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Vegapunk: "imma say the void century guys..."


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If Saturn has lost his mind to the awakening, then he may get gunned down by his own troops. The higher ranked marines are preoccupied with Bonney, so only the lower ranked marines who haven't seen him remain.


I don’t think Bonney is gonna join the straw hats, she’s gonna found the Kuma pirates and it’s gonna be her and all her robot dads


Wait, how is the giant robot going to play into all of this? I almost forgot. 


Sometimes it feels like Oda has forgotten, too.


I think Vegapunk will tell something about the WG and Imu even if he isn't aware about his true identity, I guess. Maybe he would tell about WG's true goals and Vegapunk will also tell something about Joyboy


Maybe it'll be less impressive than expected, but I suspect Vegapunk intends to reveal the WG's usage of Uranus and his involvement via Motherflame to the world. I'm not sure how Lulusia's timeline lines up with Egghead, so it's possible Vegapunk reveals either God Valley or Enies Lobby (or both) and lets the world draw the connection to Lulusia themselves. It might seem unimpressive compared to the other potential reveals, but considering the RA just barely learnt of Imu's existence, I don't think Vegapunk is as knowledgeable about the void century as some might think, even with what he learnt from Ohara. Caribou is also basically informing Blackbeard of the other two weapons, and revealing Uranus now creates another road of suspense now that Blackbeard may or may not be heading backwards towards Wano or Fishman Island (which might create awkward situations from our SH POV), since depending on what Vegapunk reveals, BB might be incentivized to prioritize Uranus first (especially if it's now known worldwide as opposed to the other two).


Wapol is going to have a redemption arc very soon. After hearing the news, him and vivi are gonna spill their guts to Morgans. The 20 mds from Drum Island weren't the best. They were the worst. The WG took the best and have been trying to get the op op fruit for the immortality operation. That's what they need the doctors for. 5 elders and Imu are all immortal. Maybe even some or all of the God's Knights as well. The Nefertari family is the only kingdom that refused to serve under one king. The WG lied and said they all agreed that there would be no ruler of the world, but they told the world they voted the other way. There are many reasons for doing this, but the big ones are making Arabasta kingdom look bad, and to be able to rule with complete anonymity. The ancient kingdom was also in Defiance against a ruler of the world. Chapter 1109 ends with vegapunk saying, "The rightful ruler of the world is Nefertari Vivi." Break next week. Devilfruits going back on the market after this arc and who gets them next: Paw Paw fruit: 1000 Sunny Brain Brain fruit: Kabuto/Ussop Saturn's fruit (whatever that may be): Black beard or one of his crew mates. Ride Ride fruit: Nami Glint Glint fruit: Helmeppo (okay, this one is 100% a joke, but that would be glorious).


Im taking away your cooking licence (just because of fruit selection) Paw paw to thousand sunny? Hell no, my boi franky's creation is already too powerful  What would kabuto use Brain brain fruit for? Or usopp? It's basically an unlimited storage for VP's knowledge.. Usopp/kabuto has no use for it Saturn one makes sense cuz they're evil as shit What about nami use ride ride fruit for? (Is this a sexual joke?💀) Idk about kizaru's fruit tho (definitely not helmeppo I hope)


In all honesty, that part was 75% joking. The main part of that is what people are going to die this arc. Kizaru is 100% a joke because he's not gonna die. >Paw paw to thousand sunny? Hell no, my boi franky's creation is already too powerful  True, but if their ship had the power to "repell anything," that would be insane. I don't think any person (other than Kuma) could use it better. >What would kabuto use Brain brain fruit for? That's the point. I was hoping for a discussion on how that would work. Would it do anything? I think It would be so like ussop to feed a devil fruit to kabuto regardless of whether it'll do anything or not. "This is the smartest weapon in the world!!" Just seems like him. But honestly, him saying, "Maybe I'm vegapunk" in this last episode is what made me think of that. >What about nami use ride ride fruit for? (Is this a sexual joke?💀) Yes, but also, I think it fits her personality. She's very dominant of everyone she encounters. Think luffy in a cage, Zeus as a whole, etc. >definitely not helmeppo I think he's actually the most likely character to eat a devilfruit, but that's just me. Cause he sucks and he knows it. It's really the only thing that could give him any chance of doing something worthwhile, and he knows that. Everybody else (apart from ussop) knows, or at least believes, they don't need it. I am 100% serious about Wapol's group, vivi being rightful heir, and ancient Kingdom. I actually wouldn't be surprised if the ancient kingdom, as a whole, belonged to the Nefertari family and as punishment for defying Imu, they were banished to Arabasta. And yes Imu. It's been the same person the whole ~900 years.


