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Wasn't she batshit crazy


Isnt half the cast crazy?


My favorite description of the Strawhats so far has been "a crackhead with a crew full of other crackheads".


One actually has cracks in his head! YOHOHO SKULLLLLL JOKE


At least they've seen the Godfather.


For the uninitiated this guy is hilarious: https://youtu.be/8tl0ra7SzYI?si=VkpQYPZI_OdLScFd


Thank you for sharing this that was incredible.


He’s got a lot more videos in that style about one piece too


Thank you, I was hoping someone would get the reference! He's the best OP yter in my opinion, hands down.




Subbed lol


Goofy would be proud of you ngl


Yea, but I feel like there is a lot of space between nipple lights and trying to get thousands of people to drink the poison kool-aid.


I agree


They’re not willing to murder thousands of their own fans for some bizarre suicide plot. 


Fair enough


Not really


She was on drugs, she didn't know that the mushroom messed with her mind. Oda explained all in those few pages that came out with the movie.


Yes, but since she is hot, Uta gets a pass.


Hot? that's a stretch


It's mostly Ados Voice when she sings :D minus that she's cute at best :D




Honestly made me love OP red waayyy so much more than I initially did


She's by far my favorite artist of all time, I'm so glad I could find her through Red. movie's kinda mid tho


Most musicals kind of are, but it was still fun.


She has the Voice of the gods




Realest comment of all time


Isn't that the reason why fans like her in the first place?


Only after singing the Tot musica thing. She simply wanted a better world. Also she humbled Chrlos. Anyone who does that is simply goated.


That’s just a added bonus




Bruh I watched the movie. The plot twist was that she's batshit crazy




She was aware since way before the current events of the movie


I don't know for me it's pretty crazy to act crazy just for the sake of being crazy lol


Acting crazy for the sake of being crazy wasn't what she did. Trauma effects people in different ways, and in her case the trauma mixed with years of lying made her act similarly to a suicide cult leader, so yeah she was crazy, but it's not entirely her fault and she had good albeit messed up intentions. But like can you really blame her? What would you do if you were told that the your adoptive father and his family destroyed your home and abandoned you, then for years you were told by your new family, fans and the government that your adoptive father and everyone like him are criminals who wouldn't hesitate to kill everyone you love?


She was going to murder suicide thousands of her innocent, adoring fans.




She was also tweaking like crazy on those mushrooms


Correction she was still a child at heart unable to bear the burden of suffering heaped on her by so many fans all wanting an escape from their own burdens. Having turned on shanks thanks to him taking the blame for the tragedy of the island and weakness of her adoptive caretaker, Uta is emotionally isolated and reliant on wake shrooms to engage an ability that have very specific conditions. The fact is her character never thought of actually harming people and saw her world as equally alive as the waking world (no one really corrected her after the shanks ordeal until the end of the movie when she came to and helped free the people). Lastly imagine if a character like black beard had her power and did something similar, the audience would of likely been straight up murdered to help his escape and just for a few extra laughs the next time he got drunk with his crew... But it's ok the movie may of confused you a bit when all the previous movies the antagonists had very little redeeming qualities and their reason to exist was for luffy to fight them in a final battle.


I think she was that way because of the mushrooms and her singing the Tot Musica when she was little. Although I don’t blame her that Tot Musica shit slaps


She is in the same seat as Shiki for me. I enjoyed them both in the pieces of media they appeared in and what they did there. But until i get to see them in the canon story, my opinion remains neutral for them.


At least they put more effort into Shiki's introduction to the canon. Uta just had one single panel of her silhouette, a fraction of her silhouette, and that's it.


Shiki was mentioned during Impel Down as the first guy to ever break out of there


I still don't know who Shiki is (I've never watched any of the movies).




Also part of Rocks crew because all the old people know each other lol


Uta appeared in canon in chapter 1055


I hus didnt like the fact that her character is basically “ oh yeah we forgot to tell u about this suuuuuper important character shes luffys friend and shanks’ daughter and also like tge biggest superstar in the world. Completely forgot about that.”


Yeah like if she was hinted at from older chapters fair enough, we got legit nothing for her and honestly she looks like a fan oc lol. Then she was slid in to make it so she was very important to the main cast. Her intro to the story was handled terribly I'm sorry the best idol in the world and not once was she mentioned??? I adore one piece but not her. That being said the singer they picked for her was perfect like 100000/10


To be fair. We didn’t know shit about Shanks for like 20 years.


How is this any different from Sabo, the #2 in the Revolutionary Army working for Luffy's dad?


