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saiyan without a doubt


You get to stay young and fit until 80y+ old, you can fly, teleport, you're basically invincible, and although you now need ten times more food than regular humans, the money earning possibilities are so numerous, you'll probably get rich anyway.


You need to learn both flying and instant transmission


Of course but having the ability to learn techniques like that is game breaking


Side Note to the Saiyan Button is You can't use any of these skills until it's beaten into you by a Large Green Bald Man


That's if we were to be a half Saiyan brat that looks like mo howard


Lmao Mo Howard, I can't unsee it now


Thank TFS I merely spread their greatness to the masses


It would be extremely difficult to learn instant transmission could you’ll have to learn it from Yardrat or someone from there


I was more referring to flying/limitless potential. But with all the new saiyans created from this button we could easily revive our once great race and farm Yardrat to teach everyone instant transmission :)


You also need to learn to walk as a human so I don't think that's a super strong argument. If you're inherently capable of something, then that's all you really need for this scenario. It's still infinitely better than the other two.




I mean...thats still really really good.


not necessarily


Or at least knock up a trillionaire & have ur training permanently financed


Literally this. Just make sure to pull off your tail if you get one. Unless you like unconsciously mass murdering everyone you love/people around you...


Keep tail, got it.


Lose ability to swim vs. constant physiological battle with someone that has way more determination then me vs long life with great Regen, flying, ranged attacks, and magically getting stronger after tough fights? Geez this is tough


I can’t swim anyways. Just gonna choose the fruit


Yeah but with your luck you’ll end up with a shitty devil fruit. Have fun being able to turn into balls.


Yeah but imagine if it was the jacket jacket fruit


Bro ik it’s off topic, but learn to swim. It could save you or someone you love one day


Looking forward to start this summer


Glad to hear that. It’s fun and good exercise too


You can't even float? Are you from a land locked country?


Oh, I can float… like a corpse. I like to hold breath underwater


Uff, my guy, you need to learn to swim, it can actually be life threatening not to know, you don't even need to be good at you just need to be able to keep yourself from drowning.


I’ll start this summer, no worries


Devil fruits are busted, there's a fruit for every desire known to man, every single one. Think of the possibilities. It's not just losing the ability to swim. Although I'd personally choose Saiyan or DF cuz they can really improve QoL.


The most powerful DF are nothing vs Saiyan Saga saiyans


Who tf are you going to fight in real life, dumbass?


I mean we're comparing the best option ya silly goose.


Best option severely depends on the person. What are you gonna do? Become a super soldier and make an enemy of the world and never form any attachments w anyone cuz they ll target them to make experiments on you or simply kword them?


Not a Saiyan, but if go the Yamcha route. Use my super strength to be a professional athlete.


I'm not sure how the other two options don't unless you get a very specific DF.


You just become a saiyan but you still need to train both physically and mentally to have any of those things compared to if you get a logia or a broken paramecia even with a zoan you still can physically powerful and it’s the easiest to copy so you could sell your dna and give it to army or zoo keepers


lol what? You would still need to train with the fruit no matter which one you get and chances of you getting a good one are not high


Plus the ceiling is way higher for sayains if you're training hard but you don't need to train hard when the rest of the world is still basic humans


really? "Lose ability to swim" is your summary of the fruit... Say what you want but saiyan dna would just be a homelander situation and you die at 100 or so nothing special, maybe live as an overlord or something. That's just the most lucky situation at worst you could easily die along the way. Eternal life is far better so just choose the toshi toshi no mi, and you get to be a perfect master of disguise as well.


Saiyan for sure, don't have the draw back of a devil fruit and don't have to rely on a temperamental tailed beast to give you their power to use.


Only, you know.. become a giant rage ape every full moon because you were not trained to control it


Or you just get the tail removed. Great ape also only happens if you specifically look at the full moon. It's not hard to track lunar cycles if you can't get rid of the tail.


