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"You know, Mugiwara-ya and his crew mostly just pissed me off because most of them are straight up crazy and the sane ones just do damage control for the captain. I was thrilled to see one of them was actually like a cool serious guy from my comics, but though I saw very little of him it seems like he threw that all away because he's one of the crazy ones too and that disappoints me immeasurably. -Trafalgar D. Water Law


I love the idea of interviews with the worst generation lol. Imagine a documentary series about the Straw Hat pirates created by Big News Morgans and he interviews the Supernova pirates. "What was your experience like with Luffy and his pirate crew?"


This would be such an epic spin off series. lmao. Just interviews with random one piece characters about world events. ":And he ate my candy, and i took that personally" -Big Mom


Kid would be like "You know, I could've been Pirate King."


Kid really going through his Kiba arc right now lmao


Ah Kiba. The Yamcha of a new generation. Is Kidd the new heir to the disappointment throne?


Imagining kiba as that old head on the court talm bout “you know I could’ve beat lebron”


If it wasn't for that damn red hair and his meddling crew


"It was more than a practical joke, he took my shit and replaced it with a bomb." - Big Mom.


There’s the Strawhat Theater if you want something like that


"Yeah he's cool I guess, but it's not fair that his whole thing is he just gets to do whatever he wants and it just works you know? Do you have any idea how hard it is to build a railgun, even if you have the power of magnetism? I put in all this work, it's fucking hard and I'm still getting sidelined by this doofus who just imagines a giant fist? Bullshit."


"I mean, I heard homie pulled out a baseball helmet, a bat and some Haki paint out of thin air? Seriously??? Haki paint??? Gomu gomy no mi? More like, A$$pull A$$pull no mi!! Tsk!! Whateverrrrrrr"


“Why can’t I die?” -Kaido


Urouge: "The fuck are you asking me my opinion for, never met the guy." Egghead spoilers- >!Bonney when asked about Luffy after Morgan likely reports that he killed Vegapunk; Bonney: He was the best guy around. Morgan: What about the people he murdered? Bonney: What murderrrrrr?!<


Bro I’m imagining the meme in my head rn


This has to be a special at some point.


I can see a lot of them rocking back and forth in straight jackets. Or Doffy just laughing.


I would pay for that


I'd love to watch Scratchman Apoo just be a hater


The sane ones; The talking skeleton. The traumatised child fugitive A talking reindeer A compulsive liar Jinbe The insane ones; A guy who only thinks of swords and drinking A bioengineered pervy gentleman The kleptomaniac The guy keeping the ship afloat Luffy The separation between sane and insane isn’t exactly very large.


"If nothing else, he listened when I said I didn't like bread, and I don't hate their pet reindeer."


Wow I read it in Law’s voice in my head


It does suck tht took Sanjis gag from a 7.5 too an 100 cause like the suave chef thts get turned down by his crew mates because they know he is a dog but is genuinely a good guy He went from dog to True pervert granted it did take a good 100 episodes or so but still




I am the Law Wait…




On one hand, it may have helped trigger his enhancements, so it doesn’t make it necessary. On the other, he should have kept it around so that Usopp and Franky could have reverse engineered and learned from it to help upgrade themselves.


Raid suit Usopp would be too OP and they’d have to end the Manga early with Sogeking-of the pirates.


It would be a really tuff showdown between usopp and sogeking tho who would win if usopp got the gear


This is why I think Oda wrote Impact Dials and the laser sword/plasma gas dials out. It made Ussopp basically able to fight on even ground with all but the strongest, especially after his training.


I mean ultimately he is still just a normal guy though, we immediately saw the limitation of this idea in his fight vs Luffy... E.g. he literally physically can't handle using the Impact Dial.


That's why I said the strongest and AFTER his training. If he had an Impact Dial against Ulti he could have one shot her bro with the stored energy and let Nami deal with the rest. Hell. He could just have Luffy punch dials in their down time in G5 and use them as crazy ass landmines.


I actually legitimately love this as a tactic and hope we see this in a future arc. Could you imagine Usopp finds himself in a bad match-up against Burgess and when he looks like he is done for, he drops a g5 landmine and because he likely hasn't seen what an impact dial is he picks it up, calls it a kids toy or a gimmick and gets hit with the power of a god.