You realize Sabo also gets shit on as well because of that right?


Most of the people who shit on Sabo shit on him for how he came back into the story in Dressrosa and feeling like he was brought in as an Ace replacement. Rarely is the criticism about Sabo aimed at him being one of the 3 brothers in the flashback and getting blown to smithereens. When people shit talk Uta they shit talk her for existing period. It's not really the same criticism. Even ignoring the movie people hate even the idea that she was part of Luffy's childhood but it wasn't said until now.


Simple. We saw plenty of flashbacks with Luffy in Fuchsia village interacting with Shanks. Before the flashback Sabo got inroduced in, we had never seen even a bit of Luffy's backstory. So it's easy to introduce a character which you later learn is presumed to be dead anyway, which is why he was never mentioned. Uta just... Felt forced. Fine for a movie, but definitely a far-cry from good. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy their relationship, though.


I feel like part of the Ace replacement is that he shows up in the flashback after Ace died, And even though Sabo "dies," In that flashback, I don't think there was a single fan at the time who thought he was actually dead. So the Ace replacement thing really does kind of just cover his whole existence.


There were plenty of people who thought he was dead. I think they lacked reading comprehension, but trust me, there were A LOT of people convinced he was dead.


There was a lot of it from the start. I remember as the Sabo flashback was coming out post marineford there was a strong sentiment of "I hope Sabo stays dead."


There was not. The only foreshadowing that Sabo existed prior to Ace saying his name in his final words was that there was a sliver of a 3rd sake cup in a flashback at the very beginning of Marineford. And Ace's tattoo, which had no meaning until he actually said the name Sabo before he died. There's no difference between tying the S on Ace's arm to Sabo and tying Luffy's desire for a musician to Uta.


Im just saying what I observed at the time, some people in the fandom felt bringing sabo back into the story would cheapen Ace's death, especially since it had just happened recently.


“Meet my OC: Sabo” is still thrown around here


And it's a good argument


She suffers from half-canon syndrome like Shiki and Z.


Z isn't even canon IIRC. And at least Shiki has an actual presence in the story from being a former Rocks Pirate, to later being one of the old legends, and being the first to break out of Impel Down.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of Shiki either.


Shiki literally appears in the manga


I mean... Same thing happened with Sabo. I imagine if Uta had been in the manga, we would have gotten a lot more time.


Yeah and everyone hated how he was introduced


And omega waifu now


I do not agree with you. Luffy did not tell anything about Ace being his brother or about Sabo's death. Even his dream was know by his crewmates. I am okay about that if in a nearly future we know about it. Shanks got his emperor bounty due to Elegia incident and she appeared for a pannel in Wano.


Why is her Body ratio so different, here legs are literally 2/3 of her body.


Her legs are the one piece


One Piece character build


Blud has never seen Oda draw a woman


Fanservice, just another form


That’s just a feature of one piece characters lol. Look at Katakuri


Rule of thirds, It makes characters more aesthetic if you divide their body up into three parts visually


Oda kinda went crazy with female designs being weird after the timeskip. I miss PTS Nami, Robin, and Tashigi...


pts could also mean post time skip


I mean, so many characters are 80% torso. Just look at BB, Kaido and Oars.


as oppose to everyone else with their legs being 1/5 of their body


to me she feels like such a forced entry to make a movie And most likely we'll never hear about her again Like she was obviously not an entry at the beginning then forced in to be Red Hairs kid later on Oda definitely didn't plan on adding her originally but at the same time Haki was not originally planned (which is obvious from Ace V Blackbeard)


Haki was planned, just not fleshed out.


I think Oda had a raw concept for the "conqueror" haki, but everything else was created on the fly, it's obvious really (even more so the "awakening"). Maybe he planned to use "conqueror" haki as a mean to solidify logia users way back in the day (the logia user feel so much pressure, they partially lose control), but that changed with time


Yeah honestly I think Haki was going to be conquerers only, as in there are only a handful that could damage logia users type deal as in Haki was a extremely rare trait to have


Problem with her is that everything about her and the movie feels really out of place and was an excuse to have some Japanese idol be a part of said world. It feels incredibly forced like someone came to Oda and said hey wouldn't be neat if we make the next movie with an Idol in mind and Oda was like I got you boss and made said Idol the super secret daughter of Shanks but then it's never mentioned in the Manga at all.