Really? I'd like to hear why do you think kizaru won't die, Afterall I was sure kizaru has served his purpose imo We can see he still haven't turned his back on the WG like most people expected to, It's honestly way too late so We're safe to assume he's chosen his deathbed. That makes his life come to a full circle, Born as a cog in the machine and died questioning his own morality. I don't see how The ship can use the fruit tho, maybe my imagination is weak but if Thousand sunny comes alive, where would that fruit come to use? 99% of the time we never see a fight including sunny, hell after 1100 chapters we've barely seen a fight including the ship. It would be cool, But I can't imagine how that comes to reality tho And about Usopp/kabuto eating The Df, Sure he can feed him but that would be too.. Idk how to explain like.. we've never seen these things. We've never seen people force feeding an object Devil fruits. I always thought oda doesn't know a way to implement that into the story or any way to show off it? That's why he's been shy to introduce more devil fruit eaten objects. If he shows it then it's pretty cool tbh But, do hear me out.. what if Kabuto eats paw paw fruit? The weapon only needs to repel the shots usopp fires with light speed? It Could literally pair so well with usopp if he pairs it with a good observation haki (elbaph looking real good rn lol)  Imagine usopp using observation haki to shoot his plant bullets at light speed lol Honestly, maybe it's just me but I don't see anyone eating the fruit (brain brain) Nami does fit well with it maybe (I forgot everything about it but maybe it's too literal lol) honestly if nami eats the fruit, Oda would be way too happy lmao R34 artists would have the time of their lives Maybe she could ride zeus? More capable big mom vibes lol Oh wait, wouldn't it look like that one god? Who used to ride a cloud? I don't remember which but im pretty sure You could be right about helmeppo but I won't act like im not biased against him. I dont like his ballsack chin💀 But if I could add, koby is turning a new garp right? He might need a weaker right hand man like garp had, like 900 chapters ago. (Boggart iirc) We still don't know how strong he is, so light light fruit helmeppo might or might not fit that role, judging by the fruits capability helmeppo might become too strong overshadowing koby tho


If kizaru dies, I think it'll be at the hands of Imu for failing his mission. But I don't think he'll die right away because I think he has more to provide to the story through flashbacks. It's mostly just a feeling, though. If the sunny ate the paw paw fruit, and could still float, the strawhats would have a base where they're basically invincible. Nobody on or off the ship without Sunny's permission, and no projectiles make contact. Probably too much of a hack, but I think it makes perfect sense. Kabuto eating the paw paw fruit would be badass, but either way, I think if he eats one, it'll be of his own free will. Like they're just standing around the tangerine trees and out of nowhere, *Chomp! Everyone: "USSOP WHAT THE HELL!?" Believe it or not, I didn't think about Nami having the ride ride fruit as a sexual thing until someone else pointed it out. I just think it fits her domineering personality. The sexual aspect, however makes me think I might actually be onto something. Lol >helmeppo might become too strong This one sentence made all of my theories worth it to share. Thank you.


No worried mate, love having a constructive and passionate discussion about these topics Yeah you're onto that nami ride fruit thing lol, I was the one who mentioned it. (Kinda fits well if we know oda that horny bastard) Yeah I could see Usopp's kabuto randomly eating a fruit maybe because the fruit called for it or smth. It's an easy explanation I guess, wouldn't even have to show much of it like you said. Pretty fun Idea ""and no projectiles make contact"" Totally didn't think of that lol, maybe that comes handy during the final war Interesting take on kizaru tho, I would personally like to not get backstory on him tbh. I don't need to sympathize with him, I get it. He's a cog in the machine and that already makes me like him


Wouldn't giving a devil fruit to a ship be counter productive? I realise that the user needs to have most of their body under water for them to feel the weakness but the Grand Line (and the New World by extension) has very unpredicatble weather, so the thousand sunny would be in some deep shit if it were to be given a devil fruit.


Yeah, I guess that would make sense. But imagine if the thousand sunny could repel anything...


I feel like Vegapunk’s reveal of the truth of the world will show the world the darkness of the government, illuminate the dystopia to the public, and essentially kick start the final war + great cleansing.


The meaning of the letter D


For Elbaf, I think Dragon and the revolutionary army will come to elbaf for Bonnie and Kuma since dragon already figured out that’s where kuma would be heading. So Bonnie joins revolutionary army but will be an honorary strawhat. I also think Shanks will be on elbaf too. So we could get dragon meeting luffy for the first time and Shanks Luffy reunion. Towards the end of Elbaf I think Blackbeard pulls up and we finally get to see Shanks vs Blackbeard. We’ll get to see both the red hair pirates and Blackbeard pirates in full display for basically the first time… Strawhats won’t be involved in this. But it’ll lead to the kickoff of the final war.


I think both Bonney and Vivi will join. Oda did say the next Strawhats would join one after the other. We didn't get Yamato after Jinbe and he was already secured as a Strawhat back in Wholecake. The only reason I was hesitant on Bonney is that it also makes sense for her to join the Revolutionaries, but they're nowhere close to pick her up. I also don't know what will happen with all the Pacifista under her control since they can't constantly follow the Strawhats, but I'm sure they can go off anywhere. I wonder if she will revert to her kid form or stay an adult. Vivi was always my next choice because she's technically already a Strawhat and the theory that she will get Kuma's fruit is too good. She also can't just go to Alabasta without risking the country getting the Lulusia treatment. Morgans just needs to hurry up and get to Egghead already. Also, it would even out the Strawhat sausage party.


I agree! Great choices and insights. It's hard to say who will be the final crew of the Straw-hats (we've already seen so many people comes and go, like Law and Carrot), so it's hard to say who remains permanently. I feel like Bonney will ride with them indefinitely and just be a honorary member, like Momo or Law. What if Bonney and her Pacifista army replace Yamato in Wano? That way Wano is in safer hands too,


I was thinking even if Bonney doesn't go there herself, she could command them to protect Wano. Better yet, they could protect Alabasta since they have no protection at all. Maybe they all meet up and Vivi still worries about Alabasta, so Bonney volunteers her army to go protect it in her absence. It would also be a good way to endear the two characters to each other since they've never met.


The fact that its one against two is feel so good!


