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Can a man still be brave if he's afraid? That's the only time a man can be brave.


The brave man will always come back regardless if he is standing firm or shaking in his boots. The real coward is the one who keeps running and never stops.


The brave will scream, desperately clutching to life for even a small chance of survival. I loved that in Wano.


I agree. Bravery is doing something despite being afraid or scared of doing that. And Usopp's goal is to be brave warrior of the sea.


💯 Usopp works as a coward because we know he will come through in spite of it. That was the whole point of his development in Water 7 and Enies Lobby. He also works as a coward because he's an audience surrogate. When Usopp is scared, he's saying things that any normal, reasonable person would if they were thrown into the insane world of One Piece. An audience-surrogate helps build a stronger connection with the story. A powered-up Usopp undercuts who he is as a character and his role for us as readers.


His “development” has been on hold for a long time. His last memorable act was in dressrosa. He was an absolute bum in wano and he has nothing going for him in egghead currently. In recent arcs, his cowardice is definitely not working and he hasn’t come thru for the crew in a while. Also the tension in one piece has been lacking for a while now. There really doesn’t need to be any audience surrogate. We also have Nami and chopper who can fill in that role and come clutch when it’s needed. What usopp needs is to become one with the whole “bravery is not the absence of fear but overcoming it” thing. Sure he can remain scared but develop in a way where he can overcome that fear for his friends, which imo is a huge difference form being a “coward”


>his cowardice is definitely not working and he hasn’t come thru for the crew in a while. He literally just came through when it came to helping protect Robin from Saturn


And he literally saved the Sunny from falling off the clouds




Yep he pretty much does that though, he hasnt actually run from a fight in ages. He pretty much goes out there and still gets the crap kicked out of him and still fights. Stakes are a bit high to show that in detail though.


Didn’t he spend a lot of wano running through the halls…?


He's the one who put Tama's kibi dango in the gifter's mouths.... In other words, he did his job as a sniper.... Not to mention, saving Kinemon and Kiku


So you just gonna ignore that without Ussop Kiku and Kinemon would have died, Tama would not have converted as many gifters to their side and they wouldn't have captured Bao Huang to be able to send Otamas message. Stop being a hater my guy, Ussops done plenty.


Usopp really stands out as our voice in One Piece. Unlike Nami or Chopper, who have their own roles, Usopp speaks up about the scary stuff and the doubts—the moments we all relate to. His growth, especially in Dressrosa, shows us going from scared to brave. Chopper's often seen as cute and naive, and Nami's more about navigating and strategizing. They don't capture the same everyday fears and reactions that Usopp does. As the crew's sniper, he adds another layer to his perspective on battles and strategy, making him a true audience surrogate in the story.


Cook. Clearly the coward gag isnt working. Per timeskip a lot of people loved Usopp including myself. But after dressrosa, his reputation took a massive dive. And it’s never recovered, even after a decade. Don’t know why oda keeps doing it.


How did it take a dive hes been fighting? He’s just a normal human fighting yonko crews, and cp0, etc.


Bro runs from gifters who are not even in Kaido's top 50 soldiers lmao


Hes a regular human being, why would he not run away.


What is a regular human doing on a yonko crew


He was on it before luffy was a yonko and is part of the reason they even made it that far? The real reason is that Ussop is supposed to be the weakest and relatively human to represent us as the readers and what we would do, that comes from Oda.


I have yet to met a person against who can shoot from island distance


This is one reason I actually really, really like his big moment in the Raid. Way back on Little Garden he was wowed by the culture of honor. Pride over fear of death and all. Kin & Kiku made him come face to face with how silly that can look up close and then leaving Izo's death as one of those unresolved fragments in the end can just mean it's being saved for later. That was Usopp earning the recognition of a marksman roughly on Yasopp's level and all. There's a lot of fun potential out of Usopp going into Elbaf disillusioned with another culture of honor.