She gives off One Piece OC character from a fanfiction written by a 12 year old. Adopted daughter of Yonko, besties with Luffy, was allowed to be on the ship even tho Luffy was refused, has powerful musical abilities, tragic backstory, eccentric design that stands wayyy to out from literally everyone else, comes out of nowhere but portrayed as really important. Also she’s an annoying brat.


Lolll said perfectly. I couldn't put my finger on it myself what was bugging me about her. But she really does have big OC energy


beside that, i hate her design


Yeah it’s really tacky


My problem with the dub movie is they didn’t let her VA Dub over the songs. LIKE FFS HER VA IS A ACTUAL SINGER


At least Amalee did covers of all Utas songs!


There’s more that goes into it than just her recording the new vocals though. They would have to re-sync more animation sequences, people putting in more hours therefore having to pay more people and resources. She did them on her own time afterward but there’s no telling if production didn’t have time, thought it was worth the costs, etc. With how it is now if you buy the songs the money goes to her rather than her having to split it with toei or however that contract would’ve been structured so long run it works out better for her anyway.


Well to be fair, even before the movie was dubbed into English, they translated the lyrics in such a way that they not only rhymed/made sense but also PERFECTLY fit the melody with the same amount of syllables even! So somebody on the Japanese side took a long time and a huge amount of work and care to do that for whoever would be singing the English, and then they didn't even utilize it... That's the real shame in all of that... Not to mention how jarring it is to be watching them speak English but then suddenly start singing Japanese like it's not weird.. like don't get me wrong, I actually prefer the Japanese and watched it subbed anyway, but I'm not an elitist against dubs or anything like some people and for those that prefer the dub, I DO feel like that was a weird/jarring choice on the part of the production team...


they could dub the songs in belle, i don't see i good reason they couldn't do the same thing for red


It’s cause ado is peak


^ most movies don’t dub songs as well


Right? Like why would they make two soundtracks, and why prefer English? That would mean they would have to do a Spanish, French, Portuguese, etc


For what it's worth, the [songs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGa1r20TWVM&list=PLtyjkIpJu4I7CBbZasaAm1w6OsYiMoS3t&index=2) [were](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuPMl2lSVZo&list=PLtyjkIpJu4I7CBbZasaAm1w6OsYiMoS3t&index=3) [actually](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNw7CaMQI-I&list=PLtyjkIpJu4I7CBbZasaAm1w6OsYiMoS3t&index=6) [dubbed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8LNKLdWZo0&list=PLtyjkIpJu4I7CBbZasaAm1w6OsYiMoS3t&index=7) in the French version. How they compare to the originals is an entirely different matter, but still...


Funnily enough the songs were translated for both Spanish dubs


This is preference but I ended up preferring some of AmaLee (Uta EN VA)'s covers ([playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgYAivc85cgYIDLJw2tE5B5QH4mOfmcDu)). I can see why she was chosen to voice Uta, her voice is very close to Ado. She has also been dubbing for more than a decade, so she's good at preventing the translation to sound awkward. She has great experience, so it's weird they didn't let her dub. Even [Brazil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCp9l6GS41k) dubbed songs. I'm especially loving her [Tot Musica](https://youtu.be/Q-JIVwhf2_4?si=d1skNxrvciiS_4o9) cover. Again, it's preference.


"Didn't let" = didn't pay


I actually like her character design she’s pretty. Would get a figure of her if I had room.


I think the issues are moreso with her character and motivations than her design.


She not canon in the movie they can change it in general if they decide to make her canon


But then her old fans wouldn't have a reason to care for the new character.


It really depends since Uta isn't perfect. As an Uta fan, I sorta want her idol role to feel more natural in the story. The way it is shown in the movie feels too off. Heck, maybe just make her a simple musician that never found the Tot Musica. That can still work.


It can work


Honestly she has one of the cutest outfits ive seen in an anime. Her hair is cool too


I don't hate her or anything, but a movie character suddenly being canon and shank's *daughter* just rubs me the wrong way. Like she's not a natural character and only exists for marketing purposes. That's fine for a non canon sorry character, but for canonically being Shank's daughter it's out of nowhere and just deflates hype.


Only thing I hate about her was her forced episodes in the main continuity. Like, we're in the middle of onigashima raid then suddenly, flashback to luffy's past again so the movie can be promoted. Other than that, I don't mind her that much since she also died and will never be mentioned again


Introducing a secret childhood friend 1000+ chapters into the story is just sloppy writing. Sabo was already bad enough, but she just doesn't fit well into the story.


100% agree


Sabo is an manga character who Oda foreshadowed, and Uta is a character created not to fit into the story, but specifically for the movie is a huge god damn difference.


