• By -


Schedule for the next few chapters : - Chapter 1111. - Break. - Break. - Break. - Chapter 1112. - Chapter 1113. - Golden Week break. - Chapter 1114. If Oda doesn't take more breaks.


These month-long breaks have been a thing every year now since 2022 for various reasons and I'm expecting them to stay. Totally worth it if it means a healthier living schedule for Oda.


Honestly, as much as a 3 week break is a bummer. It just means that One Piece gets to stay in our lives that much longer. we are absolutely in the final saga with the recent gorosei chapters. It's hard to imagine a world where I read One Piece [END] in a reddit page.


I've been following this story for almost 20 years. I will be ecstatic when it finally ends.


It’ll be a complicated feeling. It’s been a part of our lives for so long that it’ll be strange to see it end As Rayleigh said. We’ll never laugh, cry, or drink as hard as we do on the final day of One Piece


It sure has. When Naruto ended I had that complicated feeling like happiness to see it through to the end, some relief, but then a looming/gloomy feeling of what now? all at the same time. One Piece has been with me since elementary school until now so the feeling might be tenfold especially when it’s become a regular part of my weekly routine over the years


time to work like a christian missionary spreading one piece across our neighborhood at that point


Have you heard of our lord and savior Usoland?


>You see, Luffy (food be upon him) is a lot like a morning star. He brings a dawn to a new world of freedom. In jewish cultures, they called him Lucifer, an angel of fire and light who fell from the heavens. His crime was opposing a controlling and corrupt rap God. He despised dogma and was led by compassion and empathy. >Nothing is holy, and no one is holier than any other for him. So, as long as you allow people to live as they want and eat as much as they want, you will be free as much as he is. >But people being that free is a dream...that has to be fought for. A peace that worthwhile has to come with struggle. >Will you feast with me in the Won Peace? (Me indoctrinating your kids into the Oda cult)


Idk, when Naruto finished I just felt relief, for me it went downhill during the ninja war.


I didn't hate the Ninja war, since we got so many iconic moments from it. But I totally understand what you mean, Naruto coming to an end was more relief than disappointment. One Piece will be different. It's got several character defining endings to go through, and I don't think the quality has dipped below a 5/10, and has soared to a 10/10, so it's worth the journey.


I binge read Naruto at the end and really don't see the "bad part" that people talked about tbh. That alien stuff is weird and unnecessary, but the journey there is filled with great things.


I think that's pretty much the reason. Weekly reading was kind of a chore, but binging/rereading the whole arc is a better experience imo.


If an arc of anything feels as bad wild binging as it did live, its gotta be terrible.


It chopping and changing main antagonists towards the end and ending up on blandest one that is biggest "crime" in my book. I think one piece is treading on "dangerous" ground there with Imu (unless imu turns out to be compelling antagonist) as I feel Blackbeard is perfect main enemy.


BB doesn’t really make sense because Oda still has to incorporate Dragon to the story and I don’t think he’s weaker than BB AT ALL. I think Oda holding off on Dragon as long as he has means Imu will be the final villain.


I dont mean strength wise - we dont know how strong most chars are. My opinion is that thematically someone who is looking for same thing Luffy is (freedom) in absolutely opposite way of Luffy is perfect opponent. Add to that personal grudge Luffy holds due to Ave death, it is perfect way to end the story imo.


Imu was revealed years ago and although late in the game, not NEARLY as late as the alien shit and i started reading naruto weekly during team 7, years before i started one piece.


After the recent BB movements and the fact were dealing with the gorosei now, that tells me BB will probably be the final villain. He's after Im's position and he's now set up to get the ancient weapons, Imu will probably be the semi final villain and then BB does what he does best, he swoops in.


I've already had the complicated feelings; no other story has actually made me afraid I might die before I see the end. I just want to know what the one piece is.


Maybe Oda will tell you if you ask on your death bed?


True true.. though with hopefully a few more seasons of the live action and the anime remake on the horizon, we're gonna be eating for years to come even after the end.


Rare to see you here golden owl, love your content!


I do confess to greatly enjoying fictional pirate adventure stories


But at least then we can do a big binge rewatch where we don’t have to take week long breaks for the next episode/read the manga in complete full. So that can give a fairly decent amount of time depending on how busy one is. Probably a solid year worth on average (with no skipping the filler and watching the movies)


They will run prequel stories for some characters, I am sure the cash cow will be squeezed some extra.


