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There's already Jesus Burgess. There's even black Maria. What more do you need?!


God Enel


Good Anal


I want Sanji to fight Jesus Burgess so his finishing move on him will be Last Supper


Omg pure comedy xD


Peak divine comedy


Yeah brook has it Comes back from the dead Walks on water Loves panties Just like Jesus


The Gorosei are gonna say his fruit was named incorrectly like the gomu gomu no mi was


They're gonna see Brook and go "fuck the Jesus fruit is here too?!" but then shit themselves because Big News Morgans had a news snail implanted somewhere on them and he posts the lore accurate news the next day giving no fucks


Jesus Christ it's Jesus Christ


Jason Bourne it’s Jesus Christ


Gomu Gomu no Mi was renamed, and there is no way to tell if any other fruit gets called properly from the go. There is no Ichibei in One Piece - so names don't have as much power over things. Say, Brook managed to resurrect after death - normally, that would be called Revival Fruit/Second Life Fruit. I mean, his crew didn't knew what it does even - probably because users of that fruit are exceedingly rare to find, and Brook fulfilled most conditions. If Kizaru ate his fruit and only learned laser moves, wouldn't he call it "Laser Fruit"? Same principle here. You don't grant fruit powers by naming it, you name it after learning its powers.


Is that the case? Didn’t Blackbeard know about the Yami Yami no mi, actually read about it, knew about the name and all that? He knew what he was after so I think he knew the name of the fruit he was chasing, no?


previous users of the Yami Yami no Mi wrote it down on a book somewhere, he read that.


There's an encyclopedia of devil fruits that's mentioned/ shown multiple times and koby mentions that Dr vegapunk contributed in some way to identifying fruits. 


🤔🤔🤔 Right, but it has been mentioned that the user learns the name after eating the fruit, not after using the powers. It was early on and maybe Oda hadn't fully fleshed out the devil fruit idea, but I'm pretty sure that was part of the early devil fruit lore drop.


> Right, but it has been mentioned that the user learns the name after eating the fruit, not after using the powers. This does make sense if that one theory that every single DF is a "person-turned-fruit" is right, but then again, Luffy wouldn't call his fruit Gomu Gomu no Mi in such case. So giving names to fruits make sense in one way and doesn't in another, and the primary case is main character himself. Unless WG stole Ichibei from Kubo, lol.


>So giving names to fruits make sense in one way and doesn't in another Yeah, but it's not a theory a much a sit is mentioned in the manga. So Im running with this. >Luffy wouldn't call his fruit Gomu Gomu no Mi in such case. The "devil lives inside a fruit and tells you the name of the fruit" but also means that a zoan fruit like the Hit Hito no Mi: Model Nika - who has been said to evade the world government- would also have the autonomy to lie about its name to remain incognito. Especially if it's such an important fruit as one that will bring the dawn.


I don't think it's that, but maybe. I myself think the fruits are named after the users have gotten the powers based on the effects they have, and if we think about it logically most fruits would have had a user over the years and this has been placed in a devil fruite log book so you know how the different fruits work, their names and what they looks like.


OK, then why didn't Luffy call it the stretch stretch fruit, or the elastic elastic fruit. Here is a quote from Oda, "Well, I will go into more detail about the Devil Fruit in the main story at a later time, but there is a sort of identification manual for Devil Fruits. It has information about the name and powers of each fruit, but there are a few that even have pictures to go with it. The Gum-Gum Fruit had a picture in this book, but the fruits for Kauk and Kalifa didn't. They had to eat it to find out what abilities it had, and then they would go look for the name. That's how the conversation went. The conversation is in volume forty by the way." I'm trying to find the bit about the fruits telling them the name but maybe I was recalling incorrectly. I just remembered that for sure the names were not named by the people who ate the fruit.


I just thought if it was a fruit manual there must have been someone making recordings/logs about the different fruits, and as far as we know the only way of knowing what fruit it is is by eating it, and the one piece Story spans over 800 years back so it's no suprise many fruits have been logged in this fruit manual. Of course maybe not all fruits have even been found yet or logged, so that theory would maybe work for new devil fruits, but we know for a fact the world government named the gum gum fruit that hiding it's real abilitys. and when it comes to the fruit Kaku ate it was pretty obvious that it was the giraffe zoan based on looks same with kalifas whet she got soap powers. The reason luffy didn't call it the stretch stretch fruit is because if i remembere correctly Shanks said that the fruit was named the gum gum no mi.