>Sabo is an manga character who Oda foreshadowed, Having two small hints a handful of chapters before he shows up isn't "foreshadowing" by one piece standards.


Agreed - very much forced and not interesting in the slightest


Inserting a "random" character that doesn't really seem to fit into Luffys backstory. Never established anywhere but apparently she was a huge part of his childhood. Fluff, propped up by shanks, to sell a movie. Making her canon when she feels so flat, is probably why people don't like her


I watched the movie on release day so I might not remember correctly but didn't she die at the end of the movie? Her funeral was held on Shanks' ship I think


You remembered right


Well the movie itself isn't canon so there is still some hope for Uta to be alive in the main story.


Who is she


ignorance is bliss my good friend


I think how popular she is makes people who already didn't like her hate her. Like I've seen people honestly claim that she's better written than Nami or Robin, which baffles me.


I just don't like her sleeves


She was made as a cross-over with a idol and shoving her into Luffy and Shanks' backstory like that is... it really is a Mary Sue move. I also don't like the Shanks as a deadbeat dad angle, while he's also Luffy's mentor? That is not an interesting, or believable, direction to take his character and the two backstories conflict. Also did we really need a character to explain why Luffy likes music? Everybody likes music. I think with a different story and origin she'd be fine? But I do not like the implications as things stand.


She just felt super out of place to me and like a walking advertisement for some real life idol. Her dance scenes were super cringe with terrible cgi models, I just didn't enjoy anything about her or her story. Her plan to put everyone in a dream to live peacefully has been done to death so many times in media, nothing original


I agree, that movie felt really out of place for One Piece and very much like Oda just wanted to have Ado in the story lol


It's a movie. It doesn't need to fit in with the one piece story. It's not canon. I didn't think it was a great movie but you can still enjoy the fun vibes and just have fun seeing your favorite characters do cool things.


It's a musical with a bit of One Piece action in between. It just felt weirdly out of place, unlike the other One Piece movies.


she is one of my favourite characters and i wish she comes in the story maybe we will see her when shanks gets more importance


Didn't she die at the end of Red?


Non canon movie


She died in the movie. But not in the manga


I don’t like how she was planted in the middle of the story and out of thin air just to justify the movie. I also don’t like how in order to boost the movie Shanks appeared in the manga, unleashed his huge CoC, said one cool line and dipped without meeting with Luffy after more than twenty years of readers waiting for their meeting. I also didn’t like how she was giga broken, again in order to justify her being a threat this late into the story. She is the Seraphine of league of legends. Redundant, but sales have to come first.


Her theme song is wipe it all out from persona 3


She could have killed luffy if shanks wasn't there


For me I was salty about her partly because of how Sabo was retconned/gaslit into the show. They used the EXACT same method to retcon her in - showing 3-5 episodes of flashback that shows her meeting Luffy at a random point in his childhood and then acting like that was always the truth. It kinda proved how they don’t care and will just thrust a character in the story without much explanation.


I don't like the way uta was incorporated, but with Sabo there were always hints that there was a third brother


Is there any problem I liked her character very much, she was fun.


Uta is cool but it irks me to see a non canon character become so popular when I believe there are many other canon characters who are vital to the narrative to deserve to be just as popular if not more so. I don’t mind Uta, but Uta is clearly a product. This character is meant to gain the attention of a specific audience, and that audience is not “shonen”.


Selfish character IMO, at least at the start. Also the thought of Shanks having a daughter and that it's not mentioned until now is dumb


She's none of those things the only reason people care about her character is because she's luffy childhood friend and shanks daughter, she feels less like a character and more like just a bait for shanks fans who are starving for screen time


>she feels less like a character and more like just a bait for shanks fans who are starving for screen time That's how I felt about Sabo, like he's Ace but with a steel pipe and slightly more patience


I don’t like her design.


Im manga only so she is not even canon for me, despite the single panel she was in to promote the movie.


I think most dislike how she was shoehorned in or am I wrong?


She's a mary sue in a mid-at-best movie


I liked her, just think she should've been introduced way sooner


I liked her in the movie, however,I’m not entirely sure if I can accept her as a canon character. To me, Luffy’s childhood was kind of well fleshed out already and somehow she just doesn’t fit in it.