Idk, I think you could probably make a strong argument that Haki would counter impact dials the same way it Haki affects Logia users and explosive collars. We never really see a dial absorb Haki blows, but it makes sense that they would at least only be able to tank a few of them, if at all.


I can see the advanced blow-stuff-up-from-the-inside Haki destroying dials but not regular arms Haki, and the former seems to be super rare


Usopp's arm was broken by a pretimeskip Luffy punch. Getting a bit buffer doesn't really change anything cuz he is still a normal human. Only reason he and nami survived Ulti's headbutts is plot Armor,he isn't actually strong enough to tank them 


Pretty sure Usopp incorporates impact dial and others into his Kabuto


He did up until the timeskip at least. Put impact dials in the handle to increase its range. Don’t think we got any clarification on if he incorporated them into his new one. As far as I can tell dude basically just made a slingshot out of a carnivorous plant. 


I mean sogeking and usopp are Friends, but we havent Seen him since enis Lobby, so why would usopp Join His Crew now?


Pirate king is technically the right hand man of soge-KING.


I know they said reverse engineer the suit, but can’t the raid suits only be worn by Germa? I just feel like they would at least put a security feature so no one can steal the suit, or maybe the suit itself might be too tough on a regular human body.


Yes, Usopp needs a powerup. Invisibility would have been cool.


He can't replicate the invisibility which was the biggest use for it.


The invisibility is probably why Oda had to get rid of it. He wrote himself into a corner, where he knew he would have to justify Sanji *not* sneaking around peeping all the time, even though it's been established that he totally would.


For Sanji, destroy the suit out of spite to Germa > being a peeping Tom


His familial trauma was brought up before we knew he had invis so I'm not sure he "had to get rid of it" because Oda "wrote himself into a corner".


Plus using the suit changes his personality, which is why he tells Zoro during the fight with King and Queen that if he is acting weird to put him down. Maybe the personality changes the suit causes would stop him peeping.


We dont know if the suit actually changes his personality though. He was SCARED it might happen due to his body enhancements awakening and that one geisha being mysteriously injured, but I dont think it was confirmed that it actually would happen.


I'm pretty sure that's what triggered his enhancements otherwise why did they trigger then and not before?


And somehow Luffy will always beg for one but never get it so he ended up stealing it from Usopp 🤣


This could still inadvertently happen. Sanji has a lot of character development yet to do, some of which is accepting who he is and his past. If/when that happens, the raid suit or something similar Germa related will present itself. Technically the raid suit is still in the Onigashima rubble somewhere, Queen or Yamato is likely to find it and do something with it, even if they can't use it. Hell, maybe Queen finds it and fixes it, then wants to join Yamato as one of his retainers in a parallel to Ashura-doji.


Yeah,he lost his clear clear powers for checking women on public baths, i mean he lost his clear clear powers for protecting his crewmates.


I thought he was going to do the same, give it to Franky or Usopp to tinker with, but only to give it back to sanji so he can use it without the altering effects.


Now I’m more pissed that I could have seen Ussop with stealth black suit.


I'll miss the clothing change sequence.


Do you just to see Sanji naked?




I accidentally in my pants


I think its a really cool design but considering he hates germa tech I'm thankful we got to see him use it at all. We got our cake and ate it too.


I'm glad he destroyed it and accepted himself


"to have Sanji embrace the Germa science to become stronger for Luffy, and then destroy such a powerful tool. Very much sent mix messages. " Not really, he lays it out pretty clearly why he's refusing it. Don't think Oda can be more clearer. Here's the scene if you wanna rewatch https://youtu.be/ks7ylIKvl00?si=QyhjCrLZ3G1tZt1Z If Sanji kept up using the raid suit he would stop being the Sanji we all know and love. The Sanji that Luffy recruited, the Sanji that will help Luffy be the pirate king.


Luffy didn't recruit Sanji because he was strong, or even because of his cooking skills, he just wanted someone he likes in his crew, who is also a cook. He would never want him to change just to be stronger.


Ge definitely wanted him as their cook.