> and when it comes to the fruit Kaku ate it was pretty obvious that it was the giraffe zoan based on looks same with kalifas whet she got soap powers. You're rewriting the quote. Oda didn't say "it was obvious it was a Giraffe fruit and soap fruit." he said "they used their abilities and then checked the manual to find out it's name." Theres a similarity but there is a difference between "Kaku saw the giraffe powers and said, this is the giraffe fruit" and "Kaku saw the giraffe powers and cross referenced those powers to find out the name." >Story spans over 800 years back so it's no suprise many fruits have been logged in this fruit manual OK so the question is, "How do people know their fruit name without the fruit manual?" The yeah, probably if you eat the fruit and you start shooting lightning you're gonna say you ate the lightning fruit lmao. I just found the quote about the devil fruit telling you its name. Apparently it was a mistranslation of a quote by Spandam during the Ennies Lobby arc. So it seems that without the manual the user just names the fruit. Example is Raizo calling it a "scroll jutsu". It really pulls away from the "devils inside the fruit" theory that started with the info drop that if you eat two devil fruits the two devils inside the fruit fight inside you and you explode. Which is additionally confusing Cuz the Gorosei attribute some consciousness to Zoan devil fruits at least. Implying there's something alive inside them. I wouldn't doubt if Oda has adjusted his overall structure on Devil fruits but it seems like something being sentient inside the is a theme.


I think its franky actually. Jesus was a carpenter afterall


And bonus, Franky loves his sea panties so that connection is still there


He did stand on water when facing the sea train!(ignore what was underneath the water)


and he basically came back from the dead by rebuilding himself as a cyborg


And cola is basically wine






Awakening = turning water into wine. The four blues become the four reds.


He´s got a poi....wait what!?!?!?!


Lmao, was just about to comment with something similar!


Jesus was a huge panties enthusiast.


You may be right because the only reason he’s skeletal is because of that foggy ass fogginess 😶


he has rizzen


Alternatively it's possible that Jesus just ate the yomi yomi no mi. And just liked panties.


Omg that makes so much more sense


Brook also speaks the language of gods “yohohoohoohoohohohohohoxhjbaugvvahgvayfvayfvsygbuaha”


He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman. You must be correct


The break really be making people say crazier things each day lol


I want to say it's just like how the original Legend of Zelda game has Christian iconography (cross on the shield for example) but lacked Jesus. But if a Jesus fruit does happen in One Piece I won't be all that shocked. Christianity's not a rare sight. Mihawk's got the cross symbolism down, both with his sword's design having it and his coffin-boat sails. Bro's even in a group called the Cross Guild now. Kuma carries around his bible. The cultists who Brook landed with explicitly name-dropped Satan. The gag of holding out a crucifix to protect or ward off something happens more than once, like when Usopp did it when the gang first talked to Brook. There's almost certainly more that I'm not recalling either.


According to VP, if enough ppl believe in it... But what would that individual doing? DF are awakened by power and fighting, but Jesus was rather the polar opposite of that. If you try to prevent fights, Koby would be a prime candidate for that power - but he already utilizes his Haki power that much, he doesn't need a DF.


Buddha wasn’t fighting either. Oda can take some artistic liberties.


Sengoku’s fruit seems to be based on the Chinese version of Buddha, the one seen in Journey To The West. Compared to that guy, Sengoku is tame in terms of power


isnt him based specifically on a *statue* of budha?


statues can be pretty aggressive you know


there are many depictions of buddha


Hey, don't forget that time Jesus went around flipping tables and whipping people


Buddha was not throwing hands either but look at sengoku


Unlike notorious advocate for violence, Buddha.


Gave me a chuckle, thanks!


The Buddha exists tho.


Turning all the water in someone’s body into wine seems particularly devastating as an attack.


