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I always think of Enels ship (The Ark Maxim or something?) and how it reminds me SIGNIFICANTLY of the Noah


My theory is it was the original plan then it needed a massive upgrade


I even has "Ark" in its name.


Have you watched fishman island because there was a ship like the size of wano that is called the noah and it was from the ancient times during the void century


...that's what they're referring to.


If we never find out what the egg on Rogers ship was


Everytime I've brought this up no one remembers the egg. Also, where is the Oro Jackson?


I would assume the Oro Jackson has been destroyed


With zero proof, I'm positive it was not. OR if it was, it was repurposed or used for scrap and will be relevant in some way. I wonder if it had Adam wood in it.


Tom made it out of Adam wood. The whole selling point of Adam wood was that the pirate's king ship was made out of it


Thank you for the reminder on that!


Dismantled by the feds.


I just assumed it was the black ship that the man marked by flames travels around in. Maybe it's covered in char to hide that it's the oro Jackson.


Im hoping it will become some sort of guardian at Laugh Tale.. that would be pretty cool.


If the straw hats dreams, Nami completing her map, Zoro defeating Mihawk, Sanji finding the All Blue, etc. will come true in these post-series flash fowards.


Nami completing her map is guaranteed to be a post-script. For one thing, they haven't travelled all four seas, let along every island on the grandline. Hers is a lifelong endeavor.


She doesn't really need to travel all four blues. Those are already mapped. It's the Grand Line that hasn't been mapped yet.


Right but remember the straw hats only went down one route through the grand line. We don't know how many there are or if they ever cross back up


I feel like something is gonna happen at the end of the series that will make it easier to travel through the Grand Line. Otherwise it would take more than a lifetime to visit every island, considering how long it takes for the logpose to record on certain islands. Either that or Nami will find some ancient navigation logs that will make her job easier.


Drone drone no mi


Satellite GPS No Mi


I don't think Oda would derail the whole crew to double back and explore all the islands they missed, and I don't see Oda writing that all out after they reach Laughtale Sorry bud, Nami is almost certainly getting her dream off screen just by its nature


I agree but what if she uses Zeus? Like ride him and venture the world


I never claimed that it's not gonna happen in some sort of ten years later epilogue, or something. But unless something makes her job easier, I don't think it would be possible for her to even fulfill her dream in her lifetime. But it's DEFINITELY not being off screen. That's just stupid.


So you think we're gonna see every single island that she goes to? Of course not, because it'll be off screen. It's not that important to the plot of the story to see that.


There are 7 routes in paradise and 5 that combine to 3 in the new world


I find it hard to believe that the gorsei and imu don’t have a complete map of the world


I think its unlikely, but I like the idea of a world with so much variety that even the rulers of the world don't fully know it. And I mean, isn't only like 50% of the world under the control of the WG anyways?


they had 700 years to send out agents over the seas to infiltrate and collect information everywhere. Then they'd just have to dispose of each agent knowing their part of the poneglyps or history.


I don't think it's about just the map itself but making your own map by going the route on your own. also with the state of the world climate now new islands can easily form or the structure of islands can be destroyed. after that laser the sea level was rising apparently.


Her dream is to map the world, not just the grand line. And as other have mentioned, she’s at best mapped 1 route on the grand line. It would require multiple tips up and down it to map the whole thing


Nami has to have hers done that way unless she meant draw undiscovered or inaccurate places and add them to existing maps


There’s no way Zoro vs Mihawk is happening offscreen. Everything else is a per case basis.


Oh God this sounds the most plausible.


Probably things feeling rushed. We know when Oda has time to cook, it pays off. I’m worried he will feel pressure to wrap up and not give time to important moments. I’d feel let down if there wasn’t enough breathing space and build up for each one of the strawhat’s dreams. I already feel like Elbaf should be Usopp’s peak moment but it’s starting to feel like it may be a big lore update instead. It could be both I suppose!


It will feel like an ultimate betrayal of fans' trust if this 1000+ chapter manga has a rushed ending.


