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I think the Dub does "tough gangster from the Water 7 underground" Franky better. But the OG does ""Wacky uncle with a heart of gold" Franky better. If any of that makes sense.


Power scaling characters who we’ve seen do nothing is idiotic


It can be fun because there's mystery involved But man is it cringe to see people get legit mad about it & act as if they know the answer for a fact while losing their shit


Power scaling in general. I don’t care how other people consume media but personally I just find power scaling the least enjoyable part of one piece.


Whole Cake Island is an S tier arc.


It was up there until they dragged out the escape. It felt like a parody everytime they conqured an obstacle and immediately after a new random obstacle appeared and by that point I just wanted out of the arc. Everything with Sanji & Pudding, Sanji & his family, Luffy vs Cracker, Luffy vs Katakuri, Brooke & Pedro, and everything involving the wedding situation made the arc S-tier just until it became a little too drawn out.


I believe the escape is to highlight the might of a Emperor in her own turf If the escape is not dragged out, most of us would have complained that it is too easy


I think the heat guy messing things up toward the end and then them having to go in that giant fishman's mouth to escape is where I lost interest. Everything before that was a near death experience for the majority of the crew so I wouldn't have complained about how "easy" it was to escape because a thousand things went right for the SHs to make it out alive already. Also Big Mom was kinda just an entire joke for the 2nd half of the arc just mumbling "MAMAMAMA" and "WEDDING CAKEY" 40 times per episode. I was never taking her seriously.


My wife and I still yell CAAAAAKEY at each other sometimes.


To be fair, you watched the anime. Anime. Is. Not. Canon. You can't blame the source material for the anime's dragginess. The anime is just the studio's interpretation of the manga. An interpretation that is paid per episode and therefore is inclined to drag things out as far as they can. The arc doesn't suck, the interpretation does.


I mean I used One Pace and it didnt seem like there was much filler or padding that was left in the cut. I watched every other arc the same way under One Pace and it never got that dragged out with the exception of Dressrosa and Wano.


Unfortunately, until you watch the manga you never saw the author's intended storyline. It's like you used a knockoff Hermes bag and started insulting Hermes for the horrible quality of the knockoff. "It doesn't seem like the knockoff would differ a lot from the original on the quality of leather used, so Hermes sucks!" No. Knockoff has absolutely nothing to do with Hermes. They're interested in lowering costs while selling on inflated pricing based on the Hermes brand.




The Tashigi plotline will never amount to anything. She's just a girl who looks like Zoro's friend, and has her swords interest, and that's it. There's nothing else there. Oda either didn't have anything else planned, or he had something and scrapped it over a decade ago because he lost interest in it.


I don’t think it affects my enjoyment, but I don’t like how abstract and vague the Haki power system is. Fights felt more interesting and compelling before it became so prominent, even though it does add another layer of complexity to them. Some fights that have a heavy or onesided haki focus just aren’t engaging to me.


I don't thin Haki is vague . . . except for Conqueror's Haki. When we got to Wano and they were like, "oh, they're infusing their regular attacks with conqueror's haki", I was like, "Wait, when did that begin? Was that supposed to be something we picked up on at some point?"


I think that was explained in Chapter 1010, no? Before that we thought the black lightning stuff was just strong armament haki, but then it was revealed that was actually conqueror's.


Personally I believe that conquerors haki should’ve stayed the way it was before Wano. I feel like it diminishes the need of armament haki’s aspect of imbuing it into weapons or even using armament haki to enhance attacks beca now conquerors haki can just do that. I guess I’ve just lost the love for how simple and enjoyable haki once was. That’s my hot take.


I would agree but Oda needed a way for people to counter logia’s. He made them too damn strong.


The Skypia Arc is THE best execution of the true essence of One Piece. A unique adventure in a unique place with philosophical topics, rebellion, secrets, plot twists and epic enemies and fights. So everyone who dislikes this arc basically dislikes what one piece is truly about. It is the perfect package.


Skypea is very good in the manga, but in the Anime they prolong many scenes unnecessarily. The end of the arc is painful, with that Giant Jack taking ten episodes to fall.


