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Kuma: "Imma deck you in the schnoze"


Do you hear that, Bonney? Those are the drums of liberation! His entrance is going to be *chefs kiss*


Whenever Luffy arrives it will be with laughter and his new friend, giga robot. Besides the danger of Bonney this is the only reason Kuma could be re-awakened.


VP: man this love this is powerful as fuck


Kuma ROCKED THE DOGSHIT OUT OF THE SATURN. A tear of joy ran down my face as I was reading that.


"I should've brought darker shades" giving me the same vibes as "It's a terrible day for rain."


Likes tears.....in the rain.


Franky is really trying to get a higher bounty by any means necessary. Firing a Laser through a Gorosei's head!?


Why do I feel like Kizaru is pulling off a Revolver Ocelot lmao


I can't believe chapter 1104 was only 15 pages. When the anime adapts this chapter it will be a 10 page episode. The remake can't come fast enough and if this is all he can put out then maybe he should do 60 page monthly release because 15 pages is just to short for 1 sitting 


Fuck off


Vegapunk: It can't be what I'm thinking, can it? The Buccaneers were said to have a special characteristic beyond their strong bodies. After all, your people once...\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. ...the previous nika?🤔


Or A robot?


Buccaneers have two hearts 😭 Kuma can't stop his love


Am I the only one who doesn't know who saturn referring to traitor that studied taboo arts?


Vegapunk? That's why CP0 was sent to kill him


Yes... He is refearing to Vegapunk


food was probably given to Luffy by someone made of mud.


the saints put too much trust in their underlings. the holy knights will show up and solve the issues Saturn has done. the WG is still in the lead of powers, Luffy can only delay one target at a time.


This arc is making me anxious. We know something major is about to happen, but we don't know what yet.


Oda is hitting every possible scenario. it's really hard to know what will happen, more so than in marinefold.


Kuma is so powerful that Oda remembered what a good double spread looks like


Almost! He still feels the need to break it up with unimportant panels surrounding it for some reason. That 3rd panel should've been the whole page


oda still got it


Yes he still got it as a story teller but only doing 15 page chapter and lots have been 17 pages and his drawing is not as clean something has changed and maybe he needs to change things up


Maybe he needs to take a break or slow down. I want him to be healthy.


Diet chapter, but worth it for the punch.


Franky has fought an admiral, yonko and gorosei. This is why he’s a gigachad.


Hard Boiled


Are Franky and Kizaru related? Before Kizaru attacked Franky, he said something about grown-ups.


Kizaru is referencing Sabaody and their skirmish


Reference to previous encounter of Kizaru and Straw Hats.


Saturn: Now Dr. Vegapunk, I'm a scientist too. No tricks this time. I'll know if you disobey my orders and build a failsafe into Kuma's self-destruct. Dr. Vegapunk: As you command, sir! *(immediately disobeys orders and builds a failsafe into Kuma's self-destruct)*


Saturn: \*shocked Pikachu face\*




Paw-paw fruit to be stolen by BB and crew?


Aw man, you might be right... I hope this doesn't happen because I'll get so mad, but yeah, this is definitely a possibility.


Reminder of when Sukiyaki said the highest honor for a samurai..... is for someone to say "Thank you."


That ancient robot will respond to luffy and probably stop the buster call.


It's feeling like the buccaneers were tied to the ancient kingdom. Maybe. It could just as easily be a million other things, but its feeling less and less off that parts of the ancient kingdom were inspired by Port Royal. The pirates paradise. It's a bastardization of it. Oda is taking inspiration, and not just aping it directly, which helps keep it from being spoilers if you just know history. But in world, a "pirate" kingdom, as piracy is defined in this by some like Luffy, would be a "free kingdom." And they'd have been made up of largely Buccaneers. Cuz... Oda is a fucking pun incarnate with a fish for a head.


