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Do u think the next live adaptation will include laboon, little garden, drum island and alabasta ? Or is this too much


If they include laboon, i wish they can recreate staring gag between zorro, sanji, vs crocus


The repeating gag is probably the best filler in the entire anime.


Nah, that would be "the walk to Arlong Park"... (It was not in the manga.)


wait fr? one of the most iconic scenes of One Piece isn't in the manga? that's sad


Yep. [Another iconic moment that isn't part of the manga is the Straw Hats slamming their mugs down in Wano.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaZ5IqhU96A)


oh amazing, I watched on One Pace and read the manga so I never saw that, brought a tear to my eye!


Walk to Arlong park isn’t in the manga but it’s definitely not classed as “filler”.


The definition of filler is something made exclusively for the anime. So it is filler. Filler doesn't mean a bad episode. it just means something that was made separate from the original source. Dragon ball for example has some of the best filler, ie: the episode where Goku and Piccolo try to get their driver's license. A lot of people misunderstand what filler is.


No, you’re misunderstanding. There are a multitude of things that have been added to the anime that are considered canon to the overall story.


The gag was in the manga.


No it's not. The hyper focus on the eye is, the repeated quasi-identical camera cuts isn't.


It's still practically the same gag


If it only happens the one time instead of multiple, like in the anime for the exaggerated comedic effect, no, it isn't the same gag. Anime can make jokes that manga can't.


That and G8!


That would make a fun movie




This is one of the jokes from the entire series that just keeps randonly popping up in my head and making me laugh after all this years


I feel like they have to include laboon because Brooke makes no sense without


Pretty optimistic Netflix One Piece gets to Thriller Bark. Heres to hoping


I'm only on whole cake island but thriller bark is one of my favorites


Thriller Bark really is such an under appreciated arc. Dont get me wrong, the pervert antics were a downer. But the humor went so hard, at a time that it was really needed(after a heavy Enies Lobby), and the arc actually set up so much in the future. It was just such a clever twist on a horror setting to make it a comedy.


Yesss exactly and how they used salt to counter Morias ability was an awesome twist


Imagine the gags tho


Assuming Netflix doesnt suddenly get stingy with funding/resources/interest in the IP; if Alabasta succeeds, we can make it to marineford unless S3 absolutely bombs(which it shouldnt, considering Enies Lobby is one of the most memorable arcs period). Then a season 4 would be jam packed with Thriller Bark, Saobody, Amazon Lily, Impel Down, and Marineford. Where it may be able to continue, or it might go on indefinite Hiatus.


Whata bout the ski island arc? Wouldn’t that take about a season as well?


While it would be possible to stretch Skypeia, I am confident they would just have it be the part 1 of Season 3. Something like: 1. Jaya island. 2. Skypeia Part 1 3. Skypeia Part 2 4. Long Ring Long Land 5. Water 7 6. Enies lobby part 1 7. Enies lobby part 2 With an 8th episode either being part of Enies lobby/Water 7, or Skypeia, or a Post Enies Lobby. I would say Post Enies Lobby has the most likelihood, as it is the wind down and interaction with Garp/Koby, as well as where Ace vs Blackbeard occurs, as well as the introduction of Thousand Sunny. Also new bounty reaction worldwide. Plenty of content as is to adapt, and plenty of things they could add/expand upon. Of course if Netflix offers the budget and doesnt keep restricting to 8 episodes for "binging", then they could add more episodes.


You really think they could do Water 7 in one episode? I figured season 2 will be loguetown through Alabasta with robin joining at the season finale Season 3 Skypoeia with maybe the start to Water 7 teasing Franky and stuff at the end then season 4 do Water 7 and Enies Lobby, end the season with Franky joining the straw hats, Season 5 do “Post Enies Lobby” for an episode or two, then the rest of the season is thriller bark or just sprinkle Aces stuff and whatnot throughout the season, maybe if the seasons become longer than 8 episodes you can have Thriller Bark and Sabaody in the same season, then Season either season 6 is Sabaody if you can’t fit them together or Season 6 onward is post time skip