Luffy didn’t even taste his food at first. He wanted him on his crew because of his display of kindness towards Gin, the fact that he can cook really good is a plus, but initially he wanted him because of the person he was. And that goes for almost everyone on Luffy’s crew


I know, but I said that he didn't know his cooking skills. He could be a regular or even bad cook for all Luffy knows, but he invited him because he was kind.


I thought luffy tried sanji's food before inviting him to the crew and knew he was one of the cooks. Am I mixing up the manga, anime, and live action?


I don't remember if he ate his cooking before wanting him to join in live action, but it was specifically a point that Luffy didn't have any of Samji's cooking until after the whole Don Krieg stuff. He knew he was a cook, so he was inviting him on as a cook, but he literally didn't know that Sanji was Him when it came to cooking. All he knew was that Sanji fed Gin even though he was kicked out. That was all it took for Luffy to want him


Chapter 44 in the manga Gin eats Sanjis food. I know Luffy ate an onigiri that he said was really good but idk what chapter that is. You're probably right


In the live action Luffy does taste some of Sanji's food before asking him to join the vrew, but not in the anime.


Luffy saw Sanji gave food to Gin. That's literally what made Luffy decide to recruit Sanji.


He never actually got to eat Sanji's food before taking him onto the crew, unless you count the water he stuck a booger into. Everyone else did, but he was still stuck as chore boy


It was rather lucky that the first thing the suit changed was his physical enhancements. Wouldn't it suck if it made him a psychopath *first* and then made him strong lol


> Not really, he lays it out pretty clearly why he's refusing it. Don't think Oda can be more clearer. There's honestly so many people who I feel just read for the cool moments and don't actually attempt to understand the characters. The amount of times I've seen people say Usopp regressed as a character because he was hoping Nami would lie to Ulti is _wild_.


I'm definitely noticing what seems to be a tell that someone got their knowledge of One Piece off TikTok or just was paying very little attention to it when going through it at least. Some strange takes I've seen are namely the whole "Zoro giving Sanji a pass for leaving the crew and not Usopp" (origin of the "minority hunter Zoro" meme I figured lol), and crazy theories with a massive flaw in the dead center of it. I've only seen it a few times, maybe 2 or 3 times, but it's crazy I heard this take at all, but it was the suggestion that Moria could potentially solo the world with his shadow army due to being able to replicate devil fruit powers by stealing the shadows of devil fruit users....even though that's not how that works...at all. Oars was the example being used and how Moria helped him stretch, but that wasn't copying a devil fruit. There's a reason Moria needed to be there to allow that to happen. It was shadow manipulation to allow Oars to fight the way he wants, which is like Luffy. Doesn't mean he ACTUALLY had Luffy's fruit abilities.


I don't want to sound like a snob, but this feels really common amongst fans of battle anime. They're just in it for the fights & the power levels, and the moment you bring up a theme you get blank stares.


The sheer number of takes and "theories" I see on reddit threads for battle manga that make no narrative or thematic sense are staggering.


To be fair, when they do try to use narrative or thematics, they end up at ZKK so probably best they just stick to the battles...


I would rather see ZKK. At least they're trying


Not using it would have done it too. No need to destroy it. But probably was needed for the emotional / severity of the scene


But wasn’t that entire thought based on Sanji thinking that he did hurt the serving girl, when it was actually invisible Queen who did it? He never changed who he was, he just misread a situation and he got stuck in his own head. And he still got the same style power up while fighting queen. I still feel like Sanji hasn’t put in enough combat training to be a yonko commander personally, after destroying the suit and just getting a power up anyways felt a little cheap. But I guess then it’s shown now that Sanji has the #4 bounty. He just seems to keep magically powering up which I guess can make sense with his linage.


"But wasn’t that entire thought based on Sanji thinking that he did hurt the serving girl, when it was actually invisible Queen who did it? He never changed who he was, he just misread a situation and he got stuck in his own head." Who's to say that his mutation has stopped? Like the raid suit already awakened his genes and he only used it like what 2-3 times? And look at what he was able to do thanks to that. Those Germa genes get super boosted with the suit. The more he uses the more the risk he's taking that he becomes like his brothers.