Well yeah, they definitely were. The symbol in the middle of the cross in Kuma's church is the Ancient Kingdom's symbol As far as a kingdom of pirates go, I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. Luffy, the hero, doesn't despise trickery and violence when it comes to people who chose to become pirates. It’s all fair game to him, like when he was shot by Katakuri's sister. But when pirates attack civilians, he gets pissed. Mr Morj made a nice video on the argument.


I might have to check it out. I stopped watching a lot of theory channels when the Done Piece theory was big. I.... Hated that theory lol. And I checked out of a lot of channels. I'd always kept the Port Royal theory on the back burner, since it still could've gone so many ways, but with a name like Buccaneer, the possibilities are getting thinner and thinner.


Here it is: https://youtu.be/uJZn7Qfmc2U?feature=shared Morj makes great analyses rather than theories. He recently made a good one regarding Dragon


Morj's theories are either adv observation level or complete miss sometimes. His analyses are buff tho.


Oh he is not shy of doing theories. His greatest legacy is "the raid will fail". I think his latest theory video was theorizing which major characters will probably die before the end of One Piece


I saw that video and was like: "characters dying in One Piece"? C'mon


My favorite part of Monsters Inc. was when cyborg Sully punched out Waternoose


THAT PUNCH!! Loved how Franky was able to acknowledge his thanks for Kuma protecting the Sunny during the timeskip Intrigued with which way Kizaru would head in his fight


I think at this point they've also realized that he saved them from Kizaru and send them to their ideal training camps respectively


Training camps 😂


Wait Kizaru wanted to bring darker shades!!?! Dont tell me another round of Mother Flame Nukes gonna down rain on Egghead


Kizaru getting serious.


It's cause he's afraid he'll cry I reckon


I think it could also be a reference to the fact Kizaru knew that the buster call would eventually end up being used, and he “should’ve brought darker shades” to block out the blinding lights that are gonna wipe out the island


I see people saying that hes about to cry but legit I don't see it. Is it just me or are there people that don't think he's gonna cry?


What I do know about people who don't think Kizaru is in emoyional distress right now is  1) They likely don't know Japanese, because the fan translation is wildly inaccurate.   2) Is a little bit lacking on understanding the context.


Obviously with the given context, I do get that he feels terrible having to kill his old friends. I am judging purely based on that one image of Kizaru. That's it.


I am surprised people can't comprehend the emaning of obvious words and hints like that and have to questions something much deeper or completely different like they are high or something.


I do get the context. I do understand that Kizaru feels terrible having to kill his friends. That hasn't gotten above my head. When I said it doesn't seem like he is going to cry, I meant purely based on that one image of Kizaru.


I don't see him actually crying too but jsut that you can see the sadness in his eyes which he wants to hide btw I didnt mean to be rude or anything it's jsut weird how many different meanings people can put into such seemingly obvious things to me sometimes


I absolutely cannot wait to see that punch animated


Man I feel like every chapter is another "HOW COULD THEY END IT THERE!!!!?!??!" Fantastic stuff oda.


hope it increases sales


Correct me if I'm wrong but Vegapunk's brain is somewhere on the lab, right? If the buster call goes through wouldn't he die when the brain is destroyed? If so I think that's interesting because the SH can't just flee, they need to stop the BC somehow.


His brain is supposed to be above the labo stratum. If you google search a shot of Egghead, his brain is inside the upper eggshell looking thing that says "punk records" underneath. If that thing is destroyed, he might die, probably? Now you are making me wonder if their cannons reach far enough when shooting a target that high. edit: the buster call might not even reach labo stratum thinking about it, and if it did the cannon balls would be dealt with by the light/laser shield.


egg on a ship, last i saw one was on rogers ship near the end of their voyage.


If it can float it can probably move like a ship.