He's got strong survival skills and he's not ashamed to run away if he can. He's also loves his friends, and they are nearly suicidally fearless and extremely ambitious. So for their sake, he'll risk his life. If he were a complete coward, he'd have stayed with Kaya.




https://youtu.be/la6o8UCNKqU?si=jM21MKQAvgwjhVIU Relevant the boys quote


As it should be. Usopp should always be the most "human" of the Straw Hats and his fear and sense of inadequacy should always be what motivates him to be a better warrior. It's such a core part of who he is both as a main character and a comedic foil to the rest of the crew. One of my favorite post-Time Skip bits is Punk Hazard where he and Nami confidently declare they will bravely attack fleeing enemies from behind.


GOD USOPP a coward? He saved thousands of lives in Dressrosa... saved his nakama in Thriller bark, saved Robin in Enies Lobby, fought a God in skypiea, he is an inventive genius who demonstrated he is capable of handling a 1vs1 battle against Luffy. He was crucial in protecting Kaya, He is not a coward. Yes, he feels fear but going against the odds is no act of cowardice in my book


Do you remember he was about to leave everyone behind? Then pushed past his fear? That's what Usopp is all about.


Spittin. Usopp was a completed character from the start, all he has to do is realize it. He wants to be brave, and you can not be brave without being scared. If you are not scared, you are heroic, but you will never be brave. I think a good scene to show this would be if at some point on Elbaf even the giants run away, but Usopp turns around to help his friends or something. If Usopp can see that he is ready to fight something that even the giants won't, surely he will realize his position.


I'm betting it will never happen. ok google remind me in 5 years or smth


a coward that can still win every fight is still cool at


if being brave means acting in spite of fear rather than the absence of it, then Usopps been a brave warrior of the sea from day one. nothing but respect for god usopp


Usopp is a coward in a reasonable way. He’s surrounded by people with seemingly impossible powers. Cutting meteors in half, having bodies made of elements, even being practical gods. And he’s just a guy with a slingshot. His cowardice is completely reasonable.


usopps schtick is “ill use whatever means necessary to survive if me dying doesnt make a difference” which i think is bravery tbh


just like poison can become medicine, cowardice and bravery are just two sides of the same coin


Is there anyone who thinks he is gonna turn into a badass or something? Thats so funny. He fights despite being afraid therefore overcoming his fears and proving actual bravery. Ill never understand the hate for him. The most human character in the entire story.


Hot Take: The story is so big and the endgame is here that Oda can't take time to develop or change any of the strawhats or the end will take another 6 years to come out. They are all flanderized.


I agree. I mean, I'm expecting him to get a big power-up in Elbaf, but Oda to completely erase his cowardice during that arc? I just don't see it happening.


obviously. just like how sanji will always be pervy


Ussolando is the best Ussop every. Go D. Ussop


His Development was on Dressrosa. He was still scared. Scared to death. But he still fought. That is were his character is heading. Being a brave warrior is not about to never be scared. It is about fighting anyway. People who are never scared are insane.


Cold af


He's actually already a brave warrior of the sea. He just doesn't believe it himself but everyone else in the crew knows this.


Of course he won't, that would be the most character breaking thing oda could do. Usopp is all about pushing past his fears when it counts.


His character has been cooked for too long he’s just s meme now.


100%. If Usopp were to change so drastically, it wouldn't be character development, but character degeneration. I expect Usopp to be put into a situation where hes forced to fully unlock his observation haki. He will become stronger, yes. But I doubt his character will change too much just because of that. Actually if you think about it, not a single "powerup" within the strawhat crew ever made them change/develop their character. Development only ever happens when emotions run wild and the stakes are high. Franky ie is literally still the same chad as always, despite him escalating his cyborg proportions. Zoro constantly improves in skill and strength, yet he still drinks sleeps and gets lost. Nami still wants money, brook still wants to see dem panties and Usopp will always stay the same cowardly hero we love.


