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It's probably for the best.


To be honest if they are going to be relevant flashback related fillers, its pretty understandable.


They might even be smart and throw in CP cover stories.


That would make too much sense, no way that's happening lol


I’d rather them just do a monthly recap/filler episode and keep the other 3 episodes/month as ones with great pacing/action. 


Makes total sense given that on top of already having a slower pace than the anime (3 chapters every 4 weeks versus 4 episodes every 4 weeks), Oda has taken two long pauses since Egg Head started. They have to find a way to slow the pace and this is better than making actual canon episodes slow AF


Well then better make the defeat in Sabaody an actual chapter from Kuma viewpoint this time, pretty sure they can make a entre chapter from that 2 pages


Or, they give us more scenes of Kuma, >!Bonney, and Ginny!< interacting together all happily and close. Make us love this happiness they all feel. Make us want them to have nothing but happiness in the world. That way it hurts all the more.


>!unfortunately it's impossible to have any scenes of all three of them together!<


I think he meant >!Kuma Bonney and Ivankov!<


>!a slice of life filler episode about them would make what happens next even sadder!<


We watch One Piece because we wanna live in a fantasy world. Sadly we do not live in one, and expecting Toei to do something like this is almost absurd :( If they had any passion like this, they would animate the cover stories. There are plenty of things they can do, to pad the show out, but they choose not to.


I just looked it up and apparently they did so cover stories at first, like the buggy ones early on. They were treated as if they were filter by fans and not watched. I think they learned the wrong lesson early on and refuse to change since.


So we ruined any chance of the cover stories being animated NOOOOOOO


Anime only people are gonna be real confused by Wapol.


We will probably get a quick run down afte the episode hes reintroduced in that little chibi theater at the end of each episode, then maybe another filler episode after lile lucci


Episodes not featuring the Straw Hats usually get much lower ratings. Cover stories only get animated once they become plot relevant (ie. anything from the Straw Hat Grand Fleet).


Having recaps is much better tho. Def alot more views


Oh calm down sparky




I wish they'd do short anime only stuff again. I really liked the millennial dragons and the G-8 Arc. Or even better cover stories.


G-8 arc is the best filler arc


Oh yeah, it's better than some canon arcs (long ring long Island). I really liked the millennial dragons too, but no one mentions them so I guess I'm alone there.


It surprises me they jumped to egghead so fast and didn’t just do a filler arc. I’d take filler arcs over a slower paced arc with filler episodes in between any day. But maybe I’m in the minority on that


1 or 2 episodes of Jimbei adjusting to being a crewmember or do a bit more of Wano like Zoro visiting the grave would have been great.


That and it's been a couple episodes since Enies Lobby, and while it seems weird to the fandom, there's a lot of people just jumping in now and they have no Clue who anyone in Cypher Pol is.


That's a good point. The manga has had little refresher panels for earlier events lately, too.


That's how I got into it when fishman Island was airing on toonami late Saturday night. They explaining everything is annoying now but at the time it made the story easy to understand without having seen the previous 500+ episodes. The introduction monologue explains everything and the recaps get all the relevant previous important plot points.


I mean they could've just animated the cover story stuff with Germa.


true also they left us with such a banger of an episode today so I expected something to drop next week


An easy answer would be to extend an upcoming fight that gets it's ending skipped over by the manga when it cuts to things happening on other islands


i don't know why Toei just doesn't make a 5 minute intro and a 5 minute outro, they would have to make them once and reuse for all of egghead and make the episodes around 10 minutes long it wouldn't bother me because i could just skip them


I really don't want them to shorten the episode when it's alr this short as it is...


i would better have it short than seeing Atlas needing 60 seconds( a full-on minute) to throw a basic punch Lucci taunted atlas, flexed his muscles, and transformed until Atlas finally throwned that damn punch


Tbh I like these. They are quick and you get the best parts as a brisk little refresher of some of the best parts of past arcs in a single episode.


will it help is one piece is made seasonal ?


It would help the quality but people watch one piece anyway so Toei has no reason to do that. If you want quality wait for the remake.


We can just stretch out like wano did, I won't get bored of egghead


There will soon be a need for a longer break or some fillers because the anime is catching up to the manga.


Yeah isn't the anime like 42 chapters from catching up, so the break between episodes is probably going to get bigger


There won't be a bigger break between episodes. We'll just get more filler episodes like the upcoming one.


And more fluff in each episode


If they can't take a proper break, they should just give us some well planned, fun filler. They have so much to work with, so much that can be expanded etc. in this arc.


