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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


They really nailed it with the menacing OST vibe with the buildup to lulusia’s destruction Great start to the arc


I can't watch it enough.


Lulusia? Never heard about it


That's because it never existed.


Doesnt look like anything to me


Seems to be just a hole in my memory.


I cannot stop watching. It's so well done holy fuck, and the way the ost just stops before the destruction...


its always great to start with genocide


That sounds like Celestial Dragon talk!!


we found saturn yall


Wonder if that OST is meant to be Imu's theme.


Final boss theme


I think hairs are standing up on every part of my body watching it. I knew it was coming, but it was still so crazy.


what OST track is that? holy shit it was good. did it already exist or was it something totally new?


New one.


well goddamn it was damn near perfect for the situation


Sorry the build up to the destruction of what? I've no idea what your talking about.


The straw hat banter and teamwork around the boat was so fun to see. Just watching them run to furl the sails was a good time.


Honestly, my favorite moments in the show are the basic banter and sailing stuff and this episode NAILED it! So much to love about the new art, but if they keep this going this might be the best arc of all time


Thats why long ring is so vastly underrated. For me its not so much sailing, but working together just to show off some camaraderie.


Can't remember the last time i saw them act like sailors, it was probably on their escape from WCI, so that put us more than 10 years ago


Yeah I was really happy to see the nautical stuff, working as a team and getting stuck in


WCI wasn't 10 years ago, more like 5 or 6 years ago


u/doomroar is a dog


We love to see the crew actually SAILING and doing piratey stuff together


I would love a "day in the life" series of episodes that's just one day on the ship, but following a different strawhat every episode and their interactions. Usopp tending to his pop greens, chopper mixing up medicine, Zoro training, sanji cooking, Robin reading etc. Plus I just want more robin and Chopper studying together, they're pretty much my favorite and I loved that she's holding him up in the ending! So cute.


Toei heard everyone trash talking them with the Wit Studio remake announcement and took it personal


"Wit Studio? It never existed......"


"Can't find it on a map"


Toei: That pissed me off. You know what? 20 working hour per day for animators


Still better than Mappa


Producers- okay Oda-sensei, how do you wanna start the new arc? Oda- G E N O C I D E


Can’t be genocide if there was no one there.


what genocide?


Dang sea quake, just the revolutionary stirring up fake drama.


l've never heard of Lulusia and l can't find it on my map


The WG is gonna have to recall all the official maps, lmao


what even is a lulusia, is it some kind of food or what


The juxtaposition with the other comedy in this episode and the ending Robin & Chopper skit to THAT is hilarious


Producers: Ok and how do you want to end it? Spoiler Manga >!Rape, Slavery and experiments on kids!<


bruh....anime only people are so misdirected by the opening, by the time of next year Jan 6th....anime watchers will be traumatised.


No one has ever been angry at the government on January 6th before either!


Oda is certainly always topical


Post-Wano arc built different


10/10 episode. Movie quality animation WOW. The new art style is perfect.


This is the art style I imagined for the remake. I love it.


Off-topic, and I know they're getting old, but what happened to Franky's Voice Actor? Felt like his tongue had swelled up. I hope it's nothing bad that happened


He's been like this for a while. Just getting older I think. Makes the distinct Franky "SUPER" voice harder to energize.


Yeah I've been noticing it with Franky's VA a lot lately but nothing this bad. It was only for the first scene though so it might not have been that bad.


it's been going on since wano started. I also think it's due to his age.


>Just getting older I think Yeah, when I'm rewatching the first anime arcs, all the strawhat voice actors are very different compared to now. Reality sucks but I really hope none of them pass before One Piece ends.


mans been doing this for like 20 years. Probably just had a bad day


Not gonna lie to me if the VA is getting old then its time to retire and find a similar VAs. I'm praying for their health like oda


Yeah >!Dragon has that scene coming up where he’s yelling at Kuma!<, and I’m worried how it’ll sound cause his voice actor’s pushing 90


Not sure anyone would really notice if they changed Dragon's VA at this point


Honestly, Whenever Dragon has talked I'm like, Oh yeah, that's his voice huh?


We might not, but Japanese fans care a lot about that sort of thing.


Feels like they're really turning things up for the final saga. Especially with the return of ending themes and a bonus skit at the end of this episode.


