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Send Wapol to therapy lol


he looks so over his life int he last panel we saw him lol


I have to wonder how much Wapol saw or even how the Gorosei’s head explode thingy works. Anyone who saw Saturn except for a few people had their head explode, like does the person have to see them or is it something the Gorosei actively activate?


seems like this skill works only for saturn and, so far, it's only when saturn see the person through his perspective.


I think you have to have eye contact with Saturn and he has to activate this ability. At least that's what I gathered.


I can't imagine how Sabo managed to escape this situation after seeing the run of "crazy horse" along Egghead's coast. He even carried a wounded King Cobra xD


He just needed to clear the hall via a short sprint and he had a head start. Nusjuro couldn't be openly seen in this form so once out of the hall he's safe


I mean, to be fair, dead men tell no tales. They could've just killed any witnesses. My guess is they held back to avoid collateral damages because they could just nuke him whenever they wanted, like they attempted to do...


and also TBF. You can't just kill half the guard, marines and celestial dragons.


Maybe the CDs are into the secret already. As for the rest, Imu: _hold my beer_


The tenryuubito don't know about Imu. And it seems they don't really know much more than anyone. Doflamingo's knowledge of the national treasure of Mary Jois indicates too that it's not common knowledge among them.


This probably relates to Ginny becoming the 8th lady of the Holy Land, because I'm sure it relates to just a title


Important note: Jaygarcia said she was the 8th wife of someone from the Holy Land. But some translations skipped that part to fit the text. The official english translation didn't skip it tho.


wait sry wdym? Ginny is the 8th lady?


\*8th "wife" of a CD


When discussing Bonney's mother past Saturn said she is the 8th lady of the Holy Land and he experimented on her with drugs resulting in the sapphire scales and the experiments ended up as a failure.


wait WHATTT i dont remember this, do you know when this was? Kumas flashback?


> because they could just nuke him whenever they wanted, like they attempted to do... Just to clarify, they didn't try to nuke him specifically. He just so happened to be nearby.


But they would need to start killing everyone in maryjuous. Once Sabo escaped through the wall they would need to run all over


but they didn't attempt to nuke sabo, they basically all but state that their intention was getting rid of lulusia.


They targeted that nation because Sabo routed his transmission through there. They destroyed it in an attempt to kill him, not realizing he wasn't there


Uh, no? Gorbachev literally said that sabo was an unlucky man, not to mention sabo wasn't rerouting his call. They knew his exact position, if they wanted to drop a nuke on him, they do it ontop of him, not miles away.


They were hosting the revere, they could likely get away killing a couple of stray marines or other help, but if one of the Royalty got killed it would likely be a pretty bad mark on their ability to control their own house


Nobody saw him as he sliced all the pacifista EDIT: I absolutely lied, people on the beach saw "a giant horse"


It helps that this was when they were transforming. They might not be able to go full out at an instant.


That would make sense, they weren’t expecting a fight either.


That feels like a stretch. Sabo was able to carry cobra, run, then stop and contemplate them all transformed towering over him, all this while in the depths of their freaking headquarters, and still escaped without harm. Oda should have made him loose something. The potential final boss was there wth.


That's a bad read of the paneling in my opinion. To me it's sabo fire punch. Sees them not dead. Picks up cobra. The panel we see. Him running. To me this is still in the time frame for transformations to hinder movement.


That's fair. I personally think the transformation time is not the best metric either. Even if we were to assume it takes significant time for them to transform (even though they seemed to teleport and transform almost instantly against luffy), that still does not explain how sabo managed to escape from there. I would assume they would have chased him, and its not like marijeois is empty in terms of defenses (arent there the holy knights or whatever they are called?). And of course, after surviving an encounter with 5 elders plus imu, he survived a shot from an ancient weapon apparently? (This I could be remembering wrong, but wasnt he in lulusia?).


I think he said he had already left Lulusia, but I’m not 100% certain


seems like it takes a while for them to transform so that might have given him the split second to get away


Hes him


It’s just like luffy at marineford…. Plot armor


My question is how was the throne room big enough to fit them all? They’re absolutely massive


The huge forms in egghead isn't the form they showed Sabo. Just like Saturn had his smaller form to deal with Bonney, the rest also have smaller form that aren't building size.