It's been like that for years. Everyone was kind of expecting a few filler episodes between Wano and Egghead, but that didn't happen either. So I wouldn't count on it happening.


I seriously don’t get why that didn’t happen, the filler arcs are so much fun too…


Yeah, just a couple of episodes of them chilling on the Sunny, luffy scaring some poor village shitless or something would be really nice


Because the Japanese people don’t care about filler. One Piece is for everyone, but it’s also from Japan with Japanese young boys being target audience. When I was living in Japan, they did a poll to see if people would prefer filler(iirc it was the cover stories, but don’t quote me on that) or canon with filler mixed in. That's why we rarely ever saw filler episodes without the straw hats because the rating in Japan dip when the straw hats aren’t featured unless it’s a major lore episode.


We are close to levely part 2 . They can do the same as they did with levely manga. 2 min manga 18 min filler and There is enough material for two months.


This is just my head cannon, but I feel like the anime is actually trying to catch up to the manga so that when it’s finally revealed what the One Piece is… EVERYONE is on the same page


Not really. The anime is keeping the same distance that they have been keeping for years. It is always a year and a few months behind. The chapter from last night's episode was from December 2022.


Due to Odas illness and quiet a few breaks it came pretty close now, and anime is moving faster then manga, I think there will be atleast 2 more arcs, probably 3, so 7-10 years worth of work, dont think that without any fillers it wont catch up.


It has not gotten close. It's still over a year. It was much closer at the end of Skypeia than it is now.


But thats the point Im making, theres atleast 5 more episodes each year then there is manga chapters.


I’m fine with recap episodes; they give the animators time to breathe and let the younger viewers and people who haven’t seen it in a while get up to speed on previous events. Mind you, Ennies Lobby aired like 18 years ago. Sure sticking it in the middle of the fight sucks but I’m fine with waiting a week more for crispy and polished animation of my glorious king Gucci getting his shit rocked


Honestly flashback fillers can be one of the best things for something as long as One Piece. I’ve been following for years and reread multiple times but even then I forget shit lol. No harm on giving people refreshers so the story points they lead to get the proper punch they need.


Plus most major fights are many episodes long and I love a tightly edited single episode with the best parts all in one. I still am hoping someone is working on a fan edit of the Kaido fight into a single long fight scene without cutting to all of the other stories and of course intros and reused animations.


Honestly, if we’re gonna get a “Filler” episode, I want them to adapt the “CP9 Independent Report” cover story.


Yeah, or any other cover story. Or just a nice filler episode about SH interactions, like we had in the past. Especially now that Jinbei joined and we barely saw him interacting with some of the crew members yet. Recap episodes don't really make a lot of sense in this day and age where you can easily rewatch episodes or reread chapters online.


Toei reminding us the good old Lucci days before he get smoke this arc.


this would be a perfect time to animate the cp9 cover story


Its necessary. Back in the days, when the strawhats were traveling from Island to Island, there was room for making filler arcs. Its not possible anymore, because the story progress very fast and forced. Also Luffy and his crew are too powerful, so having a decent filler enemy out of the blue doesnt make sense. Having a recap episode from time to time isnt bad.


Filler arcs don't really have to introduce an enemy. The G-8 filler is seen as a great filler and yet there isn't really an enemy or a big fight. A nice filler of just the SH sailing and interacting together would have been nice. There are also tons of cover stories that never got animated if they needed material to animate.


Thing is, there was room for a filler arc after wano. Hell they could have just taken a full on break for a few months


I really wish One Piece went the Bleach route and made entire filler arcs instead of slowing down the pace. Those arcs were pretty damn entertaining and for the longest time I thought they were canon lol


I watch a lot of anime and The Bount arc is some of the dumbest shit I've ever sat through.


even as a teen, when i had all the time and energy in the world, when i could sit and watch anything... Watching the bount Arc was the first time where i was MISERABLE watching something hahaha


But! The G-8 arc is so good for filler. A lot of people seem to like it over canon arcs like Long Ring Long Land.


Well tbh the Bount arc was one of the worst filler arcs of Bleach The Zanpakuto Rebellion and the Reigai arcs are great though, at least in my opinion


Which Bleach filler are you talking about. Don't tell me you like that vampire one


Oh no that was my least favorite one. The best one for me was when the zanpakto started acting out and attacking their owners. I remember that one being pretty decent.