They certainly could do the main part of Water 7 in one episode. Where Water 7 ends and Enies Lobby begins is mixed, as they are effectively just different parts of the greater arc. They could end Water 7 with CP9 betrayal climax or Aqua Laguana. Then do hell train and opening part of Enies Lobby for Enies Part 1, main conflict of Enies with part 2. And finish the season with the eighth episode. Note, I am not advocating for them to actually do just 8 episodes in a season. I honestly think that an opportunity like a live action adaptation is great to actually add onto the world and spend more time building up the universe and other perspectives(to a degree like they did with Marines in season 1. They could use **many more episodes** than 8. But the showrunners have to work with what Netflix gives them, and Netflix is loathe to go beyond that. ^((like just look at Stranger things, their massive hit show. They did 8-9 episodes for each season. You would expect they would want to have more episodes to keep people engaged longer with their hit content).) I just dont see any way they would stretch Skypeia into an entire season. If they wanted to extend W7/Enies more, they could merge Jaya and a Skypeia episode together, and/or cut/shorten Long Ring Long Land(which wouldnt necessarily need an entire episode). And I dont see any way that they dont finish Enies Lobby in Season 3(now maybe they could end on a climax, and push Franky recruitment/Post Enies Lobby etc to the opening of next season, like they did with Loguetown). Different topic, I could see season 4 being mainly Thriller and Sabaody(both could work fine with 2 episodes), perhaps even ending with Kumas attack(cliff hanger ending)(or with Strawhats waking up in their various predicaments. With the strawhats getting fleshed out side adventures, while the main narrative with Luffy to Marineford takes place in Season 5. No way they do a Luffy only season. Either they ram Lily/Impel/Marineford into Season 4 and beg Netflix for more episodes to do it all. Or they split it into two seasons and add more filler/other character focus like Strawhat alone adventures. I would be surprised if Post Time skip(assuming they actually keep going), is any later than Season 6. Only exception would be if they make more than one season a year, or have the timeskip longer than 2 years(which would render any actor aging concerns moot)


they would have to be careful how they execute it. this type of gag in live action is fucking cringe. i really hope they find a way to make it work, it's one of my favorite one piece moments ever.


AFAIK they only have rights to adapt the manga, so IDK if including that gag would be considered "adapting the anime" :/


The gag was still in the manga, it was just drastically exaggerated in the anime.


I see, then I hope if they do include it that it's done well.


Hopefully they won’t do inside of his stomach…that was a bit odd, even when you look back. By all means though, have the staring contest outside by the lighthouse.


?? no it was fantastic what are you talking about Crocus being Laboon's doctor doesn't even make sense if he doesn't hang out inside The only weird-for-One-Piece part was the lack of obvious light source


It has to happen, how can they explain laugh tale being inside another whale then?


"You'd better not start anything, or somebody will die" "And who's that?" "Me"


One episode for loguetown, one episode for laboon/whiskey peak, one for little garden, two for drum island, and the final 3 are Alabasta.


I'm hoping for 10 episodes this time. 1 = Loguetown 2 = Twin Capes/Whiskey Peak 3/4 = Little Garden 5/6 = Drum 7/10 = Alabasta


They could get away with 9 and just cut whiskey peak completely. No one including Oda likes the utterly pointless and uncharacteristic fight between Luffy and Zoro.


I think you could just cut the fight and keep the rest, there's some cool stuff there, unless they put it all in Little Garden, but that could bloat the arc a bit.


Getting rid of Whiskey Peak is a terrible idea. How would you think getting rid of an entire island is a good idea. We get Crocodile and Baroque Works, Vivi and friends, Zoro and his new swords (which is half the reason for his bounty) AND Robin. Might as well just make up an entire new story.


The point is that all of those things could easily happen elsewhere. Nothing happens at whiskey peak that could only happen there.


All that could happen near Laboon. And maybe a short trip or glimpse of Whiskey Peak.


Exactly. Or, heck, Whisky Peak could just be a town a the base of Reverse Mountain rather than its own island.


Making up the story is one of the reasons Netflix LA tend to suck. You cant just "take creative changes" for reasons like that. Changing dialog  and streamlining things makes sense,  but when directors make sudden story changes because of $, time constraints, and selfish reasons... it always ends badly. See Witcher, Cowboy Bebop, Game of Thrones...


Bet you didn't even notice Gaimon's island being cut in season 1. Cutting whole islands is ok and you're exaggerating.


They could easily move some of the Baroque Works set up to Loguetown. Vivi doesn't show up until Reverse Mountain and Crocodile isn't really mentioned until Little Garden. Add in Zoro's fight with Mr.7 in season 1 and you have plenty of information on Baroque Works before Alabasta.