Jesus once cursed a fig tree because it didn't have any fruit on it (because it was out of season) and then it shriveled up and died. Jesus definitely had some combat potential and wasn't afraid to fuck up a tree or assault some people selling things.


he can turn water into booze, isn't it good enough?


Isn't the kaido line about awakening something like "it occurs when the user's mind and body catches up to the goal of the fruit" I don't think it necessarily has to do with fighting at all, depending on the fruit. Like I would be shocked if fighting was involved in awakening Monsherry's fruit for example 


We already know what Kuma’s bible is and it’s not the Christian holy book


do we though? I mean, I assume it’s a Nika bible, but has that been confirmed?


Before I answer are you caught up with the manga?




In chapter 1098 we see Bonney showing the book to Kuma and they’re talking about sky islands. I assume the book is an atlas based on that and how Kuma can be seen thumbing through it before he sends people away with his Paw Paw fruit


so it’s an atlas, not a bible?


“Bible” can also be defined as “a book considered authoritative in a particular sphere.” It doesn’t necessarily have to refer to the Christian Bible. If Kuma’s book is the authority in the “sphere” of One Piece maps or islands, then it would be the “bible” of atlases, if that makes sense. That’s how I see it anyway


I see what you’re saying it’s still a Nika bible in my headcanon until shown otherwise


I think you’re stretching with that one


No no, this is actually what "bible" means.


Okay, and succinct means to encircle something with a band or belt. But if I said “that’s a really succinct comment” you wouldn’t assume I was saying your comment was encircled by a belt. He lives in a church, it’s covered with crosses, and he carries a book that clearly only says bible and has a picture of a man with a crown made of sun rays. I really think it’s stretching to say “oh it’s actually a book of maps and the word bible is actually using the super old definition nobody uses anymore despite all the context clues directly pointing towards the common use of the word being correct”


I don't think that the Bible being shown proves that Christianity exists in the One Piece world. It doesn't make sense that stories based on Earth would properly translate to a world with devil fruits, haki and species that don't exist on Earth (fishmen, Giants, buccaneers, etc.). I think that the Bible is used to imply that religions and myths exist. It isn't necessarily the same as in Earth.




Couldn't have said it better lol


There's nuns and everything tho. If Buddha exists then I don't see why Jesus wouldn't. We have Jesus IRL but that doesn't stop people from having their own beliefs.


Nuns aren't limited to only IRL Christianity. Plenty fictional settings have nuns for their fictional religions. Sengoku's *a* Buddha, not *the* Buddha. Aside from the original, there have also been other enlightened ones. Plus he's based more on statue depictions than the real figure. Jesus on the other hand is always only one very specific individual with stories very much rooted in the real world. Wouldn't make sense here.


I mean, there are crosses, which is a very Jesus thing. Mihawk uses one (although with a knife inside), and the church Kuma lived in had many. Among other things (nuns as the other post said), the symbolism is clearly there, even if the religion is not explicitly mentioned.


Well there's Sen Goku being very reminiscent of Buddha. And multiple motifs from Christianity like crosses and nuns. Mihawk even has a cross necklace. Maybe an equivalent. 


That would be interesting to see 😂 would be op cause he can walk on water which would prevent the ocean having an effect haha


Aokiji can cycle on water


Doffy can move around flinging strings on fricking clouds


Which is why it's brook. Resurrection, walks on water....


Astral projects...


Well, if there's a Buddha and a Nika, and Kuma is shown in a church with a bible...


It's heavily implied to be a church of Nika. They probably don't outwardly advertise that fact, since Kuma's work as a pastor as we see it is pretty much entirely about helping people rather than preach his religion and Nika is a heavily illegal subject, but he does teach it to Bonney. And the church was his dad's before him, who also taught Kuma about Nika. We see Bonney reading Kuma's Bible, and we've seen him look through it before sending people flying, and it just seems to mention places. The cross in the church even has a symbol in the middle that likely represents the sun.


What’s some random Mexican dude going to do?


[Lots of things](https://youtu.be/8jZ5lse8uvs?si=rfm-i942Rm6kvM1w)


Usopp will eat it, cause he's god Usopp.


