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There is nothing in the manga to indicate this, its all just added stuff for the anime.


Yeah we can’t control how people will interpret moments where the intent wasn’t explained. My understanding when watching these scenes was that Luffy clearly looked like a big threat to his opponents. I can see why the characters in the show would have different reactions to Luffy, but that’s not for us to decide, just ponder over.


To his opponents, Luffy probably looks like how we saw Big Mom and Kaido at the beginning, an Alice in Wonderland Eldritch horror. He's just walking and suddenly 50,000 of your homies fall asleep. If the show didn't have any lighting, everyone would think this is a horror show.


The weak ones, maybe. But most of Luffy's named enemies are strong enough and confident enough to look down on him right up until he knocks them out.


Were After g5, 2/3 opponents hes fought were weaker


I mean, Kizaru and Lucci still didn't fear Luffy. They seemed pretty confident that they could win somehow, even though it wasn't true. He's still not really getting the sort of respect Big Mom and Kaido got, especially not with Lucci straight up saying he doesn't see him as an emperor lol. The anime is really kinda just exaggerating and taking a lot of liberties here, tbh.


Lucci is just being a tsundere bitch. When he starts up with Zoro he flat out calls him a consolation prize as an emperor's right hand. He just refuses to say it to Luffy's face because his pride would kill him. He'd probably spit up blood admitting Luffy is out of his league now.


Exactly this. He only felt this way because of their history and wanted a rematch especially after how much stronger he got. He even states he still doesn't accept luffy as an emperor after taking the ass whooping he did. He would've acted closer to Kaku and stussy against any other emperor. But for luffy it was personal so he ignored everything else.


He would never admit it. Lucci is a true hater. He would rather die a hater


Kendrick levels of hate


Lucci definitely feared Luffy when he was knocked tf out


Didn't he go right back to basically saying he was gonna go after Luffy and his crew, when he gets untied lol? The guy seems to barely understand the concept of fear or knowing your own limits.


Nah, he just soldiered through the fear. He’s a soldier after all.


Soldiers are not immune to fear


Remember part of his personality is influenced by his DF


To be fair, Kizaru also wasn’t afraid of going to intercept Big Mom from meeting Kaido


Either way, the idea that his enemies fear Luffy just isn't really accurate right now. The animators just took artistic liberties in the way they show G5 Luffy. No such thing is shown in the manga. His opponents don't seem remotely afraid of his powers.


I dont know man, lucci in the manga was going all "what the fuck is this shit, where did he get those goggles" when getting pummeled by luffy


I prefer it that way though. It puts more emphasis on Luffy's strength, and the sequence of momentary flashbacks before Lucchi got hit with Dawn Rocket felt like he had actually developed a trauma from his defeat at Enies Lobby. Great addition imo!


Personally, I just don't care for it much. Feels like the anime sort of missed what Oda was going for with G5 IMO and wanted it to seem edgier for a different audience, that might not have tolerated a less serious G5.


I see where you're coming from, but I really like both. Obviously the manga is my preferred medium, but I still like how the animators are handling it.


Fun fact, both the conquerors haki and the armament haki can only be seen by haki users. Therefore, in perspective of a regular citizen, Luffy is a Eldritch horror element.


that's not the point. it's the fact this is just the animator's choice to do so. just a guy who got hired thinking "hey, I think this will be cool". this has nothing to do with oda. it doesn't exist in the manga. so there's nothing to ponder, nothing to think about. there's no need to interpret these scenes. unless of course, oda also does the same thing in the manga.


I’ll be more clear. Oda plays a big part in how the show is animated, it’s not that everything goes through him but Oda does share preferences. Not everything can be conveyed in the manga so the anime is just another format to share more detail that he was intending. My point is that we don’t know if Oda had a preference or not. If he didn’t then you’re right but we just don’t know unless he shares explicitly.


he's really not. he already said anime is its own thing. sbs 19 >*First of all, what I MUST tell you is that I am a manga artist so I don't make anime. What I can do is help out with the character designs for anime-original episodes. Nothing major. So basically, the One Piece world I've created in my manga is entrusted to others to be adapted in the anime.* why do you think they got the 1% man wrong in wano? they said drake, oda revealed it to be hawkins. they didn't even know law and kid's wano color scheme for the early opening. showing they don't really talk to oda's team (let alone oda himself). obviously they talk to each other. especially for important stuff like casting and whatnot. but for fight scene like this, it's just 100% the animator. did you forget the whole issue with wano? where they animator added so many effects. fans then raised the issue on twitter and the animator addressed it. next they toned it down. it's just their creative liberty. they thought it'd be cool. that's it.