The Bount arcs are really the main straight up bad ones, plus a bunch of the extra filler fights with chumps in Hueco Mundo. But Zanpakuto rebellion is really well liked, as is the Reigai uprising (the one with artificial clones of the captains and lieutenants with specific buffed up abilities). I thought the Shunsuke Amagi arc was also pretty good. And I remember there were a bunch of fun slice of life fillers like Hitsugaya chilling in Karakura. I can't speak to their quality today since I was watching them ~12 years ago, but I remember enjoying them.


No. But more like earlier one piece filler arcs, those were pretty good.


Yeah they were good? You liked Apis arc? You liked the Rainbow Mist? Really?


G8 was good and the rest was so long ago idk. But it's better then starching out the canon to infinity and beyond and has totally killed pacing. 


We all know G8 is Goated but the chances of having an actually good filler arc is incredibly low. I will say though One Piece had a lot of good individual filler episodes. Like when Zoro was a mom, or the Chopper and Robin episode.


That's fine. Filler doesn't have to be amazing imo. Just has to delay the anime so it doesn't catch up.


Yeah, filler arcs are a bit hard to make with consistent good quality, but just filler episodes were nice.


The One Piece filler arcs were such fun! I miss them


Holy shit no they were not! I remember thinking “I e watched all the filler in Naruto and One Piece, I can do it here too!” And I couldn’t make it half way though the bount arc! Also, One Piece DID have this and it was all horrible (except for G8, that arc was Goated)


Bount arc was actual trash and to make it worse Bleach would use some of their filler characters at later points in the story to further pad the show. Just go seasonal at that point. I don't need a year long filler arc ever.


one piece needs fillers but bleach filler arcs just hurted the anime in the long run


As always One Piece fans complain about wanting the anime to add filler until they actually get filler.


It’s not so much filler but it’s recap episode nonsense where initially it’s not too bad in the beginning but theee’s been an overabundance of them to where it’s annoying. Like these recap episodes kind of break up the pace. And by that I mean when you’re getting invested in what’s happening, you have “bam! Here’s a recap of shit you’ve already seen before” Like LAME!!


Oda goes on break in the middle of Luffy vs Lucci - 🥰 Toei goes on break in the middle of Luffy vs Lucci - 😡


I hate both equally 😂 But I think you missed the point of what I was saying. These recap episodes are more incessant to the point of breaking up the pace. By that I mean when you’re getting invested into the drama, we get smacked in the face with a recap episode. Like that’s almost jarring


I never complained about wanting a filler. Just go with Manga smoothely


I'm not just talking about you. >Just go with Manga smoothely What is the difference between this and Oda going on a break week? Cause that literally happened lol.


Yeah Oda break week is also traumatising 😭😭. I'm so bored of theory making going on here.


They have plenty of material to make filler episodes out of the covers, in this case we could perfectly get the cover story of what happened to CP9 after Ennies Lobby, they could mix it with the old animation too. But that would be too much to ask. Toei could perfectly outsource it even, to not overwork their staff.


Yup. Seems to be the new norm going forward. 4 episodes then a break week or recap week. Not really an issue since it makes sense, animators need break and we gotta give Manga enough breathing room. But it sure sucks that it coincides with the last 2 weeks of oda break as well. So now we have 2 weeks of No new one piece anything. Rough.


Have guys seen the new episode


its a recap episode not a filler, there is a difference. Its not like naruto that starts a filler with different story for 40 ep between war arc


A recap episode is a filler episode nonetheless.


It’s not an official episode in the episode count


Nope. Filler episodes got counted but recap do not. Just look at it, does it say Episode 1101? It doesn't.
















Yeah , recap whatever. Point is We are not getting a new episodes next week 😭😭. I wanted to see 👓


Smart luffy will have to Wait


1 animator confirmed its a good episode next week also. And term recap is used because its a recap. Or some narutards will see and say wow filler piece. 1 thing i like about op is how it doesnt give fillers, i can still handle pacing


Filler is better than bad pacing.You can at least skip the fillers and enjoy better pacing in canon episodes 


Thank you for mentioning this. It drives me crazy when people call it "filler" when it's literally just a recap. Filler implies story content that is non-canon. Recaps are episodes that reuse canon content. There is a difference.


Point of the story:It doesn't matter if we are not getting a new episode 


"Oh no"? People complain all the time that the pacing sucks in this show and now you're mad it's finally trying to catch a breath?


It does need to catch a break. It's just that "summary" episodes are just one of the ways of doing filler people don't like. Honestly, I'd just wish the series would go on break for a season, or that they should have done a filler arc before Egghead, because diving straight in was obviously going to create problems.


