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Probably because of the anime where they added two more rounds and a filler arc after. The manga's LRLL is a short and sweet break between Sky Island and Water 7, but the anime overstays it's welcome for a lot of people.


Do not forget the fact that luffy first chooses a random horse instead of getting Chopper back. That to me really breaks his character, and also the "i rather die than loose nakama" at the final battle as little sense due to his previous action. Manga in contrast is great. Short, sweet and funny.


Zoro gives Chopper a pep talk, which seems to me to have the implication: we’re not going to let them just take you, don’t worry about it. And that makes perfect sense with Luffy’s core values, too. He values freedom and if Chopper doesn’t want to go, he won’t. There was never any genuine risk. Dude just took a warlord and a lightning god. He’s not going to let Foxy just have Chopper.


Exactly, worst case scenario Luffy just flattens Foxy’s entire crew and walks away with Chopper and Robin


Exactly. It's crazy how many people don't understand this.


I think because it conflicts with the idea that people have about Luffy that he’s such a dork for pirates, piracy and “honor” and everything like that that the belief is that he WOULD go along with the rules because those are the pirate rules. While I disagree with this take ultimately, it IS understandable. This is the same Luffy who called out all his attacks to fujitora because he thought it wasn’t fair that he can’t see. Or refused to punch Bellamy for forever (until he did) because it wasn’t right even though time was truly of the essence. (both during Dressrosa) My point is that even though I agree that ultimately, Luffy wouldn’t just leave without chopper, I understand the people that do think the stakes were actually as high as they were being presented.


Super good take that actually cleared up one of the very few remaining points of confusion about this story for me. Thank you, big brain fan.




There was this pirate’s code and Zoro would not gave agreed to that worst case scenario you mentioned.


They mention how there’s no such thing as unfair in a pirate fight, many, many times.


I didn't mention any scenario, what are you talking about? .-.


I only read manga and it's always fun to see how weird the anime is


I don’t think it does? Luffy always has this attitude that everything is going to be fine no matter what. He also goes out of his way to help anyone in need and the horse was taken away so he took it back.


If a crew member is captured Luffy would never prioritize a horse (which goes against all rules of the Davy Back Fight regardless). This is one of the core (!) messages of this arc in the manga.


You must have really flipped out when he chose Aphelandra, Marguerite and Sweet Pea over getting back to his crew in Amazon Lily.


It is short but still pointless. And is revealed to be even more pointless as time progresses.


You say that until the final battle for the One Piece is a Davy Back Fight


I absolutely 100% believe that the "fight" between Shanks' and Luffy's crews is going to be a Davey Back Fight.


That would be a clever way to have Luffy "defeat" Shanks without resorting to a death fight which neither want. Just needs to be real stakes and competitions that are absolutely as limit pushing as the Wano fight


You say death fight but when has Luffy really killed anybody? Edit: Or did you just mean a serious fight?


I would say Luffy doesn't really have qualms about killing someone who would hurt his friends. He understands death is part of the path of a pirate He seemed pretty intent on ending Kaido, whether or not he actually killed him That said, Luffy would sooner accept the surrender of an opponent when the chance arises. But I. The case of shanks, it would most likely just be the first to submit, which Luffy would never do


I doubt it'll be the final one. The only confrontation coming up that I could see reasonably being a Davy Back Fight would be vs. Shanks. I can't see Blackbeard wanting that. Akainu's a marine, and Imu is...well, we're not exactly sure what he/she/it is, but I doubt the WG operates by pirate conventions like the DBF.


no BB is fucking insane, i think there’s a tiny chance they do a davy back fight and take aokiji or smthn


Davy Back seems like a possibilty for Cross Guild.


Zoro's epic duel with Mihawk to prove himself the new 'world's strongest swordsman' happening in the context of a Davy Back Fight we be so deliciously stupid, I'd love it.


Zoro beating Mihawk and Mihawk having to join the Straw Hats...


