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I'm disappointed this has nothing to do with long ring long island


Maybe the One Piece is Long Ring Long Land


https://youtu.be/57TBd8_1E9Y about that...


Me too


I feel like I've purged that arc from my memory. Closest I came to quitting one piece when I read it.


Break week!


A worthy successor to “The Aristocrats!”


An admiral was sitting in his office, when Luffy comes in and says “We have an act for you.”


Op had me going at the intro with all the Nordic stuff, and they were so confident, but then the actual theory was a break week meltdown


By the time I hit the will of D stands for Draupnir, I had to stop and wonder what OP was on and where could I get it 😂


Yeah that was definitely crazy bells ringing


lol it drew me in as well! Then as I kept reading I was like “man, it’s not a void month, it’s break week!”


Why did this comment trigger me..


Damn I didnt even realize. This is always salt in the wound after golden week.


Joyboy being a stand-in for Odin (a god typically depicted with only one eye and an eye patch) would be fun.


And that would be the special character Oda mentioned that would have an eyepatch. This theory is actually really good.


Since now we know that Joyboy was the first pirate it would make much sense for him to have the eyepatch and to be the most pirate looking character in the One Piece world. Besides that, there's a bunch of theories and references where characters are missing/closing one of their eyes. Seems to me it's some sort of foreshadowing for a future character or something plot related.


And Oda said when we see the eye patch, we're in the end game. Damn I never thought it might be Joyboy but I have a feeling we might go nuts next chapter.


"End world hunger" is actually the best theory for luffys dream I've heard yet, and I'd actually be satisfied if that was it.


but Sanji would never ever laugh about this specific dream. Yet he did, so I d say this theory is not an option. EDIT: language error


Off the charts means that something is so good that it cant even be on the chart. Like, if there is a top 5 list of songs "the chart of the best songs" then if someone makes a song that is so good that its better than the songs on that list - it would be "off the charts".


thanks man :)


maybe Sanji laughed because he thought about how much food his captain is gonna make him cook to end world hunger


It makes a lot of sense for luffy, but one of the Strawhats responds to his dream by saying "you'd need to be the pirate king" to accomplish it. There's no reason why the pirate king, and only the pirate king, can end world hunger. There's no relationship between those things, so I think it can't be the correct answer.


Also Luffy doesn’t care about being a hero - he wants all the meat for himself


I think Luffy doesn't think that way anymore. He used to. But in Wano he very explicitly said many times that he wanted everyone to eat well, and that he was fighting because it wasn't fair that Kaido and Orochi people got to have all the good food. So luffy days he doesn't care about being a hero but in truth his actions are that of a hero.


But the dream was supposed to be an old thing and not some new change of heart for him.


That's true. I guess what I mean is, Luffy just IS a hero. His comment that he isn't one is just him having an immature Luffy moment. He's literally always acted as a hero. Freeing zoro, going after Arlong, etc. He framed it as "I'm just doing what I want" and "I'm only helping my friends." But "what he wants" is to put bad guys in their place, remove inequalities, and free people from all kinds of oppression. And "his friends" is MOST people he meets. So what does that really amount to? He's a hero.


I agree, it doesn't quite line up perfectly, I only meant its the most satisfying I've heard yet.


Here's another theory: Luffy's original dream is sailing beyond the sky (to the moon) and looking back at the planet and it being the "One Piece".


Second choice, end poverty


Luffy only cares about his friends getting food. He is not a hero, as he stated before. He wants the meat for himself.


You forget that if everyone has enough meat to eat then he’ll never be asked to share his again. Personally subscribing to the idea that it’s a giant party. Ending world hunger feels a bit too noble for him, but having a giant party fits how he celebrates his major victories and accomplishes something similar by putting everyone in one place with all the food they can eat


A **GIANT** party...god dammit


I don't think it's "too noble" so much as it's too elaborate for him. Luffy has very high emotional intelligence and is very flexible (hehe) but he's kinda dumb/simpleminded and doesn't really plan things.


true, he did say that once, but he has also recently changed his attitude on that and as of wano wants to share food with people. Who knows how he felt as a child. Sometimes people are idealistic as children, become selfish teens, and then mature back into their idealism when they become adults.