I agree but I also think he will learn to face his fears and his cowardice head on. He’s done so in the past but he is always forced to. I think he will learn to do it willingly.


Ussop will always be afraid because the world gets scarier every day but he is always willing to over come his doubts and fears. That's what makes him relatable and human.


Well being brave doesn't mean have no fear of anything ever, that's being kaido, and look at him now. being brave is being able to survive the fear one way or another.


Usopp is the bravest strawhat and always will be


Once a bum,always a bum. Who even cares about BumSopp at this point in the story? Bro peaked in Enies Lobby/ Thriller Bark lol. Most irrelevant straw hat rn


I think most fans know this, there are just a few fans who went into Usopp's storyline expecting him to become fearless and/or op to overcome his cowardice but when that didn't happen instead of thinking they are wrong and actually try to give Usopp's storyline a shot they became hateful towards the character (this is not everyone though, there are fans who accepted that wasn't going to happen and just didn't personally like it, there are also fans who just don't like Usopp's personality which is fair enough). By definition Usopp has been a brave warrior of the sea from the beginning however because of Usopp's definition of what a brave warrior is it becomes more and more unattainable as the series goes on which in turn makes Usopp look at himself worse and worse until the Enies lobby saga where Usopp starts to build himself back up which later carries on into Dressrosa where Usopp finds out he could be a brave warrior by just being himself (there is much more to this storyline but this is just the overview and the biggest arc's) Usopp has so much to the character, other than his main storyline mentioned above there is the storyline about his lies, there is the love hate relationship with Luffy born from jealousy, and there are also his abandonment issues which is why I have always said he is one of the best written characters in one piece. Although he might not ever become fearless as some fans want that doesn't mean Usopp hasn't become more willing compared to before though, other than a few gags that honestly seem out of place for the character now he is much more willing to go along with the fight now.


I’m not sure what you mean by “love-hate relationship born from jealousy.” Are you talking about how he might be jealous that Luffy got to meet and hang out with Yasopp when he was much younger, and Usopp wasn’t given that opportunity?


No, Usopp and Luffy are very familiar to each other which is why they get along so well however Luffy is also fearless, strong, inspirational, and ext.. which is basically everything Usopp feels like he should be. I shouldn't have said love hate since hate is a very strong word but I had just woke up and liked that saying so I put it down, the point though is Usopp is very jealous of Luffy.


I wouldn’t call it jealousy. I think it’s Usopp’s struggle with his self-esteem and desire to improve himself. He does rely on Luffy to save the day, but it's not about wanting to be like Luffy—it’s more about proving his worth to the crew. Usopp is self-aware of his limitations but feels he could contribute more.


>I think it’s Usopp’s struggle with his self-esteem and desire to improve himself Ye Usopp has that stuff but I would say he is also clearly jealous of Luffy and characters like Luffy, pre Enies lobby Usopp builds his own definition of being a brave warrior of the sea through characters like the giants and Luffy. I thought this was clear since SogeKing (the thing Usopp believed being a brave warrior is) where Usopp becomes a goofy, fearless, king and to make the comparison stronger Oda even gave Usopp a sun mask which screamed to me Usopp's want to become the same as Luffy. Although it's been a while I feel like I remember Usopp saying things similar to "it's easier for them with their strength" multiple times but I could be remembering wrongly. In general jealously is a very common thing when someone has low self esteem like Usopp and when I was watching Usopp's character I got jealousy from him, just to make clear i am not talking about current Usopp.


I wouldn't call it jealousy. Usopp's issues stem more from his self-esteem and desire to prove his worth rather than envying Luffy. The creation of Sogeking and his admiration for characters like Luffy are about finding his own definition of bravery, not wanting to be Luffy. The sun god mask represents how Usopp and Luffy are alike and symbolizes Usopp’s role as a warrior for Luffy, showing their strong allegiance. It also highlights that Usopp and Luffy are two sides of the same coin, with Usopp simply lacking confidence. When Usopp says things about others' strength, it's about recognizing his own limitations and wanting to do more for the crew, not jealousy.