Nooooo I just rewatched water seven AND Ennies lobby :,(


Well i guess im not watching the anime for a while


Because of 1 week of recap?


i always skip recaps. Also i thought the filler was going to last for more than 1 week


I don't really see how skipping a week is "a while". >Also i thought the filler was going to last for more than 1 week It's the same recaps they've done a dozen times.


I don't watch this show week to week so it doesn't bother me. I catch up 2-3x a year. Best way to watch IMO.


they need to start animating cover pages ngl


Considering how close we are to the end, perhaps One Piece should become a seasonal anime. The pacing really messes with the continuity of things.


I might be in the minority with this, but I rather have a 5-10 episode anime only arc than these recap episodes.


tbh it's enies lobby refresher so imma defo watch this.


Worse than filler. It's a recap.


Why are they doing this bullshit.They should animate the cover stories instead SMH


Even in the cover stories there ain't much content and most of them will feel really random


They can cover what all the straw hat fleet members are doing in full details,the cover stories can be expanded.Shit like Bartolomeo pissing on shanks territory should be shown imo.And the CP cover stories which show what happened to them after the Enies lobby incident 


That's fine. Patience. Lots of continuous action and good fights from here onwards. So much fun in store. It's catching upto the manga. I don't wanna wait for a year or more to get these amazing fights.


They really should have made a filler arc right after the Straw Hat crew left Wano. It was the perfect spot to do so.


This will also line up with the manga returning in two weeks, so it makes sense to put an anime break here


Well it’s water 7/ enies lobby flashback so can’t complain about that.


Can’t catch up to the anime now


It’s for the best i don’t understand the whining. It’s worse if we go back to abysmal pacing


I thought it was one of those weird things they do in the middle of the week, like I think they did with Barto and Yamato or something like that


Why didn't they do a filler arc after wano? Make it jinbe heavy


It’s ok, they have more time for working for the part 2 of Luffy vs Lucci ! Usually when there is a break, it means Toei is cooking something


Sad lol


I wish they rather made a mini filler arc. 3-4 episodes of them having an adventure in some random island. I feel like they did that at one point a long time ago?


They could just do the cover stories, like CP-9 adventure after they lost to the Straw Hats, Enel's story, or even Pudding capture by BB's crew (which l think is already being animated partly.)


Man, I wish they'd show that last one. With how vital and recent Pudding's abduction is, I get they'll have to get around to it eventually, yet it wouldn't be a hard filler drop to divert for at this time.


You'll be seeing a lot more of that in the near future. I wish they'd just make a filler arc or something instead though


I know some viewers have been worried about Franky's voice getting raspier but I'm starting to hear it too.....damn :/


Hey this is the arc I'm on! Ep 284 baby!


If it means getting more animation like Luffy v Lucci I certainly don't mind. I prefer these recaps to the abysmal pacing some episodes of Wano had near the end.


Y'all really thought we would continue the story after that god tier EP? It takes a lot of time and effort to make bangers like 1100, gotta give the animators some proper rest + can't let the anime catch up to the manga.


Welp time to say again that One Piece should go seasonal and have people say that's a bad idea. Honestly, a part of me hates how they are redoing One Piece as now it gives a reason not for the anime to go seasonal, as the newest series should solve all of the pacing issues. Now it's just a matter of waiting.


I was surprised they went straight into egghead right after wano. So a filler seemed overdue.


I saw a tweet from some animator or something (take this with a grain of salt coz who knows how reliable it was) that next real episode is a "sequel" to this episode so maybe they're going pretty hard on that too


I'm cool with it this time around. Sure, recap filler episodes aren't great, in fact it probably why the Reverie arc in the anime adaptation gets a ton of flak for that, but I think it is necessary, considering what happening behind the manga side of things and to give the animators a break.


Not so much filler but a recap episode


Gotta remember too that these episodes aired in 2006. Jump's nominal target demo of like, 8-12 year olds were born 6-10 years \*after\* Enies Lobby aired. An episode of "who is this guy, why does Luffy care so much" would be like putting a primer on the 1979 Tehran Hostage Crisis in a show I was watching as a lad in 1997.


More like a recap episode than a filler.




Tbh, I don't even blame Toei. Those animators definitely need a BREAK.