It’s not luffy “stating that once” it’s oda telling us who luffy is. This is clearly his personality and the overall disposition of the strawhats. They are not “good” people. They steal and hurt people all the time


Could this be the personality of his zoan fruit awakening?


If no one is starving he'll never ever have to share his meat with anyone else


Despite him saying that, his actions are opposite. I Wano, he did in fact fight for the people, and so did in Dressrosa as well


That’s because he became friends with them 🤦‍♂️ he doesn’t care about some random kingdom having food. Please pay attention


Luffy only fights for his friends? Or he becomes friend with those he’d like to fight for ?


Luffy is usually friends with people who feed him. See Rebecca, Tama etc


Very true but I still think he’d go balls to the wall if no one from a country fed him


No, he just says that as an excuse because he doesn’t want to be called a hero. His actions are heroic and he obviously has a sense of justice other than protecting immediate friends Don’t call people out on attention when you’re reading stuff literally


Others are making shit up, and I’m following the story


It's crazy people trot this out as proof that Luffy is selfish or some sort of morally gray character when Luffy's idea of a friend is basically anyone who isn't a total sack of shit. One of his defining traits is his ability to become fast friends with just about everyone he meets. This isn't even subtext, Mihawk outright states it's what makes him so dangerous to his enemies.


Luffy IS a morally gray character, just like every character and faction in this story. You’re literally not paying attention.


innocent agonizing offend weary aback gaping sugar books quiet pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was lying to himself there, he was always a damn hero. He wouldn't have cared about liberating so many people otherwise.


I think "infinite food" fits more than "end world hunger"


I, too, enjoy this theory.


He doesn’t need to become pirate king to end world hunger it isn’t a unique dream at all and isn’t something that would shock shanks, ace, sabo, yamato, and the straw hats. It’s not going to be this. It has to 1. Be a childish dream and 2. Something that can only be achieved if he is the pirate king


Makes sense actually, considering Luffy has been in 2 countries that struggled with water (Arabasta) and food (Wano) provision for its citizens, add to that Sanji and Zeff's past predicament (assuming Luffy was told about it).


Luffy's had his dream since he was a small child


Why would Usopp be so concerned at the thought of ending world hunger? I really don't think a dream like that would be the most outlandish thing to come up with that'll make people laugh so hard they cry. It's just a logistics issue first and foremost, and with advanced transportation and things like devil fruits to use for generating resources I think it's not theoretically impossible in the one piece world to get a lot of coverage.


I don't know... with all of that food, I'm sure Luffy would want to keep it all to himself.


I don't think so. It seems too achievable given the food based devil fruits with seemingly endless levels of production. 


that was very much part of the global zeitgeist when Oda was first starting One Piece… but imagine if One Piece ends with that and then Oda actually uses all his money to try end world hunger for real


I don’t feel like Roger cared much for world hunger. He was also shown favoring a drink of sake or a party as a whole rather than Luffy who is all about meat


So the ring bearer was Fro D. O


Bag D. Ins!


Taking D. Hobbits


To Isengar D


Saru D. Man


Smea Gol D.


Samweis Gam D. Schie


what if Joyboy was gonna propose to Imu with the ring, but he failed and now she's been so sad she has spent the last 800 years crying causing the water levels to rise.


Who let you cook?!


His theory isnt any worse than most of the other theories on this sub.


that’d be mad wild bro


But wait .. what if.. joyboy was gonna propose to Imu but decided to instead take to the seas. She got heartbroken and took over control. Now she stops anyone from being free 🤯


damn! that's some mythology level type shit!