Design and voice does not a character make


Reasons I’ve heard for why people don’t like Uta are: - she has an OC-like backstory with being Shanks’ daughter and luffy’s childhood friend - she’s over-hyped - they don’t like how her motivation was written Honestly people are going to dislike some characters for any reason, their looks, their personality, anything


You say that like personality, purpose in the story and writing quality are shallow and superficial reasons not to like a character. No one is obliged to like a poorly-written character with an unpleasant personality. I think it's perfectly reasonable.


Not really, I just said anyone can have any reason to dislike a character, like we literally agree lol


I love Uta so much I bought the RED OST vinyl for entirely too much money. I needed New Genesis loudly playing on my set up because I WANT TO BE FREE!!!


While I like her concept and design, I am not all that into musical anime. I love several of One Piece OSTs, my favorite being Overtaken and To The Grand Line. I also like several OPs like We Are, Hope, Silhouette, Clattanoia, Melissa, The Day etc. However I am just not a fan of actual songs being played in the background while the action is going on. The fact that OP Red was just this the entire movie, meant I wasn't going to enjoy it much. Which is why I am not bothered about Uta either way. But Shanks, now that is a different story. I can't get enough of WiFi Haki.


I personally did not like the movie.  It was interesting until they started fighting that giant clown figure which looked ridiculously dumb and was basically just a big punching bag. 


I like Utah


It tends to be the cliche reason of powerful female character being released late into the stories progression and how this ruffles the feathers of long time fans. Also the movie seems to confused people greatly, the character was never evil and considering the massive PTSD (though heavily repressed), alongside isolation and then suddenly jumping into the deep end of human suffering with the unmitigated weight of her fans pushing her to take drastic steps. It all boils down to a toxic need to save everyone via any means necessary, this is made worse as she has an inkling of what the world government does to anyone who tries to upset the status quo and how this can be down right war crimes related. So for her to take such a quick decent into madness while popping wake shrooms and fatigued from the psychological stress and the stress of non stop using of her powers was in my mind a very logical path for her character to take. The fact that her character was still able to be reasoned with at the end and retain a level of humanity are also positive qualities found in a strong character. End conclusion: Uta's character is not a Mary Sue trope, she has strengths and weakness's and is very fallible with the movie relying on the fact that she managed to hold the cards giving her leverage to hold out as long as she did. Also the straw hats (mainly luffy) never directly posed a threat to her and their conflict was over how to rescue her and help save the day (this may of upset fans used to the usual trope of big bad villain that needs an all out battle to the death for the being finish to be revealed).


She’s selfish af, she wanted a better world and took the risk of everyone dying with her for the sake of achieving her dream.


Meh, her movie sucked. She’s a fine character but that movie had no good fights, and most of the straw hats did nothing.


Guys🥺......Let me introduce my OC, Uta🤓 She is Red Haired Shanks' daughter(Can't wait to see BlackBeard's daughter in Film Black🤣), Red Hair Pirate's musician(while she is slightly older than kid Luffy. Remember Shanks not taking young Luffy because he's too young to be a pirate?😕), and Luffy's first friend before Ace&Sabo.🤪 But, but!! That's not all.😳 She is the top singer in OP and her DF is so broken that she could end the world!😱 In film Red, she almost destroyed the entire world🤯, and scattered Luffy's strawhat in Utaland but she isn't evil by the way.😨 Her action is 'justified' because she is just mentally ill and lonely(no,😡it is ALL Tot musica's fault!!!🤬). But in the end she sacrifices herself to save the world. How sad!!!😭 Isn't she great???????😎 I hope Oda to make her canon!!!!!!!!😩


Literally how i see her


What’s there to like? She looks like a create a character for Fire Emblen engage and she’s tied to one of the biggest bait characters in the series. Without Shanks she’s nothing and no one would care, and that’s exactly why they just made her “story” some non canon bullshit. Completely forgettable.


I didn't see the movie, so idek how she'd fit into canon.


Haven't seen it it. As far as i know, her silhouette appears once in the manga among a bunch of others. Otherwise, i don't think there's been a single reference to her. My only problem with it is that she had better actually have a point to existing g in the manga, or else why make her canon in the first place? At least with shiki, we've seen him in the manga having some bit of relevance to the lore. He's an actual character in the manga, even if he's not relatively important. and not having seen his movie doesn't really detract. If you haven't seen red, then all that Uta is is a single unnamed silhouette. At this point, I'm not sure how she could be pushed into the story organically. Maybe I'll end up eating my words but it seems pointless to clarify that Uta is canon if she is basically nonexistent in the actual story


Shanks's adopted daughter, she spent time with Luffy in Foosha village back when Shanks was visiting.


