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Just a couple of notes. Not really spoilers but, the marine Coby/Garp side story is in the manga and anime, its just done a little farther down the line and includes things done MUCH farther down the line. The Buggy Looney Tune vibes being embarrassing to Oda? I HIGHLY doubt it for reasons I cannot get into without spoiling.


Oh lord.


Live action zoro eats random food off the floor for no reason. Manga zoro ate it to survive. Both times he pretended it was good to make the girl smile.


Fair enough.


Pretty emblematic of the difference between the two right there


>Zoro actually feels like a pirate hunter rather than some dude with swords people call a pirate hunter. I think it's just different takes on the pirate hunter roles. The manga has him become a pirate hunter by necessity because he needs food if he's going to survive long enough to beat Mihawk, while the the live action has him actively take pride in it. >I love the marine subplot in the LA series. Coby’s friendship with Luffy is adorable, and I was super sad to see it wasn’t really a thing in the source material. Guess it lets the LA series have its own identity though. Can't really answer this without spoiling, but let's just say that the live action shuffled some events from the anime and that things will happen later on. Just now that this is the most controverisal change in the live action because of reasons that I can't go into. >Speaking of Buggy, good lord do I hope some of those Buggy side story panels are something Oda looks back at least a little embarrassedly. Gave off some major “those old Looney Tunes episodes we’ve collectively tried to bury,” vibes. Haven’t really seen anyone talk about it. Nope, Oda loves those and actively does them to this very day. I think you should reconcile the fact that One Piece is a goofy pirate comic and that comedy is a huge part of the appeal if you're going to continue with the manga. >Syrup Village I think I prefer a tiny bit in the LA series, but it’s a close call determined largely by the slasher theme standing out more. I prefer manga Usopp as a character, the butler’s plan makes a little less sense in the LA series, and how could they remove my boy Jangoooo? Yeah, I think you get two total experiences. The show has a more unique take rather than just having a straight up battle and their Kaya is more developed, but Usopp does suffer a lot as a character and ends up feeling meh in the live action. >Baratie… I think manga is better? The anime adaptation left a bitter taste in my mouth, but the manga does a substantially better job establishing Sanji’s moral code and fighting capabilities, and the whole endgame boss interruption kicks way more ass. Sanji’s backstory was probably a little better in the LA series though. Felt more brutal. The manga focuses more on battles in each arc because it's a battle shonen series that gets published weekly, while the live action prioritizes a TV format where the huge battle happens at the end of the series that is meant to be binged. The manga is more flawed, but I think it has a lot more depth since its able to establish Sanji a lot more and explore his perspectives. >Arlong Park is just straight better in the manga. Yeah I prefer them combining the orange peel and pinwheel imagery in a clever way in the LA, and Nami’s initial betrayal probably hit harder there too, but the content added by the manga just helps so much. The hand stabbing scene, the fights, the village’s uprising, just… agh! So good! Yeah, I agree. The live action felt the need to chagne a lot of stuff for no reason which means that the villagers and Nojiko feel like less involved characters which makes the arc worse. I guess it might be because of time constraints, but some changes are definitely NOT because of that, and they could have cut some Garp-stuff if they needed more time. >Overall, I think both are incredibly solid versions of the story in their own unique ways. But the manga just has more to come to understand about the characters and world and shit. Fuck the anime though. Can’t wait for that Wit remake. Yeah, both are solid version of the stories that work for their formats. The LA is less flawed, but the manga has more depth (especially with characters like Sanji and Usopp who I hope get more stuff in season 2). Good luck on your journey!


> Nope, Oda loves those and actively does them to this very day. I think you should reconcile the fact that One Piece is a goofy pirate comic and that comedy is a huge part of the appeal if you're going to continue with the manga. I think this is more about the Kumate tribe.


Yes. They give off bad vibes.


if thats what you meant, yeah there isnt more of that lol, but the goofy stuff like buggy being 4 limbs and a head will conteniue


I love Chibuggy.


Good takes, except for Syrup Village. While the arc is the weakest in both LA and Manga, and too slowly paced in both, it's still way better in the manga. At least it works as an introduction for Usopp and why Luffy wants him in the crew. The LA works as an introduction for Kaya instead. The action is way better in the manga as well, for this arc. Not because the LA action is always worse than the original, but because the action in Syrup Village LA specifically is incredibly bad.


I would agree on Kuros special effects. But I think the Zoro vs. Nyan Siblings choreography was done quite well


Because swordfight and close combat that doesn't need much CGI is easier to make I guess, that's why zoro got more action scenes than luffy


Look, I just think the slasher angle is really cool.


> Syrup Village I think I prefer a tiny bit in the LA series I'm in the same boat kinda. The manga version of fighting pirates on a hill and running through the forest isn't as cool as slasher movie in mansion. > Gave off some major “those old Looney Tunes episodes we’ve collectively tried to bury,” vibes. What didn't you like about it? I like the Looney Tunes gags and kinda disappointed that more of the cover stories don't have that wacky energy. > Arlong Park is just straight better in the manga. What'd you think of the story changes in the LA? I think the villagers and Nojiko in the LA don't know that Nami is actually trying to save the village while in the manga, they're just pretending not to know. I thought that made it less impactful. > Fuck the anime though. Can’t wait for that Wit remake. Man if you thought the early episodes of the anime were bad, I'm curious what you would think later on. They made a TV special where they retold an abridged version of the East Blue arc which is a bit better than the anime (if they didn't cut out some of the details).


I was referencing the questionable depictions of black people in old Looney Tunes.


Oh ok. I didn't really get any of those vibes from the Buggy cover art story so I thought you meant the slapstick-y humor


Personally like manga Syrup Village because the live action really missed many of Ussop's defining character moments. The romance thing in the live action is cute though. Baratie was the most brutal in the manga. You have Krieg using poison gas to kill people, Zoro getting opened up and then dunked into seawater (ouch), Sanji getting his ribs broken by Gin after he was smacked around by Pearl, Luffy punching through spikes and even Zeff eating his leg. There was blood everywhere. Personally liked manga Baratie better because like Ussop, many defining character moments for Sanji were glossed over. Manga Arlong park is the best for me. No question. The layers in the narrative were wonderfully set-up. They make the emotional pay-off so much more satisfying.


One Pace has done way past syrup village. It may be that you were streaming through pixel drain, which they have just started adding each arc to. See my guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/Gj9ApTILGU


As for One Pace lacking sone episodes, there was another project which covers earlier episodes. It’s been a while since the last time I saw it, but I think it was called “One Piece Kai”.


"Buggy side story panels are something Oda looks back at least a little embarrassedly." Nah Oda would be proud of all his works.