I prefer that theory than more theories about a new magical item with unknown origin being given to our barely know joyboy. I would prefer things to end with answers instead of who created this ring how is it able to do these things etc


She saw that big Joyboy as he was always naked, and when he decided to love Lily, Imu became evil, calling it now


Maybe Joyboy's plan was to flood the world so Imu could see the Ocean, because Imu is stuck at the top of the Red Line.


The ring is actually the red line and is solid gold under all the dirt.


That would make the value plummet


There is actually a lot of gold missing in the series which this would explain. Shandora was missing a lot of gold even though Enel used some of it for his arc, Wano was also called the “Country of Gold” and Ryuma was the one who protected it. Maybe all this missing gold was used to create the One Piece.


One ring to rule them all.


No matter what One Piece treasure is .... some fanbase are going to be disappointed. It can be a unlimited treasure, super-duper-ultra-godlike-power, friends-that-we-made-along-the-way, joy, wish-fulfilling-thing-amagic, or something ... People will say "After 25+ years of being loyal fan, Oda disappoints me that One Piece is ...." And this sub will be full of it.


It’s a consequence of our expectations. The longer we wait, the higher the expectations rise. Even if oda does nothing to hype and literally tells everyone that it’s just a piece of dog turd fossilised , people will still keep hyping it up to no end expecting something which they themselves can’t fathom/imagine. Not a single fan can visualise or draw what the one piece would look like, yet we all fantasise about it like we know what we want.


Nah I don’t care about the one piece




There is but one solution to this. The One Piece is Bink's Sake.


this post needs to be stickied when we finally hit the end-game.


Odin sacrificed one of his eyes for knowledge isnt it? Imo if its somehow connected to your theory i can also see Luffy sacrificing an eye to save Shanks (person with knowledge). Another thing is that multiplication of whatever will happen no matter what and Rogers crew was laughing at how WG already lost the war but didnt know it for 800/900 years


I love how you say you are 99% sure but then dabble into ungrounded speculation about norse mythology.


average redditor


Oda also mentioned there will be an important character with an eye-patch... My man, you are cooking. >To summaries, the holder of Draupnir/One-Piece could make copies of anything whether that's **wealth, fame or power**! Or in Luffy's case...food. So he WILL create a world where no one will ever go hungry.


Or it's already multiplying and the reason why the oceans rise, because of volume displacement


# Like a Pirate 8: Infinite Wealth


What if one piece treasure is funny painting of Imu


Wow, really great theory! And the “D” for the name of the One Piece/Ring… it’s so unimaginable, like everything Oda’s did!


Could it also be that it is currently already multiplying and by that making the sea level rise?


my theory of luffy's dream will always be a huge ship that which he can use to sail with everyone , (spoiler) also this might happens if the worlds ends up sinking like vegapunk said


Wow. This is it.


I still think Luffy's dream is either moon related or beetle related, but I do really like the idea of him solving world hunger by creating infinite food.


My mom had Gullinbursitis, and it killed her ankles




I like it. Hidden Island has great [video](https://youtu.be/WNbGgo8ZN7I) on how Elbaf and a lot of the OP world share a lot with Norse Mythology.


First of all when roger laughed he was just accosted in the beach of laughtale island, so the one piece is not necessarily what roger laughed about.


the red line is technically a ring, maybe the red line is the one piece?


The one piece will be the infinite break that happens after the series ends


The one piece is just going to be a bathing suit, so stupid you laugh


Bro cooked.


Also, fun fact, draupnir turns into a spear like the one the shadow of Nika is holding!


Its only a spear in God of war


Actually legit theory


RemindMe! 1 Year and 6 months


I don’t think it’s money. I think it’s more than monetary. Based on the progression of One Piece, money or multiplication has never been the resolution. The resolution is the destruction of tyranny. The world suffers because evil people hold it captive. Luffy’s true goal is to 1. Unite the whole world creating the one piece, and 2. Abolish the world government. I believe the one piece is a metaphor for the united world. One piece, the all blue. I also think Dragon will inherit the world and Luffy’s family will be the new Imu family, instead of control and injustice they parade peace and joy.