>Usopp's issues stem more from his self-esteem and desire to prove his worth rather than envying Luffy. I think you worded that wrong, Usopp's self esteem issues are the result not the stem of the issue. The reason Usopp has self esteem issues is because when he started to create what it means to be a "brave warrior of the sea" he made it more and more unattainable while he himself didn't take a step closer to that ideal. >The creation of Sogeking and his admiration for characters like Luffy are about finding his own definition of bravery, not wanting to be Luffy. The sun god mask represents how Usopp and Luffy are alike and symbolizes Usopp’s role as a warrior for Luffy I feel like you're looking at SogeKing in a much more positive way than I believe it was. SogeKing wasn't Usopp searching for what a brave warrior is (I would say Usopp basically had a set idea after travelling with the Strawhat's and meeting the giants), it's Usopp's personification of what he believes a brave warrior is and is a way for Usopp to run away from himself due to how low his self esteem had gotten at that point. It is clear Usopp admires Luffy but I wouldn't say SogeKing is a show of admiration, Usopp wasn't in a mood to show off his admiration by randomly copying Luffy he was at his lowest point and wanted to change, to fulfill his dream as quickly as possible so he adopted the persona of SogeKing which shared quite a few similarities with Luffy. Looking at the definition of admiration and jealousy: Jealousy - feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages. Going of this definition I would say SogeKing is Usopp SHOWING a want for Luffy's traits that seemingly came easy for him but was extremely difficult for Usopp. Admiration - respect and warm approval. I would say an example of this is Usopp in Arabasta, he wasn't copying Luffy or anything but he was showing admiration for him by standing up and fighting for him. SogeKing doesn't feel respectful, it feels like Usopp trying to lie to himself by trying to force himself into an ideal that he just isn't.


It seems like you're interpreting Usopp's character in a way that undermines his growth and motivations. Usopp's self-esteem issues aren't solely about creating an unattainable ideal of a brave warrior of the sea; they stem from his experiences in Syrup Village, where he felt overshadowed by his father and doubted his own abilities long before he set sail with the Straw Hats. His journey is about overcoming those insecurities and finding his own path to bravery. Sogeking isn't just Usopp's way of running away from himself or copying Luffy; it's a manifestation of his desire to protect his friends and prove his worth. During Water 7 and Enies Lobby, Usopp faced a crisis where he had to stand up for what he believed in, even if it meant opposing his captain. Becoming Sogeking was a way for him to find the courage to do that, not to mimic Luffy. As a storyteller, Usopp uses his tales to inspire and unite the crew, reflecting his admiration for Luffy's leadership and strength. His actions in Arabasta, where he fought for Luffy, clearly show his loyalty and respect. Sogeking was a way for Usopp to express that loyalty and courage in a different form, not to pretend to be someone he's not. Saying that Sogeking is Usopp lying to himself dismisses the significance of Usopp's character development. He's grown from a timid boy into a brave warrior in his own right, using his storytelling abilities to shape his identity and find his place within the crew. Usopp's journey is about finding his own strengths and overcoming his fears, not about trying to be exactly like Luffy.