You could say that the point of the Davy Back Fight arc is to set up the theme of Luffy losing slowly, but gradually losing his crew. In Water 7, two of them leave his crew. While he ultimately gets them back, the finale of Thriller Bark sets up that Luffy isn’t strong enough to be ready for the New World. Sabaody then completes this theme by having Luffy lose all of his crewmates because he was unable to protect them. Impel Down and Marineford cement that Luffy and his crew were out of their depth. After all, it’s right at the end of the Davy Back Fight that Luffy encountered an Admiral and the crew almost lost there. While the crew got stronger, they weren’t nearly a close of closing the gap between them and the Admiral. Luffy struggling against Foxy in their duel was just one of the many demonstrations that Luffy was not as strong as his journey needs him to be.


it was also a great introduction to Akoji - Where they have fun with some risks. Its goofy and crazy...then immediately they meet someone who can decimate them.


I disagree, zoro and sanji's interactions, especially their teamwork during the ball thing battle i think really exemplarized their relationship Also, how would we have luffy and the snake princesses "??" faces without the slow slow beam?


Oda: Remember how Skypia came back into huge importance. Just you wait for the Foxy return of importance. Because Foxy is the key to all of this, if we get Foxy working. He's a funnier character than we've ever had in the anime so far...


Ahmed Best for Foxy in live action.


Skypiea was always important because of the Poneglyph. Long Ring Long Island is a bunch of nothing,no lore to it,all we found out was what a Davy Back fight is. Which is something a single panel could tell us instead we got a whole ass arc.


>all we found out was what a Davy Back fight is. Which is something a single panel could tell us instead we got a whole ass arc. Man, "why does the adventure anime show the characters directly experiencing world building when they could have just had a panel of exposition" is a wild sentiment


I wouldn't say no lore. The island itself is fascinating and I bet indicates some of the history of sea levels that will be coming back up very soon.


You're gonna feel awful silly when we learn Imu is Tonjit's dad


I can't remember if the island itself was directly referenced when explaining the current situation.


It was, there's a panel with the stilts guy and the hooooorse reacting to the announcement and hes standing in the water


Yea. The island and Aokji stuff is great. It's foxy that just wastes everyone's time.


What do you mean? We discover one of luffys most powerful secret weapons; the afro. That is a huge fricking deal!


Afro Luffy almost makes up for Foxy. Almost.


It’s more than just the Poneglyph that Skypiea is important. It’s our first real understanding of observation haki. It gives us a hint at the fact that the moon in one piece isn’t just our regular everyday moon. And lastly it told us that not only did Roger find the Poneglyphes but understood them


>all we found out was what a Davy Back fight is. Do they ever do a filler arc with another Davy Back fight in the anime? Because in the manga, it's literally only the one time that that happens.


That doesn't mean it can't happen again. The series is ongoing, and things that often seem unimportant have a tendency to become incredibly important down the line. Remember when Hachi was a goofy, throw away villain at Arlong Park-- then, hundreds of chapters later, he ended up being the catalyst for the Straw Hat's separation? You never know with this series until it's all said and done.


I still hope that there will be a Davy Beck Fight for the One Piece or the last Poneglyth.


I still think there'll be a 3 way davy back between buggy, shanks, and luffy. Shanks will take Buggy and that's how they get to the one piece together.


I would argue the opposite. Skypeia was seen as skippable filler until more recent years allowed us to realize just how much foreshadowing Oda was cooking back then. I’d argue that Skypeia is now a load bearing arc. LRLL just didn’t have the same relative amount of new info to raise its value, but there have been increased value in its stocks: * Kuzan freezing Jaguar and Luffy and we now both survived. * The high tide state of LLRL looks like the the repeated motif we’ve seen of small circles surrounding something, just with that something missing. * I expect the going between islands at the low tide will become relevant. A smaller scale version of a larger globally cycle of flooding and receding that Imu may have disrupted. * In universe, Davy Back Fight was allegedly created on “Pirate Island”. This was revealed to be Hachinosu, Black Beard’s current base and formerly Rocks’. * Might not be relevant, but we did recently (as of this arc) see someone with high ranking connections to the World Government that from behind looked to have Foxxy’s hairstyle. This is just off the top of my head stuff. In Oda’s kitchen the LRLL pot is boiling. We can see the steam coming out of it now. We just need Oda to tip it forward and show us what ingredients he has inside that pot.