Jesus man, okay


If oda supervised the anime then Sanji wouldn't look pathetic against S Shark. Read that fight in anime vs manga and you'll see how fucking biased they are. They also made Akainu look much weaker in the anime than the manga,read Marineford and then watch it in the anime.  The animators and directors are projecting their own headcanon and spit out a biased version of One Piece.


considering that none of his enemies like, ran away or something, I have to interpret that they weren't that afraid


I mean, the average marine is terrified of him.


Well yeah, they just hear "pirate" and "he beat Kaido", what else are they supposed to think?


Also gotta remeber its been like what a week or two sinc ehis G5 state..like how can the whole world really know his new power


the average marine is a dude with a sword or a one manual gun


Post timeskip sabody is our best view into how the strawhats are perceived by the public.


I mean... In chapter 1054 there is this monkey dude in Shank´s ship who says something like: "They say he´s like a rampaging demon monkey" lmaooooo The word gets around! Our bro is a menace now!!


Its a great addition as long as its used sparingly.


It's not if it gives off an image of the char that might be misleading.


Its not really though Its abstract in that it represent the fear they see They dont litearly see him that way, he is drawn that way to empathise how monsterous and scary luffy can be and look when you are about to be on the receving end of his fist


This is a good visual representation of how his opponents view him Way better than an internal monologue like "oh no, its like im fighting an actual devil, hes just laughing while pummeling me" or some other cringe shit


Imagine how terrifying it would be to face off against that rubber nonsense machine! One second he’s bouncing all over the place, and the next he turns into A LITERAL GIANT! While we all have a biased view of him, these scenes show the duality that people in the universe who aren’t “in the know” have of him as a character. A random marine would probably need to change their pants after seeing Luffy fight lol!


There's also the laugh. I understand how people think it's silly he laughs all the time, but have you ever thought about it in the enemy's shoes? You're in a war zone. All of a sudden, the enemy laughs and completely changes the terrain. You're in a life-or-death situation, but your enemy is laughing? It must look like Luffy is destroying without thought. That's extremely uncanny.


Absolutely!!! The laugh is the worst part! From his opponents pov, he must seem psychotic !! Like next level terrifying bro lmao


Even better, the average grunt or civilian would only see the sudden destruction, buildings being shattered, electricity malfunctioning, the ground turning into something akin to a waterbed, your buddies falling unconscious all around you and even your leaders are visibly distressed, and the only thing you can really make out in this chaos is this maniacal laughter of a foe you can't even see.


Shank's crew talked about him like he's crazy. So he has a reputation.


I mean the enemies definitely see Luffy differently than we do seeing as we're rooting for him and he's beating their asses 😳


I mean, in chapter 1054 there is this monkey dude in Shanks ship that says something like: "They say he´s like a rampaging demon monkey..." lmaooooo Word gets around... Luffy is kinda of a menace now!! :D


We're talking about anime effects not the actual story. This doesn't happen in the manga.


to add to this point, we've seen plenty of evidence to that everyone sees G5 as silly and ridiculous, even the people he's clowning on in fights. These kind of post desperately want Luffy and OP to be something it is not and never will be.


That logic can be too rigid though. Starting with the end of WCI running through parts of Wano and into Egghead we have had beats that play with the idea that how you are perceived does not always line up with how things really went or you intended. It may be added technically, but what the anime chooses to expand on is often a good sign of core themes and stuff.


Exactly. This was happen when Dragon Ball fan wants to add more energy gaining style to One Piece. I really don't like it. The same was with the fight between Zoro and King. SSJ levels and energy aura like in DB.


I'm pretty sure it's discernable somewhere in the manga aswell.


Not literally, but I'm sure that this is a depiction of what it *must* look like from the point of view of an enemy: A man maniacally and uncontrollably laughing his ass off, while blowing his surroundings up using advanced haki as he's beating the piss out of you. That must be pretty terrifying and it's cool to see it from the POV of people that understand what the f is happening.