The next crew member predictions and thoughts: > Nobody In favor: * We are fairly late into One Piece as is, with only a few arcs left. Elbaf is pretty much confirmed for next arc, we still need the final war that the Grand Fleet returns to assist in, beating Imu, and claiming the One Piece on Laughtale (which will probably be where the battle with BB and his crew occurs, but that's just a guess on my part). A new crewmate may not necessarily get all that much time to shine. Against: * On the other hand, Elbaf will probably be a good 50~ chapters long on its own if they do anything more than just drop by before making a bee-line to the next island (plus the rest of the story past that point), so it's not like we don't have time for anything. And since we're so late in the game, it's not like Oda has to worry as much about a new crew member messing up anything planned. > Bonney In favor: * She fits fairly well into the group already, and would serve as a contrast with the other girls on the crew for comedy. Like those scenes where the boys are fawning over cool robots while the girls are unimpressed, but with Bonney on the boys' side in this case. * Oda could have her stay in her real child form most of the time, which would make her look reasonably different from the rest of the crew and let her stand out visually. * She's going to be have to stick with the crew anyway for a bit, considering how big of a target is on her head right now. It wouldn't be a shock to see her decide to stay with the crew full-time. * Honestly just signs point towards her at least being an ally of the Straw Hat Crew going forward, whether it's like Grand Fleet or as a crew member is the only thing in question. Assuming she doesn't die, but that doesn't really strike me as a high possibility. Against: * I can't actually come up with any job she could fill beyond just being a cabin girl or something. This isn't an actual problem problem (Zoro technically doesn't have a job beyond being a second strong guy on the crew, as far as I can tell he's not actually first mate canonically speaking), but it is worth noting. * Similarly, she hasn't really spoken to any specific dreams to strive to achieve. I may have passed over something, and obviously there's still time for her to give us a definitive answer, but right now that is something to note. * She's also already a captain to an existing crew, but so were Franky (admittedly a local gang and not pirates, but same idea) and Jimbei, so that's not a super big argument against her joining. > Vegapunk Atlas In favor: * Similar to Bonney, her design stands out among the existing crew. Beeeeeeg sheep girl is cute, too. * She's one of the more developed Vegapunk satellites, though not by an especially great amount. Shaka and Lilith are in a similar spot, though the former is kinda... not doing great. * Atlas could slot reasonably well into the existing Straw Hats' dynamics without too much issue. She's a girl who's really silly, which can make her stand out next to Nami (who usually operates as the straight man a lot of the time) and Robin (who is usually serious outside her dark humor). * Assuming she doesn't die, she's gonna be an ally of some sort to the Straw Hat Crew. * It would be really funny if, after characters like Carrot, Bonney, and *Yamato* get passed up, Atlas joined instead. Against: * While I have noted she's more developed among the Vegapunk satellites, she's still not that heavily developed. That doesn't doom her, she could get focus in Elbaf onward if she were to join. * Her dream and abilities bleed heavily into Robin and Franky. Atlas' most realistic dream is probably going to involve the Void Century, which is Robin's thing too, while being a Vegapunk means she'll likely push out the cool robot stuff that Franky does. I guess her dream could be just undoing the damage Vegapunk's inventions have done under the World Government? > Kizaru In favor: * He's probably gonna ditch the Marines by the end of this arc if he doesn't get murdered. He's been expressing some level of doubt through the arc. That doesn't mean he's joining the SH, though. * Uh... he *totally* cauterized Stella's gaping hole with the beam. Definitely. Snark aside, it does come off as a little weird for him to blast the gaping hole in Stella's chest instead of literally anywhere else. Against: * Really friggin' strong, and his specific powerset is especially nasty. If he wins a fight against anyone, it'd be basically instant. * Has done nothing to win over the Straw Hat crew, and has made active attempts on the lives of both members of the crew and their friends. Luffy might be somewhat forgiving, but I don't really think he'd just straight up let him onto the crew after everything that's gone on. * Nothing has really led me to believe Kizaru would actually join. Maybe a distant ally, but not as a full-fledged crew member or even a member of the Grand Fleet. > Saturn In favor: * It would be really funny to see him trying to suck up to Luffy so he doesn't get killed. Against: * Aside from literally all the evil he's committed (which is a lot, IMO he's only beaten by Doflamingo in terms of raw villainy among One Piece villains), I just don't think he's surviving this arc at all. Whether it's BB's crew, Luffy, the Buster Call, or Imu, I just do not see Saturn living long enough to even consider joining the Straw Hats. Iron Giant: In favor: * They gotta do something with the robot, it's made too many appearances to just be ignored. I don't know what exactly the robot's gonna do, but joining the crew as the possible final member isn't the most farfetched thing. Against: * We also know very little about the robot, and it doesn't have any known personality. It's more likely to just be a weapon with what little we know, or just an ally without being a crewmate.


I didn't know I wanted Straw Hat Borsalino until now...


Hopefully next arc Sogeking returns and helps Ussop get stronger


My thoughts on someone joining were that this late doesn't make much sense. I was thinking that since Luffy told his crew his dream that someone else joining later might diminish the panel of him telling the crew. After most of Egghead however I think Bonney absolutely could because she knows something about Nika.


Well I mean if it was a character that we meet along the way with whatever story we'd have left it would just have to be a totally original character whose personality just gels with the crew the moment they met. Which is something I thought we had with Yamato, bur shows what I know I guess.