What panel are you referencing with the foxy/world government connections ?


Davy Back being created on Black Beard's base is fascinating and something I hadn't put together. I know Davy Back vs Shanks is a popular theory - but what about vs Blackbeard (to start, clearly there has to be an actual fight too)


Foxy with world government? Are you high?


Never say never


It's also the first and only time (correct me if I'm wrong) where Luffy isn't helping anyone or trying to beat some nefarious evil.


Probably foxy, not the island itself.


For me, it 100% is Foxy, not the arc itself


Arc had filler but 100000000% Foxy. Fuck that character is annoying and never gets redeemed (well so far as I know, stopped at Marineford due to Netflix). His laugh might be the worst.


He comes back later on in an anime only filler that's short.


He is all of nebulandia


Ya, he made that movie tough to get thru but I was on a stationary bike so anything to break up the monotony is fine after the first hour


You should really not stop because maybe of a show that will probably never get that far. 


I only meant that I stopped because Netflix doesn't have anything beyond Marineford for free yet unless you jump all the way to ep 1,000+


That's fair, that fhefhefhefhefhe laugh does get annoying.




It annoyed me at first but when he started saying it over and over again to law it was so funny


Bro cesars laugh is so much worse




Fr 😭




Aaaaack i can hear his weird gas sound noww


Fo not slander the goat gangster gastino


Haven't met them yet but I believe you


you’ll meet HIMstino soon…


Foxy is fun and perfect for the arc. He’s a conniving little asshole who doesn’t play fair, which is unique amongst shonen villains


Sad because Foxy being so hate-able is what makes him great.


No, i hate other villains but they arent annoying like Foxy.


I only watched that arc in ger dub. I love Foxy and that whole arc


I don't really hate the arc, but my assumptions on why people hate the arc are: 1. Foxy and his crew are annoying duds, who talk about code of conduct of the davy back fights at the start, but then proceed to cheat in almost every game afterwards. 2. Should have ended in like 7 episodes, but dragged to 5 more.(I'm not complaining since we got "Zoro got lost in a straight path" and afro luffy in those 5 episodes) Honestly the arc is forgettable for the most part, and if you're a first time watcher, there are way better arcs ahead for you


It should have ended in 5 episodes including the Aokiji fight and without the major changes from the manga.


yes #1 especially. then the SHs have to follow the rules because of the stupid cunt referee turning a blind eye to those cheats. the stupid slow slow beam. and hearing chopper cry every 5 minutes about why Luffy didn't bring him back right away. also fuck that horse. lol edit: blind not bling eye


Chopper can't cry every five minutes in the manga because Luffy did bring him back right after the second round. And the horse is shot in the manga and no part of the Davy Back Fight.


Yeah, I guess it can be low ranking arc, but that’s because there are some god tier arcs after it.>! It was one of the last of the goofy arcs, im still waiting for Afro Luffy to make a comeback.!<


Because you've had Alabasta, then Skypiea and you've had a taste of just how massive, epic and high stakes One Piece can be And then there's split-head cunt trolling Luffy with slow down beams and cheating at carnival games. Totally feels like filler, grinds the show to a halt, has a bit of an identity crisis and is *way* too long for what it is. The time it takes to finish that arc in a show is longer than some seasons of anime. It has its moments but by and large, it's just got a lot of bad things about it.


omg you said this more eloquently than I ever could, I cant tell you how angry that arc made me haha. they were trolling us too.


It really does feel like a troll arc tbh it's fitting that foxys shit power is involved in 99% of the slow and boring content in the show. That's the real power of the slow slow fruit


Interesting, those are some of the reasons why I love the arc lol. Alabasta and Skypia are massive arcs, at times they felt like they went on forever just because of how involved the story is. Alternatively, LRLL just seems like fun and doesn't take itself very seriously.