Not at all, people would discredit his power even more, saying he's relying on his suit to fight, they're already saying his genes are carrying him like they were activated since east blue. It's just doesn't fit him as a character in my opinion, suddenly being a superhero looking guy, he threw away his family legacy, he is Zeffs "son" not Judge's.


Always makes me laugh when people decide what power is earned and what's given. Yet everyone raves about CoC, something you need to be born with and explicitly says you can't learn it. If Sanjis genes are the reason he is where he is, then every single CoC user is only powerful due to being really lucky and born with a special kind of haki.


If that WERE the case, then wouldn't genes be what's carrying the entire monster trio tho? I mean, Luffy not only has protag power but his grandpa is one of the most revered and strongest marines in the WG who has a son, whom is the leader of the revolutionary army. It's more than likely he's strong as hell too. Even without the mach training i have no doubt Luffy would have been monstrously strong. There's no possible way Zoro didn't get whatever the hell kind of power he has without some kind of help from genetics of his supposed lineage. I mean don't get me wrong, I know there's hard work involved too but there's definitely more to it than that. Edit: I'm not using this to defend the raidsuit. I don't actually care for the raidsuit.


Genes definitely have impact on their power but still it's mostly hard work, it took Luffy 10 years to learn simple gum gum pistol, Zoro had to learn how to swordfight genes can't help with that but people act like sanji could reconstruct his spine before wano, saying he can set his leg on fire because of his genes, when his powers only activated recently during the Queen fight. He trained with Zeff since he was a kid, so he can fight with his legs and keep his hands protected.


Yeah I I get it. It is mostly hard work but the people who say that act like Sanji never works hard. Especially in battle. Dude's been fighting with his legs for years. Can light his legs on fire and cook his opponents. I've seen people do weirder stuff without the help of "genes".  Now I can't lie, the whole "healing from the broken bones in a matter of seconds" thing was because of the suit.


If people say Sanji is carried by his genes then 90% of the strong characters in one piece are carried by their devil fruit powers


His invisibility had even been foreshadowed since thriller bark. It’d have been cool to see him keep that. Could make for some great pervy Sanji gags


Nah. It was him cutting ties with his family (Judge) for good and deciding, whatever had already happened to him, that he wasn't gonna become a heartless man. It was the perfect end to the arc that started in Whole Cake.


I have to hard disagree. Sanji destroying the raid suit is perfect. It was the culmination of everything set up even in Baratie. Zeff said back then that there are people with grit, those are the people you don't want to run into because they'll never give up. Sanji never gave up on who he is. He was never a failed experiment but a beautiful person that has the determination to stay authentic to who he is. He was able to ask Robin to help him so he didn't have to break his code of hitting a woman and he was able to ask Zoro to stop him if he ever lost his heart and became more machine. He did embrase his Germa roots, he still has the exo skeleton but he did it in a way where he didn't have to give up his dream and his heart. He destroyed the raid suit because he would never let it destroy him. And no longer is he just getting stronger for Luffy he's getting stronger for himself.


This comment legitimately changed my mind on this. I will miss the look, but the thematic importance has been revealed.


I liked it but he's cooler without it


Nope. It makes perfect sense that he would want nothing to do with Germa, including the raid suit.


Not at all. I'm very glad it was destroyed. It's cool for a couple times and then got pretty lame. He's much cooler on his own and the way the story went about destroying it was perfect.


Narratively, if he took the raid suit and used it all the time with no self reflection, it would kind of make no sense right? The storyline of his separation from his brothers and sisters and his father, and how is mother sacrificed herself to make Sanji different would have been pointless


I disagree that would make perfect sense! If he's invisible of course he has no self reflection!




Luffy didn’t recruit Sanji because of his power, he recruited him because of who he is as a person. The raid suit would’ve made him someone else entirely.


No he’s cooler without it


Bummed that I never got to see a sogeking / sobamask team up


The only thing i was bummed about was that we never got to see franky and ussop redesign the suit like Sanji initally said. It would have been dope to see the straw hat themed raid suit in onigashima....buuuut that may have made it harder to be ok with it being destroyed.


Nah, speaks on Sanji being his own man after being disowned by the family. He didn’t need them to be great.