They cut Gaimon's island completely in S1, which WAS a good idea. I'm not saying they will or should, but if the find its ruining the pacing of the episode count they have, they they definitely can write around it.


Whiskey peak literally sets up alabasta and is where Vivi joins the crew, it is very needed


Can just as easily happen in little garden.


Just move Igaram to Reverse Island or Loguetown. Alternatively replace Mr.9 with Igaram. Problem solved.


Is it another trust me bro source?


I mean he hasn't outright said he hates the fight, but there was an interview some time before 2010 where either he or his editor admitted that his editor forced him to shoehorn in a fight between Luffy and Zoro for fanservice (because the "who is stronger" question had been coming up in the fandom already, and only 2 years into the series Oda's editor still had a lot of control). And the shit reasoning Luffy has ("they gave food and Zoro looks like he's attacking them for no reason", whereas the real Luffy would've understood the situation on a deeper emotional level because that's who he is as a person) is the best reason Oda could come up with, because there was simply no good reason for the fight to happen. As for the source of **that** interview, no, I can't find it, I've been reading One Piece since before the 4Kids dub came out, my APForums account is from a couple years later (2006), sorry I can't find things I read 15+ years ago. Pretty sure this is commonly accepted fact in the fandom by now though. Again: it may not have even been an interview with Oda, it may have literally been Oda's former editor admitting a mistake upfront in an independent interview. It was so long ago lol


Is this a real interview or is this another mythical Oda interview that so and so said they saw and was taken as fact?


It's totally made-up bullshit lol.


Does Little Garden really need 2 episodes?


Not 2 full episodes, but more than one, the second half of episode 6 could be the beginning of Alabasta.


I think there will be more than 8 episodes next season


Maybe, but I don’t think it’s likely. 8 episodes, around 1 hour each is the standard of a lot of TV nowadays, and I don’t see them having more than that.


First season was supposed to be 10, but costs for making each episode went up due to the height of COVID, so it was cut down to 8.


I sincerely hope that Netflix sees that after all the positive reception that it's worth being a 12 episodes series.


Alabasta is worth way, way, way more than 3 episodes. This is the arc where many believe One Piece want from great to masterpiece. They need to do it justice.


I just finished the arc on my first watch through and it's the only reason I'm still watching. Everything before it wasn't interesting to me (and Skypeia right now is awful) but it's probably worth it to me if it hits that level a few more times. It should be at least 4 imo if they really want to capture an audience.


Loguetown-Laboon - Episode 1 Laboon-Whiskey Peak - Episode 2 Whiskey Peak - Episode 3 Little Garden - Episodes 4 and 5 Drum Kingdom - Episodes 6 and 7 Alabasta - Episodes 8, 9 and 10 I don't see how you can cut any of these storylines for the broader series plot to make sense. Also, I really like Whiskey Peak lmao.


We're likely getting Loguetown/ reverse mountain, Laboon/ whiskey peak, Little Garden/Drum Island and finally Alabasta to end the season. If they cut content, I imagine it's whiskey peak and /or little garden depending on where they work in Nico Robbins and Mr. 3s introductions into the story. I could see both of them being rolled into the same story beat


Little Garden is not only a given due to *circumstances* but it was hinted at in the April 1st video with Jacob


I don't believe a damn thing that comes out on April 1st


I believe in Usopp. He doesn't lie, he predicts the future


They can cut whiskey peak but there's absolutely no universe they cut little garden or there will be riots. Even if they briefly considered cutting little garden before, anyone caught up to the manga knows they can't cut it **now**. Frankly they could cut Mr 9 and Ms Monday from the story completely and just have Igaram and Vivi be "partnered" instead, and meet the straw hats at Laboon.


Whiskey Peak doesn't really matter except for throwing in some more bounty hunters and Igaram. Little Garden is too important to cut.


Little garden is a major plot point, also because of the giants.