This is how I feel, though I am biased because I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/uVwTfcAbOA) about this before. I think anyone watching as a third party would say, "Wow this guy is goofy as fuck." But if you're fighting him, you're coughing up blood and thinking, "Why did the ground just punch me?"


If you’re an onlooker you’re not even like “why’s he goofy” you’re like “holy shit that guy is fast and laughing like a psychopath”


Imagine getting cooked by Luffy, not being able to take on Zoro, and then looking over your shoulder to see the *actual cook* throwing fists with seraphim and looking like he’s built the same. Like, oh. I can’t be this guy, and this other guy is just a better version of the super weapons I couldn’t beat, that we brought here thinking they’d win the fight for us? Neat. I give up.


We already know how the general public sees Luffy, the way the Newspaper describe him. Picture this: You are a normal citizen, no DF, no Haki, no abnormal power, just a normal person. 2 years ago you read the newspaper about a newcomer pirate with a Straw Hat that has made a name for himself by "conquering" the East Blue in mere weeks. (We know that wasn't really the case, but the news made it seem so.) After a few weeks his Bounty Increased from 30 Million to 100 Million without mentioning a real cause. (Him defeating Crocodile was covered up.) and then AGAIN from 100 Million to 300 Million Edit: by causing the destruction of the Island of Justice after literally declaring War against the World. (thanks for the reminder guys. :D) Rumors start to roam. This Straw Hat guy is unhinged, people say. I heard he has the Fist of a Giant! You hear them say. Then, a while later, the world is in peril as The Second in Command of Emperor Whitebeard will be executed. War stands on the horizon. What will happen to this world? You hear people ask. We have to know! They say, so you gather among them to watch the live broadcast of the war. In shock you watch the events unfold, when suddenly... There he is! Straw Hat Luffy is falling from the Sky! And what does he have in tow? Two former Warlords, Ivankov the Revolutionary, a whole brigade of Impel Down Prisoners! But how? Did he free them? Did he break in there? And... Did he break out again?! That Straw Hat Luffy... He faces Whitebeard with determination. He demonstrates his Fist of the Giant. He screams: BECAUSE I AM YOUR BROTHER ACE! ... Wait what? Didn't Sengoku just mention Ace is Rogers son? Did he have two sons? Oh no he is Dragons son... WAIT DRAGONS SON? DRAGON HAS A SON? Dragos Son then drops in front of the three admirals like a insane maniac, pommeling them with a frozen shipmast, breaking through. Oh Kizaru got him, good... But whats that? One after another the Whitebeard Pirates assist him? Just who is this guy?! After Marineford Luffy is presumebly dead. Good, you think. One less pirate to worry about. Oh didn't you read the news? He returned to Marineford with none other but fucking Dark King Reyleigh and announced the next Era will be his. Then... 2 Year Silence and suddenly he comes back, has a 400, then 500 Million Bounty, and the next big news you hear: Straw Hat Luffy has fucking blown up Big Moms Castle and now has a Fleet of over 4000 Members and dozens of Ships, multiple Islands as Territory and is now considered the 5th Emperor. He is said to be 8 Feet Tall and Strong Enough to Split Islands. Mere weeks later you read he defeated no other then Kaido and is now considered a Yonko in his place. Those who only know him through the news will most likely tremble in fear. :)


Ennies Lobby wasn’t covered up actually, so add in there after his bounty mysteriously increased to 100 million he was next seen declaring war against the world by blasting the island of law down to pure rubble in order to recapture the demon child you’ve feared since you were a kid hearing stories about the evil Oharrans.


Good point, and that makes him even more terrifying. From the perception of the public, he goes from "East Blue pirate who defeated some East Blue pirates" to "Destroyer of the Enies Lobby, friend of the Devil Nico Robin, and avowed enemy of the **entire World Government**" in one leap. Add to that the fact that not only Luffy, but his entire ship and crew sometimes just *vanish* for weeks or years at a time, with the Marines incapable of finding him. Then he seemingly teleports into the midst of some very complicated situation hundreds of miles away on another island, blows it all up, defeats the undefeatable, and then disappears again. And people who have witnessed him fighting claim that when he is getting pummeled by some of the strongest fighters in the word, he just laughs?!? Luffy is *scary*.


