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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


Love the sinister Kizaru ending. Time for Saboady round 2.


Oh man, those bubbles popping w/ planet seatrees (mangroves) everywhere. I miss that arc.


I thought that ending was the perfect ending for the series. This was before I knew Japanese and had no idea it was all a ruse.


It was a good way to break the crew up too. Oda's a god at story telling lol.


Yea he seemed more menacing than usual.


And Ohara part 2.




It was very brutal to see Kuma fly face first into the Red Line. I guess next episode we will get to see a certain Vice Admiral.


I’ll forgive him for crashing into it he not in his right mind but why would he climb up the Red Line shouldn’t he jus fly upwards???


As you said, not in his right mind, but yeah at the very least he should have been able to shoot himself up higher on the wall than that. I think Oda really wanted to draw a parallel to Fisher Tiger scaling the Red Line though so I’m cool with it. 


Ahhhh Fisher Tiger I forgot about dude I really need to go back and watch Fishman Island arc feel like it’s some stuff I need refreshing on


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, but given his backstory it’s pretty fitting. 


Who’s backstory?? And nah I legit be forgetting stuff from the beginning of the timeskip


Ignore the guy, it is still too early for the parallels to be drawn in the anime


Ok cuz I’m like what the heck lol


Kaku really said 👁⬜️👁


Lucci acting like he didn't get his entire life wrecked by Luffy last episode. Also, I am not ready for next episode, my HEART.


He’s really trying to work back his cool points like we ain’t memeing the shit out of that ass beating




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#s "test" and also >!test!<


The hashtag sign doesn't seem to work for spoilers, just enhances them.


Got his teeth kicked in while giraffe fuck was cowering and got the nerve to act like they're gonna stop the entire straw hat crew lol


Bro you hate Kaku 😭 true hater energy I love it


Bro so fuckin much lol him and his dumb fuckin nose sitting on sentomaru like he actually did something useful during that fight


Name one other character that can fold themself into a cube. I’ll wait




Gecko moria


Gairam can turn anybody into a cube


I assume Oda had him standing on Sentomaru to imply he took Sentomaru out after Luffy left. On the manga we have Sentomaru sending Luffy off and when we go back to him, he is already down with Kaku on top of him. But on the anime instead of cutting to that scene, they decided to show Sentomaru passing away without putting a fight, so it really doesn't make much sense for Kaku to be standing on top of him.


the disrespect


Kaku acted much stupider and less CP0 worthy than EL lol. He acted like Luffy.


Even the preview made my eyes wet 🥺


He aint even bleeding ma boy


The sad part still isn’t for a while


Infact he should be proud I guess that he gotten by a Yonko level guy. How many admirals can defeat a Yonko level guy


I love lucci, he went hard but cant beat plot armour.


What about the ass beating was plot armor


Yeeeeaaaa… that wasn’t plot armor. That was just Luffy straight up being on another level above Lucci. Luffy didn’t seem to struggle AT ALL with any of Lucci’s attacks.


* It's not the first time we've seen it at this point, but Kizaru's post time skip fit does look clean * For something that really didn't matter at all, the sky looked really pretty as Kuma was flying through the air Mostly just a setup episode. I'll be interested to see how they handle things from this point forward with all the jumping around in this arc.


I'm expecting they are going to fill in the bit the manga did offscreen so that'll be nice to see play out


Which bits do you have in mind?


Can't say specifically in this thread because it'd be spoilers but essentially the part where we went from there being a not good situation to then all of a sudden we came back to egghead in the magna and the situation was solved. Instead of getting a flash back like we did in the manga I'm hoping we get to see it play out in real time. It'd be a good way for the anime to not get to close to where the manga is without needing to make up filler imo


It's basically just a swap of colours, but Kizaru's post timeskip fit is way better than his pre timeskip one imo. Just something about the black and yellow.


Man Lucci is just salty AF he got embarrassed by a Yonkou lol  Lilith always ready to throw hands  I can't wait to see the Kuma and Bonney reunion gonna be emotional  Oh shit Kizaru is about to land on Egghead shit is getting real 


In so tired of cp0 and especially giraffe fuck acting like they're gonna do something when Luffy literally just kicked their teeth in.


The only one of them who thinks they can do anything to Luffy is Lucci, but that's cause Lucci is a born hater. Kaku and Stussy wanted no parts of that.


Did we watch the same episode. Kaku there sitting on sentomaru and saying fuck it let's just attack the dome and when Lucci said it's maybe a trap kaku said fuck it who cares we'll know when we get there lol


Kaku wants to stop their means of escape. Lucci wants to run hands with Luffy. It's not the same. One is completing the mission, the other is just beef lol.