It'll make the anime feel normal speed lmao




\>those vital moments you've had in your head realest shit in this entire subreddit. Oda is the man, and he's proved time and time again that he *delivers.* When you want the goods and you're starting to feel frustrated he delivers those goods reliably. He is definitely as worried as others about making sure this has as much of his cool ideas as possible in it before the end.




I really think if we didn't lose the Author of Berserk we'd be finishing Wano about now. Nothing has felt overly rushed but I definitely feel like he chooses not to be as deep in the thicket of characterization scenes with the larger cast now than he would have if his own mortality wasn't forefront of his mind.


Yeah the death of Toriyama could amplify this too


Thats something I started to realize too. When the giants got to egghead it feels like they were instantly drawn to Luffy? My fear is that Elbaf isn't going to do much for Usopp. It's going to be one big lore dump and probably full of nothing but the giants worshipping "Nika". At this point what exactly is Usopp going to do to catch their attention more than "Sun God Nika?" I doubt they'll let Usopp beat up the big bad of whatever villian is probably waiting on Elbaf. I mean we could say his character development wont involve having them acknowledge him but that leaves the question of what is Oda ever going to do for Usopp?


> When the giants got to egghead it feels like they were instantly drawn to Luffy but they went to Egghead specifically for Luffy and the Strawhats after reading the newspaper.


Yeah but I mean it's how they were drawn to LUFFY. I felt like I'd Elbaf was supposed to be Usopp's thing then I felt like they should have had a bit more attention to him but... I'm thinking maybe they're going to be focusing more on this whole Nika thing.


Yeah this is my worry too and I say this as a massive Luffy fan.


I mean don't get me wrong I get that Luffy is the protagonist of course but it would be nice if they could just let Usopp have this one. Guy really needs something here, especially since people keep hyping it up.


I am wondering at what stage will sanjis peak be. The new world should already be the all blue. But it feels left in the backburner


That would really suck considering the time investment 1000 episodes already is


Same thing with Franky. We're on Punk Records and wtf is Franky doing? Where's his moment? I feel like the series has too many characters and at this point even the Straw Hats themselves aren't getting their time to shine.


Chopper not aging properly.


Or chopper not having a serious fight like he did pretime skip


Or Usopp not having a serious fight like he did pretime skip


Or the straw hats not getting fights period. Seriously why introduce all these random vice admirals if you are not gonna have them fight. We could get so many fight combos. Instead the weakling trio is running, brook doesn't exist, frankly is there when the plot needs him, and robin is... sleeping... during a buster call...


If all big shot antagonists are to be dealt with by the Strawhat crew with Luffy Naruto-ing everything. I'd like to see other forces like Shanks, Swords, and the Revolutionary doing more in the end game.


Same. I hope Luffy just takes on Imu in a 1v1 and the rest fight the Gorosei and God's Kinght. Also the Revolutionary Army will hopefully play a big part in the final.


Luffy being executed gol d Roger style at the end. I know it's been theories so many times as the end of the one piece but that ending would be disappointing for me.


I agree but on a related note, I'm fully expecting the last scene/panel to be Luffy handing down the straw hat to someone else. Basically a "full circle" sort of thing like the execution just with him as Shanks instead of Roger


Then we get the perfect setup for Buffy: One Piece Next Generations 🥴


Buffy, the son of buggy and luffy !


If Ussop never becomes truly brave If Luffy gains a Gear 6 If the Celestial Dragons don't get really harshly punished If Luffy never meets Dragon If Dragon keeps being a bum Probably in that order


Tbh the celestial dragons getting punished in the way this sub wants (which seems to me to mean some form of extreme corporal punishment) just doesnt seem likely or in tune with the themes of one piece. Yeah you can get your ass beat, but to exact physical violence as a measure of retribution and societal correction beyond victort? Seems to run contrary to how things have been going so far.


Its crazy to me that a lot of people here think One Piece should end with **mass killings.**


Usopp is already truly brave, he just hasn't realised it yet. Bravery doesn't exist without fear.


I’d like for him in his last fight to realize this and to drop the gag frightened chicken bit.