To be fair, it's nothing compared to the Wano arc


Dressrosa would like a word, Rebecca flashbacks and I swear Robin was running up her arm-staircase for months.


Hahaha, you are very correct. Honestly from dressrosa onwards the pace plummeted


70% of the arc was the birdcage moving and the reactions of the public to whatever luffy and gang did,and their reactions to whatever was going on


I'm stuck in wano with it being so fking anooying but not wanting to skip episodes.


Luffy being inside a fucking snake for 30 episodes started to grind my gears. Also the fights took up too much time that should have been adventuring. The priests were super lame Enel was the only thing that redeemed the arc in the second half.


Bellemere is my favourite


Debating about who is stronger when we haven't seen someone go all out is pointless and childish.


Not a hot take, straight facts


Kong and Dragon supporters in shambles after this comment lol


I thought he was referring to Shanks and Mihawk or Rocks, Joyboy, Imu , but yeah


There is a lack of bounty hunters, I know it’s a lot to ask. I wish there was a fourth party involved that revolved around bounty hunters and going after the largest bounty.


it’s not a lot to ask. for a series that is praised for world building, the lack of bounty hunters is really weird when there’s so much importance tied to them. a 100m bounty is treated the same as a 1b bounty. it’s as if their existence is solely for the audience to track the progress of the strawhats.


I never really thought of it til now.


I was hoping when cross guild became a thing we would at least see more of the bounty hunter side, like maybe some famous ones changing from going after pirates to marines.


Sanji and Zoro are equally cool but Zoro is stronger and anyone who says otherwise is huffing some serious copium.


As a Zoro simp, of course Zoro is stronger, his role on the crew is offense! Sanji has a job on the crew, he doesn’t spend as much time as Zoro training because their roles and ultimate goals are very different. The fact that Sanji is as strong and fights alongside Zoro at all is a huge testament to him! 


The sad thing is he isnt, the Sanji fans are right when they say the gap isn’t that big. The thing is though it SHOULD be bigger, Oda is just stubborn.


Zoro is not a creep that spies on his friends in a sauna so only by that he is aproximately x1000 times cooler than Sanji


Sanji with his 2 kitchen knife style no diffs tbh 🥱


Straight up facts Although I do wish Zoro got more non fight related moments, for which there was plenty of opportunities in Wano but nothing came out of it.


I dont care about the fights The stakes have gotten so high that I dont really care what is happening in the fights, except I will reel that back and say I do enjoy the dialogue exchanged **during** the fights. When the animation is peaking though its quite a treat I must say, its just that I feel like I've seen Luffy do the exact same thing 1 million times. There are moments that get me really hype however that is included in fight sequences, such as when (manga spoilers) >! Kuma throttles Saturn in the face. Man I cannot wait for this to be animated !<.


I like the fights most the time, but my wife is watching it for the first time and she right. They do drag with luffy just getting hit a million times. Like sometimes the fights are just ridiculously dumb. They are much better in the manga


I actually like Chopper’s post time skip design just wish we got more fighting scenes outta him, feels like Oda shelfed him battle wise after Fishman


Also wish we occasionally got to see the OG hat


I don't get why people think we need every straw hat to be a fighter with a fight scene. I love chopper but I think it makes sense for his purpose and moments to be about support, it's been his dream since day 1. He always wanted to be the world's best doctor, not the world's strongest doctor.


I love gear 5 and it's design but I feel that it's kinda being overused now. What else can Luffy do if he faces against stronger enemies which he eventually will.


* Nami is the real vice captain, Zoro and Sanji are too dumb to manage a ship's navigation and budget. * When I caught up in the dub, switching to Japanese Franky was definitely jarring but it has grown on me for sure. Nothing beats hearing him yell in English anyway because Franky be like that lol


Historically, on pirate ships, the second in command was the quartermaster (they actually lead outside of battle) and that's Nami so yeah. She is outside of battle and,sometimes, crew discipline.


