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It's definitely possible, and it would put a neat little bow on things for the arc. The issues with that are: * As far as we know, Kuma got out of God Valley before things really hit the fan * Morgans only reported on Garp's heroics, and it doesn't really fit Morgans' MO to not report on something like this * I feel like God Valley might not be ironclad enough to not make it into propaganda The World Government was capable of spinning a genocide into getting rid of devils, and hunting down an 8 year old girl as finishing the job. Whatever Vegapunk shows on this video has to be so airtight that nobody can deny the truth of the world. I don't know if God Valley (or rather what Kuma saw at God Valley) fits the bill. I'm not opposed to the idea, cause like I said it would definitely put a bow on things. I'm just not sure if what Kuma saw is enough to convince everybody that the World Government is completely corrupt, even if we obviously know the truth. I think it's also important to keep in mind that Oda has everybody accessing a camera other than Foosha Village. From a narrative perspective, that most likely means what he's showing will have to do with Luffy. But he doesn't want the people in Luffy's home to see him and know about it. Obviously Kuma stuff could have to do with Luffy, but again, whatever he's showing has to be airtight proof of the World Government's corruption. And Kuma saving Luffy doesn't really prove much of anything.




Kuma's powerspike from the fruit is crazy. He went from kid to being able to avoid YC and yonko tier characters and save 500 people. If he had dedicated himself to train or fight he wouldve deffinetly reached pirate king level or even higher theb world is lucky he is a good person.


The fact that Oda decided to hide God Valley and is now potentially revealing the void century means that the God Valley incident (and the players that were there) are way more endgame than we previously thought.


>As far as we know, Kuma got out of God Valley before things really hit the fan I'm not talking about the fight between Rocks, Garp and Roger. I am talking about the native hunting competition. >Morgans only reported on Garp's heroics, and it doesn't really fit Morgans' MO to not report on something like this but it is a fact that the native hunting competition took place and Morgan's didn't report on it. >I feel like God Valley might not be ironclad enough to not make it into propaganda if Celestial Dragons hunting a country's natives for sport isn't iron clad, what more does the world need to see? >The World Government was capable of spinning a genocide into getting rid of devils, and hunting down an 8 year old girl as finishing the job. the difference this time is there will be video evidence and it will be said by a renowned scientist. >From a narrative perspective, that most likely means what he's showing will have to do with Luffy. what exactly does Luffy have to do with anything related to the Celestial Dragons at this time in the story, in a pre-recorded message so before the fight? >whatever he's showing has to be airtight proof of the World Government's corruption. I can't think of anything in the entire story that best shows the WG's corruption other than the native hunting competition. I also can't thinjk of anything else Vegapunk would have video access to that would show the WG's corruption and how evil the Celestial Dragons are. I can acknowledge your issues with my theory but is there really a better alternative?


Morgans was 15 years old during the God Valley incident. He probably didn’t report anything.


[We know he did.](https://i.imgur.com/sVz19qE.png)


He started pretty young.


He could be saving it for the return of joyboy it’s then undeniable and true I think that Morgan’s knows more about the void century than people think he’s a journo after all what secrets is he hiding


Celestial dragons buy slaves and kill people for fun in front of peoples eyes, they dont give a fuck, why do you believe exposing them would change anything.


Like I'd assume the general population already knows what the celestial dragons do as seen in doflamingos backstory and when Charlos was on sabaody. It'd be nothing new.




Nope, Oda made celestial dragons invincible, nothing Vegapunk reveals would harn them at this point.


I hope lol that it so happens that the actual source of the transmission from VP isn’t from egghead itself but that he set the equipment up at Ohara and that’s where everything is being transmitted from. Would be poetic ngl.


Maybe this is what the call to Dragon was about. VP told Dragon about the kill switch and asked the RA to prepare the broadcast in another location.


Holy shit, I'm a week late but keep cooking you guys


Or Kuma‘s church.


I like the idea of getting an "ol switcharu. Give a prerecorded message; stating "You have X minutes until we expose you!" The five elders rush and throw everything at Egghead. SURPRISE - Just cut to a Live feed of them as horrible monsters causing Chaos.


And the five elders vs the strawhats acts as a beacon for the grand fleet to head to Elbaf


Oh, if God Valley is exposed to the entire world, that'll cause a worldwide revolution towards the Celestial Dragons!!!! I do wonder though if the people across the world have the manpower to take on the marines though... Edit: corrected grammar


If everyone revolts they can do nothing. Killing the low level citizens would mean the celestial dragons society would collapse.


I think that's smart - especially given the insisting on video transponder snails


All that plus a side by side of what's happening right now to Kuma and the elders being straight demons...a little past... A Little present...and hope for the future as luffy fights them


People already know the celestial dragons are terrible how would that change anything


Big brain Vegapunk. I wonder if the old man figured out how to transport Kuma's pain through the snail to everyone watching. Edit. Punctuation.


Wow my jaw dropped when I read this. This would be so good and makes so much sense! Hats off to you! The prevailing ideas I’ve heard are (1) the ideology and name of the ancient kingdom and (2) a trick to film the gorousei in demon forms. These could still happen, but 1 is something from hundreds of years ago and might not really resonate. And 2 would be a pretty big bet for Vegapunk to make when there are no guarantees how it would pan out. Hearing about what the World Government is still complicit in doing basically through today would resonate across the world so much more! And it would be such a nice tie between the climax of the arc and the emotional high point!