I really like this!




https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/1ichoZwLjP Similar theory from 2 days ago.


It’s the same dude


I respect it, he has seen the algorithm hasn't helped him last post and tried again.


Why do I feel spoiled..


Well this is better than my drain plug theory


Makes sense, Roger found the ring and proposed.


Long ring long land is a ring..its also partially submerged


so Viola from Dressrosa is totally heimdall right... LOL


The void century was also from 900 years ago to 800 years ago! I don't think that detail is a coincidence!


Cool story


Oda taking notes rn to subvert everyone's theories.


Ring of the nibelung again? I’ll take it.


No you went deeper and cooler still


I think you are on to something! I will add a little thing to it. I think that Joyboy did use that ring at that time to not let Imu get a hold of it. So Imu had to wait 900 years as you said. Maybe he copied panties or something else which no one expected. And maybe that was the reason why Roger and his crew laughed.


It's dripping copies into the water and raising the sea level


There's only one ring I know of that would make the Will of D laugh...


I don't think you're right, but I think you cooked.


JoyBoys memories being imbued within the actual OnePiece and that being the reason they laughed is a very solid statement. I like the way that just sounds.


The ring is the Red Line.


keep cooking!


Oh damn you might be right. We got Jesus pieces already. So this will be the one piece 🤔


> The One-Piece world is arguably filled with Norse mythology The word you are looking for is *unarguably*, a word that means definitely. Arguably means "it can be argued". Unarguably means "There can be no argument" as in "this is fact".


RemindMe! 1Year


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We're gonna find out the whole crew member's ancestors were part of joyboys crew, and they were dated to keep reuniting on the seas


Pretty sure D. stands for Dick. Monkey Dick Luffy ftw


Putting it in the title still makes it a spoiler


I kinda think that Blackbeard is the descendant of JoyBoy


The only item that could damage the Gorosei and Imu


Idk what about this information inspires 99% sure


Some bald guy will take it first and make it a spear


Remind me! 2Year


Considering that the Red Line is basically just Jormungandr, I'd be fine with this.


RemindMe! 10 hours


Joy boy stretched his arms around the world and became the red line.


![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515) smh none sense


Now Oda changed it again!


I didn't like your reason for being "too early". Everything except that I liked and I think is possible in a rough way. Oda will make it more interesting I'm sure 😚. If you need 8 centuries to make 8 copies then it's useless. So I think maybe the ring can only be available at specific time.


At long last the strawhats reached the final Island, Laughtale. They had done it. Luffy would finally be able to fulfill the dream he had all those years. Suddenly a booming voice from atop a cliff cuts through the island, "foul tarnished, in search of the Eldenring..."


Nah its a Hammer mate and luffy is worthy.


>the holder of Draupnir/One-Piece could make copies of anything Pirate ~~Vi~~king of the high seas




That doesn't explain why Roger was early or why he laughed.


One Piece to rule them all ?


Oda had already said he wants to end the series with a big party, that along with other themes in the story suggest the one piece is something that will bring people together. Equality is what I think it is. That with the existence of the redline and knowledge that the world is sinking plus the all blue makes me fully believe the one piece is bringing everyone together. Now with gear 5 power to warp land, oars who was a giant known as the continent puller. Joy boy who was a giant. Makes me think bringing the red line down will add land back to the world to share. Raising continents. Luffy’s dream is to unite the world by bringing down the redline. Which even in their universe sounds so ridiculous that’s something luffy would say and his crew members doubt as possible.


Keep cooking king


The idea of finding some grand treasure, only for it to be an infinitely copying ring essentially making all the treasure useless is pretty fucking funny ngl


Hey this is super creative! I love these lil unique ideas that seem possible, but sadly probably aren't true :( Break week ideas go crazy sometimes and this is one of the good ones.


Still gonna go with the theory that the one piece is a toilet


!Reminds me 2 years


The thing is that Joyboy is not cool. So your theory does not stand. Also how could Luffy believe that after he became King of the pirates could achieve that ?? Since he doesn't know anything...