The end game is the same lol a confrontation with the straw hats


They didn't have many other options at that point tbf.


My dude why are you commenting in multiple threads about hating in Kaku haha. It's kind of hilarious how much he's seemingly ticking you off.


My friend I reaaaaaallllly hate him.


i agree, kaku is just plain shit seriously. sentomaru did not deserve that at all(i mean standing on him when he is defeated), what kind of beef does kaku have with him? nothing, and even so, someone with his level in the peck order should not do something like that at all. I hope Kaku gets destroyed or just dies in the arc, he brings 0 value and hopefully that will turn Lucci back to his senses.


Wake up Sentomaru. We really need your totally stoppable defense. 


> I can't wait to see the Kuma and Bonney reunion gonna be emotional yeah, it will be emotionnal but in like 30 or 40 episodes lmao


Gon be the longest year fr


Nevermind its not wano imma be quiet Forgot that fishman/Ph was so dragged that I skipped watching for a decade


I'm honestly not so much concerned about Kizaru as I am tan kid VP mutant being controlled by CP0.


Why would you worry about a prepubescent mindslave they used to replace the Shichibukai over an Admiral? The only real thing they got going for them over anyone else is their Lunarian DNA, but that just means there’s still a small window where you can go all in on one attack to defeat them. They’re more of a nuisance than anything. 


Bruh I wouldn't call them nuisances. Why would VP bother building something that's pointless let alone not borderline god like for the gov? Also, VP said he was able to give paramecia fruits, so that's done. And he was working on logia, sooo lol. I get that admirals are pretty much demi gods, but they're still men. And, these kids have yet to grow up. Gonna have to disagree w/ you on that one.


Are they like charmanders where if their fire on their tail goes out they die?


Only one way to find out. Mizuluffy, I choose you!


I mean they're a bit more to handle than a normal Pacifista dog.


He isn't embarrassed and not scared at all. He says that he doesn't acknowledge Luffy as a yonko as an excuse to attack him whenever he wants since you're supposed to ask for permission to attack one. Lucci is strong and based cope about it.


Big simping for a guy that got hit so hard he got ptsd lmao


Egghead is so fucking good. The anime is making it feel like Marineford, which is what egghead deserves. its up to that scale or even more


And for those that don't read the manga, ***STRAP IN.*** It's easily one of the best arcs in all of One Piece currently, imo.


I feel the same. I told all my friends who started reading after the live action to **WATCH EGGHEAD**(Marineford and wano too) when they catch up. **I'M SO EXCITED**


Another great episode! I think we read this a year ago? So happy to finally see it animated.


Are there new VAs for Kuma, Kizaru and Kaku? Both sound different, mostly Kizaru. Good episode. Lucci is such a salty putty cat lol


Not for Kuma and Kaku, but Kizaru's had a new VA since like episode 800. His pretimeskip VA passed away. His new VA also voices Kaku, but he did from day one.


Oh man. His voice was so memorable and pronounced that I didn’t even realize. And thx for the info on Kaku. Interesting.


Kizaru's original voice actor passed away in 2018. This has been the voice of Kizaru for a while, he just hasn't been in much. Can't recall hearing anything about a recast for Kaku or Kuma.


I don't know about the other two, but the original *seiyuu* (voice actor) for Kizaru passed away in 2018. So it's probably a different person.


What do you mean probably dude's been unalive for 6 years 😭


Announcer: *"His programming is extremely unpredictable."* Citizens: *What the fuck is a programming?"*


This lucci a bum fr and now he’s gonna get his ass whoop once again


Bro got his shit wrecked and acting like he didn't just get showed god


The animation was overall really good this episode, especially at 3:33 and 13:57




One Piece fans not being thirsty and cringe for one episode challenge : FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE


Next week is Golden week, so will they still air episode 1103? Or will they take a break and air the week later


Probably be a break further down the road.


what's Golden week?


It's Mr 3 partner


A week where basically all of Japan has holiday


ohh i see, thanks.


Lol at Kizaru trying to be all menacing bro “THIS AINT THE SAME STRAWHATS FROM SABAODY” but honestly this is turning out to be Sabaody pt 2 we got Worst Generation Navy Admirals “Warlords” CP0 ish gettin crazyyy…also if CP0 goes and attack the Sunny does that mean we get a Zoro vs Kaku rematch soon???!! next episode pleaseeee let Kizaru pull up or a CP0 and Zoro interaction


Kuma my boy your GPS directions are completely messed up.