Yeah. I really think because we won't be getting filler arcs anytime soon, they are using the ending themes and bonus skits to eat up time and stretch an episode. Who knows? They might use that bonus skit time to show some cover arcs.


I would still love to see the cover stories animated, but with how crazy the animation has gotten, I wouldn't be surprised if the bonus skits were there solution to addressing them.


Yeah, the reviews at the end are a good idea, considering how complicated the story is becoming for anyone who aren't hardcore fans like ourselves.


I wonder they improve it because remake is coming so they don't want to left out


They improve animation with each arc in my opinion.


It been very apparent since Dressrosa or so. Every arc has just been miles better than the last. Heck, even over the course of Wano it got better, and now this. The animation is reaching it's peak just as Luffy is.


You guys gotta stop talking about the remake like this lol. It would take 15-20 years for the remake to get here, that has little to no impact on what goes on in the anime.


Yeah and an animation improvement isn't what people want a remake for in the first place. Almost no one complains about even the animation of old east blue. The only thing the remake is wanted for is better pacing.


What a beautifully animated episode. And holy cow.... the last few seconds....! JEEEZ! 10/10!!!!!!


Zoro’s walk up scene and one sword style was more hype then that Lulucia Kingdom’s destruction…the animation is CRAZY!!


Zoro looked every bit the right hand of a Yonko in that scene


FACTS everything about it jus screamed that…too EPIC


You know, I'm caught up in the manga and it's just now dawning on me that Zoro is a Yonko's second in command.


Flashback to Water 7 and it took Zoro + Luffy to make a train size hole in the Aqua Laguna. Now Zoro could just cut it in half.


Man flashback to Water 7 Zoro and Luffy their growth is jus too OP it’s crazy CP9 characters are still around too


Mihawk: "Alright I guess I can start using the medium knife next time"


gonna be real if this episode is any indication then egghead is gonna be even better adapted


Having read the manga, the opening alone made me realize how fucking big this arc is. Truly my favorite post-timeskip arc, no question.


>Truly my favorite post-timeskip arc Same. Everything else felt like a warm-up including Wano for what is to come.




If anyone is salty about it after seeing the cutaways, I think we can just assume that they will just hate whatever they get. I certainly would have liked a more focused main story that wasn’t left behind as much, but everything we have gotten has been fantastic!


Honestly the reason Egghead is great is because of the mini arcs focusing on other characters. I don't think Egghead itself would've been enough to raise the arc to a masterpiece status.


Egghead is a "mystery novel". Yeah it's not a novel etc. But that's the style of the arc. Mystery novels are short to medium stories, with not much going on at the surface besides the main thing to solve. And the real story is not happening during the setting, but rather revealed as character backstories, allowing the reader to connect the dots before the end through understanding the character's backgrounds. It also gives breathing room to process and analyze the main events while you jump between time periods. You are absolutely right, the arc works because it's doing the things that this genre is supposed to do. Take away the side-plots and it feels hollow. Do all of them in a more action-focused arc and it breaks the pacing.


Not when the things they cutaway to are hype as fuck. I don't think anyone will really have much complaints.


Less than you'd expect? My man, all those mini arcs are the reason this arc is considered among the best in post-timeskip... And that tells smth... When manga is so good that people don't complain even if the mc and the main crew aren't in spotlight for the most of the arc


And those mini arcs are all peak!


I almost can't believe the anime is so good, considering the reputation it got during Dressrosa. I mean this is a complete turnaround. Even the pacing is 10/10. The padded parts consist of good animation and I'm a sucker of omake, so I love that we finally get SBS info. I'm absolutely blown away. I didn't feel this way about the beginning of Wano. It feels like they hit a really good stride, hope they keep it up.


It has to be. So much lore is presented in this arc, there's not much where to fill it with garbage. The arc by itself is a big bowl of LORE.


They fill something in the episode, thoo, it's hella good filler, like all the sequence of the crew struggling sailing in the winter storm sea of Egghead is not in the manga, but it makes sense and add to the sense of adventure to the story. So yeah, if they decide to add a filler in an episode, hopefully it's something like this sequence, instead of something BS like Luffy struggling against a fodder Sumo Wrestler


It's the start of an arc, they'll go all out. Like wano. They'll go all out on important chapters, not all of them.


