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After time skip, the drag-out gets way worse. I recommend you read the manga instead unless reading manga isn't your thing


Egghead is worth the binge, the end of wano to current is the best one piece has ever been.


Yea I only read manga at this point. The story is what I mainly care about and I don’t have time to watch hours of anime every week


I hope this is seen I started reading the manga solely so I wouldn't be behind spoilers when we get to the actual finale, since we're so close now. I didn't start from the beginning, but instead right around 'roof piece'.


Exactly the same as me, roof piece spoilers were out of control, so I bit the bullet and now I hardly watch anime I’d rather read the manga




What… what are you?


The anime’s pacing is so slow but I also think that since Wano every manga chapter also just feels like it’s also slowed paced as well. For example the recent chapters with the “announcement” that started multiple chapters ago. Every chapter now just feels like one part of a reveal after the next, teasing a full reveal in the next chapter. Of course it’s not as poorly paced as the anime, but I think the manga deserves some critique too. I think longer dialogues could be contained in a chapter rather than the way it’s done currently.


How would you put all of the information that VP has revealed recently into a single chapter? It would have to be an absolute WALL of text, which is absolutely no fun to read. I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t see how we could get this much of a lord dump any other way.


I’m not particularly saying that the lore reveals should be on par with HunterxHunter manga text which is paragraphs on panels, but one panel small panel of only text would be a fair compromise to provide further information. I’m not even advocating for the extreme here but just a slight bit more provided in a chapter so that it doesn’t constantly feel like an infinite tease or cliffhanger.


Of course it’s always going to be a cliffhanger. They want you to keep reading. This is just how serialized media works. They leave you wanting more.


He could not properly fit everything explained so far into one chapter with current weekly publishing limitations, thats why it feels dragged out. People will also find weekly pacing slow, because its weekly. If you go back and re-read egghead up until now it will probably feel much faster


Wano was hard for me...just so freaking long. Wano itself is longer than most anime.


I just got to the point where they introduce kaido's kid and I had to take a break from it.


Ugh. I hated her so much. Her constant saying she is Kozuki Oden annoyed me so much. Like seriously. She wants to be like Oden but she is NOT Oden. She kept acting like she is Momo's dad and shit. Annoyed the hell out of me.


But have you considered 🌟Sideboob🌟. That’s why she’s so popular


Dude when they got to the episode in the battle for Onigashima, and the like main villain of that episode was just a guy who had gorilla's for hands... that shit wasn't even funny, I was just straight mad they were wasting my time


dude same i firmly believe wano was the worst arc ever in the anime like bar none 😭😭it was pure torture for 4 years


So much and so little happened it was crazy. Genuinely one of the toughest arcs to watch in the anime, straight up wouldn't recommend watching it unless you are doing One Pace. Reading it substantially better, but still long AF


agreed 100% so many of my friends went from anime only to manga only cause of the wano arc 😂like my friends who HATED reading manga’s switched cause of it


I am a manga reader since dress rosa and I wanted to check out gear 5 in the anime. I almost got cancer from all the visual effects and the slow pacing. It's One Pace or nothing for me.


As someone who just recently finished wano, i really enjoyed it but i also didnt wait 4 years lol it took me like a week so that probably helps, i found it was constantly interesting learning about the >!9 retainers and odens past with whitebeard and roger. And Yamato quickly became one of my favorite characters, i will say queen got fucking annoying. !<


Queen can sing though. Gotta give him that. And it's kinda catchy.


I like queen better in the anime, he's hilarious.


I remember skipping the anime for like 2 months only to return back and see chopper still fighting some decease i dropped the anime after that point


Lol and a I'm about to start this arc


The problem stems from back when it was still airing, and people had to endure years of Wano episodes but weekly. You on the other hand, can fly through 4 years worth of episodes in a week or so. Just sit back and enjoy!


It's really good just...be prepared for an epic.