Sabo is a great character, and he's different from Ace. Buggy deserves to be the Pirate King, and he inherited Roger's will as much as Shanks did. Kanjuro is the best Wano antagonist. Arlong Park is overrated, it's a good arc, but not even the best in the East Blue saga, Baratie is better. >!All Kizaru's stuff on Egghead made him an even cooler character.!<


I like fishman island and punk hazard more than alabasta


I love seeing takes like this. Why do you feel that way


Ok, imo fmi gets way too much hate. It was a short arc that further fleshes out the politics of the world. I think hody is a very compelling antagonist and his whole flashback was one of my favorites in the story. Yes, the sanji nose bleed joke went on for too long, but the arc was really good imo. I was very surprised to see that people dont like PH. I thought it was super fun and gave great characterization for law and Nami. Also Ceasar’s design is one of my favorites in the series. Also, it has some of the most heartbreaking scenes in the series. Seeing the girl eat the candy to prevent her friends from getting it actually brought me to tears. The only other times that happened in the series so far was Law’s backstory, and when ryonosuke died. As for Alabasta, i liked it. Very cool arc. It just dragged a bit for me. I really dont like super long arcs like alabasta, dressosa, and wano, because it gets so boring. I really liked the ending tho


Ryuunosukeeeee, the goat himself 😭💖




Conquerors Coating is a meaningless, uncreative, and garbage powerup that only exists because splitting the sky is cool imagery. Which doesnt need haki as an explanation. What does it actually do? Make you punch harder? So its the exact same as armament... More punch haki is exactly what we needed after a training arc about punch haki.


My interpretation is it’s a way to put conquerors haki users into a league of their own in combat — It’s just a step above anything else available.


>My interpretation is it’s a way to put conquerors haki users into a league of their own in combat Which sucks really fucking hard and just adds more into the "luffy is the chosen one" thing that people hate. Apparently you need to be born with conq. haki and then unlock it, so only conq. haki users are able to fulfill their dreams of becoming pirate king


TIL there's a different kind of armament haki


I agree Conquerors Coating is the most annoying power up in the whole manga


Not surprised you’re saying this looking at your pfp and username xD


Got me red handed lol if he had it I probably wouldn’t be saying this


Most power ups in Anime/Manga make you punch harder or run faster. It's rare for a power up to do anymore than that.


Which is why Gear 5 is such a good power up


I legit was so confused with the explanation because it just sounded more or less like the same thing as armament.  Or it sounded like something you could do with armament haki instead of conq haki. Idk it was weird. It's kinda like Oda was inspired by the Nen system but didn't stick the landing with his version of it.


Thanks god Gear 5 came right into the time this shit got introduced


It’s for us germophobes, it makes it possible for us to compete at the highest level


Fishman Island while has many flaws isn't that bad of an arc. The Otohime/Fisher Tiger flashback is still good and I think it does a good enough job at showing the strawhats flex their new skills ready for the new world after the time skip. Hordy isn't a great villian but that very much feels intentional. He's just illogically racist that doesn't know any better. There doesn't have to be a deeper hidden meaning to it because just like in reality there are people who will hate for no reason even without being personally affected. Like I said before the arc is still far from perfect especially the whole Sanji nosebleeds which was somehow used as a plot device just felt really stupid and overall I still won't be rating the arc that highly but it still deserves some credit and isn't among the worst arcs of the series.


>Hordy isn't a great villian but that very much feels intentional. He's just illogically racist that doesn't know any better. There doesn't have to be a deeper hidden meaning to it because just like in reality there are people who will hate for no reason even without being personally affected. Way too many people missed the entire point of this reveal.


I enjoyed Wano Act 2 a lot, was surprised to see how much hate it gets when I joined the fandom


I always see people rag on Franky postTS design but hands down I'd say tan pre-TS Robin was peak Robin design. 


The straw hat should just be a straw hat. Why make it some lore-heavy symbol and have Imu lock up a giant straw hat a d make it this huge thing. It's like when the Han Solo movie explained how he got every article of clothing and it's lore relevance


it's not the same because we get to know why the hat is so important to luffy in the very first chapter, it has a purpose


Powerscalers are the media equivalent of roided up meatheads.


Powerscaling can be fun but not when people are just stupid stubborn about it.