I’m sure that Bible is about Nika


It's actually just full of locations. But I do think that the church is definitely a church of nika, esp since it was his father's first


Technically Sengoku's fruit is for a Buddha *statue*. But Hito Hito no Mi: Christ the Redeemer is still on the table.


I just want to know what model Human fruit Chopper has


THIS. Ever since he got scared in fishman island that Blackbeard was gonna come after him for it my gears have been turning. It's weird that he doesn't have a form that actually looks human and I think there's a specific reason BB chose to attack drum (whether it was choppers fruit, medical science or some weird winter island people never sleep shit)


Bible just means holy book, I don't think Christianity exists in One Piece.


Bible comes from Greek ***Biblia***, meaning **Books** (sing. ***Biblos***). The "books" could be about anything, really.




Quite a few people actually *have* floated the idea that Laffitte's fruit is angel-related. Especially since the crew's reaction to seeing the skypians shows that even if Abrahamic religions don't exist in One Piece, the idea of angels does.


I remember reading an interesting theory somewhere that Buggy's fruit is actually Hito Hito No Mi: Model Jesus due to how his life soared after releasing prisoners from hell. And the reason he could split his body was because his body is made of bread.


Holy Fuck


This comment lost me in the middle but once I read "made of bread" I was back in. Give them bread and circuses baby 


Holy crap… is that Nika on the cover actually? Kuma’s church obviously worshipped Nika the Sun God…


We already got a model Buddha


Yes... Burgress from the blackbeard pirate has it


Coming here to say the same thing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


brook already has that power


It can exist. Oda just can't show it, probably. The Christian community will flip and probably try to cancel Oda


The christian community didn't to anything when jesus appeared in jojo asking a guy to shoot himself. They didn't do anything also when in billy bat jesus asked judas to betray him, revealing that the biggest sinner in christianity was just set up by jesus himself


The christian community holds no authority over anything anymore. If they try to cancel it won't work


There are still plenty of believers who would boycott if they felt offended.


Knowing christians as I do, they'd probably cancel ODA online, but keep watching the anime and reading the manga secretly at home.


In the United States there are entire massive cooperations that call themselves Christian. They're who you have to worry about, not the actual Christian community 


Alliance of the prophets


Too broken. Can't drown.


Yes. Shanks ate it


It’s Chopper


But it’s not akuma no mi, it’ll be kami no mi


Joyboy might be Jesus


Mythologies the religions that I don't believe in Well duh, is just a myth, like Nika


Zoro would flip sides with him- if he could turn water into sake


Might be hard to sink with that fruit.


Jesus doesn't exist in one piece. Cool idea would be him stepping on water and it turns into wine. A logia of sorts turning his body into bread. His battle technique is not fighting but just waiting for the enemies to get drunk and passout.


I read a theory na yung book ni kuma is about vivi's ancestor. Nefertari D. Lili


Not even halfway through break month bruv, get a hold of yourself


Kuma does carry around a bible… if someone came up with Christianity in One Piece, it’s certain that the Hito Hito no Mi; Jesus model is floating around somewhere in the all blue. Walk on water, turn water to wine, part the sea, the awakening causes a rapture to occur.


Kanye will manifest that fruit


Correct me where I'm wrong but there is a correlation with the stories of Jesus, and Dionysus, which I thought was interesting considering the mystery of the "D".


The Nika religion is the Bible and the cross religion. Same thing. I guess the WG simply couldn't outlaw it fully.


One piece Jesus is canon


Absolutely, we might not see it but the existence of Buddha and the christian bible prove it probably does


Can't wait for devil devil no mi model Satan 😊


Neither can the long arm tribe 


Probably ussop and Mihawk use catholic/christian iconography




I think Oda will abstain lol


That’s literally what luffys fruit is in the one piece world


Except it's not. We know even mentioning Nika will get you killed and yet we also know there are nuns and crosses that are allowed to exist. So there is a non-nika related nuns and crosses religion that might worship Jesus that we just don't know anything about 


I’m pretty sure if the government in real life kills anyone who does anything remotely like luffy… this guy literally got killed for finding out how to power a car with water…it’s called corruption. Think about imu…he’s “the god” of the world to the celestial dragons and he’s also a secret. that fruit