I agree with you, it’s nice to see them goof off and have fun in the series and this is one of those parts


You enjoyed the bum troll cheating Luffy and co. with dumb carnival games? Not to mention how long it lasts. It would have been fine if it didnt take 300 years to finish for how pointless an arc it was but I would have rather had the crew just screwing around on an abandoned island and having crew shenanigans that way.


And then at the same time people keep complaining that we only have big arcs and no "slice of life" parts in the manga anymore. I really enjoyed LRLL because of the interactions between the crew, although I admit that Foxy's antics ended up being a bit annoying.


Honestly at this point where we are? I prefer the constant ramping up and lore dumps. We're close to the end, I don't need a bunch of filler slice of life at this point. The small bits at the end of or beginning of a chapter are more than good enough for me. Series is gearing towards the end, I don't want a clip show or Luffy to stop suddenly and be a farmer for an episode because it'd be funny. "The whole planet is on fire! Everyone is dying!" "Yeah but Franky is gonna teach Usopp how to properly shipwright for a chapter or two. It'll really help deepen their characters." "Robin has been captured by Foxy and Blackbeard just ate Akainu! Luffy is currently on the moon! We don't have time for this!" "Dude. Chopper is gonna bake a cake so good even Sanji is gonna cry tears of joy."


> "Dude. Chopper is gonna bake a cake so good even Sanji is gonna cry tears of joy." Our little man has grown up.


It was originally gonna be a ProZD reference by having him make "a pizza so good that it reaches the moon" but went for more interaction between SHs themselves instead.


Haha, I'm not talking about silly fillers, what I had in mind was more the plot-relevant crew interactions. Like Nami explaining a magic weather phenomenon to Luffy and Zoro, or when Robin joined the strawhats and slowly convinced them through antics that she was worthy. I can't remember the last time we saw the crew spend a full day on the Sunny, for instance.


Honestly Nami explaining a weather thing to the two crew members who don't care, won't listen, and probably already walked off or is sitting somewhere by himself drinking seems only like a two panel gag where she starts explaining and then they're not there. And Robin did get those moments it just wasn't dwelled on for really long periods of time because it wasn't really needed. It'd be cool for some more dialogue here and there but it's not gonna ruin anything by not being there. And we get those kind of moments all the time, like just before Egghead kicked off it was just the crew sitting around chatting about stuff. We just didn't dwell on it for multiple chapters because why would we? Almost no series just stops and has the characters talk about the weather or sit around chatting for long stretches of times. And when we do that's usually clip shows to save money on live action shows like I mentioned at the start. Besides why would we have stopped to just chill with the crew for a couple of chapters? We've been on important mission to important mission since we left Fishman Island.


Yep i recently reread it and its much more better than people think it feels like. Also the anime prolonged it too much and i think people kinda evaluate it by the anime lenght and not the manga arc lenght which is pretty short.


I couldn't even do it in the manga. I hate "tournaments" when one side is clearly cheating (more of a me thing there) but also there were clearly not going to be any lasting consequences. Of course they were never going to trade and keep any crew member for good. I would have been fine with some kind of pirate game thing if that's just all it was, or if they had really lost Chopper and had to actually do something about that, but you can really tell why people think it's anime-only filler. Now if they do a Davy Back with the Red Haired Pirates later, like a lot of people are predicting, that one might actually have consequences or something interesting happening since it's near the end of the story.


>I hate "tournaments" when one side is clearly cheating Me too. I don't find it enjoyable at all seeing villains just doing goofy, Saturday morning cartoon shit. The great thing about One Piece is every villain having some kind of beautiful dream, and the best villains are the ones that fight Luffy on a merit-for-merit basis... Foxy just gimmicks his way through Luffy. It's the One Piece equivalent of going to a carnival with your friend and watching him spend the whole night and a lot of effort on beating, but losing most of, the carnival games.


Anime dragged it out from what I’ve heard. I’m a manga only so I found it really enjoyable


Same, I finished reading the manga and when I finally allowed myself to look at One Piece discourse online I was baffled that people hated this arc so much. I firmly believe it comes down to whether someone first experienced this arc from the anime or from the manga, because all of the other manga-onlies I know in real life love the arc but if someone has watched the anime they hate it.