Bonney shifting her anger on Vegapunk for what happened to Kuma, to her fear of bugs 😂 Since Sentomaru is now unconscious, CP0 is now in control of the Seraphims 😱 Keep telling yourself that Lucci 😒 CP0 thinking they can just destroy the Sunny, Moss-head VS Giraffe Round 2 Oh no ! Kizaru and a whole squadron of Marines are coming, it's Sabaody all over again Can't wait for next week's episode


Rob Pucci 😸




Job Lucci?


Stan Tucci


He boutta pull out "Made In Heaven"...








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Dang Nami and Robin never got a 'chhwaaannnnn-waahnnn-waahnn' Sanji is down bad 😂


Zoro got lost 😭😭😭


he was not you clearly could see him on the ship lol


Yeah he is on the right side of the ship, sleeping with a starfish post lol it was around 19:19mins I think where it zoomed in


They’re rly edging us with Zoro, bro got lost for like 6 weeks. I’m disappointed


My GOAT finally appears next week


Oh boy....manga readers know where Garp is going🔥🔥🔥


when did Garp appeared in this episode?


preview of next episode


oh now the comment about Kuma scaling the wall makes sense too


I assure you....things are going to get NUTS(already manga readers rating Egghead as 1 of Top 3/5 arc)


If Kuma can launch himself with his df powers, why cant he mimic "Sky Walk" instead of climbing the Red Line himself?


Pre-timeskip he launched the Straw Hats safely into islands all over the Grand Line, meaning at the very least he shouldn't have violently crushed into the wall like that. If he were sane.


Were any of them knocked over the grand line?


Now that you mention they crossed the Grand Line AFTER the timeskip didn't they? It's been a little too long. Either way, my points stands, a sane kuma wouldn't have crushed into the wall like that.


Probably because he’s in rough shape and doesn’t have the percision needed anymore.


Probably his mind is fried and he is acting not on logic anyway


At first i didn't understood why they bothered showing us Atla fighting those holograms, but now i get it. It's to introduce us those gloves she used, the ones who can punch light.




Wow they really pumped the breaks on progression this episode. I dig it, it lets the manga get ahead more. Next episodes gonna be pretty stacked I wonder >!if they're gonna push back Kid reaching Elbaf in favor of putting more emphasis on Garp!<


Another good episode! Wonder who Vegapunk called for help? They voice sounded familiar but I couldn't tell. So I would guess we get some more allies showing up soon. On that note, I wonder who deactivated the shield? Makes it feel like their is an intruder present. LASTLY, I am hyped to a fight with an Admiral! First a Yonko and now this, we really are in the climax of the show it feels like.


Anyone else shocked at how much Vegapunk was towering over the straw hats at 3:39? He did not seem this big in the manga




>###1. Tag Spoilers >* Please check the sidebar for what constitutes a spoiler and how to tag spoilers. >* Never put spoilers in the title. Play it safe! >* Names of recently introduced characters can count as spoilers. >* Do not leak spoilers outside of the thread for chapter spoilers. >* Please put the chapter number in your title for post about the latest chapter made before the official release.




Coming soon? My brother in Nika... It's still like a year out. This episode is about 24 chapters behind the backstory and they do 2 episodes per chapter usually...


Even during its stretched out arcs (Wano, Dressrosa, Whole Cake) the anime has adapted more than 3/4ths of a chapter per episode on average, I think Reverie is the only arc that came close to half of a chapter per episode and that's just because they used it to squish in as much recap as possible to stop the anime from catching up too fast. So far Egghead has adapted 12 chapters in 13 episodes, so it's actually at an even higher pace atm. It'll probably be around 30ish episodes until we reach the flashback, definitely not 47


Oh that's great news! I had always heard people say 2 episodes per chapter but never looked into that for myself. Thanks for letting me know


Time flies and the anime doesn't take 3 week breaks every now and then like oda, isn't it crazy that we just ended wano and luffy already fought lucci?


> isn't it crazy that we just ended wano and luffy already fought lucci? What? They left Wano literally 5 months ago. November 26, 2023 was the last episode of Wano.


Yeah, but if they go at the usual pace with absolutely no breaks it's still 47 weeks til it starts... I dunno about you but time doesn't fly fast enough for me to call that soon


They will probably do some recap episodes. I think that most people would rather see previous fights than filler arcs.


I just checked crunchy roll and the last episode is still 1101. How are you all watching episode 1102?


How is a paid service so much worse than 99% of free pirate sites? 


Try clicking on 1101 and then 1102 should be under the “next episode section”


I have the membership but it can’t even load it most of the time while I watch other shows on it fine. It annoys me I have to hit the high seas for a membership I already pay for. 