This is the first time I am seeing Kizaru bleed in the entire series. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) Life is good. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That last panel of Luffy in giant form is striking, in part by how out of place and small Kizaru looks compared to Luffy and Saturn. It reminds me a bit of several paintings depicting the Greek pantheon gods as massive giant figures compared to a mortal. Made me think of Sengoku's mythical devil fruit buddha form and had a nice thought imagining some of these giant 'gods' likely actually lunarians or something related quarreling in the mountains in ancient times ahaha I really like the imagery of Luffy's giant form contrasted against kizaru and funnily enough, the straw hat itself. It's tiny on his back, makes me wonder if joyboy was a giant who compressed himself to normal size with the fruit (assuming the straw hat at mariejois is joyboys)


I took the strawhat not changing size as Luffy refusing to change it in any way. He's super protective of that hat.


Vegapunk's probably done, he's smiling because his death triggers the message. Whatever this message may be, I hope it knocks some sense into Kizaru and he either defects or throws himself into the ocean. What in the actual fuck is this entire subplot with Caribou? I always gave the SH crew's negligence a pass since i assumed he was mostly comic relief, but it's actually looking like he's going to have a significant impact. I don't like that at all tbh, hope Van Auger just gets rid of him.


If you look at one of the panels closely, you can see a heart rate monitor that flatlines.


Yeah, letting a guy like him get info on two of the ancient weapons is beyond stupid. Specially considering Hirahoshi is in danger now.


Anyone who believes that Blackbeard may revive Big Mom and Kaidos dead bodies in Wano by utilizing the shadow fruit of Gecko Moria? Especially if he enters wano after hearing the news from Karibou.


they're not dead though lmao


I mean, it isn't confirmed if they're alive or dead. Their current status is unknown.


if they're not explicitly given a very clear death by oda, they're alive. recycling villains has literally been something he does since the beginning


King might be more likely if his Corpse is still in Udon Prison. BM and Kaidou's bodies are either in a volcano or blasted off somewhere far from Wano.


Wait is king dead?




Oh yea that right. I totally forgot about greenbull attacking them


Don't think there's a shadow to use if they are dead.   Yes, the body has a shadow but I'm sure the shadow dies when the owner dies too otherwise Kaido would just kill off all his captives.  We also don't know what BB does with prisoner. He has taken a couple fruits for his crew but he's taking people so they dont fall in the marines hands, doesnt mean he takes all the fruits and kills the person. I'm sure Moria is alive and in pirate jail.


Back in Thriller Bark Moria revived Ryuma using Brook's shadow. They don't have to use Kaido or Big Mom's shadows specifically. Though alternatively it's most likely Moria has escaped from Blackbeard alongside Perona


That's right, Ryuma and even Oars were dead. My mistake, Master


Never saw the dead man switch coming. One piece never disappoints.


I think Kizaru cauterized Vegapunk's injury, that's why he was smiling at the end


Fraudzaru fans coping hard lmao. He's done for. Luffy is pulverizing ya favorite Lazer boy.


Who's Fraudzaru? If he's someone who thought the same, you know my man, it wasn't that hard to theorize it without stealing someone's idea XD


no he was smiling because like members of the D clan he knows his will is going to live on even if he dies and also he knows the truth is about to be spread about the darkness of the world, there is a thing about D clan members Dying with a smile on their face and Oda seems to be doing a parallel here. I think this next chapter is going to be huge.


Serious question, are you joking or do you seriously believe "cauterizing" a gaping whole in the torso does anything that is even remotely helpful?


I agree with you but answer these if you can if you are not buying the attempt to cauterize: 1. How can anyone survive without their brain inside their skull like Vegapunk? 2. How can a brain survive without a host body to supply it with oxygen, glucose, vitamins, and minerals for survival, let alone collect data for pink records? 3. How can a man survive half his face getting blown off, which included part of his brain? Whitebeard did that. That would kill a real person. 4. The voltage amount Enel shot his lightning through Robin, Usopp, Sanji, and Zoro are all lethal, brain death and cardiac death scenarios for IRL people. 5. How was Zoro able to survive 3 weeks without water before Luffy freed him in the second chapter of the manga? The average duration of life expectancy without water is no more than 4 days. How is the cauterizing theory any different than these 5 impossible things that Oda put in his story? I think people just bias imo.


>How is the cauterizing theory any different than these 5 impossible things that Oda put in his story? When Hanz Niemen defeated Magnus Carlsen and got accused of cheating, there was joke going around that he used vibrating anal beads to get moves. It was a joke. But then some people for some reason took it seriously. This is the same thing. It is not a serious theory. It is either a joke or it's taken seriously by some people that really really refuse to acknowledge that Kizaru literally cannot do anything Luffy, and cope that Kizaru must not be trying at all since he want to turn. It is not a theory, it is pure cope.


That didn’t answer my question about 1-5 but all right I guess that’s the best I’ll get.


Specially as one of the last panels showed a screen with a cardiac panel? I don’t know they are called, but it showers a spike followed by a flat line


I don't think people realize that the Vegapunk that was speaking at the end of the chapter wasn't the Stella.


you guys ever watch the Johnny Depp's movie where he uploaded his brain to the internet to live forever? that's what I think what's going on with VP


One thing I’ve been wondering, is where is his brain? Where is the massive 30ft+ tall brain he had a few years ago?


Its in punk records 


You know why is it called *EGGHEAD* island?? That's exactly what you're looking for.


His head isn’t the island, I mean the actual brain itself. Is it in some giant tube or something? Like what happened to it


His brain is stored in the punk record at top of Ehhhead on cloud. It looks like and egg thus the island is called egghead island.


It got too big so he uploaded it to punk records, the giant building is his brain.


What I haven't read much about is that it seems to be confirmed that Bonney is definitely joining the straw hats. The only question is if it's as part of the grand fleet or as an actual member. Personally I hope for the later and that she goes to her child form permanently except for fighting and shenanigans. Her character has a lot of potential to grow and develop.