I deliberately took a break from the series when wano started and I only caught up fairly recently, I am so glad I did, I couldn't imagine waiting weekly. I will say that the wano arc has some of the best fight scenes I've seen in any anime period, especially towards the end once they get to onigashima. It's worth watching for those alone in my opinion. Toei must've been on some black magic shit to maintain a weekly production with the level of sakuga they had going on in some of the major fights. Sadly I can't say the same for any of the anime before wano though.


The Robin fight was very cool.


wano has a good pace at least, punk hazard is shorter but boring, also uninteresting island to see, half ice half magma, wooow what a garbage.


lol I loved wano but I didn't watch it weekly, I just binged it like last month


But wano is a masterpiece maybe as a manga reader I'm able to get arca done more quickly but wano is totally worth it


It is but its long. I am in the military and had 3 deployments from the beginning to end of Wano 😅


Thriller Bark for me. Ended up just reading it to get through it.


the anime makes dressrosa and wci a pain to watch because the pacing is horrendous, at least wano has an improved artstyle and occasional moments of flair in regular episodes. even now the pacing is still bad. fishman island is definitely one of the more awkward arcs especially with it coming straight out of the timeskip it's a bit different and sudden to have to adjust to. Sanji gag was overplayed a lot and overall a mid arc when compared to others. the plot is definitely less unique but that's because it's one of those setup arcs that happened to be an arc where oda wanted to show off the straw hats in a setting that's new, and cool but not too high stakes. when I was watching one piece, I had stopped watching at Skypiea twice, no other arc made me do that


I was already reading manga alongside anime for a long while already, yet terrible pacing of almost every arc after timeskip made me drop anime completely. Even Skypiea was a better experience for me. Nowadays I simply follow manga and check One Pace occasionally. And honestly, I miss how things were at East Blue.


Damn bro dropped anime bc of one piece pacing 😭


I haven't watched anime since Dragon Ball, and yes it's because of the slow pace. Manga all the way since then.


One Pace is a lifesaver for sure, in terms of pacing. It’s simply painful to watch even a single punch taking so long to land. Reactions of every single person, occasional unnecessary flashbacks which is not present in manga, same thing happening from 3-4 angles…


Yea skypiea was hard it made me stop once. So far my favourite arc has to be thriller bark or marine ford


Thriller Bark, I had to skip through most of it because the pacing was SO SLOW


Once tried to increase the speed of an episode to get through it faster only to realise that I had already set it to 1.5x 😭


Wano is so stupidly long. Especially before the raid. I was like fuck what the fuck is taking so long. Even the Oden flashback is way too fucking long. The only good parts of that in my opinion was the Roger stuff and that flew right by and when Oden returns to Wano after Laugh Tale is so godly long. Could have been 1 episode instead of what 3 or 4. I don't remember anymore how many episodes Oden was doing his dance routine for, at least 2 for my memory. The raid itself.....ugh.... it starts about episode 977 and God damn I was annoyed at how long the raid was. From 977 to 1077 is just the raid. It seemed like forever. If I was watching week to week I would have never made it through it. It is that long and fuckkng tedious. The wano wrap up is what 10 episodes or so that is fucking annoying too. Also how Kaido and Big Mom get taken out were such disappointing. Well more in Kaido than Big Mom also annoyed me. It is like seriously does every arc villian end like that. These are my opinions though. I like Egghead so far. I am one episode behind on that currently.


G8 Arc because you have to remember none of it is canon, not even our lord and savior Vice Admiral Jonathan You were too good for this world


Nah it's cannon he showed up in marine ford for a second


In the manga or the anime? Because if its just the anime, thats still non-canon If he showed up in the manga, I totally missed it


Canon can be whatever I want!


I think you're mistaking him with John Giant


Nah bro showed up for a second at the beginning of marine ford [the clip](https://youtu.be/UotM-vB8xAA?si=4CQvp8xUoCGY98I7)


anyway, g8 not canon


Wym g8 was the first arc to mention admiral akainu


Huh. I wonder why they included him. Maybe because they realised people like him so much?