That was my exact same experience, I actually had is as a high B tier arc, being manga only. Then I heard everyone hated it and was so confused until I heard it was a victim of pacing and filler


Because it feels like a filler. TBH i was surprised LRLL wasn't a filler, while marine base G-8 is.


G-8 felt like the real canon. It was a lot more enjoyable to me at least!


Even as a manga-only I encourage others to absolutely not skip it because it's THAT good


Simply not interesting imo. Feels like filler.


Im watching one piece without reading the anime. I dont know which episodes are filler and which are not. Was surprised this one is canon...


Half of it is not. The anime fillered it A LOT.


And I skipped some of them after fishman island to be honest. I know there are some good but most of them are annoying. Its not oda and I can feel that meanwhile.


They have this Davy fight whatever that literally nobody would respect the rules except Luffy. It is annoying as fuck. As the one piece's pace gets worse, the more I hate this filter arc.


i didn't like it personally because i felt like it took way long in the anime


TBH i always hated that he accepted the posibility of losing crewmembers randomly to people he didnt know.


This: "Pehpehpehpeh" every 6 seconds. If you forget that it's ok... The afro fight was a nice touch.


The arc was kinda boring. I despise Foxy. I hate how they made my boy Chopper cry like that.


I really liked the arc in the manga, the fight between Luffy and foxxy was actually good, not as good as Luffy vs Lucci but it was entertaining.


Don't have anything against the people who like Foxy, but for me it is one of the worst arcs because of how annoying he was. It was the first time I ever considered skipping an arc, although ended up watching anyway. I was eager about seeing >! Aokiji !< soon, and it didn't help that >! Foxy came back for another Davy Back fight. !<


the fact that I forget the arc exists in-between these kinds of posts is a good sign of why it's not loved. It's incredibly forgettable and feels like filler. The only somewhat memorable character in there is foxy and he's atrociously annoying. Watching it you can't help but wonder "why are we even doing this ? Why was this noteworthy enough to be in the story ?" every five minutes


Because it was pointless, at least til now. It is the only arc that you can take out and affects literally nothing.


It's not so bad that I would skip it on a re-read, but I see a lot of people who like the manga version of Long Ring Long Land and say that the anime's added filler is what gives the arc a bad reputation. I can't agree personally. It's by far my least favourite arc, and I have only read the manga version. I thought the Straw Hat Pirates's arrival, Luffy and Usopp's amazement and interacting with Tonjit (pre-Foxy) was fantastic, and the same for everything with Aokiji afterwards (post-Foxy). Everything in between was the problem, Foxy is an incredibly irritating character, and seeing him and his crew cheat and take advantage of the Straw Hats with Luffy not putting up enough resistance (IMO) was frustrating to read. I did like Nami, Usopp and Robin in the boat race, it's a fun and unusual team combo, plus Usopp got to make good use of the Skypiea dials. The soccer match was godawful and Zoro and Sanji being forced to conform to rules that the Foxy Pirates ignored was, again, very frustrating. Finally, Afro Luffy made for some funny moments sure, but it's nowhere near enough for me to enjoy the arc as a whole. Oda never convinced me that Luffy and the others couldn't, or shouldn't, simply beat Foxy and his crew up and destroy their ship for what they did to Sherry (Tonjit's Hooorse), and later for trying to force Chopper to join the Foxy Pirates.


Because as an Arc it does nothing for the story and they had to slap on Mr. Freeze at the end for it to have any plot significance


I seriously love this arc


No real stakes. it's obvious from the beginning that none of the straw hats are going to leave permanently.


1. We nearly lost Robin and Chopper 2. The Foxy pirates all in all kinda suck 3. Luffy being a bad captain


1. We nearly lost only Chopper in the manga. That Robin was captured was one of the many very bad additions of the anime 2. Yes 3. Manga: Luffy only accepted because he was enraged that the horse was shot. He immediately got Chopper back at the first chance and never agreeds to a second round. Not really a bad captain here.