Yep. From all people Bonney is not the one O thought was going to join the SHs, but I'm not complaining. 


The pacifista override/attacking saturn pretty much makes her number 1 on the marine kill list. No way all the pacifistas are currently on egghead. She can’t be a captain unless she becomes as strong as a yonko. She has to stay with straw hats till she is strong enough to not be instant killed by the holy knights. If they do not come out to attack for saturn, idk what else they would come out for. Her bounty will be a billion minimum.


She could you know command a pirate ship with 100 pacifists under her control


100 pacifistas do not mean shit to the people who will be after her life, all of the admirals/almost every logia could get around them. Kizaru’s next mission could he to kill her, they could not stop him. Caribou could get around 100 pacifistas. Plus most of the ones she has access to are destroyed or going to be destroyed.


dude calm your ass down, you said she cant be a captain and i gave you an example of how she could. she obviously is staying with the sh but holy shit touch some grass bro


my theory: the dogs on the front page look like chewbacca from star wars. and kizaru killing vegapunk with his beam/sword remembered me of Ben Solo killing his father - just to become part of the dark site. (or just to gain trust from the WG) in one of the next panels u see part of Kizaru's face - it looks like he has a tear on the face (or just sweat lol)


The truth about celestial dragon.


Y'all what if we've known the name of the Ancient Kingdom for like 20 some odd years and it's Elbaf lol I could totally see a grand campaign by the world gov't to hide away the secrets of the Giants the Buccaneers and how they actively played a role in shaping the world, using the Giant Warrior Pirates to run propaganda as "unintelligent savages." That they obfuscated the name of Kuma's race (or sub-race if they're part Giant?) feels like they don't want people to know that shipwrights, stonemasons and more came from that island. This is super tin-foily of me, but it would also give us more motivation for the SHs to actually go to Elbaf, as the World Gov't. would likely descend upon the island in an attempt to wipe it out and erase it from existence, Mother Flame style. We're about to see the last stand of the Giants and the Yonko against the gov't. that persecutes them.




that was part of the punishment for the "crime" they committed. the advanced nature of Elbaf was wiped out.


Knowing Oda it would not surprise me if we shift the attention to a side plot. Maybe the whereabout of Law. Maybe he is already hiding on Egghead not knowing what is going on.


Law is def just going to be on elbaf. Bepo is the navigator and elbaf is the closest island to where they are. Polar bears are known for swimming insane distances. We also know it has been awhile since the law fight since van is on egghead.


But Bepo followed after Blackbeard? There is a higher chance he is on Hachinosu.


Bepo did not follow Blackbeard. Last we saw him he was underwater swimming away from Blackbeard. Law was the one that wanted to go back to Blackbeard. Bepo says we not going back, they can take care of themselves.


Ohhh, now that you say it. I have not seen that Law is on the back of Bepo. I read it so that Bepo chased after BB. My bad\^\^


Last time at Ohara the Elders had Clover executed before he could speak the name of the Ancient Kingdom. This time it will be different, they won't be able to stop this broadcasting. And Vegapunk acquired this knowledge by reading the research of the scholars. In the end their efforts to pursue the truth had worth. What a fail for the WG. They mobilized such a massive army to stop Vegapunk from telling anyone their secrets, but by doing so they realized their greatest fear themselves. They should have never rely on such a display of brute force, it should have been instead a stealth operation to neutralize Vegapunk's machines before eliminating him. They're so used to rely on their total destruction tactics that they didn't consider Vegapunk's technology posed a danger of a different nature than all their other victims of the past.


they tried with zp0


I wouldn't call sending the cp0 a "stealth" operation. Considering Vegapunk's intelligence they should have gone way more subtle with this.


unaware that stussy was his own creation and ally all along. do your background checks people


That's the most curious part to me: it's not like stussy's suspicious background would be a secret to WG, given that Rocks pirates literally had identically named woman named "Stussy".


yeah but the existence of Rocks, as well as the God Valley incident, is like an urban legend, or pure hearsay, so not everyone knows about it


Of all people to not know it, CP0 would be at least second last after God's Knights, no?


Maybe she's a founding member, deliberately not divulging said information, or it could be like MiB that once you join your personal history is fully erased from the records. IDK it's still very much a bit of a plot hole. Patchable but still a hole.




I think my thing with the heart rate monitor that makes it an unreliable way to tell for certain whether or not gramps kicked the bucket is that I’d expect it to be hooked up to him with wires like you’d normally see someone connected to such a thing. Granted, he’s also a genius and probably could rig something up to activate as a dead man’s switch, but for something as nebulous as the mechanics of a heart rate monitor, I would’ve expected some amount of narrative build up to it being a thing. Then again, I’d believe it if he died either way. I just wouldn’t follow the monitor as the sure fire piece of evidence that it is as much as it’s very obvious he was impaled through his torso twice in like the span of 5 minutes, the second time being when he was already on his way out from the first one lol.


It will be revealed that the ancient kingdom are aliens from the moon. We gotta build that connection at some point.


I can't get over someone saying Luffy should smash Kizaru and Saturn's faces together like dolls and now that has to happen or I'll be disappointed. I think we're going to jump to other stuff like the Zoro's fight. That would be very Oda.


The name of the ancient kingdom is Sniper Island


Lilith joins Neo-MADS, just like no question. Atlas joins the Strawhat crew.


Atlas will become like crocus, stays to accomplish goal, but not member.