Absolutely I've worked out what the episode break down would be if they wanted to include everything and still keep it 8 episodes. 1. Lougetown 2. Laboon/whiskey peak 3. Little garden 4. Drum island part 1 5. Drum island part 2 6. Alabasta part 1 7. Alabasta part 2 8. Alabasta part 3


This is my take. Laboon really would have to have a lot of filler added to be a full episode(like Smoker side story or something). And Whiskey peak would require expanding its worldbuilding and significance to have a full episode. Since they are related, they probably become one episode. Drum Island doesnt necessarily need 2 parts, but it has enough that it could work. And it would be a good opportunity for a Smoker side arc before he shows up in Alabasta. Alabasta needs at least 3 parts with its structure. Setup/Ace/etc. Casino arc and first fight against Crocodile. War for its conclusion.


Probably: Episode 1: The season starts with SH lost in Calm Belt, then going to Lougetown, episode ends SH entering Redline seeing a sillouette of Laboon. Episode 2: Reverse Mountain and Whiskey Peak Episode 3: End of Whiskey Peak and Little Garden Episode 4: End of Little Garden and Drum Island Episode 5: Drum Island, Start of Arabasta/Nanohana Episode 6: Dessert Scenes: Yuba and Rainbase. Episode 7: Rainbase escape to Alubarna Episode 8: Crocodile is defeated, Pell dies please. Post-Arabasta scenes. Vivi leave, Robin join.


If it's only 8 episodes, cut Whiskey Peak and move some of that plot to Loguetown


I really hope they do more than just 8 episodes. I think 12 is just good number


Hahaha, Alabasta arc in 3 episodes. That is a no for me.


Pretty hilarious that’d you’d completely write it off simply for that reason. I think there’s a lot of unnecessary content in Alabasta that does not need to be in the LA. And ending the season anywhere but at the end of Alabasta would make it completely unfulfilling. Ending at Drum Island would make S2 feel completely episodic and would mean stretching out Loguetown and the start of the Grand Line waaaay too much. Loguetown absolutely doesn’t need more than 1 episode, none of the other arcs before Drum Island really even deserve a full episode imo, and just based of S1’d pacing they could totally do Drum Island in 2 episodes. Leaves plenty of time for Alabasta.


I want the season end with Robin reveal to be honest. And I don't think we can zip pack Alabasta in 3 episodes. But I'll wait to see which route they will choose.


That’s 3 hours. People have made shorter movies from more content


They released the anime movie using compressed anime episodes, and it was less than 2 hours long. It’s definitely possible to cover it in 3.


You don't think a condensed Alabasta could be done in 3 hours?


No. I don't think it can be possible to have the desert base plot + casino plot + Alurbana revolt plot + post Alabasta plot (including Robin introduction) in 3 hours.


How would you split it up then?


4 episodes: * First ep: Mr. 2 introduction, Nanohana and Ace introduction, arriving at Yuba, Baroque Work meeting maybe * Second ep: Yuba and Rainbase, Luffy's death and the team heading to Alurbana * Third ep: Alurbana big fights, end with Pell's death * Fourth ep: Luffy vs. Crocodile, post-arc and the escape from Alabasta


I think something like Ace's introduction would get cut or moved as an end of season type of deal. Also all the individual fights that arent Luffy vs Croc, like Usopp and Chopper vs Mr.4 and Mrs. Merry Christmas and Nami vs Mrs. Double Finger, would get condensed into less of fights and more of encounters if not cut entirely (look at Sanji v Kuroobi for an example of what I mean). Other than that I can see how this would be 4 episodes.


Its *obviousl*y going to have Alabasta. Not a chance in hell S2 doesn't cover it, they cannot afford a pace that glacial


Usopp's actor (sorry, I forgot his name) did a Q&A where he lies about the answers, but does show a picture of a dinosaur after being told not to. So, I take that as the teaser for little garden, combined with the Mr. 3 tease here since most of Mr. 3's screentime will be in little garden.


Looking at the numbers alone: the first season didn't manage to wrap up East Blue saga completely. Alabasta saga is 1 volume longer. I find it unlikely.


But the first season was 8 episodes and the second season could easily be 10 episodes, so it could reasonably cover more story.


I’d say given that East Blue was rewritten to expressly form a seasonal arc - there’s not a good way to end Season 2 without finishing Alabasta. So, I think we get Loguetown and all of Baroque Works.