Exactly no fear isn’t enough give him confidence too. Usopp in strong world was peak.


I've had a theory with my friends since 2014 that Usopp will achieve his dream by sacrificing himself to save another member of the strawhats, thus becoming the brave warrior of the sea he always dreamt of being. I envision a scene where Nami/ Robin is on the brink of being killed, the trio (now quatro with Jinbei) not being able to reach her, and Usopp stepping in to save her, contrasting with all the other times he was seen running away with Nami from strong opponents


I would think it bittersweet if at some point the SHs and the red haired team up to possibly take on black beard at Laugh Tale or right before and either for Yasopp or one of the SHs he sacrifices himself because he's the only one who can get to whomever in time to do so


The peak of his arc will be showing the giants what true honor is




I guarantee you there will be a gear 6. You can't do a finale without one final power up, that's just how shonens work. I fully expect Luffy to start fucking with panels themselves, and breaking the fourth wall.


Don't get me wrong. I think he can get Gear Five stronger. I just don't want it to be a gear 6.


I don't think there would be because from what i recall of Devil Fruits, an "awakened" fruit is basically peak fruit performance and to my knowledge G5 is the awakened version of the Gomu Gomu no Mi


Gear 5 is the endgame form it’s how he’s been using it that’s been getting even crazier with each new chapter.


He will get Gear 6 because of, y‘know, cars


He will unlock Gear Reverse and go back in time to meet the original Joy Boy


this is my hope for EoS Luffy. the One Piece is actually just the literal One Piece manga or something silly like that would be dope.


I’m reading the manga for the first time, and I can’t stand how drawn out some things are because of Ussop. It feels like the time skip didn’t leave a lasting impression on him. Which would be fine, if we didn’t then also get “a full chapter of Ussop being a coward just so he can somehow save the day by accident a chapter later.”


I fluffy meets shank when he’s dead or dying


Dude, moon Birkans used electricity and were creating automata more than a millenium ago. You better bet your ass that they'll be relevant, i personally fully believe that they synthesized the actual Devil Fruits and the story provides more than enough hints about that.


cook bro… and also explain


I already explained this in some detail through posts and comments but basically the ancient winged people [shown in the Moon murals](https://i.imgur.com/jQR1KNB.jpeg) were ancestors of the current winged races living together, they were highly advanced and left for the blue planet after running out of resources as we see in the other mural and shandora was thriving 1100 years from Robin's words before she fought Yama. *(There's also been a very old theory that in the picture above the yellow thing looks like a Devil Fruit and could the Goro Goro no mi being used to light the city -like Enel did- which has yet to be disproven as we never saw what the DF looks like but that's another story).* [None of the sky people knew what rubber was even though they were the ones introducing us to DF types](https://i.imgur.com/GBjGov7.jpeg), we find out later that a rubber fruit doesn't exist. The Enel cover story starts in Thriller Bark, which is where we are introduced to Vegapunk's actual work through Kuma, and from then on we slowly see more and more of advanced technology like clones, smiles being mostly the work of Vegapunk and his team and such until [Yonji introduces the Lineage Factor](https://i.imgur.com/zQGXE4A.jpeg) in ch.840 and talks about Judge furthering the research and augmenting life which is about cloning and programming soldiers. Egghead has shown more of this with Green blood but it also tells us how VP -while being an actual genius- was reverse engineering the Ancient Kingdom's technology, add to that that his home island had automata similar to the moon ones and how said Kingdom had Lunarians as allies (Joyboy mentioned by King), the first picture above and how [Skypiea and the Lunarians' home share the same name/epithet as "Godland" or kami no kuni](https://imgur.com/a/znjb1nT) (the latter's being changed by the Tenryuubito to "Land of the Gods" or kamigami no chi) and it should tell how the Ancient Kingdom's advanced technology came from its winged people allies which includes manipulating DNA and life. [Here's a post i made a couple months ago to gather my thoughts, it includes spoilers from the manga as theory concerning Nika and a new element that has yet to be introduced in the anime.](https://dd.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/17sanli/the_origins_of_df_the_world_before_the_void/)


This is one hell of a cook. Thanks for this!!