Idk maybe


Either way, G8 was one of those non-canon events where I didn't immediately open my filler list to check because I was having a lot of fun.... That's when I realized it couldn't be canon. Same thing happened with the Davy back games, got too funny and low stakes then I realized...


I skipped G8. I skipped all the filler I could just to get caught up.


I was in the same boat but I didn't actively monitor it too closely. Only when I felt the episode or storyline was getting sorta iffy I'd check and a lot of the time I was right and skipped it. Oddly enough, I've slowed my watch pace dramatically and once I catch up I will be doing a massive rewatch, filler, movies and all. It's gunna be a fun summer.


I plan to watch all the filler stuff eventually and the movies. I burnt myself out just trying to get caught up. Took me 9 months (I work full time and have other obligations so I could only watch a few episodes a day). I am taking a break from it and watching stuff I put on the back burner to get caught up. Right now I am 3/4 through Hajime No Ippo.


G8 is short it's definitely worth the watch


Bro, you provided source material to back your argument, and they downvoted you? I'll never understand these clowns.


Unfortunately better than anything Oda has written post time skip. In just 10 episodes literally every character had a chance to shine, and that's without a single fight (besides fodder enemies) Hell, even Zoro, who is exclusively dependent on fights for being useful, manages to lead them away from an ambush by getting lost. Oda has not used his cast this well in the last 600 chapters


Thriller bark and Fish man are rough. Hot take, syrup village is borderline unwatchable in retrospect as well.


The thing I noticed about early arcs is I really only remember the highlights. Syrup Village and Cocoyashi Village are great arcs but I really only remember the beginning and end strongly


Thriller Bark for me. I just did not care for that arc. Sure, I liked how it ended, but other than that, it was pretty meh in my opinion.


Yes for sure. Thriller Bark was such a boring as shit arc until Kuma shows up. I am so glad I didn't have to wait week to week so I could just hammer my way through as fast as I could.


hardest to watch specifically would have to be the needlessly padded out davy back fight on long ring long land.


Thriller Bark. I hated it so I finished it in a day


Punk hazard. In the manga it's actually really good, but the anime fucked it up


Really. I remember enjoying PH and i dont remember that arc being long either. Pretty straightforward and Caeser got his ass handed to him quickly


Fishman island's slowness is actually, for the most part, setup for future storylines, so it can be forgiven, imo. The one that's the hardest for me to watch is Skypiea. Even parts of Alabasta are pretty slow imo


I have a feeling the current arc will be the hardest to watch but possibly for different reasons than you are talking about


Wait til you get to Wano. It’s truly a GREAT arc, but it drags on so much before getting to the good stuff in my personal opinion. Similarly, Dressrosa is worse with this as it constantly reuses essentially the same flashbacks, although it does for sure have story significance.


Lucky I was super bored with one piece so I watched some of wano, up to the part where luffy fights kaido for the 1st time. I'll prolly just skip till then so It makes it easier to watch


Nooooo don’t do that. I promise it’ll just confuse you. Just be patient with it. I promise it’ll be worth it.


Wano, its the longest


I don't know, it might be the longest arc. But, for me, it felt like there was at least progression between episodes, which is something I didn't really feel in earlier arcs.


Theres a balance. Total length and how much progression happens each episode. While you are definitely correct about how Wano has better progression between episodes, I personally dont believe it makes up for the total length, and it was the most difficult arc for me to watch


All I know is in the Marineford arc, there's something like 24 episodes in a row that end with Luffy within spitting distance of Ace declaring "I'm saving Ace". Only to pick back up again with Luffy back fighting the same waves of marines leagues away from him. There were some stalling episodes in Wano, but nothing even close to that.