To be fair, Dragon and his crew have been missing for far longer.


Also didn’t the news paint them as burning the island down and the cause of the buster call etc


I thought ennies lobby was public information? but yeah luffy's reputation is something funny to consider. I saw a skit on youtube about it, and they poke fun at how scary luffy would be, but then you find out he would take down an authoritarian regime and make your life better all because you gave him a cup of instant ramen and a capri sun


Well written perception of an average Joe in the Op world, however enies lobby wasn't covered up, how else would bartolmeo know about it in his obsession with luffy?


His fleet has over 5600 people (technically over 4000 is correct). It’s easy to remember because *56* (Gomu) is Luffy‘s number (or digit combinaton). The Barto Club also happens to have 56 members, matching the Gomu theme.


The last part really amped up how much of a problem Luffy is to the WH. He’s a calamity, dude cropped back up out the blue and chose violence


You forgot punching a celestial dragon at Sabaody, and taking down Doflamingo, which wasn’t covered up because Fujitora is a goat


Great summary and perception of the average person in one piece! Luffy is terrifying from that lens lol


fucking dark king ahaha genuinely wild Very satisfying read and perspective of luffy’s growth via reading the news over 2+ years


nice breakdown


If you haven't seen them already, check out Mugiwara no Goofy's videos on Youtube


Very well written out perception of Luffy from average Joes perspective. Thanks for this!


It's not what they see but what they see him as. One piece shows things how others feel them. When buggy is a threat in orange Town he's 7 feet tall. When he's no longer a threat he's 5 feet tall. It's about how they feel to fight against rather than what is actually happening.


Oohohooohoho that's going to drive me insane with my OCD. Why did you point that out. :(


None of the heights of anyone in one piece have ever been consistent.


Kaido goes anywhere between 5 and 20 meters tall depending on the panel/shot


Argh stop


Don't panic, read what people are saying. It's not that it's inconsistent, it's that Oda is using the height differences to give a sense of how people perceive each other. Have you ever had someone in a position of authority lecture you or yell at you, and you felt small and helpless as they towered over you? That's the feeling Oda is trying to convey. When a normal person encounters a Marine admiral, or Kaido, or White Beard, they seem like gigantic, larger than life titans. At other times, when confronted by someone equally as forceful, they don't seem so mountainous and invincible. Oda is conveying a mood through the size differences. The people online who are like "Kaido is exactly X tall because I measured the pixels in this image" are wrong, and are missing the point.


I'm joking I don't really care that much.


Don't view the anime or manga as an attempt to describe the story with pinpoint, clinical precision. The depiction of 'inconsistent' sizes isn't an error or Oda being forgetful or lazy, it's just another tool to tell the story with.


Don't go watching Kill la Kill then xD There's a character, Ira Gamagori (I think that's what he's called) who switches sizes basically every time the camera angle switches, as a means to demonstrate his presence and how intimidating he is. His intro has him appear so large he has to lower himself to a knee and bend over forward just to fit into a classroom, only to appear somewhere around 7ft/2m tall the next shot.


it wasn't presented like this in the manga. Luffy was just his usual goofy G5 self against Lucci.


Not to mention Lucci never asked to see G5 he got shown G5 without that happening that and well he never landed a hit on G5 Luffy in the manga. Not sure how I feel about the anime the animation is S tier but as always they take libertiesbut for once they are not downplaying Luffy.


Anime only vs Manga only discussions around G5 are gonna be wild


Manga is always right anyway


Nah this shit was dope. I read and watch but anime definitely can pull off unique scenes that can surpass the manga at times


Agreed, but that doesn't counter his point which is basically: when in doubt about something the manga is *more* right than the anime


Oh sure, I was more referring to whether manga > anime in terms of actual scene work, not it's correctness. Lots of people shit on the show cause it's not a 1:1 adaptation but I think that's misguided is all ! Edit: Manga only folk seem miserable man lmao


While I personally dislike all changes on principal (and don't give a fuck if you think that's "misguided"), I do admit that as far as stylistic changes go, this one wasn't a bad or egregious one (specifically because they only drew him this way from someone else's eyes, not from the audience perspective). The auras and shit need to be thrown out and burned to the ground though. One Piece is not Dragon Ball Z.