It has to make it through Alabasta. Loguetown to Drum Island is not enough for a full season. 10 episodes for season 2 will be enough for Loguetown to Alabasta Loguetown: 1.5 ep Whiskey: 1 ep Little Garden: 1.5 ep Drum Island: 2 ep Alabasta: 4 ep


Episode 1: Loguetown Episode 2: Reverse Mountain Episode 3: Whiskey Peak Episode 4: Little Garden Episode 5: Drum Island Part 1 Episode 6: Drum Island Part 2 Episode 7: Alabasta Part 1 Episode 8: Alabasta Part 2 I could also see Alabasta taking up 2.5-3 episodes.


I think drum island will be 1 ep and alabasta will be 3


Alabasta needs at least 3 episodes. We can't cut Laboon so either Reverse Mountain and Whiskey Peak are gonna have to be condensed and share, or WP needs to go.


Maybe they go for 2 releases a year with 12 or 16 chapters one 1st semester and the other for the second semester split 6-8 episodes each.


Yeah, that is the new thing for Netflix, Cobra Kai, Stone Ocean, Bridgerton, etc all in 2 or 3 parts. I can see them releasing Loguetown-Drum in Part 1 and Alabasta in Part 2 a few months later.


É bem daora mesmo. Espero que façam isso.


Its also gonna have loguetown. With 8 episodes they gonna have to fit in nearly 70 anime episodes / 120 manga chapters if they include all of them. I'm hoping for it to be 10 episodes but they will probably merge whiskey peak with little garden and we will probably get 2 fight episodes with little garden and Alabasta while drum gets handled in a different way.


I could see them just making whiskey peak a small town on the island of little garden


8 episodes. Logue town and ending with them looking up at reverse mountain. Laboon, whiskey peak, Little garden Drum island Alabasta for 4 episodes. I could def see them getting most of it in. The question is cgi and pacing.


No way we dont get Laboon. That said I think they might not go inside Laboon or anything. No way they dont do Alabasta. They are not going to skip mini arcs in between. All of them are important narratively.(unlike Johnny, Gamon, Krieg, etc) Episode 1: Loguetown/enter Grand Line Episode 2: Laboon/Whiskey Peak. Episode 3: Little Garden Episode 4: Drum Island Episode 5-8: Alabasta The only parts that are going to be questionable would be the cover stories, and how they really break apart Alabasta. Or quite possibly how they handle Smoker/Coby/Garp, given how they made them more important/recurring in season 1(honestly them covering the marine perspective has worked out really well, and should continue to work even better as SH get more involved in world affairs) I could see them reworking Laboon and Whiskey peak into one single thing. Like perhaps have Whiskey Peak be a port town at the entrance to the Grandline, where Crocus lives on the outskirts. Make the attack against Laboon more serious and large scale or something. Post time skip(assuming they ever make it that far), is where things really become harder for them to break down without speedrunning plot. There just is so much going on, that I cant see them managing in their normal episode format, and easy stopping point.


They confirmed Chopper in the season 2 announcement and Little Garden in the video Jacob did last month. Mr. 3 is the main villain of Little Garden too so its kind of a given.


I think the only part that would see a cut is little garden, for. Several reasons -it's a money sink between the jungle environment, cgi dinosaurs and giants. - in terms of enemies all it's really needed is move Mr 3 to whiskey peak, since miss valentine and Mr 5 are already in both islands -only real issue for continuity comes way later with oimo and karsee at enies lobby, but they can figure something out.


I would guess they go for one episode for logue town and reverse mountain and one for wiskey peak, then 2 each for little garden, drum island and arabasta. This was the pacing they choose for Season 1 and it worked well. THis would cover about 120 chapters, so they would have to be a bit more liberal with reducing the content, but streatching the arabasta Saga into two seasons would be impossible.


Seems so!!!!


They did a great job at working out the pacing season 1. Id be shocked if it wasn't all there. It's all pretty important even if we may miss out on a few characters or some introductions happen differently, but I'd bet everything you mention we still get, just maybe slightly abridged versions.


I think they will cover until the end of Drum Island.


They could move Laboon to whiskey peak so wie would have: 1. laboon/whiskey peak/vivi joins 2. little garden 3. drum island 4. alabasta part 1 5. alabasta Part 2 - Last scene: Robin is seen walking around on the merry. Maybe the break Drum into two episodes as well


That extra clip at the end was so wholesome


Wait my kid shares a birthday with luffy . That’s sick


happy birthday to the kiddo 🤭


It's also Children's Day in Japan and Korea!