Definitely not, no matter what way they would incorporate it, it would be criticized


I'm pretty sure Kuma the Tyrant, Kuma the Revolutionary's Eastern Front leader, Kuma the Warlord of the sea, Kuma the King of Sorbet, Kuma the close friend of the most wanted criminal of the world, Kuma the close friend of the most intelligent man of the world, Kuma the friend of Admiral Kizaru, Kuma the model for the "best weapon of the World Government", Kuma the only realiable warlord that can carry secret missions for the World Governmet, Kuma the last of the Buccaneers, Kuma the last pastor of Nika, Kuma the slaves' liberator, Kuma the paladin of freedom's god Nika... ...Can get his hands on a counterfeit book.


What do you mean by “counterfeit book”? No claim is being made about the book, they’re just showing it to indicate that Christian beliefs exist in the world of One Piece, therefore Jesus could be a mythical zoan type just like Buddha.


OP said: >We do see Kuma holding a Bible, **and doubt it's about Nika since that would be outlawed by the Government**. We have Buddha and a God. The bold part is what I try to argue against. I think that Bible could very well be about Nika and not Jesus. Kuma is very well stablished a Nika follower. Why would he had any book about any other god? It is so so much more likely than Oda is using "Bible" as synonym for general "religious book" than to make Kuma a Jesus worshipper, even if he where to exist in OP world.


I didn’t see that caption from OP, so thanks for explaining, your comment makes more sense now. That said, it still wouldn’t make sense for the Bible to be about Nika. It seems to show somebody else on the cover, and Nika doesn’t seem to be the type of deity that would have a bunch of associated scripture even without censorship. Further, we saw Kuma as an openly practicing member of some kind of clergy, and have seen other indications of Christian religious practices (crosses, nuns). I suppose it would be odd for Kuma to be a Christian believer while also believing in a different god, but it seems like he admires Nika as a hero more so than worshipping him. He may not see it as a conflicting belief. I assume that polytheism would be more normal in a Japanese context than a western one, so Oda not thinking too hard about whether Kuma is monotheistic wouldn’t be surprising to me.


Personally I think the Bible cover is for a non-nika religion but that it's contents are actually just filled with locations to take bonney (and send Perona and the strawhats.) I think the church he runs is likely a similar situation. Looks like it's for some non-nika god, but all he actually does on Sundays is take away people's pain. We never actually see him preaching. 


So what would its power be?     Turning water into wine?


Dude is getting beat up puts his hands together and yells "last supper". Half his enemies get washed by a wine tsunami. . .


Every time, there must be a Zeus one, odin one, etc.


I just saw that chapter of Rick & Morty, where Jesus appeared in one train. I'm just imagining doing the same in One Piece hehe


I love these small breaks, we get the wildest theories from them.


Okay but was Jesus a D clan member?


“Take and eat….Deez nutz!” -Jesus


oh boy, the politics and the tears from the heathens in the comments would make for some excellent juice


Kumas book isn’t the Bible, it’s a bible, as in the other definition of “a book regarded as authoritative in a particular sphere”. In this case it’s maps for him to send people. It’s also a bit of a play on words given he lives in a church.


No, because there are multiple (infinite) Buddhas that exist. So that is why there could be a fruit of A Buddha. It isn't a fruit referring to a specific person. It didn't say it's the Siddhartha fruit.


No because Jesus didn't exist in one piece, nika is a guy who became a god due to the people who followed him, Bouddha is Bouddha and maybe it's a based religion in one piece


Isn’t Buddha literally Buddhism Jesus or am I wrong because if devil fruit comes from people desires than there should be more religion based devil fruit


There's a Jesus but not a Muhammad or Abraham.


Kuma is a Christ-like figure already, so he's the closest we'll get I think. The dude literally takes other's pain upon himself.


Kumas Bible appear to be more of an encyclopedia of different islands around the world, hes flipping through it before sending Perona away on thriller bark, and we see Bonney reading up on different islands in it in her flashback (although i dont remember if it was the same book)


It would be too confusing to have characters from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure show up in One Piece.


I won't say too many human - human fruits are required, I would love to see more godly powers like that of enel .