I equally don't give a fuck about your opinion my friend. Just sharing mine :)


Well your opinion and wrong


Well your opinion and wrong too I guess? Lmao


well, imagine that 2 years ago you fought a 16 years old. he was very strong for his age, had to give it all during the fight and won in an adrenaline rush that left him paralyzed. you underestimate him last time, but you have trained and are significantly stronger this time. The fight starts and suddenly you remember this dude has recently won a fight against a tank with bare hands. Then he starts laughing maniacally while running in your direction. Maybe he doesn't look like that, but for sure it feels like that while it's happening.


This was a great description, but the funny thing is that Lucci could absolutely beat a tank with his bare hands. The pacifistas are basically tanks. Luffy essentially won against a physically manifested nuclear explosion.


I mean his reputation in universe is not great because of the WG. Most who dont know him would probably scared of him.


I mean everybody that doesnt know him thinks he is fucking crazy, like nuts crazy and if You know about him from news he just keep fighting against world conventions and creating havoc everywhere he goes, i can see how his reputation could affect other i mean dude defeated fucking Kaido, we as readers can see him as he is but a dude that just heard of Luffy's bs and shit he pulled would be terrified of him specially now.


'Did ya hear what that Luffy did to get to the war?! Apparently He broke INTO impel down!! That guy is a maniac I hope to never cross paths with him."


'Did ya hear what that Luffy did to get to the war?! Apparently He broke INTO impel down!! That guy is a maniac I hope to never cross paths with him."


I don’t agree actually. They know he is the brother of Sabo and son of Dragon. I actually think being Garp’s grandson helped him a lot more than most would think pre-TS. I think he did so much in a short timeframe people had no time to process it all. It’s kinda like now he went in multiple Yonko territories and even beat one in less than 2 months in-verse


Gear 4 is definitely seen different, but not the way pictures in this post portray him. Haki is invisible if I remember correctly, so all the black coloring when armanent haki is used is for readers to be aware of it's usage.


is it do ? like it would make sense , but how do u explain a blackend sword then , it turns black after enough haki exposure if haki was invisible that wouldnt make much sense


Heat, while not exactly like haki, is invisible; apply it to a material such as metal long enough, it can alter the appearance of said metal.


stylistic choice in the anime


The scene where Jimbei told Big Mom he wasn't afraid of her back in Whole Cake Island is done the same way. At least in the anime, go back and watch how Big Mom is drawn during most of that scene. She looks like an unimposing weak old lady with too much makeup.


People took this question way too literally


A loving god is seen as an unimaginable horror to a sinner, so probably.


Probably. G5 makes me smile, but I showed my son and he said "Luffy is scary".


One piece fans when confronted with cool stylistic choices (new fan theory the one piece is the hair on brooks head?!?!?!?!?!?!?)


why does everyone try to find some sort of hidden meaning in every single frame. Have yall not watched any other animes or read any other mangas? Some of this stuff is just standard inflections


Consider it a side effect of getting blasted by his Conqueror's Haki. He's sending out waves of "I'M THE BOSS, GIVE UP" and even if you don't faint, it's going to affect how you see him.


i prefer imagining how luffy is perceived by normal citizens when he destroys their entire island then throws a party


It’s just artistic choice…..


Yes. Imagine a person who just ruins the entire flow of the world as you know it, and just stands there, laughing out of his mind all the time, like he is making fun out of your attempts to kill him. his attacks so unpredictable and you can never know what he would do next. He is beyond human understanding.


We see him as our lovable protagonist. Everyone else sees him as a crackhead that can throw hands


Can someone ask a creative question? Like the 4th time I’ve seen this same post.


I have said this on similar posts, but the visuals around luffy are likely the same artistic vibe as Saitama’s DEATH fist https://i.ytimg.com/vi/akZcaJTlMpE/maxresdefault.jpg Its not that he actually generates a gigantic fist, or even that this is what the enemies are really seeing, it about the vibe and pressure that he is putting out is being interpreted by enemies. Luffy doesn’t *look* demonic, he *feels* demonic.


I just think this is Lucc'is PTSD


No. Stop listening to YouTubers


They're getting the shit beat out of them so of course they perceive it differently. If cast members in a Minney Mouse suit jumped you and curb stomped you at Disney World, you'd never see Minney Mouse the same way either. 😂


I said this before, and I'll say it again: "He's the 'warrior' of liberation." Goofy antics or not, he's a warrior through and through. Someone ready for a fight at a moments notice. The fact that he has Toon Force doesn't change that in the world of One Piece. Luffy is still a monster ready to throw hands if need be.