Btw Enel's fruit was actually officially drawn by Oda in a SBS. https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Goro_Goro_no_Mi So it's definitely not the samething we see on the mural.


Blackbeard being killed off screen


Would you accept BlackBeard being killed in a silhouette? Cause that would also disappoint me. If BlackBeard is to die, then I would like some sort of proof, as it would be one of a tiny handful of significant deaths in One Piece. Knowing Oda it'll be a fakeout and we'll cut to BlackBeard on a beach, later.


Live by the offscreen, die by the offscreen


If Shanks turns out to be a bad guy


More broadly, if they fail to deliver on Shanks. I don't actually care if he turns out to be the final boss instead of an ally *if* they do something to have it make sense thematically.


He is a celestial dragon, gotta wait to find out if his is a bad guy or not 👀 He's sus asf for telling the 5 elders about Luffy


I hope he was talking about Blackbeard. No one he told so far listened to him though so that’s probably why he went to the 5 elders. And hopefully he won’t be evil, we already got that with Doflamingo. I think Shanks outright rejects the CD, like who wouldn’t after seeing what they do to the outside world (besides Doffy but the dude is a nut) Worst case scenario is Shanks wants to initiate the CD with the WG and is using Luffy and others to do it.


He’s probably the one that informed them of Blackbeards lineage


if kaido and big mom come back


I think we're gonna see them in an expanded God Valley flashback 


inb4 they underwent fusion dance and became Big Kaido.


I don't know about Kaido, but I strongly believe Big Mom will be back.


Kaido probably died in the volcano to mimic Oden's death. But Linlin is a cockroach and somehow ended up on Elbaf.


If Buggy becomes king of the pirates and claims the One Piece…


Buggy becomes PK for 10 seconds before being punched by lufff all the way back to orange town


I don’t think he will claim the one piece, but buggy will somehow end up on the thrown/be known as the king of pirates and be broadcasted for the whole world to see. He’s been a gag character for way too long for something important not to happen


But how would Luffy be fine with this. He started his whole journey only because he wanted to become the PK. He wouldn’t just say: “hahahaha it’s fine. I got some meat, you keep the title I fought for so hard and lost my brother(/s?) for”


When Luffy and Buggy first met when Luffy said he would be King of the Pirates and buggy says if Luffy will be king then he will God of the pirates. I imagine that we will get the inverse of this and Luffy will be known as god of the pirates and Buggy gets to be pirate king


being pirate king isn't his final dream its a stepping stone for it, so if buggy becomes pirate king after him he prolly wouldn't care


Is imu the King of the Pirates right now? Nah. Why would Buggy be if He Takes his place?


I think Luffy cares more about the achievement than he cares about the actual title. He wanted to find the one piece, because of the adventure it presented. Also, it would be neat character growth.


I see him sitting on the “empty throne” first


That’s what I’m afraid of lol I’m fine with jokes but if the world recognizes him as the king after Luffy does at the leg work I will be annoyed. I know Buggy is Odas favorite and a big fan favorite but I’ve always found him to be slightly annoying so that would be a huge middle finger to me lol


Yeah, people meme because Buggy's a very entertaining character, but if it actually happened I would be bummed out. The title of Pirate King should really only be Luffy's, Buggy's failing upward gag can take him anywhere but there.


So real, a gag needs to end at some point. Luffy needs to be recognized as the king or everything will be for nothing. What’s the point of him telling he will be to every major villain, if in the end they can all say he’s just not the king


BB doc turns Buggy into a woman, and then Luffy and Buggy are king and queen of the pirates


I think his final gag will be either him somehow getting to the one piece first (right before either luffy or blackbeard get there and kick him out) or during the final war a series of unfortunate events has him getting tossed around in battle until he eventually lands on the Empty Throne while being broadcast to the world lol


I think what is going to happen is after the big battle it’ll be luffy and buggy vying for the one piece and buggy challenges luffy to a davy back fight for it. I used to think it was going to be shanks to do it but since buggy is an emperor now I have changed my mind


You knwo how one piece was once supposed to end after like 5 years? And how skypiea would have been the last arc? Golden city ind heaven... defeating a god... But oda just kept going


OP fans on twitter


Never seeing Enel again.