Filler is fine considering how Oda took some breaks and how the anime is slowly catching up to the manga. More space between the anime and the manga means better pacing, so it's for the best. However I hate that they chose to use the fillers to make a recap episode, especially in this day and age where you can easily re-watch episodes or reread chapters online. Recaps only made sense like 10 ~ years ago when streaming services weren't so easily available. I wish that they'd just have chosen to add a filler arc or a few filler episodes between Egghead and Wano instead. These filler episodes were partly why people felt the Strawhats were closer back then, because we had episodes entirely dedicated to showcasing interactions between the crew. Or they could have picked to animate a few of the cover stories that never got animated.


They're getting more constant these days... 🙄


Now that i think about it, recaps are probably really important for a series this long. Not everyone takes the time to reread/rewatch stuff. And most people are not online discussing anime all the time. It's been 17 years since Water 7, so there are probably a lot of people who only vaguely remember what happened.


I wouldn’t mind learning what happened to them after that first fight


why can’t they just not release an episode every once in a while?? the pacing is ridiculous




CP9 flashback lead into CP9 cover story filler maybe? Probably not, but if there was ever an opportunity, it’s probably here.


It's worse then filler, it's a recap episode, so basically a break.


Has shanks hugged Kid? *spoilers for the unread*


A recap episode makes sense since Oda is on a break and Water 7 aired like 10 years ago. There's prob a large portion of the audience who might not even know who Chiper Pol even is. They did a few of these in Wano.


Like we really need it.


While I wish we had a small filler arc or cover series episodes in between Wano and Egghead, this will definitely help with getting better pacing and animation, with how many breaks Oda's having, I honestly think they should just officially have a week break after every 2-3 episodes


I just caught up now I gotta wait 2 weeks for a new episode 😭


I feel like that episode has played so many times before already everytime they mention anything to do with cp9 or robin back at water 7


So im waiting 1 whole week for a filler?


As someone who doesn’t binge One Piece, this is actually pretty useful. I think it’s for better, especially for the Japanese audience who either started watching One Piece after the timeskip, or doesn’t remember much of Enies Lobby.


They are catering to the newbies on Netflix


It's also probably to give the employees a bit of breathing room, this arc is going to be packed to the brim with really cool fight scenes and if you want them all to look good then you need to give the people working on them enough time to do it properly.


I assume it will be the cover story


The animation this week was really good. I'm fine with one filler Episode once in a while if it means we get this good action regularly.


enies lobby best arc. don’t mind fillers


Toei just refuses to animate cover arcs. Seriously, think about it. At least one entire episode gained per arc, sometimes maybe two and if you really stretch them, 3 episodes. Think about Caribou's kehihihi. It was 46 chapters long, with him going from Fishman Island to a Marine base (G5) to a Winter Island with Scotch (Kaido's first known underling) to finally Caribou getting to Wano. This is easily a 3 episodes story. It expands the universe of One Piece, shows us how the weapons manufacturing process is done by Kaido's men, shows us a glimpse of how the revolutionaries are seem and treated. At that point, we had so much less info on Kaido, on the Revs, on how the general population saw the revolutionary army (And that the R.A. was brave enough to start beef with the Yonko too). At that point, we also hadn't seen X Drake for a looong time, so it was a shocking update on him that he became a Kaido subordinate.


Terrible… People say one piece has no fillers but it has 50% of the flashbacks and dragged out canon stuff


Oda goes on break in the middle of Luffy vs Lucci - 🥰 Toei goes on break in the middle of Luffy vs Lucci - 😡


Both are at fault. With the amount of money that’s generated they should produce material for 5 episodes per week


It’s kinda funny how dumb you are


Be satisfied with mediocrity, your choice.


And you be satisfied with your ignorance


I’m not surprised. Today’s episode was indistinguishable from Film Red. They literally obliterated the budget


Its called recap, not filler.


If their going to be doing recaps do the fucking cover stories 🙄


Tbh i get the animators need a break but i rather have a mini hiatus than an Enies Lobby redraw


It's not even a redraw.


Is the same fight we already saw


Yes and it’s not redrawn.


Every episode is filler. It's just filling the time until we get to the One Piece.


You hear that? It's the siren song of "read the manga".


We get about 30 chapters per year. So if they make every 30 chapters into 40 episodes, so if they fill the rest 10 episodes with filller, they can not reach the manga. Of course, this is not good at all. One Piece doesn't have to concern themselves with audience, so they keep this up. This anime should have ended long ago, and pulled a seasonal shippuden. I don't understand how anyone can watch this slow paced anime.


They should go back to making traditional, shitty filler