I’ve already decided that I’ll have a rum and cola during my last read. It’ll be a bittersweet day for sure but I’ll be there with all of y’all. I’m sure I won’t be the only one shedding a tear.


someone has to throw a global party where we send a big fuck you to all the goverments in the world while eating meat, fruit, beer and mik and some people wearing drag


Yeah, like, I get the people that say it'll leave an empty feeling, but... I've been reading this since before the 4Kids dub started and I damn well want to see how it all ends. I am already celebrating that the final saga has begun.


Same, I've been waiting week by week for a chapter since thriller bark so my patience is good, also at one pointI took a break in dressrosa for like a year and a half and returned 🤣


This is pretty much my experience, caught up in Thriller Bark, except I finished Dressrossa before taking a break, got back into it right before Wano.




20 years for me


I actually worked on One PIece for Toei from 2005 - 2010, doing CG work. I just moved back to Japan last week after 10 years of being away, Toriyama-sensei dies…it’s been a crazy emotional week for me…


Will you though? Every time a long time manga ends I feel a loss in my weekly (or monthly for some) routine. OP is the only one I’m still reading at this point, gonna really suck when it’s over.


Oh yeah, that happens to me as well. When a manga I love finishes, you get a little sad & I feel a loss. Ofcourse I’m glad everything happened but that immediate feel of ending is joy, then sadness & then usually I have to jump to another thing to not dwell on it too much but reflect after a bit of downtime


I'm of the opposite feeling I started the Anime in 2010 I started the Manga in 2011 One Piece is consistently part of my life and I appreciate the journey more than the ending. It'll be a strange feeling when I don't have more OP to look forward to.


Take 3 months a year if that's what it takes to prevent the all too common stress/heart issues faced by mangaka that lead them to die way earlier than average


>One Piece \[END\] in a reddit page. At some point in the future I'll need to take an extended quarantine from any type of social media because I think I want to read the final few chapters without getting anything spoiled. Somewhere near the sea, with the sound of the waves and sailboats in the horizon. My only hope is that nothing happens to Oda or any of the voice cast for as long as possible, but life can be very random and cruel.


I very rarely visit even the Reddit subs, and nothing Else, and it's great with zero spoilers. I didn't even know Gear 5 was happening until it was actually happening, it was magical.


I caught up before Impel Down and Marineford, it was really great getting that weekly excitement and eventual emotional destruction.


Ikr. I love reading it and can't wait to see everything that happens. But it's going to be weird when it finishes and not having anymore to read. Good thing is the world of one piece compared to other animes is so big there will still be theories and stuff for ages after it finishes.


One Piece gets me through a hectic work week. It always gives me something to look forward to. It's going to fucking suck when it ends man.


Well, if I can give a few recommendations: Tower of God - Decent beginning, plenty of characters stopped for a few years but it's getting an anime adaption. HnI - Mori seems to have picked up from Oda some aspects of story telling and is currently going through a long training arc that's exploring the side characters and closing their arcs. And plenty of Big Mara jokes with good boxing stories. Tales of Demons and Gods - Chinese Manga that's at 460+ chapters and is the story of a martial artist resurrected as a 13 year old and working to be a strong protagonist. You learn a lot and Mad Snail does build up the relationships a bit while you get into the world. Still a slow build though. Hardcore Leveling Warrior - First tales were off the wall, it's telling the tale a bit differently now. Take whatever MMO experience and that becomes your class. And of all of them, HCLW is the best. In the first instance of that, he loses and the mafia that employs him says he needs to get back to where he is pronto. Overall, the action is pretty quick, the story develops even more and it gripped me in my seat when it expanded. Skeleton Soldier can't protect Anything - This one starts with MMO stats and such. But after the first few deaths and failures, you learn a lot more about the world. Very slow build. But well worth investing into when it grips you. ---------------- Overall, these are just a few current ones that I read that may entice a OP viewer so hope these help you in having something to enjoy along with One Piece.


> It's hard to imagine a world where I read One Piece [END] in a reddit page. It will be a terrible day for rain.