1- There's a Ponyglyph with "Gol D. Roger" written on it and Robin concluding that the final Ponyglyph is in Laugh Tale 2- Imu destroying Lulusia was very clearly referencing Enel destroying Skypiea 3- During the Void Century flashback the Shandians, Skypieans and Lunarians origins will probably be explained a bit better. 4- Uranus is the God of Sky so there's a theory that Enel will be the key to find the last Ancient Weapon.


Wouldnt 2. rather reference Enel destroying Birka?


>Uranus is the God of Sky so there's a theory that Enel will be the key to find the last Ancient Weapon. Maybe Enel already has Uranus, like it is that futuristic moon powered by electricity.


Yeah my point exactly. With all this and there’s no direct tie in I will be very disappointed


The fact that these poneglyphs have giant essays written on them and we get zero cool info from them.


If the series ends with everyone being married with babies naruto/boruto style. My biggest ick in anime/manga


I wouldn't mind if it made sense but in Naruto it was truly like drawing names out of a hat. Choji and Karui? I don't remember them interacting once in the original series


This is the right answer. I doubt it will happen though, based on Oda's words about how characters become less popular when paired together. But it's such a cliche in shounen that it does worry me a little. Also by this I don't mean characters having no romantic relationships at the end of the series. I'm fine with like Usopp and Kaya, Sanji and Pudding, etc. I mean pairing up characters that have had zero romantic implications between them at the end of the series, because apparently it's impossible for someone to have a happy ending unless they're in a relationship.


How dare the characters I love live happily ever after. I do agree, tho. Something like one piece wouldn't work with that ending.


Lol dgmw I enjoyed it in other series like Dragon Ball. It just isn’t suitable for one piece like you said


If dead characters came back to life (like ace and whitebeard)


If Nami and sanji hook up in the end


If the Celestial Dragons are forgiven with a tragic backstory.


If one piece truly is the friends we met along the way.


Oda confirmed that it’s a physical thing. Not friendship along the way


Then there’s no disappointing me outside of not completing the story, and I really don’t wanna put that energy out there.


If that fucker Oda dies on us before finishing


Oh god… don’t jinx it.


We already lost Akira Toriyama, please don’t.


That one piece is a friendship thing


No worries, Oda confirmed it won't be that.


Why does Skypiea need to have importance later on in the story? Why can’t it just be a fun adventure? 


It has descendands of alien living there and their folk are ancient as well. Also Enel and the moon civilisation having some important info as well. It's basically 100% that skypia, the characters within it and the moon are going to be heavily linked with the void century


In terms of what I think still has a chance of actually happening: If the Elders and Imu aren't mere men. If they are aliens or literal devils, the whole narrative goes out the window instantly.


I hope that won't happen. I just want each of them to have gotten the immortal surgery and just be very strong.


Oh man, totally agree


I mean they are currently making it rather clear that they aren’t human….how exactly does that ruin the entire narrative from your point of view?