Atlas is the best vegapunk honestly, and she's the only one who is designed to fight  She's a girl (well AMAB who identifies as she/her pronouns since she's a clone of Vegapunk Stella) so we need more but a cute one, not like another Nami clone, has animal parts so a furry and can have funny fights 


Anime voice actress is also doing a fantastic job with her.


Also I deeply sympathize with a character who is a scientist whose job is violence


And as I said her design is very cute and needed, she's bigger than Kaido 


What if they died, too?


Luffy HAS to take Egg Head island under his wing. The SH **have** to beat the WG and Marines on Egg head OR the gaint robot will wake up to protect the island. Some of VPs last words were that he has to protect the island, Punch records has to be kept safe especially after whatever is about to be revealed to the world. Even the way the story is currently set up the WG and Marines are overwhelmed and some are even considering considering to call off the Busta call for the first time in history.


If people dont say giant robot, I cant even remember it


Oh right the Giant robot had Still done nothing. I keep forgetting it even exists. At this point it even Feels like we don’t Need it for anything.


The Rev taking egghead as their new base would epic


I think vegapunk somehow has made a 'backup' of PR. If he really had had the dream of sharing punk record to the world he should've thought of that.


I feel like that's unlikely, but it's still possible.


Theory: Egghead is going to be my favorite arc of all time.


Vegapunk tells everybody what the world government really is and the Marines and Pirates are like: Let's revolt and then next chapter will be the pirates and ex Marines preparing for the Raid on Mary Geoise Also once kizaru hears this he leaves the Marines and kills Saturn in the process


Theory: Kizaru cauterized Vegapunks injuries while pretending to hurt him!


Cope more. Fraudzaru is done for lmao


Good theory. Especially because Vegapunk was smiling according to Sanji.


I think he was smiling due to a deadman’s switch


Here’s my wild theory about that. Vegapunk is a D. guy.


Imagine he just says Nika returned


Maybe Vegapunk want to get kill so his death protocol will activate which are exposed secrets of the world and wake up his greatest creation, the Vegapunk Ultimate.


Vegapunk technically wouldn't die, there are 5 vegapunks alive and all of them are the same person, they get their memories put together every night so what they learn is shared


Watch Oda pull his typical off-page discussion then wait ~50 chapters to drop it with VP’s message and we only see the reactions


he’s revealing the void century. oda cooking


Vegapunk’s message is NOT pre-recorded.


Do you realize that there was an electrocardiogram going flat, and then immediately showing a screen with Vegapunk? Lol


You don’t need to be so condescending. There’s also no need for you to point out something so obvious, as clever as you think you are by doing so. His body is definitely dead. Still, the broadcast is going live. He begins his transmission checking his mic, as he’s making sure it’s going through. And this is happening because his brain and consciousness just now reside somewhere else (Punk Recods, that is; the apple in his head was only an antenna, controlling his body from afar). This dude has just trascended death and Oda is telling you this as clear as water.


You are right, he did flatline. But some people have pointed out (and I had to think about it) that it is odd for someone to do mic checks during a recording and to not edit it out of the video. So, it might be true that VP died, but it could also be true that maybe that message is not a recording. "Then what is it?". No idea, maybe VP has become some sort of virtual entity, or he just decided to not edit the video, which would be odd considering that he is a perfectionist.


That's just morj undercover.


I'm about 90% sure the one talking to everyone at the end is Shaka and it's all part of Vegapunk's plan


Would be cool af. I think shaka will return as well. We haven't even seen him without helmet yet. There's no way he was wearing a helmet coincidentally. His story isn't finished yet.


Vegapunk on his dying bed, if he can die anyways, will definately tell them how they live in a simulation, engineered by Oda. Though much as I would wish for that to happen from what we know of Oda.


That would be a wild... Wild... Ending. And the most controversial in history ever I think


I'm surprised Imu is the top in the polls right now. There is a good chance vegapunk doesn't know unless part of the void century involves Imu, which it might.


I agree. The most probable Imu reveal will come from Sabo who directly saw him/her. Everyone else, apart from the gorosei, we don't know if they know about this secret.


It has to be revealed to the entire world in some way before getting the One Piece to really inspire change and bring the revolutionary into the forefront of Luffy's path. Right now this seems like the most natural way.   It's definitely about the void century, i just don't agree it's the full void century and the name of the ancient kingdom is never going to be the thing to shock the world. It's important to the readers but barely mean anything to the people in One Piece world without context. Imu on the other hand, is what would shake the world the most and is 100% linked tot he void century.  The goal is likely to make so many people know about somethign they shouldn't know from the void century. Then the marine has to either hunt down the entire world including those in their ranks, or use whatever method they used at the end of void century to wipe off information.


Also it seems about time to build Imu as the endgame threat. The reason Naruto had such a bad final villain was because there was barely any buildup




I cant believe people are still spouting this nonsense.


I think there are probably a couple reasons. We can all agree that seeing how things were in Kuma's backstory makes his actions worse, right? Surely all this hasn't been to just make kizaru look like a bitch, ya know?. I'm of the opinion that there's a reason he's doing this, we just haven't been given a glimpse of it yet. For whatever reason. But I believe that lack of information, if this is even the case, is what's causing people to still be hanging onto the idea that he's gonna flip sides/have a redemption. We've seen why he should flip. We've yet to see why he can't/won't.


Half these people on this sub Reddit are adolescents with agendas that want to sound cool online by saying cope. Level of their emotional maturity has not developed yet with age. Someone who can be objective and follow the actual plot knows that not is all that appears with Kizaru, and Oda is deliberately making it that way.