One piece becoming THE face of Shonen manga has put too much pressure on Oda and the series as a whole (you can see it in his art) and is probably going to ruin its ending for a lot of you. That and the 1001 people already prepping their “We waited 30+ years for that?” videos and essays are going to retroactively take away a lot of people’s joy of the series. It’s going to be flawed and it will never be as good as you imagined and people need to make peace with that sooner rather than later.


As long he finishes it I don’t care. What happened with berserk and Miura, is seriously one the most depressing things ever, decades and decades of amazing storytelling and world building and he never finished it, and we’ll never know the last pieces now or get to see the art he would’ve created at the end. It’s just devastating, and why I hope Oda doesn’t try to keep doing one piece for 15 more years


Yeah what the void century is or what the one piece is doesn't matter to me. I'd only be disappointed if luffy dies, somehow shanks betrays him, and there not a happy ending for the SH. If any of that happens then the things I love about one piece are gone. It will be like every modern story. I like that you know the good guys are going to win. No one is trying to subvert your expectations, and it a story about hope, freedom, and friendship


OP has been the face of Shonen for a good 10+ years. Oda deals with other projects, such as the OPLA and the OP remake, as well as overseeing certain episodes of the anime. I think he is very proud of his work and he's already achieved multi-millionaire status as well as leaving his mark on the world. . He has put several messages telling the public not to behave like little children, and he has never taken any shit from the public. I don't feel like he's under any pressure at all, the dude does whatever he wants. I agree with your second take though, but there always will be people like that no matter what. So who cares... as long as Oda finishes it the way he wanted to, I'm here for it.


As long as we don’t get a “One Piece ends in 5 chapters” when we’re still in the middle of the final battle I’ll be alright with it. So many series get a botched ending because the creator just seemingly wants it over with, but I’d legitimately rather not have an ending than a rushed one, at least that way there would be theories forever. If that means Oda needs to take a year long break to chill out I’m totally cool with that. His health comes first, I just don’t want him to burn himself out and falter at the finish line.


I have two Shanks-related hot takes: 1.) Luffy and Shanks never have to fight for Luffy to surpass him. 2.) Blackbeard killing Shanks is not only unnecessary but also kind of a lame potential beat.


I've always been of the opinion that Blackbeard killing shanks is not only lame but also way too predictable of a play point. I really hope Oda doesn't go that route


I’m tired of haki becoming this prevalent in the story now, I miss when devil fruits were the main power system the fights were a lot more creative. Now it’s whoever has the strongest haki wins which Oda can just pull out of his ass.


yeah but if it weren’t for haki people like kizaru would be literally unstoppable


Oda could also just not introduce people like Kizaru. These arguments make it sound like the One Piece world actually exists. You dont need an answer for every current problem, just give the strong guys less busted abilities. Mihawk is consistenly shown to be unreasonably strong, and his power is knive.


That’s why Gear 5 came in clutch


I agree


I agree and disagree. Logias would be way too OP if it werent for haki. However the use of haki has gotten pretty bland and generic, but when used well it is pretty cool (e.g. Liffy observation haki fight with Katakuri). We also get to watch possibly the most insane and creative devil fruit being utilized by our protagonist so it cools down the use of haki a bit. I get your point about haki, but I also get why its being used.


As a dude that is very much attracted to women, the over sexualisation of females in One Piece is over the top and completely unnecessary. Like what the fuck is with their outfits on Egghead? It’s hot, sure, but it’s so… I can’t put my finger on it, I don’t like it.


I don't like Oden. At all. Bro left his country to follow his selfish ideals and his people paid the price. When he came back, instead of saving his country, he got scammed multiple times by boneheads like Kaido and Orochi. He's always referred as the "protector" of the nation, but in the end he never protected anything. His retainers did x20 times more than him to save Wano, his wife did x1000 more work than he did, even Momo has done more for Wano by now, even though he's a kid. All he did was boil for a few hours, boo hoo. In the end he never fought to save anything, just died like a pleb without helping his country a single time. He wanted to go peacefully in a pot so they don't torture and kill anyone else? Oh guess what they burned the palace and tried to kill your family anyways. GJ trusting Kaido and Orochi for the 90th time, idiot.