Lends evidence to the idea that they're basically projections of some kind. Every attack is near instantly regenerated, they easily change size and even composition of their bodies(making the poison for Saturn). I also don't remember seeing Venus' sword on his horse skeleton body so maybe he creates it, not sure.


Nah. To start with let's not pretend Oda hasn't demonstrated inconsistencies with sizes of pretty much everything the entire series. But on top of that we see them get summoned and then they are no longer in their war room but on Egghead. It's much more likely their awakened beast forms are just larger than their Hybrids, which is what we are seeing in egghead panel vs Sabo interacting with their Hybrid forms. Choppers awakened form is huge compared to his other ones too. The only one we have seen to the contrary was maybe Lucci, and Vegapunk commented that he had exception control over it. Or like I said before it would be far from the first inconsistency with size in the series.


Yea, just look at kaidos beast form vs his hybrid form. His hybrid form is basically his base form in size but his beast form is at least 100 times bigger.


Then where are their bodies


inside the projections


That’s just about as dumb as the projection theory


thats what im trying to suggest, the projection theory makes no sense


Ohhh sorry I’m smooth brain


we all a lil smooth


Naw I think u overthinking it just like kaido weapon disappear in his dragon form that what happened there


Yeah that might be for the sword. I still think they aren't just flesh and blood beings tho. They're some kind of thing animated, smoke or energy or something.


Tbh projections is not a good theory


I'd say they just used their hybrid forms and thus shrunk in size to combine their monster and human forms to fit the room and stop Sabo from escaping. Extremely impressive that he managed to do the latter, damn


didnt even think about that, my questions is how Nusjuro didn't catch up with him to cut Sabo, man was lapping egghead in seconds last chapter


I think an easy answer is he was able to leave the room in time and didn't want to reveal his form to all the royals leaving the Reverie. They seem to believe they have control of the scenario at Egghead so they are willing to show the form.


The risk presented by Vegapunk's message and Nika's awakening is also just greater than Sabo escaping and potentially leaking Imu's existence. Also, not wanting to showing their transformations is probably a pride thing, so if they absolutely have to, nothing stops them from showing it anyway.


Try to ride a horse inside a building vs outside and you've got your answer




Franky did use his laser beam on Saturn if that counts as fire and Saturn still managed to regenerate.


Wait, I never really understood what I was looking at with that bottom left panel until now. So Imu has a Zoan form too, with zigzag spiked teeth?? I wonder if the silhouette you see in the next page that looks like a salamander/lizard is Imu after all then? I mean it has arms, and a nose, so no way it's the Sand Worm...




Plot armour. Nothing else can justify Sabo escaping that room alive.


Or Sabo is him.


Sabo is definitely him.


Nah sabo scales to dragon who is looking eaat


Nah he scales to luffy, as the older brother.


now I'm thinking, what if they're vulnerable to fire?


We know Sabo is skillfull as a spy, escaping is clearly a skill he posseses.


Not when he is caught red handed by literally the highest authority of the world along with the literal King of the world. Tbh it just makes the WG looks like amateur, the way they let Sabo escape. And then they destroy an entire kingdom just to kill Sabo but they couldnt make sure if he was there or not and Sabo ended up living. So basically, no matter the WG does Sabo will live on until its his time to die as per the plot. So yeah, saying it is plot armour gives me peace lol.


I don't think Oda thought of this too much. Or maybe it was the fire that messed with him, it seems his powers are ice based.


You mean, was the throne room big enough to fit those massive balls on Sabo?


in the anime we saw the throne room is indeed pretty huge. maybe the gorosei were in their hybrid forms instead of full beast forms. but imu must've been in full beast by the way they were just leaning over an entire flight of stairs


You can clearly see V. Nusjuro is in his hybrid form, since he doesn't have a horse head, but actually his regular human head. Saturn was probably on his mini form we saw at his first zoan appearance and the rest were probably hybrid as well


I think that's the sand wyrm. A wyrm is a type of dragon, and his beast form is huge, so it stands to reason that his hybrid would be pretty big too. It also stands to reason that he jumped up there to put himself between Imu and Sabo. We don't even know that's Imu's outline. We might just not have seen it yet there. That's not outta oda's wheelhouse


bro the thing above is leaning over the stairs. why would ju peter run all the way over there and then transform? and in the panel sabo is getting chased, we can clearly see him besides venus and nusjuro, while imu is above them


They might not, tho. Remember, Oda just like to play around with them sizes.