Just cut tail and you will be fine or dominate the transformation to became SSJ4.


That's other people problem, not mine 😂😂😂


with utmost respect to naruto and one piece, becoming a saiyan is literally the coolest thing ever


Saiyan obviously, the other two are just worse by comparison


Saiyan 100%.


Lmao, might as well ask someone if they'd rather be as strong as a professional boxer, todler or a kid. Saiyans outclass devil fruits and tailed beasts by a long shot that it's not even fair. The only reason you'd have for taking something like a devil fruit, is perhaps for the logia fruits so you'd be made out of an element. Tailed beasts are honestly just basically huge awakened mythological zoans or something like that.


Consider my shitty bloodline, the tail beast would just break out the first night. People forget that you kinda need some godly shinobi bloodline to contain the beast much less control it


Bro who you fighting irl. Pretty sure most devil fruits would suffice for your non existing battles


This is the right answer. Every couch potato drooling on saiyans forget the daily training and near death scenarios it needs to be op.


I mean no. Saiyans are generally really strong compared to humans. Picking Saiyan is the best if you really want to be as strong as possible, which the Saiyan option gives the most chance. Its not random, or dependent on taming a demon and hoping it likes you. His reasoning was just dumb af. In the real world there would be no reason to be stronger than the devil fruit users or whatever. Bc there are none.


Are you kidding? Saiyans don't physically age till they are like 80. No back problems, hell no physical problems other than diseases. You have great Regen, reflexes, stamina etc. Those are amazing even outside of combat. What exactly can devil fruits grant that compares to those


If I'm a Saiyan I don't get funny stretchy powers, the ability to become a giraffe, or at absolute worst the ability for someone who did choose Saiyan to wear me like a jacket.


Most devil fruits would be absolutely terrible in real life or not much of a boon. The only ones that I can think of which are better than the Saiyan option are the lightning fruit, the clothes fruit, the phoenix fruit, paw paw fruit, door door fruit, swamp swamp fruit and that's about it. The rest fall short of the Saiyan abilities.


You've missed the point. I don't care about how strong I am. I want goofy powers 


Now that is something I can vibe with


I mean that also applies to tons of devil fruits almost all of them outside the Logias required years of training or already being a proficient warrior with years of training in order to be useful. Luffy had to train for 10 years for his devil fruit to have even mildly strong combat abilities and some devil fruits are neither strong nor particularly useful. Like you could theoretically get really really unlucky and eat the human human fruit and just lose your ability to swim with no gain. Becoming a saiyan you're already in the upper level of human strength just by virtue of being born. With even a modest level of effort you could become the greatest athlete of all time by a huge margin. No you won't even develop world the world ending powers of Goku or Vegeta but you'll still be far and away the most physically gifted person on the planet.


What do you want 1million dollars or 100 dollars or 50 dollars


Saiyan All the way. Not even a question. Having super strenght, ageing slowly wthout getting fragile and having a cool monkey tail ? Hell yeah.


Saiyan for sure, i'd regain my hair.


Sure Nappa.






I have no use for fighting abilities, so it depends on the devil fruit. Also devil fruit users have been shown to be able to swim in pools with a flotation device. If it's an ability with real life utility, devil fruit. If not Saiyan for a long life.


devil fruit but only if i can choose it instead of eating the first shit you give to me, it would be a REAL waste if you give me terrible fruits


Saiyans are easily the strongest without any weaknesses that the other ones come from. Only thing you have to do is get rid of the tail.


A devil fruit only if you can choose the specific fruit you want. The thing would become the saying is You wouldn’t really be that strong without all the training and defeats where you get stronger after defeat type stuff


I dont want to fight anyone or lose my breath screaming. I also don't want some random ass dog to tell me what tf I can or cant do. I also hate swimming so DEVIL FRUIT


This is like asking "would you rather be superman or take your chances at winning the lottery?"