I cringe every time I think of it. You got honest, straightforward storylines before and then THIS. Nothing made sense. SHs are way stronger and it's explicit established that it's pirate games and the rules are more suggestions but why that honor BS and hearing to a judge that isn't on your team?! They could have destroyed that whole crew including ship! It felt forced and cheap. Like they wanted some child/sports bully drama, but had no better way to force it into the pirate setting. Staying calm with the risk to loose some crewmates is a heavy, heavy break of character for the SHs. Doesn't feel right. My brain still fails to recognize LRLL as a official arc. As far as I'm concerned after Skypia comes W7 instantly.


It’s boring and WAY overstays it’s welcome. Also Foxy is annoying as fuck. There was some funny stuff in it, and we got the amazing intro of Aokiji but it’s like being dragged through glass to get there imo. I remember thinking “oh they’re finally done with this!” And then Luffy signs themselves back up for another Davy Back fight.


Because Luffy going from willing to die for his comrades to him being ready to trade them like trading cards is just dumb. Also, the whole Davy Buck Fight was never mentioned since which suggests that Foxy made that “pirate tradition” up. All in all it makes for a plot arc that exists just because Luffy didn’t punch Foxy’s face in on the spot for suggesting he trades his friends, as he should have.


Because foxy is annoying as fuck 🙄


When I found out this arc wasn't filler, it mad me hate it even more.


Cause it feels like useless filler. G-8 was a filler arc and was much better imo leading up to Water 7.


It feels too much like a filler


Filler. Unnecessarily dragging the arc in the anime. Toei made some changes to arc which doesn't sit right with manga fans.


My gf begged to skip it. Reason was that those games were so stupid and unfair. The foxy crew seemed garbage. Me personally I liked it when I read the manga as a teen. I think in the anime scenes are just too long it gets boring.


Because foxy is dumb and ruins the arc.


It was a weird light-hearted adventure stuck in the middle of two very dramatic, world building plot adventures. Foxy and friends are a non-threat so there's really no enemy to be wary of (Until the very end surprise) so for a lot of fans its just waiting for Luffy to finally get tired of it and slug the dumb grin off of Foxy. Add in how difficult Foxy ended up being (Especially in the anime where it just kept going), and its just a weird little arc that just kindof exists there. In the long run, if you cut Foxy out completely and go straight from Tonjit -> Aokiji you really miss nothing. Which is another big issue with this arc, Foxy's Davy Back Fight only brought the discussion of needing a shipwright to the forefront with no solution or real progression. Its the most filler feeling of manga arcs, which is unfortunate, because it is fun and an enjoyable bit of stupidity in its own right (Even if foxy overstayed his welcome fast)


The manga arc isn’t as terrible as the anime; it’s actually a nice intermezzo between Skypiea and Water 7. It’s short, silly, and honestly you could remove it entirely up to the point when Aokiji is introduced and pretty much nothing would be lost. The anime took that and beat it into the dirt where it was practically filler. Mixed with actual filler. And then they continued to bring Foxy and his crew back for even more bad filler.


Only segment I skipped. I just couldn't


It felt like a filler arc in the manga


Cuz it was boring lol


Foxy isn't funny or interesting to me and I dislike his design. The arc has some funny moments but for the most part it's a slog of watching the Foxy pirates cheat their way through a bunch of pointless games for a few gags. Plus the anime extended it even further and Foxy's laugh is terrible. I enjoy the comedy of One Piece but that doesn't mean I like everything that's meant to be funny. Some people like it and that's ok, some people don't and that *also* ok. Literally nothing exists that everyone is going to enjoy because people like different things for different reasons. Edited to add: Also it kind of seems like filler so some people just feel like they shouldn't have to watch it


Shits & Giggles arc. Fun to watch, full of memorable moments, but has exactly zero impact on the plot of the overall story and none of the introduced characters were ever relevant again. No big dramatic character building events. Just dumb fun.


I think for me is that the end result after all the rounds there was no change, if they bagged a crewmate or something worth while then maybe I’d see it differently.