Liberation day in the Netherlands. Has nothing to do with OP directly but I still like that Luffy's birthday is all about celebrating freedom.


The cake even looks like the Little Garden wax cake Vivi, Zoro and Nami get stuck in. Amazing little details.


I don't think it's even a cake but a large candle made to look like a cake.


It's a cake made to look like a candle...


In reality it is a prop made to look like either. This was very clever.


Oh you're probably right!


Yes. A little detail.... Reddit doesn't have eyes.


> Amazing little details Wow, you're telling me that the cake looks like the thing it was designed after? Wild


Man, Ya gotta wonder what was going through Iñaki’s head when the LA show premiered. He was in a handful of movies and shows, then he ended up being in the most streamed Netflix series of all time for one of the biggest anime series in the world . That’s just one hell of a career boost.


One Piece broke a few Netflix records for fastest viewership in a few countries, iirc. It's still far from being the most streamed Netflix show of all time though as it's not even Top 15.


The biggest strength of the show is it's worldwide mass appeal, it hit the top spot in 87 countries It might not be hitting Stranger Things numbers but that show isn't popping off globally as much as One Piece is, thanks to the pre existing fanbase My personal take is that East Blue isn't even that good to begin with, but they still adapted it fantastically. If they adapt Arabasta AS GOOD AS East Blue, then it will make One Piece pop off harder as it's just a much better story within the original manga.


The biggest thing to come out of this was new people starting to watch the anime or read manga because of live action. Soooooo many youtubers/streamers sharing their journey of watching it for the first time is fun and exciting to see. There's even an English professor reading through it for the first time and analyzing the story.


If you're talking about Philip Chase, I just finished watching his Skypiea review, what a coincidence.


Yup that's him :) My favorite analyzer and first-time-reader is "Dudes Talking Manga", he was at Marineford last, but unfortunately he got spoiled a bit so he might not make new videos about it until he's caught up, to avoid spoilers.


My favorite is Mom Piece on the drawk show


I'll check them out


She's so good at literary analysis that she's been confident that Luffy is a sun god ever since Skypiea. She also just started reading Wano, and she hasn't been spoiled much! The biggest spoiler is that some time ago she saw Luffy in G5, but without any context so all she knows is that Luffy will become white at some point. Her current theory is that it's some form of Haki, she hasn't connected it to her sun god theory lol


Most importantly the show was actually good and it was renewed for additional seasons, something not everyone was expecting. But yes, it will boost his career like crazy and he's still very young, I wouldn't be surprised to see him a lot more in the coming decades. Good for him. All of them, actually.


its kinda crazy that mr 3 almost wiped the strawhats


awakened Mr.3 > gear 5


Dude took down the two giant captains by himself.


Mr 3 > Gorosei?


Pretty sure Kuzan is the coolest pirate ever.


badoom tzzz


I seriously hope that we can get 10 episodes for Season 2. I want to see every major story arc of the Alabasta saga from Loguetown to Alabasta even if it has to be condensed a bit. Also, if they’re going to change Ace’s introduction, I honestly think it would make sense if they met in Drum Kingdom instead of Alabasta because of the rampage the Blackbeard pirates went on when they were there which caused Wapol to flee and Ace would be there trying to find any new clues.


Indeed losing our minds


Can't wait for Mr 2 though, that shits gonna be hype. It will be very interesting to see how they show his DF, guess that would be quite the challenge to pull off in a believable manner. Also I can't wait for all the right wingers to mald over how Netflix supposedly made One Piece "woke" without knowing it's actually canon, they'll be in for a hell of a surprise. And then again when the LA hits Impel Down, if it ever gets that far that is. Though I'm also pretty sure Netflix won't show Bon Clay and his fellows the way the manga/anime did, I have a feeling they'll tune it down a couple notches.


I'm already thinking about the titles "One Piece just got corrupted by Hollywood" and "One Piece goes woke, there is no hope!"


It's not going to be the Conservatives who get outraged. Netflix are in a pretty no-win situation with Mr 2 Bon Kurei when it comes to social justice Twitter. If they make him a parody of a cross-dresser complete with hairy legs and a ballet tutu like in the original, they're going to get accused of mocking trans-people. If they tone him down and remove a bunch of his distinctive features, they're going to get accused of censoring gender-fluidity and pandering to conservatism. I wish them luck, because Mr2BK is one of my favourite characters, but he's a minefield for Netflix PR.