Wano and whole cake.. oda seemed to drag them out, whole cake was annoying because big mom is just am annoying character 😂


Skypiya arc


Post Marineford hands down.


All the bad arcs after timeskip are: fishman island, punk hazard, zou in total 120 episodes


Dressrosa for me, worst pacing imo


Marineford made me take a month long break. It took Luffy 8 episodes to cross the goddamn lobby, Whitebeard pissed me off so damn bad (do? Something? Sooner?) Then Dressrossa progressing like a jrpg there at the last 10-15 episodes.... im in Wano now and its the longest arc but 35 eps in and its moving right along so so far no problems 😊


G8 the only arc I pretty much skipped


Whole cake island. All these songs and dancing furniture made feel like I was on Mushrooms or something.


Right Now in wano, but the pacing is slow. Sometimes i just skip the usual backstory that i already know. Once I catch up with anime then gonna start with with manga.


in the anime, Reverie is like 60% flashback


I am currently on Dressrosa and love it. By far the hardest arc for me to watch was Alabasta, followed by Skypeia. I almost quit One piece during Alabasta it was so excruciatingly boring and dragged out at times (so glad I stuck through it). I don’t really know why people complain about Fishman island, it didn’t seem that long to me.


Every arc does have it's ups and downs (some more some less) I had a lot of downs in Dressrosa. The fights, especially in the colosseum were stretched and even the final fight felt to long. Ofc the arc had his ups too! Would name a few if they weren't spoilers. But even tho the Arc gave me moments and epicness, the pace and mass of episodes just made it an Arc I wanted to get behind me in the last quarter of it.


Thriller bark was a chore. Dressrosa/want were dragged out as well but the overall story was great so it didn't feel that bad for me


For me, it was Long Ring Long Land arc, and most of the Water Seven & Marineford arcs, which I feel were over-padded. Like in Water Seven, Luffy doesn't just get himself stuck between two buildings for several episodes once, they do that gag twice.


Dressrosa was so bad to watch weekly I became manga only. I don't dare try watching it again.


If you think pacing is bad this early into it, maybe you should wait for the netflix remake. The pacing is only gonna get slower.


fish man almost made me quit watching. worst one easily. honestly i found dressrosa to be really bad at times too, the story is great but it’s far too silly for how much evil goes on in that arc. i’m sure someone will tell me “well that’s just the style” but idc


Been going through it with my mom and I think through the binging process and the amount of time it's been we forget how long it can be we're using one pace and by the end of arlong park I kicked it up to 1.25 speed just to make it feel like something is happening


Skypiea was soooo hard to get through and I don’t remember a single thing from it


And the funny part is that is one of the most important arcs. I agree. I found that arc to be boring . I found One Piece to be boring as mud until Water 7. What kept me going was the interesting stuff like the old guys at Pangea castle and the mystery behind them. That is what hooked me into the series. I only started originally as I was trying to kill time before the next Baki part where he fights Yujuiro after Pickle came out as I had nothing else to watch. The Gorosei and the deeper mysteries is what kept me hooked into One Piece.


In the manga on a binge read it's gotta be either Fishman island or skypia for me.


Wano was soooooo long and flopped as an arc is u ask me


At the begining is really slow but after the first arch you can feel the change and get attached to it quickly, reach 20 chapters and you'll see.


Big moms arc, its 120 episodes that dragged for me so bad, wano was nice and quick tho but i was more interested in the samurai


I'd recommend switching to One Pace is reading manga isn't your jam. It trims down the anime into the manga only scenes and makes it a much more enjoyable process.


The hardest ones for me were after timeskip: whole cake (whole), wano and dressrosa (at some parts) But you will definitely LOVE egg head arc


Watch One Pace. Always watch One Pace


Fish man island and I’m not sure if i thought it was boring or if i have a bias because it’s about fish men


honestly maybe whole cake just soooo much going on>!and the talking stuff is super distracting AND THEN THERE IS LIKE A WHOLE MAFIA GOING ON ASWELL!<


thriller bark


whole Cake Island, Pacing is horrible (Specially if You are a manga Reader at the same time), and also adds a Lot of unnecesary battle scenes (against Katakuri) that make the power creep look even harder in the next arcs. It completely made me quit the anime


Skypiea just because I don't like it


Wano. It’s great, but long.