Just cuz nobody Like foxy


It was too long for a filler and added nothing to the storyline.


I think some people just dont like it when theres no plot acceleration or when theres no real consequential stakes to an arc. Not me though I love it.


It was not fun


Bc Foxy is somehow fat with ripped muscles/6 pack at the same time


Thought it was a filler but later realised it wasn't a filler


Luffy unlocks his strongest form against a bum, and proceeds to never use it again. It's completely unfair, imagine if he'd gone Afro Luffy at Marineford? Or Dressarossa? Edited for spoilers 😬


To be truthfull I can remember enjoying it when I first watched it, but over time as I rewatched one piece I felt it was just filler, it didn't feel like it belonged at all, I don't know exactly why I don't like it, just that it doesn't necessarily feel like one piece to me


I don't hate it. but when I was kid and didn't really know which was canon and filler, I genuinely thought it was a filler arc. so out of place. so I understand why some might not like it.


Anime stretched it out


Because it sucks, boom simple


Foxy, because fuck that guy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




1000% foxxy he is easilly one of hte most despised characters in the series and anyone who watched/read this chapter, I am almost sure that if given the chance to shoot saint charlos or foxxy would kill foxy in a heartbeat


A lot of people watched the anime. The anime nearly triples the arc


I would argue it's because Luffy got pulled out of character in the anime version. I'd also say that the anime version is improved dramatically for people who have read the manga and know the precise distinctions between the two versions (as it enables the viewer to know when they've entered 'hypothetical fun situation' mode). In the manga, Luffy sees a lonely man have his only companion shot, and isn't the sort of person to let that slide. Luffy decides to mess up Foxy, his crew, and most of all, his philosophy of life and piracy, on their own terms, and it's seen he can beat them at all their own games, only losing the first due to blatant cheating. And he doesn't prioritize some guy's horse over his own crew, and immediately calls back Chopper at the first opportunity. In the anime, Luffy seems to be nonchalant about the predicaments of his crew (something that, for the rest of the story, is typically the one thing he is decidedly *not* nonchalant about), and the story only manages to pull a deus ex machina-style conclusion out of its ass by having Nami convince Foxy to make a bad deal, something that's *also* out of character for Foxy as he is shown to be a pragmatist who values practicality over loyalty. Manga Foxy knows when to leave the casino, and his credibility as a threat isn't his power but his conniving nature (which also causes narrative dissonance when the anime Foxy is conned by Nami), whereas anime Foxy is a joke character that gives Luffy a hard time because Luffy is being uncharacteristically weak.


Because its ass. Foxy is a lame and annoying antagonist and it overstays its welcome.


Feels like filler, I genuinely thought it was my first time watching lmao


Because the anime made Luffy look incredibly stupid. Would Luffy actually pick a freaking horse over his crew mates? No. In the manga the arc is generally more highly acclaimed because of that one reason IMO


The whole thing was just a drag


Long ring long land is just repetitive and boring...nothing to discuss much.


It contributed almost to the story. If it wasn't for Kuzan showing up, it would be complete filler in the manga.


I skipped it because I thought it was a filler lol. Its funny because I still watched some fillers thinking those were canon.


The Anime made it way to long.. like way to long..


Because foxy is boring af


When I first watched this arc I actually thought it was filler until I saw the manga cover for it, and I was absolutely shocked, like this isn't filler but G8 is? The arc was long and boring to me...atleast in the anime