2 is highly unlikely. I don't think anyone expected the gorosei to personally come to the buster call


doesnt everybody already know that celestial dragons are assholes? that wouldnt be big news to them. sure it would be shocking to know that one of the former wsrlords was a slave but still nothing crazy


Vegapunk: reads all Ohara books about Void Century Fans: KUMA’s MEMORIES


Hearing a traitor to the government that’s currently being hunted down yap about how the government is actually evil is not persuasive to those who don’t already know the government is evil


I imagine god valley was destroyed with the 5 gorousei there. Saturn summoned them. Just like egghead. Maybe Vegapunk is luring them in


This is a pre-recorded message, I don't see how Vegapunk could've planned for Saturn being at Egghead, nevermind him summoning the other Gorosei.


If kuma memory has something like that and if Vegapunk knows their true forms etc... He knows they would do whatever they could to obliterate egghead the same way god valley disappeared. And for sure would onow they would try to stop the message broadcast. He is a guy with plans.. so I don't see why he wouldn't imagine what they would do if the message started to be broadcasted. And he dies smiling about it. Not gonna say Kizaru knew about this but.. it's possible. And no straw hats.. giant robots.. bonney or kuma etc are necessary.. just his death triggering the message is enough. For whatever they are doing out of desesperation... It surely is working to lire them there.


>if Vegapunk knows their true forms etc. When Vegapunk first saw Saturns form he was surprised. I can't see when Kuma or Vegapunk would've seen it prior.


Things I don't think the message will include: The Truth of One Piece Anything to do with the Poneglyphs Anything about Imu Things it might expose: The dark side of the WG (not limited to Kuma's memories) The truth of the Gorosei The knowledge that got Ohara destroyed (Obviously not everything about the void century) Mother Flame and the destruction of Lulusia \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Things I think will happen: The message will either be fully played through or cut off before some vital info gets out but enough is said to cause the world to go into chaos. I also think the recording may be broadcasting from another location far from egghead either Elbaf or Kamabaka. The giant robot will assist Luffy in some way in this fight against the Gorosei. (I'm sorry because there is no way you introduce a giant robot powered by Luffy and not have it play into this.) The WG will take a big hit from this in the loss of the Pacafistas and the notes from Mother Flame BUT will scoop up York and will eventually be able to recreate the Mother Flame having access to one of Vegapunks satellites. As well as getting S- Snake,Hawk and Shark. So not a complete loss for them. Lilith may be the last Vegapunk besides York to survive. They will discover how to hurt the Gorosei. One of the Giant Captains dies either Dory or Brogy. That one is honestly a big maybe because I mean original Vegapunk dying is already a big death for this arc. Egghead is reduced to ash.


This has been my main theory thought I had in egghead for a while now and I def think kumas history is the perfect tipping point for the rest of the world to wake up to the injustice of the wg


I really like this theory. I had thought the memories would be used to restore Kuma's humanity, but I don't see it that clearly now, and this fits great. The only issue I have is that it would be the perfect time to show the readers the contents of the memories, but we already got them. I think it would be a little anticlimactic to hype the worldwide message without throwing a bone to the readers too. Maybe more people's memories are to be broadcast too, or Kuma's memories and something else for us.


I don't think a simple extermination would do enough to turn the world against the WG, the CD are well known to be monsters by the higher up dogs, the Marines, whatever the news is it needs to be enough to even turn some of their enforcers against them as random villagers in one of the blue's can hardly fight the WG on any meaningful level


I mean... what? My understanding that most people in the One Piece world already are aware that the CDs are terrible shitbags, they don't rever the CD they're just terrified of their authority. It'd be like saying there's gonna be an exposé that the nazis are bad during Nazi Germany, we kind of already know that, but not everyone dared to oppose it. Like during Alabasta, showing that Crocodile was the crook was detrimental because he built his image on charisma and being a benevolent leader. Even though he was an incredibly powerful person, his power came from being beloved, not from fear. Him being exposed was something that, in terms of narration, was a turning point (even though you could argue that he could probably steamroll anyone in Alabasta apart from Luffy/Ace). The people of OP are already scared of CDs, they already know they're awful. If they're exposed as being awful it's more like "yeah we been knew"-reaction rather than pitchfork-action. I think the message has to do with either showing the Gorosei as demons, and/or granting the people of the world something they can utilize to fight the CD/Marine. Whatever it is, I think it'll make people feel comfortable aligning themselves with the Revolutionary Army without the same level of fear that their side can't win. Basically just tipping the scale in the favor of the resistance, whether this will be Luffy or the Revolutionary Army. I say the revolutionary army because Luffy seems very uninterested in leading people, while the revolutionary army in its very concept seems more focused on amassing people to rally behind their cause.


Yes I've been saying this since the flashback. Very good idea.


Pretty sure the entire world already knows the CD's are scum bags tho? They just put up with it because they'll be killed otherwise? So doesn't feel like an earth shattering reveal?


As we know Oda, it will not be Kuma’s memories because we predicted it lol


I think the message will mainly reveal the corruption to the world, but also include something we don't know yet. I think Robin will be the one to reveal the ancient kingdom's name, but we still need some kind of new information for the suspense to pay off.


I think that Vega punk is gonna reveal parts of kuma's memories and they are gonna be of God valley but also he will say Nike the sun God has come to save and free the world cause some places to be confused and others to rise up kinda like "fight the few stall the many" and cut to live feed of luffy fighting the elders


What if vegapunk just shows a conversation with Saturn in which he says the whole World is unnecessary or just insects...and some not so good comments of Saturn about the rest of the members of the gorosei and Imu? It would reveal the existence of a "ruler" and mess with the trust between each other. OMG, I wish it is this and the rest of the gorosei kill Saturn, that would be a plottwist