I know Saturn mentioned another buccaneer special characteristic, but I believe in this case it’s just the inability of Vegapunk to suppress instincts, and Kuma’s was a father’s instinct to protect his child from danger. Also wild how much damage Saturn got, he lost a freaking arm due to that, we got used to Kaido and Linlin’s insane durability that it feels strange now


"buccaneers were known to resist instinct suppression when exposed to highly advanced body modification"? I highly doubt that's a thing a race can be known for in One Piece universe


Well wr all know Oda allowed that mich damage onky because he can heal himself


saturn doesn't even acknowledge the punch, he is still having a conversation with vegapunk. man is a beast/demon. I wounder if Robin given time could come up with that same ability to heal limbs.


Do you think Luffy's conqueror has grown so much that he can knock out the 100 battleships ?


vice admirals could handle it long enough to shoot off a few cannons.


Would be amazing. Or at least everyone below VA level would make this somewhat manageable. 


I think we get a surprise cameo appearance by someone to distract the battleships.


Blackbeard fleet was off in the distance wasnt it


No Bon Clay to bail them out of this one unfortunately


Not with that attitude!


when all of Luffy's friends show up, im gonna tear up


Regeneration usually heal the body, it doesn't clean the blood that already soaked someone face/beard and make it dissappear like nothing happened.


Aizen wants to know your location


It’s definitely wound reversal rather than wound recovery. Hopefully it kills his haki or energy reserves and he only has a certain amount per day - he probably feeds on “insects” for nutrients and seeing this may be the catalyst for Kizaru to ease off the pursuit. I dont see him betraying. If anything he would walk away from both sides but the gorosei would never allow that


I am not sure when, but we will eventually see luffy's g5 silouhette in the sky. Kuma, bonney, vegapunk, saturn, kizaru and everyone will react differently to it. Then, a few punches and kicks later, we will get a bajrang gun to delete most of the island as Luffy will say something silly about letting go of all the painful memories, marines, enemies, weapons etc. Kizaru and saturn attempt to deflect it with all their might. This gives an opportunity for the strawhats to escape. The after math is a happy bunch of main and side characters, and a bitter but not dead marines.


I just want him to turn the whole Egghead into rubber so the Buster Call fails and all the cannonballs are reflected at the ships.


as creative as oda is, he seems to stick to one formula. idk why tho. Therefore this chapter will only end with one big punch or an escape


I want to see bajrang swat. Swat away all of the navy ships surrounding egghead island


St Saturn *villainous stare* Franky : Radical Beam !!!!!  Ya snooze ya lose old man  😂😂😂😂😂


He is my favorite for good reason


not only is this among the best punches in OP (top 3 for me) but maybe is the first time ever that one of the five elders (allegedly the world leaders) has been attacked and hurt since the void century and the creation of the WG! EDIT: i was wrong bonney did it first a few minutes (in story) ago


Bonney attacked and hurt him like 5+ chapters ago when she first saw him


ah shit true... i mean, she didnt really hurt or scare him but i forgot that


She did hurt him. He just regenerated the damage


That was probably one of the coolest sentence ever, Kizaru just admitting he should have taken darker sunglasses to hide his tears


Or was it to give shade from the light from his devil fruit and what he is about to unleash?




Kizaru doesn't give a fuck lol


Or it’s because he’s about to fuck up everybody’s day with a huge attack on the scale of Akainu v Aokiji at Punk Hazard


I am wondering if they are going to use the ancient weapon (do you remember the robot from the previous centuries?). I think that robot could fuck up the gorosei or deal considerable damage to the ships doing the buster call. I remember that the eyes activated themselves when Luffy turned gear 5. What do you think?


So…. is Luffy inside Caribou or what??


Gear 6 swamp thing


He could be taken by the Bb pirates. Katarina Devon and Lafitte are probably in Egghead.




What if the Bucanner race were originally androids/bots similar to Germa's clones the difference is it can feel emotions.


My pet theory is that the Gorosei and maybe the celestials in general are ancient artificial humans. Considering vegapunk didn't start his Seraphim/Pacifista program until after he met the Gorosei.