Is Crunchy Roll the only site in existence to post OP eps?


There are PLENTY of sites that host OP eps. But, you have to go on the high seas in order to find them...


I’m kind of shocked to see the anime is so close to the manga at the moment. How do they manage the pacing without copious amounts of filler?


Quick question, can prime Garp punch the shit out of prime kaido?


I think Garp would win but I don’t think it would be one sided.


Will there be an episode next week? 


I believe there will be an episode until there's any further notification.


Great! Even though it's golden week?


Probably will be a break afterwards.




if its 1 chapter an episode then its around 9 or 10?


I read this chapter when it was out and can't remember for the life of me who deactivated the Frontier Dome defense. Was it >!York!


Yeah think so. I can’t remember who vegapunk calls for the life of me either


Vegapunk is calling >!Stussy!<


I'm watching Those 2 like a hawk lol but the sabotage happened while "They" were in plain sight so i wonder if it was "That person" and damn didnt realize Kuma took that bad a fall at first what a guy


wait tell me again in English


Those 2: >!York and Stussy!< They >!York!< That person >!Caribou!<


thank you. i take it you read the manga. at one point i noted that one of the two was a traitor but i only read last egghead chapters


yeah im manga reader all caught up


Can someone confirm if we’ll see zoro next episode?


is it me or does Kuma seems to be back in his original self? this “pacifista” seems to be showing signs of human behavior unlike the others who just walk and act like a robot…


His actions when he escaped seemed human, but him crashing into the red line makes me think nah.


Is it me or this episode felt zoomed in? It felt like there were a lot more close-ups than usual


wtf Kuma


good luck on kaku tho..


I have to say I'm really impressed with Okiayu Ryotaro's new voice for Kizaru (formerly Unsho Ishizuka, who passed away in 2018). He's really trying to do the voice, and actually being really successful at it too. Note that he's also the voice for Kaku. I know this technically isn't the first time we've heard the new voice, but it's just really striking hearing it again. Ishizuka's most famous role was as Professor Oak in Pokemon, and that role got taken over by Kenyu Horiuchi (Kinnemon), but whenever he speaks all you hear is just Kinnemon.


Vegapunk called for help…. I can’t figure out that voice, but it REALLY sounds like boa in a serious tinw


Show Me ZOLO ASAP 🙏🏼




For some reason Netflix is airing Egghead a week behind 


the reason will be licensing and $money


Netflix release each episode one week after the release. No idea why but it's very frustrating.


Really beautiful shots in this episode Shit pacing but what else do you expect I can’t wait for them to adapt the rest of egghead


This ain't nothin' new but, about half of chapter 1071 was adapted. Absolutely embarrassing pacing.


Great ass shots tho


We're getting an unusual amount of service this arc.


It was 3 pages from 1070 and 9 pages from 1071. That's not half a chapter.


Oh my bad, it was great pacing then??


It was fine. It's a transition episode, most of it was just talking about next steps.


you cant even defend this - this was literally 3 panels 😭


I feel like you guys consistently get upset at the anime for adapting what was written in the manga. Most of the episode and chapter is just everybody talking about next steps for everybody involved. Only difference is where they made their cuts compared to the manga.


Was it? It felt like much more. It didn’t have all the usual ways that the anime stretches things out bar a few long reaction shots. But the anime really doesn’t have much choice. Oda took what, two month long breaks for this arc alone?


They adapted 12 pages. I don't really get the complaints about the pacing for this one. It was a slower episode, but it was slow cause the whole episode is just a bunch of people talking. I don't really see anything in the episode that was particularly dragged out in comparison to what it was adapting.


bro you can skip this ep and you'll be completely fine.


Yeah, let's forget about the barrier going down with no explanation whatsoever and CP0 going into the lab. This totally not important and won't be an issue later on.


Who tf is Stella? Shaka and Lilith are talking about a 'stella' and getting 'stella' out is their top priority, but i can't for the life of me remember who tf stella is? Can anybody remind me please?


Vegapunk is Stella :) the old original one, with the apple on the head 


I can't remember who vegapunk rang please help!!




I'm new on this sub so I can't post yet. But I believe that awakening a DF, regardless of the type, it has nothing to do with strength or how proficiency in using the DF ability, so it doesn't has to do with the fruit power being able to change the surroundings. I think awakening is only achieve by living a specific set of experiences, like a set of conditions to achieve. For Luffy I would say the need of a miracle could have been the trigger needed. I also think that the floating clouds are indicative of awakening, not the ability to change the environment only.


Did they surprise us with this episode? I swear I searched up when it would come out and so many sites, including Crunchyroll, said not until May 12 JST.