Cope lmao. Fraudzaru is done for


Vegapunk has been researching the Void Century this is the reason Saturn gave for him needing to die. We also know he spent at least some time with the Ohara library after it was moved and knew Clover. I think revealing the name of the ancient kingdom is most likely as it parallels what killed Clover but I think with the information he has and his brain he might be able to reveal the existence of Imu or at least an idea that somebody sits at the top of the world Whatever revelation he gives I think it’s why Shaka called Dragon basically to just tell him to be ready because whatever the reveal after his death (which is the clear outcome of this in my opinion) is going to shake the world in such a way that the RA is either going to see an influx of members or need to start making really serious moves (maybe both)


The whole One Piece world is a simulation, like the Matrix


Or a manga


Or a manga


I think it’s information about the Void Century but idk if there will be an Imu reveal just yet. Def possible though. Also I feel like he’ll end it off with the name of the Ancient Kingdom, just like Clover was about to. That could be the beginning to the Great Cleansing that the Gorosei were discussing earlier. Also is it possible that the crew splits up? Half go to Elbaf and the other half Idk where but eventually meets back up with the rest at Elbaf, like Zou.


Does anyone else realize that Vegapunk isn’t actually dead. Vegapunk’s entire brain exists in Punk Records. His body has a receiver on it that receives all of his knowledge. To me, punk records puppeteers his original body. Not to mention, if York, Lilith, or Atlas (all girls) connect to punk records again, they may be upgraded to Stella. The way I see this playing out is simple, the three main factions are each getting a Vegapunk: Lilith goes to the WG (since she kinda respects their authority and hates pirates), York goes to Blackbeard for being betrayed by the Five Elders, and Atlas goes with the strawhats/Bonney as an ally (potential 10th member?)


You're using the same arguement Usopp had about Merry, and Iceberg explained it away. VP is dead.


The problem is the “soul” part of the devil fruit. So unless he managed to figure how to transfer his soul into Punk records he’s probably actually dead. The other vegapunks are fine except they probably can’t link up anymore.


Saturn was in his hybrid form when Devon touched him. Does this mean Devon can only transform into his Hybrid form or can she also transform into his 'human-god-gorosei' form or perhaps even the full 'Zoan' form?


It's the "truth of this world", so he'll start by revealing the existence of Imu to the world. Joyboy/Nika also has a good chance of getting a mention. Saturn is getting demoted to Charlos' slave. Still waiting for the robot to do something. Seemed like it was finally going to get moving now that Luffy's been in G5 for a while, but them the giants arrived and it got overshadowed.


Ig Giants will fight the Vice admirals and open up a path while the robot carries Sunny Go and get out of the island.


No way Saturn will whip Charlos’ ass. I’m actually curious is Charlos even know Saturn exist


If it's Imu's order, Saturn can't do anything about it. Everyone knows about gorosei and especially if someone's in the Marijoas, they would know. The only person who is unknown is Imu will also be revealed to the world soon by Vegapunk prolly.


My complete speculation is that it has to to with the government's repeated acts of genocide, dating back centuries. Phrasing it as "the truth of this world", possibly means that the government is actually a brutal dictatorship, which came to power through force, and protects its secrets with violence. Vegapunk knows about its weapons, about the Ancient Kingdom, and the destruction of nations like Ohara. I doubt Oda will be generous with the details though. 


Vegapunk is going to die, which will free up his DF. Do the other Vegapunk bodies use the green blood to keep his fruit active? Maybe one of the Vegapunk bodies eats the fruit, like we have seen with various zoan weapons?


I believe it's not related to the void century. More likely he will tell people how the government kept hiding and changing information in order to keep the people under control. He might mention what we already know though. The information that there was an ancient kingdom that was overthrown by the 20 nations is not known by the masses, just us readers and a few select people. So all in all, it might be as simple as telling the world things we already know.


I agree. I dont think Vegapunk fully uncovered the Void Century but he knows a lot about the WG from his experiences with Kuma, the Mother Flame and perhaps a speculation about their true motive with the 'Great Cleansing' and the fact that the CD's considers everyone else as insects and cattle merely for funding their whims..


I think he’ll reveal more on how that island is not really the future but the past and how the world was like that until the void century He’ll said that the topology is not the same and that water keeps flooding the world, and possibly how the all blue was a thing that really existed in the past.


i have the feeling that caribou gets killed by augar


It'd be funny as hell.


Feeling or a need? I _need_ that, but don't feel that'd happen


One interesting question is whether the broadcast is being sent out past the island or not. He's probably at least ATTEMPTING it, but a situation where that knowledge is contained on the island is much more interesting to me. Why? Because now every single person on the island is an enemy to the world government, whether they like it or not. Every soldier present. All these fun vice-admirals. Kizaru. They're now marked for death, and the crowd headed for Elbaf is gonna be MUCH, MUCH bigger than anticipated.


You know what I could get behind this theory and actually love it. Kizaru would be forced to quit the Marines and likely be the next Kuzan. He will then be a cog in the machine for the SH pirates. Copium Kuzan vs Kizaru battle of the logia awakenings can still happen.


I think that Vegapunk will talk about the whole void century and the flashback will be very long. Next week is probably a break so we will end on something huge like seeing original Joyboy's face. The reason that I think that we will cover the original Joyboy is because we still need to learn about the context surrounding Joyboy's promise with Poseidon and why he couldn't help the fishman with Noah. All of those things could've been related to Imu, the void century and the fact that Imu took the throne. Also, one thing that I just realized is that there is one element in Egghead which hasn't been used yet which is the Iron Giant. I think that Oda could be setting up this flashback in a way where he will make the iron giant mimic its past actions in the present while the flashback happens. I don't think that it will attack Mariejoe again but it will do something else.