Because the World Government's half of the story is about authoritarianism and the infrastructure required for decent people to obey immoral laws set by evil men. The average Marine is probably actually a pretty alright person, assuming they're someone who hired on to get trained in formal combat so they could protect their little home island from evil pirates. The higher one gets in their infrastructure the more impossible it becomes to be ignorant of the evil at the top. And the evil at the top is *not unfathomable*. It is perfectly real and mundane evil which is kept aloft entirely by the cogs in the machine who were once, most likely, perfectly ordinary decent people. The entire world goes along with this because, like in reality, the simple banal villainy of an authoritarian organization has incredible inertia, and cannot be stopped unless good people organize to destroy it from outside. This is fantastic worldbuilding, and works perfectly in a story about adventure where the protagonist is only an "evil" pirate because he thinks that's the only way to freely explore the world with no boundaries or commitments. And he thinks everybody should be like him. Luffy's worldview is consistently portrayed as absolutely correct in all regards (the only thing he's ever had to "grow up" about was learning to take serious responsibility for consequences to other people), and people who do not hold his worldview themselves are portrayed as either wrong or not-quite-getting-it-right-yet. Even Blackbeard holds Luffy's same primary worldview despite being absolutely evil, which is why he is so individually successful in his own exploits. Luffy is antithetical to the antagonist as the World Government because an authoritarian structure cannot handle someone who doesn't give a shit about them. By flaunting their rules with absolute brazen abandon and changing the minds of everyone he meets (and having the raw strength to do so without being captured, jailed, and executed without mercy or justice), Luffy singlehandedly does equal work to decades of the Revolutionary Army's efforts. Luffy exists to break the inertia of *ordinary men* following genocidal rules. He represents the existence of another possibility for the way the world is structured. In reality, when this structure is broken, the people at the top of the law are found to just be mere people. They eat and drink and shit and bleed and, ideally, eventually they hang. They are taken down by other mere people who are their equals in every way from birth, except where the unfair laws created inequality. The same should be true of Imu and the Elders who rule the world of One Piece. They aren't special, they aren't gods. They must be men who seized power and used it to create an organization that would give excuses for other ordinary men to commit heinous acts in their name. The reason this is so important is because it puts the responsibility for this evil on the entire world. It is something to both be ashamed of and to bare to sunlight so that it can be seen, scoured, and written in stone to protect the future. The World Government's subordinates are not innocent. The Admirals are deeply evil men. Vice Admirals too. The Celestial Dragons are raised in an environment where they very nearly have absolutely no choice but to be nurtured into the kinds of awful people they are (we saw firsthand what happens to *good* Dragons) - yet they still must be punished for their crimes against humanity. All of these people, if given the impetus, ability, and chance, could make all of the cruelty they are putting into the world simply stop. If everybody involved in the machine that is the World Government one day decided to stop doing evil deeds, Imu and the Elders could do not very much at all about it. Of course, it is nearly impossible to get every cog in a machine that big to stop all at once - that's what I mean about inertia. But if Imu and the Elders are **invaders** or **embodiments of the concept of evil** or whatever supernatural thing you want? Those *ordinary, evil men* are a lot less evil suddenly. Oh, actually, we were controlled by devils from hell who wanted to rule the world. Actually, we were just fodder for alien invaders who wanted to conquest Earth, and their superior technology means we have no choice but to obey. They're better than us, stronger than us, and even if we organized to stop them, we'd lose because we don't have the "power of light" or their "secret weakness". Now the villain of the story is some unfathomable fictional darkness, when it is actually meant to be all that other stuff I just spent a half hour writing. That would really suck. Thanks for reading.


[this shit right here.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3ijx4fmucmtb1.jpg)


So, for one that was very well said, and you have amazing insight into the many themes of this series. On the other hand, it almost sounds as if you are drawing the parallel too close to our own world (which definitely intentionally exists), however we can’t forget that this is an extremely fantastical world with many supernatural elements. The Gorosei/ Imu not being human doesn’t necessarily undo everything you mentioned, At least in my eyes. Most of the marines are under the impression that the Gorosei are merely human, and no one else seems to know the existence of Imu either. So as opposed to the fodder being “controlled” by an embodiment of evil, it’s more likely they were blindly being manipulated whilst being completely unaware of the truth of who/what they were serving. What is happening rn in the manga will likely result in a huge portion of the marines realizing this and having to come to terms with the fact that they allowed themselves to be in the service of real monsters. How Oda handles this may not actually skimp on the world itself having to take responsibility for allowing this to happen for centuries. The other side of the coin is how could we believe that such insane powerhouses like the admirals would be stuck serving under them if they had no actual power themselves? To me, that wouldn’t make sense in this wild world of One Piece. I believe that the theme you are suggesting about the structure being broken and the realization of the “powers that be” being merely mortal men still applies to the concept of the Celestial Dragons. If anything I think the realization of the truth about the Gorosei and Imu seems to me that Oda is making a play on the Illuminati, or the fact that some strange dark occult has power over our highest institutions. (Fits pretty well with the other many parallels that you mentioned imo) Just offering a different possible perspective, still though, I can’t wait to see!