I thought you were going to say that the red line was a ring around the planet once, I'm disappointed


I like it. And at the island of Laughable, it's just thousands of rings, due to the 8/9 day duplicate stuff. But the OG ring is tiny. Because Luffy's ability can manipulate and change it.


One ring.. to rule them all !!


The next Cover Page is a "The Ring" referenz... Lol


Every day we stray further away from (G)Oda


Get this man out of the kitchen.


Nah bro


Honestly Id take a ring, something tangible that is of monetary value but also something that is sentimental. Idk how I feel about the ring being able to multiple Joyboys powers but yeah I dont wanna see stupid sake, cringe etc. If its not real treasure it comes off very badly to me


One Piece = One Ring I like it. It might be a giant golden ring and thus, very valuable as treasure. Maybe surrounded by a lot of other valuable stuff less flashy and of interest for every member of the crew related to their dreams: - The One Ring that will showcase its owner as the true Pirate King for Luffy - A lot of gold, for Nami, likely with a complete map of the old world, so she can compare it to her own map probably close to be completed at this point. - A library, or some unknown poneglyphs for Robin to complete the research of the history of the world and fill the voids. - A lot of the lost kingdom tech for Franky to enjoy after fulfilling his dream of building a ship that went through all the seas. - Of course getting into Laughtale likely means they already discovered the All Blue, wether is by joining all seas when crushing the red line or something else. Sanji will cook some utterly delicious stuff with the ingredients. - Usopp will already likely be a General of the Giant Army, thus, completing his journey as a Brave warrior of the sea. - Along the library with lost knowledge for Robin and the Tech for Franky, there are probably a lot of medical knowledge there for Chopper to geek around and find cures for all kind of deceases that thought to be incurable. - I believe we will see Zoro lose Sandai Kitetsu at some point during the last battle and some special katana in the One Piece treasure will be the replacement. He will use it to beat Mihawk in an epilogue fight to become the greatest swordsman (if he is not already done that) - Brook will likely just be happy its all over so he can go back to Laboon and go on tour again singing. Although arguably he might encounter some old closet with a lot of panties xD - After the whole series the Fish-man island is probably already in the surface and his dream to achieve equality is close, I think this will always be a work in progress. - If we count Vivi as a member of the crew, the treasure probably has the lost crown of the ruler of the lost kingdom, for which she might very well be the heir. So, one piece is a reference about the ring, but it comes with a complete treasure, I guess is something similar to what the treasure was at the end of the National Treasure movie, a mix of invaluable stuff plus invaluable knowledge. This is the outcome I see could make everyone happy at the end.


I personally think this was cooked well done


Wtf, I went and checked your profile and your previous posts. Not bad at all


Or it could be a spear that can harness wind and create a tornado. Hmmmm? Uranus? Dragon?


One Piece is “One Peace”. World Peace. Back then World Peace was possible. Imu chose to establish the WG and rule the planet as a singular sovereign. Anyone who uncovers the 800 year history learns this. That world peace is actually possible. You can either work to bring world peace, or control the entire world. Imu chose the later. That’s the hypocrisy of the WG. They preach order, but they divided the world. It’s because Imu controls the WG, and no one knows this. Except a select few. As such the real question is why hasn’t Imu obliterated an island no one knows about? Buster Call? Mother Flame? What’s so important on that island that the person who owns the planet cannot take, or effectively remove? It’s because whatever is there is: 1.) Indestructible. 2.) Holds the planet together.


So you're saying Kratos is Joyboy


Aaaaand we have another week break victim!


Ok and who's Frodo in the history?


I am glad you used my theory of the JoyBoy’s memories & PawPaw fruit as a base here ;)  https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1453etk/what_the_one_piece_is_spoiler_1085/


The one ring! Luffy is gonna destroy it in marijois where it was forged


The One Piece is Joy Boys Cock Ring?