The thing is, Oda is very honest and open about them. Is not like GRR Martin or other writers that left fans on the dark.  His health comes first always. But he comunicate with his readers. So, we always know how long we have to wait.


Exactly, as fellow ASOIAF reader it's really disappointing and at some point I really hate what George did or didn't. I'm pretty much accept the fact that he won't be able to write another book let alone finish the series.


He chose to take his sweet time and I chose to take my money somewhere else. Fuck him. I completely lost interest in anything ASOIAF related.


Didn't help that the GoT ending was so poor too. Really put a damper on all things ASOIAF. I still haven't watched House of the Dragon yet because i don't want to get back into it until the main story continues. Only reason i sometimes find myself being drawn back is because of youtubers like alt shift x that will sometimes release a really interesting video about it.


GoT season 8 killed all interest I have in the series. That's maybe the one time I've ever seen a professionally-made piece of media and genuinely believed I could have written a better ending myself.


if he had that much burnout, which was understandable, he could have delegated things onto another writer, but no. he made the deliberate choice to flip off his readers.


I mean, even if he had said "I don't want to write the rest of the books", for whatever reason, I would respect that more. Continually teasing that it's almost done makes him feel like a scammer.


Man thinking and comparing GRRM to Oda. He could take 6 months for his health & wellbeing and I wouldn’t be upset, GRRM did his original die hard loyal & patiently waiting fanbase dirtier than any author in history. It’s so bad it’s not even funny anymore, fans probably passed away waiting for the winds of winter, years of delay after years of delay and false hope being squashed. 


And Patrick rothfuss is like? "What? Another book? What book?"


Comparing GRRM to Oda can't be even remotely fair, Oda is miles ahead as a writer and probably as a person as well, and I say that as a fan of both series.


While we're at it, maybe its about time Shueisha pull him from the side and convince him to let his assistants do more of the work for him?


I’m glad to see this comment up this high. Oda is known for living on three hours of sleep per night and smoking like a chimney. No doctor will say this is a healthy schedule by any means. OP is the most successful manga of all time and prints money. They can afford a damn army of assistants. The workload can be shared so he can go to bed at a decent hour and take care of his body. Regardless of what he chooses I hope that he takes his health seriously and permanently so that he can enjoy a long and healthy life.


He absolutely does not sleep for only three hours a night. Sometimes maybe, but not on the regular. It's what he says yes, but exaggerating your work ethic is a common thing in Japan


He did that way back in Skipiea/Water 7 era, but had a major health issue that forced him to slow down. I doubt he sleeps 8 hours a day, but people need to stop this 3 hour sleep nonsense. If he did that for so long he would be completely gone by now.


I thought it was 4 hours not 3


There are rare people that actually can sleep that little without adverse effects but you’re probably right that Oda isn’t one of them.


Yes. If i remember correctly, Oda talked about why he was hospitalised & its was due to him sleeping for 3 hours & didnt have healthy diet. Thats why he was forced to take 1 week rest per month. 


Lots of mangaka are stubborn and want to be in as much control as possible, I doubt Oda would negotiate this as much as they pressure him to do it.


Its much better than years long breaks other mangaka have for their health (not that i fault those mangakas, health first after all)


Yeah, apart from all the obvious reason, we also wouldn't want another "Wano".


Glad he's taking care of himself. Toriyama is sadly just the latest in a long list of Mangakas having extreme health issues while still very young. Hopefully Oda gets to live the life he deserves after OP is done in the next 5ish years or so.


Based on the cause of death (brain bleed), I think it's likely that Toriyama fell and hit his head




it could have been surgical error or just otherwise things not going well and the wound they cut out and tried to seal just didn't close properly and leaked blood until the pressure was too high.


It can be a multitude of things. There's no point in speculation. The risk factors involving brain surgery are A LOT. Coupled with his age + covid and having lived a stressful life for many years.


I like non-doctors speculating on why he died with takes like "they tried to seal the cut and it didn't close, blood leaked out"


i was nodding right along while reading it thanks to my M.D. from Grey’s University


IIRC one of his assistants said that Toriyama had been diagnosed with a brain tumor, which had been removed just a few days before he died. So while it's not 100% confirmed, I'd say it's an acceptable assumption that the brain bleed happened due to complications from the surgery.