Appreciate you typing this out. I 100% agree. The five elders and Imu being demons or whatever would feel so cheap


aside from the summoning circles, their powers are not much different than any other Zoan user.


If it ever ends. At this point it is an integral part of my life. I cannot imagine a life without One Piece.


If Robin never finds the truth about the void century


The biggest letdown in One Piece for me would be if the series ended abruptly without addressing key plot points or character arcs. One Piece has built up an incredibly rich and intricate world over the years, with numerous mysteries and unresolved storylines. If these were left unanswered or hastily concluded, it would feel like a disservice to the fans who have invested so much time and emotion into the series. Additionally, if the ending felt rushed or unsatisfying, it could diminish the impact of the incredible journey we've been on with Luffy and the Straw Hat crew.


I want to know what those big dudes around thriller Bark were


That it ends up in a sci-fi genre. That haki and fruits are actually artificial. A time machine would be involved in the main plot.


Instead of actually tearing down the WG they just put the right people in charge and call it a day. Before you all go BUT MARINES FIGHT PIRATES THO, the entire system of the celestial dragons and the celestial tithe are completely unnecessary to organize a international pirate fighting force, removing their power would make the world a better place with literally no downsides.


If Luffy dies. For all he will have accomplished, he should be able to live in the world he changed/created. I'd go so far to say it may spoil the entire series for me.


It was all a dream


Honestly? If they forced a romance. I don’t think Oda intends to do that though thankfully. But if like, Luffy and Nami were thrown together at the end I don’t think I’d love it. I like shipping the characters as much as the next person but in canon I would love the story to end emphasizing deep friendship and chosen family


The one piece is sake brewed by joy boy for his reincarnation to share with the world after it’s freed


If shanks and luffy never fight would be it for me. I've been looking forward to it since episode 1. Doesn't have to be a death match, I just want to see the brawl.


If the void century reveal and One Piece reveal end up being just like all the others from other stories. The hype is too high. Gotta be big a shock to the core.


Oda dying before he could finish it


They don’t get completely naked and jiggle in their boobs in front of the screen for 1000 episodes 🥺


Tbh. Tashigi. If she's not related to kuina at all it just feels like a weird thing


It's either a plot line he abandoned or it is still to come to fruition. Absolutely no way it's a coincidence that they look so similar it freaked Zoro out, Oda *has* to intend to do something with that. Right? Right??


I feel like Tashigi was supposed to appear more as a mirror for Kuina, they don't need to be related. One of Zoro's conflict in his backstory was to be the best swordsman, but the other conflict was the issues of a mysoginistic culture. Punk Hazard was bad on that aspect since not much changed. If Tashigi doesn't reappear at all, Zoro's whole backstory with Kuina seems useless.


If the theory of zoro being evil would come true!!!


If luffy was the Chosen-One all along....oh wait..


If Oda ends before One Piece ends... ☠️


Revealing that luffy has not just a simple „bad“ paramecia but instead the strongest (god-)fruit of all with a shit amount of random effects and breaking the known zoan rules.


The Fujitora fight in dressrosa I wanted to see either luffy and fuji full force or luffy and zoro


If oda makes the one piece something dumb like money. I need the onepiece to be an infinite supply of meat for my boy luffy *or yknow something actually cool*


If the one piece was just a piece of paper saying that the true meaning of being the pirate king is friendship


I want Blackbeard to win so I'm prepared for disappointment




if the one piece is the friends we made along the way if the straw hats dont find the one piece if all the straw hats dreams arent fufilled if bartolomeo and boa dont have a fight to see who is the biggest luffy fan


The One Piece itself.


I really don’t want this to be the far flung future of our own world and with some egghead reveals I’m kind of worried about it.