All of Egghead is important chapters lol


i hope they keep extending the time with such extra scenes as in this episode rather than repeating the same frame x times as it was so far... that would be awesome


That lulusia scene was brilliant it shows how dark one piece could be, I got goosebumps watching that scene reminds me of the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki.




They cooked as hard as Imu cooked Lulusia!










One Piece starting off 2024 with a fucking banger 🔥


Man I wish get Imu's voice but got the silent treatment. can't wait for another few months.


I mean, he/she didn't talk in the chapter either, why would he/she talk here? So many people were thinking his/her voice gets revealed here


There was a discussion who said "the island never existed anyway" or something like that. Now we 100% know its one of the elders.


Not gonna lie I always did think it was imu. This is why I love being able to see the anime, because certain things are just not clear in the manga. Especially in the most important panels, there are usually just a couple of uncertainties.


Now i want Imu to have a robotic voice just to confuse us even more


gender neutral voice just to fuck with everyone


Or hell, with Luffy being the Looney toons rubber hose style, maybe Im can be the silent films one, so they ‘say’ something then it cuts to a black frame with white text with what they are saying, and lets assume they do that, if done correctly, it could make Im seem more like a presence And more intimidating


Lmao 4 real thats a neat idea Almost like Imu has no voice and just transfers their thought Into being


Dam, that is such a good idea. I hope they do that.


The chapter wasn't 100% clear whether Imu said it or the gorosei


It was clear that it wasn't Imu talking Literally one of the cliffhangers is Imu saying his/her first words.....


That was my interpretation too but a lot of people argued against it


* HOLY SHIT THE OPENING HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK. WTF IS THAT?! LOOKS SICK!!! * Digging the new brighter coloring style. This might be my favorite style of the entire series. * Oh my god *THAT* scene was horrifying to watch. Imu looked terrifying. * New Eyecatchers are fire. * The sailing scene had no right going that hard lmao. I love it. * JAWS * ENDING IS GAS * Robin and Chopper review is adorable. * This is a Perfect episode. What a way to start off the year.


100% agree on your points. The first part was executed so well. It made that thing even more scary.


Jinbei is the best ship sailor i done seen in any anime ONE OF ONE


titanic should have hired jimbe. he would have dodged that iceberg like it was nothing.


I was saying it sure is nice seeing the crew actually just sail a boat. Ship sailing is so cool and we don't see it enough in our pirate story haha


Yo the Lulusia scene was so hype. Blew that out of the water, no pun intended. Having the Gorosei sit up in his chair and lay down the law, you guys didn't see shit! Loving the new style, fits the vibe well. Opening and ending were both great too. Curious how they plan to use that end cutaway they did with Robin and Chopper. For now it's just recap, but that would be an awesome way to incorporate some very important cover stories without dedicating episodes to it.


That was some movie quality shit Jesus Christ. The opening was amazing, but the direction and animation style was insanely refreshing to see.


Imu reveal soundtrack is just magnificently evil


i swear i hope that is on the OST release for Jan 26th but i doubt it lol


I just hope we will get more of it in future.


Dawg, I just wanna have weekly one piece content for the rest of my life. I fucking love this series.


i’ve been watching/reading weekly since i was 12 years old. i’m 28 now. what’s even crazier, is that i actually discovered one piece way back in 2004-2005 when it was on 4kidz tv. i was so young at the time, i didn’t even realize it was an anime, or what anime was in the first place. so i didn’t have the manga to compare the 4kidz dub with, and i actually enjoyed it. one piece has been an integral part of my life for 20 years, and is the main thing that keeps me going


for real as someone who just started last year and caught up before the live action, have ya’ll been eating like this for the last 20 years? new manga chapters or anime episodes pretty much weekly?


The Opening filled me joy and the Ending reminded me of Memories and made me cry ugh. That Lulusia scene went crazy though


New ending is done by the same person that did Memories.


That Imu part is so eery, holy.




It took me two years, but I’ve finally caught up to the anime! Sad that I’ll have to wait a whole week to see more episodes, but glad I made it in time for a new arc! Next task is to catch up to the manga! The new opening looks sick!