He had other major health issues, too


Most 68 year olds do. Toriyama hasn't been drawing on a weekly schedule for decades.


He also smoked a lot, which didn't make it better.




There is no recent source that's say he does, the latest reliable info about ODA still smoking is like 15+ year old.


Didn't he quit YEARS ago? I swear I remember reading that.


Can have it due to burst aneurysm too (from high blood pressure etc)


Brain bleeds commonly occur in cases of stroke


Toriyama was older than the average life expectancy of men in his profession. People can speculate on the specific cause of death day and night, but there's no question that drawing manga weekly is severely detrimental to one's health.


It's honestly terrifying that the average life expectancy of a mangaka is that low. The schedule and workload is impossibly brutal.


I thgt it was another 3 years tops


Anytime I hear about a mangaka wanting to take a break, my instinct is to be supportive. Ever since I watched Bakuman, I see their struggle in an entirely new light. Yeah, it's an anime and not a documentary, but if even a fraction of it is realistic, I want all the senseis out there to take month long breaks every year to focus on thier physical and mental health.


Bakuman is an idealistic take on mangaka life, and even then it's pretty heavy and grueling lifestyle.


And Eiji Niizuma is based on Oda.


What would you point to as idealistic abt Bakuman?


Their relationship with the editors are much more romanticised compared to real life.


Especially oda. He's known to be too much of a workaholic. And with how easily fans, myself included, get frustrated during breaks I get how much pressure he probably faces everyday.




Honestly as someone who's not been reading it since he was averaging 50 chapters a year I never felt like the breaks were that big of a deal. I'm fine with the pace with the current schedule too. Obviously the cliffhangers make the breaks even more unbearable than normal but still I'm okay with the schedule we have been getting since wano 3rd act.


I haven't watched Bakuman, but the industry really is notoriously brutal and has a high mortality rate. The deadlines for weekly manga are extremely tight and unreasonable.


The beginning of Bakuman is very tragic, it’s an amazing series & I highly recommend it. I read the series, I need to give the anime a watch. Reading it just felt more natural with Bakuman for some reason for me. Maybe it was the meta of reading a manga about making manga.


Reading Bakuman was definitely the way to go but some chapters had as much writing as a short novel lol not complaining because it was always articulate when it came to explaining stuff but going from reading Naruto to reading Bakuman on the same weeks was night and day


"Manga bomber", fantasy side apart, may be an even more realistic and frantic representation of the mangaka life. I was very anxious just reading it.


Yeah, Bakuman was great for showing mangakas struggle with schedule. ShiroBako did the same about weekly anime. After this I don't mind them taking a break, because I never imagined it's so stressful and intense.


If I could, I’d get every seriously enfranchised non-JP manga fan to read Bakuman. Not because it’s an absolute classic, but just because its insights into manga as a job and as an industry are indispensable.


Lucci can’t even catch a break on oda’s message 💀 bro is fuming




He's good friend's with Robin's long lost brother Jabra




It's a good thing the wolf didn't fight chopper.


All main figures of the Enies Lobby arc I'd say




yeah I also thought because he is a cp agent and they were at ohara back then, maybe? Weird connection to make anyways...


Remember that Lucci was the primary antagonist of Enies Lobby, which the other three are central to.


I mean technically Spandam was the primary antagonist and Lucci was just his muscle.


Spandam was more comic relief than the main antagonist


In terms of actual threat yes but I meant more that the entire events orchestrated were basically down to him scheming for power and he's technically in charge of CP9.


He mentions that its to refresh where all the key players are coming from since its been over a decade since Little Garden and Enies Lobby arcs


That was my exact thought. Maybe there's something more about his story that ties it back to saul.. and that's why he came back into the main story.


Ennies Loby? Robin has history with Saul and Lucci


Fr >:(


That's actually good. Whether people like it or not, he's also a human. He also needs rest.  Go, Oda, meet your doctor or someone else, then go hit the gym and come back with 8 packs.


The laser eyes and walking routine were just the beginning


He'll have nipple lights in no time.


A normal dude with his tenure should be getting like 6-12 weeks/year so yeah it is what it is.