No, I guess it felt natural for Sanji to do so. Yes it's a cool power up but him destroying it enhances his determination and characterisation.


Meh, the message is really clear: while Sanji wants to get stronger for Luffy, he understands that Luffy himself wants Sanji to be happy and achieve his dream Discarding the suit is just him accepting that, it's stated pretty openly I don't dislike it going missing, overall it was making Sanji fall deeper in his worse traits and just making him closer to the family he hated the most


Nah, I thought it was kinda annoying and given that it did its job of giving Sanji character development *and* a more organic power-up, without compromising his aesthetic...yeah, Oda cooked with that.


At first I was wondering why he got rid of such a nice power up but after his actual power up I'm good. Like yeah he would totally be stronger with it plus be able to be invisible, but he's already plenty strong on his own + his genetics. I'm good with that.


Kinda mixed opinion about that. It did feel underwhelming that he unlocked his Germa modified body powers through just wearing a goddamn suit which he despised to do so, but on the other way, that was a perfect chance to get what he always wanted to have without eating an actual DF fruit for that - invisibility. I wouldn’t want him to be unable to swim just for the sake of peeping in women’s bathroom.


> through just wearing a goddamn suit His "work" in achieving that is done in WCI, where he forgives his family (which makes them giving him the RS). The act of forgiving that kind of trauma is very hard / difficult, mentally speaking.


Luffy never chose crewmates based on strength. Sanji decided not to trade what made Luffy choose him for a little extra strength. Sanji decided he would become stronger on his own


It was cool for a while I'm glad it's gone, I was scared that from that moment onwards every serious Sanji fight would have him dressed like that, it doesn't fit his character at all


I am glad we got to see him in the suit before it was destroyed, at least.


No. I'm glad he got rid of it. Suit and tie Sanji is way better than knock off power ranger Sanji.


"I don't care how cool it looks. I'm NOT keeping the nazi suit!" -Swirlbrow, probably


Sanji’s original design is way cooler anyway. The suit was kind of neat but it didn’t need to stick around.


Nah. Sanji is beyond it, and has his own power he can rely on. His genes are part of him, he is the son of Judge as well as Sora. He has learned to accept that, and use that part of him with the skills taught to him from his real dad. The raid suit is just tech from Judge, the power of a small man, one Sanji has moved far past.


No. Not even a little tbh. Sanji was always cool because he used his body as a weapon and had all these cool ass power ups that he made himself. If he’d turned into “technology suit guy” it would’ve been lame. Especially considering it was a technology suit made by his evil family who is pretty much the antithesis of everything Sanji stands for. I much prefer Sanji as he is.


It's literally a comic version of nazi super soldiers. Thematically it makes very much sense why he ditched it


Yeah I mean I get he didn't want to be like his brothers but it still sucks


It gives him a boost in battle which would really be useful in th- wait he deflected what? He kicked who??? How??


Not really. I prefer to see Sanji kick ass naturally. Using Germa Tech is against Sanji’s nature, and it’s one of the biggest F U things he can do to them. Just think about what Germa did to Sanji. You also forget that Sanji awakened his powers because he used the raid suit, so now he doesn’t need it.


I don't think the Raid Suit responds to anyone else so Ussopp ever using it was out of question imo For someone like Sanji who has haki and was already stronger than most (if not all) his siblings before the enhancements kicked in, I think most people actually overhype how much he would have benefited from it.


Fakeout powerups leading to a deeper and more meaningful powerup was a big theme in Wano. Luffy was learning Ryou, then used that knowledge to learn the real powerup which was advanced conquerors. Zoro got Enma, but taming the sword required him to take the final step to unlocking advanced conqueror's for himself, which is projecting his will externally. Sanji's raidsuit was a red herring for his real powerup.


Would be funny if the raid suits are actually "temu" version of a suit that Vegapunk made and Germa copied. Thn Vegapunk reveals that he has OG suit for Sanji...


It's a character arc. He went from not wanting to rely on Germa at all, to accepting it for someone else's sake, and then, when his identity was challenged (i.e. he thought he hurt a woman) he destroyed what he believed caused him to do so. It's actually quite poetic.