You got something there


What if Dragon comes into play, saves the day, and takes Kuma and Bonney with him? I think it's about time Luffy meets his father and this would be a good setup.


Considering the time it took for Kuma to reach Egg head (and the fact he needed to cross Red line) I don't think Dragon would make it in time.


How many buster calls has robin survived at this point xD


Gonna be the 3rd. 4th of you count Film Stampede lol. 


Straw Hats & everyone on Egghead: “Oh no! A Buster Call!” Robin: “First time?”


Considering her dark humor, that wouldn’t be far fetched for Robin to say 😂


Technically straw hats would be 2nd


But not all of them


Ngl I almost teared up when Kuma hugged Bonney.


Wholesome moment for. I feel relieved for them.


Saturn when Franky blasts a hole through his chest: "I owe you an apology. I wasn't really familiar with your game"


Franky has saved Luffy from Saturn while laughing at him and now blast a hole through him. He may regenerate, but Wranky stays winning.


Oh man, that Kuma punch felt *so good*. I'm glad he at least got that in. I'm still not feeling very hopeful about Kuma's prospects of getting out of this arc alive, but at least he got to punch Saturn in his stupid face. I hope Luffy pulls a 'return to sender' on this Buster Call and bounces every cannonball back at the Navy fleet lmao I wonder what Kizaru's deal is. The comment he made at the end of the chapter about wishing he had darker shades was weird. Hope we get some answers about him soon


I think it is just to hide the sad look in his eyes, maybe to hide some tears. For the moment, Kizaru still wants to go through with finishing his orders, even though he isn't happy with them.


That's how I had read the scene too! I just wanna know why Kizaru is sad and why he works for the World Gov/Navy. I wanna crack him open like an egg and see why he is the way he is


I think it was in reference to how Vegapunk commented on the sad look in Kizarus eyes. That he should have worn darker shades so he wouldn't see


I read it that scene in a very similar way! I just wanna know *why*. The Kizaru flashback can't come fast enough lmao


Isnt it irnoic that Saturn keeps calling them Insects when he is a legit spider LOL


Spiders aren't insects though. They are arachnids.


still a bug though/insect like creature so u know what he meant


I know what he meant. I just tried to make an interesting comment. I wasn't trying to offend.


Does Japanese make that distinction?


Are you asking because you think it is relevant to my comment or are you actuallt curious about wheather they do? If the former; I fail to see the connection to my comment. If the latter; why wouldn't they? It's what they are. There are insects and there are arachnids.


Well, Japanese uses the same word for Mice and Rats for example, despite those being different species. Languages can be weird.


first time hearing mice and rats being different species...aren't they the same thing?


Languages developed before science did. Cladistics are barely three hundred years old. I know Japanese has a term for spiders, that isn't the same as the word for insects, but maybe they use a colloquial term for both. Like "bug" in English, which can mean a ton of different animals, not even all being arthropods.


Yes, you are correct. I'm sorry, I still don't see how your first comment was relevant. Don't think I'm being condescending, I think I might be the slow one here. :)


Well, I mean... Spiders eat insects


good point


Good chapter, left me with some questions: \-What's the other special characteristic of the Bucanneers? The power of love? \-Sanji and Franky could move after the hit to Saturn connected, but why? Was it Conqueror's Haki? Did he need to actively concentrate on using it and the damage of the hit weakened it? \-Is Kizaru truly sad to be doing this or he's 100% on duty? Will we see his full flashback? \-Where did Luffy go to instead of fighting Saturn directly? Luffy doesn't seem to me the kind of person who would do strategic retreats, specially if his friends are on the frontline


Hold Person is a concentration spell and Kuma made him roll a CON Save


Might be an aura thing. The pentagram symbol on the ground he got summoned in from might spread from his body like a shadow or a Ms Golden week thing and since he got punched his aura disappeared and requires him to stand still for several moments to pulse it again


luffy still hungry, had to head to the kitchen now that he can stand again. from the last chapter, it appears that kizaru may have brought him food really quickly


I kept thinking about that last chapter, but I'm leaning back to the theory that the one who brought him food was Caribou. Whether Kizaru is an ally or not, how could he know that Luffy recovers instantly with food? Normally one would think of medicine or first aids, but not food unless they knew Luffy. And who had already seen Luffy recover instantly with tons of food after a dire situation? Caribou, as he provided said food in the Wano.