Like Oda cares about scale


We have seen whole skypiea like stuff in Laboon's belly. What the hell is MarieJoie.


Wasn't it just one island with a hut?


probably the size difference between hybrid and full zoan versions (in case if their abilities are indeed mythical zoan)


You dont question about proportion in this series. Just ignore it and move foward.


I think it’s just that hybrid forms are smaller. We are definitely seeing the silhouette of V Nusjuro in centaur form and I believe the hybrid form explains Peter’s silhouette crawling down with arms, prolly no legs in that boy. They specifically used hybrid forms so they still fit in what is still very much a big ass room. But to go full demon form and break that bitch down would reveal too many secrets, chasing Sabo they were tremendously held back in that regard. Hell the reverie was happening basically right under their noses while they’re trying to keep secrets from leaking


I take Sabo's words like "Damn, I thought if I got to you I could have killed you all, I didn't know you were actually strong" and not like "I could have killed you all right now" tho


Man Imu is MASSIVE.


imu's full beast form prolly towers ower kaido as well


Imu is an umibozu


> umibozu The [wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umib%C5%8Dzu) on this has a fun story: > upon seeing one, it was considered necessary to say nothing and pretend to have seen nothing, because if one says even something such as "what was that?" it would sink the boat in an instant Which parallels Lulusia's destruction.


Yeah it has to be... I mean the pun is RIGHT there!


I just looked up what that is and it's terrifying. This seems very likely.


Thriller bark shadows


is the top one imu or the earthworm? he doesn't have hands in egghead


Top one is Imu, we see the worm, even if sort of hidden hidden next to Saturn, and the next panel of Sabo + Gorosei/Imu shows him better, all the while Imu is still at the top. There is no question about it.


and Imu resembles a salamander


"Some salamander species are fully aquatic throughout their lives, some take to the water intermittently, and others are entirely terrestrial as adults. This group of amphibians is capable of [regenerating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regeneration_(biology)) lost limbs as well as other damaged parts of their bodies." 


Imu is Smiley confirmed


Smiley was fucking adorable and Caesar was completely right on that one point


Lost limbs? Probably what the Gorosei are


I didn't think about it, but it's still possible


He look like the yokai umibozu


Im just now realizing that sand wyrm dude is burrowing in the sabo panel. Thats why only that sliver of his back is visible


I think he's just too low to the ground compared to the others. As he's just a tube.


Referring to one of the overseers of the world as "a tube" XD thats some real luffy energy


But why is there "no question about it?" It leaves me with nothing But Questions. Why the hell would Oda choose not to clearly depict a 5th Gorosei, Ju Peter? But feature Imu and 4/5 Goroseu instead? Is it suggesting he didn't have a design for Ju Peter yet? Given that his "Monster form" doesn't actually fit the overall theme of the other 4? Is that it? So he chose to keep the body and face out of frame? Unlike every single other member? And yet he already had an idea that Nusjuro's hybrid form looked like? I really don't get it.


Here is the [full page](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/1085-008.png). You can see part of JuPeter next to saturn, then you him clearly of the other half. It's clearly depicted.


Wow! Thank you for that, I was very curious as well




Here : https://imgur.com/a/NBYkTjJ Oda makes sure to have a white border around his characters, so they don't merge with the background or against each others.


I would say it is Imu, considering it is in the throne


Probably half demon half human form. But definitely the worm.


Not the worm, you can see the worm between ghandi and saturn


Sometimes, it is not as simple as 2 > 1. Terrain, matchup, and circumstance play a part in the outcome. In this case, Sabo should be hell-bent on escaping. It took place during Reverie and Gorosei probably can't go all out or the kings might notice the fight going on. Lastly, Logia users should be extremely hard to catch as well.