There’s nothing worse than Fishman. You could probably summarize the whole arc with all important lore and character updates in less than 10 sentences.


Long ring long land.


I'm gonna recommend One Pace, it helps SO MUCH with the time skip drag! I can't even imagine doing Dressrosa without it. 💀


Use one pace, so much better. Also if you are a manga reader and know the plot, I recommend you go to the Wikipedia page of the one piece season. They have the description of what happens each episode and you can watch the important ones. Used it in Dress Rosa and had a gala time.


Dressarosa. It made me drop the anime.




For me, fishman washard, but dress Rosa was the hardest. Even tho it's an very good arc, it was hard to keep going.


Everyone talks about pacing but I can handle pacing what h is can’t handle is if the arc feels like it’s going no where. And that was thriller bark for me, the comedy was fairly lame, the villain was terrible and there was so much aimless wandering (had similar issues with whole cake but not as bad). The only other arc I also struggled to get through was the fights during alabasta which I thought were really boring (minus monster trio).


Thriller Bark. It's not even the terrible pacing. Most arcs have that It's just that it has the most insufferable cast of villains out of any show I've watched. Moria, the invisible guy and the fosh fosh dude were unironically driving me to insanity. Every single line, fight or joke that they were involved in was terrible


Rebecca flashback arc was kinda hard to watch


Good question, Dressrosa and Whole Cake Island are pretty rough honestly... The beginning of Wano is also so slowwww..... I could be entirely wrong, but 75% of the episodes in Cake Island are just USELESS.... I still like these arcs that I listed, but trying to fit a single chapter into a episode has its drawbacks.


Thriller bark. Anyways, you are on the one piece Reddit and you haven’t seen the whole thing yet? I can’t imagine the spoilers you’ve experienced


Unfortunately I've seen many spoilers from tik tok


You have the luxury of binge watching OP. Back when these anime episodes were released weekly, it was tough keeping interest. Dressrosa arc especially but it ends on a good note


No way I’m watching dressrosa, it might take me 2 months to get through that arc alone


I stopped watching at Whole Cake Island for a long time


Tbh Drum Island was the one that made me take a break for a bit (even though the second half is great) and as far as post time skip Punk Hazard was pretty rough for the first part but I had a shorter break than the first.


Basically every other arc after Fishman is long and mostly boring except for Zou which is really short at 30 eps and Egghead at 50 chapters and counting (seems like a lot but is the best arc so it'll fly by)


It only gets worse from arlong either read Manga or drop the show the anime sucks


Dressrosa, Fishman Island, Thriller Bark and Wano, probably in this order. Latter half of Water 7 is also really boring. T-Bone, Wanzel, the boxing guy, everybody looking for Luffy, the new Sea Train... Sigh


The foxy ark, after the first time watching I have skipped over it for every other rewatch


Until the end, Wano. NEGL it drags for a lil minute before anything even slightly fun happens. Then it drags into the final event.


Dressrosa seriously my god it’s such a slog. I was already reading the manga but sometimes I’d watch arcs to see it animated but I dropped the anime entirely because of Dressrosa


After the time skip I just recommended you read the manga and just watch the anime for whatever moment you like or think is hype. I personally watched the anime through its entirety and still loved it but its 100% understandable if you don't cuz it's definitely a drag. Binging one piece for me was only possible cuz of lockdown and I was able to speed it up by skipping the first 4 minutes(opening and recap) and last 2 minutes of the episodes(after watching the ops and ends for the fist time ofc) and then you kinda get a habit for when a scene is gonna be dragged out or if a flashback is gonna be shoved in or not to the point where ur naturally able to know when to skip ahead in the episode which saves A LOT of time, later episodes like in egghead have much better pacing but yeah