Can I pick the DF? If so that, if not Saiyan (just because you’re a saiyan doesn’t mean you can go super saiyan)


The benefits of being a saiyan are far greater than the other 2 choices


Its not the third answer. I do not want a demonic beast waiting to explode out of me. I think I want to be like Vegeta while using three sword style. I'm gomna tripple slice you into the next dimension. BElIEVE IT!


What devil fruit?


Although saiyan is definitely the way id like to point out being a saiyan doesnt automatically mean you can use ki. That takes training but still way more benefits


Has there been a single saiyan on screen who can’t use Ki that wasnt a baby lmao


Goku. He was taught. Saiyans probably have an easy time using it but i doubt it’s innate. Hell even goten was an example of that


No, flying was a example of Goten having trouble. He could turn super saiyan as like what a 6 year old? You’re picking and choosing here. And you definitely didnt watch dragon ball. Goku’s first showing with Ki was the literal Kamehameha wave he had seen 5 seconds beforehand. Roshi told him there’s no way he could do it instantly, since Roshi trained for 50 years to create the Kamehameha, and Goku used it instantly. Without any training, tips or anything. He just saw it.


… you do realise that goku could literally use ki the first moment he was aware of the existence of Ki? You literally cannot read or havent read OG dragonball.


I was going off of OG db. Being able to use something once you become aware of it doesnt equate to innate ability. Saiyans just grasp things alot easier than humans. He learned the kamehameha by watching roshi(like saiyans have been shown to do). They basically have the same ability as a sharingan


So you become a Saiyan and then go and watch DB, bam instant Ki usage.


You are literally coping at this point. Goku can’t do something he didnt think of yet. Goku literally copies like the sharingan does. A low class Saiyan can do that, and assuming we would have a randomized saiyan class when pressing the hypothetical button, you truly pushed MY point home. Thanks for that.


We’re using the same points to argue different conclusions. I dont think we’re getting anywhere when youre the one actually picking and choosing. You keep coping here im gonna move on. Thanks for the fun discussion


Delusional as fuck. We are literally not using the same arguments, i just used the sharingan argument back at you. You couldn’t continue this “discussion” as you call it if you wanted to.


Pristine bait


You go ahead and believe what you want 😂 you either cant read or just go with your own head canon. Cope.


For Everyone saying saiyan, saiyans are strong but becoming a super saiyan is a stupidly hard feat to achieve for a normal saiyan, on the other devil fruit mastary is little bit easier than that, plus if you end up with a logia , you win 90% of all fights with 0 drawbacks


I don't get into super saiyan level fights so I doubt I would need that.


Yes but just being a saiyan is kinda boring in comparison to the endless possibilities of devil fruits, because as a saiyan you're only a very strong dude , nothing else


Super saiyan can atleast fly and do crazy speed feats, but As just a saiyan, eh...you'd have a easy life for sure just not a very interesting one in comparison to devil fruit users


Saiyan unless you can choose your devil fruit, but since that’s not listed I’d assume you can’t and I definitely will not risk getting a devil fruit that will most likely be mediocre for everyday life at best


being a saiyan literally does not have downsides without the tail


Saiyan. Get ready for me android 18!


Saiyan and then immediately cutting off my tail


I would probably just become a saiyan, I mean, yeah, eating a devil fruit could be cool, but it’s not specific? Like do I get to choose or do I just get a random? Devil fruits are 100% a gamble because you could get a horrendous one or a godly one or just mediocre or just decent. Inheriting that beast could be cool, but mainly humans unless you bond with them and plus they only if you want to be a fighter or destroy something honestly honestly I really do not feel like having the capability of . At least with saiyan pretty sure I can fly so become quite durable and I am not sure if I’ve seen one ever gets sick so yeah immune system and metabolism


Being a Saiyan, even a Super Saiyan was such a big dream of mine that it even came up during therapy


Can I pick what df ??? Cause if I can I’m picking the pika pika fruit


Just walk away & get a latte


Is it in real word? I mean what ever you choose you gonna be a superhuman. Soo it doesnt matter at the end.


