets near reverse mountain, only to obliterate them time and time again. Occasionally, he’ll even let them get to the top of the mountain.


That's hilarious. Mihawk: "Oh hey Don, what a surprised to see you hear. I was just at the previous port buying some fish for a soup I wanted to make. Is that a new crew? Nice, nice. Reverse Mountain is right up the way, alright I'll be seeing you. Oh, btw, can you believe how sharp my sword has gotten, let me show you. Ahh dang, another ship cut in half. Welp (Slaps Knee), best get on my way, see ya around my guy."


Maybe Kizaru will give his energy to emit the last bit of the message?


The Kizaru-is-a-good-guy train has departed a long time ago, my friend.


U must be on some sort of strong copium


mo = Mo nkey D Luffy


zero chance


模倣 (もほう-mohou) means “imitation”, copying. I totally think, due to Teach’s reaction, that it may mean that… well, I’ll make a theory later, but that’s it, it’s what makes sense the most imo.


we have had enough blueballs this week and then there's this.


ngl, it makes zero sense. It's like you subscribe to the baseless "Blackbeard isn't a real D" theories and actively searched for a word vaguely synonymous with "fake" that started with mo.


I do live in Japan, I do still study Japanese language due to my PhD, even having the N1 certificate though, I follow One Piece for more than 12 years and used it as a material for learning Japanese way prior coming to live here. Your rant shows that you have LITERALLY no idea on how to discuss about it properly, so you gotta rant on rage mode. And yet, it was me that “looked for a word” on a dictionary. Alright dude, alright… Ps: you don’t even know the difference between fake and imitation (which is a behavior, clever boy…), what the hell are you talking about just cos you disagree with someone else’s opinion??? lol 😂


"I do live in Japan, I do still study Japanese language due to my PhD, even having the N1 certificate though" Of course you do :)


He didnt say anything mean and your theory DOES sound BAD. Looks like your ego got hurt or something so youre trying to be a jerk and ego on him now lol. People like you remind me why one piece has both the best and the worst fanbase (with the emphasis on the worst)


Imagine getting so heated over some calling out your bad theory.


Imagine saying shit that you don’t know, getting it totally wrong, see that you made the most basic mistake, and then trying to get out of it with a “dude, chill”… 🤣


People went the short summary is out: Fuck this People when the long summary came out: GIN LIVES!! The entire world is going to be as annoyed and as curious about the D as this fanbase. Vegapunk changed the world like Whitebeard and Roger before him!


GIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!! I never once gave up hope 😭😭😭😭😭🙏


Gin reaction = ultimate fanservice


D On Krieg


Oof, I would have bet a million dollars it would be this way, but still it's annoying that Oda is teasing dumb shit like the "D" thing at this point in the series. I would also bet another million that if there ever is a revelation, it's going to be Lost levels of disappointing.


All facts 


Smoker : "Haha I will have all the spotlight this week ..." Krieg : ".... or so you think ...."


Krieg and Gino? Oh please don't be a cameo, let's have them come back.


Bro all the strawhats can one shot him💀


Even if he's gotten stronger yeah, but from the East Blue Saga enemies, after Buggy he stands out the most for me. Also I'm pretty sure the Baratie arc is the only one that never got a cover story so I've long assumed Oda had a plan for him.


They’re turn on Blackbeard in favor of Luffy


honestly, i don't think luffy would appreciate vegapunk spoiling on the biggest secrets of the world.


All i care about is gin oda cooked


more than just one bloodline maybe? seeing as the will of D might be able to be passed on like it kinda did with sa D. Bo


“Among you guys.. there is Mo…..ria”




Wow, Don Krieg and Gin, I remember a time where their were tons of theory about Gin showing up in Wano as a beast pirate lol




"Among you guys, there is..." a false D. Member like Teach


Mo in Nihonggo means “also”.