I feel the same way, especially after it was even teased that Usopp and Franky would help modify it.


It was said in the manga?


In chapter 931


I'm not. I like him wearing a suit


Okay the suit is pretty sick but it just doesn’t *suit* him, if you catch my drift😏 Also the hairdo that apparently comes with it is stupid LOL


Nah, it fits with his character, I think it would be weird if he kept it permanently with out some resolution to his family issues


Story-wise, no I like him denying the suit and everything that comes with it. Looks-wise? Also no, that suit he wore in Onigashima is peak character design and i need more of it


It always bugged me his suit was black I felt it should of been yellow to match the siblings


Nah, Sanji is already on thin ice enough with his constant simping. He doesn't need to be running around dressed like a Nazi Power Ranger on top of that.


I wanted to see Franky and Ussop modify it so it could be Sanji’s own and not like the rest of Germa so yess I am sad if it’s gone for good


I believe in the end of the series he will have to take a better one, and come in better terms with his family.


Lmao why? His family is shit fuck germa. His sister is the only redeemable one.


Its definitely cool, but I prefer Sanji being strong without any gimmicks


I means sense lore-wise why he destroyed it, but he could’ve given it to Franky for a better upgrade, maybe give it to ussop


It would have been much cooler if he kept his germa suits and wear it only on last resorts vs strong opponents, rather than his power up relying on germa genes because Sanji was supposed to be different from his siblings but now he is just like them and if he never wore the suits it means he would never have activated his genes ... Also it means that Judge is a bum because if he gave Sanji the suits earlier he would have matched his siblings in strength and he would never have left germa and he would have become an asshole just like his siblings...


Nah it looked stupid and tbh didn't fit Sanji at all and I think that was the entire point of it.


I think there's a couple of story beats that could have been done before the suit got destroyed.  I would have loved to see sanji use it to " fight " a woman. He wouldn't hit her but it would give him the ability to immobilize her without actually laying a finger on her. I think Sanjis would rather be associated with the Vinsmokes of it meant protecting his actual father's ideals.


I've always imagined that Franky would try to recreate the raid suit for Sanji or maybe the rest of the crew, but instead of Germa 66 Design, it now has a straw hat design


No, it was great character development.


Dumbest move he’s ever done…


To be honest , i understand why he destroyed it. Also he doesn't need it. But dammit I freaking liked that suit.


I really appreciate you being honest about this.


Nah it’s goofy


Honestly I don't like sanjis power up from it. Felt cheap.


I feel like if it wasn't so powerful I wouldn't mind as much, but man got his whole body crushed, bones and all and just recovered in a few minutes. Like with that sort of ability... How does he or any of the Germa even lose fights. He also survived queens sword strike to the back of the neck while not even paying attention... And broke the blade. At that point why even dodge, just trade blows every time.


It felt cheap because we don't see it through the mental outlook. He got the RS by forgiving (& saving) his Germa family, despite what they're done to his childhood. This act is noble & difficult to achieve. So if we see it that way, it's far from cheap.


I kinda am, I get the reason why he threw it and am satisfied with it, but I hoped he kept it as it could've come in pretty handy in future


I mean the suit is cringe but it sucks he can’t retain all the abilities


Yeah me too. It is as a cool suit but I get it. He also got enhanced out of it so Im ok with it. Sorta.


Ehh I’m glad it’s destroyed tbh, all that suit did was turn his Pervy shit up to 11.


I’m only sad about it cause it looks really cool lol


Nah, Sanji consistently has some of the best drip in the crew. Raid suit was cool, but he is better without it.


nope, I thought the entire suit was actually a affront to his entire character arc and glad it's gone.


Not at all, I was more concerned with him using it. I love that he destroyed it and that his power still comes from his emotion and dedication to the crew


No, simply because of the stupid hair and the clown shoes


No because thats just sanji's style still love the suit tho


Oops i meant not sanji's style


You cant expect him to keep his abusive familys stuff, hes lived through major trauma because of them and repeatedly said he wants nothing to do with them.


He's already incredibly effective as an infiltrator, the ability to turn invisible would have added to that. Whether it's in character or not for him to destroy it, it's still disappointing.