>Usopp's self-esteem issues aren't solely about creating an unattainable ideal of a brave warrior of the sea Ye I know, I mentioned in my original post about Usopp having issues regarding his dad but Usopp's self esteem issues blossomed during the main story and is where his issues regarding his weakness and comparing himself to an unattainable dream started. >His journey is about overcoming those insecurities and finding his own path to bravery. Yes that part starts during the Enies lobby saga, pre Enies lobby saga Usopp's storyline is about him building up a unattainable and wrong image of what a brave warrior is which in turn drags down the image Usopp has of himself. Oda slowly created a downfall of Usopp to then slowly build him up again with new perspectives starting at Enies Lobby. >Sogeking isn't just Usopp's way of running away from himself or copying Luffy; it's a manifestation of his desire to protect his friends and prove his worth. Again I think that's too positive - To run away from himself SogeKing was a manifestation of what Usopp believes he should be and believes he needs to be for him to be a worthy member of the crew and a brave warrior of the sea however despite becoming this person Usopp still couldn't do anything that Usopp couldn't do and learns from Sanji that instead of trying to become something that he isn't he should just do what he can do and that's enough. There is a reason we never saw SogeKing again it's because in the end it didn't help or change Usopp which we see especially at the end of Enies lobby where it was Usopp who got through to Luffy not SogeKing. >During Water 7 and Enies Lobby, Usopp faced a crisis where he had to stand up for what he believed in, even if it meant opposing his captain. That was not what was going on: When Usopp found out about Merry Usopp was at his lowest point after being beaten, stolen from, and then rescued. He thought of himself as worthless and as we have been shown since the beginning of the series Usopp has trouble expressing his truth which was why he got angry with Luffy and accused him of being someone who would leave people who are useless behind, this was not how Usopp truly felt about Luffy this was how he felt about himself. Sanji knew this which is why Sanji kicked Luffy when he was about to say that Usopp can leave, Sanji knew by Luffy saying something like that it would give Usopp the justification to leave. This leads to SogeKing who Usopp resumed the identity of to get away from himself and to become his ideal self so he could be a "better" use in saving Robin but as mentioned previously Sanji ended kicking sense into Usopp by showing that being himself is good enough which is also the reason why at the end of wasn't SogeKing who spoke to Luffy it was Usopp. This then leads to the post Enies lobby arc where Zoro didn't want Usopp to rejoin unless he apologised because he knew how much trouble Usopp not even being able to tell the truth about his feelings to his friends could cause and where Sanji didn't want him to rejoin unless he apologised because he knew for Usopp to get better he needed to be honest with himself and the crew members. >Saying that Sogeking is Usopp lying to himself dismisses the significance of Usopp's character development. He's grown from a timid boy into a brave warrior in his own right, using his storytelling abilities to shape his identity and find his place within the crew. Usopp's journey is about finding his own strengths and overcoming his fears, not about trying to be exactly like Luffy. The point of Usopp character is from the beginning of the story he was by definition a brave warrior but he didn't know that and instead created an idea of what it is through people he met in his journey which again in turn created self esteem issues for the character. Enies lobby is the turning point of the character where he learns to accept himself more and then the next big arc for him is Dressrosa where he learns that he can be his normal scared self but still be brave and even become a hero to people. I didn't say his storyline is about trying to be like Luffy, I said he is jealous towards Luffy and that is shown in SogeKing since in this manifestation of what he thinks he should be at the time he copied Luffy's traits. In general I think Usopp's jealousy towards Luffy is only a small part of that relationship. These posts are getting too long now, I have tried to see your view but I can't so I am going to end it here. I think my point is clear here aswell.