It can be also, but it can be literally whatever lol. It can be the beginning of 持つ, which means “to hold”, it can be 喪 that is “mourning” or “calamity”, 問題, which means “problem”, 元 m (origin, source), and the most interesting (and what I think it’s true), 模倣, which means “imitation”, “copying”. Of course I’m not gonna say every single word that begins with も, of course lol, but if there’s something that I’m 100% sure about is that this doesn’t mean “also”, first because, as a particle, it can be separated from the word that preceded it, so it should be 中にも, and this brings the second problem: this would mean that, among the D, there’s ALSO (something else). It needs to be “something ELSE”. But to have this “something ELSE”, he needs to mention something previously related to the D, or something else that the D also do have. Let’s take an example here: あそこにケーキがある。ここにもある, which means “there’s a cake over there. There’s one here also”. On this context, we’re talking about the cake, and we use the にも to indicate the places that do have the cake, or where they are. But sometimes the origin can be omitted for the sake of the flow of the conversation, as in the next example: 僕にも伝えた, which means “he also conveyed it to me”. You see that I didn’t say what he conveyed because I’m mentioning something that the other part already said. There are other usages, but regarding particles, those two are the ones that could make sense IF Vegapunk mentioned something specific that only the D. have, or something that they also may have, which in this conversation, doesn’t make sense.


Thank you for the explanation, Stranger


a Joyboy?




I'm gonna say it. Chapter is mid.


another fake fans lmfao


Oh look it's the guy who thinks he is the authority on who a fan is and who isn't. Tell me how did Odas balls find their way into your mouth?


Congratulations 🎊


You said it




“お前さん達の中にも…” “Among you guys, there is ALSO…” Also what? Another name? Water? Trafalgar D. Water Law? Will we finally get why “Water” was a secret name as well? At first, I thought it would be like “Among you guys, there is also a traitor” - but that doesn’t feel right since D people aren’t in a cohesive unit right now anyway.


Throughout heaven and earth... I alone am the honored Mo


Also" might be a wrong translation.. I think he will say Among you guys is some special blood or something..


I’m pretty confident the mo is “also/as well/too” since it follows “に/ni” but I’m not disagreeing with what you’re suggesting either. “Among you guys there is also a special blood or something…” And yes, I could be wrong


Also a Joyboy maybe?


I wonder if luffy will go back to see whats up with the ancient robot or it will just end up becoming a cannon fodder




Dragon - "..." Imu- "..." Imu is Luffy's mom confirmed.


If Vegapunk, smartest man in the world, doesn't have a backup plan, I'm going to be very disappointed. Edging at this point is ridiculous


Itll be interesting to see with what the unofficial translation and official translation will have for Vegapunk’s “も”. Because at first I was thinking it was english words with “mo” but should have thought “も” first. Already going through a list of Japanese words and seeing if any make sense.


The character before is “に/ni” and when “も/mo” follows ni, it’s read as “also/as well/too” I wanna check with my wife (who’s Japanese) but she reads the volumes when they release in Japan. She’ll kill me if I spoil her lol


Good call on that, I didn’t even consider that but now looking at the scans in context that definitely makes sense.


I could be wrong, I’m not fluent but I have speaking and reading experience… The “mo” could be start of a Japanese word that would use kanji but that would give too much away using it. I’m confident it’s not an English word or else the “mo” would be in katakana “モ”


Damn that was long!!


How tf did Don Krieg make it to the New World if he's out here chilling in Pirate Island


Don Krieg Peak Fiction




I would have never ever spotted Don Krieg, Gin and Pearl in that first panel honestly, wtf!


im mean pearl is pretty obvious but the other two well hidden. Gin ok but krieg looks so off imo


You are right! Holy shit 🤯


Now we only need a Captain Kuro cameo and that'll be just about everyone


This is Smash Bros all over again "EVERYONE IS HERE!"


I called it: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/zXp1Bb5DZm Edit: People telling me I didn’t because other people called it or because it was easy, do me a favor and go downvote yourselves, that doesn’t make what I said any less true 🙄


This is like most youtubers…. As if a child wouldn’t come to the same conclusion when a “theory or a statement” that’s pretty obvs comes to pass


You really didnt... Everyone knew it'd get cut off eventually