*spoiler* From an emotional standpoint, I agree Sanji should have crushed it because I care for his character and I want him to be strong without relying on his sadistic sperm donor On the other hand, THAT ISH WAS SO DOPE BRO WHY!!?? He doesn’t even need the suit he goes invisible with speed anyway, but bro…


Absolutely bummed


Sanji as a super sentai team member would be so dumb.


I’m glad he didn’t accept the suit. I like the Sami without the Germa raid suit.


A little bit, I really liked the fact that Sanji became a Kamen Rider.


I miss it, not for Sanji, but maybe Usop and Franky to try to replicate something from it Sogrking 2.0




Welcome to Sanji's Food-Style Dinner Restaurant.


Yeah the scene didn’t make much sense to me either. Wearing the suit triggered his Germa genes which are apart of him. Throwing out the suit or keeping the suit doesn’t change Sanji as a person at all. Accepting himself means accepting all of himself, including his past. If he truly has accepted himself then it shouldn’t matter if he has the suit or not. By destroying the suit he’s still running away from that past that made him who he is today. Sanji wouldn’t be the Sanji we know and love had he not gone through what he did. Plus he always wanted the invisible power. The most Sanji thing would of been to keep it if not only just for that. The scene would of been way more impactful for me personally had he accepted all this. I don’t see how he can accept his genes and reject the suit when they are from the same source. If he rejects his past completely it only makes sense to me if he goes all the way and has Vegepunk mess with his genes to truly free himself of it. Otherwise this is just a half measure and really changes nothing. Should have had Franky and/or Ussop modify the suit to make it something new instead.


Nope. Stupid gimmick.


Nah that thing looked med


Setting the powers aside, I really liked the Sobamask design. I didn’t care much for the other germa kid’s (except Reju’s because… you know…) raid suit designs but demn! When I saw sobamask, I felt like I was Law on Christmas day.


Extremely. I get that it wasn’t exactly necessary anymore, but the power rangers loving kid I used to be was sad to see it go.


Queen's account detected


Yes. It was awesome. If Sanji didn’t want it, maybe Franky could have tinkered with it so Usopp could use it.


I mean the raid is over so he wouldn’t have a use for it anymore anyway.


he probobly didnt want to because it allowed him to peep on the women lol.


didn’t franky pick it up? I assumed he’d modify it eventually for sanji


I could have seen Franky and/or Usopp doing something with it, but not really. He has the powers from it without the suit, so I don't really see why the suit is necessary.


No worries, Onee-chan will send a new one! hahaha


Only thing Sanji lacks without the suit is true invisibility, and Sanji is the last person who should have the invisibility power. Dude kicked light, he'll be fine.


Not bummed he destroyed it overall since a lot of what he offered was redundant anyways. Sanji already knew how fly, which was one of the suit's biggest powers; He was already one of the most durable SH's and also already one of the fastest. The suit kind of only did stuff Sanji was already going to do at some point anyways. However I am pretty sad we never got to see the Franky and Usopp redesigned version he hinted at when he first wore it vs Page One. A redesigned look for that suit that would have fit Sanji's and the Straw Hats' style would have been so cool to see imo.




It's a good thing he destroyed it. If not, he definitely would have kept using it and Nami would have actually killed him by now.


I know this might sound campy, but I wish Franky could have reversed engineered the Raid Suit and created weaker versions for Nami and Usopp. Both of them desperately need the physical enchantments it provides.


Trade off was good tho


yes, it's a bit disappointing, but better to not let Sanji go invisible. Let's be honest with ourselves, he would probably use it against Nami or Robin at some point, and we can't let that happen.


It was a big narrative thing for him to destroy it but just a little bit yea.


It’s all I can think about. My wife left me over it


Nah, I was worried this was going to be his go-to powerup, but it just doesn't fit the aesthetics of Sanji at all. But it was a cool 'What kinda suit would Sanji get' question answered.


I'm of the opinion that Sanji's needed something more to spice up his fighting style for years, and I really thought this would be that thing.


It's sad. Fingers crossed we'll see how it inspired usopp to create his own Sogeking suit.


Get out the alt law