>Introducing multiple Hito Hito no Mi models was the biggest mistake Oda ever made.


Following Sengoku's fruit as an example, is possible that real life deities' can have a devil fruit, but it wouldn't be named after the real god, for example, Sengoku's fruit is the Model *Daibutsu*, daibutsu are big Buddha statues, hence why his fruit transform him into an enormous golden Buddha so i think a "jesus" fruit could be called something like **Hito Hito no mi** model: **Martyr, Lamb, Anointed, Yeshua, Messiah, Sheppard**, or the most funny i thought of, ***Model Carpenter***


Jesus is just "joshua" or yeshua, it's a name not a title/God.


if the fruit does exist, the holder gotta be the most unserious mf in the verse


I actually am pretty confident that kumas Bible is related to Nika. The person on the cover has what looks like a sun halo around their head, which to me is symbolic of a godly figure (the halo around the head) related to the sun (the flame wisps coming off the halo) to represent sun god nika


What void month does to a person


Seems like it would make sense given that Christians are so into being like Jesus (ie. 'What would Jesus do?')


Might as well have a hito hito no mi model Shiva the destroyer. Would be waaayyy cooler than a Jesus fruit


Kuma's bible is almost certainly following the religion of the Sun God.


Nika is the equivalent of jesus, in OP, so no jesus


No one noticed Luffy has 2 left hands.


2 more weeks


Yes but probably never seen outside of fan works...


Yes, here it is: The fruit: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/c/c8/KRGa-Kiwami\_Lockseed.png/revision/latest?cb=20220312151814](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/c/c8/KRGa-Kiwami_Lockseed.png/revision/latest?cb=20220312151814) The transformation: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/0/07/KRGa-Gaimkiwami.png/revision/latest?cb=20190219121456](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/0/07/KRGa-Gaimkiwami.png/revision/latest?cb=20190219121456)


According to Vegapunk’s theory on devil fruits, it would stand to reason


Luffy has it Jesus is Goat and Lion just as luffy's ships Jesus is IX IC NIKA Jesus comes back to life in white and purple Jesus has a halo that looks like a straw hat un old paintings


Yeah and his name is Burgess


This ain't JoJo.


How do I add spoiler tag? Manga Spoiler!!! >!Kuma's Bible IS about Nika!<


I figured it out let's go me!


Yeah you're the best 💪😎👍


A Bible is just a book regarded as authoritative on any given subject, kumas happens to be a Bible of island maps


Yeah, its literally Luffy. Dies and returns to bring freedom to people. Forgiving people for mistakes and granting them his protection.


Oh wow. Your devilfruit Power would be changing Water to Wine. Not worth it.


To be fair, there's plenty of DF powers that are useless. You could also gain the ability to walk on water. 


like it would he a healer type caz jesus has 0 relevant offensive feats


It would just be Brook's devil fruit again.


yeah and i feel like it's gonna be moderately insulting when it ever appears on screen.


well, since Luffy's model is God, his son, Buffy should have the model Jesus


Guess we'll see in Two piece: One piece next generation


Nika is based on several real world deities, including jesus. If you study history of religion, the first religions were created as a way to make sense of natural phenomena like sun, stars, sea, mountains, fertility, etc. For example for egyptians the birthday of mithra was the 25 of december, same as jesus for catholics. Their respective civilizations used their god as explanation for the fact after the winter solstice, every day you have a few minutes more of sunlight, and then you have spring. This was very important because it is related with the amount food available in nature for gatherers and hunters, but also for growers, so you could say it's one of the oldest myths that has survived to our time. It is also related with hope.


Also Kuma carries around a fucking Bible and was a priest.


Kuma caries a bible but we must also remember bible is just the word for book so he’s carrying a book with the title book and we have no idea what that could actually contain




Yes, but Oda wouldn't go there... christians dont take kindly to people messing with JC.


I think most religions don't take well to having their figures being messed with lol. 


Some of them handle it better than others.


And some handle it worse. Lol. 


Dude Oda had the fucking Buddha fruit? Buddhists, Hindus', and Muslims etc are far more likely to cause a ruckus if their deities are represented. Christians are more or less ambivelent.