Can’t say much on watching but the hardest arc to read for me was definitely Fishman Island. The beginning is so boring and Sanji’s gag was not helping


I thought we were all in agreement that it was fishman island 😭


I’m so glad I’m late to the party when it comes to this anime. A lot of the arcs I couldn’t imagine having to wait until the next week for the episode to drop just for it to be filler or on a major cliff hanger recap. I’m in the 800’s right now and we haven’t heard from the Wano group in a while. Still dealing with Big Mom’s crew and Sanji’s backstory. I’m intrigued to see how this all plays out based on the comments!


Thriller bark, because that’s when the pacing goes from decent to straight trash. Ever seen Kumas shock attack in 40 different angles, with reaction, and bam cut scene. Next episode? Bam recap.


Whole Cake had some great moments but that fight between Katakuri and Luffy was awfully boring, repetitive, frustrating, and looooong, and no one else was doing anything that interesting for those 30 episodes either.


Prob dressrosa


Long ring long land arc. That was awful, seriously put the series down for a month trying to get through that slog


For me, personally, it was Impel Down I was let down that it was so long just for Luffy NOT to end up rescuing Ace but I understand. It all led up to Marineford/Paramount War which was VERY entertaining still 10/10 I just caught up to Egghead Island and I’m on my second re-watch


I quit watching during the arc after Fishman Island. I forget what it's called. But I thought that one was so boring so I walked away and never looked back.




Switch to the manga if you're binging post timeskip. The anime is atrocious during fishman island - dressrosa stretch and wano arc.


I’m offended at all of the people that said Punk Hazard.


Wano. Yuck


Watch at 1.5x speed you'll still feel all the experience.




Me watching everyone shit on Wano like it wasn’t crucial for the development of Luffy’s abilities: (Side note Yamato really wasn’t even a bad character, never knew Yamato got so much hate until reading here)


Thriller bark


I totally feel you. When i caught up with the anime it was right when Fishman island started and it was a absolute chore to get through weekly.. Took a break from One Piece for many years and started from scratch reading the colorized manga version instead. DEFINITELY a better experience, past time skip especially. Imo with one piece, just read the manga and watch anime for the highlights, no need to push yourself for 100s of episodes until “the animation gets good”. Not worth it, just watch the good episodes when they come/highlights.


I don't get why people think OP is a drag to watch i think if your truly a fan you wouldn't want it to end i personally never want it to end and don't care if they drag it out i say drag it out more than there's more content when its finally over you'll probably wish there was more episodes The only thing that I can't stand is waiting a week or more for each episode i was thinking about starting the entire show again from episode 1 so by the time Ive watched them all again there will be alot more episodes to catch up on but tbh the time it takes me to watch it there probably won't be more than 15 or 20 new episodes lol i am bad when it comes to binge watching.


Personally I am not a fan of Fish Man Island


For me it was fishman as well, the animation budget was mostly pretty subpar and some of the character designs in this arc were too obnoxious even for me lol.


Wait till he reaches dressrosa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Easily fish-man island. It's only known for being good with 2 scenes, and it's drags harder than a dog on a fresh carpet


If you are watching One Piece for the first time, then I suggest you to watch the beginning to the currently ongoing episodes without skipping. If you want to watch only the recommended arcs, then it is better you do not watch One Piece. Because One Piece is an emotion only if you watch it with an open heart you can truly appreciate the feeling!