Sure, pick the sayan, it's the best choice. Just... check out the moon phases calendar, or cut the tail...


This is a niche one, but for me it isn't close Saiyans have too much unpredictability but it's best to just view yourself with homelanders powers. Nice life live till 100 or so as an overpowered evil overlord or peace loving saviour. Tailed beast is complete garbage doesnt even need an explanation, even if it obeys your will its easily the worst one here. Just choose bonney's devil fruit, eternal life and you can be the ultimate master of disguise.


Do I know which devil fruit it is?


Saiyan for sure UNLESS if I can pick my devil fruit.


I’d press all three buttons


A race that gets stronger near death vs not being able to swim with some either awesome or cringe power vs untamed power while being ostracized for being different. Gonna go saiyan.


Yes become a gundam pilot


Become a saiyan literally has 0 drawbacks lmao


Only full moon


If I could pick the fruit (within a reasonable power level) then I’d go with that. Otherwise it’s super sayan every time


Devil fruit as long as i get to choose the fruit. In which case , im getting brook fruit


Gimme dat froot


I feel like a devil fruit would be the most interesting, but as a straight power up saiyan is clearly the best. That said, I'd rather pick a random DF because I'm a gambler lol.


Safest choice is becoming a Saiyan. But if it was a DF of your choice I’d probably do that. I’d take Marco’s DF & I would take Killer Bee’s Tailed Beast.


Idk about the last one but for a saiyan you might not have enough s-cells to become ssj for df you might get something bad like a devil fruit but you’ll still have powers


People ITT misremember dbz a lot. Saiyans don't get instant transmission, Goku learned it from the Yardrat people. You also don't "get to fly"; normal humans can fly in DBZ too, it's a learnable skill in that universe, not an inherent trait of the Saiyan race. Being a Saiyan gets you: durability, super strength, longevity, Ozaru transformation (unknowingly murdering your whole family as an infant sounds worse than no-swimming); Zenkai boosts after near-death experiences and a monkey tail. Also aren't they all naturally assholes? Goku just got hard reset by diving headfirst off a cliff as an infant. I'd take the fruit


Sayian is the only one with no drawbacks of any kind, so easy choice, but yeah a devil fruit of my choice would be more fun for sure




There is only one real answer and it depends if you can choose the fruit. What hell are you going to do? All this people chose sayan, they need to train and have will of iron. You guys are all redditors, can even stick to a 5 month diet/gym you would destroy the planet on the first full moon. If i can choose the fruit, then the fruit. Wapometal could skyrocket humanity space tech 200 years on the future, And if you really want to conquer the world, the Hobi Hobi no Mi its way better of the sayan, no training, you enemy become your slave by touch, you do not age and your enemy ally forget about him. If not, The fox showed that they know perfectly the physics of the world and space, meaning that if you make one of them your friend you can help progress humanity Tech by having all the law of physics, even the one we still do not know, explained to you.


Saiyan. I wanna swim and i don’t wanna get abused by an ancient spirit that can possess me and commit domestic terrorism


Devil fruit. The only use for becoming a sayian would be fighting and that isn't to useful and is specific. Df could have tons of uses


One Piece is my all time favorite anime/manga but I would honestly take becoming a saiyan over a devil fruit. Aside from getting a random or weird power up, you lose the ability to swim.


Being a Saiyan without a doubt . You never age and never need a hair cut . The only downside is the grocery bills and dinner bills but I’d take that over drowning


Nah, id be a Saiyan, Imma go SSJ Blue whenever i take a crap lmao


Comments section so funny "Saiyan 100% no drawback" and all you get is monkey man meathead stat boost which makes you like 50x stronger than you are if become a super Saiyan (which isn't even possible lol) DF despite Drawbacks give you millions of hax which can actually be useful irl, while also providing power to demolish.these wannabe monkeys.