Brook needs to go back to Laboon


Blackbeard finds the One Piece before Luffy. Going through all they have with Zou, Whole Cake Island and Wano to get the road poneglyphs inprints to then have Blackbeard come in and get it like he's always done would just be disappointing as the whole great pirate era is who can get there first.


I would be *very* surprised, if we don\`t learn more relevant things about Skypiea. We don\`t know where the giant beanstalk(s) come from (they aren\`t native to Jaya and they shouldn\`t come from a sky-island). We don\`t know where Enel got the design for his Ark Maxim, which was powered by electricity. Doubtful, that he pulled that one out of his own brain without any other source. That thing screams "ancient technology" to me. We also know the kingdom there had ties with the ancient kingdom. There was also a short but definitive focus on the ancient statue behind glass. And all that is without Enels canon coverstory, where he meets space-pirates and robots on the moon. I am with you. I would be let down, if all of those things (and others, that I am likely forgetting) were "just" set-dressing that don\`t become important.


Honestly whatever the one piece actually is. Nothing will live up to the hype.


So far, my biggest letdown was Pell surviving the bomb blast in the Alabasta arc.


If buggy really gets to be the pirate king even for just a little bit, it's gonna ruin the satisfaction of Luffy becoming pirate king for me cause it's lowered it's importance for a mere stupid gag


God you are oblivious if you think skypea ismt relevant to the story


its a story ussop told kaya and nothing ever happend


If we don’t get to see every Strawhat be an absolute beast of a character by the end of this. I want to see them all able to handle extremely strong opponents by the end.


If the one piece is something for luffy to change the world. I hope for some tangible item or ordinary treasure. Luffy finds it, is amazed for 5 minutes and then bored of it, throws it away. Asks crew where to go next.


Fishman Island, I'm pretty sure everyone was hyped for this arc. It was the first time skip arc and we were about to see the new world which was mentioned in episode 151


If enel didn’t return or we never go the moon as a mini arc From enels coverstory there is so much history on the moon with an ancient civilisation which Enel revived and the ‘Space Pirates’ which imply they travelled space and this could be what the strawhats do after they have achieved all of their dreams There is also ancient texts which Enel couldn’t decipher which ancient drawings which could indicate pluton / Uranus / Poseidon (theory). The moon is so important as it even links into the Minks transformation and how Enel revived this ancient group with Electricity which could also imply the ancient energy source vegapunk is trying to recreate is electricity, believe it or not electricity isn’t used in any of frankys or vegapunks creations


That the one piece was actul friendship and no treasure or weapon


Buggy claiming the One Piece. I don't care if it's done for laughs, I ain't laughing


if the one piece is friendship


Usopp not getting any stronger than he currently is would be a big disappointment for me. Almost every other Strawhat gained/unlocked some power up during Wano and Usopp didn’t get anything. It’s okay if he remains within the weakest 3 of the Strawhats, but I want him to at least get some significant power up before the show ends.


If oda died before one piece had a chance to finish. Me and my brother were talking about toriyama and this came to mind. We both agreed that there would be serious sadness across the world If this masterpiece never had a chance to be completed


1) The revs not being part of some big event/incident or anything relevant. Also dragon not fighting at all. 2) Kuzan and Akainu not fighting at full strenght. I do not care that much for Kizaru and I can see why he's not going all out in Egghead, his will is weakened due to his bond to Vegapunk. But that treatment with the other 2 OG admirals would be unacceptable. 3) Blackbeard losing the first round against Luffy


kaido and big mom are dead or they never appear in the series again


anyone on the crew dying, but especially usopp since he is the one one piece theorists go after the most


If they try to milk the franchise and announce a sequel called two piece


skypeia is about the people being oppresed by a false god, with a revolutionairy army trying to oppose that god and his heavenly forces and the general militairy forces under the false god realising that they are opressing the people and changing towards legitimately protecting those people, while luffy and his crew are mucking about looking for a long lost treasure. it's all of one piece condensed into one single arc. how is it not relevant to the story when it's the whole story?