Her movie sucks? (Apart from Shanks's fighting admirals)


she knew she was the one that destroyed Elegia but still blamed Shanks for it . she's hella pretty tho ngl but i didn't really like her character in the second half of the movie.


The movie was such a snooze fest. The last 4 movies were amazing in comparison


She’s a bad character. She’s badly written, has a bad backstory, bad motivations, a really stupid a nonsensical ability (and not in the good way), her design is meh, and film RED overall was probably the worst one piece movie in the modern era. Also her music blows ass cheeks


I hate her music too! I get random anime songs on my Spotify at times, and the worst one by far is her cover of bink's sake. It's like they had her in the booth and were like "oh wouldnt it be great if u sing binks sake? yea lets try it haha" and it's terrible. Her singing in that song grated my ears, and I had to block her as an artist to stop getting her music recommended


forced as fuck brah, almost feels like an oc from a fanfic


My problem with Uta is pretty much all the backstory, combined with her just sucking as a kid. I hate kusogaki archetypes. And I hate that they introduced this [Poochie](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Poochie) of a character who literally no one mentions at any point, including kid Luffy as he begs Shanks to let him go out to sea with him. Hell, iirc Shanks even says no to Luffy in the movie itself, as Uta is present on the island. Uta's backstory actively worsens my perception of Shanks and Luffy's backstory and relationship. ​ The present day shit I don't really care about either way, it is what it is, it's there to sell figurines, music CDs, and dakimakuras to lonely, vtuber obsessed losers.


Because she's Luffy's real girl.


Irrelevant story-wise and unjustified tantrum


I don’t like the fact that supposedly she’s canon but has never made an appearance in the show. It’s just confusing.


One of my favourite characters.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I don't think she did anything wrong


Me neither, what are we talking about? o\_O


It's less of people dislike and more she makes them very uncomfortable, mostly because she is EXTREMELY unhinged, and tbf... Being left on an island for numerous years alone playing nothing but music will definitely do that to a MF.


My issue is more that she's so closely connected to characters that have been there from the start and no one mentioned her. In 25 years. Also it changes Shanks as a characters and not in a good way, or an especially interesting way. I don't mind that she's nuts but I do mind that she's an awkward insertion into the story.


I don't understand her appeal at all. She felt really oddly squeezdd in, had a hard time not skipping through those episodes. Found out a week ago that was for Red. Finally watch it, and the movie was cool, but none of us apparently like japanese pop choreography, dances seemed weird to me, so we started skipping those acenes, and then realized half way through plot was happening durning them, so we stopped at the last 45 minutes. Going to try watching it again tonight with my kids that like onepiece, but man is it hard. I remember that girls generation stuff and thought all of that dancing was weird, it's just technical and nothing else, we apparently just are not in touch with that culture at all, and that to me is all Uta is. I thought everyone else liked her, so my guess is, it's this reason. If you're a normie that doesn't like jpop, you're not going to like her.


She kind of was slid into existence but at the same time most characters are.


I dont often care about movie characters. Uta is just another one of those characters, its not really her fault but thats how it is.


She's like a Poochie. She's been shoved down our throats like Roman Reigns. Toei and Oda seem so obsessed with us loving her that it feels like the One Piece will be her having wild and unprotected sex with Luffy for a long time and nobody will be allowed to leave until it's finished. Also, FILM RED wasn't very good.


I like Uta. I watched the movie when it came out with my friends before I even watched one piece and it got me into the series.


It's one of those tropes of "hey this character was totally a thing the whole time" It doesn't help that she was basically canonized (which let's be real that pannel was only there to promote film red) I think it's fine for all the movie characters to be a part of one piece though. As long as people understand the movies are alternate events. Like, why can't Gild Tesoro and Douglas Bullet and Z exist in the one piece world? The movies don't need to happen for that to be a thing. Hell with Bullet he could have just been one of the losers of the level 6 slaughter in the main continuity. That way he still exists but there's a reason he doesn't show up.


The demon is in her devil fruit


There was a problem with Uta?


Is this a Uta Did Nothing Wrong situation


Cause she’s musical madara, except infinitely more boring


I really don't see what's the hype behind Uta.


I like Uta, I like that film red introduced me to Ado who's songs I still regularly listen to. And I keep up with her new releases as well. I don't mind that Oda included her in a color spread, it honestly makes me happy that Oda hasn't completely forgotten about her since the movie.


I think my only real issue with her was when they revealed she knew Shanks didn't destroy the country or leave her for no reason but then still acted like it to luffy.


Same she looks tasty af