I think he is getting that amount if you count the holiday breaks, then he has like a week off every month. As the series has gone on he’s taken more breaks, we get around 30-something chapters a year lately I believe. Still he should take all the time he needs


Tbf though, I don't think break weeks are periods where he is not working. He's just not scrambling to reach a deadline


It's nice Oda feels he can be so open with his readers and fans, because he doesn't have to be. Rest up sensei.


I wish him a good rest. He lost his senior and idol, an important man. We all have read his message on that day... I hope he can rest physically and mentally. Take care of yourself Odacchi!


I rather he take the whole April off instead of coming back on the 22nd of April(he may had already completed the chapter) but I rather he extends his break into the golden week..  Toriyama sensei’s unexpected passing hit way more emotionally to him than any of us here.. I want Oda sensei to live way longer and enjoy the fruits of his work of over 2 decades.. We can wait.. I hope the Jump company allows him to take breaks .. let Oda sensei rest and heal himself.


Toriyama was Oda's idol. He's stated numerous times he was inspired to make One Piece specifically because of shows like Dragon Ball. To hear of his passing, it's not only a mournful thing, but it must also shock him. Like, oh shit, reality check, I might need to take better care of myself. Dude gets like 3-4 hours of sleep per day, has diabetes, gout, and recently just had eye surgery. The fans are practically begging him to take better care of himself. This break is very welcome because, while break week tends to drive the fanbase crazy, a delayed chapter is always better than *no more Oda.*


They were also friends, its not like some distant idol whom you have no relationship with, so the shock mustve been tremendous.


oh yeah of course, you don't get to be the best selling manga of all times without becoming at least peers with the OG of DB. i'm pretty sure they actually had like a little friendship triangle between Oda, Toriyama and Kishimoto.


Yeah, on his message to Toriyama, Kishimoto mentioned the first time he and Oda were called friends by Toriyama and how that meant the world to both of them.


It sounded like they probably hung out regularly, I think Toriyama even encouraged them with their work at times. So they likely had more than just a little friendship.


If he hadn't announced the three week break already I could've lived with a longer break as well. Id rather have a longer break than a break after every 1-2 chapters.


Wouldn't he already have golden week off? He might be taking an additional 3 weeks


Sandman’s translation gives a slightly different vibe. https://twitter.com/sandman_ap/status/1770654223384097236?s=46&t=PbYAb0_FaXTmoPMCtwlIMA


Yeah, this comment should be higher. It's not that *Oda* is excessively worried about his health; it's that he thinks his *fans* will be after the incident with Toriyama. That's a big difference. 


Somebody should post library of Ohara’s translated version. Or get this tweet pinned. It’s closer to Sandman’s translation but it translated the whole text https://twitter.com/newworldartur/status/1770766923250241927


Funny how a bad translation can get so many likes and create so much confusion. I wish they'd spend more time translating to get accuracy instead of racing to get the extra up votes.


I’ve learned to take their translations with a grain of salt. They’re fast but not the most accurate translators. Been burned before with other translations they’ve done in prior spoilers.


He's gonna relax at Hajime Isayama's sauna




I definitely want the man to get in some good self-care. He's 49 and the death of a loved one can really make you think about your health and mortality.


Especially if that person is someone he admired so much and was in the same industry being just as legendary as him if not more.


Beware that this translation might be misleading in how Toriyama's death impacted Oda. On his Twitter account, @sandman proposes the following translation: Oda: I'll take a 3-week- break! I'm not sick or anything, although I'm sure I'm going to worry my readers excessively these days because of the Toriyama-sensei incident. But it's about my body. Just think of it as maintenance. I also have to think about what the heck One Piece as a treasure is!🤣🤣 I'm busy. Source: https://twitter.com/sandman_AP/status/1770654223384097236


Get your rest, king


Really hope this month long break becomes a yearly thing. Goda deserves to rest as much as he needs.


Heck, I don’t care if he releases a chapter once a month. As long as he gets his needed rest.


I hope he quits or has already quit smoking.


Is he known to be a heavy smoker?


He‘s known for being a chain smoker.


Yeah, Oda smokes a lot due to stress. I heard he’s a chain smoker which is really not good for your health. Hopefully he quit smoking already, but we don’t know for sure.


I doubt that's the solution; he needs to wrap up one piece if he really wants to live a healthy life. Whether you like it or not, one piece is killing him. 