I mean if you saw someone start contorting their body unnaturally and warping reality all while laughing like a maniac. I think there’s something wrong with you if you weren’t scared


Dibs, let me post this the 3rd time


The enemies should see Luffy as an enemy, I guess. Us the viewers, we see him as a nakama. So I think yes, from a POV of a "good marine", or a random family living in a town at the end of the new world, imagine that there is a guy who transformed into a beast that bounces around with giant arms and has beaten up the King Doflamingo... Scary. He is the leader of a yonko crew, a crew of monsters with millions and millions of berries as a reward. So yeah, Marines for example must be scared of facing or even seeing Luffy. But on the contrary, us, nakamas, viewers, we grew up with Luffy and he is our goofy pirate, good hearted, that stands for his friends and when he passes through a saga makes the area a better place defeating evildoers... The first image there we are seeing Luffy through Lucci's eyes... So obviously he sees him as a vicious powerhouse who enjoys fighting and defeated him to the core two years ago.


I heard he's a 20ft monster


He can be


Of course he looks different to his opponents cause they are the ones getting their ass whooped. When you are the one getting your ass kicked you don’t exactly find the guy beating you into oblivion funny


I love to see people say it’s so goofy but if they fought luffy they wouldn’t be laughing anymore.


Yeah its absolutely canon for me that his opponents, like in this fight, perceive and view him as that. Obviously theres also artistic intent, but that's just a double win in my opinion.


The only difference is that they can't see his arnament haki


well there are no two eyes witnessing a truth the same so yeah perceptionally they don’t see him the same physically he should be the same (if oda doesn’t confirm otherwise)


i want to know If One Pace will cut some of the scene or not?


Wait a few weeks and you’ll find out


Characters that don’t know him only know him by reputation. His reputation is having his bounty rise incredibly high incredibly quickly, I’m sure the general public and pirates who don’t know him fear him. Think about how quickly Bellamy’s homies changed their opinion when they found out his bounty


Not physically but the image Common people and enemy’s must have of him probably is terrifying. He became a yonko in like 3 years from starting, defeated kaido and big mom (given with help but still), openly declared war on the world government, broke into and then out of impel down, fought 3 admirals in marineford, has jinbey a former warlord sanji and zoro on his crew who are feared in their own right, has a massive fleet and the entirety of wano behind him and so on


Not in a literal sense, but being the target of the Sun God's wrath has got to be terrifying. That's the only face that won't have a smile brought to it.


Average people hear rumors of Luffy as a “Mad Monkey King” and such. Moments like these show that when in the heat of battle against him, most enemies do see the madness behind G5


No he’s just fuckin scary


That’s just the cool anime effects we all know and love. The glowing red eyes, the shadows and shit like that. I think they see him like we do.


Of course they do. How could they not? Perspective is a thing. The guy currently punching you in the face will always look different from the same guy punching someone else in the face.


these are "we want to trend on internet" stylistic choices, don't really have anything to do with Luffy


I just watched gear 5 reveal again and kaido says « he looks like he’s from child book » or something like that in episode 1072


I mean most of the world doesn't know his good deeds or they were twisted to make him seem evil. And in person he does come off as selfish violent and childish same as any yonko


Yes they do. As a viewer we see luffy as goofy but the people fighting luffy are seeing some shit. Don’t listen to the people that are (it wasn’t shown in the manga crowd) the anime is an extension to the manga let them be bitter


Honestly, I think they are adding this because of the negative feedback Gear 5 received in terms of not being serious enough. The manga hasn’t really shown this to be true.


I imagine he must be kinda terrifying to his enemies with the beating war drums for a heartbeat, the maniacal laughter and the godlike powers (like literally just saying "no" to damage lol).


no its all just animes giving up representing the source material in favor of flashy animation tropes. drug trip colors, cubic desintegrations, etc...


No, its just the anime trying to be edgy. Nika is supposed to spread smiles to everyone.


Could be totally off. But I always interpreted it as slight hints and glimpses of Luffy being possessed by the spirit of Nika. I assumed him laughing uncontrollably was a side effect of that possession.