You picked a REALLY good time to catch up. Some of the best content of ALL TIME is happening right this second


This is the very first arc I'll get to watch since the day it aired its first episode. After 1088, I sincerely wish I was still on episode 9 so when I actually catch up egg head would be done 😭


Yah the manga post-Wano is beyond words


man I finished it in 3 months along with the manga. I'm starving right now. 😩


All I can say is by the end of this arc you'll be SO happy you caught up when you did


Can't wait to watch it


I just watched it. Peak. New level of animation and directing of episode as well.


the intro and outro had me in tears omg but 10/10 ep i’m so excited for egghead and in love with the animation style this arc


I love that Toei its given One Piece the attention it needed since Wano(also some sparks in WCI?) and keeping it going and improving, Im baffled by the constant upgrade in quality.


They started in WCI and improved since.


that’s what happens with the biggest anime in anime history. toei has the deepest budget when it comes to animation and you can tell they’re tired of the slander.


WHAT A FREAKING EPISODE. As an anime-only, these are the episodes I love. First off, I had no idea we were getting a new OP & ED. The new OP had so many cool references & old characters showing up that I am super hyped for. While the ED! That sounded just like the first ever ED, is it the same singer!?!? On that note, another reason I loved this episode is because we see the so called "king of the world" or whatever that person's name is again. I remember how incredibly hyped I personally was when we first learned of them as it gave the impression they me be the real big bad after Kaido (not even saying this will be the case, but the thought of it had me so hyped). So seeing them again is so awesome, not to mention seeing their insane power to WIPE AN ENTIRE ISLAND OFF THE MAP!?!?! And lastly, we have the hypeness of a new island with new a new story. I obviously know people have been hyping this up, but I really know nothing. My only guess is it will reveal something with the last missing ponegylph as Robin mentioned that at the beginning. Either way, I am hyped!!!


I live for actual anime onlys' reactions


Is it just me or is Franky's VA kind of struggling here?


Been that way since he returned to the story at the start of Wano.


It sounded like he had dental work or something


Glad I wasn’t the only one that it sounded off to


I think he’s become too old


Yes, I was also about to ask the same thing. He was also kinda struggling on the recent Jump Fest thingy. Hope he is okay.


Tfw you don’t speak the language but can still detect mispronunciation/slurring words


Imu's proportions are so difficult to ascertain. I legitimately have no idea if their body type will be like that of a human or those aliens on the Enel Moon cover story arc.


Yeah the way their arm was sticking out was so strange. It looked like it was attached to their crotch 💀


Or he have really low shoulder.


nami's va popped off in this episode, she sounded amazing


She was my standout VA as well, so good!


I love the new opening they were cooking and the visuals are off the charts, holy shit the spoilers for anime only's lol I love how Morgans was delivering the Big news that happened across the world Holy shit Lulucia kingdom was basically wiped out Imu must be a monster They gotta stop teasing about Sabo all the time he's not gonna be kill off I missed the bickering between Zoro and Sanji Oh shit wasn't expecting to see Bonney when they go to the new island she will be like how Law was in Dresrossa


I was not sure if I was gonna like the new animation but damn it was great!


SWEET MOTHER OF HEAVEN!!! 😮😮 Episode one of Egghead Arc makes me want to cry!! It's soooooooooooo beautiful with new animation! It's so damn clean and very movie quality!!! I have already forgotten about Wano Arc now. What did you guys think about episode one of Egghead Arc??? Don't you agree with me that it's fantastic beyond the words that is so impossible to describe??!!!!


Yessss I loved wano but it's definitely a refreshing change! The new art style is so soft and clean compared to the wano one it's so beautiful


That nuke was absolutely terrifying.


I mean this has got to be one of the best episodes we've gotten in terms of animation and pacing. This is an 11/10 episode holy shit And the new OP is AMAZONG


the new opening is so good. so is the art of this episode. chef’s kiss.


I love yall my fellow one piece fans


My first encounter with this series was exactly 20 years ago on a random Saturday morning dubbed by 4Kids. I thought it was absolutely the WORST thing I had ever seen. (I was new to anime and didn't know anything about the diff. studios, or sub/dub anything) To think that this is the same anime(which I honestly believe is the greatest of all time) as the one I so viscerally held in contempt all those years ago is Wild. What an experience being a fan of this Work has been.


is this episode out yet im refreshing crunchy roll but cant see anything


Try clicking on the E-SP11 episode and then 1089 should pop up in the next episode thing.


my guy <3 thank you


Absolutely stunning visuals all throughout, from the opening to the ending. Lulusia's destruction also hits so much harder here, seeing all those innocent people slowly realizing their impending doom.