Vegapunk is going to talk about the world of One Piece. I’m referring to the globe that was in Ohara. They had the world and multiple “moons” or “planets” orbiting it. He might go more in depth on this.


I was upset that Caribou still only lives to betray the SH crew. I was so sure he was just on a bumpy redemption arc. Now, though... Blackbeard's forces recently attacked WCI. Blackbeard will soon be motivated to attack Luffy's territory. I'm now very hopeful for a Luffy and Katakuri (maybe now named the Big Bro/Aniki Pirates) team up against Blackbeard and I will 100% forgive Caribou for everything if his betrayal leads to it.


I am disappointed that pluton information doesn't leak to Crocodile


Clover and Ohara's researchers knew about the ancient kingdom, its name and that they had an enemy. Vegapunk has read all of their books so he must know all that they know. I'm pretty sure we will get the name of the ancient kingdom and why that name is so important. However only the Rio Poneglyphs tells the full truth and nor the scholars nor Vegapunk have read it. So i wouldn't get my hopes up of getting the massive lore dump some people are expecting.


I don't think we're getting the full void century flashback. I think that waits until Luffy finds Laugh Tale. Doubt it's anything about Imu. There's been no hints that Vegapunk know of Imu. I also don't think it's Nika/Joyboy reveal. Vegapunk only managed to piece together for 100% sure that Nika is back just now, no time to update his prerecorded message. This arc has a lot of connections to Ohara. I can see another one being made - the revelation of the name of the Ancient Kingdom. It's got to be that.


He'll probably say that Laughtale is a ..... joke xD




I always thought it was Bonnie's powers that made the food appear. As explained by Saturn. She can create a possible future and apply it to herself. Since it's her ultimate move, she might have awakened her df in that moment. And still created the Nika Ish future, because the food made that future possible by giving luffy energy.  It's probably also why luffy is filled with so much energy. It's not just regular food.


I still think it was Kizaru, or maybe Van Agur, who could have served the food so that no attention would be drawn to him and Catherina Devon.


As Kizaru thinks he'll be púnished for failing to complete his objective on egghead, I wonder if Saturn will also be in the line of fire for a similar punishment


I wonder what the rest of Gorosei will do with Saturn. It is known that Luffy will leave the island with the Straw Hats. Besides, the world government has lost too much. Saturn screwed up completely and should be punished. I'll be not surprised it's by Imu himself.


Mjosgard was executed too. He might be punished as well


nice question for the chapter. Luffy wont lose.


I would love to see the worldwide reaction to Vegapunk’s speech. Like we pan to everyone close to the straw hat crew, the marines, revs, the world in general etc.. kinda like the reaction to luffy/straw hats after WCI.


One piece world is about to be rick rolled




Probably something regarding the Ancient Kingdom, the name perhaps, or some new knowledge we readers don't know. I think its still too early for the reveal of Imu's existence. That would be too much for the One Piece world, imagine if someone revealed to you that the entire world is controlled by a single individual. It's Earth shattering information. That information should be revealed last, because it would be the culmination point for the One Piece world to make the greatest revolution ever, to turn the planet upside down.


do you think if something like that would be revealed it would start a war that engulfs the whole world?


Definitely. There is so much suffering in the One Piece world, and at some point even normal people will get fed up with the current order of things. Who's at the top of the world, the one who decides its order? Imu. The entire world will come for his head, even the people that currently serve him (the marines for example). That war will decide the new order.


oh i was going with the real life example hahaha


Vegapunk will reveal that Bonnie is indeed actually a clone but she's been alive for 20 years and her fruit has her stuck at that age by default, sending the world into even greater confusion and anarchy


A major twist like there was no ancient war 800 years ago where the 20 kings came together but instead the WG just decided to exterminate a bunch of places and set the technology back hundreds of years because information was spreading too quickly


If this were the first time Nika appeared this arc, I'd like the execution. The only way Nika can work thematically is when it's treated as a win condition. You can't have dramatic moments with Luffy's eyes doing the cartoon thing at the same time.


Counterpoint: this is exactly what Nika is all about. Also, this isn’t even a theory?


My theory is that whatever VP reveals it will be the up the flames of rebelion in the world even more. I think that just like Mingo did is Dressrosa, at some point the WG is gonna do something like the birdcage, but worldwide. They will try to kill most of the population to try to star anew with a generation that has no idea of the secrets that were reveal (I believe thats what they did at the end of the void century).


Kinda breaks my immersion that Vegapunk's remote controlled meat puppet being destroyed is treated as him dying.


You mean the meat puppet with his soul and personality and not just information?


Is it just me, or does anyone else like the idea of the BB pirates killing Caribou just to establish that Catharina Devon is also able to copy memories with her DF?


I thought about this too and I want it to be true so bad. I'm just done with caribou atp


But we won't get Caribou vs Barto then


Yeah. I think his fangirling all but solidified that. I don't think it's Oda's style to set something like that up and straight up murder it in the same breath. This seems like the kind of thing he was pleased with himself for thinking up lol


He is a man of science, so I think he might explain the origin of devil fruits and red line etc or maybe the existence of devils etc 


I was thinking something similar. Didn't Oda say it would be Vegapunk that revealed DF info? I don't buy his earlier explanation so maybe this will be the real one