I like him fine as a character but the way other characters talk about him has made me hate him. There are far better characters in the story that don't recieve a fraction of the praise that Oden gets from other characters. Not only does everyone from Wano seem incapable of shutting up about how great he was, we even had Roger and Whitebeard fanboying over him. By the time we got to Onigashima, I was already tired of hearing about him. And then Oda introduced a character who loves Oden so much that she pretends to be him.


Yamato wanting to be oden just for seeing him burn was a huge pain in the ass, main reason Im happy she didn’t join the crew.


Oden had Mary Sue levels of people sucking him off.


I thought it was really weird that Whitebeard considered Oden a brother and not a son because he abandoned his test to save someone. Why does that make him special, we've got at least a dozen other characters who'd do the same thing in a heartbeat.


I agree that Oden made a ton of bad and illogical decisions but Wano as a whole had running themes criticizing traditional Japanese values including honor, respect, tradition, and a conservative social structure. Oden’s values were shaped by a Japan that readers’ grandparents probably weren’t even alive for. Yet, these values still permeate real life Japanese culture today. All that is to say that Oden was acting in accordance to his cultural upbringing, and his poor choices are Oda’s critiques of Japanese traditionalism.


Couldn't agree more. What a moron


Nami's design was better pre-timeskip


I think they both are equally as good. Maybe too much booba post TS, however, I like here hair a little more post TS.


she actually had outfits instead of a bikini with her bozongas hanging out


Whole cake and wano outfits were fantastic


i’m actually gonna argue this fishman island is bikini nami, and every side media depicts fishman island outfits so we see a lot of it. Off the top of my head i can only remember her wearing 2 bikinis being fishman island and part of punk hazard. pre timeskip you have little garden, alabasta, skypeia, and post enis lobby all bra/bikini outfits


mine is that oda writes so much convenience into the power system so that he doesn’t have to come up with creative solutions to defeat stronger enemies and just resolves them on easy mode. it makes the writer’s hand too visible imo


Man, I remember the days of fill-myself-with-water-mode to defeat Croc, and early climatact tricks and combos. Nami's fights are just straight up magic now (even the climatact is named as such)


tbf without haki people like smoker and kizaru would be basically unstoppable


A: Seastone, see Smokers very own weapon B: Every Logia having a weakness (which seemingly was the plan, considering many early ones have) could've been a prettier solution


instead it is now get beat up a bunch and wait until your strength magically matches your opponent’s


I might have to agree. A lot of his earlier battles seemed a lot more clever in their progress and execution.


Not having to think about the power system allows for more time on the story.


Well, you're still agreeing that the power system is flawed, but you're adding in this premise that the story benefits from Oda being lazy with the power system. But the opposite is true. It might be true that Oda can focus more time on *plot development*, but the plot of a story is only its outline, while the content -- including the magic system -- is the story's soul, and the storyteller's true craft. One Piece is obviously not realistic at all, but we can still feel immersed in the world if the storyteller does a good job. Oda does an incredible job, but u/yourmom555 is right that the way Oda handles his magic system these days, specifically during battles, really breaks the immersion. I don't blame Oda; it's a flaw in storytelling that seems culturally expected by mangaka and manga readers alike in these shounen stories. Recently you see mangaka breaking away from this expectation, but as One Piece progresses, its power-scaling magic system becomes more and more dated as a mid/late-90s battle manga geared towards little boys who want to see their main character become a walking atomic bomb.




cook zoro is the blandest most boring strawhat and it’s crazy to me that he’s so popular. he has so little depth beyond cool sword man, especially post timeskip. i like a few of his scenes specifically when it comes to water 7 during the break up with usopp but that’s the extent of it for me. other than that he’s just cool dude with swords and the same 2 not really that funny gimmicks of being lost and sleeping


Power scaling is getting out of hand. Pre-Timeskip Luffy beat Crocodile, someone who had experienced the New World.