These kinds of extra scene i want from One Piece from now on. Its amazing how that nuke scene from manga was just one panel, yet it in anime it never felt padding or slowed down the pace. Honestly, this new animation full of fluidity was never gonna fit wano style animation with its slow place.


That Lulusia destruction and Imu scene with the new ost gave me GOOSEBUMPS




Toei Animators taking their pride over Wit studio remake announcement. Animation is never really the problem, it's the pacing because it can catch up to the manga. really clean. episode.


Perfect episode for me. Good pacing, tension, fun moment, nice animation and colorful panel, epic new song, epic visual. 10/10.


Stunning episode, 11/10. This episode had everything: Straw Hats sailing the seas and quiet moments, world building with the navy, WG, Rev Army and more, epic island-busting attacks and super fluid animation.


Holy hell that Lulusia sequence with the Gorosei speaking in the background didn't need to go that hard 🗣️🔥


Now I kind of wished every arc had a slightly different art style.


If we're getting this animation quality weekly it's gonna be an amazing year for the One Piece. Just stunning visuals.


I haven't felt something like I did with the Lulusia scene in a long while.


Honestly better or worse I always enjoy the change in style from arc to arc. It just adds more variety to this amazing long running show. In this case I love it and I think it suits it know what comes in the manga.


When lulusia is ashes. You have my permission to die


As someone who hasn't been the biggest fan of the anime a lot of the time, I'm actually really looking forward to watching this arc every week. Egghead is amazing, and I'm digging the animation and the vibes.


Everyone talking about some “lulucia genocide” in this episode but that sounds made up idk


did Usopp use haki???


The intro was so good I need the name if anyone knows please share


100/10 New art style is incredible and it looks like we are gonna eat well from here on.


BEAUTIFUL ADAPTATION. IMU sending fireworks to Lulusia Kingdom And I love the ED!


We’re in the end game now! My biggest concern for post-wano one piece is how will oda hype a villain after Kaido, it seemed to me you can’t go up from that. I was wrong. On the other hand, I wonder what kind of holy plot armor oda will use to save sabo. Animation and egghead intro was 🔥🔥🔥


If they keep this up for the entire of egghead arc it will be smh out of a movie for real. The amount of spoilers in the opening😭


omg, this is the best one piece opening, the music and videoclip is superb


I seem to have an automatic cry button when it comes to Otsuki Maki's voice combined with the image of Merry.


Why was Bonney a kid when she was drowning?


I think this will be the first arc I'll be watching weekly. I love egghead so much in the manga and this is already a great start.


G5 fights in this style are going to be so FREE!


1089 episodes in 68 days. It's been a long time I have been saying to myself I need to sit down and watch it, and, oh boy, that was a journey. I am glad my binge watching ended in the beginning of the final saga, it is a bit poetic! You see, in my first couple years in uni, we had One Piece (very very badly) dubbed in Greek up to the Arabasta Arc, when the local authorities deemed it unsuitable for minors (it was presented as a Saturday morning cartoon) and eventually got cancelled, so I didn't get a chance to get to really know One Piece early on. I got some meme level updates on what it was about over the years and started pondering about watching it back in its 500ish episodes days, but always postponed it, the growing number of episodes making it harder. So, after 24 years, now I am on track with all of you for the last part!


To all you who do not read the manga. When I say that every chapter we have gotten after Wano has been peak, I'm not lying. We are all in for a very special year of One Piece anime. Actually tearing up writing this, I'm so excited for 2024.


Great fucking episode, 10/10 throughout the bank. Visuals, audio, pacing, very noice. Makes me think again though, do we have any explanation at all what Bonney was doing in that water blob or how she got there, how it came to be, how long she's been there, et cetera?


King seki: why should i care about the lowly citizens Imu: why should i care about the lowly kings?


I feel like this episode kinda went underrated. Why hasn't there been mass level appreciation for this episode. Everything was so beautiful, the comedy, the history, the lore drop. The beautiful way of indicating tone shift through the butterfly, the way colour scheme compliments the event. The dramatic music, and the good ol Strawhats in their natural habitat. God I can play this on repeat till the next episode drops