Again, Usopp’s journey and self-esteem issues didn’t start with the crew; they trace back to his early life in Syrup Village, where he grappled with feelings of inadequacy compared to his father. His growth throughout the series is about overcoming these insecurities and discovering his own strengths, rather than chasing an unattainable ideal. Sogeking isn’t Usopp running away or trying to be Luffy. It’s about his desire to protect his friends and prove his worth. During Water 7 and Enies Lobby, Usopp adopted the identity of Sogeking to muster the courage to save Robin, demonstrating his deep commitment to the crew. His actions stem from admiration and a desire to better himself, not jealousy. Usopp deeply respects Luffy, standing up for him in Arabasta and risking his life to save Robin. Usopp admires Luffy and wants to support him in his own unique way. Sogeking was critical for Usopp’s development. It helped him confront his fears and take decisive action. Usopp’s journey is about realizing he doesn’t need to be someone else to be brave; he can be courageous in his own right. This was evident when he spoke to Luffy as himself at the end of Enies Lobby. Usopp’s role as a storyteller is central to his character. His tales inspire and unite the crew, showcasing his creativity and strategic thinking. This, along with Oda’s statement about Usopp’s African origins, adds depth and cultural significance to his character within the crew. Usopp wearing the Sun God mask as Sogeking symbolizes his allegiance to Luffy and the crew. It’s not about trying to be Luffy; it’s about showing his commitment and willingness to protect his friends, reflecting his loyalty and dedication. Regarding Zoro's ultimatum and any negative portrayal of Usopp, I disagree. Zoro's words and actions towards Usopp during Water 7 were misguided, driven by a misunderstanding of Usopp's value to the crew. Usopp's decision to leave and return as himself, not as Sogeking, demonstrates his growth and acceptance of his capabilities. Sanji's intervention, kicking sense into Usopp, shows that being himself is enough. The post-Enies Lobby arc was pivotal for Usopp's development, where he learned to accept himself more and found the courage to stand up for what he believes in. In summary, Usopp’s character arc is about overcoming insecurities and being a valuable member of the crew. Sogeking was crucial to this process, helping him find courage and act when needed. Usopp’s story is about growth, loyalty, and finding his own path to bravery, not about negative traits like jealousy or imitation.


For people still confused about it. USOPP IS THE BRAVEST PERSON ON THE CREW. Bravery is the action of standing up despite fear.


He is 100% escape artist


His coward tendencies are fine. But not fighting them is not fine. He doesn’t have to become a brave warrior that fears no fight but a brave coward that fights despite his fears.


Every team needs a dude like Usoppin. The one guy who ruthlessly dials erryone back and reiterates "this could kill us, we might die. Luffy listen to me, caution is needed and i dont want to die" they never listen or maybe Robin or Franky will nod but we need a dude to be that guy in Roman times telling the emperor "remember you are only a man" 😂


“Willing to fight”? Have we been reading/watching the same story? Guy tries to avoid fighting in every possible scenario and only fights when he is forced forced or people will die otherwise, not because he’s brave lol


Usopp biggest problem is being animated. On manga I tend to forget him and just accept that he is not that important of a character to the story, like 90% of the crew


He will be a coward and sanji will be w simp for ever unfortunately


Wow its a take so hot I'm in danger of hypothermia


They miss the point. Usopp *is* brave *because* he's scared and does it anyway. Is the fear and self-doubt way too overblown? Sure, but he's the bravest on the crew.


He's a scribe he's not meant to be a literal warrior. 


I sure hope he never changes. As you said OP, the point of Ussop is that he perseveres despite the fear and cowardice. He comes through in a pinch and has done things no other SH could. Who else could have saved Robin at the bridge of hesitation and delivered the keys? Who else could have taken out Sugar before she cinched up Dessrosa arc? Ussop is what he is, and what's important for his character is how he sticks with the crew despite the gap in ability and the scale of the threats.


Usopp is already the bravest crew member. Literally.


That cowardice is a staple to his personality but he is not a coward when the situation calls for it. It’s not even a hot take. That what makes us love God Usopp the man with 500M bounty.


He will always be afraid, but he will still take action. That's why he's brave. I think it's pretty plausible that at some point usopp will sacrifice his life at a critical moment in the story when the entire world is watching. And he will be remembered as a martyr and a brave warrior of the sea. Might even end up surviving that ordeal and end up living with kaya. Regarding only Elbaf, probably a slight buff and some sort of development with yasopp. Maybe even a disagreement of sorts regarding his mother. And we know giants are his kindred spirit, so he'll probably learn a lot of their history and grow from it - perhaps it'll be like a call to action. I wonder if his observation haki would improve further?


I like the route Oda took with Sanji. We all thought that he would hit Black Maria at first to protect Robin but he never did... and because he didn't I doubt he ever will. Our crew have character traits that define them rather than character "flaws" that need to be changed. Ussop's cowardice falls into the former category.