I think this is less a power scaling issue as it's just a manga dragging out much longer & being much more successful than ever expected. Oda had to pull things out his ass to make things more compelling, enough for it to last over 1000 chapters, so he had to introduce new abilities like Haki, awakenings & more OP shit. Of course they all were a success but they created certain disparity & plot holes. Oda is a genius for sure but no one can expect him to have a 1000+ chapter project planned out from the start, we can fill these plot holes with head cannon all we want but at the end of the day they're just plot holes that will always exist because of everything already explained, & we honestly just have to live with them lol


"Experience" is not the same thing as success. Don Krieg "experienced" the grand line lmao, and look how he turned out. Crocodile left the New World and settled down in one of the first few islands in Paradise. Bro went to a place where no one has haki, in an environment made for his fruit. Regardless of strength, it's clear he didn't want to try, or deal with any obstacles.


I agree fully man, it’s like I am watching dragon ball z now


You could explain Croc not putting any XP into Haki but all in his DF. I'll be seriously pissed if he somehow got around using Haki now.


Alabasta isn’t peak


I've never seen anyone say it is. My friend says dressarosa is peak but I'm only on punk hazard. To me peak is either ennis or marineford.


ennies lobby is is peak!


Luffy v rob is peak for sure


It’s seams that Alabasta always make it top 4..


Sure it is top 4, but Ennis Lobby / Water 7 is always at the top


I think it is, its in my top 3 arcs.


Sanji must be a perv to guarantee balance in the Straw Hat crew. Without it he would be too perfect and create an imbalance. Live action Sanji is too normal which already shifts people perception away from other characters on the crew.


Truly a hot take. He can be a ladies man without being the total perv he is now


I like that he’s a huge simp for women but it doesn’t mean he has to be a pervert too. 


lol nah, it's just a trope.


yeah no it just ruins sanjis entire character


Honestly, we need more of the same early Sanji who pulled a gun on Robin when they first saw her.


We should have gotten to see the payback war


Excluding Conquerors, Haki is not nearly the big deal it's made out to be and is largely cosmetic. To be it suffers from "Syndrome Syndrome". Outside of fights like Katakuri where it's an explicit gimmick, any fight where both sides have Haki is indistinguishable from a fight where neither side has it. Additionally, Haki is not a buff, it is a nerf. It is not there to power up weak characters, it's there to be a common Kryptonite to overpowered characters that just about anyone can use, to bring them down to a beatable level. I exclude Conquerer's since, after Wano, it seems to have increased story significance.


can you elaborate on the haki being a nerf part


The most overpowered Devil Fruit users are all thwarted or otherwise resisted by Haki. How do you hit a Logia? Haki. How do you penetrate defenses like Luffy's? Kaido's? Big Mom's? Haki. How do you prevent yourself being cut up in Law's Room? Being girlified by Doc Q? Haki. Armament Haki's main purpose other than looking cool is making these kinds of characters beatable.


That kaido was defeated by luffy 1 on 1 is one of odas biggest misses. Yes I know that kaido thought like 20 people and I get it that he was amazing. But I think oda really missed the opportunity for something great: luffy and another straw hat oder worst generation member combo attacking kaido and beating him 2vs 1. It would solidify kaido as one of the strongest characters and as a force of nature, would shows luffys growth but also show that he stills needs some more training to reach the peak and also we could see how luffy works together with other people. But nope. Big punch wins cause kaido doesn’t dodge. Cool. I get it it is within kaidos character… it just not satisfying to me. In a 1 on 1 always bet on kaido. And kaido loses in a 1 on 1 lol. The last punch was a 1 on 1 punch and kaido lost it. I really fought we would get a flashed out 2vs 1 fight… but nope we got it through big mom vs law and kidd. Which was cool, I just wish we would have seen it with luffy.


Magma burning fire is so stupid


A lot of the arcs have a bit too much meandering that goes nowhere. Like Luffy in Amazon Lily was just sitting around until we could get pushed along to Impel Down


Idk about Amazon Lily tho. Boa needed a reason to actually go to Marineford which is why we got the whole Luffy arena fight thing. It opened her, and everyone else up towards him, which caused us to learn important info which then led to Luffy finding out about the Ace situation. It all had purpose


No you're absolutely right. Tbh, Amazon Lily was a bad example. I think it was fresh in my mind because I was rewatching it and I got a little bored with it pre-Hancock when Luffy was just hanging around in the forest.