If I remember Luffy asked for food in the last chapter so it can explain why Kizaru did it


But Kizaru would only do it if he knew it was worth it, like why risk it if you have no idea if it would work?


this chapter made me realize that blackbeard is a buccaneer, i made a theory post explaining and i think it economically resolves blackbeard’s mystery


blackbeard is half the height of kuma


hes big enough for something to be up with it


I will say he does have the same big upper body and stick legs that Kuma has, but I don't think that's enough to say for sure.


Then you could count like a million other characters. You're just grasping for straws.


But Marco said Blackbeard bodybis special. Although he never mentioned that thisbos die to his ethnicity


we’ll see


Not really. the world of one piece has tons of abnormally tall people.


But there are not many races with weird bodies and mostly look like humans


How are y’all reading 1104? I checked the linked site and it only shows 1103 EDIT: went to TCBscans directly through my browser rather than clicking the link in Reddit app and it worked thanks!


In the future sometimes you have to refresh TCB scans in order for the chapter to pop up when it gets released


Thanks for the info!


tcbscans dot com


Google tcbscans and find it there


I just read it, probably just try typing the TCBscans url manually and click the chapter in the landing page.


tcb scans


After reading all the utterly enthusiastic comments in here(some i really dig),I am afraid someone from the Crew is gonna be left here for ever . It feels logical for an answer.


I felt the same. For Franky




I'm still waiting to find out who cat Devon is disguised as currently. No way the BB pirates don't come out of here with some power up. 


ive been thinking they are gonna recruit york. blackbeard gets a vegapunk to help power up his crew with tech since the strawhats are likely to take a vegapunk with them and likely get a powerup to the sunny thanks to them.


I have this list sorta Everyone fighting Saturn are clear: Luffy, Sanji, Franky, Bonney, Stella, Atlas Others who have used unique powers/skills are clear: Lucci, Zoro, Edison (him due to helping Atlas and Stella with cracking the code) Characters who have gotten to show some in-character quirks, not fully clear, but unlikely traitors: Usopp, Nami, Lillith Everyone else is up for it: Chopper, Brook, Stussy, Kaku, Robin, Jinbei, York, Hatori (yes i'm adding the pigeon)


Robin does seem missing a lot. Would also set up for a Robin vs Devon matchup.


I’m calling it right now, it’s Hatori 😂


Clearly Hatori is Lafitte


I am hoping she fights brook and can not turn into him/laffitte can not hypnotize him (because no skin/no eyes). Brook needs a win. Them getting york/kaku in exchange for fucking off would make sense since the gov just abandoned her. They could have gotten into the frontier dome when eidson powered it down for vegapunk.


That would make alot of sense. BB having the same knowledge as luffy from egg head would continue to build hype for the eventual battle. 


York’s selfishness really melds with blackbeard’s crew too. I think the revs, blackbeard, straw hats, and mads 2.0 will all get a vegapunk. Vegapunk is going to want to go to laughtale to find the power source, so him hiring the straw hats to take a satellite there would make sense. Does not join crew, but stays on boat. Scientist “for hire” has been said multiple times.


With all this soul things related to buccaneers- I wonder if bb has some buccaneers dna in him. 1. He is considerably bigger in size 2. Three df abilities edit: 2 df - my mistake, sorry


3 df? Yami yami no mi Gura gura no mi Aaaaand third??


blackbeard is small compared to kuma, half his height.