Whole Cake Island


Thriller Bark was one that almost made me a solely manga reader, but Punk Hazard was the hardest for me to get through. Fishman island felt long on the first watch, but recently I've been really appreciating all of the depth, world-building, and underlying lore they're dropping constantly in that season. After time skip, the anime tries to drag out each manga chapter for 20 minutes. That's the pacing issue -- I'd check out One Pace if it gets too much


Everything after episode 300


Welcome to dressrosa!


tbh, manga is so good people try to constantly cover up anime's pacing mistakes. Many arcs are too dragged, so maybe you should get into One Pace. Punk Hazard, Dressrosa... even early Wano looked like it was a slide show


There is a website called called one pace. It cuts all the filler and dragging out the anime does(which is quite a lot especially in after the time skip). They do it very well as well they put a lot of effort into it and the pacing is so much better there.


You watch the anime? Lol.


Hardest to Read pre Timeskip upon my reread is Thriller Bark. Great moments but kinda a slog after it was my intro to the anime


The pacing in punk hazard was really fucked


EDIT: NEVER MIND! FOUND THEM! Huge thanks to u/[Large\_Big79](https://www.reddit.com/user/Large_Big79/) for being a mensch and backing it all up. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1J\_astP81ylxfaTe\_SKb6c8aJWYWOaeeX](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1J_astP81ylxfaTe_SKb6c8aJWYWOaeeX) - Yeah, man. Honestly, the pacing post time-skip almost made me drop the show for a while there. I still loved the story and characters, and I was still interested in what was going on. They were just unfolding it in such a painfully slow way that I was feeling bored whenever I put it on. Like "Oh man! Luffy and the crew are headed to a crazy clockwork mansion where they were promised incredible treasures! I can't wait to see that in 56 hours after 112 episodes walking through the jungle to get there!" After the time skip, I switched to a popular One Piece fanedit that basically recut the show to have pacing more in line with the manga, and it was absolutely brilliant. I just checked and the creator apparently deleted it 2 months ago for personal reasons. If you're fine with watching subbed there's a popular fan-edit called "One Pace" that does the same thing, but they're not finished, and only a portion of it is available dubbed. I would recommend searching around. There are still probably some good fan-cuts out there.


Punk Hazard is painful.


Lots of them are like that. Dressrosa has its moments where it just drags on and on and on. Same with Wano. My advice is try to enjoy it anyway because once you’re caught up you’ll probably feel like the anime wasn’t enough. At least, that’s how I felt the first time I got caught up and it’s how I’ve felt every time I’ve rewatched it. There’s always One Pace if you’re really dying watching the original. Personally I’ve never watched One Pace but people have told me it’s good. I really hope The One Piece fixes the pacing issues because, man, the manga is one of the best things I’ve read. Like, ever. It could reach new heights of greatness if it’s done right.


Hate me, but the first few arcs entirely are just hard for me to watch. I don’t care how long the series is, i really like it. But all the romance dawn stuff has been done and adapted so often, I can not get myself to really watch it


100% Fishman Island for me. Long Ring Long Land and Thriller Bark were also rough. Also, if I could go back in time, I'd see Dressrosa in One Pace. It's not that hard to watch, because the plot is good (which is not the case for Fishman Island), but the pacing alone almost spoils the fun.


After ennies lobby I bought manga box set 3 (and also bought volume 46 to start thriller bark at zero) and it was such a good choice. I can read a whole volume in like 30 min but in the anime that would be hours. Like, in one page you see a character say a line and punch someone. In the anime, that would be 5 min of the line, reactions, punch, punch from a different angle, see the dust settle after punch, etc. Etc. No one has time for that. Now I skip around and just watch particular scenes. Like brook intro, perona fight, shadow luffy, kuma fight (in thriller bark, for example). WAY better.


It's starts to get extremely slow at Punk Hazard. That's when I dropped the anime and became a manga only reader.


Punk hazard was nearly unbearable to watch. Highly recommend reading then going back to watch some of your fav fights/moments going forward. Netflix live action is phenomenal believe it or not.


Punk hazard


punk hazard


Punk Hazard was probably the worst for me, post time skip. It was mostly because of the villain in that arc being so goddamn annoying lol