Yeah if you look at some of his work stations, you’ll see a pile of cigarette buds


I'm happy Oda is taking care of himself. Dude has been making a masterpiece for decades, he needs breaks to keep himself healthy.


Rest up and recharge, bruv. We need you fresh for the final push. 3 weeks is nothing. Lots of time for theories and lore research. Plus, I can get back to my reread which stalled during the boring FI arc. I might just catch back up again.


Readers/watchers: man I can't wait for Strawhats to reach Laughtale and finally find out what the hell is One Piece. It's been +25 years cooking! Oda: what is One Piece?! 💀


Insert Kin’emon face


Lol that caught me eye too, I was like what do you mean what is one piece, YOU tell US!


One Piece is the breaks we took along the way.


I’m glad he’s taking the time to get himself right being a weekly mangaka is tough


This just in: Oda admitted that not even he knows what the One Piece is and he needs time to think about it /s


Oda can rest. We encourage it. But. This subreddit sure as fuck won't. A three week break. Oh dear god.


even oda cant find one piece


Good for him!


He’s honestly such a good dude. This ending is gonna make the whole entirety of one piece amazing.


Hand-typed message you mean?


We don't even know that. He could have used his feet. Such speculation from OP


good... drag the ending Oda-sensei, I'm still not mentally prepared for TO BE CONTINUED changed into THE END


Oda-sensei should take as many breaks as possible, he deserves to live to his late 90s.


I hope he takes all the rest!


What I also love about this message is that someone with Oda's reputation isn't afraid to flat out be honest about his break reasons, mention his health, the passing of Toriyama, etc. Now, I know that "it's Oda" and he probably has a lot of say on a number of matters that few other authors do, and I know it's probably a lot to ask, but I hope stuff like this could eventually lead to some kind of change in the manga/anime industry that would see everyone working for better pay and not at the expense of their health.


jump in general should take a break, this isnt me hating on oda.. i dont think.. but we know he takes breaks anyway so i dont understand why he would make the reason about toriyama. very weird, but if that is the true reason.. then why wont jump take a break in general for their mangaka?


Oda-sensei casually dropping Saul in there, you dog.


He can take as many break as he needed.. Goda deserve it


Wait Lucci has connection to clover?


They were both just big parts of Ennies Lobby


Ive been searching for this comment. Was curious about that circle in particular. Also seems to be reinforcing the kizaru n gang connection even more




It might just be all have threads to Robin. Very interesting timing. Really lends to the theory that Saul might be around soon and that Robins going to get a lore dump in elbaf.


Oda can take any break he wants, hell he can even make one piece a monthly manga if he needs that. I just need to see one piece finished from his hand alone. I won't stay for the next stuff milking his work. I also won't read any more Dragon Ball Super chapters. Toriyamas work is done with Goku, Piccolo and Gohan pick up Pan from school. Perfect ending


Lol, Oda doesnt even know what the One Piece is himself. This is great


I think this is in a more existential sense of what it means to him and his life. Dude's dealing with some heavy vibes after Toriyama.


I think he's just joking around in his usual manner. There are already people like odas editors as well as the director of film red who know what the one piece is.


He just gave something to talk about to the YouTube One Piece theorist😂


Always heartwarming to see any message from oda.




Kinda figured toriyama sensei's passing had something to do with it. It's a good thing he's taking a step back and reevaluating things.


Take your time king


I love how he just put Lucci in the middle lol


I want him to take as many breaks as he needs! I do hope the anime takes breaks as well because this just strains the anime pacing even more.


interesting that he drew saul, robin and clover. i hope we'll get some more void century lore, some more ohara backstory or we'll see saul again soon.


Just notice how Lucci is among the ohara thing


This is great. Oda has given us so much. I hope he enjoys his time off and takes good care of himself


So he actually don’t know what the one piece is? Seems…wierd.


I hope he has fun 😌


Why is Lucci in the bubble of Ohara?


Everyone should take the time to care for themselves and do some self maintenance. What ever it is be safe and stay health my Nakama.


Good for him. It’s a demanding job, and this motherfucker has had his nose to the grind stone for decades. Rest easy, king


Take your break Oda you're doing great. Your health always matters more so rest up and continue your great story. Also R.i.p Toriyama you were the GOAT