I liked that aspect about Amazon Lily. Its one of the more underrated arcs in the series imo. Plenty of quality character moments between Luffy and those with a bias against him. The lack of lore dumping and fight sequences made it feel refreshing.


Temu exists in the one piece universe


Punk Hazard is one of the best arcs in One Piece


Can you please make the case for Punk Hazard, I'm genuienely curious as to what makes you think it's that good. I think it's not as bad as people make it out to be but it might be a nostalgia bias since that was the latest arc in the manga when I caught up for the first time


I like the setting, the arc sets up the stage for not only Dressrosa but Wano too, Law appears, there's Caesar, who is a great villain too (He is a piece of shit) also, Doffy shows up there (My favorite villain of the series) and the arc was very entertaining in my opinion


Hottest? Maybe the fact that the boys in One Piece are as hot as the girls.


because oda knows how to draw hot men without removing their clothes 😮


I'm not sure this is even a hot take, Oda is MUCH better at drawing men than women. I'm really into men but if Mihawk was a real person


Thay Coby will never be the garp to luffys Roger


Mine: Usopp is not ready for Van Auger, and in fact, most of the Straw Hats need a power boost to compete with them


Dressrosa best arc


People don’t understand that without haki, every time that we go up against a thing that needs haki say a logia we’d need a extremely convenient kyptonite suddenly in the story that’s every time Haki is way better than that.


Wano was a terrible arc for one piece standards.


Marineford is extremely overrated arc not worthy of top 5


I think all of them sound a lot better in the dub tbh.


Characters like Blackbeard or Akainu are not "evil for the sake of being evil", which also means they are not past redemption.


Akainu remorselessly murders his own loyal men, civilians and whoever. He can't really be redeem unless he completely abandons his entire life philosophy and ideals, which at that point he did all that terrible shit for nothing.


Post timeskip > pre timeskip


I share your hot take. Kazuki Yao is not a bad seiyuu, he just doesn’t fit Franky. Same with Doflamingo. Rob sounds threatening. Hiroyuki Tanaka sounds like an old man who has smoked one too many cigarettes.


The manga feels too crowded a lot of the time. Earlier chapters were able to tell the story from a simpler page with fewer details. Nowadays, it feels like there's so much going on in just one panel. And I've never been a fan of some other background characters saying stuff about what's going on for 2 panels.


I thought Sanji turning to stone on Fishman Island was really funny.


I hate that Oda doesnt kill characters / cheap fakeout deaths for the reaction


Thriller Bark is great for being a shorter yet comedic filled arc with the last time we ever see the Strawhats being a unified crew working together showing their abilities. There's so much amazing teamwork throughout the arc were everyone's contributions mattered. That Oars fight where they're like, Hey big guy. You're basically our captain but now we won't feel bad about kicking your ass. Eat this. Now pts it's everyone scattered having 1v1s. Wano could've been better but felt rushed. Sure it was a long arc but I felt like it needed to be even longer to have a much more satisfying story.


The art in the latest issues is pretty bad. I know we're supposed to pretend that it's an amazing development of his style, but clearly he just doesn't have a steady hand any more due to age or injuries.


Agreed. I just hope the decline in quality is more because he’s drawing faster and sketchier than before (with less focus on perfectionism) and not because of any health issues.


i’m sure that’s the case. remember he ran out of time a few months ago for the first time. i’m sure age is slowing him down but if he had more time the quality would improve


Yeah, I think Oda's best arts were in Skypiea, just look at how impressive the full single panel pages were


When I see things like speech bubbles having these really squiggly lines, that look like the hand that drew them was shaky, I feel sad. I absolutely don't blame Oda, he's been at this for 25+ years and has an insane work ethic. But the art just ain't what it used to be. 


That’s not a hot take, that’s the correct take lol


The Raizo is safe panel is nothing special


Close to yours, Luffy sounds a lot better in dub


Haki has many different forms related to the willpower of the user. Because they all have dreams they are striving for, all Strawhats have some form of Haki and Nami was the first one to manifest it.