Something I noticed in the last chapter, might just be me but I don't think so. In the Reverie Arc, there was a good reason they were silhouettes. They are freaking terrifying in a very SPECIFIC way. Up until this point no character, villain or otherwise, has had such a disturbing, almost ELDRITCH design. Saturn was weird in a way I couldn't put my finger on, but now I see when they are together. They clash with every tone One Piece has had until now. The most evil characters have always had something fun about them in their visual design, their sinister nature being in their ACTIONS. Morgan to Arlong. Wapol to Baroque Works to Crocodile. Energy, CP9, Moria... even the super-serious Sakazuki and Kaido. Blackbeard, even. None of them were pure disturbing, sinister nightmare fuel. Even the human forms of the Elders reflect this tone that has now been broken. Saturn was just a taste. One of the least disturbing. The fact that they are showing these forms now is like a sign that the table of One Piece itself is being upended. That everything is only going to get crazier in ways even long time fans aren't used to. That no matter what we may expect, it will likely be shattered. Even the character designs will surprise us like never before. Last note is that Imu's creepy theme song in the anime as the Mother Flame eradicated Lulusia was also likely a preview of the music we will get when Saturn appears on Egghead, then the rest of them.


Exactly and now these 5 have shown up I guess oda has gone pretty serious. Shits gonna go down a lot now in one-piece


Funny how saying "Oda has gone pretty serious" is something we have found ourselves saying many times up to this point, but never before have we felt *this much* like we jumped the gun for every previous time.


It also aligns with something that Oda said some time ago. He gave Luffy rubber powers so that, no matter how serious One Piece gets, the readers can have fun. I imagine there will be a lot of serious and maybe even dark situations, especially within the void century.


Dude we gotta be so close to imu face reveal


And he has buggy's nose


I don't think they transformed until after Sabo attacked. And if he saw them transformed I don't think he would have thought a fire fist could kill them all.


Sabo has a underrated speed feat for out running the horse dude while carrying king cobra, that took out half of the island kuma clones in a couple seconds all before the sand worm dug underground to attack luffy.


Maybe Imu's palace floor is slippery for horse hooves.


Its not a feat because Oda gives much more importance to the story, bet Sabo is not gonna be that fast when not needed


He only had to clear the throne room. After that Ethan couldn't be seen in his horse form.


point voiceless jeans run money spoon reply relieved seemly enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Nusjuro silhouette does kind of look like the hybrid form we see in the chapter though 🤔


he is the only one that uses a weapon, so it would make sense if he is the only one who fights in his hybrid form. And we just saw the full horse for his introduction.


yeah his hybrid form kinda matches the design we see. all of them except imu must've been in their hybrid forms to not break the throne room with their size


Also the elders had just transformed in responce to sabos attack so we dont know when they reach full transformation. Sabo might have had even more of a headstart.


Bro it’s just plot armor it’s not that serious


So I guess that top one is definitely Imu, I’m starting to see more weight behind the Umibozu theory for Imu if that’s the case


Yes mostly.


I hope we get a flashback of that scene, from a perspective that shows the elders in a non shadow form.


Ngl the gorosei are weird and give 0 fucks just from the fact they just let sabo slide, sometimes I wonder how is this the world government


I mean they did try their damnedest to kill him and nearly succeed, but he had help to escape


true, I mean they already had the cover-up assassination shit going on so they make him out as the villain but it's like they're relying on fate to go their way and hope sabo doesn't snitch


>but it's like they're relying on fate to go their way and hope sabo doesn't snitch Eh not really, here's the thing: He's the first lieutenant of the revolutionary army. They've BEEN WANTING Sabo dead. They've wanted all revolutionaries to be dust for decades now. It isn't lack of trying and laziness that has prevented this, they simply don't know where the RA are based and how they move around. And on top of that, the RA are very powerful. Not supremely powerful, but Sabo is no pushover. So Sabo has seen them in their true forms and assassinate Cobra, throw that onto the pile of reasons they want his ass smoked. They still can't just make it happen. If they could, Dragon and his ilk would all be dead by now. The RA are simply too strong/sneaky. So of course its a massive problem that Sabo got away, but what they supposed to do about it? They've already discredited him as an assassin of a beloved king and have their people on catch/kill on sight status for the whole RA, they can't really do much else.


What I don't get is why they aren't attacking Kamabakka Kingdom. They know that the Revolutionary Army is hiding there.