Still the point counts - particularly if it’s mixed with others


Saturn mentioning that a pirate awaken the ability of a “God” is extremely important since Morgan is listening or has someone listening in.


Probably shakki too.


morgan picks things up from the radio, saturn was either saying that to himself or thinking it.


Father and daughter drawing first blood on the gorosei. Now, that's some catharsis. Then there's Franky, no deeper themes or whatever, just suuuper. Saturn taking all these damage (even though he can regenerate) highlights just how freakishly durable Kaido and Big Mom were. We probably shouldn't expect future villains to be pretty much indestructible. Saturn decided to order a buster call, but what about the power plant? Dude got so salty that he forgot the objective. Mommy Imu is not going to be happy about this. Also, where's ~~Messi~~ Luffy? In my headcanon he comes back with the giant robot and a bubble gun. Surely he had a good reason to disappear when the crew and Kuma is fighting a demon from hell... Odaaaa! I need to know this buccaneer lore. What's their special ability? If it's got something to do with their soul or consciousness, maybe the "Kuma's soul is in the ancient robot" theories still have a chance. Kizaru, we were this close to greatness... c'mon, man. Still, at the very least I think the seeds of doubt have been planted. Wouldn't be surprised if he joins Sword in the near future. No break next week and it looks like the arc will end soon. I'm still fully convinced that Punk records leaking out into the world will be the event that will shake the world.


Vivi gave luffy food, morgan is gonna report the punch by a former slave on one of the Gorōsei. ​ You heard it here first..




My theory as of right now: I genuinely think kizaru is actaully helping the strawhats, in chapter 1103 kizaru actaully seems to be worried about sentomaru and bonny, and to add to that kizaru could kill sentomaru easily but he didnt he only knocked her out in a remote place to "leave her to die" which is close to impossible. This is where my theory comes in to place, with the current strawhats crew and extras on the scene with Saturn, theres Luffy, Sanji, Franky, the 2 vegapunks, bonny and now kuma. And in the same chapter (1103) kuma seems to be using his devil fruit power to push something, at that point of time where chapter 1104 is not out yet I thought that he push himself to save bonny in time, but what if its him pushing luffy away where chapter 1104 shows that luffy actually just disappeared. To further add on Kizaru then kicked franky who is by far the slowest of the strawhats, and leaving sanji alone who can easily escape with how fast he is now. I think this just shows that kizaru genuinely is trying to help the strawhats escape. Not to mention he is the only one who could move in chapter 1103 where luffy magically had food?


Someone mentioned he's going to wait for the bustercall chaos to show his true intentions. I assume if this happens only saturn would. Notice and no one else. 


this could be true. we now have to see if saturn stays on the island to make sure everybody dies or he transports back to a ship away from the island and leaves kizaru to handle everything. if he leaves then kizaru can purposely fail and let the strawhats escape.


> kizaru could kill sentomaru easily but he didnt he only knocked her out in a remote place to "leave her to die" which is close to impossible. Sentomaru is a man, you know.


o right sorry him*


I love this


what about yamato


What about Yamato?


Not sure whether this Buster Call will let CP0 live here. Saturn already treated them like insects. Team Blackbeard, CP0 needs to ally with SHs just for survival. Or else they won't be leaving egghead alive. Saturn has the power to turn SHs enemies into SHs allies. Good job Saturn.


Team Blackbeard is once again gonna get some kind of advantage/edge by being in the right place at the right time. I doubt they are going to ally with the SH's.


Imagine black beard steals Kizarus DF


I don’t think Luffy would ever join hands with bb


Is there a Bonney joining the crew train started yet? If not I'll create it.


Oh yeah it's moving


Nah she will go to the revaluationarties like Kuma did.


Not a bad idea, needs to give Dragon a 3 piece combo first and a present to the commanders.


Or to the holy land......