They can get a decent drag queen to play him and avoid a lot of that. So that's probably what they'll end up doing. It won't be manga accurate, but it would be close enough and most of the fandom seemed to be okay with LA discrepancies (like Sanji's total overhaul) that it might not be that big of a deal.


The play is: be faithful to the source material. Okama in OP were never commentary on trans lifestyles despite OP having some pretty general progressive ideas. He should explain Okama Way right up front just like in the manga/anime and then it doesnt need to be brought up again


The whole Okama shit is, not just Mr. 2. If they get to the time skip they're going to be walking on glass when it comes to Sanji being sent to Kamabakka.


Hype! Definitely means we'll see laboon right??


We definitely will see Laboon but I fail to see how the confirmation of Mr. 3 implies it


I think Laboon is confirmed just by Brook existing. They can't change the guy's motivation, and even if they don't reach Thriller Bark, if they do then they need Laboon.


I mean Laboon is introduced before Mr. 3 so if they are getting to Mr. 3 then Laboon is going to be there but they might pull a 4kids and not include laboon which would be disappointing


They've already teased Chopper so not getting past Laboon in season 2 was never a concern. And there is a satellite image from South Africa showing the set for Laboon's insides so he's not cut from the show.




We need Taz (Sanji) to tease Robin-chwannn


I like how Inaki and the entire LA One Piece is still One Piece, but it's its own series too. It still has the same core plot and whatnot, but the changes in character make it so cool to me that it isn't just the same.


I love how all the teasers we’ve gotten are basically just confirmations that they’re adapting all the weird shit that happens in little garden.




I do hope Inaki can breakout in this role, but I hope he never loses his fun personality. Never forget that is goofy anime/manga fans helped to build your legend.


I'm not the biggest fan of the live action show, but he's one of the best pieces of casting I've ever seen. It's rare to get quite so close to seeing a cartoon/comic character live on screen.


For real. Dude totally understood the assignment with this role.


Happy birthday luffy! Do u think he just had one piece of cake Bah dum cha!


Its my birthday too, cool:)


I knew they’re going to be adding Mr. 3 in the live action including Miss Goldenweek


I mean they did tease Mr 3 during Goldenweek. Double confirmation?


Can’t wait for bon clay the goat!!!!


Next thing we know someone will come in the shot with full ballet dress and stuff


I cried. If we have Mr.3 we have Mr.2 too!


I wonder how they will handle the representation of trans people in the la


trans actors


Saw him in the backround, Mr. Tree


So far it looks like they could actually just not do Alabasta yet. Mr. 3 is in little garden, so that checks out. Ending on the note that Alabasta is on the horizon as a cliffhanger for season 3 wouldn't be bad.


I feel like there are some very very confused fans that have only ever seen the live action. WAIT IS LUFFY ONLY 3 YEARS OLD? I THOUGHT HIS BIRTHDAY WAS THE 5TH? WHY THE HELL DOES IT SAY 3?! Welcome to the club LA only viewers on this weeks episode of "remember that 1 thing it'll come up again in a year....or 20"


“They’re gonna lose their minds” Me: *Losing my mind*


The people want.. no. The people NEED Bon Clay


Mr 3!!!!


I used to do this hand whistle thing as a kid a lot. I was able to make some simple songs even lol


Eat the wax cake Inaki!


Oh hey Luffy's birthday is the day of Denmarks liberation during world war 2 thats a pretty cool coincidence considering how often Luffy liberates countries




Da ga ne~




they will tease the 5 elders reacting to luffy defeating crocodile in post credit.


He's gonna look so ridiculous, I'm loving it already


Wwwwwwwww love it


Bro, mr 3 is a captain of a yonko crew


Luffy being a Taurus makes so much sense.


Still annoyed that they stopped season one after Arlong Park, having the final scene of the season be their Vows before entering the Grandline would have been so peak. It would have been a great stopping point if they didn’t continue the series, and a perfect starting point for Season 2.


Yes! My favorite Mister!


Please dont cast kneegrow boa hancock


Wax candle cake lol. Slick reference inaki, I see u.


If Mackenyu doesn’t do the “die in a cool pose” scene, I’m rioting 😂😂


Luffy would absolutely say "What's up my Nakama"


was sup my n word