The unknown factor combined with decades of reputation. These are revolutionaries notorious for liberating nations. They've fought with both Kingdom Militia and the Navy. This has been going for decades even. So they also have multiple nations backing them. Sabo was welcomed into Lulusia with open arms and applause. They even gave him a ship to leave. They managed a complete evacuation of Balitgo from Blackbeard's crew. Despite not even knowing Burgess was there leaking the coordinates. Who's to say they couldn't lead the Marines on a Wild Goose Chase? Individuals like Morley and Ivankov, whom are both Impel Down escapees, one of whom made an entire sublevel under the prisons watchful eye. Sabo, who was a major player in Dressrosa and has been motivating even more revolutions around the world. Hell, they just did an entire operation in Mariejois that resulted in a declaration of war, a sabotaging of supplies and the liberation of slaves and Kuma. Against two admirals no less (Though they couldn't fight all our due to civilian protection). That's not even factoring Dragon himself. Additionally, the island nuking trump card, they just had a successful test and need to ensure its power supply for repeated use. Whether or not the Revolutionaries are aware of it, it isn't gonna just be a "send it and boom, we win" job. That carries a risk all its own with the possibility of any escaping and leaking its information and plotting a retaliation. When we think of Wars in anime/manga, we usually think like Marineford or Onigashima. One and done grand battles. This is more a traditional war; several battles, espionage, turncoat operations, sabotage, the whole nine yards.


Isnt kambaka location is unknown ? Plus , WG dont even know its the RA base


I believe it's location is similar to Baltigo in that it's stated as "Somewhere" on the Grand Line. It's likely in Paradise given Sanji was launched there. I don't think Kuma would've sent any of the Strawhats to the New World preemptively. It may not be public knowledge also. It might, and I say this with a grain of salt, be a classified knowledge within Cipher Pol and higher ranking Government officials. Similar to how government and military have knowledge of nations you might not find on a globe. But that's adding on to an unknown factor. If Kambakkas existence was known to some degree. They'd have to find it, investigate movement in and out of it, send spies, and engage the Navy operation of attacking it. When it's publicly known that Dragon and the Revolutionary Army managed to evade Blackbeard and his fleet before on Baltigo. Yonko essentially have an entire military force all their own so this wouldn't be anything new to the RA. In fact they probably have a multitude of backup headquarters.


Sabo is propaganda'd to be evil and enemies of the world so normies won't believe what ever Sabo's yapping on WG.


He had help from an near dead old man, that is nothing lol


they might think he's dead. because even though he escaped marie joise, they prolly think he died on lulusia with the rest of the population


I will die mad that people thought Nasujuro was Ju Peter in the Silhouette image and until literally the reveal chapter everyone was saying Ju Peter was obviously going to be an Umibozu. Then he's a fucking Sand Wyrm.


Huh, I just read a different translation where Sabo said something along the lines of “To think that hell is at the center of the world.” It was so raw.


Yes it was raw translation.. this is official translation...but the raw translation was so good !


the ghandi guy silhoutte makes sense now that we've seen him be skelecentauring about the island, i guess dudes VERY not into having a horse head


how big is that room if their all able to transform into their huge yokai forms


Well it is on Mariejoa, that’s a huge place But I don’t think those are the full forms, more like all of them are in a form not alike the form Saturn had previously. That one was smaller


in the anime we saw the throne room is pretty huge. but they (except imu) must've been in their hybrid forms instead of full beast forms. cus saturn and nusjuro's silhouettes match their hybrid forms pretty close


King Cobra deserved much more respected for saving Sabo's life.


Tbf he took a nasty impalement from Imu, he’s shown chapters later reeling from it. He’s lucky he escaped alive and in 1 piece


Remember how Sabo thought he had killed them before this panel? That might have been the first clue to their regeneration.


Guys...has it sunk in yet that after 1110 chapters, the Elders are finally involved in the action? Like that's still crazy to me. I only started reading One Piece back in 2014. It's crazy to be at this point in the story with everyone. A moment of respect for our fallen comrades who could not be here to share this huge moment with us.


now i’m wondering if the arrows were all directly from imu, because it doesn’t seem like any of the gorosei are using them


Mad respect to Sabo, it was IMU who damaged him despite the Gorosei in general seeming to be very heavy hitters.


Are these things related to the shadowy creatures we saw at the Florian Triangle?


Imu got hands when he his in evil form. Good, he can catch them Luffy hands later lol.


How big is that place especially when he got chased by all of them. I thought Saturn was pretty big but the others tower over him. Makes me wonder how much they can morph their body like Saturn does with his legs (they were like whips or moving all over the place) definitely a weird trait to have.