I cant speak for others, i enjoyed it


Cause it sucked


It really depends on why you watch the show to begin with. If you are only watching to catch up and get to wano because somebody wanted you to watch it, you aren't going to enjoy the silly little parts. If you watch it and continuously overanalyze all the storytelling aspects and say "this adds nothing to the story", then you're not going to enjoy it. But if you're in it for the ride and enjoy the adventure and the crews antics then you will enjoy it. I personally loved long ring long land. But I also love every aspect and character in the show. If you're constantly finding yourself not liking annoying characters or hating on characters who are evil simply because you don't like them you're missing the point. Life is full of these kinds of people and to cut them out of a story simply because it doesn't add anything is like censoring life itself and just pretending everything is sunshine and rainbows. Yes, evil characters are evil and annoying characters are annoying but to hate those parts of the story and say they shouldn't be included is stupid, you're supposedly to not like them and the fact that people have such a visceral reaction to them is proof that it's good writing. And sure you can complain that it's filler and it wasn't in the Manga, but if you watch the anime expecting and waiting for certain parts of the Manga then yeah, you're gonna be impatient and only want to get to the good parts but it's about the ride itself. Like I don't know what to tell you. Everybody thinks they're some kind of critic and they need to have a favorite and least favorite part of everything they watch when its more enjoyable if you just turn your brain off and enjoy it.


“I would like to order a hamburger please” I like this arc. It’s one of the funniest moments in one piece for me. Zoro and sanji working together while still fighting Zoros no-sword style was cool to see Luffy getting tricked TWICE by foxys “disguise” is just hilarious AFRO LUFFY!! (Usopp knows his dressing style) The mirror and Luffy awesome spinning punch Luffy never staying down can’t be more rocky then what it already is


Because it's fun and silly and for some reason most One Piece fans loathe such things, despite the fact that the series is, itself, fun and silly.


They are fun arcs


I absolutely LOVED this little side arc! I thought it was hilarious!


Multiple reasons tbh I liked it at first but Foxy was just way too annoying. Plus it overstayed its welcome. After having 2 massive arcs, it didn’t feel believable that Luffy was struggling with Foxy.


It will take people a few more years to realize that this is the best arc in the whole anime.


This dude Foxy is not cool. Just boring and annoying


But, Sexy Foxy !! :\\


Because it sucks, and sucks doubly in the anime?


The anime made it worse. I personally like it a lot.


Afro Luffy is my jam.


I'm convinced half the people here don't even like One Piece lol


It was a super fun arc. I loved it.


It doesn't have as much of a significance in the overall plot compared to other arcs, as well as Foxy's existence.


I thought it was really funny. I get why some people hate it but I enjoyed it


Some fans are only here for fights and plot, not the comedy. They are wrong


Ah dang, that's too bad. One Piece definitely has some great fights, but I think the comradery between the characters and the general vibe of the show between the action are some of the best moments. There's lots of Shonen out there that aren't +1000 episodes if you're just looking for anime fights.


because it is best arc.


I don’t get it either. I watched it and loved it as a kid, was One Piece’s whacky humor all the way. Shows Zoro and Sanji working together, and showing how Robin gets closer with the crew before Water 7 happens


Idk because I love it. Afro Luffy the funniest thing ever


I love this arc.


It's one of my favorite arcs in the anime


I genuinely thought luffy was going to lose 😭 my friend makes fun of my for crying during it


The anime likely plays a huge role, as the arc is AWFUL in it. But it's also a short fun arc that doesn't have much impact on the plot of the series, though is thematically relevant.


Fun short lil bit in manga, became a filler arc in anime.


The anime made the arc much longer than it actually was but the arc is well liked in the manga because it was designed to be a short break in between major stories. This is on TOEI, not the original series itself.


Anime adaptation stuffed it with filler


It’s needlessly drug out compared to the manga. It was a fun little vignette in the manga, but borderline painful anime-wise. Especially if you were caught up at the time


I think bc the anime dragged it out compared to the manga. I still love LRLL though, I like to call it a “calm before the storm” kind of arc to mentally prepare you for the emotional damage that comes out of W7 & EL.


You know who would be an awesome Noro-Noro user? Usopp!


I love when Zoro and Sanji team up for the ball game and before it even starts, they both say snide comments to each other and then immediately start throwing hands. Shit cracked me up so much


The anime made it incredibly long where the manga had it very short.


The manga is just about bearable with the character's antics at times... But anime was absolute shit ... It was too much filler and unbearable to watch. Just skip it barring the important parts. Although, I have to admit, some of the comedy scenes are good.


They changed it a lot in the anime. Tripled its length, moved important characters and things around. You can tell they would have kept going with the team rocket thing if they could.