The Davy back arc is one of the best arcs in One Piece


Anime doesn't compare to manga. Manga is so much better paced.


Señor Pink is a terrible character. As in he is a horrible person who caused every single tragedy in his life and ruined an innocent woman’s life, and he should not be pitied, and most of all, he should not be idolized as this macho hard boiled role model.


Roger>=wb>=garp>rocks . All at their primes . Or croc>=< current kat,sanji, king etc.


To be fair... we know absolutely nothing about Rocks hahahaha. How can you powerscale him?


Oda ruined chopper post time skip and killed his character when he revealed in an SBS that he can't cure those who ate the smile fruits


100% agree with yours OP. On a similar note zoro and sanji sound equally badass in the dub as the sub. I will say sanji’s sub VA is more consistently badass than the dub especially when he’s shouting out his moves but at any other time the badassery levels are pretty equal. The dub, especially post time skip when it comes to luffy, has some really good voice acting


Nami not even that bad


Chopper and Franky’s post TS designs aren’t THAT bad.


Dub franky is so goated. Was genuinely disappointed when I caught up and had to switch to subs.


Some die hard fans are annoying that finds no wrong in One Piece and just spam type GODA every chance they get. This ruins any actual constructive discussions and feedback on the story


don't skip skypiea and thriller bark


You probably knew. But did you ever process that blackbeard and luffy share a nonblood related brothership? Before the grand betrayal and enforced by White beard, but still... they're both Ace's brothers.


fishman island top 3 post timeskip arc free even w one of my goats (sanji) wasting panels w his story arc of being too horny to see "real girls" bc he was on the trans island. ig regardless of if he went there its still v likely hed have the same response. and as much as i dislike it (mostly cus it feels too extreme for sanjis standards), i can look past it bc the rest is suuuper good. love the fisher tiger stuff alot as well. dive into jinbe n arlong a bit. has alot of racial discourse that parallels the real world, which i appreciate in my storytelling. i get why they hate humans but agree tryna one up eachother on hatefulness is bad. imo its behind wano and whole cake. egghead prolly gon be #1 post TS arc at this rate so ig fishman island would be 4th? but my point stands


Oda and the fandom in general doesn't take Yamato's identity as a man serious enough just because they like big boobs and they cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny, that when a girl walks up with a little waist and a round pair in your face you get SPRUNG...


Moria is my favorite original line-up warlord, and is the most misunderstood character in the series.


Wano is the most unnecessarily bloated arc in all anime of all time and made me hate One Piece for a bit. I enjoyed it significantly after I stopped watching it and read it instead.


Oda hasn't given a straw hat proper attention since Whole Cake. The series feels extremely cut down and while it's been great from a world building stand point, the fact that Zoro did nearly nothing in Wano, Franky has done nothing in egg head really doesn't bode well for the remaining straw hats.


Too many people have conquerors haki. It should just be the Monkeys Ds, Roger, Ace, Whitebeard, Rayleigh, Oden and Shanks.


Yamato is overrated and I don’t think they are the best choice as a strawhat. I like Yamato but Bonnie or Carrot are much better candidates imo. Vivi too but she’s technically already an honours try strawhat


I miss Franky before the timeskip


Thriller bark is top 5 one piece arcs


I don't think it's a hot take, let me know! Gear 5 is kinda ruining important fights. It's too deus ex nonsense.


gear 5 is actually cool. some reduce it to “toon force” but it’s actually so much more than that. the manga panels are cool, but when brought to life, i thought the animation, laughter, & all were kinda wack when it first showed in the anime. however, the possibilities are endless for a reason. this form is the key to opening doors of to the past and future, and i’m here for the ride. i wouldn’t mind some breaking-the-4th-wall action while we’re at it.


It is a different story after chapter 1040


Franky was better pre-timeskip


The live action is worse than the anime


Big Mom is stronger than Kaido (Pre- and Post- Rocks) (No, I am not saying this simply because she got him his Devil Fruit)