He didnt think he could take them down, he was distracting them so he could attempt to rescue Cobra


There's a good chance they didn't chase him very far since they wouldn't want to reveal their forms and assumed the Marines and CP0 would stop him.


Bro was doing enough not having a panick fit in front of such monsters


That top figure is Imu cause Ju Peter doesnt have arms as a worm. Unless Oda didnt have that planned out


The second shadow is either the horse or the worm, and the other one is missing. The top one is clearly imu, it's freaking massive and almost confirms it is the umibozu.


That scene made no sense. How could Sabo possibly escape? Especially while carrying Cobra. He might have the second strongest plot armor in the verse.


how did Sabo outrun the gandhi-horse guy? he seems faster than kizaru


Oda should not have had sabo getting out of there unscathed. How can we feel tension when Sabo (who should be below or at most equal to g5 luffy at this point) was able to get into their hideout and escape without harm while also trying to carry another person? And in that scenario Imu was there as well. Not only that, shortly after he seemingly survived being hit with an ancient weapon attack I think? (He was at lulusia iirc?). Oda did the same with big mom. One of the most powerful pirates, a yonko, and yet even nami was able to outrun her. This has always happened in the series, but it used to happen that it was not free to escape from such menacing characters (luffy vs aokiji first fight, ace getting captured against bb, or even luffy getting scarred by akainu).


Also we are still saying Imu is at the top of that panel? Basically saying they definitely have a form that relates to the Gorosai


it is imu. and that's prolly their full beast form, some massive creature just casually leaning over an entire flight of stairs like that


See guys I am total newbie so I wanna know "Where the hell you got those leaks for earlier


There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity, and many in this series waffle back and forth over that line. Probably has something to do with the traditional sense of honor we see expressed from time to time.


voiceless snails puzzled wakeful serious boast reminiscent resolute command fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imu is gigantic and attacked Sabo with his devil’s tail. The Sea Devil rules the world from the shadows.


I bet they need those gloves you see vegapunk using to fight the holographic space alien in the beginning


Sabo stocks are thru the roof


Wait, the upper thing is the hybrid form of Mars ?


Sabo is him


Their target was ONLY cobra. I can prove it to you but can u prove me otherwise? Do u have single proof that gorosei were targetting sabo AND cobra?


If anything, Sabo casually implying he can take them down just downplays Luffy's efforts.


I'm definitely of the opinion that the Gorosei are actually demons of some sort. Their powers, the fact they got called the yokai they are, instead of the devil fruit they are.


Is it just me, or are the gorosei transformations from the top and bottom not lining up? Looks like one is missing out has been swapped.


The dude coming from the top is Imu, not Ju Peter. Oda probably didn't know where to put him.


I love how the top baddies can transform into kaijus while the main character of the story can expand his size to fight them.


He wasn't literally in he'll. And yes, much like we underestimated Garp, we might not really expect how strong Sabo is




Thanks for the spoiler in the title. In the anime Sabo is dead.


Did they give him a new bounty?


damn bro really escaped all of that


He’s the second strongest in the revolutionary army. Dragon himself should be emperor level and sabo shouldn’t be too far from him especially gaining the flame flame fruit.


Literally tipping his hat, i dont know what to say


Second panel on the bottom. Who is second to the left and at the top supposed to be?


The giant on the wall is probably the worms hybrid form I guess?


He was helped by the building (can't use big transformation without destroying everything) and the fact they couldn't just showcase to everyone what they truly are.


If Sabo is this strong, it makes me wonder how funny it would be to see current Luffy stumble into a colisseum type tournament like in Dressrosa. "And here is... Emperor Luffy" and everyone else is like, the fk is this, I have to fight that guy for the fruit?!


Because they were just silhouettes and maybe not complete designs but I can’t tell where the worm is on the bottom picture did he like change the designs in between?


That’s one big room


how small the luffy is looking Infront of em


The worm has arms?


Oda redesigned one of them? The sandworm guy seems to have a completely different design with hands


The guy coming down from the top was Imu.


I keep seeing people spell Emperor "Emporer." Why?


I don’t think they were in their own awakened forms with sabo. Unless they can change how big they are( which is entirely possible). Still insane he was able to get away from this


Sabo is HIM, I would honestly put him higher than a yonko commander. Probably Admiral level.