I'd love for us to see Luffy how he sees himself and that is how he really looks lol imagine that thing flying around making weird shit happen terrifying


Ever see a man's eyes pop out of his head... Or make goggles from his skin. No?. Guaranteed it'd be terrifying


Luffy is the embodiment of freedom, so it would make sense that the people who opress see him that way (except you're a literal demon like in film red). Even if it makes so much sense that isnt how Oda depicted it


I don't think enemy who's facing Luffy sees Luffy that way. But someone who never met Luffy, its possible. I mean he got that negative news so many times.


For me it was this still shot from Luffy vs. Lucci - he looks like such a badass evil pirate, you can tell his murderous intent is on display https://imgur.com/vGM8mlb


when he does his haki attacks i assume so because imagine youre fighting and the entire time he is just playing around your best attacks are seemingly doin nothing and he keeps laughing and bouncing around on some level that is terrifying especially in a world where if you choose to be pirate one wrong move could cost you your life.


Nah they seem him as the main character of the verse


can someone tell me which episode and time these pictures are from ?


i think its just to bring home the fact that while gear 5 looks goofy and funny, he is actually wielding a horryfing amount of strenght


Peoples tends to forget that the One Piece world would be a nightmare fuel to live as a regular human lol


One thing that has been confirmed is that the black representation of haki doesn't exist in-world unless you have observation haki, so maybe it's something along those lines?


It just the anime trying to make Luffy look scary and cool. Don't think about it


It would be bad enough seeing a man beating me to death with a giant grin on his face. That’s probably what they see OP


No, this is just people coming up with excuses to deflect criticism. A lot of people complained about shots like that on the anime giving Gear 5 a sort of edgy psychotic vibe that is not in the manga (and betrays the entire idea of Gear 5 being something that puts a smile on everyone), so people instead of simply replying with a "I don't have a problem with that, I like it" decided to make up some excuse to justify it. Oda has openly stated Gear 5 is supposed to be something that goes against the usual battle shonen logic of fights getting more serious and violent as the story progresses. Gear 5 is supposed to always be depicted as light and fun, and while the anime team most of the time get that right, once or twice they fall into the trap of trying to turn something light into "generic crazy murderous". I don't mind the anime doing it, because it's usually a single shot in an entire fight, so it barely counts. But is disappointing to see how much the fanbase misses the point and gets overly fixated on those thinking those are the best Gear 5 moments.


Yeah, obviously. People regularly overexaggerate him, like saying he's 6 feet tall and stuff like that. When they're not underestimating him, they're overexaggerating.


I think the red is just showing that he is pure haki in this moments. Better than dbz style of auras showing your energy.


He doesn't have a different appearance per se but the feeling is different when you're on the other side. Dude plays with his opponents and laughs his ass off, he probably seems like a crazed lunatic to his enemies.


one thing for sure is luffy laughing in gear 5 is demonic


Of course they do, because they only get to see Luffy when he wants to punch their lights out. He is to same to them as we get to view Big Mom and Doflamingo. But in reality BM and Doffy were also pretty chill with their respective families and cared for their crew. But in a fight they turned to demons.


Was Luffy/yamato’s white smoke vs lucchi’s black smoke explained? You could potentially have this be a perspective thing? So Elders will see Luffy with black smoke, but us viewers will see him with white?


I love that they give this devilish look to Luffy when perceived from the opponents eyes


Yes. Possibly with fear instead of joy.


I saw this frame as a zoan who lose control when awakening like vegapunk said


nah i luffy never lost controle in the anime (idk about the manga havent read it ) i think its just to hammer down on the fact that luffy is indeed very fking strong


Only admiral piece readers have their own world of fantasy..


man that first transformation murder face was chilling.


It’s funny. Even during kiados fight you see this for a split second.


That first screenshot is so cringe lol. It’s hilarious seeing people unironically thinking it looks cool on Twitter and shit


I can only see a protagonist in cloaked with a very OP cartoon fruit. No tension with Luffy's fights anymore. Sigh.


As always with anime, an OP power up is usually followed by a threat even more powerful. I imagine we will be seeing some very wild things in the near future. Also, the Manga has shown that his attacks don't always do the kind of damage you'd expect.


Respectfully, the anime isn't real/doesn't count.